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- ;
- ; NanoBBS by Gerald T. Albion
- ; Copyright 1994,1995 Whirlwind Software All Rights Reserved
- ;
- ; NODE2.CTL - A general configuration file for Node two of a multi-line BBS.
- ;
- ; Please refer to the documentation file NANOBBS.DOC for detailed
- ; information on the use of this file.
- ;
- ; Note: This file is for general configuration only. To change
- ; access limits, see the LIMITS.CTL file. To change user expiry
- ; options, see the EXPIRY.CTL file. To edit user accounts, run BBS/E.
- ; To edit message areas, edit MESSAGE.CTL and run MMB. To edit file
- ; areas, edit FILES.CTL and run MFB. To edit doors, edit DOORS.CTL and
- ; run MAKEDOOR. In order to use this file, you must run CONFIG. If you
- ; run CONFIG with only this file's name as a parameter, the MFB, MMB and
- ; MAKEDOOR programs are automatically run for you.
- ;
- ; Note: the NODE parameter should be specified before all others!
- ;
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; General System Options
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Node 2
- SystemName Whirlwind BBS
- SystemCity Victoria, B.C.
- SystemPhone 604-360-0628
- Sysop Tommy
- ; This should be commented out if you are running a 1-line system or if
- ; you do NOT want to use multi-node chat!
- multinode
- ; This has no effect if multinode operation is off. When enabled, it
- ; makes most input prompts (except message entry, and up/download prompts)
- ; chat prompts as if the user were in NanoCHAT. Otherwise prompts
- ; behave as a normal BBS would.
- ;
- ; WARNING: There is no keyboard timeout at chat prompts!!!
- ;chatprompt
- ;comment this out if you want file area lists to list all areas at once
- ;uses filegroups
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Paths and Filenames
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Path to the BBS executables, user log, and all miscellaneous system files
- SysPath C:\BBS\
- ; Path to the .ASC, .ANS and .UFO files
- TextPath C:\BBS\MISC\
- ; Path to a swapping directory for external programs
- SwapPath D:\
- ; Path to a temporary directory for CD-ROM copies
- TempPath C:\TEMP2\
- ; Path to individual user scan files
- scanpath c:\bbs\msgscan\
- ; Path to the IPC files - this should be a RAM disk or a directory thereof!
- ipcpath e:\
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Modem Configuration
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; In the modem strings below, | means carriage return, ~ means delay 1 second,
- ; ' means delay 1/20 second, ^ means DTR up and v means DTR down...
- ;
- ; The com port (e.g. 1 for COM1:)
- ComPort 2
- ; The slowest baud rate allowed.
- SlowBaud 300
- ; The default baud rate; the baud rate to initialize the modem and wait for call.
- InitBaud 38400
- ; The string to initialize the modem.
- Init ATZ|~ATM0|
- ; Number of times to attempt initialization before returning "Can't init"
- InitRetry 5
- ; The string returned by the modem when the line rings
- Ring RING|
- ; Number of rings to wait before answering - 1 will answer on the first ring
- ; etc. If you have Caller ID this MUST be set to 2 or more, so that the
- ; CID data stream can come through.
- Rings 1
- ; String to send to modem to cause it to answer
- Answer ATA|
- ; String returned by modem when modem is initialised OK
- OK OK|
- ; String returned by modem when connection fails
- NoCarrier NO CARRIER|
- ; Frequency of inits at WFC in minutes
- inittime 5
- ; If uncommented, this will force NanoBBS to not use a FOSSIL even if one is
- ; loaded.
- nofossil
- ; You can define ports 1 thru 16. The first parameter after PORT is the
- ; com port number (one-based!), followed by the hexadecimal port address,
- ; followed in turn by the IRQ. The defaults are given here. I do not
- ; recommend using COM5 and up with these defaults, and you should
- ; check the hardware settings for COM3 and COM4 carefully before you use
- ; this table as-is. These settings are only used by NanoBBS's internal comm
- ; routines and have no effect if you are using a FOSSIL.
- ;
- Port 1 03F8 4
- Port 2 02F8 3
- Port 3 03E8 4
- Port 4 02E8 3
- Port 5 0000 0
- Port 6 0000 0
- Port 7 0000 0
- Port 8 0000 0
- Port 9 0000 0
- Port 10 0000 0
- Port 11 0000 0
- Port 12 0000 0
- Port 13 0000 0
- Port 14 0000 0
- Port 15 0000 0
- Port 16 0000 0
- ;
- ; In the baud rate definitions, the SET parameter selects the baud rate
- ; to reset the modem port to upon connection (this should be set to zero
- ; for all bauds if your port is locked). The RATE
- ; parameter determines the rate used for calculating transfer times etc.,
- ; the DISPLAY parameter is the rate as shown to the user, and the CONNECT
- ; parameter is the modem response string by which NanoBBS can recognize
- ; the baud rate.
- ;
- Baud 0
- Set 0
- Rate 300
- Display 300
- Connect CONNECT|
- end
- Baud 1
- Set 0
- Rate 1200
- Display 1200
- Connect CONNECT 1200|
- end
- Baud 2
- Set 0
- Rate 2400
- Display 2400
- Connect CONNECT 2400|
- end
- Baud 3
- Set 0
- Rate 4800
- Display 4800
- Connect CONNECT 4800
- end
- Baud 4
- Set 0
- Rate 9600
- Display 9600
- Connect CONNECT 9600
- end
- Baud 5
- Set 0
- Rate 12000
- Display 12000
- Connect CONNECT 12000
- end
- Baud 6
- Set 0
- Rate 14400
- Display 14400
- Connect CONNECT 14400
- end
- Baud 7
- Set 0
- Rate 16800
- Display 16800
- Connect CONNECT 16800
- end
- Baud 8
- Set 0
- Rate 21600
- Display 21600
- Connect CONNECT 21600
- end
- Baud 9
- Set 0
- Rate 24000
- Display 24000
- Connect CONNECT 24000
- end
- Baud 10
- Set 0
- Rate 26400
- Display 26400
- Connect CONNECT 26400
- end
- Baud 11
- Set 0
- Rate 28800
- Display 28800
- Connect CONNECT 28800
- end
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Time Limits
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- UsrStart 00:00
- UsrEnd 00:00
- PageStart 08:00
- PageEnd 23:00
- LogonTime 10
- Timeout 3
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Security
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The WIDEOPEN token will cause NanoBBS to skip the user logon process
- ; in the canned startup. You must use a logon UFO token to log users on
- ; or else all posts and log entries will be for user #0 "???".
- ;WideOpen
- ; This is the New User Password. If it is uncommented this password will
- ; be required for all new callers to be able to register as a new user.
- ; This is useful for invitation-only private systems.
- ; This is the system password. It can be used as a security adjunct to the
- ; regular user passwords but its usefulness is more important in applications
- ; where there is no actual user logon, such as in an AE or other anonymous
- ; environment or a fast-turnover information providing system such as would
- ; be used on a 1-800 line. If commented out it is not used.
- ; This is the character echoed to the user when asking for a password.
- EchoChar $
- ; This is how many tries a user gets at entering a password before being
- ; logged off and hung up on.
- ; Number of password attempts allowed
- PasswordTries 3
- ; access needed to use the ! prompt
- Access Bang 20
- ; Access given to new users
- Access New 10
- NewKeys
- ; Access to give users who've been validated
- ; from the user editor Alt-R "Review" option
- Access Validated 12
- ; access needed to use sysop functions
- Access SysOp 5000
- SysOpKeys DEF
- ; access needed to get into the file section
- Access Files 10
- ; access needed for the email options
- Access Email 10
- ; access needed to read messages
- Access Read 10
- ; access needed to use the doors
- Access Doors 10
- ; access needed to list today's calls
- Access Todaylist 10
- ; access needed to list users
- Access Userlist 10
- ; access needed for the batch menu
- Access Batch 50
- ; access needed to access multi user chat
- Access Chat 10
- ; access needed to turn off automatic /m messages
- Access NixAd 20
- ; This is the string used instead of the user's name when s/he posts
- ; anonymously. This can be up to 36 characters and may include embedded
- ; colours.
- anonymous ~E<~M<~O< ~PAnonymous ~O>~M>~E>
- ;
- ; The NEW keywords define which new-user questions will be asked,
- ; and which ones will be "optional". Note that there is no real
- ; privacy justification for making the technical questions (lines,
- ; columns, ANSI, editor, language) optional so the option setting
- ; for those will be ignored by NanoBBS: either they're asked or
- ; they're not.
- ;
- ; Valid options are DONTASK and OPTION. If a question is not present
- ; or commented out, it is both asked and required.
- ;
- ; new realname option
- ; new location option
- ; new phone option
- ; new birthdate option
- ; new sex option
- ; new screen dontask
- ; new editor dontask
- ; new chknew dontask
- ; new language dontask
- ;MsgBase number of default private msgbase
- Private 0
- ; Uncomment this if you want credits to be deducted for time online
- ; If this is uncommented NanoBBS will behave like Glop, Compu$pend,
- ; and other services that charge by time online...
- ; The actual credit consumption rate is defined in LIMITS.CTL
- ; Credit
- ;500k threshold before we start whining about ratios
- Threshold 500
- ;1000% time reward for uploading
- ULReward 1000
- ;500 ms pause for AutoANSi
- AutoANSi 500
- ;5 minute first warning
- Warn First 300
- ;1 minute final warning
- Warn Final 60
- ;If this is uncommented (default) Nano will ask the user to hit Enter
- ; upon connection...
- HitEnter
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Languages
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;You can have up to 32 languages. Each language is identified by its filename.
- defaultlang english
- language 1 english
- ;language 2 hoser
- ;language 3 abusive
- ;language 4 r0dent
- ;language 5 francais
- ;language 6 deutsch
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Main Menu Command Overrides
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;You can add or redefine up to 100 keys in the canned main menu to activate
- ;UFO script files. The UFO script files listed here must be found in the
- ;text file directory as specified above, and will have the .UFO extension
- ;appended automatically. Do not include the extension or path here.
- ;
- ; Example:
- ;
- ;
- ; This example would replace the canned bang prompt with MODBANG.UFO.
- ;
- ; You can also deactivate a main menu option by setting its filename
- ; to NIL, like this:
- ;
- ;
- ; This would deactivate the canned doors menu off the canned main menu.
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; FOVRKEY is like OVRKEY except that the keys override those in the canned
- ; File Section. There can be up to 30 FOVRKEYs. The example below
- ; displays the UFO file IPLAQ.UFO when the user hits $ at the file menu.
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; QWK Parameters
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The path where QWK packets are assembled, disassembled, uploaded and
- ; downloaded. This path should be unique to each node if you are running
- ; a multi-node system, or else some really weird crosslinks could occur
- ; if two users try to build QWK packets simultaneously...
- qwk path c:\bbs\qwk\node1
- ; The root filename of QWK packets. This can be up to 8 characters.
- qwk bbsid NANOBBS
- ; The maximum number of messages NanoBBS will pack into a QWK packet at
- ; once. If the user has more new messages than this she'll have to
- ; [D]ownload multiple packets to get them all.
- qwk limit 500
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Internet Arcana
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This is the internet address of the system. There should be no @ in this
- ; internet address horse.hockey.bull.roar.com
- ; Used to build Usenet RFC1036 path header info
- ; internet machine thc
- ; Used by Internet schtuff. Time zone info. First parameter is timezone code
- ; second is offset in hours from UTC in standard time
- ; third is offset from UTC in daylight time
- timezone PST -8 -7
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These will, if present, call MMB.EXE, MFB.EXE or MAKEDOOR.EXE
- ; and conveniently compile those as well.
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uses files filearea.ctl
- uses message msgarea.ctl
- uses doors doors.ctl
- ; This is the definition of the "Spinny Cursor" used in long message
- ; searches.
- ;
- ; spin \-/|
- ; These are the maximum numbers of minutes which can be deposited and
- ; withdrawn from the time bank.
- ;
- ; max withdraw 60
- ; max deposit 60
- ;
- ; Here are the "event" definitions. The first parameter is the absolute
- ; event record; it can be from 1 to 32. The second parameter is the day
- ; of the week the event is scheduled to take place (or "all" if the event
- ; should take place every day) and the third is the time, it 24-hour format.
- ; The fourth parameter is the errorlevel NanoBBS should exit with, and the
- ; remainder of the line (up to 60 characters) is the name of the event.
- ;
- ; You can signal that an event is "forced" - a user's time online may be
- ; adjusted to ensure the event occurs on time - by placing a $ (dollar sign)
- ; as the first character of the name. The CONFIG.EXE compiler will
- ; automatically strip this character for you.
- ;
- ; NanoBBS events have a unique feature: you can have up to 32 unique times
- ; at which each event can execute. Unlike most other BBSes, you can
- ; specify more than one time of day for each event to occur, and you can even
- ; have the same event occur several times in the same day if you desire!
- ;
- ; These are just examples; you should adjust the times, days, names and
- ; errorlevels to suit your system best.
- ; Here are two nice normal events which occur once per night at the same
- ; time. The first event is forced; a user online will have her
- ; time limit adjusted if the call is close enough to midnight!
- ;
- event 1 All 00:00 100 $Midnight Door Updates
- event 2 All 04:00 110 Nightly Maintenance
- ; Here is an event which occurs at 4:30am Thursday and 5:00am Sunday.
- ; Note that on the second line the errorlevel and name are not needed.
- ; event 3 Thu 04:30 120 Semi-Weekly Maintenance
- event 3 Sun 05:00
- ; This event runs three times a day at 2:00am, 10:00am and 6:00pm.
- ;
- event 4 All 02:00 130 Galactic Empire Update (Thrice Daily!)
- event 4 All 10:00
- event 4 All 18:00
- event 5 all 21:45 140 test
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; PagePlay(tm) Music Definitions
- ;
- ; The following parameters define the filenames of the PagePlay(tm)
- ; music files to be used in fatal errors, sysop pages, or other
- ; situations where NanoBBS needs to get the sysop's attention.
- ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- music page page.ppl
- music fatal sos.ppl
- music next yer_up.ppl
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Miscellaneous Config Items
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Normally, when a user uploads, the BBS gives the user an extra time
- ; reward immediately. However, you can set the BBS to deposit this credit
- ; to the user's time bank by uncommenting the following keyword. This will
- ; give you some control over the use/abuse of the upload credit.
- ;
- ; BankUpload
- bankupload
- ; Freeze the timer during message posting
- post freeze
- ; Include private messages and feedbacks when rewarding
- post reward private
- ; Parameters for post rewards. First number is minutes for short message.
- ; Second number is minutes for long message. Third number is number of lines
- ; for a message to count as "long".
- ;
- ; Example: post reward 5 10 8
- ;
- ; This example gives a reward of 5 minutes online time for a post 1 to 7
- ; lines long, and 10 minutes for a post 8 lines or longer.
- ;
- post reward 5 10 8
- ; If the following keyword is commented out, NanoBBS will not automatically
- ; append the line "Uploaded By: {UserName}" to file descriptions that are
- ; uploaded by users. By default this feature is ON, i.e. users get public
- ; notice for uploads. This is a GoodThing(tm) since it encourages uploading.
- showuploader
- ; If the following option is active, anyone with sysop access (at or above
- ; the level defined in ACCESS SYSOP) is not shown in the user-viewable call
- ; logs or in the daily call count, but logons by sysops will show up in the
- ; security log.
- hidesysop
- ; The following include file points to the Compression Configuration
- include compress.ctl
- ; If uncommented, the following option will cause NanoBBS to search all the
- ; areas the user has defined for global scans when checking for new email
- ; at each logon. By default (commented out) NanoBBS will only scan the
- ; defined private email base for new personal mail.
- ; emailscan global
- ; If uncommented, the WRAP LONG keyword will ignore line breaks in long
- ; descriptions, and will attempt to wrap the descriptions optimally. This
- ; does not apply if the description appears to use graphics (NanoBBS has a
- ; quick but effective check for that case).
- wrap long
- ; If NoOneWordNames is uncommented, NanoBBS will prohibit the use of
- ; one-word pseudonyms when new users sign up. Comment out the NEW REALNAME
- ; OPTION above to also force the asking of a real name. When NoOneWordNames
- ; is in effect, one word real names are also prohibited.
- ; NoOneWordNames
- ; If NoOneWordReals is uncommented, NanoBBS may allow the use of one word
- ; pseudonyms (depending whether or not you have NoOneWordNames set) but it
- ; will prohibit the use of one word real names. This should be used if you
- ; require your callers to enter a real name in the real name field. If
- ; NoOneWordNames is active, then this keyword is redundant.
- NoOneWordReals