home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1996-12-29 | 74.8 KB | 3,226 lines |
- [languagefile english]
- [comment
- NanoBBS (C) 1994 Whirlwind Software - ENGLISH.TXL
- This is a NanoBBS Language File. Embedded colours, informationals, and
- list tokens are permitted. Please consult the technical documentation for
- this file's syntax.
- ]
- [sysmsg 1]
- ~PSysMsg Error! Message ~. does not appear in the language file!
- Please report to sysop!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 2]~@
- ~MPassword ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 3]
- ~JPassword incorrect. ~G(Try #~L~V1~G)[end]
- [comment Prompt user to logon]
- [sysmsg 4]~@
- ~MNew Users: Just type your name or pseudonym to log on!
- ~OPlease enter your Name, User Number or Handle ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 5]~@~,
- ~LSystem Password: ~O[end]
- [sysmsg 6]~@~,
- ~OThank you.
- [end]
- [comment ask user if s/he is new.]
- [sysmsg 9]~@
- ~L~V1 ~Gnot found. Do you want to register as a new member? [end]
- [comment ask user if spelling of name is correct.]
- [sysmsg 10]~@
- ~L~V1 ~Gnot found. Did you spell your name correctly? [end]
- [comment ask user for logon name]
- [sysmsg 11]~@~GPlease enter the name or handle you would like to be known by,
- or hit ~LEnter~G for~O ~V1~G...
- ~OUser Name ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment ask user for real name]
- [sysmsg 12]~@~GPlease enter your real name, or hit ~LEnter~G for ~O~V1~G...
- ~BPlease, enter both your first and last name!
- ~OReal Name ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment ask for password (first time)]
- [sysmsg 13]~@~GPlease enter a password. Passwords may contain spaces and high-bit
- characters, and may be between 4 and 12 characters in length.
- ~OPassword ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment advise user password is too short]
- [sysmsg 14]~@
- ~JPassword too short! ~GPlease select a password that is
- at least ~L4~G characters in length!
- [end]
- [comment ask for password (second time)]
- [sysmsg 15]~@
- ~GPlease enter your password again to verify your selection...
- ~OPassword ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment second password does not match first]
- [sysmsg 16]~@
- ~JPasswords do not match!
- ~GYou entered ~L~V1~G the first time, and ~L~V2~G the second time!
- [end]
- [comment ask for location]
- [sysmsg 17]~@~GPlease enter your City and Province/State, or ~LEnter~G for ~O~V1~G...
- ~OCity ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment ask for phone number]
- [sysmsg 18]~@~L
- ~GPlease enter your Telephone number, including area code...
- ~OPhone ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment advise user phone number is too short]
- [sysmsg 19]
- ~J~6You can't skip this question.
- [end]
- [comment ask for birthdate]
- [sysmsg 20]~@~L
- ~GUsing the format ~OYY/MM/DD~G, please enter your date of birth...
- ~OBirthdate ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment birthdate invalid]
- [sysmsg 21]~@
- ~JInvalid birthdate. ~GBirthdate must be entered in the form ~LYY/MM/DD~G,
- for example ~O67/05/17~G for ~OMay 17, 1967~G.
- [end]
- [comment ask user for his/her sex]
- [sysmsg 22]~@
- ~GWhat is your sex? (~OM/F~G) ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment male/female - responses to #22]
- [sysmsg 23]~P~e Male ~a~1[end]
- [sysmsg 24]~P~b Female ~a~1[end]
- [comment ask columns]
- [sysmsg 25]~@~GHow many columns wide is your screen? (~LEnter~G for ~O80~G columns) ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment ask lines]
- [sysmsg 26]~@
- ~GHow many lines deep is your screen? (~LEnter~G for ~O24~G lines) ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment ask ansi]
- [sysmsg 27]~@~GDo you want to use ANSi colour codes? [end]
- [comment item divider for new user questionnaire - zero it if not wanted]
- [sysmsg 28]~,
- ~E──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment dupe user found]
- [sysmsg 29]~@
- ~LI seem to already have a ~P~V2~L.
- ~GPlease use another name.
- [end]
- [comment inform user s/he can't use a number as a name]
- [sysmsg 30]~@
- ~LSorry, you can't use a number as a name!
- ~GThis is because numbers are used to log on quickly. Please use another name.
- [end]
- [comment ask user for NUP]
- [sysmsg 31]~@
- ~CNew User Password:~L[end]
- [comment NUP is incorrect]
- [sysmsg 32]~@
- ~JNew User Password (NUP) incorrect. ~G(Try #~L~V1~G)[end]
- [comment echo ANSi]
- [sysmsg 33]~@~( ANSi ~)[end]
- [comment echo ASCII]
- [sysmsg 34]ASCII[end]
- [comment no limits!]
- [sysmsg 35]
- ~FYou have ~Nno download limit![end]
- [comment no ratio]
- [sysmsg 36]
- ~FYou have ~Nno required download ratio![end]
- [comment no expiry date]
- [sysmsg 37]~MNo expiry date[end]
- [comment echo Your Stats!]
- [sysmsg 38]~@~(Your statistics~)
- [end]
- [comment your stats template]
- [sysmsg 39]
- ~J~U3, ~Bhere is what the BBS knows about you:
- ~GUsername: ~P~U1 ~G(~P~U2~G) from ~P~U6
- ~GUser # : ~P~UU~t40~GFirst Call : ~P~US
- ~GPhone : ~P~U7~t40~GSex: ~U4~t59~GBirthdate: ~P~U5
- ~GAccess : ~P~UB ~G(Class: ~P~UV~G)~t59~GVideo: ~UI
- ~t40~GLines: ~P~UN~t59~GCols: ~P~UM
- ~GMinutes per call : ~P~U8~t40~GKilobytes per day : ~P~UW
- ~GMinutes per day : ~P~U9~t40~GMinutes Online Today : ~P~UH
- ~GKilobytes Uploaded : ~P~UD~t40~GDownload/Upload Ratio: ~P~UL
- ~GKilobytes Downloaded: ~P~UC~t40~GDownloaded Today : ~P~UE
- ~GMessages Posted : ~P~UJ~t40~GCall/Post Ratio : ~P~UK
- ~GCalls to System : ~P~UF~t40~GCalls Today : ~P~UG
- ~UQ~UR
- ~GExpiry Date: ~P~UO ~G(~L~UP~G days to expiry)
- ~t35~R[end]
- [sysmsg 40]
- ~GFound: ~L~V2 ~G(~V1)[end]
- [sysmsg 41]~@~( Help me! ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 42]~@~( List today's callers ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 43]
- ~LNo calls yet!
- [end]
- [comment list of today's callers - format]
- [sysmsg 44]~E~V6 ~t8~P~V1~t40~O~V2~t50~G~V3~t71~M~V4
- [end]
- [comment header for list of today's callers]
- [sysmsg 45]~,
- ~@~(Call~)~E─~@~(User~)~E──────────────────────────~@~(Time~)~E────~@~(Location~)~E───────────~@~(Baud~)~E──
- [end]
- [comment footer for list of today's callers]
- [sysmsg 46]~,~E──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ~P~V7 ~Ocalls today.[end]
- [comment ask reason for chat]
- [sysmsg 47]~@
- ~OPlease enter the reason for paging the sysop:
- ~M[[>~L[end]
- [comment echo Chat!]
- [sysmsg 48]~@~( Chat page ~)
- [end]
- [comment say "Paging SysOp"]
- [sysmsg 49]
- ~GNote: if the sysop doesn't answer, try leaving Feedback instead!
- ~LNow paging sysop ~D(Hit ~Gany key~D to abort)[end]
- [comment User has expired!]
- [sysmsg 50]
- ~LYour account has expired! Please contact the sysop about renewal!
- [end]
- [comment generic "no access" message]
- [sysmsg 51]
- ~L
- You do not seem to have access to that function.[end]
- [comment ANSi not detected. Use it anyway?]
- [sysmsg 52]
- ANSi not detected. Use it anyway? [end]
- [comment ask user if he's sure this is his real name!]
- [sysmsg 53]
- ~GIs ~L~V1 ~Gyour ~Oreal~G name (or pseudo)? ~P~■[end]
- [comment inform user searching user log]
- [sysmsg 54]
- ~OSearching...[end]
- [comment display this every 20 users in a user search]
- [sysmsg 55].[end]
- [comment inform user adding his new record]
- [sysmsg 56]
- ~LUpdating User files...[end]
- [comment finished adding to files]
- [sysmsg 57]~JDone!
- [end]
- [comment account toast!]
- [sysmsg 58]
- ~JThis account has been terminated by the management.
- [end]
- [comment Undisclosed Gender]
- [sysmsg 59]~P~f Undisclosed ~a~1[end]
- [comment RIP version only - reset windows after logon and before sending welcome]
- [sysmsg 70]
- [rip_reset_windows][end]
- [comment RIP version only - reset windows before executing a door]
- [sysmsg 71]
- [rip_reset_windows][end]
- [comment tell the user they must use at least two words in the name]
- [sysmsg 72]~,
- ~JYou must use a first name and a last name!
- [end]
- [comment user's time online report]
- [sysmsg 73]~,
- ~{ About This Online Session's Time Usage ~}
- ~O You have been online for ~P~V1 ~Ominutes.
- ~L Used: ~P~V1 ~Gminutes
- ~L Withdrawn from Time Bank: ~P~V2 ~Gminutes
- ~L Frozen Time: ~P~V9 ~Gminutes
- ~L Granted by System: ~P~V4 ~Gminutes
- ~L Deposited to Time Bank: ~P~V3 ~Gminutes
- ~L Daily Allotment Used: ~P~V5 ~Gminutes
- ~O You have ~P~V7~O minutes left for this call.
- [end]
- [comment the basic More prompt]
- [sysmsg 99]~@~( More? ~) [end]
- [comment the Main Menu prompt (!)]
- [sysmsg 100]~@
- ~P~e~1~!
- ~a~1~FMessage Area: ~N~i ~F(#~N~j~F)
- ~M~q1~q5 ~OMain Menu: ~M[[~J?~H=help~M][[>~L[end]
- [comment echo Goodbye! when selected]
- [sysmsg 101]~@~( Goodbye! ~)
- [end]
- [comment Ask user if s/he really wants to logoff]
- [sysmsg 102]
- ~OLogoff: ~LAre you sure? ~O[[y/N/F=Feedback][[>[end]
- [comment echo Feedback]
- [sysmsg 103]~@~( Feedback! ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Command List!"]
- [sysmsg 104]~@~( Command list ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Read Messages"]
- [sysmsg 105]~@~( Read messages ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Next base..."]
- [sysmsg 106]~@~( Next area ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Previous base..."]
- [sysmsg 107]~@~( Last area ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Userlist..."]
- [sysmsg 108]~@~( User list ~)[end]
- [comment echo "File Section"]
- [sysmsg 109]~@~( File section ~)[end]
- [comment echo "FAST goodbye!!!"]
- [sysmsg 110]~@~( FAST logoff! ~)
- ~LGoodbye!
- [end]
- [comment echo "check your personal mail"]
- [sysmsg 111]~@~( Check for new email and personal messages~)
- [end]
- [comment display "Scanning for e-mail messages for you..."]
- [sysmsg 112]
- ~LScanning for e-mail messages for you... ~OHit ~{ Space ~} to skip...
- [end]
- [comment display "No new e-mail found"]
- [sysmsg 113]
- ~LNo new e-mail found!
- [end]
- [comment turning on chat log]
- [sysmsg 114]
- Turning on Chat Capture Buffer!
- [end]
- [comment turning off chat log]
- [sysmsg 115]
- Turning off Chat Capture Buffer!
- [end]
- [comment entering chat mode (sysop instructions)]
- [sysmsg 116]~P
- Hit ESC to exit, Alt-L to toggle Chat Capture Log,
- Alt-E to edit user, Alt-Q to Squelch user~L
- [end]
- [comment Ask for a filename - adopt]
- [sysmsg 130]
- ~LFilename ~■[end]
- [comment Ask for a filename - hide]
- [sysmsg 131]
- ~LFilename ~■[end]
- [comment Ask for a filename - override Path]
- [sysmsg 132]
- ~LNew Path ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 133]~,~OAdopting: ~L~V1
- [end]
- [sysmsg 134]
- ~OAll files adopted to FILES.BBS - use adopt/redescribe describe them
- [end]
- [comment format of raw directory list]
- [sysmsg 135]~,~P~V1 ~t15~O~V2~t24~G~V3
- [end]
- [comment what to display if there are no files in a raw directory list]
- [sysmsg 136]~,
- ~JNo files!
- [end]
- [comment thanks for waiting! - generic message after Nano is finished compiling something]
- [sysmsg 196]~OThanks for waiting!
- [end]
- [comment Please stand by - generic message when Nano has to recompile something]
- [sysmsg 197]
- ~LPlease stand by... [end]
- [comment Main Menu Command List - ASCII]
- [sysmsg 198]~@
- ~t30~@~( Available Options ~)
- ~L
- ~(C~) Page sysop to chat ~(K~) Kill a message ~(S~) Set Up Message Scans
- ~(D~) Doors - games! ~(L~) List today's calls ~(W~) Who's online?
- ~(E~) E-mail and feedback ~(N~) New scan all messages ~(U~) User list
- ~(F~) Files section ~(O~) User config options ~(Y~) Your Stats
- ~(G~) Goodbye! logoff ~(P~) Post a message ~(!~) Change prompt
- ~(H~) Extended help ~(Q~) QWK Offline Messaging ~(/~) Multi User NanoChat!
- ~(J~) Jump Message Base ~(R~) Read messages this area ~(^G~)FAST Logoff!
- ~(V~) User Profiles[end]
- [comment Main Menu Command List - ANSi]
- [sysmsg 199]~@
- ~t30~@~( Available Options ~)
- ~L
- ~(C~) Page sysop to chat ~(K~) Kill a message ~(S~) Set Up Message Scans
- ~(D~) Doors - games! ~(L~) List today's calls ~(W~) Who's online?
- ~(E~) E-mail and feedback ~(N~) New scan all messages ~(U~) User list
- ~(F~) Files section ~(O~) User config options ~(Y~) Your Stats
- ~(G~) Goodbye! logoff ~(P~) Post a message ~(!~) Change prompt
- ~(H~) Extended help ~(Q~) QWK Offline Messaging ~(/~) Multi User NanoChat!
- ~(J~) Jump Message Base ~(R~) Read messages this area ~(^G~)FAST Logoff!
- ~(V~) User Profiles[end]
- [sysmsg 200]
- ~O~V1 ~Lwould exceed your maximum D/U ratio![end]
- [sysmsg 201]
- ~O~V1 ~Lwould exceed your time limit![end]
- [sysmsg 202]
- ~O~V1 ~Lwould exceed your daily limit![end]
- [sysmsg 203]
- ~LFile not found![end]
- [comment Displayed when sysop hits Alt-C]
- [sysmsg 300]~P****
- ~O***
- ~M**
- ~E*
- ~LSysOp Breaking in to Chat!
- [end]
- [comment Displayed when sysop exits chat with ESC]
- [sysmsg 301]~E*
- ~M**
- ~O***
- ~P****
- ~LNow exiting chat mode; you may continue...[end]
- [comment Displayed when a user who has no time left tries to logon]
- [sysmsg 302]
- ~LSorry! You have used up all your time for today! Call back tomorrow...
- [end]
- [sysmsg 303]~KYes![end]
- [sysmsg 304]~JNo!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 305]
- ~GPlease type ~KY~O for ~LYes~O, ~JN~O for ~LNo~O.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 306]~G[[Y/n][[>[end]
- [sysmsg 307]~G[[N/y][[>[end]
- [comment what to send when user times out]
- [sysmsg 308]
- ~OCall back when you are there.
- [end]
- [comment what to send when a user's session time has elapsed]
- [sysmsg 309]
- ~BThe sands of time have run dry...
- [end]
- [comment user file missing!]
- [sysmsg 310]
- ~JWarning! User file not found!
- [end]
- [comment user list format]
- [sysmsg 311]~L~V1 ~G(~V3)~t30~L~V2 ~t60~M(last on: ~G~V5~M)
- [end]
- [comment user list footer]
- [sysmsg 312]
- ~P~V1 ~Gmatch(es) found.[end]
- [comment user list header]
- [sysmsg 313]
- ~a~1
- ~P~h▌~A~hUser List~I~h▐~a
- [end]
- [comment ask for user list mask]
- [sysmsg 314]
- ~OEnter partial username to match or hit ~P~h▌~A~hEnter~I~h▐~a~O for all:
- ~P~b~1[end]
- [comment echo Bang Prompt]
- [sysmsg 320]~LBang Prompt!
- [end]
- [comment access to bang prompt denied]
- [sysmsg 321]~JInsufficient access for Bang Prompt!
- [end]
- [comment prompt for bang prompt input]
- [sysmsg 322]~OEnter up to 79 characters...
- ~P~e~1[end]
- [comment no changes made]
- [sysmsg 323]~L~a
- ~1
- No changes made![end]
- [comment It is done!]
- [sysmsg 324]~L~a
- ~1
- The Deed is Done![end]
- [comment message base info file not found]
- [sysmsg 330]
- [end]
- [comment unable to change to specified area - area not found]
- [sysmsg 331]
- ~LSpecified message area does not exist.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 332]~G[[~PY~G/~On~G/=][[>[end]
- [sysmsg 333]~G[[~PY~G/~On~G/~Of~Glag/=][[>[end]
- [sysmsg 334]~G[[~Oy~G/~PN~G/~Of~Glag/=][[>[end]
- [sysmsg 335]~G[[~Oy~G/~PN~G/~Of~Glag/=][[>[end]
- [sysmsg 336]~LNonstop![end]
- [sysmsg 337]~NFlag![end]
- [sysmsg 338]
- ~LSorry, you do not have access to that message area.
- [end]
- [comment this is the format of a message area list divider]
- [sysmsg 340]~,
- ~B─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ~L~V1
- ~B─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment this is the format of a file area list divider]
- [sysmsg 345]~,
- ~F─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ~P~V1
- ~F─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment echo "e-mail" at main message prompt]
- [sysmsg 350]~@~( E-Mail ~)
- [end]
- [comment e-mail prompt]
- [sysmsg 351]~@
- ~LE-Mail: ~(R~)~Gead ~(S~)~Gend ~(F~)~Geedback ~(Q~)~Guit ~(G~)~Goodbye ~M■■■][end]
- [comment echo "Send" at email prompt]
- [sysmsg 352]~@~( Send ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 353]~@~( Read ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 354]~,
- ~LRead E-mail: ~(N~)~Gext ~(A~)~Ggain ~(B~)~Gack ~(R~)~Geply ~(Q~)~Guit ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [sysmsg 355]~@~( Feedback ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 356]~,
- ~LInvalid message number.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 389]~JNo![end]
- [sysmsg 390]
- ~OMessage #~L~V1~O deleted.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 391]
- ~LInvalid message! ~GUnable to kill.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 392]
- ~LThis message is not yours! ~GUnable to kill.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 393]
- ~LInvalid Message area - ~Gchange to another area before attempting message kill!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 394]~@~( Kill ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 395]
- ~JSecurity warning - ~LQuickBBS~D{tm}~L Kill/All trick attempted!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 396]
- ~GEnter number of message to kill or ~( Enter ~) ~Gfor current: ~L[end]
- [sysmsg 397]
- ~GAre you sure you want to kill message #~L~V1~G ? [end]
- [sysmsg 398]
- ~GThat message has been deleted.
- [end]
- [comment Format of MESSAGE HEADER]
- [sysmsg 400]~@~,~2~LMsg: #~P~mX~L (Area ~P~j: ~i~L)~P ~mH ~mD ~m1 ~m2
- ~LFrom: ~P~mF ~LTo: ~P~mT
- ~LSubj: ~P~mS
- ~E─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment Format of MESSAGE FOOTER]
- [sysmsg 401]~@~,~E─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment "this is a reply to..."]
- [sysmsg 402]~GThis is a reply to #~P~mR. [end]
- [comment "see also..."]
- [sysmsg 403]~GSee also #~P~mA.[end]
- [comment read messages prompt help]
- [sysmsg 407]~@~{ Help ~}
- ~OYou are at the ~LMessage Reading~O prompt.
- ~GHit ~(Enter~) or ~(N~) for the ~Lnext~G message.
- Hit ~(B~) to go ~Lback~G to the previous message.
- Hit ~(A~) to read the same message ~Lagain~G.
- Hit ~(F~) to read the ~Lfirst~G message (oldest).
- Hit ~(L~) to read the ~Llast~G message (newest).
- Hit ~(P~) to ~Lpost~G a message. Hit ~(R~) to ~Lreply~G to the message you just read.
- Hit ~(J~) to ~Ljump~G to another message area.
- Hit ~(G~) to say ~Lgoodbye~G. Hit ~(Q~) to quit to the main menu.
- You may also type the number of the message you want to read directly.
- [end]
- [comment echo "First"]
- [sysmsg 408]~@~( First ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Last"]
- [sysmsg 409]~@~( Last ~)
- [end]
- [comment read-messages between-msg prompt]
- [sysmsg 410]~@
- ~FMessage Area: ~L~mZ ~G(#~O~mY~G) ~E[[~M~mX/~m5~E]
- ~O~(Enter~) for next, ~(R~) to reply, ~(?~) for help ~■~L[end]
- [sysmsg 411]~@~( Again ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 412]~@~( Next ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 413]~@~( Back ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 414]~@~( Reply ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 415]~@~( Quit ~)[end]
- [sysmsg 416]~@~( Jump Base ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 417]~@~( Enter Msg! ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 418]~@~( Goodbye ~)
- [end]
- [comment end of messages]
- [sysmsg 421]
- ~LYou have reached the end of the messages in this area.
- [end]
- [comment bottom of messages]
- [sysmsg 422]
- ~LThere are no more messages prior to this one.
- [end]
- [comment no messages this area]
- [sysmsg 423]
- ~LThere are no messages in this area.
- [end]
- [comment user tried to read a private msg not addr to him!]
- [sysmsg 424]
- ~LThat message is private.
- [end]
- [comment To: prompt]
- [sysmsg 425]~@
- ~O To:~L[end]
- [comment Addr: prompt]
- [sysmsg 426]~@
- ~OAddr:~L[end]
- [comment Subj: prompt]
- [sysmsg 427]~@
- ~OSubj:~L[end]
- [comment Private? prompt]
- [sysmsg 428]~@
- ~OPrivate? [end]
- [comment Anonymous? prompt]
- [sysmsg 429]~@
- ~OAnonymous? [end]
- [comment Abort! (used when user hits enter at subj: line)]
- [sysmsg 430]~JAbort![end]
- [comment line editor header]
- [sysmsg 431]
- ~GEnter your message now, hit [[~LEnter~G] on a blank line to end.
- [end]
- [comment save/edit prompt - standard]
- [sysmsg 432]~@
- ~LMessage: ~(S~)~Gave ~(E~)~Gdit ~(C~)~Gont ~(L~)~Gist ~(A~)~Gbort ~M■■■]~L [end]
- [comment save/edit prompt - reply/quote]
- [sysmsg 433]~@
- ~LMessage: ~(S~)~Gave ~(E~)~Gdit ~(C~)~Gont ~(L~)~Gist ~(Q~)~Guote ~(A~)~Gbort ~M■■■]~L [end]
- [sysmsg 434]
- ~MSaving...[end]
- [sysmsg 435]done!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 436]~@~( Save! ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 437]~@~( Edit ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 438]~@~( Continue ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 439]~@~( List ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 440]~JAbort!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 441]~@~( Quote ~)
- [end]
- [comment display this if current message is private - tilde-m-1]
- [sysmsg 442]~@~(Pvt~)[end]
- [comment display this if current message is received - tilde-m-2]
- [sysmsg 443]~@~(Rcvd~)[end]
- [comment you can't enter a private message to ALL]
- [sysmsg 444]
- ~JThere's little point in addressing a private message to ALL, my friend...
- [end]
- [comment cannot enter feedback - base does not exist]
- [sysmsg 445]
- ~JUnable to process feedback! ~L Feedback message base does not exist!
- [end]
- [comment the edit functions prompt]
- [sysmsg 446]~@
- ~LEdit: ~(I~)~Gnsert Line ~(D~)~Gelete Line ~(E~)~Gnter Line Over ~(Q~)~Guit ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment echo "Insert"]
- [sysmsg 447]~@~( Insert ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Delete"]
- [sysmsg 448]~@~( Delete ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Enter New Line"]
- [sysmsg 449]~@~( Edit ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Quit"]
- [sysmsg 450]~@~( Quit ~)
- [end]
- [comment ask "Insert before which line?"]
- [sysmsg 451]~G
- Insert before which line: ~L[end]
- [comment say "Insert your text now"]
- [sysmsg 452]~G
- Enter your inserted text now. Hit ~( Enter ~)~G on a blank line when you are done.
- [end]
- [comment ask "Enter first line to del"]
- [sysmsg 453]
- ~GEnter first line number to delete: ~L[end]
- [comment ask "Enter last line to del"]
- [sysmsg 454]
- ~GEnter last line number to delete : ~L[end]
- [comment ask "Edit Which Line"]
- [sysmsg 455]
- ~GEnter line number to change: ~L[end]
- [comment say "Enter New Text Now!"]
- [sysmsg 456]
- ~GEnter new text now:
- ~P[end]
- [comment say "Old line:"]
- [sysmsg 457]
- ~GText of old line:
- ~L[end]
- [comment ask "Enter subject, or [enter] for same..."]
- [sysmsg 458]
- ~@~(Enter~) ~Gfor ~L'~V1'
- ~OSubj:~L[end]
- [comment ask "Abort, are you sure?"]
- [sysmsg 459]
- ~JAre you sure? [end]
- [comment quote-copy prompt]
- [sysmsg 460]
- ~LQuote: ~(L~)~Gist ~(C~)~Gopy ~(Q~)~Guit ~M■■■]~O [end]
- [comment echo "list" at quote menu]
- [sysmsg 461]~@~( List ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "copy" at quote menu]
- [sysmsg 462]~@~( Copy ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Quit" at quote menu]
- [sysmsg 463]~@~( Quit ~)
- [end]
- [comment start line to quote]
- [sysmsg 464]
- ~GEnter first line to quote: ~L[end]
- [comment last line to quote]
- [sysmsg 465]
- ~GEnter last line to quote: ~L[end]
- [comment can't reply to this]
- [sysmsg 466]
- ~GYou can't reply to this message. It is private and not yours!
- [end]
- [comment can't reply - no messages!]
- [sysmsg 467]
- ~GYou can't reply here - Nothing to reply to!
- [end]
- [comment change msgbase prompt]
- [sysmsg 468]~@
- ~@~(Enter~)~G=Abort ~( [[ ~)~G=Prev. ~( ] ~)~G=Next ~( ? ~)~G=List
- ~LPlease select new message area number ~M[[>~O[end]
- [comment message area list format]
- [sysmsg 469]~L~V1 ~O~V2
- [end]
- [comment message area list header]
- [sysmsg 470]~,
- ~E──~OMessage~E─~OAreas~E──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment message area list footer]
- [sysmsg 471]~,~E─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment echo "list areas"]
- [sysmsg 472]~@~( List message areas ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Global New Scan!"]
- [sysmsg 473]~@~( Global new-scan ~)
- [end]
- [comment ask if all msgs or just yours]
- [sysmsg 474]~@
- ~LDisplay ~(A~)~Lll messages, just ~(Y~)~Lours, or ~(Q~)~Luit?
- ~@~(Enter~)~L=All ~M[[>~O[end]
- [comment advise no new messages this area]
- [sysmsg 475]~@
- ~GNo new messages in area #~L~V1~G (~O~V2~G)[end]
- [comment scan header]
- [sysmsg 476]
- ~LScanning for new messages in all areas...
- [end]
- [comment scan footer]
- [sysmsg 477]
- ~LGlobal New-scan complete![end]
- [comment display area info...]
- [sysmsg 478]~GArea: #~L~V1 ~G(~O~V2~G)~1~<[end]
- [comment you don't have post access]
- [sysmsg 479]
- ~LYou don't have access to post messages in this area.[end]
- [sysmsg 480]~@~LMessage: ~(S~)~Gave ~(E~)~Gdit ~(A~)~Gbort ~M■■■]~L [end]
- [sysmsg 481]
- ~PThe NanoBBS Screen Editor requires ANSi.
- Reverting to Line Editor.
- [end]
- [comment format of the message list]
- [sysmsg 482]~,~(~V1~) ~G~mX ~L~mS~t59 ~O~mF
- [end]
- [comment echo "Set Up Scans"]
- [sysmsg 500]~@~( Set Up Scans ~)
- [end]
- [comment setup scans prompt]
- [sysmsg 501]~@~O
- ~@~(?~)Help ~(L~)ist ~(A~)dd ~(R~)emove ~(+~)All ~(-~)None ~(Q~)uit ~■[end]
- [comment setup scans command list]
- [sysmsg 502]~@~L
- ~@~(?~) This Screen ~(+~) Add all accessible areas
- ~@~(A~) Add one or more areas ~(-~) Remove all areas
- ~@~(R~) Remove one or more areas ~(Q~) Quit to BBS Main Menu
- [end]
- [comment echo Help]
- [sysmsg 503]~@~( Command List ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo Add]
- [sysmsg 504]~@~( Add ~)
- [end]
- [comment Add Prompt]
- [sysmsg 505]~@
- ~OPlease enter up to 32 area numbers to add to your scan list.
- You can separate them with spaces.
- ~■[end]
- [comment echo Remove]
- [sysmsg 506]~@~( Remove ~)
- [end]
- [comment Remove Prompt]
- [sysmsg 507]~@
- ~OPlease enter up to 32 area numbers to remove from your scan list.
- You can separate them with spaces.
- ~■[end]
- [comment echo add all]
- [sysmsg 508]~@~( Add All ~)
- [end]
- [comment report Done!]
- [sysmsg 509]
- ~@~( Done! ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo remove all]
- [sysmsg 510]~@~( Remove All ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo quit]
- [sysmsg 511]~@~( Quit ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo list]
- [sysmsg 512]~@~( List ~)
- [end]
- [comment tagged list format]
- [sysmsg 513]~@~(~V1 ~V2~)
- [end]
- [comment untagged list format]
- [sysmsg 514]~L~V1 ~O~V2
- [end]
- [comment user does not have credit for this netmail]
- [sysmsg 516]~@
- ~LSorry! ~GYou do not have enough credit for netmail to this address!
- ~GYou have ~L$~V2~G, and you need ~L$~V1~G
- [end]
- [sysmsg 551]~L~,
- You can now edit your NanoCHAT "Hello" message.
- You have up to ~P~V1~L lines.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 552]~L~,
- You can now edit your NanoCHAT "Goodbye" message.
- You have up to ~P~V1~L lines.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 553]~L~,
- You can now edit your NanoBBS "Signature" file.
- You have up to ~P~V1~L lines.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 554]~L~,
- You can now edit your Registry "About Me" file.
- You have up to ~P~V1~L lines.
- [end]
- [comment file area is void]
- [sysmsg 600]
- ~LInvalid file area - unable to list
- [end]
- [comment files.bbs is missing]
- [sysmsg 601]
- ~LUnable to list files! FILES.BBS missing in area #~V1
- ~OPlease report this to your sysop![end]
- [comment files.bbs listing - comment line]
- [sysmsg 602]~,~G~V1
- [end]
- [comment files.bbs listing - normal line format]
- [sysmsg 603]~,~P~V1~t14~G~V2 ~M~V3 ~O~+[end]
- [comment files.bbs listing - missing line format]
- [sysmsg 604]~,~P~V1~t14~J Missing! ~O~+[end]
- [comment echo List Files]
- [sysmsg 605]~@~( List ~)
- [end]
- [comment ask for file list mask]
- [sysmsg 606]~@
- ~GNanoBBS does not need wildcards like * or ?
- ~OEnter partial filename/description or ~(Enter~)~O for ~Lall~O files
- ~M[[>~L[end]
- [comment Files.Bbs listing header]
- [sysmsg 607]~,
- ~E─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment Files.Bbs listing footer]
- [sysmsg 608]~,~E─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[end]
- [comment the File Menu prompt]
- [sysmsg 610]~@~,
- ~M~p~,~a~1~FFile Area: ~N~n ~F(#~N~o~F)
- ~OFiles Menu: ~M[[~J?~H=help~M][[>~L[end]
- [comment what to display when a batch edit is attempted and no files are on it]
- [sysmsg 611]
- ~LThere are no files in the download batch![end]
- [comment what to display when file requested is not on batch]
- [sysmsg 612]
- ~L~V1 ~Gis not in the download batch![end]
- [comment File section command list]
- [sysmsg 613]~@
- ~@~(?~) ~OHelp (this screen) ~(G~) ~OGoodbye (logoff) ~(Q~) ~OQuit to main
- ~@~(B~) ~OBatch commands ~(H~) ~OExtended help ~(U~) ~OUpload file(s)
- ~@~(C~) ~OChat with sysop ~(J~) ~OJump to another area ~(Y~) ~OYour stats
- ~@~(D~) ~ODownload file(s) ~(L~) ~OList files (this area) ~([[~) ~OPrevious area
- ~@~(F~) ~OFind file(s) ~(N~) ~ONew files ~(]~) ~ONext area[end]
- [comment File section sysop commands list]
- [sysmsg 614]~@
- ~@~(*~) ~JGlobal Adopt ~(I~) ~JHide file ~(K~) ~IKill file
- ~@~(M~) ~IMove file ~(O~) ~JOverride Path ~(R~) ~JRaw directory
- ~@~(X~) ~JDOS command ~(A~) ~JAdopt/Redescribe file[end]
- [comment Batch commands list]
- [sysmsg 615]~@
- ~@~(A~) ~KAdd files ~(G~) ~KGoodbye - logoff ~(L~) ~KList Batch ~(X~) ~KClear batch
- ~@~(C~) ~KChat page ~(H~) ~KExtended help ~(Q~) ~KQuit ~(Y~) ~KYour stats
- ~@~(D~) ~KDownload batch ~(I~) ~KInfo about batch ~(R~) ~KRemove file(s) ~(?~) ~KHelp[end]
- [comment Batch commands prompt]
- [sysmsg 616]~@
- ~a~1~CFile Area: ~K~n ~C(#~K~o~C)
- ~LBatch Menu: ~F[[~J?~H=help~F][[>~L[end]
- [comment echo "Batch!" from file menu prompt]
- [sysmsg 617]~@~( Batch commands ~)[end]
- [comment file group does not exist]
- [sysmsg 620]
- ~LThat file group does not seem to exist.
- [end]
- [comment file group is empty]
- [sysmsg 621]~,~LThis file group is empty.
- [end]
- [comment user doesn't have access to the specified group]
- [sysmsg 622]
- ~LYou don't have access to that file group.
- [end]
- [comment user doesn't have access to any areas in the group]
- [sysmsg 623]~,~LYou don't have access to any of the areas in this file group.
- [end]
- [comment file group area list format]
- [sysmsg 624]~,~L~V1 ~O~V2[end]
- [sysmsg 625]~,
- ~E──~OFile~E─~OGroups~E────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [sysmsg 626]
- ~OPlease select a file group by number, ~(?~) to re-list, ~(Enter~) to quit
- ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 627]
- ~LCannot add this file to the batch. Index file missing. Please ask your
- sysop to run ~PBBS /F~L to fix this.
- [end]
- [comment file area info file missing! Mommy!!!]
- [sysmsg 630]
- [end]
- [sysmsg 631]
- ~LSpecified file area does not exist.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 632]
- ~LInvalid file area. Unable to process batch.
- [end]
- [comment ask user date for new files search]
- [sysmsg 633]~@
- ~GEnter date (~LYY-MM-DD~G) of oldest files to search, or ~(Enter~) for ~V1
- ~M[[>~L[end]
- [comment display area in file search]
- [sysmsg 634]
- ~NArea ~( ~V1 ~) ~L~V2
- [end]
- [comment echo New Files!]
- [sysmsg 635]~@~(New files~)
- [end]
- [comment echo List Batch!]
- [sysmsg 636]~@~(List batch contents~)
- [end]
- [comment echo Add files to batch!]
- [sysmsg 637]~@~(Add files~)
- [end]
- [comment echo Remove files from batch]
- [sysmsg 638]~@~(Remove files~)
- [end]
- [comment echo Clear the batch]
- [sysmsg 639]~@~(Clear batch~)
- [end]
- [comment echo Download the batch]
- [sysmsg 640]~@~(Download batch~)
- [end]
- [comment echo Info on batch]
- [sysmsg 641]~@~(Batch information~)
- [end]
- [comment ask which file to add to batch]
- [sysmsg 642]~@
- ~OEnter filename(s) to add to batch ~■[end]
- [comment File not found!]
- [sysmsg 643]~@
- ~OThe file "~L~V1~O" does not seem to be here.
- ~GDo you have the right area?[end]
- [comment ask if we are sure we want to clear the batch?]
- [sysmsg 644]~@
- ~OAre you sure you want to clear the batch? [end]
- [comment format of the Batch Info option]
- [sysmsg 645]~@
- ~GFiles: ~L~\
- ~GNumber of files : ~L~V1
- ~GTotal size of files : ~L~V2
- ~GEstimated Transfer Time : ~L~V3[end]
- [comment file specified is already on batch!!!]
- [sysmsg 646]
- ~O~V1 ~Lis already on the batch![end]
- [comment Batch contents:]
- [sysmsg 647]
- [end]
- [comment file removed from batch]
- [sysmsg 648]
- ~L~V1~G removed from the batch.[end]
- [comment ask which file to remove]
- [sysmsg 649]
- ~OWhich file do you want to remove? ~M[[>~L[end]
- [comment Nothing!]
- [sysmsg 650]Nothing!
- [end]
- [comment Added file list format]
- [sysmsg 651]
- ~,~LAdding: ~P~V1~G ~t22(~O~V2~G bytes) ~t40Estimated transfer time: ~O~V3[end]
- [comment No files to download!]
- [sysmsg 652]
- ~LNo files to download!
- [end]
- [comment Invalid Protocol.]
- [sysmsg 653]
- ~LI don't have that protocol...
- [end]
- [comment all files sent OK]
- [sysmsg 654]
- ~OAll files ~G(apparently)~O downloaded OK!
- [end]
- [comment some files not sent due to error]
- [sysmsg 655]
- ~LWarning! One or more files not sent due to error or abort!
- [end]
- [comment enter protocol....]
- [sysmsg 656]
- ~LAvailable download protocols:
- ~( Z ~) ~OZmodem ~G(recommended!)
- ~( 8 ~) ~OZmodem-8k
- ~( S ~) ~OSEAlink
- ~( X ~) ~OXmodem ~G(~Lnot~G recommended! Use as a last resort!)
- ~( 1 ~) ~OXmodem-1k
- ~( Y ~) ~OYmodem Batch
- ~( G ~) ~OYmodem-G ~G(Try this if you can't use Zmodem)
- ~( A ~) ~OASCII ~G(For text and ANSi files ONLY!)[end]
- [sysmsg 657]~@~(Zmodem~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 658]~@~(SEAlink~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 659]~@~(Xmodem~) ~EPity you...
- [end]
- [sysmsg 660]~@~(Xmodem-1k~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 661]~@~(Ymodem Batch~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 662]~@~(Ymodem-G~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 663]~@~(ASCII~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 664]~@~(Download~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 665]
- ~OHit ~(Enter~) to just download the files on the batch...[end]
- [comment the most evil prompt - enter files to download]
- [comment Was this prompt deliberately given this number? I'll never tell.]
- [sysmsg 666]~@
- ~GEnter file(s) to download:
- ~M[[>~L[end]
- [sysmsg 667]~@
- ~LPlease select a protocol ~M[[>[end]
- [sysmsg 668]
- ~LWarning: upload error! File(s) may not have been received!
- [end]
- [comment this is the protocol list for uploading - no ASCII!]
- [sysmsg 669]
- ~LAvailable upload protocols:
- ~( Z ~) ~OZmodem ~G(recommended!)
- ~( 8 ~) ~OZmodem-8k
- ~( S ~) ~OSEAlink
- ~( X ~) ~OXmodem ~G(~Lnot~G recommended! Use as a last resort!)
- ~( 1 ~) ~OXmodem-1k
- ~( Y ~) ~OYmodem Batch
- ~( G ~) ~OYmodem-G ~G(Try this if you can't use Zmodem)[end]
- [comment what to say when file to be described doesn't exist!]
- [sysmsg 670]
- ~LThat file doesn't seem to exist!
- [end]
- [comment echo "Upload"]
- [sysmsg 671]~@~(Upload~)
- [end]
- [comment perhaps the most beloved prompt]
- [sysmsg 672]~@
- ~GPlease describe ~L~V1~O:
- ~M[[>~L[end]
- [sysmsg 673]
- ~OThanks for uploading! ~L~V4 ~Oadded!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 674]
- ~GEnter filename to upload ~M[[>[end]
- [comment change filebase prompt]
- [sysmsg 680]~@
- ~@~(Enter~)~G=Abort ~( [[ ~)~G=Prev. ~( ] ~)~G=Next ~( ? ~)~G=List
- ~LPlease select new file area number ~M[[>~O[end]
- [comment file area list format - note use of ~; threecolumn auto at end!]
- [sysmsg 681]~L~V1 ~O~V2~;[end]
- [comment file area list header]
- [sysmsg 682]~,
- ~E──~OFile~E─~OAreas~E─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment file area list footer]
- [sysmsg 683]~,~E─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment echo "list areas"]
- [sysmsg 684]~@~( List file areas ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "New FIle Scan"]
- [sysmsg 685]~@~( New file scan ~)
- [end]
- [comment ask for date to scan from]
- [sysmsg 686]~@
- ~OPlease enter the date to scan from ~L(YY-MM-DD)
- ~@~(Enter~)~G for ~L~V1 ~M[[>~L[end]
- [comment Search Header]
- [sysmsg 687]
- ~OSearching... ~D(any key to abort)
- [end]
- [comment File area display for date/topic scans]
- [comment note use of ~< carriagereturn only]
- [sysmsg 688]~L~V1 ~O(~V2)~1~<[end]
- [comment area header for date/file scans]
- [sysmsg 689]~,
- ~G~V3~,~B─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment area footer for date/file scans]
- [sysmsg 690]~,~B─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment Search Footer]
- [sysmsg 691]
- ~O~V1 ~Lfiles found.[end]
- [comment echo "find files"]
- [sysmsg 692]~@~( Find files ~)
- [end]
- [comment ask for file spec]
- [sysmsg 693]
- ~OPlease enter a filename or partial filename to scan for
- ~M[[>~L[end]
- [comment echo "Global Searching!']
- [sysmsg 694]
- ~OGlobal Searching, please wait...
- [end]
- [comment copying file from CD]
- [sysmsg 695]
- ~OCopying ~L~V1~O from CD-ROM, please wait...[end]
- [comment error copying file]
- [sysmsg 696]
- ~J *** Error copying file from CD-ROM! Filename: ~P~V1
- ~J *** Please notify sysop!
- [end]
- [comment cannot upload here!]
- [sysmsg 697]
- ~LUploading is not possible in this area! Please change to another file area![end]
- [comment CD is out, no operations possible this area]
- [sysmsg 698]
- ~LSorry, the CD is temporarily out right now. No file operations are
- possible in this area at this time.
- [end]
- [comment Accessing CD-ROM...]
- [sysmsg 699]~,
- ~OAccessing CD-ROM, ~Gplease wait.
- [end]
- [comment user does not have DL access]
- [sysmsg 700]
- ~LSorry, you do not have access to download in this area.
- [end]
- [comment user does not have UL access]
- [sysmsg 701]
- ~LSorry, you do not have access to upload in this area.
- [end]
- [comment Error - attempt to upload in local mode]
- [sysmsg 702]
- ~LYou can't upload in a local logon![end]
- [comment Error - attempt to download in local mode]
- [sysmsg 703]
- ~LIn a local logon, you can only download in ASCII protocol!
- [end]
- [comment echo "find files"]
- [sysmsg 704]~@~( Search Descriptions ~)
- [end]
- ~LWhen in "Local" mode, you can only download in the ASCII protocol![end]
- [comment Sysop is next - waiting for key (after logoff when Alt-G has been used)]
- [sysmsg 799]
- ~GHey, ~L~V1~G, you're up next! Hit ~(Esc~) to continue...
- [end]
- [comment full screen editor top banner]
- [sysmsg 800]~@~P~e~1NEd : NanoBBS 1.0 Full Screen Message Editor[end]
- [comment full screen editor bottom line]
- [sysmsg 801]~@~L~e~1~@~(Ctrl-Z~) Save menu ~(Ctrl-T~) Repaints ~(Ctrl-Q~) Quote Menu ~(Ctrl-O~) Help[end]
- [comment eom marker]
- [sysmsg 802]~@~J~a<*** End of Message ***>[end]
- [comment "Uploaded By:" for file descriptions]
- [sysmsg 810]~LUploaded by: ~P[end]
- [comment notify user of post reward]
- [sysmsg 820]~,
- ~GThanks for posting. ~L~V1~G minutes deposited to your time bank account!
- [end]
- [comment user entered an internet address in an area that allows internet]
- [comment email diversion]
- [sysmsg 821]~,
- ~OThat appears to be an internet address. If so, it will be diverted to the
- internet email area.
- ~LIs this what you want? [end]
- [comment select archiver header]
- [sysmsg 850]~,
- ~E──────~O Compression Methods Available ~E─────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment select archiver list format]
- [sysmsg 851]~@~(~V1~) ~L~V2
- [end]
- [comment select archiver list footer]
- [sysmsg 852]~,~E──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment select archiver prompt]
- [sysmsg 853]
- ~@~(Enter~) ~Mquits... ~OPlease select a compression method ~■[end]
- [comment invalid archiver selected]
- [sysmsg 854]~JInvalid option selected!
- [end]
- [comment echo archiver extension as confirmation - V1 is extension]
- [sysmsg 855]~@~(~V1~)
- [end]
- [comment echo Abort! if enter is hit]
- [sysmsg 856]~JAbort!
- [end]
- [comment archiving QWK file - V1 is filename e.g. NANOBBS.QWK]
- [sysmsg 857]
- ~GNow compressing ~L~V1~G...
- [end]
- [comment done archiving]
- [sysmsg 858]~LAll done!
- [end]
- [comment list files going into archive so user doesn't think the BBS is hung]
- [comment V1 is the filename]
- [sysmsg 859]~CAdding ~K~V1~C...
- [end]
- [comment Scanning new messages for QWK packet]
- [sysmsg 860]
- ~LNow building the QWK packet. This may take a few minutes if there are a
- lot of new messages.
- [end]
- [comment Shown every 10 messages so the user doesn't think the BBS has crashed]
- [sysmsg 861].[end]
- [comment Ack! No messages (all that scanning for nothing!)]
- [sysmsg 862]
- ~JNo new messages found! No packet built!
- [end]
- [comment qwk menu]
- [sysmsg 863]~@
- ~L~@~(D~)ownload messages ~(U~)pload replies
- ~@~(S~)etup Scans ~(G~)oodbye ~(Q~)uit ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 864]~@~(Download~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 865]~@~(Upload~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 866]~@~(Setup Scans~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 867]~@~(Quit~)
- [end]
- [comment error - .REP file missing]
- [sysmsg 868]
- ~JError - ~LThe ~P.REP~L file doesn't seem to be here! Make sure you
- uploaded the ~P.REP~L file generated by your offline reader and try again!
- ~GThe file should be named: ~O~V1~G
- [end]
- [comment error - .MSG file missing]
- [sysmsg 869]
- ~JError - ~LNanoBBS has successfully decompressed the ~P.REP~L file you just
- uploaded, but there is no ~P.MSG~L file inside! Please check your offline
- reader and try again!
- ~GThe file should be named: ~O~V1~G
- [end]
- [comment inform user unpacking REP file]
- [sysmsg 870]
- ~LReply file ~G(apparently)~L successfully received. Now unpacking...
- [end]
- [comment inform user done unpacking REP file]
- [sysmsg 871]
- ~PFinished unpacking!
- [end]
- [comment inform user tossing messages to msgbase]
- [sysmsg 872]
- ~NNow importing messages to the message base...
- ~F[end]
- [comment inform user finished tossing messages]
- [sysmsg 873]
- ~OFinished!
- [end]
- [comment echo QWK]
- [sysmsg 874]~@~(QWK~)
- [end]
- [comment display area info... .QWK edition]
- [sysmsg 875]~<~GArea: #~L~V1 ~G(~O~V2~G)~1[end]
- [comment warn user reached QWK message limit]
- [sysmsg 876]
- ~LWarning: ~OYou have reached the limit of ~P~V1~O QWK messages.
- There are probably more unpacked messages; download again to get them!
- [end]
- [comment echo /M toggle]
- [sysmsg 877]~@~( /M Toggle ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Doors"]
- [sysmsg 900]~@~( Doors ~)
- [end]
- [comment "There are no doors!"]
- [sysmsg 901]
- ~LNo doors are set up! Exiting!
- [end]
- [comment "Invalid selection."]
- [sysmsg 902]
- ~LI don't seem to have that door!
- [end]
- [comment "Insufficient access!"]
- [sysmsg 903]
- ~LYou don't have a key to that door!
- [end]
- [comment door selection prompt]
- [sysmsg 904]~@
- ~KG=~CGoodbye ~NQ~F=Quit ~ED~Mo~Go~Or~Ps~M[[>~L[end]
- [comment Unable to execute door! Resultcode=x]
- [sysmsg 905]
- ~GWarning! Unable to execute external program! Error code=~L~V1
- [end]
- [comment Quit from doors menu]
- [sysmsg 906]~@~( Quit ~)[end]
- [comment Help at doors menu]
- [sysmsg 907]~@~( List ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo Change Options]
- [sysmsg 908]~@~( User Options ~)
- [end]
- [comment display all settings & options]
- [sysmsg 909]~@~2
- ~t30~LYour Current Settings:
- ~(A~) ~GVideo.............: ~P~UI~t35 ~@~(/~) ~G/M messages.: ~P~U
- ~(X~) ~GColumns...........: ~P~UM~t35 ~@~(O~) ~GProtocol....: ~P~U.
- ~(Y~) ~GLines.............: ~P~UN~t35 ~@~(R~) ~GArchiver....: ~P~U;
- ~(C~) ~GClrScr............: ~P~UA~t35 ~@~(I~) ~GCloak Age...: ~P~U(
- ~(F~) ~GLinefeeds.........: ~P~UZ~t35 ~@~(J~) ~GCloak Gender: ~P~U)
- ~(M~) ~GCheck for New Mail: ~P~UY~t35 ~@~(T~) ~GTime Bank
- ~(E~) ~GFull Screen Editor: ~P~U&~t35 ~@~(P~) ~GPassword
- ~(L~) ~GLanguage..........: ~P~U,~t35
- [end]
- [comment change prompt]
- [sysmsg 910]~@
- ~OPlease select an option to change
- ~LQ~G=Quit ~LG~G=Goodbye ~M[[>~L[end]
- [comment echo "COlumns"]
- [sysmsg 911]~@~( Columns ~)
- ~LPlease enter your screen width: ~O[end]
- [comment echo "Lines"]
- [sysmsg 912]~@~( Lines ~)
- 66
- 65
- 64
- 63
- 62
- 61
- 60
- 59
- 58
- 57
- 56
- 55
- 54
- 53
- 52
- 51
- 50
- 49
- 48
- 47
- 46
- 45
- 44
- 43
- 42
- 41
- 40
- 39
- 38
- 37
- 36
- 35
- 34
- 33
- 32
- 31
- 30
- 29
- 28
- 27
- 26
- 25
- 24
- 23
- 22
- 21
- 20
- 19
- 18
- 17
- 16
- 15
- 14
- 13
- 12
- 11
- 10
- 9
- 8
- 7
- 6
- 5
- 4
- 3
- ~LPlease enter the number at the top of your screen: ~O[end]
- [comment echo "Video Mode"]
- [sysmsg 913]~@~( Video ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Quit"]
- [sysmsg 914]~@~( Quit ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Linefeeds"]
- [sysmsg 915]~@~( Linefeeds ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Check New Mail"]
- [sysmsg 916]~@~( Check New Mail ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "More Prompts"]
- [sysmsg 917]~@~( More Prompts ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "ClrScr"]
- [sysmsg 918]~@~( Clear-screens ~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "Change PW"]
- [sysmsg 919]~@~( Password ~)
- [end]
- [comment ask for new password]
- [sysmsg 920]~@
- ~LRemember to write down your new password or select one which you will not
- forget. Passwords should not be easy to guess; don't use your username or
- real name as a password! For security reasons, your entry will be masked...
- ~GEnter a new password: ~O[end]
- [comment ask for new password again]
- [sysmsg 921]
- ~GEnter password again for verification: ~O[end]
- [comment ask for old password]
- [sysmsg 922]
- ~GEnter old password to confirm and save changes: ~O[end]
- [comment new passwords mismatch]
- [sysmsg 923]
- ~LYou didn't enter the same password both times! ~OPlease type carefully...[end]
- [comment old password incorrect]
- [sysmsg 924]
- ~LOld password incorrect! Aborting...[end]
- [comment password changed!]
- [sysmsg 925]
- ~LPassword changed! ~G (too late to undo it now!)[end]
- [comment are you sure?]
- [sysmsg 926]
- ~LChange Password: Are you sure? [end]
- [comment Opening Door...]
- [sysmsg 927]
- ~LOpening door ~K<** creeeeeeeak... **>
- [end]
- [comment 5 minute warning]
- [sysmsg 928]
- ~OWarning! You have only ~L~V1~O minutes left!
- [end]
- [comment 1 minute warning]
- [sysmsg 929]
- ~J~6WARNING!~J You have only ~L~V1~J seconds left!! Please finish now!
- [end]
- [comment too young for door]
- [sysmsg 930]
- ~JYou must be at least ~L~V1~J to open this door!
- [end]
- [comment editor echo]
- [sysmsg 931]~@~( Editor Type ~)
- [end]
- [comment language selector header]
- [sysmsg 932]~,
- ~E─────~OAvailable Languages~E───────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment language list format]
- [sysmsg 933]~@~(~V1~)~L ~V2~`[end]
- [comment language list footer]
- [sysmsg 934]~,
- ~E───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment language select prompt]
- [sysmsg 935]~OSelect Language # ~■[end]
- [comment language not available]
- [sysmsg 936]
- ~JThat language is not available!
- [end]
- [comment language loaded]
- [sysmsg 937]
- ~LLanguage loaded successfully!
- [end]
- [comment echo Language!]
- [sysmsg 938]~@~(Language~)
- [end]
- [comment ask user for logon name - no name provided yet]
- [sysmsg 939]~@~GPlease enter the name or handle you would like to be known by.
- ~OUser Name ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment inform user this question is optional]
- [sysmsg 940]~LThis is an optional question. Hit ~(Enter~) to skip.
- [end]
- [comment ask if the user wants to use the fullscreen editor or not]
- [sysmsg 941]
- ~LDo you want to use the full-screen ANSi message editor? [end]
- [comment ask if the user wants to check new mail at logon]
- [sysmsg 942]
- ~LDo you want to automatically check for new private e-mail each time
- you log on? (This can take a minute) [end]
- [comment ask for location - skip allowed]
- [sysmsg 943]~@
- ~GPlease enter your City and Province/State, or ~(Enter~) to skip...
- ~OCity ~M■■■]~L[end]
- [comment echo Hot Keys]
- [sysmsg 944]~@~(Hot Keys~)[end]
- [comment cannot enter blank user name]
- [sysmsg 945]
- ~LYou can't skip this question.
- [end]
- [comment this area is read-only!]
- [sysmsg 946]
- ~LThis message area is read-only - you can't post here![end]
- [comment Do you want to attach a file to this message? (Y/N)]
- [sysmsg 947]
- ~NDo you want to attach a file to this message? [end]
- [comment Enter file name (local mode file attach)]
- [sysmsg 948]
- ~OMake sure to include the FULL path!
- ~NFilename: ~■[end]
- [comment There is a file attached to this message.]
- [sysmsg 949]
- ~OThere is a file attached to this message.
- ~L~V1~G is ~O~V2~G bytes long. Download it? [end]
- [comment return to file list after adding...]
- [sysmsg 950]
- ~OResuming list...
- [end]
- [comment inform user sysop is editing him]
- [sysmsg 951]
- ~OOne moment please, the sysop is working...
- [end]
- [comment inform user sysop is done editing]
- [sysmsg 952]
- ~LDone! Thanks for waiting!
- ~GYou may continue what you were doing now...
- [end]
- [comment prompt to select protocol]
- [sysmsg 953]~@
- ~GHit ~(Enter~) to abort, type ~(0~) to have the BBS ask for the protocol
- each download. ~LPlease select a protocol ~M[[>[end]
- [comment echo Protocol from options menu]
- [sysmsg 954]~@~(Protocol~)
- [end]
- [comment return "none" or "ask each time" for default protocol]
- [sysmsg 955]~@~(Ask Each Time~)
- [end]
- [comment echo "archiver"]
- [sysmsg 956]~@~(Archiver~)
- [end]
- [comment 0 for ask each time (default archiver selection)]
- [sysmsg 957]~GHit ~(0~) to have the BBS ask each time
- [end]
- [comment inform user sensing FILE_ID.DIZ]
- [sysmsg 958]
- ~OSearching for a FILE_ID.DIZ file description...[end]
- [comment inform user extracting FILE_ID.DIZ]
- [sysmsg 959]~LDone!
- ~OImporting FILE_ID.DIZ...[end]
- [comment inform user finished extracting FILE_ID.DIZ]
- [sysmsg 960]~LDone!
- [end]
- [comment inform user file_id.diz not found]
- [sysmsg 961]~GNone found.
- [end]
- [comment Swapping to EMS]
- [sysmsg 962]
- ■■■ Swapping to EMS...
- [end]
- [comment Swapping to disk]
- [sysmsg 963]
- ■■■ Swapping to disk or ramdisk...
- [end]
- [comment ask linefeeds]
- [sysmsg 964]~L
- ....................................~<....................................
- ~MAnswer "N" if you only see one line of dots...
- ~ODo you see two lines of dots above? [end]
- [comment time adjusted for event...]
- [sysmsg 965]
- ~OThere is a system event coming up. Your time limit for this call
- has been reduced to ~L~V1~O minutes.
- [end]
- [comment how much time to deposit]
- [sysmsg 966]
- ~OYou may deposit up to ~L~V1~O minutes to your account.
- ~CHow many minutes? ~■[end]
- [comment how much time to deposit]
- [sysmsg 967]
- ~OYou may withdraw up to ~L~V1~O minutes from your account.
- ~CHow many minutes? ~■[end]
- [comment time bank prompt]
- [sysmsg 968]
- ~( Time Bank ~)
- ~N You have ~P~V1~N minutes in your account.
- ~N You may ~(D~)eposit up to ~P~V2~N minutes.
- ~N You may ~(W~)ithdraw up to ~P~V3~N minutes.
- ~O ~(D~)eposit, ~(W~)ithdraw or ~(Q~)uit ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 969]~@~(Quit~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 970]~@~(Deposit~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 971]~@~(Withdraw~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 972]~@~( Time Bank ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 973]~@~( Hit Any Key ~)[end]
- [sysmsg 974]
- ~OPlease hit ~(Enter~)[end]
- [sysmsg 975]
- ~JYour account is temporarily suspended. Please try again later.
- [end]
- [comment ordinals - if there is a demand for more ordinal suffix rules]
- [comment for other languages I will add them, these are sufficient for]
- [comment English and French, and I assume many other languages... -=( T )=-]
- [comment suffix for numbers ending in '1' except '...11']
- [sysmsg 976]st[end]
- [comment suffix for numbers ending in '2' except '...12']
- [sysmsg 977]nd[end]
- [comment suffix for numbers ending in '3' except '...13']
- [sysmsg 978]rd[end]
- [comment suffix for all other numbers]
- [sysmsg 979]th[end]
- [comment Months]
- [sysmsg 980]January[end]
- [sysmsg 981]February[end]
- [sysmsg 982]March[end]
- [sysmsg 983]April[end]
- [sysmsg 984]May[end]
- [sysmsg 985]June[end]
- [sysmsg 986]July[end]
- [sysmsg 987]August[end]
- [sysmsg 988]September[end]
- [sysmsg 989]October[end]
- [sysmsg 990]November[end]
- [sysmsg 991]December[end]
- [comment days of the week]
- [sysmsg 992]Sunday[end]
- [sysmsg 993]Monday[end]
- [sysmsg 994]Tuesday[end]
- [sysmsg 995]Wednesday[end]
- [sysmsg 996]Thursday[end]
- [sysmsg 997]Friday[end]
- [sysmsg 998]Saturday[end]
- [plaque info]
- [sysmsg 999]
- ~GCompiled ~O~V1~G.
- ~GHeap Memory Free : ~O~V2~G bytes.
- ~GMaximum Heap Block Free : ~O~V3~G bytes.
- ~GStack Memory Free : ~O~V4~G bytes.
- ~GSpace free on default drive: ~O~V5~G bytes.
- ~GTotal Users: ~O~V8~G. Users Online/Licenced: ~O~V7/~V6~G.[end]
- [comment
- Here are the SysMsgs from TommCHAT, which is integrated in NanoBBS for a true
- internal chat system.
- ]
- [comment Default message - displayed when message not found]
- [sysmsg 1001]~@
- ~MWarning - SysMsg #~` Not Found - Please advise sysop!
- Remember to tell the sysop exactly what you were doing when you got this
- message so the proper de-bugging can be done!
- [end]
- [comment Copyright notice - Take my advice, don't mess with this. Unless you
- really, REALLY want your lawyer to get filthy stinking rich...]
- [sysmsg 1002]
- ~ET~Mo~Om~Km~LC~JH~BA~FT ~P~$ ~LCopyright 1994 Whirlwind Software ~GAll Rights Reserved
- [end]
- [comment Hola! Hello-user message]
- [sysmsg 1003]~@
- ~L¡Hola! ~OIt's ~L~V2~O on node ~L~V1~O!
- [end]
- [comment Bye-Bye!]
- [sysmsg 1004]~@
- ~L~V1~G (~V2) ~Ois outta here!
- [end]
- [comment invalid node specified]
- [sysmsg 1009]~@~,~JInvalid node (~V1)
- [end]
- [comment What a user sees when s/he receives a /p]
- [sysmsg 1010]~@~N/P from ~O~V1~7~N~1 (Line ~L~V2~N): ~N[end]
- [comment definition of "Yes"]
- [sysmsg 1020]~KYes![end]
- [comment definition of "No"]
- [sysmsg 1021]~JNo~[end]
- [comment definition of "Male"]
- [sysmsg 1022]Male[end]
- [comment definition of "Female"]
- [sysmsg 1023]Female[end]
- [comment definition of "Unknown" (of gender)]
- [sysmsg 1024]Unknown[end]
- [comment abbreviation for Male,female,unknown]
- [sysmsg 1025]M[end]
- [sysmsg 1026]F[end]
- [sysmsg 1027]?[end]
- [comment user has run out of time]
- [sysmsg 1070]~@
- ~JYour time has expired.
- [end]
- [comment 30 second warning]
- [sysmsg 1071]~@
- ~LWarning: Your time expires in 30 seconds!
- [end]
- [comment public notice of user's expiry]
- [sysmsg 1072]~@
- ~L~V1 ~G(Node ~O~V2~G)~L has run out of time!
- [end]
- [comment public notice of user's 30 second warning]
- [sysmsg 1073]~@
- ~L~V1 ~G(Node ~O~V2~G)~L has 30 seconds left!
- [end]
- [comment TeleTrial: User has been successfully toasted!]
- [sysmsg 1075]~@
- ~OTeleTrial successful!
- ~V3~L, don't smack your ass with the door on your way out!
- [end]
- [comment TeleTrial: Another vote recorded!]
- [sysmsg 1076]~@~,
- ~J┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- ~J│ ~OTeleTrial Vote cast against ~L~V3!~t55~J│
- ~J│ │
- ~J│ ~OVotes against: ~(~V1~)~t55~J│
- ~J│ ~OVotes still required: ~(~V2~)~t55~J│
- ~J│ │
- ~J│ ~LType ~P/tt~V4~L to vote against ~V3!~t55~J│
- ~J└───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- [end]
- [comment TeleTrial error - Victim outranks voter]
- [sysmsg 1077]~@
- ~L~V2~O is immune from TeleTrial!
- [end]
- [comment TeleTrial error - unoccupied node]
- [sysmsg 1078]~@
- ~OThere is no-one on node ~L~V1~O.
- [end]
- [comment What to display before a hello/goodbye message]
- [sysmsg 1079]~@~P[end]
- [comment You don't have access to that channel]
- [sysmsg 1080]~@
- ~OYou don't have access to that channel.
- [end]
- [comment what to say when we've save a hello/goodbye message]
- [sysmsg 1081]~@
- ~OSaved!
- [end]
- [comment You've been given a new /m slot]
- [sysmsg 1082]~@
- ~OYour /M slot is now ~L/M~V1
- [end]
- [comment /M header]
- [sysmsg 1083]~@
- ~O *** ~L/~V1~O ***~P
- [end]
- [comment what a user trying to change the wrong /m sees]
- [sysmsg 1084]~@
- ~LThat's not your message!
- [end]
- [comment instructions for entering a /m]
- [sysmsg 1085]~@~,
- ~OEnter your message now. It can be as long as you like and may contain
- ANSi codes and embedded colours. When you are finished, hit ~(CTRL-D~).
- ~LIt is recommended that you prepare your /message in advance and
- upload it using the ASCII protocol.
- ~E───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────~P
- [end]
- [comment display after a /m is entered]
- [sysmsg 1086]~@
- ~JSaved!
- [end]
- [comment What a barred user sees immediately before the axe falls]
- [sysmsg 1087]~@
- ~LSorry, your name has been barred from multi-user chat.
- [end]
- [comment What a user sees when s/he tries to /P a user who has squelched them]
- [sysmsg 1088]~@~JSquelched. /P not sent.
- [end]
- [comment Ask user if s/he wants to save /h name change permanently]
- [sysmsg 1089]~@
- ~DSave Permanently? [end]
- [comment what to display to user who has successfully /t]
- [sysmsg 1090]~@~GYou're now on channel ~O~V1
- [end]
- [comment What to display when a user cannot /t to a channel]
- [sysmsg 1091]~@~JInvalid Channel!
- [end]
- [comment What to display when a user cannot /t due to being jailed]
- [sysmsg 1092]~@
- ~JJailed - Channel not changed!
- [end]
- [comment What to display when a /p or c0 function fails due to no user on]
- [comment specified node]
- [sysmsg 1093]~@~JThere in no-one on line ~V1!
- [end]
- [comment What to display upon successful completion of most c0 functions]
- [sysmsg 1094]~@
- ~LDone.
- [end]
- [comment What to display when a VIP disables auto /m with /kg]
- [sysmsg 1095]~@
- ~OAuto /M ~JOff!
- [end]
- [comment What to display when a VIP re-enables auto /m with /kg]
- [sysmsg 1096]~@
- ~OAuto /M ~KOn.
- [end]
- [comment What to tell a c0 when s/he has destatted a user.]
- [sysmsg 1097]~@
- ~OUser on node ~L~V2~O destatted!
- ~M~V1~E IPCs killed.~H
- [end]
- [comment invalid command]
- [sysmsg 1098]~@
- ~J/What?
- [end]
- [comment The general entry prompt]
- [sysmsg 1099]~@~7~1~■[end]
- [comment What to display when expelled!]
- [sysmsg 1100]~@~,
- ~JExpelled from system by sysop or assistant!
- [end]
- [comment /s header]
- [sysmsg 1101]~@~O~,
- Node Handle Min Status~E
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [comment (for sysmsg 1102)
- /s body - Sorry, I know it's confusing. Don't mess with it unless
- you really know what you're doing!
- ~V parameters: ~V1=node ~V2=handle ~V3=mins ~V4=channel ~V5=status
- ~V6=opening rank bracket ~V7=closing rank bracket
- ~V8=what the user is doing now ~V9=Gender ~V0=Age
- ]
- [sysmsg 1102]~@~V6~V1~V7~O~t7~V2~t37~O~V9 ~V0~t43~M~V3~t47~E~V5~V8
- [end]
- [comment /s footer ~V1=number of callers online]
- [sysmsg 1103]~@~,~E───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ~O~V1 ~Gcaller(s) online.
- [end]
- [comment normal public typing - header]
- [sysmsg 1104]~@~,~V3~P~V1~V4~L ~V2~G~V5: ~O[end]
- [comment descriptions of what the user is doing]
- [comment these should not be longer than 40 chars each]
- [comment add 1110 to yourstat.doing to get the right sysmsg]
- [sysmsg 1110]~@~OBrowsing in a menu.[end]
- [sysmsg 1111]~@~OUnavailable for chat.[end]
- [sysmsg 1112]~@~OTransferring a file.[end]
- [sysmsg 1113]~@~OUsing an external door.[end]
- [sysmsg 1114]~@~OEntering a message.[end]
- [sysmsg 1115]~@~OLogging off.[end]
- [sysmsg 1116]~@~OIn NanoCHAT on channel ~L~V4~O.[end]
- [sysmsg 1117]~@~OWaiting for a call.[end]
- [sysmsg 1118]~@~OLogging on.[end]
- [sysmsg 1119]~@~OSigning up.[end]
- [comment welcome to the chat system! Linked version]
- [sysmsg 1190]~@~,Welcome, ~V1, to the NanoCHAT multi-user chat system!
- You are now linked to ~V2!
- [end]
- [comment "W"ho menu from canned or main]
- *[sysmsg 1192]~@
- ~O~@~(T~)oggle availability ~(P~)age User ~(S~)end Telegram ~(G~)oodbye
- ~@~(E~)nter NanoCHAT or ~(Q~) to quit ~■[end]
- [comment user unavailable]
- [comment ~V1 user name ~V2 user node]
- [sysmsg 1193]~@
- ~L~V2 ~G(node ~O~V1~G) ~Kis not available right now.
- [end]
- [comment done /sm]
- [sysmsg 1194]~@
- ~E[[Done]
- [end]
- [comment echo NanoChat]
- [sysmsg 1195]~@~(NanoCHAT~)
- [end]
- [comment echo who's on!]
- [sysmsg 1196]~@~(Who's Online~)
- [end]
- [comment welcome to the chat system!]
- [sysmsg 1197]~@
- ~HWelcome to the ~FN~Ba~Jn~Lo~KC~OH~MA~ET~H multi-user chat system!
- ~GType~L /Q ~Gto quit,~L /?~G for help ~M(including the / character!)
- [end]
- [comment error adding user to chat userbase]
- [sysmsg 1198]~@
- ~JThere is a problem with the user file. I am unable to add you to the chat
- system at this time. Please let the sysop know what happened and try again
- later...
- [end]
- [comment multinode operation is disabled]
- [sysmsg 1199]~@
- ~JSorry, multinode operation is disabled!
- [end]
- [comment message to invoker of /ka ]
- [sysmsg 1200]~@
- ~L~V2~O's message slot assigned to ~L/m~V1
- [end]
- [comment message to invoker of /k+ ]
- [sysmsg 1201]~@
- ~OUser on node ~L~V3 ~Otemporarily promoted!
- [end]
- [comment message to invoker of /k- ]
- [sysmsg 1202]~@
- ~OUser on node ~L~V3 ~O temporarily demoted!
- [end]
- [comment message to invoker of /ky ]
- [sysmsg 1203]~@
- ~OUser on node ~L~V3~O abruptly disconnected!
- [end]
- [comment message to invoker of /ma when blanked]
- [sysmsg 1204]~@
- ~L~V2~O's message slot blanked~
- [end]
- [comment help for c0 commands]
- [sysmsg 1205]~@
- ~( TommCHAT c0 Commands ~)
- ~OThere are 6 access classes in TommCHAT:
- ~KSys0p ~C(highest)
- ~KCo-Sys0p
- Moderator
- Normal
- m0e ~C(lowest)
- ~OModerator commands:
- ~L /kx ~Nnnn ~OEject user on node ~Nnnn
- ~L /kj ~Nnnn ~OJail user on node ~Nnnn ~G(restrict to channel)
- ~L /km ~Nnnn ~OMute user on node ~Nnnn ~G(silence user)
- ~OCo-Sys0p commands:
- ~L /k+ ~Nnnn ~OPromote user on node ~Nnnn ~G(Maximum: Moderator)
- ~L /k- ~Nnnn ~ODemote user on node ~Nnnn ~G(Minimum: m0e)
- ~L /ky ~Nnnn ~ORudely eject user on node ~Nnnn
- ~L /ka ~Nnnn ~Kyyy ~OSet /m slot for user on node ~Nnnn ~Oto /m~Kyyy
- ~L /ka ~Nnnn ~ORevoke /m slot for user on node ~Nnnn
- ~L /kd ~Nnnn ~ODe-stat user on node ~Nnnn
- ~L /kh ~Nnnn ~H<handle> ~OGive user on node ~Nnnn~O a new handle...
- ~L /kt ~Nnnn ~Kttt ~OForce user on node ~Nnnn~O to channel ~Kttt
- ~OSys0p commands:
- ~L /k* ~Nnnn ~OTemporarily grant/revoke Co-sys0p access for node ~Nnnn
- ~L /kb ~Nnnn ~OAdd user on node ~Nnnn ~Oto trashcan and eject
- ~L /ke ~Nuuu ~OEdit user record for user number ~Nuuu
- ~L /ks ~OSystem Status
- ~O[end]
- [comment sysop specified invalid user for editor]
- [sysmsg 1206]~@
- ~JInvalid user specified ~B(try a /sm first)
- [end]
- [comment part 1 of sysop user edit screen]
- [sysmsg 1207]~@
- ~@~( User Editor ~)
- ~GUser #~L~V8
- ~GBBS Name : ~L~V1
- ~@~( 1 ~) ~GHandle : ~L~V2
- ~@~( 2 ~) ~GAccess : ~L~V3
- ~@~( 3 ~) ~G/Msg : /m~L~V4
- ~@~( 4 ~) ~GHello Msg : ~L~V7
- ~@~( 5 ~) ~GBye Msg : ~L~V9
- [end]
- [comment part 2 of sysop user edit screen]
- [sysmsg 1208]~@
- ~@~( A ~) ~GMuted : ~V1 ~t40~@~( F ~) ~GSex : ~V6
- ~@~( B ~) ~GJailed : ~V2 ~t40~@~( G ~) ~GNo /H : ~V7
- ~@~( C ~) ~GNo /P : ~V3 ~t40~@~( H ~) ~GLink Invisible: ~V8
- ~@~( D ~) ~GNo Colour : ~V4 ~t40~@~( I ~) ~GLink Account : ~V9
- ~@~( E ~) ~GNo /X : ~V5
- ~OHit key of field to edit, ~(S~) to save & exit, ~(Q~) to exit without save
- ~■[end]
- [comment SysOp System Status display]
- [sysmsg 1209]~@
- ~( TommCHAT System Status ~)
- ~G Callers Online : ~O~V1 ~Gcaller(s)
- ~G Free Heap Memory : ~O~V2 ~Gbytes
- ~G Largest Heap Block : ~O~V3 ~Gbytes
- ~G /Message Count : ~O~V4 ~Gfile(s)
- ~G Users in database : ~O~V5 ~Guser(s)
- ~G Bytes free on IPC drive : ~O~V6 ~Gbytes
- ~G Bytes free on system drive : ~O~V7 ~Gbytes
- [end]
- [comment Following are prompts for the user editor]
- [sysmsg 1210]~@
- ~GBBS Name: ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1211]~@
- ~GHandle: ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1212]~@
- ~GAccess: ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1213]~@
- ~G/M slot: ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1214]~@
- ~JQuit without saving? [end]
- [sysmsg 1215]~@
- ~GHello Msg: ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1216]~@
- ~GBye Msg: ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1217]~@~LQuit!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1218]~@~LSaved!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1220]~@
- ~L~V2 ~O(~V3) ~Gis on node ~P~V1~G and has been updated online.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1221]~@
- ~LMembers List:
- [end]
- [comment Hola! Hello-user message]
- [sysmsg 1222]~@
- ~L~V2~O has logged onto node ~L~V1~O!
- [end]
- [comment Bye-Bye!]
- [sysmsg 1223]~@
- ~L~V1~G (~V2) ~Ologs off!
- [end]
- [comment echo "Page User"]
- [sysmsg 1224]~@~(Page~)
- [end]
- [comment ask who to page]
- [sysmsg 1225]~@~,
- ~OPage user on which node? ~■[end]
- [comment user not available]
- [comment ~V1: node ~V2: victim's name]
- [sysmsg 1226]~@~,
- ~L~V2~J is not available right now!
- [end]
- [comment no-one on that node]
- [comment ~V1: node]
- [sysmsg 1227]~@~,
- ~JThere is no-one on node ~P~V1~J!
- [end]
- [comment ask for reason for page]
- [comment ~V1: victim's name]
- [sysmsg 1228]~@~,
- ~OWhat shall I tell ~P~V1~O this is about?
- ~■[end]
- [comment default response if user hits enter at sysmsg 1228 prompt]
- [sysmsg 1229]~@~KNothing much![end]
- [comment ask for a channel]
- [sysmsg 1230]~@~,
- ~OWhich channel would you like to use (1...255) ~M(Hit ~{Enter~} for Channel 1)
- ~■[end]
- [comment inform user victim is paged]
- [comment ~V1 victim's node ~V2 victim's name ~V3 channel ~V4 subject]
- [sysmsg 1231]~@~,
- ~LDone! ~P~V2~L on node ~P~V1~L has been paged! Now transferring you
- to NanoCHAT channel ~P~V3~L!
- [end]
- [comment user is already in chat - just enter NanoCHAT to talk to him]
- [comment ~V1 victim's node ~V2 victim's name ~V3 channel]
- [sysmsg 1232]~@~,
- ~J~V2 is already in NanoCHAT! Go into NanoCHAT and talk directly!
- [end]
- [comment invalid channel]
- [sysmsg 1233]~@~,
- ~JInvalid channel!
- [end]
- [comment Message seen by victim when paged]
- [comment ~V1 victim's node ~V2 victim's name ~V3 channel ~V4 subject]
- [comment ~V5 Pager's name ~V6 pager's node]
- [sysmsg 1234]~@~,
- ~LYou are being paged!
- ~P~V5~O on node ~P~V6~O would like to chat with you.
- ~GRe:~L~V4
- ~LHit ~(A~) to answer the page, ~(X~) to turn off pages,
- or any other key to ignore! ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1235]~@Answer!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1236]~@No more pages!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1237]~@~,
- ~JYou can't page yourself!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1238]~@Ignore!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1239]~@~,
- ~L/P Sent.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1240]~,
- ~L~V1 ~Gnot found.
- [end]
- [comment these are strings for > commands]
- [sysmsg 1250] (to ~V6)[end]
- [sysmsg 1251] (to you)[end]
- [sysmsg 1252] (to himself)[end]
- [sysmsg 1253] (to herself)[end]
- [sysmsg 1254] (to everyone)[end]
- [sysmsg 1255] (to no-one)[end]
- [sysmsg 1256]ALL[end]
- [sysmsg 1257]NONE[end]
- [comment SysMsgs 1300-1319 are reserved for the 20 possible female pronouns]
- [sysmsg 1300]she[end]
- [sysmsg 1301]her[end]
- [sysmsg 1302]hers[end]
- [sysmsg 1303]her[end]
- [sysmsg 1304]girl[end]
- [sysmsg 1305]boy[end]
- [sysmsg 1306]woman[end]
- [sysmsg 1307]man[end]
- [sysmsg 1308]babe[end]
- [sysmsg 1309]dude[end]
- [sysmsg 1310]female[end]
- [sysmsg 1311]male[end]
- [sysmsg 1312]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1313]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1314]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1315]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1316]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1317]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1318]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1319]K-Rad Kowgurl[end]
- [comment SysMsgs 1320-1339 are reserved for the 20 possible male pronouns]
- [sysmsg 1320]he[end]
- [sysmsg 1321]his[end]
- [sysmsg 1322]his[end]
- [sysmsg 1323]him[end]
- [sysmsg 1324]boy[end]
- [sysmsg 1325]girl[end]
- [sysmsg 1326]man[end]
- [sysmsg 1327]woman[end]
- [sysmsg 1328]dude[end]
- [sysmsg 1329]babe[end]
- [sysmsg 1330]male[end]
- [sysmsg 1331]female[end]
- [sysmsg 1332]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1333]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1334]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1335]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1336]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1337]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1338]-Undefined-[end]
- [sysmsg 1339]K-Rad Kowboy[end]
- [comment prompt mode prompt]
- [sysmsg 1400]~@~\~P[~L~V1 ~■~G[end]
- [comment registered exit message]
- [comment unregistered message is NOT changeable! Please don't ask!]
- [sysmsg 1401]~@
- ~HExiting to ~J~V1~P
- [end]
- [comment /sm failed due to absent userfile]
- [sysmsg 1402]~@~LWarning - user file has vanished! /sm aborted!
- [end]
- [comment /sm failed due to access denied on userfile]
- [sysmsg 1403]~@~LUnable to open user file - access denied! /sm aborted!
- [end]
- [comment /sm header]
- [sysmsg 1404]~@~OMembers List:
- [end]
- [comment All Nodes Squelched!]
- [sysmsg 1405]~@~OAll nodes squelched!
- [end]
- [comment All Nodes Unsquelched!]
- [sysmsg 1406]~@~OAll nodes unsquelched!
- [end]
- [comment Node unsquelched]
- [sysmsg 1407]~@~7~O~1Node ~L~V1~O unsquelched!
- [end]
- [comment node squelched]
- [sysmsg 1408]~@~7~O~1Node ~L~V1~O squelched!
- [end]
- [comment node unsquelched]
- [sysmsg 1409]~@
- ~JThere is no-one on node ~L~V1
- [end]
- [comment user not found (in action spec)]
- [sysmsg 1410]~@
- ~J~V1 not found!
- ~PTry using that person's node number instead...
- [end]
- [comment user not online]
- [sysmsg 1411]~@
- ~L~V1~G is not online right now!
- [end]
- [comment actions file not available]
- [sysmsg 1412]~@
- ~JError - access denied attempting to open actions file!
- [end]
- [comment sysmsgs 438 and 439 are not messages at all but definitions of the]
- [comment Yes and No keys. This is to allow custom input for non-English]
- [comment languages, e.g. O and N for Oui or Non, or J and N for Ja or Nein.]
- [comment Each of the following two sysmsgs should be exactly one character]
- [comment in size!]
- [comment Definition of the "Y" key]
- [sysmsg 1438]Y[end]
- [comment Definition of the "N" key]
- [sysmsg 1439]N[end]
- [sysmsg 1440]~@
- ~JUnable to open ~V1 (access denied)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1441]~@
- ~JUnable to open ~V1 (file not found)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1442]~@
- ~LUser suffered cardiac arrest; exiting NanoChat!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1443]~O[[Y/n][[> [end]
- [sysmsg 1444]~O[[N/y][[> [end]
- [sysmsg 1445]~CYes[end]
- [sysmsg 1446]~BNo[end]
- [sysmsg 1447]~LHit Y for Yes, N for no!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1448]~@~( Hit Any Key ~)[end]
- [sysmsg 1449]~@~( More? ~)[end]
- [sysmsg 1450]~@
- ~J■■■ ERROR: Error updating IPC - your last command may not be executed!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1451]~@
- ~J■■■ FATAL: Unable to open your IPC file! Exiting
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1460]~@
- ~OThis copy of TommCHAT ~V1 is licenced. ~D(Lic.#~V2)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1461]~@
- ~OTommCHAT ~V1/~V2 ~Gis licenced for use on:~L
- ~V3~D (Lic.#~V4)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1462]~@~,Sorry! ~NThere are already ~L~V1 ~Npeople in chat!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1470]~@
- ~JWARNING - unable to open user file (access denied)
- --> Command may not be executed properly!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1471]~@
- ~JWARNING - User File appears to have vanished!!!!!
- --> Command may not be executed properly!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1475]~@
- ~LYou can choose a handle to use in chat, or hit ~(Enter~) for:
- ~F"~N~V1~F" ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1476]~@
- ~JThat handle is already being used. Choose another.
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1477]~@
- ~GIn order to get the ~LSmartActions~G<tm> right, I will need
- to know if you are ~(M~)~Oale ~Gor ~(F~)~Oemale ~■'[end]
- [sysmsg 1478]Male
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1479]Female
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1480]~@
- ~JThere is a problem with the user file. I am unable to add you to the chat
- system at this time. Please let the sysop know what happened and try again
- later...
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1481]~@
- ~JFATAL - Unable to assign a line position! Advise your sysop!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1482]~@
- ~PPlease report error ~V1 at address ~V2 to sysop!
- Exiting (please try again!)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1483]~@
- ~JWARNING - ACTIONS.IDX not found! Tell SysOp to run COMPACT.EXE
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1484]~@
- ~JWARNING - ACTIONS.DAT not found! Tell SysOp to run COMPACT.EXE
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1485]~@
- ~OCopying actions file, please wait...[end]
- [sysmsg 1486]~@ ~LDone! ~GThanks for waiting!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1487]~@
- ~JWARNING - Unable to open actions index file (access denied)
- SmartActions will not work this session! Advise your sysop!
- [end]
- ["Secretly" in actions - for cosmetic reasons this should have a leading space]
- [sysmsg 1488] secretly[end]
- [sysmsg 1490]~@~MHit ESC to exit chat...
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1491]~@~LSysOp Chat Mode!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1492]~@
- ~JChat Mode Finished!
- [end]
- [comment appears in /s when you have squelched someone]
- [sysmsg 1493]Sqlchd [end]
- [comment appears in /s when someone is squelching you]
- [sysmsg 1494]Sqlchg [end]
- [comment appears in /s when someone has been muted by a sysop or c0]
- [sysmsg 1495]Muted [end]
- [comment appears in /s when someone has been "jailed"]
- [sysmsg 1496]Jailed [end]
- [comment generic default pronoun, "their" as used in inferior chatsystems]
- [sysmsg 1498]their[end]
- [comment command for "secretly" in actions -- only ]
- [comment first 3 characters are significant!]
- [sysmsg 1499]secret[end]
- [comment default action victim - should never be seen, but...]
- [sysmsg 1500]nobody[end]
- [comment command to do an action to ALL]
- [sysmsg 1501]all[end]
- [comment command to quit - /q, quit, bye and q still work! (hardcoded)]
- [sysmsg 1502]later[end]
- [comment command for help - /h and help still work (hardcoded)!]
- [sysmsg 1503]mayday[end]
- [comment command for /s - /s and who still work! (hardcoded)]
- [sysmsg 1504]qui[end]
- [sysmsg 1510]~@
- ~JMust specify a user number - /sm for list
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1511]~@
- ~GAre you ~Osure~G you want to erase this user? [end]
- [sysmsg 1512]~@
- ~OAre you ~Preally sure~O? [end]
- [sysmsg 1513]~@
- ~JThat user is now gone!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1515]~@
- ~J~6You are about to delete:
- ~GUser #~L~V8
- ~GBBS Name : ~L~V1
- ~GHandle : ~L~V2
- ~GAccess : ~L~V3
- ~G/Msg : /m~L~V4
- ~GHello Msg : ~L~V7
- ~GBye Msg : ~L~V9
- [end]
- [comment echo "Telegram"]
- [sysmsg 1600]~@~(Send Telegram~)
- [end]
- [comment ask who to page]
- [sysmsg 1601]~@~,
- ~OSend to user on which node? ~■[end]
- [comment ask for reason for page]
- [comment ~V1: victim's name]
- [sysmsg 1602]~@~,
- ~OPlease enter a short (up to 255 characters) message...
- ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1603]~@~JAborted!
- [end]
- [comment inform user victim is paged]
- [comment ~V1 victim's node ~V2 victim's name ~V3 channel ~V4 subject]
- [sysmsg 1604]~@~,
- ~LDone!
- Your telegram has been sent to ~P~V2~L on node ~P~V1~L!
- [end]
- [comment Message seen by victim when receiving a telegram - telegram text follows]
- [comment ~V1 Sender's node ~V2 Sender's name ~V3 channel]
- [sysmsg 1605]~@~,
- ~B■~J■~L■~P■ ~LTelegram from ~P~V2~L on node ~V1...
- ~B─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────~P
- [end]
- [comment footer & prompt when receiving a telegram]
- [sysmsg 1606]~@~,~B─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1607]~@~,
- ~LHit ~(R~) to reply to the telegram, ~(X~) to turn off pages & telegrams,
- or ~(I~) to ignore! ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1608]Reply!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1609]No more telegrams!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1610]~@~,
- ~JYou can't send a telegram to yourself!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1700]~,
- ~E────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ~GProfile Question #~L~V5~G:
- ~L~V1
- ~GYour current information for this question is:
- ~P~V3
- ~a~1
- ~GPlease enter new information, or hit ~(Enter~) to leave unchanged...
- ~P~V2
- ~P~e~1[end]
- [sysmsg 1701]~,~a~1[end]
- [comment this is the format of the alphabetised Profiles users list]
- [sysmsg 1702]~P~u1~t16~O ~pX[end]
- [comment here's how the user's own profile answers are displayed]
- [sysmsg 1703]~lPROFILE.BBS[end]
- [sysmsg 1704]~,
- ~LEnter response to change or ~(Q~) to quit... ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1705]~,~L
- ~{ NanoBBS User ProPhile Menu ~}
- ~(D~) Directory of user ProPhiles
- ~(L~) Look up another user's ProPhile
- ~(Y~) Inspect & Edit Your ProPhile
- ~(Q~) Quit - return to what you were doing
- ~(?~) Help & General Information about ProPhiles
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1706]~,
- ~NProPhiles ~M(Q=Quit) ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1707]~{Quit~}
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1708]~{Help~}
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1709]~{Directory~}
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1710]~{Your ProPhile~}
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1711]~{Look up user~}
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1712]~( User ProPhiles ~)
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1713]~,
- ~JSorry, I can't seem to find a ProPhile entry for ~L~V1~J!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1714]~,
- Would you like to enter new ProPhile information now?
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1715]~,
- ~OUser name Summary
- ~E────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1716]~,~E────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1717]~,
- ~LAlphabetically, where in the list should we start?
- ~N~(Enter~)=first ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1718]~,
- ~OWhose ProPhile shall we look up? ~MEnter the username or partial username.
- ~■[end]
- [sysmsg 1719]~,
- ~JSorry, I can't find anyone matching ~P~V1~J in the ProPhile database!
- [end]
- [sysmsg 1720]~,
- ~OLook up ~P~V1~O? [end]
- [comment anything above SysMsg 1800 is fair game for you to add your own
- SysMsgs - there are up to 2048 messages allowed in total from 1 to
- 2048, and you can use sysmsgs 1800 through to 2048 at your discretion!
- 249 sysop-definable unused Sysmsgs ain't bad!
- ]