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- ~( NanoBBS ~)
- ~( Main Menu Detailed Help ~)
- ~( A ~) ~OAREA Change~G- Jump to a message area.
- ~LThis changes the message area, and is directly synonymous with
- the ~(J~) command. It is included for the benefit of callers who
- are used to using ~(A~) to change areas on other BBSes. See
- the ~(J~) command help (coming up) for more information.
- ~( C ~) ~OCHAT ~G- Page SysOp to Chat
- ~LThis option will, during reasonable hours, cause NanoBBS to
- play a little tune to get the sysop's attention. It is only
- necessary to page once as a flashing red "~JPaged~L" will appear
- on the sysop's console until you log off. The sysop can set
- the hours during which this option will make noise, so it's
- probably not a good idea to page late at night.
- If the Sysop notices that you have paged, and feels like
- chatting, s/he'll activate "chat mode" which will allow you
- to communicate directly with the sysop in real time by typing
- back and forth at one another.
- ~( D ~) ~ODOORS ~G- Games and other external programs
- ~LThis option will present you with a menu of "doors."
- Doors are external programs which the BBS can call up for you to
- use. Most doors are multi-player games. Some of the most popular
- door games are Barren Realms Elite, Tradewars, Galactic Empire and
- Rancho Nevada. Each game has its own set of rules and features, and
- help is (hopefully) available in each one. Detailed help with doors
- is beyond the scope of this document; ask your sysop or, if
- there is a message base dedicated to the doors, post a public message
- there and someone will likely have an answer to your question.
- ~( E ~) ~OEMAIL ~G- Non-public "electronic mail"
- ~LThis option allows you to send and check for "electronic mail" to
- other users. NanoBBS's e-mail technology is such that true privacy
- cannot be guaranteed - the sysop can and probably does read any email
- on the BBS! However other users cannot read email that is not
- addressed to them. If privacy is a concern, you should use a program
- like PGP to encrypt your private mail before sending it to the BBS.
- Make sure your sysop allows encrypted messages before you try this!
- ~( F ~) ~OFILES ~G- File Transfers
- ~LOn most BBSes this is the most popular place! This is where you
- can "download" programs, pictures and textfiles (and much more) from
- the BBS to your computer! You can also "upload" files from your
- computer to the BBS, which will improve your "download:upload ratio"
- which the sysop can use to limit excessive downloading. NanoBBS has
- seven widely-used transfer protocols, and supports advanced features
- like batch transfers (many files downloaded or uploaded at once) and
- new-file scans! More help is available at the file transfer menu.
- ~( G ~) ~OGOODBYE ~G- Log off the BBS
- ~LUse this command when you are finished using the BBS and want to
- log off. NanoBBS is robust software; you could just hang up and
- nothing would be damaged, but it is considered impolite to log off
- that way, so please use "G"oodbye to log off! This command is
- available at most menu prompts in the system for your
- convenience.
- ~( H ~) ~OHELP ~G- Detailed Help.
- ~LDetailed Help is what you are reading now.
- ~( I ~) ~OINFORMATION ~G- Information on various topics
- ~LThis option presents you with a menu of information files for
- your enlightenment and entertainment. Since this section of the
- BBS is entirely defined by the Sysop it could contain nearly
- anything, but normally this will have information about the BBS,
- its rules, how to subscribe, perhaps a list of other BBSes,
- etc.
- ~( A ~)
- ~( J ~) ~OJUMP ~G- "Jump" to another message area
- ~LThis option lets you select which message area you are
- reading. Most BBSes separate messages into "areas" by subject
- matter, so if you wish to read messages on a particular subject,
- use this command to select that subject. These groupings of
- message topics are called "message areas".
- ~( K ~) ~OKILL ~G- "Kill" or erase a message
- ~LThis option lets you erase messages written by you. It may
- occur that you write a message which you later want to erase
- (for example, you posted a message with hockey scores or other
- information which you later find out to be incorrect). This
- command can be a real life-saver in some situations!
- ~( L ~) ~OLIST CALLS ~G- Display a list of all today's calls to the BBS
- ~LThis option lets you see a list of everyone who's called the
- BBS since midnight. This is simply for your information.
- ~( N ~) ~ONEW SCAN ~G- Globally scan for new messages
- ~LThis is an extremely powerful messaging command! It displays
- every new message entered since your last call, in every message
- area. You can re-read or reply to any of the messages
- displayed.
- ~( O ~) ~OOPTIONS ~G- User config options
- ~LThis option gives you a menu of options you can set. It lets
- you configure the way the BBS looks and behaves when you call.
- For example, you can change screen size, turn colour on or off,
- or even change your password!
- ~( P ~) ~OPOST ~G- Post or enter a message in the current message area
- ~LThis command lets you enter a new message in the current
- file area. You will be prompted for a subject (for example, if
- you are posting in the fishing echo, you might enter a subject
- something like "question about bait". The subject is a very
- brief summary of the message to make it easy for other users to
- quickly find messages they are interested in.
- You will also be prompted for an intended recipient. You can
- put any person's name or handle here, or if the person is a
- member of the BBS, you can enter their user number. You can
- also just enter "All" if the message is public and you aren't
- sending it to any particular person.
- After that, you will be able to type in your message. The
- message editors have advanced help screens of their own. Once
- you are done entering your message, you can save it, edit it, or
- drop it ("abort").
- ~( Q ~) ~OQWK OPTIONS ~G- Interface with the message base via a QWK reader
- ~LIf you have a QWK message reader, you can save a lot of time
- by downloading messages and reading them off-line in your
- message reader. You can also reply to these messages in the
- reader and upload your replies. This has the advantage of
- letting you use your favourite message editor to enter messages
- instead of the BBS's line and full-screen editors. It also
- saves more online time for downloading, playing games, and even
- for letting other users into the BBS! Full QWK help is available
- from the QWK menu. If you don't have a QWK message reader, you
- will need one for this menu to be of use to you. Your sysop may
- have one or more reader software packages available for you to
- download; if not, try another BBS, such software is widely
- available!
- ~( R ~) ~OREAD MESSAGES ~G- Read messages in the current area
- ~LThis lets you read and reply to messages in the current
- message area.
- ~( S ~) ~OSCAN ~G- Special message scans
- ~LThis lets you search for messages in the current area by date,
- author, and subject.
- ~( U ~) ~OUSER LIST ~G- Display a list of users
- ~LThis command lets you look up users on the BBS. It will tell
- you the user number of a particular user, when s/he last called,
- and where they are from. You can enter a partial username to do
- a search for one or more users, or you can just hit Enter and
- get a list of every user on the system!
- ~( W ~) ~OWHO'S ONLINE
- ~LIf the BBS has more than one line and the sysop has enabled
- Multi-user operation, this will let you know who is also using
- the BBS on the other nodes. It will also let you know roughly
- what they are doing and how long they've been online.
- From this menu you have a few options.
- You can "Page" another user online, in much the same way that you
- might page the sysop for chat. As in sysop chat paging, you'll be
- prompted for a reason why you want to communicate. You'll also be
- prompted for a channel to chat on. The channel can be from 1 to
- 255. If you want some privacy you should select a channel that is
- not being used by anyone else. When you page that person (provided
- she has her options set to allow receiving communications from
- other nodes) she receives a message stating that you wish to chat.
- She can then Answer your page, ignore you, or turn off paging.
- Meanwhile, you are taken into NanoCHAT and set on the channel you
- selected. If the other person answers, she is taken to the same
- channel automatically.
- You can also send a "Telegram" - this is just a very short message
- to which the recipient can reply. You can enter a message up to
- 255 characters. As in Paging, the recipient sees your message
- (provided she is allowing them and is able to receive them) and is
- prompted to either ignore or reply to your message, or turn of
- receiving telegrams (and other messages).
- It should be noted that no-one can page you or send you a telegram
- while you are transferring a file, entering a message, or playing a
- door game, or when you have turned your chat availability off.
- From this menu, you also have the options of going into NanoCHAT
- directly and logging off.
- ~LThis command displays practically everything the BBS knows
- about you. It will tell you how much you have uploaded,
- downloaded, and posted, how much time you have banked and how
- much netmail credit you have left, how many days are left in
- your subscription, your access level, and much more! If you
- have a question about your account, check this command before
- you ask your sysop.
- ~( ? ~) ~OCOMMAND SUMMARY ~G- Get a quick list of commands
- ~LThis command is the quick way to remind yourself of the
- command key for a particular function.
- ~( ! ~) ~OBANG PROMPT ~G- Change the "Bang" prompt
- ~LThis lets you change the one-line message displayed at the
- main menu command prompt. It is called the "bang" prompt
- because the exclamation point key used to invoke it is sometimes
- called a "bang" by seasoned users...
- ~( / ~) ~ONanoCHAT ~G- Enter the multi-user chat system!
- ~LIf the BBS has more than one line and if the SysOp has enabled
- multi-line operation, this command will take you into the
- NanoCHAT multi-user chat system! There is ample help available
- on the particulars of multi-user chat once you get into that
- section. Once in NanoCHAT just type ? and hit enter for a help
- file.
- ~( [ ~)
- ~( ] ~)
- ~( 0 ~)~M...~(65535~) ~OQUICK AREA CHANGE
- ~LIn addition to the formal ~(J~)~L command (change area) above,
- NanoBBS also has two ways to quickly change message areas right
- from the main menu. The open and close square brackets move
- you down and up one area respectively. Or, you can type in the
- area number directly. NanoBBS will let you type in up to 5
- digits for the area number when it detects that a number key has
- been pressed!
- ~J<*** End of File ***>