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- PagePlay 1.34 (C) Copyright 1991,1994 Whirlwind Software
- Documentation (C) Copyright 1991,1994 Whirlwind Software
- Program and documentation written by Gerald T. Albion
- Date of Issue:
- March 27, 1994
- Notice:
- Gerald Albion and Whirlwind Software assume no responsibility
- whatsoever for any damage or loss caused by the use of PagePlay.
- By using PagePlay you assent to this condition and absolve
- Gerald Albion and Whirlwind Software of all liability for your
- use of PagePlay.
- PagePlay may not be "re-packaged" or "re-archived" in any way.
- If you receive this archive in anything other than a ZIP
- envelope, please report this to the author either at the address
- below or on the BBS listed at the end of this file. PagePlay
- may not be included on a CD-ROM or for-sale shareware disk
- without the express written consent of the author. PagePlay may
- not be uploaded to Big Blue & Cousins BBS (Victoria, B.C.) under
- any circumstances.
- PagePlay is not crippled or disabled in any way. It is
- distributed on the "honour system" as shareware. If you like
- and use PagePlay, please help make the shareware concept work,
- and send $5 to the following address:
- Whirlwind Software
- P.O. Box 480 South Joffre
- Victoria, British Columbia
- Canada V9A 6C8
- If you send $12 (U.S. Funds) and your address, you will receive
- the full retail PagePlay package including the 17-page manual!
- This low, low price includes shipping within North America!
- Because PagePlay is uncrippled, there is no "key" file to be
- mailed, but if you include your Fidonet or Internet address with
- your registration, you'll get a note of thanks and confirmation
- of receipt.
- Purpose:
- PagePlay originated as a tiny program which could play sound
- files written for the SysOp Page function of RemoteAccess(tm)
- BBS version 0.03 or later. It now serves two purposes: (1) to
- give the page-music experimenter a more convenient way to test
- and debug his/her creations, and (2) to allow sysops of any BBS
- (that allows DOS drops) to use existing RemoteAccess PAGE.RA
- files, Maximus TUNES.BBS files, and (best of all) the
- more-advanced *.PPL files such as those included in PagePlay's
- distribution archive.
- PagePlay is 100% command-compatible with UFO Communications Engine.
- Usage:
- PAGEPLAY <filename.ext> <User's name 1> <Name 2> .. <Name X> <-d> <-mMaxTune>
- PagePlay normally requires that you enter the full filename with
- extension. If no extension is provided, PagePlay assumes .PPL.
- If no .PPL file exists, PagePlay will search for a .RA file. If
- there is neither .RA file nor a .PPL file, PagePlay searches for
- a file with no extension. If none of these exist, PagePlay will
- abort with an error.
- If no extension is provided, but a dot is provided, PagePlay assumes
- no extension.
- You may specify a User Name with as many names as you require. If you
- specify a user name, a message will appear:
- "You are being paged by ____ _______ "
- ...where the ____ _______ would actually be the specified user name.
- For the convenience of operators of Maximus-CBCS, PagePlay will strip
- any name that is "NLN". "NLN" is what Maximus generates when a user
- has no last name, e.g. a one-word pseudonym. Since most users and
- sysops agree that NLN is pretty ugly, it is stripped.
- If no user name is specified on the command line, then no message
- is displayed except the copyright notice.
- The -D optional switch enables "Debug Mode." Debug mode is
- useful for locating individual notes within a large music file.
- When Debug mode is enabled, striking ESC to abort the tune will
- produce an abort message with the line number of the note where
- the abort occurred.
- The -M optional switch specifies Maximus Mode. In Maximus mode,
- PagePlay will assume a Maximus-style TUNES.BBS file structure,
- in which any number of tunes can exist and be called
- independently. The -m and its parameter must be a single
- string, e.g. -mMarseillaise. The parameter is the name or "Yell
- Number" of the tune within your Tunes.Bbs that you wish to
- invoke. If a number is specified instead of a name, PagePlay
- assumes that the number represents a "Yell" name such as Yell1,
- Yell2, Yell6, etcetera. These names are not special in any way
- except that Scott Dudley has chosen to include them as alternate
- names in Maximus' sample TUNES.BBS file. The parameter is case
- insensitive.
- Examples:
- PAGEPLAY TEST9 Uncle Ernie
- The first example would play the current RemoteAccess Page Music
- file (if any is present).
- The second and third examples both play DROID.PPL.
- The fourth example plays TEST9.PPL and informs the sysops that
- a user named Uncle Ernie is paging them.
- The fifth example plays QUINT.PPL and will display a line number
- if it is aborted.
- The sixth and seventh examples each play individual tunes from
- within a TUNES.BBS file. The sixth example will play the tune
- labelled Yell3, and the seventh example will play the tune
- labelled Tinkle.
- The last example looks for PAGE.PPL. If it does not find it, it
- looks for PAGE.RA. If it finds PAGE.RA, PAGE.RA is played.
- General Notes:
- A song being played can be stopped at any time by striking
- ESCAPE. If debug mode is enabled with the -D command-line
- switch, the line number will be displayed.
- As of version 1.33, holding either SHIFT key during play
- temporarily puts PagePlay in "Fast Forward" mode until you
- release the key.
- All of the commands listed below, and most of their parameters,
- can be abbreviated to just their first character.
- PagePlay is oblivious to DesqView and other multi-taskers. It
- has been tested under DesqView and shown no particular hostility
- towards DesqView, although PagePlay's own performance may be
- affected by the use of a multi-tasker.
- If you are experiencing short "gaps" or pauses in PagePlay's
- musical output, and you are not using a multi-tasker, it could
- be that the disk from which you are reading the music file is
- slow. Try optimising your hard disk with one of the many
- de-fragmenters available, and, failing that, try placing your
- music file(s) on a RAMDisk, where there should be no such
- delays. TSRs can also affect PagePlay's performance.
- PagePlay will ignore anything after the fortieth column in a
- line. Since most of PagePlay's commands can be abbreviated to
- one letter, this should not pose a problem. Comments, of
- course, can be as wide as 255 columns.
- File Format:
- Please consult your Maximus documentation for information on the
- TUNES.BBS File structure.
- PagePlay and RemoteAccess use raw text. PagePlay 1.32 supports
- several basic commands, with parameters. Briefly, here they
- are.
- TONE [frequency in Hz] [ticks]
- This command sounds a tone of the specified frequency for the
- duration specified in the second parameter. By default, each
- "tick" is 10 milliseconds in length, for RemoteAccess
- compatibility. This command is supported by RemoteAccess.
- ╔══════╦═════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ ║ Frequencies ║
- ║ Note ║ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ║
- ╟──────╫─────────────────────────────────────────────────╢
- ║ A ║ 27 55 110 220 440 880 1760 3520 7040 ║
- ║ Bb ║ 29 58 116 233 466 932 1864 3729 7458 ║
- ║ B ║ 30 61 123 246 493 987 1975 3950 7901 ║
- ║ C ║ 32 65 130 261 523 1046 2092 4185 8370 ║
- ║ C# ║ 34 69 138 277 554 1108 2216 4433 8867 ║
- ║ D ║ 36 73 146 293 587 1174 2348 4697 9394 ║
- ║ Eb ║ 38 77 155 311 622 1244 2488 4976 9952 ║
- ║ E ║ 41 82 164 329 658 1317 2635 5271 10543 ║
- ║ F ║ 43 87 174 349 698 1396 2792 5584 11169 ║
- ║ F# ║ 46 92 184 369 739 1479 2958 5916 11833 ║
- ║ G ║ 48 97 195 391 783 1567 3134 6268 12536 ║
- ║ Ab ║ 51 103 207 415 830 1660 3320 6640 13281 ║
- ╚══════╩═════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- These note values are approximate, especially at the low end.
- WAIT [ticks]
- This command simplay pauses with silence, for the specified
- number of ticks. This would be used for a musical rest or a
- dramatic pause. This is the only other command, aside from TONE,
- which is RemoteAccess compatible (because RemoteAccess only provides
- two commands).
- MUSIC [note] [length] [dot] [3 (triplet)] [tie]
- Examples:
- Music F#3 Whole
- M Eb4 Eighth 3(Triplet)
- Complete Syntax:
- [note] may be two or three characters. If two, the first
- character expresses a musical note in the range [A..G], and
- the second character expresses the octave in which that note
- is played, in the range [0..8].
- If [note] is three characters, the THIRD character represents
- the octave. The first character is the note, and the second
- character represents the accidental - either sharp or flat -
- to be applied to the specified note.
- Acceptable syntaxes: ( x is the octave in the range [0..8] )
- Case is not significant.
- Ax D#x Rest (or just "R")
- Ebx
- A#x
- Bbx Ex
- Fbx
- Bx
- Cbx Fx
- E#x
- Cx
- B#x F#x
- Gbx
- C#x
- Dbx Gx
- Dx G#x
- Abx
- Length is one or more characters, of which only the first is
- significant:
- D: Double-Whole
- W: Whole
- H: Half
- Q: Quarter
- E: Eighth
- S: Sixteenth
- T: Thirty-second
- 6: Sixty-Fourth
- U: Utility Duration
- The utility duration is a user-defined duration. See the "U"
- command below for details.
- When ZPEED is 10 (the Pageplay default), a whole note is
- 960 milliseconds (96 RA 'ticks') in duration.
- Dot is one or more characters, of which only the first is
- significant. If 'D' is the first letter of any parameter
- of the M command after and including the third, the note's
- length will be "dotted" or extended by half again its specified
- duration.
- 3(Triplet) is one or more characters, of which only the first is
- significant. If '3' is the first letter of any parameter
- of the M command after and including the third, the note's
- length will be treated as a triplet, or shortened to two-thirds
- the specified duration.
- T (Tie) is one or more characters, of which only the first is
- significant. If 'T' is the first letter of any parameter of the
- M command after and including the third, the note will be "tied"
- to the following note, or in other words, the speaker will not
- be turned off at the completion of this note.
- MUSIC (which may be abbreviated to M) is not supported by
- RemoteAccess.
- This command may be abbreviated to -T (not just to - like
- most other commands). -TIE ON will force Tie mode to be on
- full-time, overriding any TIE parameters associated with
- music notes. -TIE OFF returns Tie mode to normal - most
- notes are not tied, and notes that have ties indicated are
- tied.
- SWEEP DEST [note]
- This command "sweeps" or "bends" the sound from subsequent
- notes to the specified "destination" note, and automatically
- assures that the sweep will take exactly the specified number
- of ticks. If the end frequency is less than the start
- frequency then the sweep will be from high to low. Use SWEEP
- DEST (or S D) followed by a note (as described above under
- the MUSIC command) to specify the note which following notes
- will glide to. Use SWEEP ON (or S ON) to enable the sweep
- function. Use SWEEP OFF (or S OFF) to turn sweeping off.
- SWEEP can be used in conjunction with the ARPEGGIO and VIBRATO
- commands below for many special effects.
- This command causes PagePlay to play subsequent notes using a
- "random" noise suitable for sound effects or drum effects.
- The noise's average frequency is that of the note or tone
- being played.
- NOISE FACTOR [65000's-of-a-second]
- There are two modes of "noise" available: "old" and "new."
- The "Old" mode is left behind from previous versions of
- PagePlay for compatibility reasons. Since it uses a HLL
- pseudo-random algorithm, its noise effect is lost at
- specified frequencies above 3000 Hz. The "New" mode uses
- assembly language timing to generate true white or pink
- noise.
- The "Noise Factor" is the duration, in sixty-five-thousandths
- of a second, between updates of the speaker frequency. The
- default noise factor is 20 (which is equal to about 306
- microseconds). On slower machines this setting may prove to
- generate too much loop overhead and will thus cause tempo
- distortion (noise will play slower than music). If this is
- the case, then adjust the noise factor so that it is larger.
- The larger the noise factor, the slower the updates but the
- lesser the overhead. As Noise Factor increases, the noise
- output by "new" noise sounds more and more like "old" noise.
- ZPEED [milliseconds per tick]
- This command lets you change the "tempo" of the piece without
- changing all the note durations for every note. By default (i.e.
- if ZPEED is never used) this value is 10, so that 100 ticks
- can occur each second, which is compatible with RemoteAccess.
- When using this to alert you of paging users, ZPEED can be used in
- a special version of your regular chat-music file to indicate
- a "special" user with an increased, more "urgent" tempo. ZPEED
- can also be potentially used to aid in sculpting sound effects
- not yet implemented in PagePlay...
- X-TRANSPOSE [Transposition factor]
- This command causes PagePlay's output to be raised or lowered -
- "transposed" a specified number of semitones. For example,
- if you include the following command:
- X 12
- PagePlay will shift all tones up one octave. Similarly:
- X -24
- ...will shift all tones down two octaves.
- This command specifies the duration, in ticks, of PagePlay's
- user-defined "Utility" duration. With utility durations, you
- can create durations not supported by PagePlay directly, such
- as quintuplets and septuplets. For example, to create a
- construct of five eighth quintuplets which, temporally, equal
- four eighths, you would calculate the number of ticks that
- those four eighths would use:
- Whole = 96 ticks
- Half = 48 ticks
- Half = 4 eighths
- ergo 4 eighths = 48 ticks
- Now divide 48 by five, to find the utility duration for
- each of your quintuplets:
- 48/5 = 9.6
- Now, we can't have a fractional number of ticks, so we
- have some notes longer and some shorter.
- Utility: 10
- Music C4 Utility
- Music D4 Utility
- Music E4 Utility
- Utility: 9
- Music F4 Utility
- Music G4 Utility
- The above example shows how you can use the utility
- duration to make your quints equal 48 ticks exactly.
- There you have your quintuplet structure. This
- principle can be applied to virtually any type of
- non-standard duration.
- VIBRATO RATE [period]
- This set of commands will cause notes played to have a
- vibrato quality. The depth is the maximum frequency the note
- will be allowed to deviate from the specified start
- frequency. The "rate" (rate is a misnomer; it means
- "frequency" and what we are actually specifying is a period
- of time, which is the reciprocal of frequency) or period is
- the time required, in milliseconds, for the vibrato to
- complete one frequency cycle. The period is not affected by
- the ZPEED command. The software-generated waveform which
- produces the vibrato is triangular in shape.
- VIBRATO can be used in conjunction with SWEEP for effects,
- but not with ARPEGGIO (Arpeggio will automatically take
- precedence if both are specified). VIBRATO is not supported
- by RemoteAccess.
- ARPEGGIO RATE [period]
- ARPEGGIO FACTOR [transposition factor]
- This command is very similar to VIBRATO except that the
- tone being played is modulated with a square wave (technically
- a pulse wave but it is square in duty-cycle) rather than
- a triangle. The result is a sound that can be made to
- simulate a two-part harmony.
- The DESTination is a note following the syntax of the note
- parameter of the MUSIC command above. The duration of the
- tone is in ticks, and the period of each arpeggio cycle,
- specified by the RATE paramter, is in milliseconds.
- The MODE parameter specifies whether Arpeggio will alternate
- to an absolute note (specified by the DEST parameter) or to a
- relative transposition (specified by the FACTOR parameter).
- By default, Absolute mode is used. In relative mode, you
- specify the offset to the current note, in semitones. Thus,
- if you specify FACTOR to be 12, the destination will always
- be one octave above the base note value. If you specify 7,
- the destination will be a seventh above.
- REPEAT [# of times]
- Example:
- Repeat 4
- Music A4 Eighth
- Music A3 Eighth
- Loop
- This example will "play" the two music commands a total of
- four times.
- These two commands form a LOOP structure. You may place
- music commands, more structural commands or any other valid
- PagePlay commands in between REPEAT and LOOP. When PagePlay
- encounters a REPEAT statement, it knows to expect a LOOP
- statement somewhere further down the song. When it
- encounters the LOOP statement, it "goes back" to the line
- immediately following the REPEAT, and plays the same music
- again. This continues until the music between the REPEAT and
- the LOOP has been played the number of times specified in the
- REPEAT parameter.
- DEFINE [block number]
- END [block number]
- CALL [block number]
- These commands allow you to define and call a "block" of
- music - a musical sub-routine if you like. PagePlay allows
- up to 64 such blocks to be defined, and they are numbered
- from 0 to 63. A block may be re-defined elsewhere.
- DEFINE and END are used to define the beginning and ending of
- a particular block of music. CALL is used later, to play a
- block of music which you have previously defined.
- File Format Examples:
- Refer to the included files, "WHISTLE.PPL", "DROID.PPL",
- and the TEST*.PPL files, for examples of syntax usage and
- produced results. There are many other included music files
- with varying degrees of "shortcuts" in the syntax; all of them
- are perfectly valid. Note: The "Tocatta" tune included in
- TUNES.BBS is a verbatim conversion of one voice of a three-voice
- SIDPlayer file, and as such is quite imperfect. It is included
- mainly to illustrate the PP2MAX and the possible size of a
- TUNES.BBS tune...
- Revision History:
- 1.33 : Streamlined code a bit, cleaned up a few loose ends where
- PagePlay could conceivably leave a note playing forever after
- executing. Documentation clarified somewhat. A few new
- musics. Added "Fast Forward" mode - hit a shift key to
- activate it. Bundled PP2ANS, an admittedly imperfect but still-
- useful utility which makes ANSi music files for your BBS!
- 1.32 : Maintenance release. Improved memory efficiency.
- Documentation enhanced slightly. The 4000 line limit is now
- enforced at load time to prevent crashes.
- 1.3 : Extended NOISE command - including finally fixing it such that
- it actually outputs true noise (more or less...). Improved
- filename intelligence considerably. Added -TIE command for
- fulltime tie mode.
- 1.2 : Added Maximus-CBCS 2.xx compatibility with TUNES.BBS. Bundled
- PP2MAX, a PagePlay-to-TUNES.BBS conversion program.
- 1.1 : Added a Debug Mode. When the -D command line switch is used,
- aborting the tune with Escape will cause an "Aborted at Line..."
- message. Added a "Utility Duration" which can be any number of
- ticks from zero to 65535. Added 64th notes. Do not use them
- at fast Zpeeds - Your brain might explode. Added Transpose.
- Added "relative" arpeggio (or auto-octava, auto-fifth,
- auto-whatever) for automatic arpeggio destination
- transposition. Changed frequency base from A4=451Hz to
- A4=440Hz. Bundled PP2RA, a PagePlay-to-RemoteAccess
- conversion program.
- 1.0 : Final form of Version 1.0. Memory is now allocated only as needed
- according to the size of the file being played.
- 0.36τ: Refined blocking somewhat - if no parameter is given to the
- RAM END command, the last DEF encountered is assumed to represent the
- block to be ENDed.
- 0.35τ: Added looping and blocking commands. REPEAT..LOOP structure
- RAM gives an immediate loop of a finite number of iterations, while
- DEFINE..END defines a block of music which can be CALLed later.
- 0.29τ: Entire song is now loaded into memory first, eliminates timing
- RAM problems brought about by slow drives. Song is played from RAM,
- limit of 4000 lines set.
- 0.21τ: Changed syntax of Vibrato, Arpeggio, Sweep and Noise commands.
- This release of PagePlay is incompatible with the non-RA
- features of previous PagePlay versions. RA compatibility has
- been preserved. Existing RA page-music files may be enhanced
- using PagePlay commands. Streamlined even further. Although
- PagePlay's tempo may still be slowed somewhat on 4.77 MHz
- machines, the tempo inconsistency between normal play and
- arpeggio/vibrato notes has been eliminated. Added a text input
- buffer. As a result, Pageplay now requires an additional 4k in
- which to execute. The buffer should reduce the frequency and
- length of pauses in the music while PagePlay reads its data
- from the disk, particularly on floppies or very slow hard
- disks. Sweep and Arpeggio can now be used in conjunction for
- effects. Sweep and Vibrato can now be used in conjunction for
- effects. Arpeggio continues to sound its second note even
- during rests, for effects. To get a true silent rest, arpeggio
- must be turned off. PagePlay no longer assumes a music file
- extension of .RA when the extension is omitted, but now assumes
- .PPL.
- 0.11τ: First public release version. Added extended note-entry commands.
- 0.06ß: Generally refined and streamlined code for smaller size and faster
- execution. Should work better on slow machines now.
- Completed 91/03/17 17:00.
- 0.05ß: Added option to display name of user requesting chat. The user's
- name can contain as many words as necessary. For Maximus sysops
- who run pseudonym BBSes, the string 'NLN' is stripped (because
- it is UG-LY!) Completed 91/02/09 15:25.
- 0.04ß: Added Arpeggio for 2 way chords.
- 0.03ß: Added Vibrato. You now have to hit ESC to abort.
- 0.02α: Recompiled using Turbo Pascal 5.5 for faster execution and smaller
- size. Added key-press-to-abort. Added bidirectional adjustable
- sweeps. Added adjustable noise. Completed 91/02/05 23:30
- 0.01α: Wrote core basic functionality of PagePlay. First alpha release.
- Completed 91/02/05 01:05
- Development notes:
- 1.34 Made some minor bug fixes. Fixed an octave transposition
- problem in PP2ANS.
- 1.33 This is really another maintenance release, which fixes a
- couple of little inconsistencies and other things which have
- been picking at me since the last release a year ago. Some of
- my work from one of those projects (the TMR Adlib Music
- routine) shows here in a couple of music files and a new "Fast
- Forward" feature which I found indispensible in TMR. Also, I
- had been planning to include an ANSi music player/convertor in
- this release but other projects have placed such a great
- demand on my time that only the convertor PP2ANS is included.
- It's still not perfect yet either but an X-Transpose comamnd
- here or there should be sufficient to correct for most of its
- problems; you'll hear what I mean when you play a converted
- ANSi file. I still think you'll find it tremendously useful
- even in its buggy form. Also you'll note that I have formed a
- company for distribution of my programs; no, I haven't sold
- out, you're still getting Gerald Albion's code and not some
- junior schmuck at XYZ Software Conglomerated Inc.
- 1.32 This is a "maintenance release" - which is Programmerese for a
- "bug-fix" release. Basically I have actually started
- enforcing the 4000 line limit - previously PagePlay would just
- lock the system if you tried to load a file bigger than 4000
- lines. I have also observed that I have yet to see any music
- commands go past the 40th column on a line, so to save memory
- I have imposed a 40-column cutoff. This will halve the amount
- of memory that a song occupies. Yes, I know; I should just
- compile the lines on-the-fly into 2-byte commands rather than
- load the actual text into memory. Maybe later. There are a
- pair of new .PPL samples included in TUNES.ARJ; enjoy...
- 1.3 NOISE has finally been fixed. It took a high-speed precision
- timing routine in assembly to achieve, but the results are
- worth the effort. I, always a glutton for bells and whistles,
- couldn't resist including a parameter (NOISE FACTOR) which
- lets you make the "new" noise sound (somewhat) like the "old"
- broken noise. Also the new noise allows for an improved
- TINKLE.PPL paging file.
- 1.1 Just for the record, when you're programming entirely in
- integers, the Equal Tempered musical scale is your worst
- nightmare. Despite this, two new forms of relative
- transposition have been added. Also, if your tunes sound a
- little different under 1.1 than they did under 1.0, it's not
- your imagination. Up 'til version 1.1, there was a
- discrepancy between the frequency table in the docs and the
- actual speaker output: While the table gives frequencies based
- on A4 being equal to 440 Hz, Pageplay based its output on A4 =
- 451 Hz. As of 1.1, PagePlay uses the more widely accepted 440
- Hz base. PagePlay has been tested with a Korg digital tuning
- reference, and on most machines it should be within one cent
- of perfect pitch (in octave 4) - any error will more likely be
- due to your system's background noise from the fan and hard
- drive!
- 1.0 At this date I have still not perfected the NOISE command. I
- have left it in place because some interesting effects can be
- attained with it as it is, as evidenced in TEST5.PPL. A later
- release of PagePlay _WILL_ include a true white-noise
- generator command IN ADDITION to the existing NOISE command.
- -=( T )=-
- Acknowledgements and Personal Notes from the author:
- Thanks to Allen Walker for his invaluable work in converting
- C-64 SID music to PagePlay format, so that I am able to provide
- many sample music files for your edification and enjoyment.
- Thanks to Patrick Wilson for putting the bug in my head to write
- this thing, and for numerous suggestions, which have been
- incorporated into PagePlay.
- Thanks to Richard Whittaker for trying out a completely untested
- program, putting his system at grave risk, just to beta-test
- PagePlay for me.
- Thanks to Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt for designing the
- SIDplayer program, after which PagePlay is modeled in some
- places.
- Finally, thanks to Rob Hubbard, for programming all that great
- music on the C-64.
- Maximus-CBCS(tm) is a trademark of Scott Dudley.
- RemoteAccess(tm) is a trademark of Continental Software.
- DesqView(tm) is a trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems.
- SIDPlayer(tm) is a trademark of Compute! Books.
- Garfield(tm) is a trademark of Jim Davis/United Feature Syndicate
- If you have any questions or comments please contact Gerald
- Albion on Tommy's Holiday Camp BBS, or send netmail to 1:340/26
- or email to ue075@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
- +1 604 380 6467 (2400-14400 HST) 1:340/27
- +1 604 361 4549 (2400-14400 V.32bis) 1:340/26
- 24 Hours a day "In Stereo"
- -eof-
- Whirlwind Software
- P.O. Box 5874
- Victoria, B.C.
- Canada V8R 6S8