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- You can order or register PKWARE products by MasterCard or Visa!
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- PKWARE Support BBS (414) 352-7176.
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- 7545 N. Port Washington Rd.
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- PKZFIND (tm) File Finder Plus for MS-DOS
- Searches subdirecties & .ZIP files for wanted files.
- * Diskette with programs and documentation files ...... $25. ______
- * Commercial site license for the use of PKZFIND.
- (Includes one diskette with programs & documentation files.)
- 2 to 9 computers ..... at $20 each # computers ___x 20 ______
- 10 to 24 computers ..... at $16 each # computers ___x 16 ______
- 25 to 49 computers ..... at $13 each # computers ___x 13 ______
- 50 to 99 computers ..... at $10 each # computers ___x 10 ______
- 100 or more computers .. $1000 one time fee ______
- Diskette format (choose one) 5.25" disk ____ 3.5" disk ____
- Extra program disk & documentation with purchase of
- site licenses of 2 or more available at $7.00 each. ___x 7 ______
- PKZIP (R), PKUNZIP (R), and PKSFX (R) for MS-DOS
- * Diskette with programs and documentation files ...... $47. ______
- * Site license for the use of PKZIP, PKUNZIP & PKSFX.
- (Includes one diskette with program disk & documentation.)
- 2 to 9 computers ..... at $36 each # computers ___x 36 ______
- 10 to 24 computers ..... at $28 each # computers ___x 28 ______
- 25 to 49 computers ..... at $22 each # computers ___x 22 ______
- 50 to 99 computers ..... at $16 each # computers ___x 16 ______
- 100 to 149 computers ..... at $12 each # computers ___x 12 ______
- 150 to 199 computers ..... at $11 each # computers ___x 11 ______
- 200 or more computers .... $2000 one time fee ______
- Diskette format (choose one) 5.25" disk ____ 3.5" disk ____
- Extra program disk & documentation with purhcase of
- site licenses of 2 or more available at $8.00 each. ___x 8 ______
- PKZIP (R), PKUNZIP (R), and PKSFX (R) for OS/2
- * Diskette with programs and documentation files ...... $47. ______
- * Site license for the use of PKZIP, PKUNZIP & PKSFX.
- (Includes one diskette with program disk & documentation.)
- 2 to 9 computers ..... at $36 each # computers ___x 36 ______
- 10 to 24 computers ..... at $28 each # computers ___x 28 ______
- 25 to 49 computers ..... at $22 each # computers ___x 22 ______
- 50 to 99 computers ..... at $16 each # computers ___x 16 ______
- 100 to 149 computers ..... at $12 each # computers ___x 12 ______
- 150 to 199 computers ..... at $11 each # computers ___x 11 ______
- 200 or more computers .... $2000 one time fee ______
- Diskette format (choose one) 5.25" disk ____ 3.5" disk ____
- Extra program disk & documentation with purhcase of
- site licenses of 2 or more available at $8.00 each. ___x 8 ______
- Please add $3.50 for shipping & handling for each
- package. ___x $5.00/3.50 ______
- (Please add $5.00 per package for overseas
- orders.)
- Wisconsin residents add 5% sales tax. ______
- Total enclosed ______
- Terms:
- MasterCard, Visa, Check or Money Order drawn on a U.S.A. bank in U.S.
- funds. Corporate Purchase orders (net 30) accepted for software from
- large corporations within the USA & Canada. All licenses are prepaid
- only. All orders outside of the United States & Canada must be prepaid.
- * Includes a free upgrade to the next version of the software, when
- available.
- PKWARE,PKZIP,PKUNZIP & PKSFX Registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office