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- A new product of the DietzelSOFT-series.
- · ─═[Version v1.22]═─ ·
- (c) 1996 Stefan Dietzel
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- ■· Instruction for the SysOP ·■
- Introduction
- ────────────
- "STD-PAGE" - what is that?
- What the term "homepage" means should every one knows from "Internet".
- Many people an company offers there own homepages in the Internet.
- Therefore everyone can easyly an quickly access the newest drivers and
- informations.
- Such homepages need a gateway-computer which established the connection
- between local datas and the network. Thoose computers are called servers.
- When we do compare this knowlege with STD-PAGE and the bulletin
- board systems we could say that the BBS is needed for the connectio between
- system and user and STD-PAGE is the serverprogram which manages the pages
- and accesses.
- Sure, STD-PAGE is no "Internet"-program which can serve pages to the Internet
- but it does something like that.
- The exact function and history of STD-PAGE I will tell you in the
- following paragraph.
- Some time ago I though: The BBS-scene is really dead. Nothing new appears
- to the scene. The whole world is fascinated of the slow Internet.
- I tried to get te reason for the fact that everyone speak about the Internet
- and recognized a few thing:
- - Everyone can create his one page with his own wishes
- - There are links between the homepages
- - Guestbooks are avaiable
- - The homepage-creator knows how many people visited his page
- - The Script-Language HTML is avaiable on many different computer-plattforms
- After that I asked myself how it works in the BBS-scene with the free
- and personal homepages.
- Apart from the fact that now software exisists which can handle those
- things there also does not exist a uniform Script-Language.
- There is one fact that speaks for the BBS: ANSI. This screen-language can
- be used on many computer-plattforms.
- Because of that I though that a program in which the user can create his
- pages in an easy to learn language is needed. This language should enable
- the abilitys of the Internet and his HTML.
- The result of my thoughts is STD-PAGE.
- With this program and its own Script-Language (Fast-Script) the
- user is able to create his own and individual homepages.
- The Script-Language is very clear and easy to use.
- In the Script-Language exists many command which are also exist in
- languages like Basic, Pascal or C.
- The possibilitys you can realize with the Script-Language are very great.
- For constructing your own homepage you can use guestbooks, visitorcounters,
- statistics, links, variables, menuestructures, management-Commandos,
- display-Commandos and the transfer of files.
- With this commands and abilities your are able to create a small BBS
- in the BBS.
- That ist not all, there is one immprovement comming:
- The created homepages cann be send over a network (like Fido) trought
- the whole world. Then your homepage is not only presented in one BBS it
- is presented in many BBSes.
- The utility which transfers the new homepages into one file which can be
- distributed through a network will be published in november 1996.
- Now back to the user:
- The user have the ability to test his pages offline at his computer. The
- utility PAGE_OFL.EXE will be found in the self-extracting file PAGEUSER.EXE
- which the user should have extracted when he read this textfile.
- And now an important request: If somebody things that he also want to
- write a program like STD-PAGE please make the Script-Language compatible
- to "Fast-Script" of STD-PAGE. This would be nice for all users. Then
- they only have to create their homepage one time and it will work in
- all programs so that they only have to upload there pages in the different
- programes (without changes).
- Installation of STD-PAGE
- ────────────────────────
- Important: To get all the command-line parameters you have to
- use the parameter /H (type STDPAGE /H).
- For using the fossil-support instead of the direct
- COM-Assignment you have to use the parameter /FOSSIL.
- If you are using the multitasker DesqView you should change in
- the files SEND.BAT, SEND2.BAT and RECEIVE.BAT the parameter -OS2
- with the parameter -DV.
- To change change the language-file you have to edit the file MESSAGES.CFG.
- The archive of STD-PAGE contains the following language-files:
- - GERMAN.CFG German language-file
- - ENGLISH.CFG Engish language-file
- To activate one of those file you have to copy it to the name MESSAGES.CFG.
- By the factory-settings the german language-file is active.
- If you want to use a own Mainmenue in STD-PAGE you only have to create
- a ANSI-file with the name STDPAGE.ANS. Then you have to copy it into the
- main directory of STD-PAGE.
- Important for all Bulletin Board Systems:
- ─────────────────────────────────────────
- After the installation of STD-PAGE you have to edit
- in the directory of STD-PAGE the file STDPAGE.CFG.
- The informations of this file are important if you
- want to register STD-PAGE.
- Installation into GS-Mailbox:
- ─────────────────────────────
- Copy the programfiles into the directory \gsbox\stdpage.
- Create the directory \gsbox\stdpage\receive.
- Now write a STDPAGE.BAT-file which should look like the following example
- and which is placed in the main GSBOX-directory \gsbox.
- rem ---------->Begin<-----------------------------
- cd\gsbox\stdpage
- stdpage %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- cd\gsbox
- rem ----------->End<-------------------------------
- After that edit your GSBOX-Scriptfile.
- For the call fo STD-PAGE you have to create first a key which
- jumps to the call of STD-PAGE.
- Call at GS-BOX from 1.80 (or bigger like 1.90, 2.00, 2.1x):
- ****************************
- :xyz
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- key s,stdpage,1
- aktion
- goto xyz
- ****************************
- :stdpage
- RUN overlay("stdpage.bat /USER:"+musername+" /COM:"+str(port))
- GOTO xyz
- ********************************
- Installation into RemoteAccess:
- ───────────────────────────────
- Create the directorys \RA\STDPAGE and \RA\STDPAGE\RECEIVE.
- Decompress the STD-PAGE-Archive into the directory \RA\STDPAGE.
- Start the configuration-program of RA.
- The configuration in RA should look like that (I do not use RA):
- Enter at RACONFIG->MANAGER->MENUS the following commands:
- Action : Execute Sub-Program (Type 7)
- Display : ;
- Opt. Data: *C /C C:\RA\STDPAGE.BAT *N *M
- The STDPAGE.BAT at \RA should look like the following example:
- @echo off
- del \ra\stdpage\dorinfo1.def
- copy \ra\dorinfo1.def \ra\stdpage
- cd \ra\stdpage
- stdpage.exe
- cd \ra
- Installation into ProBoard:
- ───────────────────────────
- Create the directorys \PB\STDPAGE and \PB\STDPAGE\RECEIVE.
- Decompress the STD-PAGE-Archive into the directory \PB\STDPAGE.
- Start the configuration-program of PB.
- The configuration in PB should look like that (I do not use PB):
- MENUES -> Display : ;
- Function: 7 - Shell
- The STDPAGE.BAT at \PB should look like the following example:
- @echo off
- del \pb\stdpage\dorinfo1.def
- copy \pb\dorinfo1.def \pb\stdpage
- cd \rb\stdpage
- stdpage.exe
- cd \pb
- Installation in LoraBBS/2:
- ──────────────────────────
- Thanks to Gert Massheimer / DELTA-OS BOX for this instruction.
- ===== Begin of Page.Bat =====
- @Echo Off
- REM ***************************
- REM * Menue-Call in LoraBBS/2 *
- REM ***************************
- REM Type 97 - Display file (system)
- REM Data DorInfo
- REM Hot-key P
- REM Type 10 - Run external program
- REM Data D:\Lora\Door\Page\Page.Bat %k %b
- REM Hot-key P
- REM ## Del D:\Lora\Door\Page\DorInfo%1.Def
- REM !! In my BBS Line 1 is COM2. If the parameter /Fossil is used, !!
- REM !! i have to say STD-PAGE that Line 1 is at COM1 . !!
- REM !! The COM-Port at the fossil-support has to be 1 port smaller !!
- REM !! than the real port (e.g. 0 for COM1, 1 for COM2 and so on). !!
- If "%1"=="4" set Port=4
- If "%1"=="3" set Port=3
- If "%1"=="2" set Port=3
- If "%1"=="1" set Port=1
- Copy D:\Lora\DorInfo%1.Def D:\Lora\Door\Page
- CD D:\Lora\Door\Page
- StdPage.Exe /Fossil /Com:%Port% /Line:%1 /Baud:%2
- CD D:\Lora
- ===== End of Page.Bat =====
- Installation into other Bulletin Board Systems:
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────
- First you can call STD-PAGE with the parameter /H for getting a look
- over the whole parameters and command-lines of STD-PAGE.
- You also can start STD-PAGE with DORINFOx.DEF-use. This file should be
- stored in the same directory as STD-PAGE.
- It is also possible to start STD-PAGE with a DOOR.SYS-use by using the
- parameter /DOOR.SYS in the command-line.
- Maybe the installation-guide of the other systems might help you.
- Local call of STD-PAGE (e.g. for testing):
- ──────────────────────────────────────────
- Change to the directory of STD-PAGE and type the following command
- (you habe to change the name "TONI TESTER" with your name):
- Disable special users:
- ──────────────────────
- You can forbid special users to upload and add own homepages
- into the system. The only thing you have to do is to write
- the users name into the file KICKOUT.TXT.
- Informations about the script-language:
- ───────────────────────────────────────
- For further details please read the file PAGEUSER.DOC.
- If you locally want to add a homepage to the system read the following
- guides:
- 1. Copy yout HOMEPAGE.ZIP into the STDPAGE-Subdirectory RECEIVE
- 2. Call STD-PAGE with the following parameters (change "NAME" to your name):
- 3. Select the function 3. After that the only thing you have to do is
- to follow the orders on screen.
- Sharewareversion:
- ─────────────────
- STD-PAGE will be published under the conditions of "SHAREWARE".
- "SHAREWARE" what is that? The name comes from the USA.
- The name does not mean that the program is totally free. The
- program is no Public-Domain or Freeware. It is "normal" software
- which the user can test befor buying. The program is distributed
- by the principle of "fairness against fairness".
- With the Sharewareversions of the STD-programs you get fully
- functional software which you can test very long without buying
- them for that. On opposite I trust you that you delete the program
- if it is not that you wanted or that you will register it when
- you use the program longer than 30 days.
- The Sharewareversions of my programs you can copy freely to other
- people (but _NOT!_ the registered versions or the keyfiles).
- Registration:
- ─────────────
- The registration will be done through writting the registrationcode
- into the file STDPAGE.CFG
- For registering the program you have to fill out the file REGISTER.DOC.
- Please read the file REGISTER.DOC exactly.
- Programer- and Supportinformations:
- ───────────────────────────────────
- Programer : Stefan Dietzel
- Prog.-Lang. : Turbo Pascal (R) 7.0
- Copyright : (c) 1994/95/96/97 Stefan Dietzel
- Support-BBS : -[QUASAR-B0X]-
- 24h online
- More than 4GB PC-Software
- Modem: +49 (0)6187-23903 (X75,V34,V32b)
- Fax. : +49 (0)6187-23905 (FAX)
- Netadresses: FidoNet : 2:244/6208.8
- Liberty : 98:102/110
- SF-Net : 142:107/310
- PCO-Net : 199:2406/315
- Other informations:
- ───────────────────
- Responsibility:
- ───────────────
- I do not guarantee the work of this program.
- I also can not guarantee that the program might let your
- system loss his datas.
- The only thing I can guarantee is that the program will need
- space an you harddisk.
- Other things:
- ─────────────
- Please be fair and register the program. I have spend much time
- in programming STD-PAGE.
- If you notice yome bugs please send me an information.
- Sorry for the spelling and gramatically errors in the text.
- I hope you can unterstand it. :)