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- Version 1.23 Date: 22.10.1997
- -------------------------------
- + New FastScript (PL)-commands:
- OR For Integer-Variablen
- XOR For Integer-Variablen
- AND For Integer-Variablen
- NOT For Integer-Variablen
- WHEREX Writes the actual X-position of the cursor to a
- integer or real variable.
- WHEREY Writes the actual Y-position of the cursor to a
- integer or real variable.
- + FastScript (PL) has finished beta-test. It is now a official content
- of STD-PAGE and should be used by everyone.
- Version 1.22 Date:24.06.1997
- ------------------------------
- + A new FastScript-command has been implemented.
- ACTIVEUSER shows all users which are actually logged on STD-PAGE.
- + Some smaller bugfixes.
- Version 1.21 Date:12.03.1997
- ------------------------------
- + NEWS.TXT will be displayed when STD-PAGE is started
- + PAGENET.EXE included
- + PAGEEDIT.EXE included
- ! FastScript(PL) is still in version 1.20alpha4
- Version 1.20alphaX Date:xx.xx.xxxx
- ------------------------------------
- + Some changes for FastScript(PL)
- + FastScript ist still 100% compatible with v1.00 to v1.03!
- Version 1.20alpha Date:xx.xx.xxxx
- -----------------------------------
- Sorry, in the ALPHA-Versions of STD-PAGE no english documentation
- is avaible. The documentation will follow, when STD-PAGE has completed
- the alpha-stadium.
- Version 1.03 Date: 21.10.1996
- -------------------------------
- ! If a user hangs up while uploading his homepage the half uploaded
- HOMEPAGE.ZIP war net deleted. This bug his really been fixed now and
- STD-PAGE kann be used in muliline bulletin board systems without
- share conflicts.
- + It is now possible to update a homepage instead of deleting and uploading
- the whole homepage. If you want to update a homepage you have to archive
- the new files in the archiv HOMEPAGE.ZIP. If you want to delete files
- from your homepage you have to add a file named UPDATE.CTL to the
- HOMEPAGE.ZIP archiv which contains the names of the files which should be
- deleted (insert in every line one filename like:
- and so on.)
- + I a ansi-file STDPAGE.ANS exists in the main STD-PAGE directory this
- file will be displayed as the main STD-PAGE menue.
- + DOOR.SYS will now be supported. You have to use the parameter /DOOR.SYS
- to activate the search for this file instead of looking up a DORINFOx.SYS.
- + New commands have been added:
- Command Example Function
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WINDOW WINDOW 1,1,78,22,%MC03%+%MC09% Draws a window with the
- WINDOW X1,Y1,X2,Y2,COLOR following corner-coordiantes:
- Upper left: X=1 Y=1
- Down right: X=78 Y=22
- As commands for the color you
- have to use the color-codes which
- are known from the macros of the
- commands WRITE / WRITELN / ASK.
- If you want to use a mix of these
- colors you have to use a + between
- the colors.
- WINDOW KEY W,WINDOW 1,1,78,22,%MC03%+%MC09%
- Draws a window with the
- following corner-coordiantes:
- Upper left: X=1 Y=1
- Down right: X=78 Y=22
- As commands for the color you
- have to use the color-codes which
- are known from the macros of the
- commands WRITE / WRITELN / ASK.
- If you want to use a mix of these
- colors you have to use a + between
- the colors.
- + At the commands WRITE, WRITELN and ASK are new inline-macros avaible.
- Macro Changed through
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- %MC01% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: RED
- %MC02% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTRED
- %MC03% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: BLUE
- %MC04% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: DARKBLUE
- %MC05% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTBLUE
- %MC06% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: CYAN
- %MC07% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTCYAN
- %MC08% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: YELLOW
- %MC09% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTYELLOW
- %MC10% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: GREEN
- %MC11% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: DARKGREEN
- %MC12% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTGREEN
- %MC13% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: MAGENTA
- %MC14% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTMAGENTA
- %MC15% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: BLACK
- %MC16% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: WHITE
- %MC17% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: GRAY
- %MC18% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: DARKGRAY
- %MC19% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: NORMAL
- ----
- %MC20% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BGRAY
- %MC21% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BMAGENTA
- %MC22% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BGREEN
- %MC23% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BRED
- %MC24% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BBLUE
- %MC25% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BYELLOW
- %MC26% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BBLACK
- %MC27% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BWHITE
- Version 1.02 Date: 06.10.1996
- -------------------------------
- ! Security-bug at the command SEND has been fixed.
- Now only files which are in the homepage directory can be send.
- + If a user want to upload a homepage the STD-PAGe will check if
- no other user is uploading at the moment.
- Version 1.01 Date: 01.10.1996
- -------------------------------
- ! Error while deleting a user-homepage fixed.
- If a sysop deleted a users homepage STD-PAGE deleted the
- name from the file HOMEPAGES.DAT but the directory was not deleted.
- ! Some bugs in the output have been fixed.
- ! If fossilsupport is used STD-PAGE adds the parameter -F to the
- Zmodem-protokoll of Peter Mandrella and adds 1 to the com-port.
- Now it is possible to receive and send files in the fossil-mode.
- Note: If you have problems with RA and the fossil-mode try the
- *H parameter of RA.
- ! If a user logged into STD-PAGE he was able to delete any homepage
- with pressing the D-key and entering the keyword. This bug has been fixed.
- + In the main-menue the sysop can jump to dos-shell with pressing ALT+J.
- + Tool: HOME_INF.EXE -> read HOME_INF.DOC!
- + The following multitaskers will be supported with timeslices:
- 1 - DESQview, DESQview 2.26+
- 2 - TopView, TopView, TaskView, DESQview 2.00- 2.25,
- OmniView, or Compatible
- 3 - OS2, OS/2
- 4 - DoubleDOS, DoubleDOS
- 5 - WinEnh, MS Windows 3.x in Enhanced Mode
- 6 - Win386, MS Windows 386 v2.xx
- 7 - TaskSwitcher, MS DOS 5.0 Task Switcher or Compatible
- 8 - Win286 MS Windows in Real or Standard Mode
- + Now the IRQs of the comports can be defined freely from 1 to 15.
- + New commands have been added:
- Command Example Function
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- the user. This command waits
- every 22 line for a key.
- SHOWTEXT KEY I,SHOWTEXT INFO.TXT By pressing the I-key the file
- INFO.TXT will be send.
- DATE DATE Writes the actual date to the
- actual screen-position.
- TIME TIME Writes the actual time to the
- actual screen-position.
- MESSAGE MESSAGE 1,1,78,22 Opens a Message-Editor with the
- MESSAGE X1,Y1,X2,Y2 following corner-coordiantes:
- Upper left: X=1 Y=1
- Down right: X=78 Y=22
- The message will be written into
- the file ANSWER.TXT. Please do not
- forget to write the instruction
- how to end the editor to screen
- before you open the editor. The
- editor can be exited with CTRL+X
- or 2xESC (the text will auto-
- maticaly be saved).
- VERSION VERSION This will show a information-
- screen with the versionnumber of
- STD-PAGE and FastScript.
- URL URL Asks a user for a keyword or
- the name of an homepage-owner and
- changes to the page if it exists.
- + At the commands WRITE, WRITELN and ASK are now inline-macros avaible.
- You only have to write the macros in your output-text and the macros will
- be settled down with the corresponding phrases.
- The following macros exists in FastScript v1.01:
- Macro Changed through
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- %MN% Username
- %MB% Baudrate
- %MS% Space
- %MT% Actual Time
- %MD% Actual Date
- %MU% Number of visitors of the homepage