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- A new product of the DietzelSOFT-series.
- · ─═[Version v1.23]═─ ·
- (c) 1997 Stefan Dietzel
- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- ■· Instruction for the online-user ·■
- Introduction
- ────────────
- "STD-PAGE" - what is that?
- Everyone should know, what the term "homepage" means, because of the
- "Internet". Many people and companys offer their own homepages in the
- Internet. Therefore everyone can easyly and quickly access the newest drivers
- and informations.
- Such homepages need a gateway-computer which establishes the connection
- between local data and the network. Those computers are called servers.
- When we do compare this knowlege with STD-PAGE and the bulletin
- board systems we could say that the BBS is needed for the connection between
- system and user and STD-PAGE is the serverprogram which manages the pages
- and accesses.
- Truly, STD-PAGE is no "Internet"-program which can serve pages to the Internet
- but it does something like that.
- I will tell you the exact function and history of STD-PAGE in the
- following paragraph.
- Some time ago I thought: The BBS-scene is really dead. Nothing new appears
- to the scene. The whole world is fascinated by the slow Internet.
- I tried to figure out the reason for the fact that everyone speaks about the
- Internet and recognized a few things:
- - Everyone can create his own page with his own wishes
- - There are links between the homepages
- - Guestbooks are avaiable
- - The homepage-creator knows how many people visited his page
- - The Script-Language HTML is avaiable on many different computer-plattforms
- After that, I asked myself how that would work in the BBS-scene - with free
- and one's own homepages.
- Apart from the fact that there doesn't exist any software which can handle
- those features there does not exist a uniform Script-Language, either.
- There is one big reason for using the BBS: ANSI. This screen-language can
- be used on many computer-platforms.
- Because of that, I though about a program in which the user can create his
- pages in and an easy to learn language. This language should enable the
- abilities of the Internet and its HTML.
- The result of my thoughts is STD-PAGE.
- With this program and its own Script-Language (Fast-Script) the user is able
- to create his own and individual homepages.
- The Script-Language is very clear and easy to use.
- There exist many commands in my script-language which also exist in languages
- like Basic, Pascal or C.
- The possibilities you have to realize your own homepage with the Script-
- Language are spread widely. For constructing your own homepage you can use
- guestbooks, visitorcounters, statistics, links, variables, menuestructures,
- management-Commandos, display-Commandos and the transfer of files.
- With this commands and abilities your are able to create a small BBS within
- the BBS.
- That isn't everything, there will be one improvement coming in the future:
- The created homepages can be sendt over a network (like Fido) through-out
- the whole world. Then your homepage won't be presented in one BBS only, it
- will be presented in many BBSes.
- The utility which transfers the new homepages into one file which can be
- distributed through a network will be published in november 1996.
- Now back to the user:
- The user has the ability to test his pages offline at his computer. The
- utility PAGE_OFL.EXE will be found in the self-extracting file PAGEUSER.EXE
- which the user should have extracted when he read this textfile.
- And now an important request: If somebody thinks that he also wants to
- write a program like STD-PAGE please make the Script-Language compatible
- to "Fast-Script" of STD-PAGE. This would be nice for all users. Then
- they only have to create their homepage one time and it will work in
- all programs so that they only have to upload there pages in the different
- programes (without changes). If you do want to do so, you have to write a
- note into your program which tells the user that FastScript was developed
- by Stefan Dietzel and that it was first used is STd-PAGE.
- The Script-Language
- ───────────────────
- !!! -------------------------------------------------------------- !!!
- !!! The main Script-File has to be named as MAN.SCR. !!!
- !!! You can load other Script-Files out from MAIN.SCR. !!!
- !!! -------------------------------------------------------------- !!!
- !!! The Script-Files have to get the extension .SCR. !!!
- !!! -------------------------------------------------------------- !!!
- !!! You can cover every key but not the keys Q and #. !!!
- !!! The key Q will exiting every homepage and let the program !!!
- !!! return to the main program STD-PAGE. !!!
- !!! The key # will transmit and delete the actual ANSWER.TXT. This !!!
- !!! is only avaible for the homepage-owner and not for the vititor.!!!
- !!! -------------------------------------------------------------- !!!
- There are the following Commands avaible:
- ─────────────────────────────────────────
- Command or Command Description
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- + SHOW ZEIGE Display ANSI-file
- KEY TASTE Define a key
- + WAIT WARTEN Wait a second
- + LINK LINK Establish a link to another homepage
- + LOAD LADE Load a new Script-File
- * SEND SENDE Transfer file with ZMODEM
- ENTER RETURN Wait for the "ENTER" or "RETURN" key
- + END ENDE Exit homepage
- + GOTOXY GOTOXY Jump with the cursor to a screen-position
- WRITE SCHREIBE Write a text to the actual screen-position
- WRITELN SCHREIBELN Write a text to the actual screen-position
- (with carriage return and line feed)
- * VISITOR BESUCHER Statistic-screen: Visitors of the actual homepage
- COLOR FARBE Change the actual "WRITE(LN)"-color
- CLS CLS Clears the screen by writing the actual back-
- groundcolor on the screen
- CLR CLS Clears the screen by writing the actual backgroundcolor
- Black on the screen
- CLRLN CLRLN Deletes the actual line from the cursorposition
- to the end of line with the actual backgroundcolor.
- The cursor does not change its position.
- CLREOL CLREOL Deletes the actual line from the cursorposition
- to the end of line with the backgroundcolor Black.
- The cursor does not change its position.
- USER ANZAHL Writes to the actual screen-position the number
- of visitors the homepage has had.
- + ASK FRAGE Asks the user for something (great for
- questionaires). The question and the answer of
- the user will be written into the file ANSWER.TXT.
- The owner of the homepage can download and delete
- the answer-file by pressing the key #. The file
- will be transmitted with ZMODEM an it will be
- deleted after the transfer.
- + SHOWTEXT ZEIGETEXT Shows the textfile INFO.TXT to the user. This
- command waits every 22 line for a key.
- + DATE DATUM Writes the actual date to the actual screen-
- position.
- + TIME ZEIT Writes the actual time to the actual screen-
- position.
- + MESSAGE NACHRICHT Opens a Message-Editor.
- The message will be written into the file
- ANSWER.TXT. Please do not forget to write
- the instruction how to end the editor to
- screen before you open the editor. The
- editor can be exited with CTRL+X or
- 2xESC (the text will automaticaly be saved).
- + VERSION VERSION This will show a information-screen with the
- versionnumber of STD-PAGE and FastScript.
- + URL URL Asks a user for a keyword or the name of an
- homepage-owner and changes to the page if it
- exists.
- + WINDOW FENSTER Draws a window (with borders) on the screen
- + WRITECENTER Write a text to the actual screen-position
- (into the center of the actual line)
- + WRITELNCENTER Write a text to the actual screen-position
- (into the center of the actual line)
- (with carriage return and line feed)
- + ACTIVEUSER Shows the actual onlineusers in STD-PAGE.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * <- ALl with a * marked commands can only be used together with the
- KEY-Command! They can not be used stand-alone.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- + <- All with a + marked commands can be used in relation with the KEY-
- command and they also can be used stand-alone.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- All other commands can _not_ be used with the KEY-Command
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The commands in detail:
- ───────────────────────
- Command Example Description
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SHOW SHOW MAIN.ANS Shows the file MAIN.ANS to the
- user.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- KEY KEY A,B C A=Key to activate command
- B=command to do
- C=Parameter for the command
- Please look up in the table for
- the command KEY the command that
- can be used with this command.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WAIT WAIT Wait a second
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LINK LINK STEFAN DIETZEL Establishes a link to the homepage
- of Stefan Dietzel.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LOAD LOAD FILE The Script-File FILE.SCR will
- be loaded. You should not write
- the extention .SCR in the command.
- The extention .SCR will auto-
- matically added by STD-PAGE.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ENTER ENTER Waits for the pressing of ENTER.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- END END The homepage will be leaved and
- the program returns to the main
- page of STD-PAGE.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GOTOXY GOTOXY 1,5 The cursor will jump to the
- scree-position X=1 and Y=5.
- The maximum of X is 80 and
- the maximum of Y is 25.
- X is the column and Y the line.
- Please be aware of the fact that
- most terminal-programs use the
- line 25 for status-informations.
- Please do not use this line in
- your homepage.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WRITE WRITE Hi world The text "Hi world" will be
- displayed at the actual cursor-
- position. After writing the text
- the cursor stands behind the last
- letter.
- Please take a look at the special
- table of the command WRITE / WRITELN
- and ASK.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WRITELN WRITELN Hi World The text "Hi world" will be
- displayed at the actual cursor-
- position. After writing the text
- the cursor will be set to the
- first position in the next line
- (line feed and carriage return).
- Please take a look at the special
- table of the command WRITE / WRITELN
- and ASK.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- COLOR COLOR RED The next writes to the screen
- will be written in the color RED.
- With one COLOR-Command you can
- only set one color (no mixes).
- If you want so set a new foreground
- and a new backgroundcolor you
- have to use the command twice like
- for the foregroundcolor Yellow
- and the backgroundcolor Black.
- To know what colors are avaible
- look in the seperate table of the
- command COLOR.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLS CLS Clears the screen with the actual
- backgroundcolor.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLR CLR Clears the screen with the
- backgroundcolor Black.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLRLN CLRLN Deletes the actual line from the
- cursorposition to the end of line
- with the actual backgroundcolor.
- The cursor does not change its
- position.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CLREOL CLREOL Deletes the actual line from the
- cursorposition to the end of line
- with the backgroundcolor Black.
- The cursor does not change its
- position.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- USER USER Writes to the actual screen-
- position the number of visitors
- the homepage has had.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ASK ASK What is your name? Asks the user the question "What
- is your name?". The question and
- the answer of the user will be
- written into the file ANSWER.TXT.
- The owner of the homepage can
- download and delete the answer-file
- by pressing the key #. The file
- will be transmitted with ZMODEM
- an it will be deleted after the
- transfer is completed.
- Please take a look at the special
- table of the command WRITE / WRITELN
- and ASK.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- the user. This command waits
- every 22 line for a key.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DATE DATE Writes the actual date to the
- actual screen-position.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TIME TIME Writes the actual time to the
- actual screen-position.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MESSAGE MESSAGE 1,1,78,22 Opens a Message-Editor with the
- MESSAGE X1,Y1,X2,Y2 following corner-coordiantes:
- Upper left: X=1 Y=1
- Down right: X=78 Y=22
- The message will be written into
- the file ANSWER.TXT. Please do not
- forget to write the instruction
- how to end the editor to screen
- before you open the editor. The
- editor can be exited with CTRL+X
- or 2xESC (the text will auto-
- maticaly be saved).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VERSION VERSION This will show a information-
- screen with the versionnumber of
- STD-PAGE and FastScript.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- URL URL Asks a user for a keyword or
- the name of an homepage-owner and
- changes to the page if it exists.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WINDOW WINDOW 1,1,78,22,%MC03%+%MC09% Draws a window with the
- WINDOW X1,Y1,X2,Y2,COLOR following corner-coordiantes:
- Upper left: X=1 Y=1
- Down right: X=78 Y=22
- As commands for the color you
- have to use the color-codes which
- are known from the macros of the
- commands WRITE / WRITELN / ASK.
- If you want to use a mix of these
- colors you have to use a + between
- the colors.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WRITELNCENTER WRITELNCENTER Hi World The text "Hi world" will be
- displayed in the center of the
- actual screen-line. After writing
- the cursor will be set to the
- first position in the next line
- (line feed and carriage return).
- Please take a look at the special
- table of the command WRITE / WRITELN
- and ASK.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WRITECENTER WRITECENTER Hi world The text "Hi world" will be
- displayed in the center of the
- actual screen-line. After writing
- the text the cursor stands behind
- the last letter.
- Please take a look at the special
- table of the command WRITE / WRITELN
- and ASK.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ACTIVEUSER ACTIVEUSER Shows an onlineuser screen
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The command KEY and his subcommands:
- ────────────────────────────────────
- Command Example Description
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- KEY KEY A,B C A=Key to activate command
- B=command to do
- C=Parameter for the command
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SHOW KEY I,SHOW INFO.ANS By pressing the key I the file
- INFO.ANS will be displayed to
- the user.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LINK KEY S,LINK STEFAN DIETZEL By pressing the S-Key a link
- to the hompage of Stefan Dietzel
- will be established.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LOAD KEY F,LOAD FILE By pressing the F-Key the script-
- file FILE.SCR will be loaded.
- Is is not allowed to write an
- extension .SCR in the command.
- The program will add it auto-
- matically to the name FILE.
- (Because of that all Script-Files
- should have the extension .SCR.)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SEND KEY C,SEND CHAT.ARJ By pressing the C-Key the file
- CHAT.ARJ will be transmitted
- with ZMODEM.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- END KEY E,END If the user pressed the E-Key
- the homepage will be exited.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VISITOR KEY B,VISITOR By pressing the B-Key the
- statistic-screen will be displayed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ASK KEY W,ASK What is your name? Asks the user the question "What
- is your name?"when he pressed the
- W-Key. The question and the answer
- of the user will be written into
- the file ANSWER.TXT.
- The color of the question-sentence
- can be set up with the COLOR-
- command. The owner of the homepage
- can download and delete the answer-
- file by pressing the key #. The file
- will be transmitted with ZMODEM
- an it will be deleted after the
- transfer is completed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SHOWTEXT KEY I,SHOWTEXT INFO.TXT By pressing the I-key the file
- INFO.TXT will be send.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DATE KEY D,DATE Writes the actual date to the
- actual screen-position.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TIME KEY T,TIME Writes the actual time to the
- actual screen-position.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MESSAGE KEY M,MESSAGE 1,1,78,22 Opens a Message-Editor with the
- KEY M,MESSAGE X1,Y1,X2,Y2 following corner-coordiantes:
- Upper left: X=1 Y=1
- Down right: X=78 Y=22
- The message will be written into
- the file ANSWER.TXT. Please do not
- forget to write the instruction
- how to end the editor to screen
- before you open the editor. The
- editor can be exited with CTRL+X
- or 2xESC (the text will auto-
- maticaly be saved).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VERSION KEY V,VERSION This will show a information-
- screen with the versionnumber of
- STD-PAGE and FastScript.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- URL KEY U,URL Asks a user for a keyword or
- the name of an homepage-owner and
- changes to the page if it exists.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WINDOW KEY W,WINDOW 1,1,78,22,%MC03%+%MC09%
- Draws a window with the
- following corner-coordiantes:
- Upper left: X=1 Y=1
- Down right: X=78 Y=22
- As commands for the color you
- have to use the color-codes which
- are known from the macros of the
- commands WRITE / WRITELN / ASK.
- If you want to use a mix of these
- colors you have to use a + between
- the colors.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- will diplay a list of all the
- users which are actually logged
- on STD-PAGE.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The COLOR-Command and his colors:
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────
- Foreground-Colors: Background-Colors:
- ────────────────── ──────────────────
- The commands WRITE / WRITELN AKS and the avaible macros:
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- You only have to write the macros in your output-text and the macros will
- be settled down with the corresponding phrases.
- The following macros exists in FastScript v1.01:
- Macro Changed through
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- %MN% Username
- %MB% Baudrate
- %MS% Space
- %MT% Actual Time
- %MD% Actual Date
- %MU% Number of visitors of the homepage
- ----
- %MC01% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: RED
- %MC02% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTRED
- %MC03% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: BLUE
- %MC04% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: DARKBLUE
- %MC05% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTBLUE
- %MC06% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: CYAN
- %MC07% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTCYAN
- %MC08% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: YELLOW
- %MC09% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTYELLOW
- %MC10% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: GREEN
- %MC11% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: DARKGREEN
- %MC12% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTGREEN
- %MC13% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: MAGENTA
- %MC14% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: LIGHTMAGENTA
- %MC15% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: BLACK
- %MC16% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: WHITE
- %MC17% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: GRAY
- %MC18% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: DARKGRAY
- %MC19% Changes the Foregroundcolor to: NORMAL
- ----
- %MC20% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BGRAY
- %MC21% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BMAGENTA
- %MC22% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BGREEN
- %MC23% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BRED
- %MC24% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BBLUE
- %MC25% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BYELLOW
- %MC26% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BBLACK
- %MC27% Changes the Backgroundcolor to: BWHITE
- Examples and informations for the Script-Language:
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
- You can add comments in a Script-File by writting a semicolon (;) in front
- of the line.
- If the first character of a line is a ; the line will be ignored.
- File MAIN.SCR:
- ;--------Beginn der Haupt-Script-Datei-------
- ;Delete the screen with the backgroundcolor Black
- ;Set the backgroundcolor to blue
- ;Set the foregroundcolor to cyan
- ;Goto the upper left corner of the screen.
- GOTOXY 1,1
- ;Delets and dills the background of the whole line with the
- ;actual backgroundcolor
- ;Writes the headline (with CR+LF)
- WRITELN HOMEPAGE of Stefan Dietzel
- ;Sets the backgroundcolor back to black
- ;Sets the foregroundcolor to lightred
- ;Goto screen-position X=1 and Y=3
- GOTOXY 1,3
- ;Write a text for the menue. (You also can draw an ANSI-file and show this
- ;file instead of writing it with Script-Commands. You and show an ANSI-file
- ;with the SHOW-Command.
- WRITELN -1- Informations about myself
- WRITELN -2- Download the source of this homepage
- WRITELN -3- Goto the File-Area
- GOTOXY 1,7
- WRITELN -X- Back to STD-PAGE...
- ;Now i describe the keys and its functions.
- ;By pressing the key ! the Text MYSELF.TXT should be shown.
- ;This text has to be created with a normal editor. In this
- ;example I thing that the text already exists in the actual
- ;directory.
- ;Now I define the key 2 which should send the file MAIN.SCR with
- ;ZMODEM to the user.
- ;The key 3 should change the actual Script-File to FILE.SCR.
- ;In this example I think that this script already exists.
- ;Now i defint the X-Key as the Exit-Key.
- ;Now the Example-Script is finished.
- ;----End of the main Script-File----
- Testing of a created homepage (incl. Sub-Pages):
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Copy the file PAGE_OFL.EXE (and the MESSAGES.CFG) into the directory
- where your Script-, ANSI-, and TOSEND-Files are stored.
- Then start the program PAGE_OFL.EXE and you can test your
- homepage. If something does not work with your homepage you
- can exit the program PAGE_OFL.EXE by pressing the Q-Key.
- Then you can change the Script-File which contains the bug
- and after that you can test the pages the next time.
- Making a packet for uploading and installing in to STD-PAGE:
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- If you have tested your homepage delete the file PAGE_OFL.EXE (+MESSAGES.CFG)
- out of the directory that only the file you need for your homepage
- are in the directory. Make sure that all files the homepage needs
- are in the directory (also the files that should be transfered).
- After doing that you have to deflate the directory with the program
- PKZIP.EXE under the name HOMEPAGE.ZIP.
- If you do not know how you can do that please read the following lines:
- 1. Copy the file PKZIP.EXE to the main-directory C:\
- 2. Change to your script-directory
- After that you have to call the BBS where the STD-PAGE in which you want
- to put in your homepage is installed. After that you have to go into STD-PAGE.
- Then you have to select the function 3. Now follow the orders on the screen.
- Making a packet for changing an installed homepage in STD-PAGE:
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- If you want to update a homepage you have to archive the new files in the
- archiv HOMEPAGE.ZIP. If you want to delete files from your homepage you have
- to add a file named UPDATE.CTL to the HOMEPAGE.ZIP archiv which contains the
- names of the files which should be deleted (insert in every line only one
- filename like:
- and so on.)
- After that you have to go into STD-PAGE. There you have to select the
- function 5. Now follow the orders on the screen.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!! Important: Do not delete a file of your homepage which you want to replace
- !!! with a new one. If you delete a file with a command in the UPDATE.CTL
- !!! STD-PAGE replaces at first the files of your homepage with the new files
- !!! of your new archive. After that STD-PAGE deletes the files which are
- !!! written into the UPDATE.CTL. If you delete a file which you want to replace
- !!! the file will first be replaced and at the end deleted because you have
- !!! written into the UPDATE.CTL.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Other informations
- ───────────────────
- The use of the program PAGE_OFL.EXE is free.
- The mainprogram STD-PAGE which you sysop has to use is Shareware
- and may be used 30 days free. After that time the program should be
- registered. If your sysop has the program not registered please encurage
- him. The registation only costs 15.-DM (Deutsche Mark).
- Thank you and much pleasure with your homepages. :)