home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- v1.90 - Added ">>" to RUNGAMES.BAT, to pipe most output to RUNGAMES.LOG
- (optional)
- *** - Fixed HOSTFIX call to HSTFIX... Everybody rename it back...
- - Added "Who hasn't sent in turns" to Turns-In-Log in Host menu
- - Added Host option to unzip backups of games
- - VP-MAINT /Egamename now creates TIY, TIYDAT, OPTIONS and DESCLINE
- (if they don't already exist)
- - Player can now have CPlayer play for him after 1-3 missed turns,
- (instead of 1)
- - I think I've fixed locked baudrates over 38400...
- - Made change to how REF.EXE is called (checks now for mission, not
- just for if "MISSION" file exists in game directory)
- - Fixed occasional problem with phantom game packets in DLOAD directory
- after user has already downloaded them
- - Fixed bug with listing remote games
- - Fixed bug with editing "Archive Packet Y/N" causing havok...
- - Added /W to VP-MAINT to allow creation of "Who is in what game"
- bulletin, ASC & ANS, in Game Directory & full list in Door Directory
- - Host can now set the maximum number of turns skipped due to people
- not getting their .TRNs in, after which the turn is forced
- - Rewrote HCONFIG.HST output routine - Faster, prettier & more accurate
- *** - Fixed StupidFix MsgAreaID... I had left some test code in that hard-
- coded it to my own MsgAreaID ("FC:\FD\MAIL")... Oops...
- - "Who's Playing" now displays player Registered/Unregistered/Unknown
- v1.81 - Changed internal message function so that people can't impersonate
- other races (Sorry Wil!)... Old #.MSG files now obsolete...
- - Added "timestamp" to stale .TRN messages (so player can figure
- out what went wrong)
- - Put /FORCE into docs (rather than just into this UPDATE.TXT <g>)
- (also updated docs about other command line options, like -RA...)
- - Added -G{gamelist} so people could have completely different LISTS
- of games available (You can now have, say, Novice & Pro games with
- different batch files from the BBS... See docs for details.)
- - Added "UseHostFix" keyword to allow automatic use of HOSTFIX.EXE
- - Changed "E"dit Settings to "@"Edit Settings in main menu
- - So massively sped up the "Other BBS List" search it SCARED ME!
- - Fixed Other BBS list to work with "+" European area code searches
- - Fixed STARS! upload bug
- - Added option to have separate STARS! title page
- - Added %1 (Game Name) and %2 (CPlayer players) to calls to BEFORE.BAT,
- GAME.BAT, and AFTER.BAT (See docs)
- - Added "StayInRipMode" to VP-DOOR.CFG for Rip BBSs
- - Fixed bug where VP-MAINT /Egamename wouldn't use the RACE.NM in
- the new game when it creates GAME.REC
- - VP-MAINT will send mail to all ex-players when a game ends, while
- - Fixed "Phantom Game Name" Bug... I hope...
- - Made VP-MAINT /Egamename *not* allow full path (ie /EC:\STUPID\GAME1)
- because it uses the name you pass to create GAME.REC
- - Now support TacCom, with it's alternate .TRN format <GRRRRR!!>
- (Still need to run new CHKTRN yourself)
- - StupidFix now supports STARSFIX commands (send mail to STARSFIX
- instead of STUPIDFIX to get help/join Stars! games)
- - Added READALL keyword to VP-DOOR.CFG, to force StupidFix to skip
- it's built-in "New Message Only" scan...
- - Fixed bug with Racename Edit on 11'th race... (Don't know how tho...)
- - StartGame now allows graphical MASTER program in *local* mode
- v1.80 - STUPIDFIX is born! "Internet <-> STUPID Mail Interface"
- - Added "CALL" to RUNGAMES.BAT before CPLAYER (so that you can
- make CPLAYER batch files... see docs)
- - Spinny cursor removed until I can get it to stop interfering with
- typing!
- - SUSPEND & SKIPTURN flag files added (see docs)
- - Created /FORCE command line to force game to run regardless of
- if all the .TRNs are in, in "?" games...
- - Added support for RAGNAROK (the Armageddon program)
- - Added "Are you sure" to GoodBye command
- - Fixed call to RCONFIG.EXE to support small but signifigant changes
- in Tim's programming... <sigh>
- - Made mail for "New Game Starting" tell user what days it plays
- - fixed small bug where door was checking carrier in local mode (was
- causing problems on OS/2 systems...)
- - fixed some color problems in the message editor
- - FINALLY fixed missed turn counter! (I hope)
- v1.72 - Since there is now a VPC.EXE (CPlayer Clone), the code to look for
- ┌─┐ the VPMovie compiler will only allow the NEW filename for
- │N│ it: VPMC.EXE (it was called VPC.EXE in the original release)
- │o│ (VPC.EXE is now ignored.)
- │t│ - If the race is available, it shows "Available!" instead of "()"
- │ │ - Slowed down the fancy cursor (it was going so fast at 28.8 that
- │R│ nobody could type anything!)
- │e│ - Took out the fancy window in Uploading
- │l│ - Added help for uploading to "Q&A.TXT" for some terminal setups
- │e│ - Host can make door send mail to all players when .RST is available,
- │a│ each turn... For odd play-days...
- │s│ - Fixed bug in VP-MAINT where it wasn't removing the temp directory
- │e│ - Created "MULTIBACKUP" keyword in VP-DOOR.CFG, to allow automatic
- │d│ creation of 6 days of backups
- └─┘ - Fixed typo in EXRECIEVE (EXRECEIVE... either will now work) in .CFG
- v1.71 - Fixed bug in message Reply
- - Fixed bug in File Grab where last file listed was unavailable
- - Sped up startup; user gets to "welcome" screen quicker
- - made "*" command line switch in CPlayer optional
- - Fixed bug(s) in backing up/using custom *SPEC.DATs (Sorry all!)
- - New "colorful" sound in Install Program (plus Integrity checker <g> )
- v1.70 - Language file support.... 99.9% of text is now configurable
- - Fixed bug in KillRace; if KILLRACE.EXE not available, player name
- is not changed to "*" (and rendered unplayable)
- - Fixed bug in "?" (help) in starting a new game; if it was used,
- the question being helped with would be skipped (oops!)
- - Fixed bug(s) in AutoNuke - Would just keep nuking players every day
- - Installed new ZModem routines; hopefully will fix download problems
- with some terminal programs
- - Fixed "DOOR.LOG" -> "VP-DOOR.LOG"...
- - Improved Time-Slice sharing...
- - Fixed "spinny cursor" so it would work with destructive backspaces
- - Sped up viewing of HCONFIG.HST
- - Fixed that USECPLAYER (from VP-DOOR.CFG) was not being checked
- - Stars Menu - You can now only join one race
- - "S"tatus command shows turns in & who's playing what
- v1.62 - Fixed bug in "REPLY" to message from host
- - Fixed lockup in "WHO'S PLAYING" (in main menu) (weird bug!)
- - Added MASSIVE new Debug logging
- - Made remote menu skip stale check on non-.RST games
- v1.61 - Released only as .ZIP containing VP-DOOR.EXE & VP-DOOR.OVR
- (plus this file...)
- - The door was checking for the /L command line, THEN
- reading DOOR.SYS (with the wrong baudrate!)
- - Put slight pause at the end of RETURN.VP* (so people will see it!)
- - Fixed bug in Player Editor in Host menu (wasn't saving changes)
- v1.6 - Fixed stupid bug in INSTALL.EXE (oops!)
- - Fixed *big* bug in Stars! download command - Works now... {sigh}
- - Fixed bug in "ARCHIVE"/"UNARCHIVE" option in VP-DOOR.CFG
- - Added fully featured Wormhole editor
- - Added "Other BBS Listing" option; can read BBS1995.DOC (renamed),
- with search for area code option
- - Added ability to view your own passwords in game
- - Added "Co-Sysop" listing, giving Co-Sysop in-door sysop access
- - Updated HELP-?.* files
- - "View Scores" now displays REF.LOG if it exists
- - Added "Join" option to the Stars! menu
- v1.5 - Recovered important unit lost in HD crash; some features from
- previous updates might be lost; if you notice anything
- let me know...
- - Changed "You have not downloaded your .TRN(s)"... to
- "You have not downloaded your .RST(s)"... (!!!!!)
- - Fixed logic bug in displaying days played to players
- (Sunday was being skipped if not all days were play days...)
- - Fixed "Edit" option for RaceNames, Away Play & Team Password
- (Just had to change an "=" to a "<>") (Grrrr!)
- - Fixed possible bug where if the player had "Away Play" on & the
- CPlayer is also turned on, CPlayer would run CPLevel*2 times
- - Removed AUTONUKE keyword; I will put it back in if anyone wants it.
- - Added full featured E-Mail system, including "Message to Host"
- and "Message to Player(s)"
- - Added support menu for Stars! (experimental)
- - Added -D{path2dropfile} command line switch
- - Added drive change to RUNGAMES.BAT and when calling .EXEs (so that
- people with STUPID & VGAPlanets on separate drives
- can use this door <g>)
- - Added STARTCPLAYER keyword; if a player is "expired" for not playing
- the CPlayer can be automatically started
- - Added ability for player to turn off CPlayer when he joins in game
- - Added capability for external transfer routines
- - Added pauses after long screens when in Novice Mode
- * - Added -C command line switch to VP-MAIL.EXE to force CRASH setting
- on file-attach/request message
- v1.4 - Fixed logic bug in deleting non-playing players (after X days)
- - Fixed run-time error if remote .RST is not yet available and someone
- tries to download it.
- - Fixed "Mail to Users" when game starts not to send mail to CPU (Oops!)
- - Fixed (I hope) user drop-carrier lockup
- - Fixed bug in Get Files that goes into loop if user "Falls Asleep"
- - Game Host can now download .VPM file (if exists) when game killed
- - Added Date to list of Remote games (to see if .RST is new)
- - Added NOVICEMODE CFG option (sends menus after every command)
- - Added AUTONUKE to remove games >30 turns with no players
- - Made the Make Batch File utility compatible with both possible names
- of the VPMovie Turn Compiler (VPC.EXE or VPMC.EXE)
- (Thanks Wil... NOT!)
- - Added "AnsiClrAttrib" after every "AnsiBlink" in the program
- - people were complaining that sometimes the blink wouldn't
- be turned off when a new color is drawn
- - Modified score routine to display +- difference from previous turn
- - Once a player has downloaded a .RST in a game, if he quits, he
- can't rejoin *THAT* game AT ALL unless the host puts him in manually
- - Player editor (to put people into a game manually... 8) )
- - Created VP-MAIL.EXE File Attach/Requester for remote games
- - Sped up the searching of VP-DOOR.DAT prompts
- - Configurable text file sent to user after "G"oodbye...
- - Added Username & BBSName macros to "color macros"
- - HCONFIG.LST now allows any order for entries
- - if the particular config setting doesn't exist, it isn't
- displayed...
- v1.3 ** - Fixed bug in DOOR.SYS reading code ("COM2:" ????)
- - Fixed bug in VP-MAINT Game Editor (Edit Race Name didn't work...)
- - Fixed bug in Start Game where door wasn't asking for CPU Players'
- "Wandering Tribes" fleet starting position
- - Fixed bug in "CPU Only" races, where you could configure a game
- with *NO* humans! (gaak!)
- - Added more characters available for game name
- - Added REMOTESTALE keyword to .CFG to toggle stale trn detect in
- remote games
- - Added ALTHOST keyword to allow alternate HOST.EXE in forced run
- - Added full RIP compatiblility, along with ALLOWRIP keyword in CFG
- - Added list of what other programs that might be needed for door
- (If I were to INCLUDE them, the door would be 900+ K!)
- - Added Q&A.TXT to (hopefully) help people with common questions
- - Stream-lined the Remote menu to allow upload of multiple game .TRNs
- - Updated PLAY.BAT to include keeping track of *SPEC.DAT (custom)
- v1.2 - Fixed little cosmetic bug in "Whos playing" in Host menu
- - Fixed logic error in Remote menu regarding overwriting .TRN file
- - Fixed bug in Name Editor (it allowed Host to edit names of races not
- playing...)
- - Fixed bug with "File" menu in grabbing wildcard'd names
- - Fixed occasional swap file not being removed
- - Fixed bug in Remote Menu - "List Remote Games"
- - Sped up "." and "," (switching between games)
- - Added feature where game automatically starts when X players join
- - Added CPlayer "Difficulty Level"
- - Added "-DEBUG" command line option
- - Added "Forced" HOST run
- - Added ability to have separate Bulletins for each Remote game
- **** - You MUST add the extra config line to your REMOTE.DAT - See docs
- - Increased use of Overlays... In VP-DOOR & VP-MAINT...
- - Stale .TRN detection in Remote games
- - Game Host can now designate races as "CPU Only"
- - -N{nodenumber} now says which DORINFO?.DEF to read (for multi-line)
- - Added option to delete OLDFIG.HST (forces configuration messages
- to be sent to players)
- - Added viewing of REF.LOG (so host can keep track of "game points")
- v1.1 - Fixed *MAJOR* bug in configuration reader routines... The door was
- using the defaults on my own system instead of configurations
- entered by Sysop. This caused major "Path Not Found"
- errors by people trying to start new games.
- - Added FileMode to all read-only disk access
- - SHARE support
- - .ANS and .ASC versions of TIY log and SCORE.LOG
- - Added to Docs:- Forgot to tell everyone that FOSSIL is needed, there
- is a 100 game maximum, ~! acts as "Press Any Key
- To Continue" in text files...
- Also, first 9 games can be selected with 1-9 keys
- - "Fuzzy" logic- On specific days, HOST will run only if all "Joined",
- non-CPU Players, have their .TRN in...
- - Multiple *OR* Single HOST runs per day
- - Combined with Fuzzy .TRN in logic, you can have turbo-games
- - Starting a new game now takes care of "too long" map descriptions,
- and limits maps to 20 max (to prevent scrolling) ( oops 8] )
- - Time Left is now taken into account when downloading from the
- "Grab Files" menu, and in the door. See VP-DOOR.CFG.
- - "Goodbye" can now either create the GOODBYE.{nodenumber} file, or
- drop DTR (hang up). See VP-DOOR.CFG.
- - Time Left shown in status line
- - To support just about any other Planets Utility that is out there,
- or yet to be programmed, I have implemented BEFORE.BAT and
- AFTER.BAT... Placed in the Game directory, they are called
- DIRECTLY "Before" and "After" HOST.EXE.
- TORPSPEC.DAT all exist in the game directory, they will be used
- by the Host, and sent to all players in their game packets.
- - Added "Team Passwords". If your PW matches any other passwords
- for other players, you get their .RSTs. This allows people
- playing in teams to download team-mates .RSTs to see what's
- going on... This replaces "Seconds" in previous version.
- - Moved Main, Host & Remote menus to M-MAIN.VP, M-HOST.VP and
- M-REMOTE.VP respectively... Add .VPA if you want Ansi.
- - Fixed Race Name Editor
- - Created option in VP-MAINT to create game packets for specified user
- - Whenever something is archived in the door, ZIP.LOG holds the
- results of the run, to aid in debugging lack of memory
- and path problems
- - VP-DOOR.EXE and VP-MAINT.EXE now accept /C{configfile} (instead of
- the default VP-DOOR.CFG)
- v1.0 - First Release