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- TommCHAT Revision History:
- 1.00: First release. Kicks ass on most chat programs already. Buggier
- than a double feature of Arachnophobia and Attack of the Killer
- Bees, but we like it anyway ;-)
- 1.01: Fixed a number of bugs: The first person to enter TommCHAT no
- longer vanishes. ANSi 3-D effects fixed. Linefeeds now trapped,
- so that users of inferior terminal software do not experience
- apparent long delays in getting commands recognized. Help files
- no longer erroneously refer to TommCHAT as being in alpha: it
- wasn't in 1.00 and it definitely isn't now.
- Added four more actions: Bark (like a dog), Woof (like Arsenio),
- Zzz (take a nap), and Hurl (like Garth).
- 1.03: Fixed some more bugs. Under certain very exotic conditions,
- TommCHAT and all other Whirlwind Software doors (by Gerald Albion)
- used to crash when just the wrong combination of interrupts went
- off at once. This problem which has proved very inconvenient for
- some, has (we believe) been exterminated. New versions of Rancho
- Nevada, Hi-Q, Purity, Bluevote and Q-Pid are now also available
- which include this important fix!
- 1.05: Many additional path checks, defaults, and overrides mean that
- TommCHAT should work much more smoothly out-of-the-box even with
- the most exotic batch files and pathing situations... The
- "runtime error 100" which sometimes occurred while running actions
- has been (hopefully) fixed. I have also fixed some picky logic
- dealing with how user access levels are passed...
- There is also a new /D command line switch which lets you pass the
- directory path of your DORINFO1.DEF (or other door file), to
- accommodate BBSes which can only write these files to one preset
- path.
- 1.05c: Mea culpa! 1.05 was released with "new" bugs which weren't
- adequately tested for. Hopefully this release will fix things.
- 1.06: I have added support for non-FOSSIL systems - if you run a BBS
- without a FOSSIL driver, read the docs on how to set up non-FOSSIL
- com ports, even with non-standard port parameters!
- Also added a "meow" (like a puddy-tat) action. My cat likes it,
- hope you do too...
- 1.06d: This release contains numerous bug fixes, and a couple of actions
- (rose and impure) have been cleaned up - they actually make sense
- now. There's also a new "socks" action (as in, remove them and
- stink up the room), and a new "drag" action (from a cigarette -
- no politically-correct-person, I!). The docs now contain a
- warning about a situation which could cause a runtime error, and
- how to fix it yourself.
- In order to use the fixed Actions, you must copy the ACTIONS.CTL
- file to your TommCHAT directory and run COMPACT!
- The structures are now included. If you develop a utility for TC
- (I'd like to see a slick external user editor, for one) please
- upload it to my BBS. Similarly, I'd like to build a library of
- user-written Actions. If you have written some unique or
- humourous actions for TC, please send them to me!
- 1.07: This is both a "maintenance" release and a "new feature" release.
- I have fixed some IPC collision related bugs thanks to some
- excellent information provided by TommCHAT sysops. Thankz loadz
- dudez!
- I have also responded to user requests for one-key access to quit
- and help functions. Just typing ? by itself on a line (followed
- by return) will call up the help file, and either q or x will get
- the user out (similar to Galacticomm's MajorBBS<tm>).
- Further to one of the first feature requests I received over a
- year ago, I have also made SmartActions<tm> available without the
- /a. You can use just a / and the action, e.g.:
- /kickass tommy
- does the same as
- /a kickass tommy
- (but please don't, I'm sore enough already =)
- Also, I have -greatly- improved the intelligence of the
- action-by-name code. Now, even if a user has embedded colours or
- hard-to-key characters in his or her handle, these codes are
- ignored in the name comparison, and a partial name will do.
- Example: Say my handle is stored as "~ET~Mo~Gm~Om~Py". It looks
- like gibberish but it displays as "Tommy" in five colours thanks
- to the embeddeds. However, a user can still make me the recipient
- of her action if she types /rose Tommy, or /grin tom, or /re ommy.
- All three use either the entirety or a substring of my
- stripped-down pseudo "Tommy", and are therefore legal. Of course,
- you can still reference the victims of your actions by their node
- number if you so desire.
- 1.10 I have added some real support for the "languagefile" concept in that
- ALL the user-visible text (excepting shareware nag stuff, sorry) is
- now changeable in TOMMCHAT.TXT. You can even change the keys for
- the common "Yes/No" prompts so that users can respond "Yes" or "No"
- with the right letter for their language (e.g. "Ja", "Oui", "Si",
- "Da" etc.)
- Of course, I have included the Action pronouns in the language file
- for completeness, and in doing so I have expanded the available
- pronouns to 20. There are now 12 default pronouns (better variety
- than the 9 in previous versions!) so you can add different pronouns
- without having to modify the existing actions!
- I have also fixed another bug which no-one reported but which
- surely SOMEONE must have seen: for several versions now (at least)
- the /sm "member list" feature had not worked at all! This is now
- fixed.
- I have also finished some "under construction" code which has
- raised some questions since first release. The /ke user editor
- actually displays "Yes" and "No" and "Male" and "Female" instead of
- cryptic numbers for user attributes. This can simply be ascribed
- to the fact that I started on the online user editor and never
- really quite finished it..
- Some additional bugs involving DORINFO1.DEF and FOSSIL locking have
- been reported and nailed. Many thanks to Detlef Pleiss for his
- valuable input!
- 1.11 A few oversights in the language file have been corrected.
- "secretly" (used in the actions) is probably the most obvious.
- A few things have been sped up quite a bit. TC should be smoother
- and less prone to crashing overall now.
- 1.12 More language configurability! You can now configure several
- commands as well as virtually every string in TommCHAT!
- A "Censor" has been added. You can now prevent users from swearing
- or using other undesirable words in public (or, for fascists, in
- private) and you can also prevent users from /h'ing to undesirable
- handles like ALL or SYSOP.
- You can now also disable the /h function altogether.
- The /A command line switch now overrides the access level database.
- You can now erase user records with the /kz sysop command.
- 1.13 I have fortified the comm support a bit. If you've had trouble
- getting TC to run on some com ports, this version might solve your
- problem. Mostly that's all that's new about this version.
- 1.14 The WinSlice config option has been added which may improve
- performance under Windows 3.x. Also, TommCHAT will now only give up a
- timeslice if the user has not typed a character in more than one
- second. This is to prevent the possibility of over-zealous
- timeslicing.
- 1.15 Some enhancements to the SmartActions that went into NanoChat have
- been imported into TommCHAT 1.15. In addition, several sysmsgs in
- TOMMCHAT.TXT have been updated. But, perhaps the most important
- reason for this release is that TCL, the TommCHAT Language compiler,
- is now MUCH faster.
- 1.2 This is a major update consisting of two big improvements. First,
- multi-user performance and reliability is enhanced - the likelihood of
- TommCHAT skipping a message is now virtually zero. Second, many of the
- exciting enhancements that have been added to NanoCHAT (The version of
- TommCHAT that comes built into NanoBBS) have now been added to
- TommCHAT - read the help file for more information. To put it simply,
- this release is just a far better product than 1.15 was. One other
- thing worth noting: the /NA command line option didn't use to work,
- now it does.
- 1.21 I have fixed a couple of things. First, some sysops reported problems
- getting TommCHAT to work locally from a door drop. I think I have
- fixed this - I duplicated the fault and put in code that appears to me
- to have eliminated it, but your mileage may vary - contact me if you
- still have this problem.
- Also, some BBSes have an annoying habit of insisting on putting a
- trailing space in the user's name if it's a one word handle. TommCHAT
- now strips this prior to looking the user up in its own userlog.
- 1.22 I have developed a new file sharing system which I am implementing in
- all my doors. It's really quite ingenious, if I do say so myself.
- This is a very minor maintenance release that incorporates this new
- code. Oh yeah, and I noticed a few redundant global variables, I
- eliminated them, saving about the same amount of data segment space as
- the new file sharing code takes up.
- 1.3 In response to a bug report, I have fixed the /m and /i messages. In
- addition, the problem of missing messages is finally, once and for
- all, eliminated. And, in response to a long standing demand, I have
- added support for private and locked channels! Plus the pricing has
- again been flattened. TommCHAT costs $25 period now, no extra fees
- for extra nodes. Everyone gets a 255 node key. Anyone who's already
- registered TommCHAT can get upgraded to a 255 node key by email for
- nothing, or by snailmail for $3 US (to cover disk, postage etc).
- Note: I will respond to further bug requests, but 1.3 is probably the
- final major version of TommCHAT. Please don't ask me for more features.