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- Telemate is NOT FREE. You MUST REGISTER after the 30-day evaluation
- period.
- Telemate is a Shareware product. It is distributed through public
- access channels so that prospective buyers can have the opportunity to
- evaluate the product before making a decision to buy. If you decide to
- use this software, then you are under both legal and moral obligations
- to register it with the author. It is fully protected by State,
- Federal and International copyright laws.
- If you continue to use Telemate after the 30-day evaluation period you
- must register it.
- Registration Fee : US$ 49 / CAD$ 55
- To register your copy of Telemate, fill in the order form and mail
- it along with your cheque or money order in US or CAD funds to the
- address of the appropriate RegSite of your choice as indicated in
- the form. Because of the high service charge to collect cheques
- from overseas, we only accept overseas orders in the form of
- international Money Order or Credit Card. All Money Orders and
- cheques should be made payable to the appropriate RegSite that you
- select to use.
- CompuServe users can register Telemate with CompuServe's shareware
- registration service. GO SWREG and search for Telemate.
- For credit card orders, please call our credit card RegSites or
- Public Software Library (PSL).
- When you register, you will receive the program diskettes with the
- latest version and your registration number. Registration entitles
- you to continue using the current version and all future versions.
- The registration number will remove any annoying functions in the
- unregistered version of all Telemate releases.
- As a registered user, you can write to us or call the support BBS's
- if you have any questions or problems. We appreciate suggestions and
- ideas; most new Telemate features come from user feedback.
- ====== Telemate 4.20 ============================== Order Form ======
- Please send cheque or money order payable to "White River Software"
- in US or CAD. Overseas order in money order only. (Note that the
- current postage from US to Canada is $0.40.) For multi-user licenses,
- please contact us.
- White River Software
- P.O.Box 73031
- Limeridge Mall Postal Outlet
- Hamilton, Ont. L9A 5H7
- Canada
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Qty. Item US/CAD Amount
- ___ Telemate Registration @ $49/$55 $________
- (with latest version and document on disk, and the
- registration number that remove the ending screen)
- ___ GIFLink Registration @ $30/$35 $________
- (Look! A X/Y/Zmodem/QuickB external protocol driver that
- displays transmitting GIF images in SuperVGA 256 colors!)
- ___ GIFLITE Registration @ $30/$35 $________
- (A GIF-to-GIF Compressor that reduces GIF size by 30%
- and yet preserves the same quality and resolution!)
- Less $10 discount if you order any two or
- $20 discount if you order all three $(______)
- Shipping and handling outside US and Canada @ $4 $________
- Subtotal $________
- Ontario resident please add Prov. Sales Tax (8%) $________
- Canadian resident please add Goods & Services Tax (7%) $________
- Total US$________/CAD$________
- Disk size: [ ] 5.25 [ ] 3.5 (Please check one)
- Name ____________________________________________________________
- Address ____________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- Country _____________________ Phone (______)_____________________
- Comments ____________________________________________________________
- =====================================================================
- ====== Telemate 4.20 ====================== RegSite Order Form ======
- To register Telemate through one of our RegSites, fill out the form
- below, and send it to either the National RegSite or your nearest
- Regional RegSite by Netmail, FAX, or normal surface mail.
- For even speeder service, you can call your Regional RegSite and use
- your Credit Card to register by voice (6pm-10pm weekday, 10am-10pm
- weekend), or log onto their BBS and use the on-line Credit Card door.
- Please make cheques or Money Orders payable to the RegSite that you
- select to use.
- Your Registration Number will be placed on hold for you with a File
- Attach message within 24 hours or less!!
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Qty. Item Amount
- ___ Telemate Registration @ US $49 $________
- (with latest version and document on disk, and the
- registration number that remove the ending screen)
- State Sales Tax (if applicable) $________
- Total US$________
- Disk size: [ ] 5.25 [ ] 3.5 (Please check one)
- Payment method: [ ] Cash [ ] Cheque [ ] Money order [ ] Credit card
- Name ____________________________________________________________
- Address ____________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- Country _____________________ Phone (______)_____________________
- FidoNet address__________________ InterNet address__________________
- Card # _______________________________ Expiry date________________
- (Discover, Visa, MasterCard, or American Express)
- Exact name printed on Credit Card____________________________________
- Signature____________________________________________________________
- USA National and Southern Region RegSite
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you reside in:
- Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas,
- Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina,
- or Tennessee, please use:
- Postal address: Ordering information:
- S.R.O. BBS Tech Support : 1-817-542-8012
- Attn: Dept TM Orders Only : 1-800-542-1450
- Rt 2, Box 642-1 FAX : 1-817-542-8013
- Copperas Cove, TX 76522 BBS : 1-817-542-7388
- FidoNet : 1:395/602
- Texas residents add 8.25% Sales Tax
- USA Northern Region RegSite
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you reside in:
- Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
- Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, or Wisconsin, please
- use:
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- Terminator BBS! Voice : 1-414-867-3640
- Attn: Dept TM BBS : 1-414-867-3670
- E 4715 Apt. 1 Den-Ed Lane Fidonet : 1:139/810
- Weyauwega, WI 54983 : 1:139/811
- Wisconsin residents add 5% Sales Tax
- USA Eastern Region RegSite
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you reside in:
- Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Deleware, District of Columbia,
- Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut,
- Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, or Maine, please use:
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- Thom & Allison Kirby Voice : 1-914-354-1814
- The Blackboard Orders Only : 1-800-484-7197 (Code 0384)
- 19 Old County Road BBS : 1-914-354-1913
- Pomona, New York 10970 FidoNet : 1:2625/143
- Internet: thom.kirby@blkboard.woodybbs.com
- New York residents add 7.25% Sales Tax
- USA Western Region RegSite
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you reside in:
- Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,
- Oregon, Utah, Washington, or Wyoming, please use:
- Postal Address: Ordering Information:
- Mike Jordan Voice: 1-503-693-7068
- Com-Dat BBS BBS : 1-503-681-0543
- 2459 SE TV Hwy #119 : 1-503-681-8324
- Hillsboro, OR 97123 : 1-503-640-0278
- : 1-503-693-7229
- FidoNet: 1:105/317 : 1-503-693-7161
- 1:105/314 : 1-503-693-7161
- 1:105/330 : 1-503-693-7523
- Internet - mjordan@europa.com
- anonymous FTP - ftp europa.com /usr/local/anon-ftp/outgoing/com-dat
- Oregon & Out-of-State residents - No Sales Tax required
- =====================================================================
- ====== Telemate 4.20 =================== Public Software Library ====
- For MasterCard or Visa card order, please call the Public Software
- Library at 1-800-2424-775 or 1-713-524-6394 (order only please, from
- 7:00am-6:00pm Monday-Thursday, 7:00am-12:30pm Friday) and ask for
- TELEMATE or by writing to
- Public (Software) Library
- P.O. Box 35705
- Houston, TX 77235-5705
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Qty. Item Amount
- ___ Telemate Registration @ US $49 $________
- (with latest version and document on disk, and the
- registration number that remove the ending screen)
- Shipping and handling outside US and Canada @ $4 $________
- Total US$________
- Disk size: [ ] 5.25 [ ] 3.5 (Please check one)
- Name ____________________________________________________________
- Address ____________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- Country _____________________ Phone (______)_____________________
- Card # _______________________________ Expiry date________________
- (Visa, MasterCard)
- Exact name printed on Credit Card____________________________________
- Billing address (required by the bank)_______________________________
- ____________________________________________________________
- Signature____________________________________________________________
- =====================================================================
- ===== Telemate German Edition ============ Bestellformular =====
- Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bestellung zusammen mit einem Scheck,
- Bargeld oder unter Angabe Ihrer Kreditkarte (Visa, EUROCARD
- oder MasterCard) an die unten stehende Adresse. Wenn Sie eine
- Multi-User-Lizenz möchten, setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung.
- MicroServe GmbH Tel: 04298/30557
- Postfach 13 68 Fax: 04298/30558
- D-28860 Lilienthal Internet: tm@WinNET.de
- M.I.X Support Mailbox: 04298/30086
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Anzahl Artikel DM Betrag
- ___ Telemate deutsche Vollversion, DM 249,00 DM________
- Komplettpaket mit ausführlichem Handbuch
- ___ GIFLink Registrierung DM 65,00 DM________
- (Ein X/Y/Zmodem/QuickB externer Protokoll-
- treiber, der während der Übertragung GIF-Bilder
- in SuperVGA 256 Farben zeigt.)
- Aktuelle Version und Anleitung auf Diskette.
- ___ GIFLITE Registrierung DM 65,00 DM________
- (Ein GIF-zu-GIF Komprimierer, komprimiert bis zu
- 30% bei gleichbleibender Qualität und Auflösung!)
- ___ Telemate Registrierung, engl.Version DM 99,00 DM________
- (with latest version and document on disk, and the
- registration number that remove the ending screen)
- DM 10,00 Rabatt, wenn Sie zwei Programme oder
- DM 20,00 Rabatt, wenn Sie alle drei Programme
- bestellen - DM(______)
- Versandpauschale DM 7,00, Ausland DM 12,00 DM________
- Für Versand per Nachnahme zzgl. DM 3,00,
- Ausland zzgl. DM 6,00 DM________
- Gesamtbetrag DM________
- Diskettenformat: [ ] 5,25" [ ] 3,5" (Bitte wählen Sie eins)
- Name ________________________________________________________
- Adresse ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- Land _____________________ Telefon (______) _________________
- Ich zahle per:
- Nachnahme [ ] beiliegendem Scheck [ ] beiliegendem Bargeld [ ]
- VISA Card [ ] EUROCARD/MasterCard [ ] Verfalldatum ___________
- Karten-Nr.:_____________________ Karteninhaber __________________
- Datum _______________ Unterschrift ______________________________
- ====Telemate Spanish Edition============================Hoja de pedido=======
- Por favor envíen talón bancario, efectivo o giro postal. Pedidos de ultramar,
- en giro postal o en efectivo, por favor. Para licencias de multiusuario, por
- favor pónganse en contacto con nosotros.
- Para pedidos con MasterCard o Visa, por favor llamen al nº +34-3-4249085
- (solo para pedidos, por favor) y pregunten por TELEMATE, o escriban a:
- Softwork Telemática
- Aptdo. de correos 22075 Telefax +34-3-3250981
- 08080 Barcelona, Spain
- o envien un mensaje a José Vergés c/o ABAFORUM BBS: +34-3-5893888
- (Internet: jose.verges@abaforum.es)
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- Cantidad Artículo Importe
- ______ Registro de Telemate ptas 15995 ______
- (con la última versión y documentación en disquette y el
- número de registro que elimina la pantalla de salida)
- ______ Registro de GIFLink ptas 4995 ______
- (¡Miren! ¡Un driver externo de protocolo
- x/y/zmodem/QuickB que muestra imágenes GIF en transmisión
- en SuperVGA a 256 colores!)
- ______ Registro de GIFLITE ptas 4995 ______
- (¡Un compresor de GIF a GIF, que reduce el tamaño GIF en
- un 30%, manteniendo la misma calidad y resolución!)
- Descuento de ptas 1000 pidiendo dos o
- descuento de ptas 2000 pidiendo los tres (______)
- Gastos de envío y manipulado para España ptas 500
- internacional ptas 1000 ______
- Subtotal ______
- (España: Precios con IVA incluido!) Total ______
- Tipo de disquette [ ] 5.25 [ ] 3.5 (por favor marque uno).
- Nombre ________________________________________________________
- Dirección______________________________________________________
- País________________Teléfono___________________________________
- Tarjeta______________________Fecha de caducidad________________
- Nombre del titular_____________________________________________
- Firma__________________________________________________________
- Comentarios____________________________________________________