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- " The interface between TerMail and Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) "
- TerPGP 4.1
- Copyright (C) 1994-96 by Dave Wapstra
- Fido 2:280/811.17
- Internet davew@pi.net
- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This program is an interface for PGP. It requires the user to have
- the PGP program (generally available on their local BBS's). TerPGP
- is a front end for PGP and without PGP this program is not very
- usefull. Read the PGP docs!
- I accept no liability, consequential or otherwise, for the use of TerPGP.
- You may use TerPGP freely, give copies away to anyone, as long as the
- original archive is kept intact.
- ==========================================================================
- Quickstart
- ==========
- For all you people who don't like to read the whole doc: you can fire up
- TerPGP by using TerPGP <file> forcemenu. This will pop up the menu and
- you are on your way. Normally, you have to use Shift, Ctrl or Alt to
- fire up the menu. Edit the file TERPGP.CFG to reflect your personal setup.
- To use it with TerMail:
- Edit TM.CFG and add TerPGP to your AfterMsg batch file, or use only TerPGP:
- or
- AfterEdit <path_to_terpgp>TERPGP.EXE TM.MSG
- Add it to the external utils:
- Now, after you have finished editting your message, press Shift, Ctrl
- or Alt on the "TerPGP:" prompt and TerPGP will fire up.
- To check a signature while reading messages, use Shift-F2.
- Integrity check
- ===============
- You can check if the files haven't been tampered with. To do this, you
- need my Public key. It is included in this archive as DAVE.ASC. Use
- PGP to add it to your Public keyring. Type "pgp dave.asc" and enter
- "Y" to add to your keyring. Now type "checksig" to check the signatures
- on the files.
- Installation
- ============
- Just create a directory for TerPGP and copy the files to it. E.g.
- Edit TERPGP.CFG and set the different options to suit your needs. This
- file contains the delay seconds, the EncKludge toggle, editor and
- netmail PATH.
- TerPGP is designed to work with ANY editor. That's why you have to hold
- down Ctrl, Alt or Shift to have the menu pop up.
- ==========================================================================
- General notes
- -------------
- TerPGP does not wipe the files (yet)! Any temporarily files created by
- TerPGP will be recoverable. I have not had the time yet to make a
- wipefile function.
- If TerPGP shows you the red BENG! screen that probably means I have
- made a mistake. Please try and reproduce the problem and be as specific
- as possible.
- There may be some features which are not documented or not well enough
- documented as they should be. Well, so be it. ;-) I'm not a document
- writer, just a programmer <g>
- Using TerPGP
- <^^^^^^^^^^>
- The "hidden" keys:
- o Dosshell on Alt-J/Ctrl-Z (main menu only)
- o TERPGP.CFG edit on "Z" (main menu only)
- o PGP\CONFIG.TXT edit on Alt-Z (main menu only)
- o Q quits menus
- Edit message
- ------------
- This will call the editor defined in TERPGP.CFG replacing the !F with
- the filename given on the command line.
- Sign message
- ------------
- When you sign a message, it can still be read by everyone who has PGP.
- The message looks encrypted, but it is not. Example:
- Before signing it looks like this:
- This is a message that everyone can read...
- The result of signing a message depends on the configuration of your
- CONFIG.TXT file from PGP. Normally, ClearSig is off, and the following
- output will be produced:"
- Version: 2.6.2i
- owEB0AAv/4kAlQMFADAfVLegYQq5wJlzOQEBmsID/RAj7Os/F6AcQhvaHI1++FDu
- k0ZNmkdB7uKX87gTe2hMIs98OlGpwjoYvwCLCdTyVS1wemNqgMYOoJYC8j/MaN2e
- CJumWUmuexW91ubq2V0deGrz/aJp76qcosxZ3xOhF20maNYc9gGxu2DdbZHxNKp1
- R6Uo6xBf5Xpd/5W5G861rDZiCHRlc3QubXNnAAAAAFRoaXMgaXMgYSBtZXNzYWdl
- IGV2ZXJ5b25lIGNhbiByZWFkLi4uDQo=
- =g9sq
- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
- TerPGP will Encrypt/Sign/ClearSign everything between the kludges (if
- any) and the TearLine. (Which is either ___ or ---)
- You can choose if you want to include taglines within or outside your
- PGP signature. See TERPGP.CFG.
- ClearSign message
- -----------------
- If you clearsign a message, it can be read by everyone, wether he/she
- has PGP or not.
- The same message will look like this if you clearsign it:
- This is a message everyone can read...
- Version: 2.6.2i
- SFhc84BcuxtczNzOFL4DThRQ6ZcEypuQ2xFvLMS/UcSHL2ROauJ/8NzBss0GW69N
- yYJOskUQyzZoOywmX8/zu6JbR/pwr313O/IuVAHDBs7WrWd9G+OKu+/mQp5uB36r
- BsFTaBq/o34=
- =AsNq
- ClearSign & Collar message
- --------------------------
- Most people (especially moderators) in Fido echos do not like
- Clearsigned messages because they feel it wastes bandwidth. To be able
- to clearsign your messages and not waste too much _visible_ bandwidth,
- the collar option was added.
- The original idea comes from Frank Perricone, who created the
- "DogCollar" program. To find out more about DogCollar, request
- DogCollar at 1:325/611.0 (Crystal Ship).
- A collared message will look like this:
- >PGP-Collar<
- This is a message everyone can read...
- @PGP Version: 2.6.2i
- @PGP
- @PGP SFhc84BcuxtczNzOFL4DThRQ6ZcEypuQ2xFvLMS/UcSHL2ROauJ/8NzBss0GW69N
- @PGP yYJOskUQyzZoOywmX8/zu6JbR/pwr313O/IuVAHDBs7WrWd9G+OKu+/mQp5uB36r
- @PGP BsFTaBq/o34=
- @PGP =AsNq
- The @ is ASCII 1, the smiley face.
- Encrypt message
- ---------------
- This option will let you choose the recipients key(s). You can tag the
- keys by using the spacebar. TerPGP has a fastkey selection feature: you
- can quickly find a key by typing in the first few characters of the
- User-ID you are looking for.
- TerPGP will use the name you entered in PGP's CONFIG.TXT at MyName and
- tag your own User-ID by default. That way you are able to read the
- message yourself also. If you don't want this, don't enter a name at
- MyName, or deselect your own User-ID in the selection menu.
- Sign & Encrypt message
- ----------------------
- This option will sign the message before it is encrypted.
- Check signature
- ---------------
- Signature checking will leave the signature on the message intact.
- This is a useful feature when checking Clearsigned/Collared messages.
- Decrypt message
- ---------------
- Add TerPGP to your External Utils list in TM.CFG. For example:
- Use ShiftF2 to start TerPGP. Now use Decrypt to decrypt the message,
- and use View message to view.
- [[** TMNICE **]]]
- If you have the latest TmNice (3.0) you can very easily reply to
- encrypted messages and you don't have to do anything special. Just
- reply to the message and select the [P.G.P.] button to call TerPGP and
- choose to decrypt the message. Choose Quit to return to TmNice and
- you can reformat the message or just continue to reply.
- Group management
- ----------------
- Here you can define groups of people to which you encrypt messages lots
- of times and don't want to tag them by hand. The group definitions are
- stored in the file GROUPS.DAT.
- Encrypt to group
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Select group and encrypt message.
- Sign and encrypt to group
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sign the message before encrypting.
- Create group
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Select recipients and make a new group.
- Edit group
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Edit an existing group.
- Remove group
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Remove a group from the list.
- Extract public keyblock(s)
- --------------------------
- Use Extract public keyblocks to extract all public key blocks in the
- message, PGP will be called to add them to your public keyring.
- It is not necessary to remove quotes before the keyblocks TerPGP does
- this automatically. It is not neccesary to remove the exclamation mark
- from the '-!---BEGIN' TerPGP does this for you.
- Insert public key
- -----------------
- Choose the line to insert your key on and press Alt-A.
- You can automagically add a public PGP key to a message by putting
- [PGPKEY] on the beginning of a line (including the square brackets).
- When running TerPGP, a menu will pop up which will default to your
- public key (if you have specified "MyName" in CONFIG.TXT). So, to add
- your own public key in the message, just press enter. If you want to
- select another Public key, just pick one and press enter.
- It may be possible to create a macro in your editor to support the
- insertion of the [PGPKEY]. Here are some examples:
- Ezquote
- """""""
- macrodef B PGP #f2
- /Inserton "[PGPKEY]"
- enter
- Qedit 3.0
- """""""""
- Edit QCONFIG.DAT, choose a key for the macro, and add the
- following: (@5 = Alt-5)
- @5 '[PGPKEY]'
- Run QCONFIG.EXE and press Enter on <Q.EXE>, choose "Keys" and
- press "S" to save and quit.
- View public keyring
- -------------------
- Here you can view your public key, see some more info, and tag and
- extract keys to the file TMPKEYS.ASC by pressing Alt-E. Alt-S will
- toggle sorting on Size/KeyId/Date/User-ID.
- View secret keyring
- -------------------
- The same as view public keyring, only this time it shows your secret keys.
- Key management
- --------------
- Generate keypair
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Create your own public and private key.
- Certify (sign) a key
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sign someones key.
- Edit User-ID/Passphrase
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Add a User-ID to your public key and/or edit your passphrase.
- Remove a key (or User-ID)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Remove a key you no longer want/need.
- View keyring contents
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- View your public keyring using PGP. This is the same as View
- keyring in the main menu, only this uses PGP to view.
- View fingerprints
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- View the fingerprints of the keys on your public keyring. You
- can also view them in the View pubring menu with show key info.
- Check keyring signatures
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Check all signatures on the keyring and show trust info.
- Remove sig. from a User-ID
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Remove a signature from a certain key/user-id.
- Select User-ID
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This selects the default User-ID which is used when signing
- messages. This is only temporary. The default will always be the
- one defined in PGP's CONFIG.TXT file using the MyName option.
- Collar message
- --------------
- Change a clearsigned message into a collared message.
- A collared message will look like this:
- >PGP-Collar<
- This is a message everyone can read...
- @PGP Version: 2.6.2i
- @PGP
- @PGP SFhc84BcuxtczNzOFL4DThRQ6ZcEypuQ2xFvLMS/UcSHL2ROauJ/8NzBss0GW69N
- @PGP yYJOskUQyzZoOywmX8/zu6JbR/pwr313O/IuVAHDBs7WrWd9G+OKu+/mQp5uB36r
- @PGP BsFTaBq/o34=
- @PGP =AsNq
- The @ is ASCII 1, the smiley face.
- Uncollar message
- ----------------
- Change the collared message back to a clearsigned message.
- View message
- ------------
- View the message with the internal viewer, or the viewer defined in
- TERPGP.CFG (ViewCommand). The internal viewer can handle messages
- up to a 1000 lines, and has a nice high-lighting feature ;-)
- Keys:
- Alt-A to add a public key
- Alt-E to edit the file using the editor defined in TERPGP.CFG.
- Alt-F to add the fingerprint of a public key
- Quit
- ----
- Finish, exit, Terminate, stop, go $HOME.
- ==========================================================================
- The config file (TERPGP.CFG)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Just take a look, and change the options for your needs.
- ==========================================================================
- Known problem if you use TmNice 2.3
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This version of TmNice has a bug in it: it will remove all empty lines
- between "paragraphs". This means that if you want to check a signature
- using 'C'hange message, it will always fail, because TmNice will remove
- the lines even when you say No to reformatting.
- Solution: upgrade to a newer version when it is available, or use the
- method described in the Decrypt section of this document, and use Check
- signature instead of Decrypt message.
- The latest TmNice (3.0) has TerPGP support!
- ==========================================================================
- How to reach me
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you have bug reports, problems, suggestions or general comments you
- can send them to me at one of my addresses mentioned at the beginning
- of this document.
- ==========================================================================
- Revision
- ~~~~~~~~
- See WHATSNEW for latest stuff.
- ==========================================================================
- Credits
- ~~~~~~~
- Big Thanks to the following people, who helped me improve TerPGP,
- reported bugs and commented on the docs (and my terrible spelling)
- Clive Goldman
- Tom Strickler
- Joop Blokker
- Ian Underwood
- William Krysiak
- This product uses the SPAWNO routines by Ralf Brown to minimize
- memory use while shelling to DOS and running other programs.
- Version: 2.6.3i
- Charset: cp850
- +n8v7c2wl5eziTzVV+q0w7Xk5d3vkatstpTJlVp260qE3QeJGwWTyftub4cptBwi
- sC7rAfK2284=
- =fY3V