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- Frequently Asked Questions
- alt.security.pgp
- 25 May 1995
- ========================================================================
- The use of PGP raises a number of political and legal
- issues. I AM NOT a lawyer and AM NOT qualified to give
- any legal opinions. Nothing in this document should be
- interpreted as legal advice. If you have any legal
- questions concerning the use of PGP, you should consult
- an attorney who specializes in patent and/or export
- law. In any case, the law will vary from country to
- country.
- ========================================================================
- Introduction
- This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions for the Pretty Good
- Privacy (PGP) encryption program written by Phillip Zimmermann. It
- is one of two FAQ lists for the newsgroup alt.security.pgp.
- The other FAQ list is the "Where to Get PGP" FAQ, which is written and
- maintained by Michael Paul Johnson <mpj@netcom.com>. It covers many
- topics this one does not; in particular, it contains more complete
- information on sites that distribute PGP and the legal and technical
- questions surrounding its distribution. You may get a current copy
- from:
- ftp://ftp.csn.net/mpj/getpgp.asc
- This FAQ is slanted towards the DOS or Unix users of PGP and many of
- the examples given may only apply to them. For other systems, I would
- like to direct your attention to the following documents:
- MAC: "Here's How to MacPGP!" by Xenon <an48138@anon.penet.fi>
- Archimedes PGP comes with its own PGPhints file.
- Send e-mail to pgpinfo@mantis.co.uk for a list of PGP tips.
- It should be noted that most of the questions and answers concerning
- PGP apply equally well to the ViaCrypt(tm) version.
- Material for this FAQ has come from many different sources. It would
- be difficult to name each of the contributors individually, but I
- would like to thank them as a group for their assistance.
- A current copy of this FAQ can be retrieved from my WWW home page:
- http://www.prairienet.org/~jalicqui/pgpfaq.txt
- or via FTP:
- ftp://ftp.prairienet.org/pub/providers/pgp/pgpfaq.?
- The ? indicates the file format: clearsigned text (txt), gzipped
- version of clearsigned text (txt.gz), PGP-signed-and-compressed binary
- (pgp), or ASCII armored PGP-signed-and-compressed file (asc).
- The PGP FAQ is also posted to news.answers and alt.answers, and can be
- found in any of the standard FAQ repositories in the three-part form
- it is posted in.
- Permission is granted to copy, archive, or otherwise make this FAQ
- available in any way you please, with only the following restriction:
- that in every place where this FAQ may be accessed, it must also be
- reasonably easy for a user to access a copy of the FAQ with its PGP
- signature(s) from me intact. This ensures that uncorrupted copies of
- the FAQ get propagated where those who care can check them, and also
- preserves attributions, etc. If you HTMLize this document, you can
- tag the two links mentioned above if you want to avoid storing
- multiple copies of the FAQ.
- Future plans for the FAQ:
- - Mac section!
- - hypertexting it and making it available in various forms (LaTeX,
- HTML, texinfo, or some such)
- Any corrections or suggestions should be sent to me.
- Jeff Licquia
- jalicqui@prairienet.org
- ========================================================================
- Table of Contents
- 1. Introductory Questions
- 1.1. What is PGP?
- 1.2. Why should I encrypt my mail? I'm not doing anything illegal!
- 1.3. What are public keys and private keys?
- 1.4. How much does PGP cost?
- 1.5. Is encryption legal?
- 1.6. Is PGP legal?
- 1.7. What's the current version of PGP?
- 1.8. Is there an archive site for alt.security.pgp?
- 1.9. Is there a commercial version of PGP available?
- 1.10. Is PGP available as a programming library, so I can write
- programs that use it?
- 1.11. What platforms has PGP been ported to?
- 1.12. Where can I obtain PGP?
- 1.13. I want to find out more!
- 2. Very Common Questions and Problems
- 2.1. Why can't a person using version 2.2 read my version 2.3 message?
- 2.2. Why can't a person using version 2.3 read my version 2.6 message?
- 2.3. Why does PGP complain about checking signatures every so often?
- 2.4. Why does it take so long to encrypt/decrypt messages?
- 2.5. How do I create a secondary key file?
- 2.6. How does PGP handle multiple addresses?
- 2.7. Where can I obtain scripts to integrate pgp with my email or news
- reading system?
- 2.8. How can I decrypt messages I've encrypted to others?
- 2.9. Why can't I generate a key with PGP for Unix?
- 2.10. When I clearsign a document in PGP, it adds a "dash-space" to
- several of my lines. What gives?
- 3. Security Questions
- 3.1. How secure is PGP?
- 3.2. Can't you break PGP by trying all of the possible keys?
- 3.3. How secure is the conventional cryptography (-c) option?
- 3.4. Can the NSA crack RSA?
- 3.5. Has RSA ever been cracked publicly? What is RSA-129?
- 3.6. How secure is the "for your eyes only" option (-m)?
- 3.7. What if I forget my pass phrase?
- 3.8. Why do you use the term "pass phrase" instead of "password"?
- 3.9. What is the best way to crack PGP?
- 3.10. If my secret key ring is stolen, can my messages be read?
- 3.11. How do I choose a pass phrase?
- 3.12. How do I remember my pass phrase?
- 3.13. How do I verify that my copy of PGP has not been tampered with?
- 3.14. I can't verify the signature on my new copy of MIT PGP with my
- old PGP 2.3a!
- 3.15. How do I know that there is no trap door in the program?
- 3.16. I heard that the NSA put a back door in MIT PGP, and that they
- only allowed it to be legal with the back door.
- 3.17. Can I put PGP on a multi-user system like a network or a mainframe?
- 3.18. Can I use PGP under a "swapping" operating system like Windows
- or OS/2?
- 3.19. Why not use RSA alone rather than a hybrid mix of IDEA, MD5, & RSA?
- 3.20. Aren't all of these security procedures a little paranoid?
- 3.21. Can I be forced to reveal my pass phrase in any legal proceedings?
- 4. Keys
- 4.1. Which key size should I use?
- 4.2. Why does PGP take so long to add new keys to my key ring?
- 4.3. How can I extract multiple keys into a single armored file?
- 4.4. I tried encrypting the same message to the same address two different
- times and got completely different outputs. Why is this?
- 4.5. How do I specify which key to use when an individual has 2 or more
- public keys and the very same user ID on each, or when 2 different
- users have the same name?
- 4.6. What does the message "Unknown signator, can't be checked" mean?
- 4.7. How do I get PGP to display the trust parameters on a key?
- 4.8. How can I make my key available via finger?
- 5. Message Signatures
- 5.1. What is message signing?
- 5.2. How do I sign a message while still leaving it readable?
- 5.3. Can't you just forge a signature by copying the signature
- block to another message?
- 5.4. Are PGP signatures legally binding?
- 6. Key Signatures
- 6.1. What is key signing?
- 6.2. How do I sign a key?
- 6.3. Should I sign my own key?
- 6.4. Should I sign X's key?
- 6.5. How do I verify someone's identity?
- 6.6. How do I know someone hasn't sent me a bogus key to sign?
- 6.7. What's a key signing party?
- 6.8. How do I organize a key signing party?
- 7. Revoking a key
- 7.1. My secret key ring has been stolen or lost, what do I do?
- 7.2. I forgot my pass phrase. Can I create a key revocation certificate?
- 8. Public Key Servers
- 8.1. What are the Public Key Servers?
- 8.2. What public key servers are available?
- 8.3. What is the syntax of the key server commands?
- 9. Bugs
- 10. Recommended Reading
- 11. General Tips
- Appendix I - PGP add-ons and Related Products
- Appendix II - Glossary of Cryptographic Terms
- Appendix III - Cypherpunks
- Appendix IV - Testimony of Philip Zimmermann to Congress
- Appendix V - Announcement of Philip Zimmermann Defense Fund
- Appendix VI - A Statement from ViaCrypt Concerning ITAR
- ========
- 1. Introductory Questions
- ========
- 1.1. What is PGP?
- PGP is a program that gives your electronic mail something that it
- otherwise doesn't have: Privacy. It does this by encrypting your mail
- so that nobody but the intended person can read it. When encrypted,
- the message looks like a meaningless jumble of random characters. PGP
- has proven itself quite capable of resisting even the most
- sophisticated forms of analysis aimed at reading the encrypted text.
- PGP can also be used to apply a digital signature to a message without
- encrypting it. This is normally used in public postings where you
- don't want to hide what you are saying, but rather want to allow
- others to confirm that the message actually came from you. Once a
- digital signature is created, it is impossible for anyone to modify
- either the message or the signature without the modification being
- detected by PGP.
- While PGP is easy to use, it does give you enough rope so that you can
- hang yourself. You should become thoroughly familiar with the various
- options in PGP before using it to send serious messages. For example,
- giving the command "PGP -sat <filename>" will only sign a message, it
- will not encrypt it. Even though the output looks like it is
- encrypted, it really isn't. Anybody in the world would be able to
- recover the original text.
- ========
- 1.2. Why should I encrypt my mail? I'm not doing anything illegal!
- You should encrypt your e-mail for the same reason that you don't
- write all of your correspondence on the back of a post card. E-mail is
- actually far less secure than the postal system. With the post office,
- you at least put your letter inside an envelope to hide it from casual
- snooping. Take a look at the header area of any e-mail message that
- you receive and you will see that it has passed through a number of
- nodes on its way to you. Every one of these nodes presents the
- opportunity for snooping. Encryption in no way should imply illegal
- activity. It is simply intended to keep personal thoughts personal.
- Xenon <an48138@anon.penet.fi> puts it like this:
- Crime? If you are not a politician, research scientist, investor, CEO,
- lawyer, celebrity, libertarian in a repressive society, investor, or
- person having too much fun, and you do not send e-mail about your
- private sex life, financial/political/legal/scientific plans, or
- gossip then maybe you don't need PGP, but at least realize that
- privacy has nothing to do with crime and is in fact what keeps the
- world from falling apart. Besides, PGP is FUN. You never had a secret
- decoder ring? Boo! -Xenon (Copyright 1993, Xenon)
- ========
- 1.3. What are public keys and private keys?
- With conventional encryption schemes, keys must be exchanged with
- everyone you wish to talk to by some other secure method such as face
- to face meetings, or via a trusted courier. The problem is that you
- need a secure channel before you can establish a secure channel! With
- conventional encryption, either the same key is used for both
- encryption and decryption or it is easy to convert either key to the
- other. With public key encryption, the encryption and decryption keys
- are different and it is impossible for anyone to convert one to the
- other. Therefore, the encryption key can be made public knowledge, and
- posted in a database somewhere. Anyone wanting to send you a message
- would obtain your encryption key from this database or some other
- source and encrypt his message to you. This message can't be decrypted
- with the encryption key. Therefore nobody other than the intended
- receiver can decrypt the message. Even the person who encrypted it can
- not reverse the process. When you receive a message, you use your
- secret decryption key to decrypt the message. This secret key never
- leaves your computer. In fact, your secret key is itself encrypted to
- protect it from anyone snooping around your computer.
- ========
- 1.4. How much does PGP cost?
- Nothing! (Compare to ViaCrypt PGP at $98!)
- It should be noted, however, that in the United States, some freeware
- versions of PGP *MAY* be a violation of a patent held by Public Key
- Partners (PKP). The MIT and ViaCrypt versions specifically are not in
- violation; if you use anything else, it's your risk. See below
- (question 1.6) for more information on the patent situation.
- Also, the free versions of PGP are free only for noncommercial use.
- If you need to use PGP in a commercial setting (and you live in the
- United States or Canada), you should buy a copy of ViaCrypt PGP.
- ViaCrypt PGP has other advantages as well, most notably a limited
- license to export it to foreign branch offices. See below, under
- question 1.10, for information on how to contact ViaCrypt.
- If you need to use PGP for commercial use outside the United States or
- Canada, you should contact Ascom Systec AG, the patent holders for IDEA.
- They have sold individual licenses for using the IDEA encryption in
- PGP. Contact:
- Erhard Widmer
- Ascom Systec AG
- Dep't. CMVV
- Gewerbepark
- CH-5506 Maegenwil
- Switzerland
- IDEA@ascom.ch
- ++41 64 56 59 83 (Fax ++41 64 56 59 90)
- ========
- 1.5. Is encryption legal?
- In much of the civilized world, encryption is either legal, or at
- least tolerated. However, there are a some countries where such
- activities could put you in front of a firing squad! Check with the
- laws in your own country before using PGP or any other encryption
- product. A couple of the countries where encryption is illegal are
- France, Iran, and Iraq.
- *** NEWS FLASH ***
- On April 3, 1995, Boris Yeltsin issued a decree formally banning
- encryption with methods not approved by the state. This would,
- presumably, include PGP. Thus, Russia must be added to the short list
- above.
- *** END NEWS FLASH ***
- The legal status of encryption in many countries has been placed on
- the World Wide Web. You can access it from:
- http://web.cnam.fr/Network/Crypto/
- ========
- 1.6. Is PGP legal?
- In addition to the comments about encryption listed above, there are a
- couple of additional issues of importance to those individuals
- residing in the United States or Canada.
- First, there is a question as to whether or not PGP falls under ITAR
- regulations which govern the exporting of cryptographic technology
- from the United States and Canada. This despite the fact that
- technical articles on the subject of public key encryption have been
- available legally worldwide for a number of years. Any competent
- programmer would have been able to translate those articles into a
- workable encryption program. A lawsuit has recently been filed by the
- EFF challenging the ITAR regulations; thus, they may be relaxed to
- allow encryption technology to be exported.
- Second, older versions of PGP (up to 2.3a) were thought to be
- violating the patent on the RSA encryption algorithm held by Public
- Key Partners (PKP), a patent that is only valid in the United States.
- This was never tested in court, however, and recent versions of PGP
- have been made with various agreements and licenses in force which
- effectively settle the patent issue. So-called "international"
- versions and older versions (previous to ViaCrypt PGP 2.4), however,
- are still considered in violation by PKP; if you're in the USA, use
- them at your own risk!
- ========
- 1.7. What's the current version of PGP?
- You would think that's an easy question to answer!
- At the moment, there are four different "current" versions of PGP.
- All of these are derived, more or less, from a common source base: PGP
- 2.3a, the last "guerillaware" version of PGP. Negotiations to make
- PGP legal and "legitimate" have resulted in the differing versions
- available; all of them, for the most part, are approximately
- equivalent in functionality, and they can all work with each other in
- most respects.
- MIT PGP 2.6.2 is the current "official" freeware version. It has been
- developed both with Phil Zimmermann's approval and active involvement.
- It contains several bug fixes and enhancements over 2.3a, and it
- avoids the patent question surrounding other versions of PGP by using
- the RSAREF library for some of its functions. This library was
- developed by RSA Data Security, Inc., and is (basically) free for
- noncommercial use. As part of MIT's agreement with RSADSI, all
- versions of MIT PGP generate encrypted messages that cannot be
- decrypted with PGP 2.3a or previous versions.
- ViaCrypt PGP 2.7.1 is the current "official" commercial version. It
- is available from ViaCrypt, a company out of Arizona, and also has
- Phil's approval and involvement. See below for details on this
- version.
- PGP 2.6.2i ("international") is a version of PGP developed from the
- source code of MIT PGP, which was exported illegally from the United
- States at some point. Basically, it is MIT PGP 2.6.2, but it uses the
- old encryption routines from PGP 2.3a; these routines perform better
- than RSAREF and in addition do not have the usage restrictions in the
- RSAREF copyright license. It also contains some fixes for bugs
- discovered since the release of MIT PGP 2.6.2.
- PGP 2.6ui ("unofficial international") is PGP 2.3a with minor
- modifications made so it can decrypt files encrypted with MIT PGP. It
- does not contain any of the MIT fixes and improvements; it does,
- however, have other improvements, most notably in the Macintosh
- version.
- ========
- 1.8. Is there an archive site for alt.security.pgp?
- laszlo@instrlab.kth.se (Laszlo Baranyi) says:
- "My memory says that ripem.msu.edu stores a backlog of both
- alt.security.pgp, and sci.crypt. But that site is ONLY open for ftp
- for those that are inside US."
- ========
- 1.9. Is there a commercial version of PGP available?
- Yes; by arrangement with the author of PGP, a company called ViaCrypt
- is marketing a version of PGP that is almost identical to the freeware
- version. Each can read or write messages which the other can
- understand.
- ViaCrypt reports:
- - -----
- If you are a commercial user of PGP in the USA or Canada, contact
- Viacrypt in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. The commercial version of PGP
- is fully licensed to use the patented RSA and IDEA encryption
- algorithms in commercial applications, and may be used in
- corporate and government environments in the USA and Canada. It
- is fully compatible with, functionally the same as, and just as
- strong as the freeware version of PGP. Due to limitations on
- ViaCrypt's RSA distribution license, ViaCrypt only distributes
- executable code and documentation for it, but they are working on
- making PGP available for a variety of platforms. Call or write
- to them for the latest information. The latest version number
- for Viacrypt PGP is 2.7. [Note: Since this statement was issued,
- ViaCrypt has updated ViaCrypt PGP to 2.7.1.]
- Here is a brief summary of Viacrypt's currently-available
- products:
- 1. ViaCrypt PGP for Windows (3.1). Prices start at $124.98
- 2. ViaCrypt PGP for Macintosh, 680x0 or PowerPC, System 6.04 or
- later. Prices start at $124.98
- 3. ViaCrypt PGP for MS-DOS. Prices start at $99.98
- 4. ViaCrypt PGP for UNIX. Includes executables for the following
- platforms:
- SunOS 4.1.x (SPARC)
- Solaris 2.3
- IBM RS/6000 AIX
- HP 9000 Series 700/800 UX
- SCO 386/486 UNIX
- Prices start at $149.98
- Executables for the following additional platforms are
- available upon request for an additional $30.00 charge.
- BSD 386
- Ultrix MIPS DECstation 4.x
- DEC Alpha OSF/1
- 5. ViaCrypt PGP for WinCIM/CSNav. A special package for users of
- CompuServe. Prices start at $119.98
- If you wish to place an order please call 800-536-2664 during the
- hours of 8:30am to 5:00pm MST, Monday - Friday. We accept VISA,
- MasterCard, AMEX and Discover credit cards.
- If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me.
- Best Regards,
- Paul E. Uhlhorn
- Director of Marketing, ViaCrypt Products
- Mail: 9033 N. 24th Avenue
- Suite 7
- Phoenix, AZ 85021-2847
- Phone: (602) 944-0773
- Fax: (602) 943-2601
- Internet: viacrypt@acm.org
- Compuserve: 70304,41
- - -----
- They have also reported recently that they have gained a general
- export license for exporting ViaCrypt PGP to foreign subsidiaries of
- USA-based companies. Contact ViaCrypt for details.
- ========
- 1.10. Is PGP available as a programming library, so I can write
- programs that use it?
- Not yet. PGP 3.0, when it is released, is supposed to have support
- for doing this. The PGP development team has even released a
- preliminary API for the library; you can get it from:
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/dd/ddt/crypto/crypto_info/950212_pgp3spec.txt
- The development team has expressed that this is not a definitive spec;
- some of it is already out of date. It's good for getting the general
- idea, though. Send comments concerning the spec to pgp@lsd.com.
- In the meantime, you can write your programs to call the PGP program
- when necessary. In C, for example, you would likely use the system()
- or spawn...() functions to do this.
- ========
- 1.11. What platforms has PGP been ported to?
- PGP has been ported successfully to many different platforms,
- including DOS, the Macintosh, OS/2, Unix (just about all flavors),
- VMS, the Atari ST, Archimedes, and the Commodore Amiga. A Windows NT
- port is reportably in the works as well.
- If you don't see your favorite platform above, don't despair! It's
- likely that porting PGP to your platform won't be too terribly
- difficult, considering all the platforms it has been ported to. Just
- ask around to see if there might in fact be a port to your system, and
- if not, try it!
- PGP's VMS port, by the way, has its own Web page:
- http://www.tditx.com/~d_north/pgp.html
- ========
- 1.12. Where can I obtain PGP?
- PGP is very widely available, so much so that a separate FAQ has been
- written for answering this question. It is called, "WHERE TO GET THE
- PRETTY GOOD PRIVACY PROGRAM (PGP)"; it is posted in alt.security.pgp
- regularly, is in the various FAQ archive sites, and is also available
- from:
- ftp://ftp.csn.net/mpj/getpgp.asc
- However, I will describe below the ways to get the differing versions
- of PGP from their source sites. Please refer to the above document
- for more information.
- MIT PGP 2.6.2:
- Due to the ITAR regulations (described above), MIT has found it
- necessary to place PGP in an export-controlled directory to prevent
- people outside the United States from downloading it. If you are in
- the USA, you may follow these directions:
- Telnet to net-dist.mit.edu and log in as "getpgp". You will then be
- given a short statement about the regulations concerning the export of
- cryptographic software, and be given a series of yes/no questions to
- answer. If you answer correctly to the questions (they consist mostly
- of agreements to the RSADSI and MIT licenses and questions about
- whether you intend to export PGP), you will be given a special
- directory name in which to find the PGP code. At that point, you can
- FTP to net-dist.mit.edu, change to that directory, and access the
- software. You may be denied access to the directories even if you
- answer the questions correctly if the MIT site cannot verify that your
- site does in fact reside in the USA.
- Further directions, copies of the MIT and RSAREF licenses, notes, and
- the full documentation are freely available from:
- ftp://net-dist.mit.edu/pub/PGP/
- An easier method of getting to the PGP software is now available on
- the World Wide Web at the following location:
- http://bs.mit.edu:8001/pgp-form.html
- ViaCrypt PGP 2.7.1:
- ViaCrypt PGP is not generally available for FTP; it is commercial
- software. It is, furthermore, not available outside the United States
- or Canada except under special circumstances. See above (question
- 1.9) for contact information.
- PGP 2.6.2i:
- As Norway is not limited by ITAR, no hoops are needed to get this
- version:
- http://www.ifi.uio.no/~staalesc/PGP/home.html
- ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/pgp/
- You may also get it via mail by sending a message to
- hypnotech-request@ifi.uio.no with your request in the subject:
- GET pgp262i[s].[zip | tar.gz]
- Specify the "s" if you want the source code. Putting ".zip" at the
- end gets you the files in the PKZIP/Info-ZIP archive format, while
- putting "tar.gz" at the end gets the files in a gzipped tar file.
- PGP 2.6ui:
- ftp://ftp.mantis.co.uk/pub/cryptography/
- http://www.mantis.co.uk/pgp/pgp.html
- This link is also an excellent resource for other information about PGP.
- A note on ftpmail:
- For those individuals who do not have access to FTP, but do have access
- to e-mail, you can get FTP files mailed to you. For information on
- this service, send a message saying "Help" to ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com.
- You will be sent an instruction sheet on how to use the ftpmail
- service.
- ========
- 1.13. I want to find out more!
- If this FAQ doesn't answer your question, there are several places for
- finding out information about PGP.
- Web/Mosaic/Lynx:
- Fran Litterio's Crypto Page (from the Virtual Library)
- http://draco.centerline.com:8080/~franl/crypto.html
- Using Microsoft Windows with PGP
- http://www.lcs.com/winpgp.html
- Derek Atkins' Official Bug List for MIT PGP
- http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/warlord/pgp-faq.html
- The Phil Zimmermann Legal Defense Fund Page
- http://www.netresponse.com/zldf
- The MCIP/Macintosh Cryptography Page
- http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~grgcombs/htmls/crypto.html
- Jeff Licquia's Home Page
- http://www.prairienet.org/~jalicqui
- FTP Sites:
- ftp://ripem.msu.edu/pub/crypt/
- ftp://ftp.dsi.unimi.it/pub/security/crypt/
- ftp://ftp.csua.berkeley.edu/pub/cypherpunks/
- News Groups:
- alt.anonymous Discussion of anonymity and anon remailers
- alt.anonymous.messages For anonymous encrypted message transfer
- alt.privacy.clipper Clipper, Capstone, Skipjack, Key Escrow
- alt.security general security discussions
- alt.security.index index to alt.security
- alt.security.pgp discussion of PGP
- alt.security.ripem discussion of RIPEM
- alt.security.keydist key distribution via Usenet
- alt.society.civil-liberty general civil liberties, including privacy
- comp.compression discussion of compression algorithms
- comp.org.eff.news News reports from EFF
- comp.org.eff.talk discussion of EFF related issues
- comp.patents discussion of S/W patents, including RSA
- comp.risks some mention of crypto and wiretapping
- comp.society.privacy general privacy issues
- comp.security.announce announcements of security holes
- misc.legal.computing software patents, copyrights, computer laws
- sci.crypt methods of data encryption/decryption
- sci.math general math discussion
- talk.politics.crypto general talk on crypto politics
- ========
- 2. Very Common Questions and Problems
- ========
- 2.1. Why can't a person using version 2.2 read my version 2.3 message?
- You might try adding "+pkcs_compat=0" to your command line as follows:
- "pgp -seat +pkcs_compat=0 <filename>" By default, versions 2.3 and
- later of PGP uses a different header format that is not compatible
- with earlier versions of PGP. Inserting this option into the command
- will force PGP to use the older header format. You can also set this
- option in your config.txt file, but this is not recommended, as the
- newer versions of PGP cannot understand the old signature format.
- ========
- 2.2. Why can't a person using version 2.x read my version 2.6 message?
- You are probably using MIT PGP, or possibly some other version of PGP
- with the "legal_kludge" option turned off.
- As part of the agreement made to settle PGP's patent problems, MIT PGP
- changed its format slightly to prevent PGP 2.4 and older versions
- from decrypting its messages. This format change was written into MIT
- PGP to happen on September 1, 1994. Thus, all messages encrypted with
- MIT PGP after that date are unreadable by 2.4 (and earlier).
- The best route here is for your friend to upgrade to a newer version
- of PGP. Alternatively, if you are using a non-MIT version, look up
- the "legal_kludge" option in your documentation; you should be able to
- configure your copy of PGP to generate old-style messages.
- ========
- 2.3. Why does PGP complain about checking signatures every so often?
- Version 2.3a introduced the "pkcs_compat" option, allowing the format
- of signatures to change slightly to make them more compatible with
- industry standards. (See question 2.1.) MIT PGP, because it uses the
- RSAREF library, is unable to understand the old signature format, so
- it therefore ignores the signature and warns you that it is doing so.
- This problem comes up mostly with old key signatures. If your key
- contains such old signatures, try to get those people who signed your
- key to resign it.
- If an old signature is still vitally important to check, get a non-MIT
- version of PGP to check it with, such as ViaCrypt's.
- ========
- 2.4. Why does it take so long to encrypt/decrypt messages?
- This problem can arise when you have placed the entire public key ring
- from one of the servers into the pubring.pgp file. PGP may have to
- search through several thousand keys to find the one that it is after.
- The solution to this dilemma is to maintain 2 public key rings. The
- first ring, the normal pubring.pgp file, should contain only those
- individuals that you send messages to quite often. The second key ring
- can contain ALL of the keys for those occasions when the key you need
- isn't in your short ring. You will, of course, need to specify the key
- file name whenever encrypting messages using keys in your secondary
- key ring. Now, when encrypting or decrypting messages to individuals
- in your short key ring, the process will be a LOT faster.
- ========
- 2.5. How do I create a secondary key file?
- First, let's assume that you have all of the mammoth public key ring
- in your default pubring.pgp file. First, you will need to extract all
- of your commonly used keys into separate key files using the -kx
- option. Next, rename pubring.pgp to some other name. For this example,
- I will use the name "pubring.big". Next, add each of the individual
- key files that you previously created to a new pubring.pgp using the
- - -ka option. To encrypt a message to someone in the short default file,
- use the command "pgp -e <file> <userid>". To encrypt a message to
- someone in the long ring, use the command "pgp -e
- +pubring=c:\pgp\pubring.big <file> <userid>". Note that you need to
- specify the complete path and file name for the secondary key ring. It
- will not be found if you only specify the file name.
- ========
- 2.6. How does PGP handle multiple addreses?
- When encrypting a message to multiple addresses, you will notice that
- the length of the encrypted file only increases by a small amount for
- each additional address. The reason that the message only grows by a
- small amount for each additional key is that the body of the message
- is only encrypted once using a random session key and IDEA. It is only
- necessary then to encrypt this session key once for each address and
- place it in the header of the message. Therefore, the total length of
- a message only increases by the size of a header segment for each
- additional address. (To avoid a known weakness in RSA when encrypting
- the same message to multiple recipients, the IDEA session key is
- padded with different random data each time it is RSA- encrypted.)
- ========
- 2.7. Where can I obtain scripts to integrate pgp with my email or news
- reading system?
- There are many scripts and programs available for making PGP easier to
- use. See below, in Appendix I, for a list of such programs.
- A set of scripts was distributed with PGP for doing this. Since these
- scripts were considered out of date, they have been removed from the
- MIT distribution.
- ========
- 2.8. How can I decrypt messages I've encrypted to others?
- With conventional encryption, you can read the message by running PGP
- on the encrypted file and giving the pass phrase you used to encrypt.
- With regular encryption, it's impossible unless you encrypted to
- yourself as well. Sorry!
- There is an undocumented setting, EncryptToSelf, which you can set in
- your CONFIG.TXT or on the command line to "on" if you want PGP to
- always encrypt your messages to yourself. Be warned, though; if your
- key is compromised, this means that the "cracker" will be able to read
- all the message you sent as well as the ones you've received.
- ========
- 2.9. Why can't I generate a key with PGP for Unix?
- Most likely this is caused because PGP can't create the public and
- private key ring files. If PGPPATH isn't defined, PGP will try to put
- those files in the subdirectory ".pgp" off your home directory. It
- will not create the directory if needed, so if the directory's not
- there already, PGP will crash after generating the key.
- There are two solutions: set the PGPPASS environment variable to point
- to the location of your key rings, or run a "mkdir $HOME/.pgp" before
- generating your key.
- ========
- 2.10. When I clearsign a document in PGP, it adds a "dash-space" to
- several of my lines. What gives?
- PGP does this because of the "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" (and
- related) headers it uses to mark the beginning of PGP messages. To
- keep it from getting confused, it tacks a "- " to the beginning of
- every line in the regular text which has a dash at the start. It
- strips the extra dash and space when you check the message's
- signature, and writes the original text to the output.
- ========
- 3. Security Questions
- ========
- 3.1. How secure is PGP?
- The big unknown in any encryption scheme based on RSA is whether or
- not there is an efficient way to factor huge numbers, or if there is
- some backdoor algorithm that can break the code without solving the
- factoring problem. Even if no such algorithm exists, it is still
- believed that RSA is the weakest link in the PGP chain.
- ========
- 3.2. Can't you break PGP by trying all of the possible keys?
- This is one of the first questions that people ask when they are first
- introduced to cryptography. They do not understand the size of the
- problem. For the IDEA encryption scheme, a 128 bit key is required.
- Any one of the 2^128 possible combinations would be legal as a key,
- and only that one key would successfully decrypt all message blocks.
- Let's say that you had developed a special purpose chip that could try
- a billion keys per second. This is FAR beyond anything that could
- really be developed today. Let's also say that you could afford to
- throw a billion such chips at the problem at the same time. It would
- still require over 10,000,000,000,000 years to try all of the possible
- 128 bit keys. That is something like a thousand times the age of the
- known universe! While the speed of computers continues to increase and
- their cost decrease at a very rapid pace, it will probably never get
- to the point that IDEA could be broken by the brute force attack.
- The only type of attack that might succeed is one that tries to solve
- the problem from a mathematical standpoint by analyzing the
- transformations that take place between plain text blocks, and their
- cipher text equivalents. IDEA is still a fairly new algorithm, and
- work still needs to be done on it as it relates to complexity theory,
- but so far, it appears that there is no algorithm much better suited
- to solving an IDEA cipher than the brute force attack, which we have
- already shown is unworkable. The nonlinear transformation that takes
- place in IDEA puts it in a class of extremely difficult to solve
- mathmatical problems.
- ========
- 3.3. How secure is the conventional cryptography (-c) option?
- Assuming that you are using a good strong random pass phrase, it is
- actually much stronger than the normal mode of encryption because you
- have removed RSA which is believed to be the weakest link in the
- chain. Of course, in this mode, you will need to exchange secret keys
- ahead of time with each of the recipients using some other secure
- method of communication, such as an in- person meeting or trusted
- courier.
- ========
- 3.4. Can the NSA crack RSA?
- This question has been asked many times. If the NSA were able to crack
- RSA, you would probably never hear about it from them. The best
- defense against this is the fact the algorithm for RSA is known
- worldwide. There are many competent mathematicians and cryptographers
- outside the NSA and there is much research being done in the field
- right now. If any of them were to discover a hole in RSA, I'm sure
- that we would hear about it from them. I think that it would be hard
- to hide such a discovery. For this reason, when you read messages on
- USENET saying that "someone told them" that the NSA is able to break
- pgp, take it with a grain of salt and ask for some documentation on
- exactly where the information is coming from.
- ========
- 3.5. Has RSA ever been cracked publicly? What is RSA-129?
- One RSA-encrypted message has been cracked publicly.
- When the inventors of RSA first published the algorithm, they
- encrypted a sample message with it and made it available along with
- the public key used to encrypt the message. They offered $100 to the
- first person to provide the plaintext message. This challenge is
- often called "RSA-129" because the public key used was 129 digits,
- which translates to approximately 430 bits.
- Recently, an international team coordinated by Paul Leyland, Derek
- Atkins, Arjen Lenstra, and Michael Graff successfully factored the
- public key used to encrypt the RSA-129 message and recovered the
- plaintext. The message read:
- They headed a huge volunteer effort in which work was distributed via
- E-mail, fax, and regular mail to workers on the Internet, who
- processed their portion and sent the results back. About 1600
- machines took part, with computing power ranging from a fax machine to
- Cray supercomputers. They used the best known factoring algorithm of
- the time; better methods have been discovered since then, but the
- results are still instructive in the amount of work required to crack
- a RSA-encrypted message.
- The coordinators have estimated that the project took about eight
- months of real time and used approximately 5000 MIPS-years of
- computing time. (A MIPS-year is approximately the amount of computing
- done by a 1 MIPS [million instructions per second] computer in one
- year.)
- What does all this have to do with PGP? The RSA-129 key is
- approximately equal in security to a 426-bit PGP key. This has been
- shown to be easily crackable by this project. PGP used to recommend
- 384-bit keys as "casual grade" security; recent versions offer 512
- bits as a recommended minimum security level.
- Note that this effort cracked only a single RSA key. Nothing was
- discovered during the course of the experiment to cause any other keys
- to become less secure than they had been.
- For more information on the RSA-129 project, see:
- ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/math/rsa129/rsa129.ps.gz
- ========
- 3.6. How secure is the "for your eyes only" option (-m)?
- It is not secure at all. There are many ways to defeat it. Probably
- the easiest way is to simply redirect your screen output to a file as
- follows:
- pgp [filename] > [diskfile]
- The -m option was not intended as a fail-safe option to prevent plain
- text files from being generated, but to serve simply as a warning to
- the person decrypting the file that he probably shouldn't keep a copy
- of the plain text on his system.
- ========
- 3.7. What if I forget my pass phrase?
- In a word: DON'T. If you forget your pass phrase, there is absolutely
- no way to recover any encrypted files. I use the following technique:
- I have a backup copy of my secret key ring on floppy, along with a
- sealed envelope containing the pass phrase. I keep these two items in
- separate safe locations, neither of which is my home or office. The
- pass phrase used on this backup copy is different from the one that I
- normally use on my computer. That way, even if some stumbles onto the
- hidden pass phrase and can figure out who it belongs to, it still
- doesn't do them any good, because it is not the one required to unlock
- the key on my computer.
- ========
- 3.8. Why do you use the term "pass phrase" instead of "password"?
- This is because most people, when asked to choose a password, select
- some simple common word. This can be cracked by a program that uses a
- dictionary to try out passwords on a system. Since most people really
- don't want to select a truly random password, where the letters and
- digits are mixed in a nonsense pattern, the term pass phrase is used
- to urge people to at least use several unrelated words in sequence as
- the pass phrase.
- ========
- 3.9. What is the best way to crack PGP?
- Currently, the best attack possible on PGP is a dictionary attack on
- the pass phrase. This is an attack where a program picks words out of
- a dictionary and strings them together in different ways in an attempt
- to guess your pass phrase.
- This is why picking a strong pass phrase is so important. Many of
- these cracker programs are very sophisticated and can take advantage
- of language idioms, popular phrases, and rules of grammar in building
- their guesses. Single-word "phrases", proper names (especially famous
- ones), or famous quotes are almost always crackable by a program with
- any "smarts" in it at all.
- ========
- 3.10. If my secret key ring is stolen, can my messages be read?
- No, not unless they have also stolen your secret pass phrase, or if
- your pass phrase is susceptible to a brute-force attack. Neither part
- is useful without the other. You should, however, revoke that key and
- generate a fresh key pair using a different pass phrase. Before
- revoking your old key, you might want to add another user ID that
- states what your new key id is so that others can know of your new
- address.
- ========
- 3.11. How do I choose a pass phrase?
- All of the security that is available in PGP can be made absolutely
- useless if you don't choose a good pass phrase to encrypt your secret
- key ring. Too many people use their birthday, their telephone number,
- the name of a loved one, or some easy to guess common word. While
- there are a number of suggestions for generating good pass phrases,
- the ultimate in security is obtained when the characters of the pass
- phrase are chosen completely at random. It may be a little harder to
- remember, but the added security is worth it. As an absolute minimum
- pass phrase, I would suggest a random combination of at least 8
- letters and digits, with 12 being a better choice. With a 12 character
- pass phrase made up of the lower case letters a-z plus the digits 0-9,
- you have about 62 bits of key, which is 6 bits better than the 56 bit
- DES keys. If you wish, you can mix upper and lower case letters in
- your pass phrase to cut down the number of characters that are
- required to achieve the same level of security. I don't do this myself
- because I hate having to manipulate the shift key while entering a
- pass phrase.
- A pass phrase which is composed of ordinary words without punctuation
- or special characters is susceptible to a dictionary attack.
- Transposing characters or mis-spelling words makes your pass phrase
- less vulnerable, but a professional dictionary attack will cater for
- this sort of thing.
- A good treatise on the subject is available which discusses the use of
- "shocking nonsense" in pass phrases. It is written by Grady Ward, and
- can be found on Fran Litterio's crypto page:
- http://draco.centerline.com:8080/~franl/pgp/pgp-passphrase-faq.html
- ========
- 3.12. How do I remember my pass phrase?
- This can be quite a problem especially if you are like me and have
- about a dozen different pass phrases that are required in your
- everyday life. Writing them down someplace so that you can remember
- them would defeat the whole purpose of pass phrases in the first
- place. There is really no good way around this. Either remember it, or
- write it down someplace and risk having it compromised.
- ========
- 3.13. How do I verify that my copy of PGP has not been tampered with?
- If you do not presently own any copy of PGP, use great care on where
- you obtain your first copy. What I would suggest is that you get two
- or more copies from different sources that you feel that you can
- trust. Compare the copies to see if they are absolutely identical.
- This won't eliminate the possibility of having a bad copy, but it will
- greatly reduce the chances.
- If you already own a trusted version of PGP, it is easy to check the
- validity of any future version. Newer binary versions of MIT PGP are
- distributed in popular archive formats; the archive file you receive
- will contain only another archive file, a file with the same name as
- the archive file with the extension .ASC, and a "setup.doc" file. The
- .ASC file is a stand-alone signature file for the inner archive file
- that was created by the developer in charge of that particular PGP
- distribution. Since nobody except the developer has access to his/her
- secret key, nobody can tamper with the archive file without it being
- detected. Of course, the inner archive file contains the newer PGP
- distribution.
- A quick note: If you upgrade to MIT PGP from an older copy (2.3a or
- before), you may have problems verifying the signature. See question
- 3.14, below, for a more detailed treatment of this problem.
- To check the signature, you must use your old version of PGP to check
- the archive file containing the new version. If your old version of
- PGP is in a directory called C:\PGP and your new archive file and
- signature is in C:\NEW (and you have retrieved MIT PGP 2.6.2), you may
- execute the following command:
- If you retrieve the source distribution of MIT PGP, you will find two
- more files in your distribution: an archive file for the RSAREF
- library and a signature file for RSAREF. You can verify the RSAREF
- library in the same way as you verify the main PGP source archive.
- Non-MIT versions typically include a signature file for the PGP.EXE
- program file only. This file will usually be called PGPSIG.ASC. You
- can check the integrity of the program itself this way by running your
- older version of PGP on the new version's signature file and program
- file.
- Phil Zimmermann himself signed all versions of PGP up to 2.3a. Since
- then, the primary developers for each of the different versions of PGP
- have signed their distributions. As of this writing, the developers
- whose signatures appear on the distributions are:
- MIT PGP 2.6.2 Jeff Schiller <jis@mit.edu>
- ViaCrypt PGP 2.7.1 ViaCrypt
- PGP 2.6.2i Stale Schumacher <staalesc@ifi.uio.no>
- PGP 2.6ui mathew <mathew@mantis.co.uk>
- ========
- 3.14. I can't verify the signature on my new copy of MIT PGP with my
- old PGP 2.3a!
- The reason for this, of course, is that the signatures generated by
- MIT PGP (which is what Jeff Schiller uses to sign his copy) are no
- longer readable with PGP 2.3a.
- You may, first of all, not verify the signature and follow other
- methods for making sure you aren't getting a bad copy. This isn't as
- secure, though; if you're not careful, you could get passed a bad copy
- of PGP.
- If you're intent on checking the signature, you may do an intermediate
- upgrade to MIT PGP 2.6. This older version was signed before the
- "time bomb" took effect, so its signature is readable by the older
- versions of PGP. Once you have validated the signature on the
- intermediate version, you can then use that version to check the
- current version.
- As another alternative, you may upgrade to PGP 2.6.2i or 2.6ui,
- checking their signatures with 2.3a, and use them to check the
- signature on the newer version. People living in the USA who do this
- may be violating the RSA patent in doing so; then again, you may have
- been violating it anyway by using 2.3a, so you're not in much worse
- shape.
- ========
- 3.15. How do I know that there is no trap door in the program?
- The fact that the entire source code for the free versions of PGP is
- available makes it just about impossible for there to be some hidden
- trap door. The source code has been examined by countless individuals
- and no such trap door has been found. To make sure that your
- executable file actually represents the given source code, all you
- need to do is to re-compile the entire program.
- ========
- 3.16. I heard that the NSA put a back door in MIT PGP, and that they
- only allowed it to be legal with the back door.
- First of all, the NSA had nothing to do with PGP becoming "legal".
- The legality problems solved by MIT PGP had to do with the alleged
- patent on the RSA algorithm used in PGP.
- Second, all the freeware versions of PGP are released with full source
- code to both PGP and to the RSAREF library they use (just as every
- other freeware version before them were). Thus, it is subject to the
- same peer review mentioned in the question above. If there were an
- intentional hole, it would probably be spotted. If you're really
- paranoid, you can read the code yourself and look for holes!
- ========
- 3.17. Can I put PGP on a multi-user system like a network or a
- mainframe?
- Yes. PGP will compile for several high-end operating systems such as
- Unix and VMS. Other versions may easily be used on machines connected
- to a network.
- You should be very careful, however. Your pass phrase may be passed
- over the network in the clear where it could be intercepted by network
- monitoring equipment, or the operator on a multi-user machine may
- install "keyboard sniffers" to record your pass phrase as you type it
- in. Also, while it is being used by PGP on the host system, it could
- be caught by some Trojan Horse program. Also, even though your secret
- key ring is encrypted, it would not be good practice to leave it lying
- around for anyone else to look at.
- So why distribute PGP with directions for making it on Unix and VMS
- machines at all? The simple answer is that not all Unix and VMS
- machines are network servers or "mainframes." If you use your machine
- only from the console (or if you use some network encryption package
- such as Kerberos), you are the only user, you take reasonable system
- security measures to prevent unauthorized access, and you are aware of
- the risks above, you can securely use PGP on one of these systems. As
- an example of this, my own home computer runs Linux, a Unix clone. As
- I (and my wife) are the only users of the computer, I feel that the
- risks of crackers invading my system and stealing my pass phrase are
- minimal.
- You can still use PGP on multi-user systems or networks without a
- secret key for checking signatures and encrypting. As long as you
- don't process a private key or type a pass phrase on the multiuser
- system, you can use PGP securely there.
- ========
- 3.18. Can I use PGP under a "swapping" operating system like Windows
- or OS/2?
- Yes. PGP for DOS runs OK in most "DOS windows" for these systems, and
- PGP can be built natively for many of them as well.
- The problem with using PGP on a system that swaps is that the system
- will often swap PGP out to disk while it is processing your pass
- phrase. If this happens at the right time, your pass phrase could end
- up in cleartext in your swap file. How easy it is to swap "at the
- right time" depends on the operating system; Windows reportedly swaps
- the pass phrase to disk quite regularly, though it is also one of the
- most inefficient systems. PGP does make every attempt to not keep the
- pass phrase in memory by "wiping" memory used to hold the pass phrase
- before freeing it, but this solution isn't perfect.
- If you have reason to be concerned about this, you might consider
- getting a swapfile wiping utility to securely erase any trace of the
- pass phrase once you are done with the system. Several such utilities
- exist for Windows and Linux at least.
- ========
- 3.19. Why not use RSA alone rather than a hybrid mix of IDEA, MD5, &
- RSA?
- Two reasons: First, the IDEA encryption algorithm used in PGP is
- actually MUCH stronger than RSA given the same key length. Even with
- a 1024 bit RSA key, it is believed that IDEA encryption is still
- stronger, and, since a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, it
- is believed that RSA is actually the weakest part of the RSA - IDEA
- approach. Second, RSA encryption is MUCH slower than IDEA. The only
- purpose of RSA in most public key schemes is for the transfer of
- session keys to be used in the conventional secret key algorithm, or
- to encode signatures.
- ========
- 3.20. Aren't all of these security procedures a little paranoid?
- That all depends on how much your privacy means to you! Even apart
- from the government, there are many people out there who would just
- love to read your private mail. And many of these individuals would be
- willing to go to great lengths to compromise your mail. Look at the
- amount of work that has been put into some of the virus programs that
- have found their way into various computer systems. Even when it
- doesn't involve money, some people are obsessed with breaking into
- systems.
- In addition, don't forget that private keys are useful for more than
- decrypting. Someone with your private key can also sign items that
- could later prove to be difficult to deny. Keeping your private key
- secure can prevent, at the least, a bit of embarassment, and at most
- could prevent charges of fraud or breach of contract.
- Besides, many of the above procedures are also effective against some
- common indirect attacks. As an example, the digital signature also
- serves as an effective integrity check of the file signed; thus,
- checking the signature on new copies of PGP ensures that your computer
- will not get a virus through PGP (unless, of course, the PGP version
- developer contracts a virus and infects PGP before signing).
- ========
- 3.21. Can I be forced to reveal my pass phrase in any legal
- proceedings?
- Gary Edstrom reported the following in earlier versions of this FAQ:
- - -----
- The following information applies only to citizens of the United
- States in U.S. Courts. The laws in other countries may vary. Please
- see the disclaimer at the top of part 1.
- There have been several threads on Internet concerning the question of
- whether or not the fifth amendment right about not being forced to
- give testimony against yourself can be applied to the subject of being
- forced to reveal your pass phrase. Not wanting to settle for the many
- conflicting opinions of armchair lawyers on usenet, I asked for input
- from individuals who were more qualified in the area. The results
- were somewhat mixed. There apparently has NOT been much case history
- to set precedence in this area. So if you find yourself in this
- situation, you should be prepared for a long and costly legal fight on
- the matter. Do you have the time and money for such a fight? Also
- remember that judges have great freedom in the use of "Contempt of
- Court". They might choose to lock you up until you decide to reveal
- the pass phrase and it could take your lawyer some time to get you
- out. (If only you just had a poor memory!)
- - -----
- ========
- 4. Keys
- ========
- 4.1. Which key size should I use?
- PGP gives you three choices for key size: 512, 768, or 1024 bits. You
- can also specify the number of bits your key should have if you don't
- like any of those numbers. The larger the key, the more secure the
- RSA portion of the encryption is. The only place where the key size
- makes a large change in the running time of the program is during key
- generation. A 1024 bit key can take 8 times longer to generate than a
- 384 bit key. Fortunately, this is a one time process that doesn't need
- to be repeated unless you wish to generate another key pair. During
- encryption, only the RSA portion of the encryption process is affected
- by key size. The RSA portion is only used for encrypting the session
- key used by the IDEA. The main body of the message is totally
- unaffected by the choice of RSA key size. So unless you have a very
- good reason for doing otherwise, select the 1024 bit key size. Using
- currently available algorithms for factoring, the 384 and 512 bit keys
- are just not far enough out of reach to be good choices.
- If you are using MIT PGP 2.6.2, ViaCrypt PGP 2.7.1, or PGP 2.6.2i, you
- can specify key sizes greater than 1024 bits; the upper limit for
- these programs is 2048 bits. Remember that you have to tell PGP how
- big you want your key if you want it to be bigger than 1024 bits.
- Generating a key this long will take you quite a while; however, this
- is, as noted above, a one-time process. Remember that other people
- running other versions of PGP may not be able to handle your large
- key!
- ========
- 4.2. Why does PGP take so long to add new keys to my key ring?
- The time required to check signatures and add keys to your public key
- ring tends to grow as the square of the size of your existing public
- key ring. This can reach extreme proportions.
- Gary Edstrom remarked (a long time ago):
- I just recently added the entire 850KB public key ring form one of the
- key servers to my local public key ring. Even on my 66MHz 486 system,
- the process took over 10 hours.
- ========
- 4.3. How can I extract multiple keys into a single armored file?
- A number of people have more than one public key that they would like
- to make available. One way of doing this is executing the "-kxa"
- command for each key you wish to extract from the key ring into
- separate armored files, then appending all the individual files into a
- single long file with multiple armored blocks. This is not as
- convenient as having all of your keys in a single armored block.
- Unfortunately, the present version of PGP does not allow you to do
- this directly. Fortunately, there is an indirect way to do it.
- I would like to thank Robert Joop <rj@rainbow.in-berlin.de> for
- supplying the following method which is simpler than the method that I
- had previously given.
- solution 1:
- pgp -kxaf uid1 > extract
- pgp -kxaf uid2 >> extract
- pgp -kxaf uid3 >> extract
- Someone who does a `pgp extract` processes the individual keys, one by
- one. that's inconvinient.
- solution 2:
- pgp -kx uid1 extract
- pgp -kx uid2 extract
- pgp -kx uid3 extract
- This puts all three keys into extract.pgp. To get an ascii amored
- file, call:
- pgp -a extract.pgp
- You get an extract.asc. Someone who does a `pgp extract` and has
- either file processes all three keys simultaneously.
- A Unix script to perform the extraction with a single command would be
- as follows:
- #!/bin/csh
- foreach name (name1 name2 name3 ...)
- pgp -kx $name /tmp/keys.pgp <keyring>
- end
- or:
- #!/bin/sh
- for name in name1 name2 name3 ... ; do
- pgp -kx $name /tmp/keys.pgp <keyring>
- end
- An equivalent DOS command would be:
- for %a in (name1 name2 name3 ...) do pgp -kx %a keys.pgp <keyring>
- ========
- 4.4. I tried encrypting the same message to the same address two
- different times and got completely different outputs. Why is this?
- Every time you run PGP, a different session key is generated. This
- session key is used as the key for IDEA. As a result, the entire
- header and body of the message changes. You will never see the same
- output twice, no matter how many times you encrypt the same message to
- the same address. This adds to the overall security of PGP.
- ========
- 4.5. How do I specify which key to use when an individual has 2 or
- more public keys and the very same user ID on each, or when 2
- different users have the same name?
- Instead of specifying the user's name in the ID field of the PGP
- command, you can use the key ID number. The format is 0xNNNNNNNN where
- NNNNNNNN is the user's 8 character key ID number. It should be noted
- that you don't need to enter the entire ID number, a few consecutive
- digits from anywhere in the ID should do the trick. Be careful: If
- you enter "0x123", you will be matching key IDs 0x12393764,
- 0x64931237, or 0x96412373. Any key ID that contains "123" anywhere in
- it will produce a match. They don't need to be the starting
- characters of the key ID. You will recognize that this is the format
- for entering hex numbers in the C programming language. For example,
- any of the following commands could be used to encrypt a file to my
- work key:
- pgp -e <filename> "Jeff Licquia"
- pgp -e <filename> licquia@cei.com
- pgp -e <filename> 0xCF45DD0D
- This same method of key identification can be used in the config.txt
- file in the "MyName" variable to specify exactly which of the keys in
- the secret key ring should be used for encrypting a message.
- ========
- 4.6. What does the message "Unknown signator, can't be checked" mean?
- It means that the key used to create that signature does not exist in
- your database. If at sometime in the future, you happen to add that
- key to your database, then the signature line will read normally. It
- is completely harmless to leave these non-checkable signatures in your
- database. They neither add to nor take away from the validity of the
- key in question.
- ========
- 4.7. How do I get PGP to display the trust parameters on a key?
- You can only do this when you run the -kc option by itself on the
- entire database. The parameters will NOT be shown if you give a
- specific ID on the command line. The correct command is: "pgp -kc".
- The command "pgp -kc smith" will NOT show the trust parameters for
- smith.
- ========
- 4.8. How can I make my key available via finger?
- The first step is always to extract the key to an ASCII-armored text
- file with "pgp -kxa". After that, it depends on what type of computer
- you want your key to be available on. Check the documentation for
- that computer and/or its networking software.
- Many computers running a Unix flavor will read information to be
- displayed via finger from a file in each user's home directory called
- ".plan". If your computer supports this, you can put your public key
- in this file. Ask your system administrator is you have problems with
- this.
- ========
- 5. Message Signatures
- ========
- 5.1. What is message signing?
- Let's imagine that you received a letter in the mail from someone you know
- named John Smith. How do you know that John was really the person who sent
- you the letter and that someone else simply forged his name? With PGP, it is
- possible to apply a digital signature to a message that is impossible to
- forge. If you already have a trusted copy of John's public encryption key,
- you can use it to check the signature on the message. It would be impossible
- for anybody but John to have created the signature, since he is the only
- person with access to the secret key necessary to create the signature. In
- addition, if anybody has tampered with an otherwise valid message, the
- digital signature will detect the fact. It protects the entire message.
- ========
- 5.2. How do I sign a message while still leaving it readable?
- Sometimes you are not interested in keeping the contents of a message
- secret, you only want to make sure that nobody tampers with it, and to
- allow others to verify that the message is really from you. For this,
- you can use clear signing. Clear signing only works on text files, it
- will NOT work on binary files. The command format is:
- pgp -sat +clearsig=on <filename>
- The output file will contain your original unmodified text, along with
- section headers and an armored PGP signature. In this case, PGP is not
- required to read the file, only to verify the signature.
- ========
- 5.3. Can't you just forge a signature by copying the signature block
- to another message?
- No. The reason for this is that the signature contains information
- (called a "message digest" or a "one-way hash") about the message it's
- signing. When the signature check is made, the message digest from
- the message is calculated and compared with the one stored in the
- encrypted signature block. If they don't match, PGP reports that the
- signature is bad.
- ========
- 5.4. Are PGP signatures legally binding?
- It's still too early to tell. At least one company is using PGP
- digital signatures on contracts to provide "quick agreement" via
- E-mail, allowing work to proceed without having to wait for the paper
- signature. Two USA states (Utah and Wyoming) have passed laws
- recently giving digital signatures binding force for certain kinds of
- transactions. The Wyoming law is available from:
- gopher://ferret.state.wy.us/00/wgov/lb/1995session/BILLS/1995/1995enr/
- House_Bills/HEA0072
- (whew!)
- This non-lawyerly mind sees two questions which need to be considered.
- First, a "signature" is nothing more than an agreement to a contract;
- verbal "signatures" have been upheld before in court. It would seem
- that, if such a dispute were to arise, that a valid digital signature
- could be seen as evidence that such an agreement was made. Second,
- PGP keys are much easier to compromise than a person's handwritten
- signature, so their evidential value will by necessity be less.
- ========
- 6. Key Signatures
- ========
- 6.1. What is key signing?
- OK, you just got a copy of John Smith's public encryption key. How do
- you know that the key really belongs to John Smith and not to some
- impostor? The answer to this is key signatures. They are similar to
- message signatures in that they can't be forged. Let's say that you
- don't know that you have John Smith's real key. But let's say that you
- DO have a trusted key from Joe Blow. Let's say that you trust Joe Blow
- and that he has added his signature to John Smith's key. By inference,
- you can now trust that you have a valid copy of John Smith's key. That
- is what key signing is all about. This chain of trust can be carried
- to several levels, such as A trusts B who trusts C who trusts D,
- therefore A can trust D. You have control in the PGP configuration
- file over exactly how many levels this chain of trust is allowed to
- proceed. Be careful about keys that are several levels removed from
- your immediate trust.
- ========
- 6.2. How do I sign a key?
- Execute the following command from the command prompt:
- PGP -ks [-u yourid] <keyid>
- This adds your signature (signed with the private key for yourid, if
- you specify it) to the key identified with keyid. If keyid is a user
- ID, you will sign that particular user ID; otherwise, you will sign
- the default user ID on that key (the first one you see when you list
- the key with "pgp -kv <keyid>").
- Next, you should extract a copy of this updated key along with its
- signatures using the "-kxa" option. An armored text file will be
- created. Give this file to the owner of the key so that he may
- propagate the new signature to whomever he chooses.
- Be very careful with your secret keyring. Never be tempted to put a
- copy in somebody else's machine so you can sign their public key -
- they could have modified PGP to copy your secret key and grab your
- pass phrase.
- It is not considered proper to send his updated key to a key server
- yourself unless he has given you explicit permission to do so. After
- all, he may not wish to have his key appear on a public server. By
- the same token, you should expect that any key that you give out will
- probably find its way onto the public key servers, even if you really
- didn't want it there, since anyone having your public key can upload
- it.
- ========
- 6.3. Should I sign my own key?
- Yes, you should sign each personal ID on your key. This will help to
- prevent anyone from placing a phony address in the ID field of the key
- and possibly having your mail diverted to them. Anyone adding or
- changing a user id on your key will be unable to sign the entry,
- making it stand out like a sore thumb since all of the other entries
- are signed. Do this even if you are the only person signing your key.
- For example, my entry in the public key ring now appears as follows if
- you use the "-kvv" command:
- Type bits/keyID Date User ID
- pub 1024/0353E385 1994/06/17 Jeff Licquia <jalicqui@prairienet.org>
- sig 0353E385 Jeff Licquia <jalicqui@prairienet.org>
- ========
- 6.4. Should I sign X's key?
- Signing someone's key is your indication to the world that you believe
- that key to rightfully belong to that person, and that person is who
- he purports to be. Other people may rely on your signature to decide
- whether or not a key is valid, so you should not sign capriciously.
- Some countries require respected professionals such as doctors or
- engineers to endorse passport photographs as proof of identity for a
- passport application - you should consider signing someone's key in
- the same light. Alternatively, when you come to sign someone's key,
- ask yourself if you would be prepared to swear in a court of law as to
- that person's identity.
- Remember that signing a person's key says nothing about whether you
- actually like or trust that person or approve of his/her actions.
- It's just like someone pointing to someone else at a party and saying,
- "Yeah, that's Joe Blow over there." Joe Blow may be an ax murderer;
- you don't become tainted with his crime just because you can pick him
- out of a crowd.
- ========
- 6.5. How do I verify someone's identity?
- It all depends on how well you know them. Relatives, friends and
- colleagues are easy. People you meet at conventions or key-signing
- sessions require some proof like a driver's license or credit card.
- ========
- 6.6. How do I know someone hasn't sent me a bogus key to sign?
- It is very easy for someone to generate a key with a false ID and send
- e-mail with fraudulent headers, or for a node which routes the e-mail
- to you to substitute a different key. Finger servers are harder to
- tamper with, but not impossible. The problem is that while public key
- exchange does not require a secure channel (eavesdropping is not a
- problem) it does require a tamper-proof channel (key-substitution is a
- problem).
- If it is a key from someone you know well and whose voice you
- recognize then it is sufficient to give them a phone call and have
- them read their key's fingerprint (obtained with PGP -kvc <userid>).
- If you don't know the person very well then the only recourse is to
- exchange keys face-to-face and ask for some proof of identity. Don't
- be tempted to put your public key disk in their machine so they can
- add their key - they could maliciously replace your key at the same
- time. If the user ID includes an e-mail address, verify that address
- by exchanging an agreed encrypted message before signing. Don't sign
- any user IDs on that key except those you have verified.
- ========
- 6.7. What's a key signing party?
- A key signing party is a get-together with various other users of PGP
- for the purpose of meeting and signing keys. This helps to extend the
- "web of trust" to a great degree.
- ========
- 6.8. How do I organize a key signing party?
- Though the idea is simple, actually doing it is a bit complex, because
- you don't want to compromise other people's private keys or spread
- viruses (which is a risk whenever floppies are swapped willy-nilly).
- Usually, these parties involve meeting everyone at the party,
- verifying their identity and getting key fingerprints from them, and
- signing their key at home.
- Derek Atkins <warlord@mit.edu> has recommended this method:
- - -----
- There are many ways to hold a key-signing session. Many viable
- suggestions have been given. And, just to add more signal to this
- newsgroup, I will suggest another one which seems to work very well
- and also solves the N-squared problem of distributing and signing
- keys. Here is the process:
- 1. You announce the keysinging session, and ask everyone who plans to
- come to send you (or some single person who *will* be there) their
- public key. The RSVP also allows for a count of the number of
- people for step 3.
- 2. You compile the public keys into a single keyring, run "pgp -kvc"
- on that keyring, and save the output to a file.
- 3. Print out N copies of the "pgp -kvc" file onto hardcopy, and bring
- this and the keyring on media to the meeting.
- 4. At the meeting, distribute the printouts, and provide a site to
- retreive the keyring (an ftp site works, or you can make floppy
- copies, or whatever -- it doesn't matter).
- 5. When you are all in the room, each person stands up, and people
- vouch for this person (e.g., "Yes, this really is Derek Atkins --
- I went to school with him for 6 years, and lived with him for 2").
- 6. Each person securely obtains their own fingerprint, and after
- being vouched for, they then read out their fingerprint out loud
- so everyone can verify it on the printout they have.
- 7. After everyone finishes this protocol, they can go home, obtain
- the keyring, run "pgp -kvc" on it themselves, and re-verify the
- bits, and sign the keys at their own leisure.
- 8. To save load on the keyservers, you can optionally send all
- signatures to the original person, who can coalate them again into
- a single keyring and propagate that single keyring to the
- keyservers and to each individual.
- This seems to work well -- it worked well at the IETF meeting last
- month in Toronto, and I plan to try it at future dates.
- - -----
- ========
- 7. Revoking a key
- ========
- 7.1. My secret key ring has been stolen or lost, what do I do?
- Assuming that you selected a good solid random pass phrase to encrypt
- your secret key ring, you are probably still safe. It takes two parts
- to decrypt a message, the secret key ring, and its pass phrase.
- Assuming you have a backup copy of your secret key ring, you should
- generate a key revocation certificate and upload the revocation to one
- of the public key servers. Prior to uploading the revocation
- certificate, you might add a new ID to the old key that tells what
- your new key ID will be. If you don't have a backup copy of your
- secret key ring, then it will be impossible to create a revocation
- certificate under the present version of PGP. This is another good
- reason for keeping a backup copy of your secret key ring.
- ========
- 7.2. I forgot my pass phrase. Can I create a key revocation certificate?
- YOU CAN'T, since the pass phrase is required to create the
- certificate!
- The way to avoid this dilemma is to create a key revocation
- certificate at the same time that you generate your key pair. Put the
- revocation certificate away in a safe place and you will have it
- available should the need arise. You need to be careful how you do
- this, however, or you will end up revoking the key pair that you just
- generated, and a revocation can't be reversed.
- To do this, extract your public key to an ASCII file (using the "-kxa"
- option) after you have generated your key pair. Next, create a key
- revocation certificate and extract the revoked key to another ASCII
- file using the -kxa option again. Finally, delete the revoked key from
- your public key ring using the - kr option and put your non-revoked
- version back in the ring using the -ka option. Save the revocation
- certificate on a floppy so that you don't lose it if you crash your
- hard disk sometime.
- ========
- 8. Public Key Servers
- ========
- 8.1. What are the Public Key Servers?
- Public Key Servers exist for the purpose of making your public key
- available in a common database where everybody can have access to it
- for the purpose of encrypting messages to you. While a number of key
- servers exist, it is only necessary to send your key to one of them.
- The key server will take care of the job of sending your key to all
- other known servers.
- Very recently, the number of keys reported on the key servers passed
- 10,000.
- ========
- 8.2. What public key servers are available?
- The following is a list of all of the known public key servers active
- as of the publication date of this FAQ. Any changes to this list
- should be posted to alt.security.pgp and a copy forwarded to me for
- inclusion in future releases of the alt.security.pgp FAQ.
- Sites accessible via mail:
- pgp-public-keys@pgp.mit.edu
- Derek Atkins <warlord@mit.edu>
- pgp-public-keys@pgp.iastate.edu
- Michael Graff <explorer@iastate.edu>
- pgp-public-keys@burn.ucsd.edu
- Andy Howard <ahoward@ucsd.edu>
- pgp-public-keys@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de
- Vesselin V. Bontchev <bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
- public-key-server@martigny.ai.mit.edu
- Brian A. LaMacchia <public-key-server-request@martigny.ai.mit.edu>
- pgp-public-keys@pgp.ox.ac.uk
- Paul Leyland <pcl@ox.ac.uk>
- pgp-public-keys@dsi.unimi.it
- David Vincenzetti <vince@dsi.unimi.it>
- pgp-public-keys@kub.nl
- Teun Nijssen <teun@kub.nl>
- pgp-public-keys@ext221.sra.co.jp
- Hironobu Suzuki <hironobu@sra.co.jp>
- pgp-public-keys@sw.oz.au
- Jeremy Fitzhardinge <jeremy@sw.oz.au>
- pgp-public-keys@kiae.su
- <blaster@rd.relcom.msk.su>
- pgp-public-keys@srce.hr
- Cedomir Igaly <cigaly@srce.hr>
- pgp-public-keys@pgp.pipex.net
- Mark Turner <markt@pipex.net>
- pgp-public-keys@goliat.upc.es
- Alvar Vinacua <alvar@turing.upc.es>
- pgp-public-keys@gondolin.org
- <pgp-admin@gondolin.org>
- Sites accessible via WWW:
- http://martigny.ai.mit.edu/~bal/pks-toplev.html
- http://ibd.ar.com/PublicKeys.html
- Key server keyrings accessible via FTP:
- ftp://pgp.iastate.edu/pub/pgp/public-keys.pgp
- ftp://pgp.mit.edu/pub/keys/public-keys.pgp
- ftp://burn.ucsd.edu/Crypto/public-keys.pgp
- ftp://alex.sp.cs.cmu.edu/links/security/pubring.pgp
- ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/pub/virus/misc/pubkring.pgp
- ftp://ftp.dsi.unimi.it/pub/security/crypt/PGP/public-keys.pgp
- ftp://jpunix.com/pub/PGP/
- The following key servers are no longer in operation:
- pgp-public-keys@phil.utmb.edu
- pgp-public-keys@proxima.alt.za
- pgp-public-keys@demon.co.uk
- In addition to the "traditional" keyservers, there is a commercial key
- registry in operation at four11.com. Four11 Directory Services is set
- up primarily as a directory service to assist in searching for people
- or groups. Members of the service may have their key certified by
- Four11 and placed on their server; a key signature from Four11
- indicates that you have met their signing requirements. At the time
- of this writing, they offer "SLED Silver Signatures", which require
- identification of the key holder through one of the following:
- - a mailed or faxed driver's license
- - a mailed or faxed copy of a passport
- - payment for services with a preprinted personal check which cleared
- Send mail to info@four11.com or connect to http://www.four11.com/ for
- more information on SLED/Four11 or to search their server. You can
- request keys from their key server by sending E-mail to key@four11.com
- or by fingering <email-addr>@publickey.com. Their current
- certification keys may be retrieved by sending mail to
- key-pgp-silver@sled.com or by looking up "SLED" on the other
- keyservers.
- ===============
- 8.3. What is the syntax of the key server commands?
- The key server expects to see one of the following commands placed in
- the subject field. Note that only the ADD command uses the body of the
- message.
- - -------------------------------------------------------------
- ADD Your PGP public key (key to add is body of msg) (-ka)
- INDEX List all PGP keys the server knows about (-kv)
- VERBOSE INDEX List all PGP keys, verbose format (-kvv)
- GET Get the whole public key ring (-kxa *)
- GET <userid> Get just that one key (-kxa <userid>)
- MGET <userid> Get all keys which match <userid>
- LAST <n> Get all keys uploaded during last <n> days
- - -------------------------------------------------------------
- If you wish to get the entire key ring and have access to FTP, it
- would be a lot more efficient to use FTP rather than e-mail. Using
- e-mail, the entire key ring can generate a many part message, which
- you will have to reconstruct into a single file before adding it to
- your key ring.
- ========
- 9. Bugs
- ========
- 9.1 Where should I send bug reports?
- Bugs related to MIT PGP should be sent to pgp-bugs@mit.edu. You will
- want to check http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/warlord/pgp-faq.html
- before reporting a bug to make sure that the bug hasn't been reported
- already. If it is a serious bug, you should also post it to
- alt.security.pgp. Serious bugs are bugs that affect the security of
- the program, not compile errors or small logic errors.
- Post all of your bug reports concerning non-MIT versions of PGP to
- alt.security.pgp, and forward a copy to me for possible inclusion in
- future releases of the FAQ. Please be aware that the authors of PGP
- might not acknowledge bug reports sent directly to them. Posting them
- on USENET will give them the widest possible distribution in the
- shortest amount of time.
- The following list of bugs is limited to version 2.4 and later, and is
- limited to the most commonly seen and serious bugs. For bugs in
- earlier versions, refer to the documentation included with the
- program. If you find a bug not on this list, follow the procedure
- above for reporting it.
- ========
- MIT PGP 2.6 had a bug in the key generation process which made keys
- generated by it much less random. Fixed in 2.6.1.
- All versions of PGP except MIT PGP 2.6.2 are susceptible to a "buglet"
- in clearsigned messages, making it possible to add text to the
- beginning of a clearsigned message. The added text does not appear in
- the PGP output after the signature is checked. MIT PGP 2.6.2 now does
- not allow header lines before the text of a clearsigned message and
- enforces RFC 822 syntax on header lines before the signature. Since
- this bug appears at checking time, however, you should be aware of
- this bug even if you use MIT PGP 2.6.2 - the reader may check your
- signed message with a different version and not read the output.
- MIT PGP 2.6.1 was supposed to handle keys between 1024 and 2048 bits
- in length, but could not. Fixed in 2.6.2.
- MIT PGP 2.6.2 was supposed to enable the generation of keys up to 2048
- bits after December 25, 1994; a one-off bug puts that upper limit at
- 2047 bits instead. It has been reported that this problem does not
- appear when MIT PGP is compiled under certain implementations of Unix.
- The problem is fixed in versions 2.7.1 and 2.6.2i.
- PGP 2.6ui continues to exhibit the bug in 2.3a where conventionally
- encrypted messages, when encrypted twice with the same pass phrase,
- produce the same ciphertext.
- Many of the versions of MacPGP (especially beta versions of MIT
- MacPGP) have been reported to not handle text files and ASCII-armored
- files correctly, causing some signatures not to validate.
- ViaCrypt has reported a bug in freeware PGP affecting at least PGP
- 2.3a and MIT PGP 2.6, 2.6.1, and 2.6.2. This bug affects signatures
- made with keys between 2034 and 2048 bits in length, causing them to
- be corrupted. Practically speaking, this bug only affects versions of
- PGP that support the longer key lengths. ViaCrypt reports that this
- only seems to be a problem when running PGP on a Sun SPARC-based
- workstation. ViaCrypt PGP 2.7.1 and PGP 2.6.2i do not suffer from
- this bug. The following patch will fix the problem in MIT PGP 2.6.2:
- <===== begin patch (cut here)
- - --- crypto.c.orig Mon Mar 20 22:30:29 1995
- +++ crypto.c Mon Mar 20 22:55:32 1995
- @@ -685,7 +685,7 @@
- byte class, unitptr e, unitptr d, unitptr p, unitptr q, unitptr u,
- unitptr n)
- {
- - - byte inbuf[MAX_BYTE_PRECISION], outbuf[MAX_BYTE_PRECISION];
- + byte inbuf[MAX_BYTE_PRECISION], outbuf[MAX_BYTE_PRECISION+2];
- int i, j, certificate_length, blocksize,bytecount;
- word16 ske_length;
- word32 tstamp; byte *timestamp = (byte *) &tstamp;
- <===== end patch (cut here)
- The initial release of PGP 2.6.2i contained a bug related to
- clearsigned messages; signed messages containing international
- characters would always fail. For that reason, it was immediately
- pulled from distribution and re-released later, minus the bug. If you
- have problems with 2.6.2i, make sure you downloaded your copy after 7
- May 1995.
- ========
- 10. Recommended Reading
- ========
- Stallings, William, "Protect Your Privacy: A Guide for PGP Users",
- Prentice Hall, 1995, ISBN 0-13-185596-4.
- (Current errata at ftp://ftp.shore.net/members/ws/Errata-PGP-mmyy.txt)
- Garfinkel, Simson, "PGP: Pretty Good Privacy", O'Reilly & Associates,
- 1994, ISBN 1-56592-098-8.
- Schneier, Bruce, "E-Mail Security with PGP and PEM: How To Keep Your
- Electronic Messages Private", John Wiley & Sons, 1995, ISBN
- 0-471-05318-X.
- > The Code Breakers
- The Story of Secret Writing
- By David Kahn
- The MacMillan Publishing Company (1968)
- 866 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022
- Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 63-16109
- ISBN: 0-02-560460-0
- This has been the unofficial standard reference book on the history of
- cryptography for the last 25 years. It covers the development of
- cryptography from ancient times, up to 1967. It is interesting to read
- about the cat and mouse games that governments have been playing with
- each other even to this day. I have been informed by Mats Lofkvist <d87-
- mal@nada.kth.se> that the book has been reissued since its original
- printing. He found out about it from the 'Baker & Taylor Books'
- database. I obtained my original edition from a used book store. It is
- quite exhaustive in its coverage with 1164 pages. When I was serving in
- the United States Navy in the early 1970's as a cryptographic repair
- technician, this book was considered contraband and not welcome around my
- work place, even though it was freely available at the local public
- library. This was apparently because it mentioned several of the pieces
- of secret cryptographic equipment that were then in use in the military.
- > The following list was taken from the PGP documentation:
- Dorothy Denning, "Cryptography and Data Security", Addison-Wesley,
- Reading, MA 1982
- Dorothy Denning, "Protecting Public Keys and Signature Keys", IEEE Computer,
- Feb 1983
- Martin E. Hellman, "The Mathematics of Public-Key Cryptography," Scientific
- American, Aug 1979
- Steven Levy, "Crypto Rebels", WIRED, May/Jun 1993, page 54. (This is a "must-
- read" article on PGP and other related topics.)
- Ronald Rivest, "The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm", MIT Laboratory for
- Computer Science, 1991. Available from the net as RFC1321.
- Also available at ftp.dsi.unimi.it and its mirror at nic.funet.fi is:
- IDEA_chapter.3.ZIP, a postscript text from the IDEA designer about
- Xuejia Lai, "On the Design and Security of Block Ciphers", Institute for
- Signal and Information Processing, ETH-Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland, 1992
- Xuejia Lai, James L. Massey, Sean Murphy, "Markov Ciphers and Differential
- Cryptanalysis", Advances in Cryptology- EUROCRYPT'91
- Philip Zimmermann, "A Proposed Standard Format for RSA Cryptosystems",
- Advances in Computer Security, Vol III, edited by Rein Turn, Artech House,
- 1988
- Bruce Schneier, "Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code
- in C", John Wiley & Sons, 1993
- Paul Wallich, "Electronic Envelopes", Scientific American, Feb 1993, page 30.
- (This is an article on PGP)
- ========
- 11. General Tips
- > Some BBS sysops may not permit you to place encrypted mail or files on
- their boards. Just because they have PGP in their file area, that
- doesn't necessarily mean they tolerate you uploading encrypted mail or
- files - so *do* check first.
- > Fido net mail is even more sensitive. You should only send encrypted net
- mail after checking that:
- a) Your sysop permits it.
- b) Your recipient's sysop permits it.
- c) The mail is routed through nodes whose sysops also permit it.
- > Get your public key signed by as many individuals as possible. It
- increases the chances of another person finding a path of trust from
- himself to you.
- > Don't sign someone's key just because someone else that you know has
- signed it. Confirm the identity of the individual yourself. Remember,
- you are putting your reputation on the line when you sign a key.
- ========================================================================
- Appendix I - PGP add-ons and Related Programs
- ========================================================================
- Due to the enormous size this FAQ has begun to take, I have condensed
- this section, using a home-grown format that (I hope) will be easy to
- machine-parse into whatever other formats I can manage.
- This list is not exhaustive, nor is it even necessarily correct. Much
- of it is lifted from the old FAQ, and, as a result, some of the links
- are probably out of date. Hopefully, I will be able to weed out the
- bad links and update this over time; the task was too great for me to
- take immediately, however, especially given the pressing need. I
- present it in the hope that it will be helpful.
- ========
- Amiga
- ========
- PGP Mail Integration Project
- Author: Peter Simons <simons@peti.rhein.de>
- ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/aminet/comm/mail/PGPMIP.lha
- ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/aminet/comm/mail/PGPMIT.readme
- Automatic PGP encryption for mail over UUCP and SMTP.
- - -----
- PGPAmiga-FrontEnd
- Author: Peter Simons <simons@peti.rhein.de>
- GUI front end for Amiga PGP.
- - -----
- StealthPGP 1.0
- ftp://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/aminet/util/crypt/StealthPGP1_0.lha
- Tool to remove any header stuff from PGP encrypted
- messages, to make sure nobody recognizes it as
- encrypted text. Source included.
- - -----
- PGPMore 2.3
- ftp://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/aminet/util/crypt/PGPMore2_3.lha
- More-like tool which decrypts PGP encrypted blocks
- included in the text before displaying them.
- Useful for decrypting complete mail folders, etc...
- ========
- Archimedes
- ========
- PGPwimp
- Author: Peter Gaunt
- ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/archimedes/
- A multi-tasking WIMP front-end for PGP (requires RISC OS 3). Operates on
- files - it has no hooks to allow integration with mailers/newsreaders.
- - -----
- RNscripts4PGP
- Author: pla@sktb.demon.co.uk (Paul L. Allen)
- ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/archimedes/
- A collection of scripts and a small BASIC program which integrate PGP
- with the ReadNews mailer/newsreader. Provides encryp, decrypt, sign
- signature- check, add key.
- ========
- DOS (Windows utilities are in a separate section)
- ========
- Offline AutoPGP
- Author: Stale Schumacher <staalesc@ifi.uio.no>
- ftp://oak.oakland.edu/pub/msdos/security/apgp212.zip
- http://www.ifi.uio.no/~staalesc/AutoPGP/
- Integrates PGP with QWK and SOUP offline mail readers.
- - -----
- PGPSort
- Author: Stale Schumacher <staalesc@ifi.uio.no>
- ftp://oak.oakland.edu/pub/msdos/security/pgpsort.zip
- http://www.ifi.uio.no/~staalesc/PGP/PGPSort.html
- Sorts your PGP public keyring.
- - -----
- HPack
- ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/arcers/hpack79.zip
- ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/doc-soft/hpack79d.zip
- ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/source/hpack79s.zip
- ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/unix/arcers/hpack79src.tar.Z
- Archiver program (like ZIP) which integrates PGP.
- - -----
- Menu
- ftp://ghost.dsi.unimi.it/pub/crypt/menu.zip
- Menu shell for PGP which uses 4DOS.
- - -----
- CompuServe: EFFSIG lib 15, OZCIS lib 7, EURFORUM lib 1
- Integrates PGP into OzCIS, an automated access program for CompuServe.
- - -----
- PGP-Front
- Author: Walter H. van Holst <121233@student.frg.eur.nl>
- ftp://ftp.dsi.unimi.it:/pub/security/crypt/PGP/pgpfront.zip
- Interactive shell for PGP; has most functions.
- - -----
- PGPShell
- Author: James Still <still@kailua.colorado.edu>
- ftp://oak.oakland.edu/pub/msdos/security/pgpshe33.zip
- mailto:still@rintintin.colorado.edu (subject "send shell")
- Another PGP shell for DOS.
- - -----
- ftp://oak.oakland.edu/pub/msdos/security/
- Pretty Good PGP Shell or PGS is a complete shell for Philip Zimmermann's
- Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). PGS enables you to do anything that PGP can do
- from the commandline from a, easy to use, front-end shell.
- - -----
- PGPUtils
- ftp://ftp.dsi.unimi.it/pub/security/crypt/PGP/pgputils.zip
- Batch files and PIF files for PGP.
- - -----
- PC Yarn
- Author: Chin Huang <cthuang@io.org>
- ftp://oak.oakland.edu/SimTel/msdos/offline/yarn_0xx.zip (xx is version number)
- MS-DOS offline mail and news software (using the SOUP packet format)
- that can clearsign or encrypt outgoing messages, and decrypt incoming
- messages to the CRT, a text file, or a mail folder.
- ========
- ========
- ========
- NeXT
- ========
- CryptorBundle
- ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/pub/comp/platforms/next/Mail/apps/
- CryptorBundle-1.0.NI.b.tar.gz
- Integrates PGP into Mail.app.
- ========
- OS/2
- ========
- EPM Macro for PGP
- Author: John C. Frickson <frickson@gibbon.com>
- ftp://ftp.gibbon.com/pub/gcp/gcppgp10.zip
- Macro for EPM which places a PGP menu in the menu bar.
- ========
- Unix
- ========
- PGPsendmail
- ftp://ftp.atnf.csiro.au/pub/people/rgooch/
- ftp://ftp.dhp.com/pub/crypto/pgp/PGPsendmail/
- ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/pgp/utils/
- Automatically encrypts by acting as a wrapper for sendmail.
- - -----
- PGPTalk
- ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/src/security/pgptalk.zip
- Integrates PGP into ytalk for secure private chatting.
- - -----
- Emacs Auto-PGP
- Author: Ian Jackson <ijackson@nyx.cs.du.edu>
- This is a package for integrating PGP into GNU Emacs.
- - -----
- Mailcrypt
- Author: jsc@mit.edu (Jin S Choi), patl@lcs.mit.edu (Patrick J. LoPresti)
- ftp://cag.lcs.mit.edu/pub/patl/mailcrypt/
- This is an elisp package for encrypting and decrypting mail. I wrote this to
- provide a single interface to the two most common mail encryption programs,
- PGP and RIPEM. You can use either or both in any combination.
- - -----
- mail-secure.el
- Author: Travis J. I. Corcoran (tjic@icd.teradyne.com)
- mailto: tjic@icd.teradyne.com
- Complement to Mailcrypt which adds some new features. Requires Mailcrypt.
- - -----
- Author: abottone@minerva1.bull.it (Alessandro Bottonelli)
- This program acts as a smart pager for mail, and can automatically
- decrypt the body portion of a message if necessary.
- - -----
- mkpgp
- mailto:slutsky@lipschitz.sfasu.edu
- (auto-replies the mkpgp program; use Subject: mkpgp)
- Script for integrating pine and PGP.
- - -----
- PGP Elm
- Author: Kenneth H. Cox <kenc@x-men.viewlogic.com>
- ftp://ftp.viewlogic.com/pub/elm-2.4pl24pgp3.tar.gz
- Patched version of elm which is PGP-aware.
- - -----
- PGP Augmented Messaging (was PGP Enhanced Messaging)
- Author: Rick Busdiecker <rfb@cmu.edu>
- ftp://h.gp.cs.cmu.edu/usr/rfb/pem/
- Another set of GNU Emacs PGP utilities.
- ========
- ========
- Author: joleary@esterh.wm.estec.esa.nl (John O'Leary)
- ENCRYPT.COM is a VMS mail script that works fine for
- joleary@esterh.wm.estec.esa.nl (John O'Leary)
- ========
- Windows (v3, '95, NT)
- ========
- PGP Help for the Windows Help engine
- Author: Jeff Sheets <xanthur@aol.com>
- http://netaccess.on.ca/~rbarclay/pgp.html
- PGP documentation and help in WinHelp format.
- - -----
- PGPWinFront (PWF)
- Author: Ross Barclay <RBARCLAY@TrentU.ca>
- http://netaccess.on.ca/~rbarclay/index.html
- mailto:rbarclay@trentu.ca (put GET PWF in subject)
- Windows front end for PGP. Includes most functions.
- - -----
- J's Windows PGP Shell (JWPS)
- ftp://oak.oakland.edu/pub/msdos/security/
- Another Windows front end for PGP. Supports drag-n-drop, clipboard, etc.
- - -----
- PGP Windows
- ftp://oak.oakland.edu/pub/msdos/security/pgpwin.zip
- Still another Windows PGP front end.
- - -----
- WinPGP(tm)
- ftp://ftp.firstnet.net/pub/windows/winpgp/pgpw40.zip
- http://www.firstnet.net/~cwgeib/welcome.html
- Another PGP Windows shell; this one is shareware.
- - -----
- ZMail Scripts for PGP
- Author: Guy Berliner <berliner@netcom.com>
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/be/berliner/readme.html
- ftp://kaiwan.com/user/mckinnon/pgp4zm.zip
- Scripts for integrating PGP with ZMail, a popular graphical mailer.
- - -----
- Private Idaho
- ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/joelm/pidaho21.zip
- http://www.eskimo.com/~joelm/
- A PGP integration tool for various Windows mailers. Supports anonymous
- remailers.
- - -----
- S-Tools
- Author: Andy Brown <asb@nexor.co.uk>
- ftp://mirage.nexor.co.uk/pub/security/steganography/s-tools3.zip
- A set of Windows steganography tools.
- ========================================================================
- Appendix II - Glossary of Cryptographic Terms
- ========================================================================
- ========
- Chosen Plain Text Attack
- ========
- This is the next step up from the Known Plain Text Attack. In this
- version, the cryptanalyst can choose what plain text message he wishes
- to encrypt and view the results, as opposed to simply taking any old
- plain text that he might happen to lay his hands on. If he can recover
- the key, he can use it to decode all data encrypted under this key.
- This is a much stronger form of attack than known plain text. The
- better encryption systems will resist this form of attack.
- ========
- Clipper
- ========
- A chip developed by the United States Government that was to be used
- as the standard chip in all encrypted communications. Aside from the
- fact that all details of how the Clipper chip work remain classified,
- the biggest concern was the fact that it has an acknowledged trap door
- in it to allow the government to eavesdrop on anyone using Clipper
- provided they first obtained a wiretap warrant. This fact, along with
- the fact that it can't be exported from the United States, has led a
- number of large corporations to oppose the idea. Clipper uses an 80
- bit key to perform a series of nonlinear transformation on a 64 bit
- data block.
- ========
- DES (Data Encryption Standard)
- ========
- A data encryption standard developed by IBM under the auspices of the
- United States Government. It was criticized because the research that
- went into the development of the standard remained classified.
- Concerns were raised that there might be hidden trap doors in the
- logic that would allow the government to break anyone's code if they
- wanted to listen in. DES uses a 56 bit key to perform a series of
- nonlinear transformation on a 64 bit data block. Even when it was
- first introduced a number of years ago, it was criticized for not
- having a long enough key. 56 bits just didn't put it far enough out of
- reach of a brute force attack. Today, with the increasing speed of
- hardware and its falling cost, it would be feasible to build a machine
- that could crack a 56 bit key in under a day's time. It is not known
- if such a machine has really been built, but the fact that it is
- feasible tends to weaken the security of DES substantially.
- I would like to thank Paul Leyland <pcl@ox.ac.uk> for the following
- information relating to the cost of building such a DES cracking
- machine:
- _Efficient DES Key Search_
- At Crypto 93, Michael Wiener gave a paper with the above title. He
- showed how a DES key search engine could be built for $1 million which
- can do exhaustive search in 7 hours. Expected time to find a key from
- a matching pair of 64-bit plaintext and 64-bit ciphertext is 3.5 hours.
- So far as I can tell, the machine is scalable, which implies that a
- $100M machine could find keys every couple of minutes or so.
- The machine is fairly reliable: an error analysis implies that the mean
- time between failure is about 270 keys.
- The final sentence in the abstract is telling: In the light of this
- work, it would be prudent in many applications to use DES in triple-
- encryption mode.
- I only have portions of a virtually illegible FAX copy, so please don't
- ask me for much more detail. A complete copy of the paper is being
- snailed to me.
- Paul C. Leyland <pcl@ox.ac.uk>
- Laszlo Baranyi <laszlo@instrlab.kth.se> says that the full paper is available
- in PostScript from:
- ftp://ftp.eff.org/pub/crypto/des_key_search.ps
- ftp://cpsr.org/cpsr/crypto/des/des_key_search.ps
- (cpsr.org also makes it available via their Gopher service)
- ========
- EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
- ========
- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was founded in July, 1990, to assure
- freedom of expression in digital media, with a particular emphasis on
- applying the principles embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
- to computer-based communication. For further information, contact:
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- 1001 G St., NW
- Suite 950 East
- Washington, DC 20001
- +1 202 347 5400
- +1 202 393 5509 FAX
- Internet: eff@eff.org
- ========
- IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)
- ========
- Developed in Switzerland and licensed for non-commercial use in PGP.
- IDEA uses a 128 bit user supplied key to perform a series of nonlinear
- mathematical transformations on a 64 bit data block. Compare the
- length of this key with the 56 bits in DES or the 80 bits in Clipper.
- ========
- ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations)
- ========
- ITAR are the regulations covering the exporting of weapons and weapons
- related technology from the United States. For some strange reason,
- the government claims that data encryption is a weapon and comes under
- the ITAR regulations. There is presently a move in Congress to relax
- the section of ITAR dealing with cryptographic technology.
- ========
- Known Plain Text Attack
- ========
- A method of attack on a crypto system where the cryptanalyst has
- matching copies of plain text, and its encrypted version. With weaker
- encryption systems, this can improve the chances of cracking the code
- and getting at the plain text of other messages where the plain text
- is not known.
- ========
- MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm #5)
- ========
- The message digest algorithm used in PGP is the MD5 Message Digest
- Algorithm, placed in the public domain by RSA Data Security, Inc.
- MD5's designer, Ronald Rivest, writes this about MD5:
- "It is conjectured that the difficulty of coming up with two messages
- having the same message digest is on the order of 2^64 operations, and
- that the difficulty of coming up with any message having a given
- message digest is on the order of 2^128 operations. The MD5 algorithm
- has been carefully scrutinized for weaknesses. It is, however, a
- relatively new algorithm and further security analysis is of course
- justified, as is the case with any new proposal of this sort. The
- level of security provided by MD5 should be sufficient for implementing
- very high security hybrid digital signature schemes based on MD5 and
- the RSA public-key cryptosystem."
- ========
- MPILIB (Multiple Precision Integer Library)
- ========
- This is the common name for the set of RSA routines used in PGP 2.3a
- and previous, as well as the international versions of PGP. It is
- alleged to violate PKP's RSA patent in the USA, but is not otherwise
- restricted in usage. It retains its popularity abroad because it
- outperforms RSAREF and has fewer legal restrictions as well.
- ========
- NSA (National Security Agency)
- ========
- The following information is from the sci.crypt FAQ:
- The NSA is the official communications security body of the U.S.
- government. It was given its charter by President Truman in the early
- 50's, and has continued research in cryptology till the present. The
- NSA is known to be the largest employer of mathematicians in the
- world, and is also the largest purchaser of computer hardware in the
- world. Governments in general have always been prime employers of
- cryptologists. The NSA probably possesses cryptographic expertise many
- years ahead of the public state of the art, and can undoubtedly break
- many of the systems used in practice; but for reasons of national
- security almost all information about the NSA is classified.
- ========
- One Time Pad
- ========
- The one time pad is the ONLY encryption scheme that can be proven to
- be absolutely unbreakable! It is used extensively by spies because it
- doesn't require any hardware to implement and because of its absolute
- security. This algorithm requires the generation of many sets of
- matching encryption keys pads. Each pad consists of a number of random
- key characters. These key characters are chosen completely at random
- using some truly random process. They are NOT generated by any kind of
- cryptographic key generator. Each party involved receives matching
- sets of pads. Each key character in the pad is used to encrypt one and
- only one plain text character, then the key character is never used
- again. Any violation of these conditions negates the perfect security
- available in the one time pad.
- So why don't we use the one time pad all the time? The answer is that
- the number of random key pads that need to be generated must be at
- least equal to the volume of plain text messages to be encrypted, and
- the fact that these key pads must somehow be exchanged ahead of time.
- This becomes totally impractical in modern high speed communications
- systems.
- Among the more famous of the communications links using a one time pad
- scheme is the Washington to Moscow hot line.
- ========
- PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail)
- ========
- The following was taken from the sci.crypt FAQ:
- How do I send encrypted mail under UNIX? [PGP, RIPEM, PEM, ...]?
- Here's one popular method, using the des command:
- cat file | compress | des private_key | uuencode | mail
- Meanwhile, there is a de jure Internet standard in the works called
- PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail). It is described in RFCs 1421 through
- 1424. To join the PEM mailing list, contact pem-dev-request@tis.com.
- There is a beta version of PEM being tested at the time of this
- writing.
- There are also two programs available in the public domain for
- encrypting mail: PGP and RIPEM. Both are available by FTP. Each has
- its own news group: alt.security.pgp and alt.security.ripem. Each has
- its own FAQ as well. PGP is most commonly used outside the USA since
- it uses the RSA algorithm without a license and RSA's patent is valid
- only (or at least primarily) in the USA.
- [ Maintainer's note: The above paragraph is not fully correct, as MIT
- PGP uses RSAREF as well now. ]
- RIPEM is most commonly used inside the USA since it uses the RSAREF
- which is freely available within the USA but not available for
- shipment outside the USA.
- Since both programs use a secret key algorithm for encrypting the body
- of the message (PGP used IDEA; RIPEM uses DES) and RSA for encrypting
- the message key, they should be able to interoperate freely. Although
- there have been repeated calls for each to understand the other's
- formats and algorithm choices, no interoperation is available at this
- time (as far as we know).
- ========
- PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
- ========
- The program we're discussing. See question 1.1.
- ========
- PKP (Public Key Partners)
- ========
- A patent holding company that holds many public-key patents, including
- (supposedly) the patent on public-key cryptography itself. Several of
- its patents are not believed by some to be valid, including their
- patent on RSA (which affects PGP).
- ========
- ========
- See PEM
- ========
- RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)
- ========
- RSA is the public key encryption method used in PGP. RSA are the
- initials of the developers of the algorithm which was done at taxpayer
- expense. The basic security in RSA comes from the fact that, while it
- is relatively easy to multiply two huge prime numbers together to
- obtain their product, it is computationally difficult to go the
- reverse direction: to find the two prime factors of a given composite
- number. It is this one-way nature of RSA that allows an encryption key
- to be generated and disclosed to the world, and yet not allow a
- message to be decrypted.
- ========
- ========
- This is the free library RSA Data Security, Inc., made available for
- the purpose of implementing freeware PEM applications. It implements
- several encryption algorithms, including (among others) RSA. MIT PGP
- uses RSAREF's RSA routines to avoid the alleged patent problems
- associated with other versions of PGP.
- ========
- Skipjack
- ========
- See Clipper
- ========
- ========
- TEMPEST is a standard for electromagnetic shielding for computer
- equipment. It was created in response to the fact that information can
- be read from computer radiation (e.g., from a CRT) at quite a distance
- and with little effort. Needless to say, encryption doesn't do much
- good if the cleartext is available this way. The typical home
- computer WOULD fail ALL of the TEMPEST standards by a long shot. So,
- if you are doing anything illegal, don't expect PGP or any other
- encryption program to save you. The government could just set up a
- monitoring van outside your home and read everything that you are
- doing on your computer.
- Short of shelling out the ten thousand dollars or so that it would
- take to properly shield your computer, a good second choice might be a
- laptop computer running on batteries. No emissions would be fed back
- into the power lines, and the amount of power being fed to the display
- and being consumed by the computer is much less than the typical home
- computer and CRT. This provides a much weaker RF field for snoopers to
- monitor. It still isn't safe, just safer. In addition, a laptop
- computer has the advantage of not being anchored to one location.
- Anyone trying to monitor your emissions would have to follow you
- around, maybe making themselves a little more obvious. I must
- emphasize again that a laptop still is NOT safe from a tempest
- standpoint, just safer than the standard personal computer.
- ========================================================================
- Appendix III - Cypherpunks
- ========================================================================
- ========
- What are Cypherpunks?
- ========
- ========
- What is the cypherpunks mailing list?
- ========
- Eric Hughes <hughes@toad.com> runs the "cypherpunk" mailing list
- dedicated to "discussion about technological defenses for privacy in
- the digital domain." Frequent topics include voice and data
- encryption, anonymous remailers, and the Clipper chip. Send e-mail to
- majordomo@toad.com with "subscribe cypherpunks" in the body to be
- added or subtracted from the list. The mailing list itself is
- cypherpunks@toad.com. You don't need to be a member of the list in
- order to send messages to it, thus allowing the use of anonymous
- remailers to post your more sensitive messages that you just as soon
- would not be credited to you. (Traffic is sometimes up to 30-40
- messages per day.)
- ========
- What is the purpose of the Cypherpunk remailers?
- ========
- The purpose of these remailers is to take privacy one level further.
- While a third party who is snooping on the net may not be able to read
- the encrypted mail that you are sending, he is still able to know who
- you are sending mail to. This could possibly give him some useful
- information. This is called traffic flow analysis. To counter this
- type of attack, you can use a third party whose function is simply to
- remail your message with his return address on it instead of yours.
- Two types of remailers exist. The first type only accepts plain text
- remailing headers. This type would only be used if your goal was only
- to prevent the person to whom your are sending mail from learning your
- identity. It would do nothing for the problem of net eavesdroppers
- from learning to whom you are sending mail.
- The second type of remailer accepts encrypted remailing headers. With
- this type of remailer, you encrypt your message twice. First, you
- encrypt it to the person ultimately receiving the message. You then
- add the remailing header and encrypt it again using the key for the
- remailer that you are using. When the remailer receives your message,
- the system will recognize that the header is encrypted and will use
- its secret decryption key to decrypt the message. He can now read the
- forwarding information, but because the body of the message is still
- encrypted in the key of another party, he is unable to read your mail.
- He simply remails the message to the proper destination. At its
- ultimate destination, the recipient uses his secret to decrypt this
- nested encryption and reads the message.
- Since this process of multiple encryptions and remailing headers can
- get quite involved, there are several programs available to simplify
- the process. FTP to soda.berkeley.edu and examine the directory
- /pub/cypherpunks/remailers for the programs that are available.
- ========
- Where are the currently active Cypherpunk remailers?
- ========
- Raph Levien maintains a list of currently active remailers. The list,
- unfortunately, seems to change often as remailers are shut down for
- whatever reasons; therefore, I am not printing a list here. You can
- get the list by fingering remailer-list@kiwi.cs.berkeley.edu.
- ========
- Are there other anonymous remailers besides the cypherpunk remailers?
- ========
- Yes, the most commonly used remailer on the Internet is in Finland. It
- is known as anon.penet.fi. The syntax for sending mail through this
- remailer is different from the cypherpunk remailers. For example, if
- you wanted to send mail to me (gbe@netcom.com) through anon.penet.fi,
- you would send the mail to "gbe%netcom.com@anon.penet.fi". Notice that
- the "@" sign in my Internet address is changed to a "%". Unlike the
- cypherpunk remailers, anon.penet.fi directly supports anonymous return
- addresses. Anybody using the remailer is assigned an anonymous id of
- the form "an?????" where "?????" is filled in with a number
- representing that user. To send mail to someone when you only know
- their anonymous address, address your mail to "an?????@anon.penet.fi"
- replacing the question marks with the user id you are interested in.
- For additional information on anon.penet.fi, send a blank message to
- "help@anon.penet.fi". You will receive complete instructions on how to
- use the remailer, including how to obtain a pass phrase on the system.
- ========
- What is the remailer command syntax?
- ========
- The first non blank line in the message must start with two colons
- (::). The next line must contain the user defined header
- "Request-Remailing-To: <destination>". This line must be followed by a
- blank line. Finally, your message can occupy the rest of the space. As
- an example, if you wanted to send a message to me via a remailer, you
- would compose the following message:
- ::
- Request-Remailing-To: gbe@netcom.com
- [body of message]
- You would then send the above message to the desired remailer. Note
- the section labeled "body of message" may be either a plain text
- message, or an encrypted and armored PGP message addressed to the
- desired recipient. To send the above message with an encrypted header,
- use PGP to encrypt the entire message shown above to the desired
- remailer. Be sure to take the output in armored text form. In front of
- the BEGIN PGP MESSAGE portion of the file, insert two colons (::) as
- the first non-blank line of the file. The next line should say
- "Encrypted: PGP". Finally the third line should be blank. The message
- now looks as follows:
- ::
- Encrypted: PGP
- Version 2.3a
- [body of pgp message]
- -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
- You would then send the above message to the desired remailer
- just as you did in the case of the non-encrypted header. Note that it
- is possible to chain remailers together so that the message passes
- through several levels of anonymity before it reaches its ultimate
- destination.
- ========
- Where can I learn more about Cypherpunks?
- ========
- ftp://ftp.csua.berkeley.edu/pub/cypherpunks
- =======================================================================
- Appendix IV - Testimony of Philip Zimmermann to Congress.
- Reproduced by permission.
- =======================================================================
- - From netcom.com!netcomsv!decwrl!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!csn!yuma!ld231782 Sun
- Oct 10 07:55:51 1993
- Xref: netcom.com talk.politics.crypto:650 comp.org.eff.talk:20832
- alt.politics.org.nsa:89
- ~Newsgroups: talk.politics.crypto,comp.org.eff.talk,alt.politics.org.nsa
- Path: netcom.com!netcomsv!decwrl!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!csn!yuma!ld231782
- ~From: ld231782@LANCE.ColoState.Edu (L. Detweiler)
- ~Sender: news@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU (News Account)
- Message-ID: <Oct10.044212.45343@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
- ~Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1993 04:42:12 GMT
- Nntp-Posting-Host: turner.lance.colostate.edu
- Organization: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
- ~Lines: 281
- ~Date: Sat, 9 Oct 93 11:57:54 MDT
- ~From: Philip Zimmermann <prz@acm.org>
- ~Subject: Zimmerman testimony to House subcommittee
- Testimony of Philip Zimmermann to
- Subcommittee for Economic Policy, Trade, and the Environment
- US House of Representatives
- 12 Oct 1993
- Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, my name is Philip
- Zimmermann, and I am a software engineer who specializes in
- cryptography and data security. I'm here to talk to you today about
- the need to change US export control policy for cryptographic
- software. I want to thank you for the opportunity to be here and
- commend you for your attention to this important issue.
- I am the author of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), a public-key encryption
- software package for the protection of electronic mail. Since PGP was
- published domestically as freeware in June of 1991, it has spread
- organically all over the world and has since become the de facto
- worldwide standard for encryption of E-mail. The US Customs Service
- is investigating how PGP spread outside the US. Because I am a target
- of this ongoing criminal investigation, my lawyer has advised me not
- to answer any questions related to the investigation.
- I. The information age is here.
- Computers were developed in secret back in World War II mainly to
- break codes. Ordinary people did not have access to computers,
- because they were few in number and too expensive. Some people
- postulated that there would never be a need for more than half a
- dozen computers in the country. Governments formed their attitudes
- toward cryptographic technology during this period. And these
- attitudes persist today. Why would ordinary people need to have
- access to good cryptography?
- Another problem with cryptography in those days was that cryptographic
- keys had to be distributed over secure channels so that both parties
- could send encrypted traffic over insecure channels. Governments
- solved that problem by dispatching key couriers with satchels
- handcuffed to their wrists. Governments could afford to send guys
- like these to their embassies overseas. But the great masses of
- ordinary people would never have access to practical cryptography if
- keys had to be distributed this way. No matter how cheap and powerful
- personal computers might someday become, you just can't send the keys
- electronically without the risk of interception. This widened the
- feasibility gap between Government and personal access to cryptography.
- Today, we live in a new world that has had two major breakthroughs
- that have an impact on this state of affairs. The first is the
- coming of the personal computer and the information age. The second
- breakthrough is public-key cryptography.
- With the first breakthrough comes cheap ubiquitous personal
- computers, modems, FAX machines, the Internet, E-mail, digital
- cellular phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), wireless digital
- networks, ISDN, cable TV, and the data superhighway. This
- information revolution is catalyzing the emergence of a global
- economy.
- But this renaissance in electronic digital communication brings with
- it a disturbing erosion of our privacy. In the past, if the
- Government wanted to violate the privacy of ordinary citizens, it had
- to expend a certain amount of effort to intercept and steam open and
- read paper mail, and listen to and possibly transcribe spoken
- telephone conversation. This is analogous to catching fish with a
- hook and a line, one fish at a time. Fortunately for freedom and
- democracy, this kind of labor-intensive monitoring is not practical
- on a large scale.
- Today, electronic mail is gradually replacing conventional paper
- mail, and is soon to be the norm for everyone, not the novelty is is
- today. Unlike paper mail, E-mail messages are just too easy to
- intercept and scan for interesting keywords. This can be done
- easily, routinely, automatically, and undetectably on a grand scale.
- This is analogous to driftnet fishing-- making a quantitative and
- qualitative Orwellian difference to the health of democracy.
- The second breakthrough came in the late 1970s, with the mathematics
- of public key cryptography. This allows people to communicate
- securely and conveniently with people they've never met, with no
- prior exchange of keys over secure channels. No more special key
- couriers with black bags. This, coupled with the trappings of the
- information age, means the great masses of people can at last use
- cryptography. This new technology also provides digital signatures
- to authenticate transactions and messages, and allows for digital
- money, with all the implications that has for an electronic digital
- economy. (See appendix)
- This convergence of technology-- cheap ubiquitous PCs, modems, FAX,
- digital phones, information superhighways, et cetera-- is all part of
- the information revolution. Encryption is just simple arithmetic to
- all this digital hardware. All these devices will be using
- encryption. The rest of the world uses it, and they laugh at the US
- because we are railing against nature, trying to stop it. Trying to
- stop this is like trying to legislate the tides and the weather. It's
- like the buggy whip manufacturers trying to stop the cars-- even with
- the NSA on their side, it's still impossible. The information
- revolution is good for democracy-- good for a free market and trade.
- It contributed to the fall of the Soviet empire. They couldn't stop
- it either.
- Soon, every off-the-shelf multimedia PC will become a secure voice
- telephone, through the use of freely available software. What does
- this mean for the Government's Clipper chip and key escrow systems?
- Like every new technology, this comes at some cost. Cars pollute the
- air. Cryptography can help criminals hide their activities. People
- in the law enforcement and intelligence communities are going to look
- at this only in their own terms. But even with these costs, we still
- can't stop this from happening in a free market global economy. Most
- people I talk to outside of Government feel that the net result of
- providing privacy will be positive.
- President Clinton is fond of saying that we should "make change our
- friend". These sweeping technological changes have big implications,
- but are unstoppable. Are we going to make change our friend? Or are
- we going to criminalize cryptography? Are we going to incarcerate
- our honest, well-intentioned software engineers?
- Law enforcement and intelligence interests in the Government have
- attempted many times to suppress the availability of strong domestic
- encryption technology. The most recent examples are Senate Bill 266
- which mandated back doors in crypto systems, the FBI Digital
- Telephony bill, and the Clipper chip key escrow initiative. All of
- these have met with strong opposition from industry and civil liberties
- groups. It is impossible to obtain real privacy in the information
- age without good cryptography.
- The Clinton Administration has made it a major policy priority to
- help build the National Information Infrastructure (NII). Yet, some
- elements of the Government seems intent on deploying and entrenching
- a communications infrastructure that would deny the citizenry the
- ability to protect its privacy. This is unsettling because in a
- democracy, it is possible for bad people to occasionally get
- elected-- sometimes very bad people. Normally, a well-functioning
- democracy has ways to remove these people from power. But the wrong
- technology infrastructure could allow such a future government to
- watch every move anyone makes to oppose it. It could very well be
- the last government we ever elect.
- When making public policy decisions about new technologies for the
- Government, I think one should ask oneself which technologies would
- best strengthen the hand of a police state. Then, do not allow the
- Government to deploy those technologies. This is simply a matter of
- good civic hygiene.
- II. Export controls are outdated and are a threat to privacy and
- economic competitivness.
- The current export control regime makes no sense anymore, given
- advances in technology.
- There has been considerable debate about allowing the export of
- implementations of the full 56-bit Data Encryption Standard (DES).
- At a recent academic cryptography conference, Michael Wiener of Bell
- Northern Research in Ottawa presented a paper on how to crack the DES
- with a special machine. He has fully designed and tested a chip that
- guesses DES keys at high speed until it finds the right one.
- Although he has refrained from building the real chips so far, he can
- get these chips manufactured for $10.50 each, and can build 57000 of
- them into a special machine for $1 million that can try every DES key
- in 7 hours, averaging a solution in 3.5 hours. $1 million can be
- hidden in the budget of many companies. For $10 million, it takes 21
- minutes to crack, and for $100 million, just two minutes. That's
- full 56-bit DES, cracked in just two minutes. I'm sure the NSA can
- do it in seconds, with their budget. This means that DES is now
- effectively dead for purposes of serious data security applications.
- If Congress acts now to enable the export of full DES products, it
- will be a day late and a dollar short.
- If a Boeing executive who carries his notebook computer to the Paris
- airshow wants to use PGP to send email to his home office in Seattle,
- are we helping American competitivness by arguing that he has even
- potentially committed a federal crime?
- Knowledge of cryptography is becoming so widespread, that export
- controls are no longer effective at controlling the spread of this
- technology. People everywhere can and do write good cryptographic
- software, and we import it here but cannot export it, to the detriment
- of our indigenous software industry.
- I wrote PGP from information in the open literature, putting it into
- a convenient package that everyone can use in a desktop or palmtop
- computer. Then I gave it away for free, for the good of our
- democracy. This could have popped up anywhere, and spread. Other
- people could have and would have done it. And are doing it. Again
- and again. All over the planet. This technology belongs to
- everybody.
- III. People want their privacy very badly.
- PGP has spread like a prairie fire, fanned by countless people who
- fervently want their privacy restored in the information age.
- Today, human rights organizations are using PGP to protect their
- people overseas. Amnesty International uses it. The human rights
- group in the American Association for the Advancement of Science uses
- it.
- Some Americans don't understand why I should be this concerned about
- the power of Government. But talking to people in Eastern Europe, you
- don't have to explain it to them. They already get it-- and they
- don't understand why we don't.
- I want to read you a quote from some E-mail I got last week from
- someone in Latvia, on the day that Boris Yeltsin was going to war
- with his Parliament:
- "Phil I wish you to know: let it never be, but if dictatorship
- takes over Russia your PGP is widespread from Baltic to Far East
- now and will help democratic people if necessary. Thanks."
- Appendix -- How Public-Key Cryptography Works
- - ---------------------------------------------
- In conventional cryptosystems, such as the US Federal Data Encryption
- Standard (DES), a single key is used for both encryption and
- decryption. This means that a key must be initially transmitted via
- secure channels so that both parties have it before encrypted
- messages can be sent over insecure channels. This may be
- inconvenient. If you have a secure channel for exchanging keys, then
- why do you need cryptography in the first place?
- In public key cryptosystems, everyone has two related complementary
- keys, a publicly revealed key and a secret key. Each key unlocks the
- code that the other key makes. Knowing the public key does not help
- you deduce the corresponding secret key. The public key can be
- published and widely disseminated across a communications network.
- This protocol provides privacy without the need for the same kind of
- secure channels that a conventional cryptosystem requires.
- Anyone can use a recipient's public key to encrypt a message to that
- person, and that recipient uses her own corresponding secret key to
- decrypt that message. No one but the recipient can decrypt it,
- because no one else has access to that secret key. Not even the
- person who encrypted the message can decrypt it.
- Message authentication is also provided. The sender's own secret key
- can be used to encrypt a message, thereby "signing" it. This creates
- a digital signature of a message, which the recipient (or anyone
- else) can check by using the sender's public key to decrypt it. This
- proves that the sender was the true originator of the message, and
- that the message has not been subsequently altered by anyone else,
- because the sender alone possesses the secret key that made that
- signature. Forgery of a signed message is infeasible, and the sender
- cannot later disavow his signature.
- These two processes can be combined to provide both privacy and
- authentication by first signing a message with your own secret key,
- then encrypting the signed message with the recipient's public key.
- The recipient reverses these steps by first decrypting the message
- with her own secret key, then checking the enclosed signature with
- your public key. These steps are done automatically by the
- recipient's software.
- - --
- Philip Zimmermann
- 3021 11th Street
- Boulder, Colorado 80304
- 303 541-0140
- E-mail: prz@acm.org
- - --
- ld231782@longs.LANCE.ColoState.EDU
- ========================================================================
- Appendix V - The Philip Zimmermann Defense Fund.
- All articles reproduced by permission.
- ========================================================================
- Evidently, providing "free crypto for the masses" has its down side.
- The government is investigating Phil Zimmermann, the original author
- of PGP, for alleged violations of the ITAR export regulations
- prohibiting the unlicensed export of cryptographic equipment. They do
- not seem to believe that Phil himself actually exported PGP; rather,
- they claim that making the program available in a way that it could be
- exported is itself export (such as giving it away without
- restriction).
- As of this writing, the investigation is just that. In January,
- Phil's lawyers met with the government lawyers to discuss the case.
- The outcome of the meeting is unclear at this point, though the
- meeting was described as "cordial" by Phillip Dubois, Phil
- Zimmermann's lawyer.
- Even though it's "just an investigation", it's been an expensive one.
- Phil immediately had to go out and get legal representation to try to
- combat this "investigation" and prepare for its possible result. He's
- got a really good legal team, and they have done a lot of their work
- pro bono in support of the cause. Unfortunately, there are still
- costs associated with legal fights like this one. Phil's got quite a
- bill so far.
- To help offset his costs, Phil and his legal team have set up a legal
- defense fund for contributions. It's currently way in the red, but
- it's better than paying the whole bill outright. If charges actually
- get filed, the total bill could soar up into the millions; not a fun
- thing to have happen to you after providing such a nice (if
- controversial) public service. And spending all these millions
- doesn't guarantee that he won't be convicted and spend some time in
- jail; that's something not even a legal defense fund can pay for.
- Several companies who benefit from the use of PGP have indicated that
- they will donate a portion of their profits from certain activities to
- the legal defense fund. Here is a partial list:
- First Virtual Holdings Incorporated
- Four11 Directory Services
- ViaCrypt
- Christopher Geib (the author of the shareware WinPGP)
- Additions to this list would be appreciated.
- More information can be had by sending E-mail to zldf@clark.net or by
- visiting the information page set up for the fund:
- http://www.netresponse.com/zldf
- Also, the legal team has also asked that anyone who has been
- approached by a federal investigator and questioned about Phil
- Zimmermann please contact Phillip Dubois [dubois@csn.org,
- 303/444-3885, 2305 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304-4132].
- Here's the original article announcing the fund:
- =====
- - From prz@columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU Thu Oct 14 23:16:32 1993
- Return-Path: <prz@columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU>
- Received: from ncar.ucar.edu by mail.netcom.com (5.65/SMI-4.1/Netcom)
- id AA05680; Thu, 14 Oct 93 23:16:29 -0700
- Received: from sage.cgd.ucar.edu by ncar.ucar.EDU (5.65/ NCAR Central Post
- Office 03/11/93)
- id AA01642; Fri, 15 Oct 93 00:15:34 MDT
- Received: from columbine.cgd.ucar.edu by sage.cgd.ucar.EDU (5.65/ NCAR Mail
- Server 04/10/90)
- id AA22977; Fri, 15 Oct 93 00:14:08 MDT
- Message-Id: <9310150616.AA09815@columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU>
- Received: by columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU (4.1/ NCAR Mail Server 04/10/90)
- id AA09815; Fri, 15 Oct 93 00:16:57 MDT
- ~Subject: PGP legal defense fund
- To: gbe@netcom.com (Gary Edstrom)
- ~Date: Fri, 15 Oct 93 0:16:56 MDT
- ~From: Philip Zimmermann <prz@columbine.cgd.ucar.EDU>
- In-Reply-To: <9310112013.AA07737@netcom5.netcom.com>; from "Gary Edstrom" at
- Oct 11, 93 1:13 pm
- ~From: Philip Zimmermann <prz@acm.org>
- ~Reply-To: Philip Zimmermann <prz@acm.org>
- X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL0]
- Status: OR
- ~Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1993 02:41:31 -0600 (CDT)
- ~From: hmiller@orion.it.luc.edu (Hugh Miller)
- ~Subject: PGP defense fund
- As you may already know, on September 14 LEMCOM Systems (ViaCrypt)
- in Phoenix, Arizona was served with a subpoena issued by the US District
- Court of Northern California to testify before a grand jury and produce
- documents related to "ViaCrypt, PGP, Philip Zimmermann, and anyone or
- any entity acting on behalf of Philip Zimmermann for the time period
- June 1, 1991 to the present."
- Phil Zimmermann has been explicitly told that he is the primary
- target of the investigation being mounted from the San Jose office of
- U.S. Customs. It is not known if there are other targets. Whether or
- not an indictment is returned in this case, the legal bills will be
- astronomical.
- If this case comes to trial, it will be one of the most important
- cases in recent times dealing with cryptography, effective
- communications privacy, and the free flow of information and ideas in
- cyberspace in the post-Cold War political order. The stakes are high,
- both for those of us who support the idea of effective personal
- communications privacy and for Phil, who risks jail for his selfless and
- successful effort to bring to birth "cryptography for the masses,"
- a.k.a. PGP. Export controls are being used as a means to curtail
- domestic access to effective cryptographic tools: Customs is taking the
- position that posting cryptographic code to the Internet is equivalent
- to exporting it. Phil has assumed the burden and risk of being the
- first to develop truly effective tools with which we all might secure
- our communications against prying eyes, in a political environment
- increasingly hostile to such an idea -- an environment in which Clipper
- chips and Digital Telephony bills are our own government's answer to our
- concerns. Now is the time for us all to step forward and help shoulder
- that burden with him.
- Phil is assembling a legal defense team to prepare for the
- possibility of a trial, and he needs your help. This will be an
- expensive affair, and the meter is already ticking. I call on all of us,
- both here in the U.S. and abroad, to help defend Phil and perhaps
- establish a groundbreaking legal precedent. A legal trust fund has been
- established with Phil's attorney in Boulder. Donations will be accepted
- in any reliable form, check, money order, or wire transfer, and in any
- currency. Here are the details:
- To send a check or money order by mail, make it payable, NOT to Phil
- Zimmermann, but to Phil's attorney, Philip Dubois. Mail the check or money
- order to the following address:
- Philip Dubois
- 2305 Broadway
- Boulder, CO USA 80304
- (Phone #: 303-444-3885)
- To send a wire transfer, your bank will need the following
- information:
- Bank: VectraBank
- Routing #: 107004365
- Account #: 0113830
- Account Name: "Philip L. Dubois, Attorney Trust Account"
- Any funds remaining after the end of legal action will be returned
- to named donors in proportion to the size of their donations.
- You may give anonymously or not, but PLEASE - give generously. If
- you admire PGP, what it was intended to do and the ideals which animated
- its creation, express your support with a contribution to this fund.
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Posted to: alt.security.pgp; sci.crypt; talk.politics.crypto;
- comp.org.eff.talk; comp.society.cu-digest; comp.society; alt.sci.sociology;
- alt.security.index; alt.security.keydist; alt.security;
- alt.society.civil-liberty; alt.society.civil-disob; alt.society.futures
- - --
- Hugh Miller | Asst. Prof. of Philosophy | Loyola University Chicago
- FAX: 312-508-2292 | Voice: 312-508-2727 | hmiller@lucpul.it.luc.edu
- PGP 2.3A Key fingerprint: FF 67 57 CC 0C 91 12 7D 89 21 C7 12 F7 CF C5 7E
- =====
- European users of PGP may also make contributions to the fund, as
- described in the following message posted to alt.security.pgp. Note
- that this fund is not endorsed or managed by the people managing the
- real legal defense fund; it is intended as a medium for Europeans (and
- others) to be able to contribute to the fund easily.
- =====
- This is a call for donations to support Philip Zimmermann, the
- author of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), directed especially to the
- european users.
- To avoid the large bank fees when transferring money to the
- United States or when issuing checks to overseas, I have established
- an european legal trust fund for your convenience. First of all, I'd
- like to inform you what this legal trust fund is all about in the
- first place. If you already know Phil's situation, you might skip the
- quoted message below. I am using parts of the "request for donations"
- as it was posted by Philip Dubois, Zimmermann's lawyer.
- | As you may already know, on September 14 LEMCOM Systems (ViaCrypt)
- | in Phoenix, Arizona was served with a subpoena issued by the US
- | District Court of Northern California to testify before a grand
- | jury and produce documents related to "ViaCrypt, PGP, Philip
- | Zimmermann, and anyone or any entity acting on behalf of Philip
- | Zimmermann for the time period June 1, 1991 to the present."
- |
- | Phil Zimmermann has been explicitly told that he is the primary
- | target of the investigation being mounted from the San Jose office
- | of U.S. Customs. It is not known if there are other targets.
- | Whether or not an indictment is returned in this case, the legal
- | bills will be astronomical.
- |
- | If this case comes to trial, it will be one of the most important
- | cases in recent times dealing with cryptography, effective
- | communications privacy, and the free flow of information and ideas
- | in cyberspace in the post-Cold War political order. The stakes are
- | high, both for those of us who support the idea of effective
- | personal communications privacy and for Phil, who risks jail for
- | his selfless and successful effort to bring to birth "cryptography
- | for the masses," a.k.a. PGP. Export controls are being used as a
- | means to curtail domestic access to effective cryptographic tools:
- | Customs is taking the position that posting cryptographic code to
- | the Internet is equivalent to exporting it. Phil has assumed the
- | burden and risk of being the first to develop truly effective tools
- | with which we all might secure our communications against prying
- | eyes, in a political environment increasingly hostile to such an
- | idea -- an environment in which Clipper chips and Digital Telephony
- | bills are our own government's answer to our concerns. Now is the
- | time for us all to step forward and help shoulder that burden with
- | him.
- |
- | Phil is assembling a legal defense team to prepare for the
- | possibility of a trial, and he needs your help. This will be an
- | expensive affair, and the meter is already ticking. I call on all
- | of us, both here in the U.S. and abroad, to help defend Phil and
- | perhaps establish a groundbreaking legal precedent. A legal trust
- | fund has been established with Phil's attorney in Boulder.
- If you wish to donate some money to Philip Zimmermann, you may
- now transfer it to an account here in Germany -- what is usually quite
- a lot cheaper than transferring it to overseas. Here is the
- information you will need:
- Account owner: Peter Simons
- Bank : Commerzbank Bonn, Germany
- Account No. : 1112713/00
- Bank No. : 380 400 07
- This is NOT my private account! It is only used to collect the
- donations for Philip. Every single dollar I receive will be
- transferred to the account in the States monthly, with minimum fees.
- If you donate any money, you might want to send an e-mail to me
- (simons@peti.rhein.de) and to Philip Dubois (dubois@csn.org) to let us
- know. Sending a copy to Phil's lawyer will furthermore make sure that
- I can by no means keep anything for myself as he knows exactly what
- amount has been given.
- If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to
- contact me under simons@peti.rhein.de and I will happily try to help.
- You may get my PGP public key from any keyserver or by fingering
- simons@comma.rhein.de.
- Please be generous! Consider that PGP is completely free for you
- to use and Phil got nothing but trouble in return. One can easily
- imagine what a software company had charged you for a tool like that!
- Sincerely,
- Peter Simons <simons@peti.rhein.de>
- Version: 2.6.2i beta
- iQCVAgUBL2YWuw9HL1s0103BAQEj9wP9EJwRtjcpCSCG/5p10rfPkgD3tlYs35ds
- HwXOlCdRkFSfVOQ70xhgObgf6iZwv/OFQzfjf83CjLt5CxVpROMvMBGLnJkpTYEJ
- JzXh/22O+E2guWMuGbDgoD83dPXbxWhPCqeJEIP1uNUaT4QQjxB8OOaCfpxLIbCa
- 2lnISYXKZuQ=
- =WrGh
- - -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
- ========================================================================
- Appendix VI - A Statement from ViaCrypt Concerning ITAR
- Reproduced by Permission
- ========================================================================
- The ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) includes
- a regulation that requires a manufacturer of cryptographic
- products to register with the U.S. State Department even if the
- manufacturer has no intentions of exporting products. It appears
- that this particular regulation is either not widely known, or
- is widely ignored.
- While no pressure was placed upon ViaCrypt to register, it is the
- Company's position to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
- In keeping with this philosophy, ViaCrypt has registered with the
- U.S. Department of State as a munitions manufacturer.
- Version: 2.4
- CKaBzeDI30p6y6PZitsMRBv7y2dzDILjYogIP0L3FTRyN36OebgVCXPiUAc3Vaee
- aIdLJ6emnDjt+tVS/dbgx0F+gB/KooMoY3SJiGPE+hUH8p3pNkYmhzeR3xXi9OEu
- =o13M
- - -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
- Version: 2.6.2
- iQCVAwUBL+kAD7nwkw8DU+OFAQEmFwP+NmfsjZk3RbvWgCE10zHL6dszGbDinFp8
- Nh8hIPHI7lPXPi7CL7kcdoGoX8YPQxVp+HSROPE+tPIhDtshNtN3ek8yhWSCpXPo
- 6gyn0qkCPPU4DPfCg+6phBmA8T9UvbBCi/acbAQtLmuvXV6YfQIpwNJOzQOZJuts
- 2sTMvbRR8YE=
- =X5VL