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- ===============================================
- Trumpet Winsock Version 3.0 for Win3.1x / Win95
- ===============================================
- 19/07/96
- 1) Introduction
- 2) Do not forsake the Help file!
- 3) Installing the Trumpet Winsock for the first time
- b) Packet Driver CHECKLIST
- 4) Upgrading to Version 3.0
- 5) Trouble shooting
- 6) What does the installer do?
- 7) Version history
- 8) Help!!!!!
- ============
- Welcome to the Trumpet Winsock!
- The Trumpet Winsock is a compact program that helps connect your computer
- to the Internet. It allows programs (such as Netscape and Eudora) to talk to
- other programs (such as a Web or Postoffice server... maybe in another
- country) over the Internet.
- When a Winsock application (such as Netscape or Eudora) needs to connect
- to the Internet it will look for a Winsock on your computer. If it is
- installed and configured correctly, then the Trumpet Winsock will start (and
- automatically dial into your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
- Trumpet Winsock simplifies the process of connecting your computer to
- the Internet. Although installing Trumpet Winsock may be a little
- complicated, you only need to do it once.
- To complement the Trumpet Winsock we have included several diagnostic Winsock
- applications (Ping, Hop, Dig and TCP Meter). These applications are
- documented in the Winsock's Help file.
- =============================
- Trumpet Winsock Help contains lots of handy information about configuring the
- Trumpet Winsock and contacting Trumpet Software. The Help file can be
- accessed directly from Windows or by selecting Contents from the Help menu in
- the Winsock.
- Printable versions of Trumpet Winsock Help are available from:
- ftp://ftp.trumpet.com/winsock/docs/
- For the latest information on all our products, check our Web site:
- http://www.trumpet.com.au/
- =================================================
- If you are using the Trumpet Winsock to dial into an Internet Provider then
- please work through the SLIP/PPP CHECKLIST.
- If you are not using a modem, and instead need to use the Winsock over a
- network (such as Ethernet or Token Ring) then please work through the PACKET
- These checklists are intended to help you install the Trumpet Winsock quickly
- and easily. If you encounter any difficulties, make sure you've read through
- the relevant sections of the Help file.
- ------------------
- STEP ONE - Collect information
- If you are going to use the Trumpet Winsock over a dial up modem connection
- (SLIP/PPP) then the following details will be needed...
- Account details (important)
- Login phone number:
- Login username:
- Login password:
- If PPP, then is PAP or CHAP used?:
- If so - PPP username:
- PPP password:
- IP address (if fixed):
- DNS server:
- Domain suffix:
- Server profile (if known)
- Username prompt:
- Password prompt:
- Command prompt:
- SLIP command:
- SLIP response:
- PPP command:
- PPP response:
- Scan for IP address:
- Modem profile (if known)
- Modem speed:
- Comm port:
- Use reset string:
- Init string:
- Dial string:
- Hangup string:
- STEP TWO - Using the Trumpet Winsock over SLIP/PPP
- The Trumpet Winsock's Help file contains a section on using the Trumpet
- Winsock over SLIP/PPP. As you read through it, check the sections...
- [ ] Setting up the Winsock for SLIP/PPP
- [ ] Logging in for the first time
- [ ] Try the sample login script
- [ ] See if your ISP has a preconfigured script
- [ ] Try logging in manually
- [ ] Logging in manually
- [ ] Configuring you profile
- [ ] Example profiles
- [ ] Configuring your login script
- -----------------------
- STEP ONE - Collect information
- If you are going to use the Trumpet Winsock over a packet driver then the
- following details will be needed...
- Packet driver
- Type of network driver (ODI, NDIS, packet driver):
- IP address (if fixed):
- DNS server:
- Domain suffix:
- Vector:
- Netmask:
- Gateway:
- STEP TWO - Using the Trumpet Winsock over a packet driver
- The Trumpet Winsock's Help file contains a section on using the Trumpet
- Winsock over a packet driver. As you read through it, check the sections...
- [ ] Installing a packet driver and WINPKT
- [ ] Installing an NDIS or ODI packet driver shim
- [ ] Setting up the Winsock for a packet driver or shim
- ========================
- Upgrading from a correctly configured Trumpet Winsock should normally be quite
- an easy process. However there are two areas that may cause some
- difficulties...
- a) Updating your registration password
- If you are upgrading from a registered version of the Trumpet Winsock earlier
- than 3.0 (eg 2.0A or 2.1F to 3.0A) then you will need to update your
- registration password. This will not be necessary if you are upgrading from a
- minor revision (eg 3.0A to 3.0B)
- To automatically update your registration password over the Internet, use the
- "update registration" feature as follows:
- 1. Either..
- Install Version 3.0 over a previously registered Trumpet Winsock.
- Or..
- Copy the trumpwsk.ini file from a previous registered Trumpet Winsock into
- the same directory as Trumpet Winsock 3.0.
- 2. Start the Trumpet Winsock Version 3.0 (and dial into you provider if
- applicable).
- 3. Select Update registration from the Special menu.
- If you receive a "registration name not found" error message, then please
- contact our Registrations Department with details of how and when you
- originally registered.
- b) Upgrading login scripts (only applies to dial-up SLIP/PPP users)
- If your login and bye scripts have been configured correctly and work fine
- with an earlier version of the Winsock, they should still work fine under the
- new version. (The only exception to this may be if your script logs in but
- returns "script aborted".
- If you are really keen to try then make sure you back up your originals first
- and then work through the SLIP/PPP CHECKLIST above.
- ================
- A complete list of frequently asked questions and error messages can be found
- in the Help file and on our Web site:
- http://www.trumpet.com.au/
- If you're having and difficulties installing or configuring the Trumpet
- Winsock, please check these lists. You could even try using the Help file's
- Search facility to look for a topic or question.
- If you can't find the answers you're looking for, then please contact us (our
- contact details are listed in the Help file). You can help us to help you by
- having the answers to the following questions ready.
- a) General information and installation
- Are you using a registered Trumpet Winsock?
- If so;
- Registration name:
- Registration password:
- What version of the Trumpet Winsock (eg 3.0A, 2.1F, etc)?
- What version of Windows (eg Win3.1, Win3.11, Win95, WinNT)?
- Did the installer seem to work successfully?
- Is this the first time you've installed the Trumpet Winsock?
- If not;
- Have you read UPGRADING TO VERSION 3.0?
- Has the problem only started since upgrading to Version 3.0?
- Has your Winsock's password been updated correctly?
- What version of the Trumpet Winsock are you upgrading *from*?
- Are other Winsocks or TCP/IP stacks (eg Microsoft's DUN) installed?
- Are any error messages displayed?
- b) If over a modem;
- Have you read "Using the Trumpet Winsock over SLIP/PPP" in the Help file?
- Have you worked through the SLIP/PPP CHECKLIST?
- If PPP, then is PAP or CHAP used?:
- Are you logging in manually or automatically?
- If automatically;
- Does your login.cmd return "script completed" or "script aborted"?
- If the login is unsuccessful, how far does it get?
- c) If packet driver;
- Have you read "Using the Trumpet Winsock over a packet driver" in the Help
- file?
- Have you worked through the PACKET DRIVER CHECKLIST?
- What kind of network driver (eg NDIS, ODI, packet driver)?
- Is winpkt or ndis3pkt being used?
- Is winpkt (or ndis3pkt) loading correctly?
- ===========================
- i) The installer starts by searching for additional Winsocks and offers to
- rename any that it finds.
- ii) Then the installer suggests a directory into which the Trumpet
- Winsock and Winsock Applications will be installed.
- To avoid multiple installations of the Trumpet Winsock, it searches for a
- directory containing tcpman.exe and suggests that.
- iii) If the directory you have okayed contains any setup files (ini files and
- scripts), it will ask you if you would like to retain them.
- iv) It then copies across only the files that have date stamps later than
- those in the destination directory. This is to avoid reverting to an earlier
- version accidentally.
- If you wish to copy across all the files regardless, you will need to run the
- installer again and select a new directory.
- v) Program Items are created for each of the applications and utilities
- installed.
- vi) A modification to the path statement of your autoexec.bat file is
- suggested. You may choose whether or not to save the new version of
- autoexec.bat.
- This modification allows other applications to "demand load" the Winsock.
- This means that other applications can load up the Winsock they need it. For
- example, the Newsreader when it sends and receives email.
- vii) Finally, the machine is restarted if autoexec.bat has been modified.
- ===============
- ??/06/96 Trumpet Winsock Version 3.0 Revision A released!
- 8) HELP!!!!!
- =========
- Please consult the online help file, Trumpet Winsock Help (trumpwsk.hlp), for
- a complete list of our contact details.
- If the installer hasn't even worked, then you can access the Help file
- directly from File Manager by double-clicking on trumpwsk.hlp.
- Trumpet Software International