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- /* Installation of the Beatles Song Index */
- /* REXXUTIL laden */
- CALL RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "REXXUTIL", "SysLoadFuncs"
- CALL SysLoadFuncs
- call syscls
- SAY " "
- SAY Copies("═",80)
- SAY Center("I N S T A L L A T I O N",80)
- SAY " "
- SAY Center("The Beatles Song Index for OS/2 (release March 1997)",80)
- SAY Center("(edited and copyright 1994/97 by Thomas Argast)",80)
- SAY Copies("═",80)
- SAY " "
- SAY " "
- /* Target */
- Target:
- call syscls
- SAY " "
- SAY Copies("═",80)
- SAY Center("I N S T A L L A T I O N",80)
- SAY " "
- SAY Center("The Beatles Song Index for OS/2 (release March 1997)",80)
- SAY Center("(edited and copyright 1994/97 by Thomas Argast)",80)
- SAY Copies("═",80)
- SAY " "
- SAY " "
- SAY "In which path do you want to install the Beatles Song Index?"
- SAY "Default path is C:\BEATBOOK"
- SAY " "
- SAY "Press ENTER to accept default or type new path (incl. drive)"
- IF path = "" THEN path="C:\BEATBOOK"
- call syscls
- SAY " "
- SAY Copies("═",80)
- SAY Center("I N S T A L L A T I O N",80)
- SAY " "
- SAY Center("The Beatles Song Index for OS/2 (release March 1997)",80)
- SAY Center("(edited and copyright 1994/97 by Thomas Argast)",80)
- SAY Copies("═",80)
- SAY " "
- SAY " "
- SAY Copies(">",80)
- SAY " "
- SAY "The Beatles Song Index will now be installed in:"
- SAY path
- SAY " "
- SAY "Press ENTER for OK or <C> for correction or <A> for abort!"
- PULL answer
- /* Analyse */
- IF answer = "A" THEN SIGNAL Abort
- IF answer = "C" THEN SIGNAL Target
- SAY " "
- /* Create directory */
- rc = SysMkDir(path)
- /* copy file */
- 'COPY data.dat' path'\data.exe'
- call syscls
- path'\data.exe 'path' /o'
- call syscls
- 'del 'path'\data.exe'
- call syscls
- /* Create folder */
- klasse='WPFolder'
- titel='Beatles electronic books'
- ort='<WP_DESKTOP>'
- mode='fail'
- rc = SysCreateObject(klasse,titel,ort,param,mode)
- /* Create object */
- klasse='WPProgram'
- titel='The Beatles song index'
- mode='fail'
- Location = "<WP_TEMPS>"
- Title = "Hilfedatei"
- rc = SysCreateObject(klasse,titel,ort,param,mode)
- /* End */
- End:
- echo off
- call syscls
- SAY " "
- SAY " The Beatles Song Index was sucessfully installed!"
- SAY " "
- pause
- /* Standard error */
- Error:
- SAY " "
- SAY " An error occured. Please try again!"
- /* Abort installation */
- Abort:
- SAY " "
- SAY " Installation program aborted!"