This little PM application draws a graph of CPU utilisation. It supports up to 16 CPUs.
CPUMON requires to run on Warp 4 or Warp Server Advanced SMP or on Warp 3 plus fixpack 29 or higher. It will not run on releases of OS/2 prior to Warp 3 with FP29 since it depends on an API call introduced at that level. It will run on Warp 4 or Warp Server Advanced SMP without any fixpacks.
Unzip the distribution file, copy the executable to a directory of your choice and invoke CPUMON.EXE. Set the update interval and CPU graph colours from submenus of the "File" menu, size the application window to your choice and that's it. It uses few system resources and will co-exist happily with the CPU monitor on the Warp 4 "Warp Center".
If you use other CPU monitors that start up an IDLE priority thread to soak up unused CPU cycles then this CPU monitor will show 100% usage consistently. Turn off the other CPU monitors and you will get an accurate reflection of CPU time that's really being used on your machine.
CPU Monitor 1.10 is freeware but the author would appreciate comments, suggestions for improvement or any other feedback you care to give. If you like the app, drop me a line to the address below and tell me so. Bug reports will also be looked at but remember how much you paid for this application ;-)
As always, the author is not responsible for any damage that may be caused to your system by your use of this application.
27th June 1997
Trevor Hemsley
1) Added a specific check for DosQuerySysInfo returning zero processors and changed it to one.
2) Corrected the code that was meant to reposition the window if the screen resolution was decreased.
Changes 1.10:
1) Added the ability to remove the title and menu bar.
2) You can now click mouse button 2 on the window to get a popup menu.
3) Click mouse button 1 and hold it down and drag to move the window around.
4) Got rid of the tendency of the current pointer to oscillate back and forth.
5) Added the ability to change the background and graph axis colours. Got your sunshades handy... try a black background, yellow grid lines and cyan and pink graphs!
6) Tidied up the code that writes the graphs to the screen such that it comes back on at 0 on the X axis at the same Y axis point that it left the graph on the right hand side. It also now uses the entire window instead of leaving the last entry on the right blank!
7) Added a numeric display in the middle of the X axis scale that tells the current percentage used of each CPU. This is the rate from the current sample.
8) Added a running average window. This averages all of the samples in the table and presents them. Some explanation is necessary:
There are two choices on the menu that control this - "Show average" and "Always show avg".
With "Show average" checked and "Always show avg" unchecked, the average window will appear only when the mouse is placed over the CPU window.
With "Show average" checked and "Always show avg" checked (the default BTW), the average window will hang off the bottom of the main CPU window (unless you have the main CPU window right at the bottom of your desktop and then it'll hover at the top of the main CPU window). In this mode it will follow the main window around the screen if you move the main window.
You can also "tear off" the average window in the second mode and place it elsewhere on the desktop. It'll then stay put and will no longer move with the main window. To restore it to its previous behaviour, uncheck "Always show avg" and then turn it back on again and it'll revert to its default position and also follow the main window around again.
With "Show average" unchecked the window isn't displayed at all and the "Always show avg" is greyed out.
9) Added a "minimise" choice to the popup menu since you can't hit the minimise button on the titlebar when it isn't there! This option only minimises the main window *not* the average window (so this is _not_ a bug... in fact it took a long time to make it do this (-;).
10) Changed the default colour scheme that is in force when you first install. If you've upgraded from 1.0 then your graph colour will be preserved but the background will be black!
11) made it as hard as possible to maximise the main window! If you accidentally manage this then you need to get the titlebar back and then you can move the window around until you can see an edge to grab in order to be able to resize. AFAIK it's now impossible to maximise the window but I'm sure someone will find a way to do so ;-)