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- -*- Mode: indented-text -*-
- --- $Id: dsksleep.doc,v 1.11 1997/11/23 23:04:50 vitus Exp $
- Disk Sleeper Filter - Driver Dokumentation
- Description
- Disk Sleeper Filter is a filter driver to stop your _SCSI_ disks
- while you're doing something else than working with your computer.
- Legal stuff (we need this, don't we?)
- The author disclaims all warranties as to this software, whether
- express or implied, including without limitation any implied
- warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
- functionality, data integrity or protection, in so far as
- permitted by applicable legislation.
- All trademarks are property of their respective owners and appear
- for identification purposes only.
- Archive Contents
- DSKsleep.flt the filter itself
- DSKsleep.ddp installation script
- DSKSleep.doc this text
- DSKSleep.history version history
- dsl.exe small utility to change timeouts
- regme.exe to insert your registration code into DSKSleep.flt
- DSKSlpub.h public interface for programmers
- dsl.c sample application, source of dsl.exe
- DSKSleep.sym symbol file, to help debugging
- file_id.diz short description for BBS
- Installation
- Make a backup of your system. You should not need it but better
- safe than sorry...
- It is recommended you have an OS/2 boot disk ready, just in case
- the system locks up during the boot process and you want to remove
- the driver. On Warp you may use use ALT-F1, C for the same
- purpose to boot to a command line with your orginal Config.Sys.
- Execute DDINSTAL from a OS/2 command prompt or double-click the
- Device Driver Install object (located in the System Setup folder)
- if your system is Warp. Change the source directory if neccessary
- and a selection list will open asking you to install the 'SCSI
- Disk Sleeper'. Mark that line and click on OK. Reboot your
- machine.
- Installation by hand is easy:
- Copy DSKSLEEP.FLT to c:\ or c:\os2\boot, assuming c: is your
- boot drive.
- Edit your c:\Config.Sys file (i.e. using the OS/2 "System
- Editor"):
- Add the following line to your Config.Sys:
- BASEDEV=DSKSLEEP.FLT /V (no subdirectory name!)
- The position of 'BASEDEV=DSKSLEEP.FLT' in Config.Sys doesn't
- matter. If, however, you encounter problems try top of file (if
- this solves your problems please report with a listing of your
- Config.Sys).
- WARNING: as this piece of software accessses vital parts of your
- system (without disks there is not much to do :), it is
- recommended to use the '/DEBUG:1' (see below) switch at least
- once. If this succeeds use 'dsl' to set a really short timeout
- (i.e. 3 minutes), let the disks be stopped and do any access to
- restart them (click on WPS, open folders, etc.).
- If both test complete successfully you should regard DSKSleep as a
- working piece of software on your computer.
- If the first try to restart a disk isn't successfull DSKSleep will
- beep and do a retry. If that retry fails DSKSleep will beep and
- do a retry. If that retry fails... If your beeping machine hangs
- on disk restart you know where it comes from. <g>
- Options
- /V
- Verbose, display some usefull and unusefull information (this
- switch is always enabled in the unregistered version)
- /SR
- Shutdown Restart: some BIOS may not be able to handle a
- stopped device when they do their initial scan. They may have
- a 'Send START command' setting to solve this problem but if
- they don't try '/SR'. It will stop DSKSleep from stopping a
- disk once the shutdown started and restart any disk still
- sleeping when shutdown ended.
- Debugging display
- /DEBUG:1
- Debugging display and start/stop all devices once when driver
- is loading. Devices excluded with /!UT aren't tested.
- /UT:(a1,u1,min1),(a2,u2,min2)
- List of disks with special timeout needs. You may exclude the
- 'min' value (or set it zero), in this cause the default
- (possible changed via '/T:') is used.
- /!UT:(a1,u1),(a2,u2)
- List of disks to exclude from sleeping. They are added to
- internal tables but never stopped. Use IOCtl (as in dsl.exe)
- to enable sleeping these disks.
- /T:<min>
- Set sleeping time to <min> minutes. Default: 30 minutes.
- Remember that starting a disk drive means stress for it's
- mechanical parts and do not set this time to low. Maximum
- time to set via '/T:<min>' is 1092 minutes (about 18 hours).
- The 'a' and 'u' values in above options are indices. 'a' depends
- on the ADD order in Config.Sys and numbers all adapters (including
- floppy controllers, etc.). 'u' is an unit index which the ADD
- determines. BTW: these are the same values as dsl.exe displays if
- executed without parameters.
- Examples:
- Stop first disk on adapter 1 after 20 minutes, second disk on
- that adapter after 15 minutes. All other disks will be
- stopped after 30 minutes (the default value):
- BASEDEV=dsksleep.flt /UT:(1,0,20),(1,1,15)
- Don't stop first disk on adapter 2, all other disks shall be
- stopped after 60 minutes:
- BASEDEV=dsksleep.flt /!UT:(2,0) /T:60
- Using an explicit list of devices, specify default timeout for
- all of them. Note that this command line does nothing
- usefull:
- BASEDEV=dsksleep.flt /UT:(1,0),(1,2),(1,3)
- One word about screen output: BASEDEV drivers cannot display
- anything on the console immediately, they queue messages to be
- displayed later by the system initialization. Due to this fact
- you might not see any messages at all (if system hangs/traps
- before they are yanked to console).
- Best chances to see anything is to copy this driver to the second
- of your "utility disks" (or installation disks if you don't run
- Warp), change the Config.Sys there (BASEDEV=dsksleep.flt /DEBUG:1
- and boot from them. Now you don't rely on any hard disk.
- Another way is to use 'dsl -m' to display all messages long after
- the boot completed. But this implies that DSKSleep can be loaded
- without traps or hangs.
- DSL Utility, IOCtl Interface
- To change the timeout values on a running system, a small utility
- named DSL is included. This thing started as a debugging tool and
- is totally command line based.
- Calling DSL without any options will display a list of devices and
- their timeout values. The following opions may change DSL's
- behavior:
- -?
- Display help screen and exit.
- -c <a1>,<u1>,<m1> [<a2>,<u2>,<m2>]
- Change timeout of unit <u1> at adapter <a1> to <m1> minutes
- and unit <u2> at adapter <a2> to <m2> minutes. Supply simple
- numeric values for all <> parameters (values from output of
- DSL w/o parameter), insert a comma between adapter, unit and
- timeout parameter (no blank!) and at least a single blank
- between the first and the second adapter-unit-timeout triple.
- Example, on my system DSL<return> says:
- Current settings:
- Adapter Unit Minutes
- 1 0 40
- 1 1 30
- To change the first device to 10 minutes and the second to 15
- I would use:
- DSL -c 1,0,10 1,1,15
- Got the point? If you find this difficult to understand
- netmail me a better description and I will it include in this
- file. :-)
- -q
- Display seconds left until a device will be stopped. That's a
- value which is resetted to your configured timeout value on
- every I/O.
- -i <a1>,<u2>,<s1>
- Change timer value for unit <u1> on adapter <a1> to <s1>
- seconds. Same syntax as '-c' parameter. If you set <s1> to 0
- the device will be stopped immediately (nearly). However,
- remember that any I/O will reset a timer to it's maximum.
- -m
- Displays boot time messages. Output will be something like:
- SCSI Disk Sleeper
- Copyright 1996-97 by Vitus Jensen (2:2474/424)
- Not registered for commercial use
- Adapter 1, Unit 0 installed (40 min)
- Adapter 1, Unit 1 installed (30 min)
- Now, if you do not like DSL at all, feel free to modify it.
- Sourcecode and a header how to access DSKSleep's IOCtl is
- provided. Perhaps it will be nice to have a PM version of DSL?
- DSL is enough for me but if you write (or thinking to write) such
- a beast as Share-/Freeware, netmail me and I will place a notice
- about it here.
- BTW: there is a 'hidden' option '-v' in DSL (as in most of my
- programs) it may help to insert it in front of any other option...
- Tested Equipment
- DSKSleep should work on any computer running OS/2 2.0 or higher.
- It should work with any SCSI-related software you may think of.
- That, at least, is the theory...
- Please mail tested combinations (successfull or failed) so I can
- try to figure out where problems reside and make DSKSleep better.
- Especially usefull would be information from machines running more
- than simple HPFS and/or FAT drives (i.e. HPFS386, tapes, cd
- writer, ...).
- Any report should include at least CPU, RAM, OS/2 Version, FixPak,
- Filesystem, SCSI Controller, ADD Driver (incl. Version), SCSI
- Disks, other SCSI Devices.
- If '/DEBUG:1' fails a list of screen messages would be greatly
- appreciated. If the driver loadds please include the output of
- 'dsl -m'.
- I have discontinued to publish all equipment/tester combinations
- as this started to be too much stuff to write <g>. Thanks for the
- feedback!
- Successfully tested equipment include:
- 486DX, Pentium, Pentium Pro and compatibles at different speeds
- equipped with 16 to 64 MByte RAM.
- Controller: AHA1542B, AHA1520, AHA2940, AHA2940UW, AIC7860, AIC6360,
- NCR810, NCR8150
- Disks: Conner CFA 540S
- HP C3325A
- IBM DFHS S2F, DORS 32160S, DPES 31080,
- Quantum LPS 540, 730
- Seagate Wren Runner 7
- WD SP4200
- Betatesters include (but are most certainly not limited to):
- Petric Frank, Jochen Schnürle, Thomas Waldmann, Stefan Mielke,
- Herwig Bauernfeind, Thorsten Kowalski, Murat Kenger, Günter
- Bartmann, Markus Noller, Stephan Bieker, Nicolai Dufva and a
- lot more I probably forgot or who didn't write any comments.
- DSKSleep is written (and tested before release) on the following
- machines:
- 486DX4-133, 32 MB RAM, 256 KB Cache, ATI Mach32 VL
- AHA6360 (Adaptec VL)
- Western Digital Piranha SP4200 (200MB SCSI-II)
- Tandberg TDC 3600 (250MB SCSI-I, QIC)
- OS/2 Warp 3 w/ WinOS2 (FP#17, CHKDSK32, NEWDASD, protectonly)
- 486DX-40, 20 MB RAM, 128 KB Cache, ATI Mach8
- AHA1542B
- Seagate Wren Runner 7 (1GB SCSI-I, by Imprimis)
- AppleCD 150 (Sony CDU-8002 Apple-SCSI + CD800X.FLT)
- OS/2 Warp 3 plus Warp Server Advanced (HPFS386, protectonly)
- Remarks
- Wren Runner still cannot be stopped. SCB completes w/o
- errors but device continues to turn.
- Registration
- In general, this driver is a freeware program for noncommercial
- users. If you are a noncommercial user, there is no charge and
- you should better spend your money on something else from the
- large shareware market for OS/2. However I would like to hear
- from you on which software/hardware combinations this driver is
- used successfully. Just write a netmail or a nice postcard (see
- addresses below). This will tell my girlfriend the spent time
- wasn't totally useless. <g>
- The unregistered version isn't crippled in any way. The only
- difference is that the registered version won't display a logo if
- not told so via '/V'.
- You are encouraged to copy and pass on the unregistered version of
- this driver, if the archive is distributed in its original form
- (complete and unmodified). Please don't charge any money for the
- distribution itself exceeding the costs of media, etc.
- You are a commercial user if your machine is being run by (or for)
- a corporation, government, company, foundation, or any other
- organization. In this case I expect you to register this software
- after a reasonable testing period (60 days).
- On registration you will receive a key based on your name to feed
- in the regme.exe program to change the startup logo and remove the
- '/V always' mode. You will NOT receive a new archive. This key
- will be valid for all versions of the driver.
- Registration fee is DM 25,- per key or the equivalent in a foreign
- currency. Payment may be made through Eurocheque (europe) or
- postal money order or transfer to my bank account. If you decide
- to send this money inside a simple envelope (I'm fair but the
- postman may not ;-) use DM or danish or swedish crowns as I travel
- those countries regulary.
- Response will be through fidonet crashmail (strongly preferred),
- fidonet netmail, FAX or EMail.
- If you cannot be reached elecronically and don't have a friend who
- can, you may request an answer by snail mail. Please add the
- estimated costs for the letter to the registration fee. German
- users: simply include a self-addressed envelope (with stamps on
- it). I will NOT return a key without at least some afford from
- your side to account for the costs of the reply mail!
- For all orders: please WRITE YOUR NAME CLEAR as the key will be
- based on it and supply a way to return the key back to you. It
- may be best to first test an electronic channel before sending
- money in any way.
- Source Code Availability
- What do you need it for?
- As an example? It's written using Microsoft C 6.0 and the OS/2
- DDK. If you already own the DDK you have many examples how to
- write filter drivers. If you don't you get nothing usefull from
- my source code.
- Additions: the OS/2 DDK is available for download at no cost via
- http://service.boulder.ibm.com/ddk. I am releasing a simpler
- filter driver including source code. Look for dskprf??.zip
- (modifies mode pages).
- If your policy is to have any program you use in source code, you
- may contact me, explain your reasons and we will handle this on a
- personal base.
- ToDo List
- - Resource Manager Calls (plug n' pray <g>)
- - Recode driver/DDK routines to use WatCom C
- - make DSKSleep APM-aware so that disk stopping is controlled
- by APM and internal timers. This can't be added until I get an
- APM-capable mainboard.
- - Show system activity if a disk is stopped? Flash keyboard LEDs,
- activate SCSI LED, beep, humm, dance?
- - More? IOCtls? Netmail any ideas.
- Author
- Vitus Jensen (under assistance of Liesbeth who mostly talks about
- cows(moo!) and tractors)
- Address: Tischlerstr. 8, D-30916 Isernhagen, Germany
- Bank Account: Kto 476861-203, Postbank Hamburg, BLZ 20010020
- Fidonet: 2:2474/424 (V32bis, X75), request DSKSL for newest version
- EMail: none, maybe soon: Vitus_Jensen@teaparty.fido.de
- FAX: +49-5136-893003 (thanks to Harald Pollack's FRec)
- BBS: +49-5136-893003 (V32bis, X75)
- Music: Chet Baker, Dinah Washington, Antonio Carlos Jobim, ...
- Written for Version: 0.96
- Date: 23/11-1997
- === The End ===