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- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1. What is Extended Clipboard good for ? ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- Extended Clipboard/2 is an extension of the OS/2 Clipboard.
- Problem:
- The Clipboard can only store one item at time. When a new item is being copied
- into the clipboard, the old one gets replaced and is lost.
- That's where EClip starts to work: old entries, which normally would get
- replaced, get saved automatically. So they don't get lost but can be made
- available to other applications with a single mouseclick. They even can be
- edited later with a doubleclick or pasted by Drag&Drop into almost every PM
- application.
- It is also possible to drop the data (here:clips) on the desktop. So often
- needed text clips and bitmaps are easily accessable and can simply be inserted
- into any application.
- The contents of the clipboard will not get lost after a system shutdown but
- will be available with the next system start.
- EClip offers new and improved functions to use the clipboard more efficiently.
- Because extensive changing between source and destination is no longer
- required, the clipboard becomes an even more universal aid. With EClip it is
- possible to copy all needed clips into the clipboard first and paste them into
- the destination application later.
- These clips, marked as macros, can simulate different keyboard and mouse input
- to control the WPS and other applications on their own.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1.1. What's new ? ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- Since the last public version of EClip (V1.0) the following features were
- added:
- hotkeys can be assigned to clips
- The Autopaste function has been extended. It is possible to select clips
- without inserting them by pressing 'Ctrl-Tab' instead of 'Ctrl-Alt'.
- macros can be used to simulate keyboard and mouse events
- The programs FROMCLIP.EXE and TOCLIP.EXE can be used to access the
- clipboard from DOS- and OS/2-command lines or batchfiles.
- With OPEN.EXE any object on the desktop can be opend from an OS/2 command
- line. For example a macro could be started from a batch file.
- New versions can be downloaded from http://www.bmtmicro.com or by
- anonymous-ftp at ftp.bmtmicro.com/bmtmicro/eclip???.ZIP .
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2. Legal matters ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- EClip is Shareware. It may be tested and used for 14 days free of charge, then
- it has to be registered (see ORDER.FRM )
- It is not permitted to use an unregistered copy of EClip as soon as the
- evaluation period is expired. After 14 days a reminder will be displayed, when
- the EClip folder is opened, a week later EClip will stop operating.
- The registration fee is $15 .
- The program may only be distributed as the unmodified ZIP archive.
- The user installs, uses and uninstalls Extended Clipboard at his own risk. The
- author cannot be held responsible for any damage, eg. dataloss, caused by the
- installation, usage and uninstallation of Extended Clipboard.
- There is no warrenty of any kind for the function of Extended Clipboard or any
- part of Extended Clipboard.
- Of course EClip has been extensivly tested and improved. Nevertheless faults
- can't be ruled out. The author would be pleased to get bugreports or
- suggestions by email and will try to solve possible problems. For the current
- addresses see below.
- Extended Clipboard/2 - (c) 1996, 1997 by Hinnerk Becker, Hamburg
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1. Register ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- The registration fee is $15.
- Outside Germany please register via BMT Micro:
- Mail Orders To: BMT Micro
- PO Box 15016
- Wilmington, NC 28408
- U.S.A.
- Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT)
- (800) 414-4268 (orders only)
- (910) 791-7052
- Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours / 7 Days
- (800) 346-1672 24 hours / 7 Days
- Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 28.8
- (910) 799-0923 28.8
- via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com
- telnet@bmtmicro.com
- http://www.bmtmicro.com
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3. Used terms ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- The following terms are used in this documentation for Extended Clipboard/2 :
- 'EClip'
- 'Clip'
- 'Drag&Drop'
- 'Autopaste'
- 'Hotkey'
- 'Macro'
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4. Installation ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- Old versions of EClip have to be uninstalled completely before a new version
- of EClip can be installed.
- The installation is carried out by INSTALL.EXE. When this program has started,
- a destination path has to be entered. If that path does not exist, it will be
- created by the installation program. Then all files will be copied into the
- specified directory.
- Since EClip exclusively consists of DLLs, the LIBPATH in the CONFIG.SYS has to
- point to the installation path. If the installation path is not included in the
- current LIBPATH, the installation program will add it automatically.
- Same for the HELP path and the dirctory in which the help file should be
- placed.
- To have access to the external programs of Extended Clipboard/2 the
- installation directory will be added to the PATH statements in the \CONFIG.SYS
- and \AUTOEXEC.BAT. The original files will be saved as *.000 (if they already
- exist as *.001 and so on.).
- Now the first part of the installation has been completed. The second part will
- automatically start with the next system start: A new folder, called "Extended
- Clipboard /2", will be placed on the desktop as well as new templates in the
- templates folder for the new datatypes, EClip provides. Now the full
- installation has been completed.
- Clips of an old EClip installation which were left on the desktop will be known
- as clips after an additional system shutdown. Then they will have the extended
- abilities such as Drag&Drop.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5. Usage ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- As long as the EClip folder is closed, EClip remains without function: No
- entries of the clipboard will be saved - the clipboard operates as usual. Only
- if the EClip folder is open, every new entry in the clipboard will be stored
- and saved in this folder.
- EClip takes care that there will not be any multiple clips with the same
- content and title.
- Normally the last 'cut' or 'copied' data is the next to be inserted into an
- application. By marking an entry in the EClip folder the next one to be
- inserted can be chosen.
- Of course it is possible - as usual with OS/2 - to mark several entries with
- the pressed mouse button 1. Other possibilities are:
- Pressing CTRL while marking clips allows to select various single clips.
- Holding SHIFT while clicking on an entry will mark several entries sequently,
- pressing CTRL and mouse button 1 will select single entries without deselecting
- other entries.
- A text that has been saved in EClip can easily be inserted into almost any PM -
- application by Drag&Drop.
- Autopaste allows half automatic insertion of Clips in PM - applications by
- Hotkeys.
- External programs can be used to access the OS/2 clipboard from DOS and OS/2
- shells.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.1. External programs ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- The following programs can be called from OS/2 shells as well as from DOS
- shells:
- TOCLIP.EXE can write text to the clipboard. Call:
- TOCLIP [Filename]
- TOCLIP < [Filename]
- TYPE [Filename] | TOCLIP
- ECHO This text to EClip | TOCLIP
- FROMCLIP.EXE reads text from the OS/2 clipboard and writes it to the
- divertable standard print-out (STDOUT). Call:
- FROMCLIP > [Filename]
- FROMCLIP | FIND "search text"
- The program OPEN.EXE opens any object on the desktop and can be used with
- or without EClip. For example it is possible to play a macro. Every
- object wich is accessable from the desktop can be opened:
- OPEN Objekt
- OPEN System
- OPEN "System\Systemconfiguration\Hardware Manager"
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6. General Configuration ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- EClip can be configured on settings pages of the folder. (contextmenu is
- accessable by pressing mouse button 2 over the icon of the EClip folder) There
- will be the following additional settings pages:
- EClip/View pag 1 of 2
- EClip/View page 2 of 2
- Clips page 1 of 2 (text)
- Clips page 2 of 2 (bitmaps)
- Hotkeys
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.1. EClip/View page 1 of 2 ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- On this page general adjustments can be made:
- Automatic deletion of old clips if there are more than a given number and
- / or the clips are older than a given number of days. The clips will be
- deleted if a new entry is created in the EClip folder or if the menu item
- 'Refresh now' is chosen.
- Single clips can be marked as not deleteable on the settings on single
- clips page.
- At Cut sound: The WAV file that will be played if a new item is placed in
- EClip can be changed.
- An Always-on-top button can be inserted in the EClip titlebar. With that
- button the EClip window can be made floating above all other windows
- If the marked clip is a bitmap it can be displayed as the background
- picture of the EClip folder.
- The Autopaste function can be switched on or off.
- Should the EClip folder be opened 'minimized'
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.2. EClip/View page 2 of 2 ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- On this settings page the (details) view of the EClip folder can be adjusted.
- Different information on the clips can be chosen for display.
- For a detailed description please open the settingspage 'EClip/View Page 2 of
- 2' of the EClip folder and press the help button.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.3. Clips page 1 of 2 (text) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- On this page the default settings for newly created Clips of the type 'text'
- can be specified. The adjustment of already existing clips is described at
- Adjustments on single clips
- Here can be chosen, if text that is copied to the clipboard should be
- stored in EClip.
- Which method should be used to insert text clips per Drag&Drop or Hotkey
- into the destination application ?
- Normally all PM-Applications which support the OS/2 Clipboard are
- supposed to work with the default mode Use Clipboard, in which the key
- combination Shift-Insert is simulated to insert the contents of the
- clipboard (here: the clip).
- If it does not work, it might be helpful to give Simulate input a try.
- Here every single character will be sent to the application by simulating
- the pressing of these keys. This could cause complications, because it is
- theoretically possible to answer security questions this way
- automatically. Dataloss could be the consequence !
- Should it be possible to insert text by Drag&Drop into PM applications ?
- Drag&Drop can be forbidden or allowed generally for all clips.
- Should the keyboard LEDs be animated during playback of a macro ?
- Should the title of an entry be automatically adjusted to its content ?
- The entries of the EClip folder are the names of single files. These
- files have - as any file - a content besides the name. The filename can
- automatically be produced in such a way that it represents the first eg.
- 80 characters of the content. So it is guaranteed that an old entry of
- the clipboard can be recognized in the EClip folder by its title.
- When an entry in the EClipfolder is edited, its title may differ from its
- content.
- With this global setting it is possible to specify if the title of a
- newly created EClip entry should be automatically adjusted. It is also
- possible to specify the maximal length of the generated title. These
- adjustements can be made seperately for every single item. (see
- Adjustments on single entries).
- Note:
- In general the title of a clip is generated from the first characters of
- its content. Exceptions:
- - if the fist character is '#' or '!' it will be replaced by '@'
- - linefeed will be marked by '#'
- - '{}' will be replaced by '[]'
- At 'Default types' the WPS datatype of textclips can be chosen. The
- preset type is 'Plain Text'.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.4. Clips page 2 of 2 (Bitmaps) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- On this page the default settings for newly created Clips of the type 'bitmap'
- can be specified. The adjustment of already existing clips is described at
- Adjustments on single clips
- Here can be chose, if bitmaps which are copied to the clipboard should be
- stored in EClip.
- At 'Default types' the WPS datatype of textclips can be chosen. The preset type
- is 'Bitmap'.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6.5. Hotkeys ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- On this page it is possible to choose if Hotkeys, which are assigned to macro
- and text clips at the Adjustments on single clips, should be activated.
- Besides there is a list of clips that are currently assigned to hotkeys.
- By pushing the Update button this list can be updated in special cases.
- A double click on an entry will open the settings of this text clip.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> TextClip Objekt ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- A text clip is a data object provided by Extended Clipboard/2.
- In text clips old contents of the OS/2 clipboard will be stored. These Clips
- can be configured at their context menu. (mouse button 2/Settings)
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> BitmapClip Objekt ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- A bitmap clip is an data object, that is provided by Extended Clipboard/2.
- In these bitmap clips old bitmap contents of the OS/2 clipboard are stores.
- These clips, get configured by opening their context menu (mouse button 2) /
- Settings.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7. Adjustments on single clips ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- Every clip in the EClip folder has its own context menu. The available options
- on this page depend on the datatype (text, bitmap). In contrast to the
- adjustments made in 'General configuration' clips can be configured
- individually here.
- The settings pages depend on the clip type as well.
- Settings on text clips
- Settings on bitmap clips
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.1. Adjustments on already existing text clips ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- On this page adjustments for already existing text clips can be made. The
- settings used to create new clips can be adjusted at General Configuration.
- Should the title be automatically synchronized to the content ?
- The entries of the EClip folder are the names of single files. These
- files have - as any file- besides the name also a content. The filename
- can automatically be produced in such a way that it represents the first
- eg. 80 characters of the content. So it is guaranteed that an old entry
- of the clipboard can be recognized in the EClip folder by its title.
- On the other hand it might be useful to name a clip different to its
- content.
- This option is also accessible at the context menu of the clips
- ('Autosync title').
- The maximum length of the automatically generated title can be limited
- here as well.
- Should it be possible to activate the clip by a chosen hotkey ?
- If the hotkey is pressed together with all marked control keys (shift,
- ctrl and alt), the content of the clip will be inserted into the active
- application. Is the clip defined as a macro, the macro will be executed.
- Default open action: What should happen if the clip is double clicked ?
- There are three options:
- - The assignable standard application (normally the system editor)
- will be opened.
- - The content of the clip will be copied into the clipboard and
- availabe to all applications.
- This function can also be achieved by using the 'Copy to clipboard'
- method in the context menu of the clip.
- - If the clip is definded as a macro, this macro can be executed.
- Should this clip not be deleted automatically under the conditions
- defined at EClip/View page 1 of 2 ?
- This option is also available at the context menu of the clip. ('Don't
- delete')
- This clip is an macro and contains executable macro commands.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.2. Adjustments on already existing bitmap clips ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- On this page adjustments for already existing bitmap clips can be made. The
- settings used to create new clips can be adjusted at Clips page 2 of 2
- (bitmaps)
- Default open action: What should happen if the clip gets double clicked ?
- There are two choices:
- - The assignable standard application (normally the system editor)
- will be opened.
- - The content of the clip will be copied to the clipboard and be
- availabe to all applications.
- This behaviour can be achieved also by using the 'Copy to clipboard'
- method in the context menu of the clip.
- Should this clip not be deleted automatically, under the conditions
- defined at EClip/View page 1 of 2 ?
- This option is also available at the context menu of the clip. ('Don't
- delete')
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> context menu 'Copy to Clipboard' ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- The content of this clip will be copied to the clipboard and then is available
- to all applications.
- The clip can be configured on its settings page (context menu -> mouse button
- 2/Settings) to do the same copying if it is double clicked.
- ═══ <hidden> KontextmenБ 'Record macro' ═══
- The in Extended Clipboard/2 integrated macro recorder, will be started.
- ═══ <hidden> KontextmenБ 'Play macro' ═══
- If this clip is marked as a macro, it will be played.
- ═══ <hidden> KontextmenБ 'Autosync title' ═══
- If this option is checked, the title will be synchronized with the content of
- this clip, if it is changed, eg. by an editor.
- This setting is also availalbe on the settings page (mouse button 2/Settings)
- of this clip.
- ═══ <hidden> KontextmenБ 'Don't delete' ═══
- This clip will not be deleted under the conditions defined at EClip/View page 1
- of 2
- This setting is also availalbe on the settings page (mouse button 2/Settings)
- of this clip.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8. Preset hotkeys ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- These hotkeys are preset:
- Right shift: Stop an active macro. Keys possibly pressed by the macro
- (shift, alt, mouse) will not be restored and could remain in the pressed
- state !
- Ctrl-Alt-Cursor Up: and
- Ctrl-Alt-Cursor Down: Autopaste.
- Ctrl-Tab-Cursor Up and
- Ctrl-Tab-Cursor Down: Selection of the next clip in the EClip folder (and
- copying it to the clipboard) without insertion into the active
- application. This function is similar to an uncompleted Autopaste.
- Shift-Ctrl-Tab-Cursor Up and
- Shift-Ctrl-Tab-Cursor Down: The next clip in the EClip folder will be
- selected additionally to the already selected clips (and added to the
- clipboard). In contrast to Autopaste the clipboard will not be inserted
- into the active application.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9. The macro recorder ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- The macro recorder is used to record macros. The recorder is activated by
- opening the context menu of a text clip and selecting the option 'Record
- Macro'. A window to configure the following options will pop up:
- Record mouse movement selects if all mouse movements should be recorded
- additionally to keys and mouse buttons.
- Note: The actual position of the mouse pointer will be recorded at the
- start of recording but it will be disabled. If the mouse pointer should
- be placed at the same position with every macro playback, the macro has
- to be edited with a text editor after recording. The ';' in front of the
- first PTRPOS command has to be removed. Otherwise all mouse commands will
- be executed relatively to the position of the mouse pointer when the
- playback is started.
- Original timing selects if the macro should be played with exactly the
- same delays as recorded. If this option is deselected the playback will
- always be at highest speed - without any delays.
- That might have the consequence that some windows that are to receive
- keyboard input are not available at the moment of playback. The keyboard
- input might reach a wrong window which will cause unexpected actions.
- After leaving this window by pushing 'OK', the recording of macro will be
- started by pressing the key 'Scroll' or 'Scrollock'. As an confirmation the
- scroll lock LED on the keyboard will start flashing. The recorded macro
- commands will be added to the end of the existing text clip. The recording can
- be stopped by pressing the 'Scrollock' key again.
- The macro can be played either by pressing the hotkey, defined on the settings
- page of the macro clip, the option 'Play Macro' on the same page or the menu
- 'Play Macro' in the context menu.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.1. The macro language ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- Macros can be created without the macro recorder, too. A text editor can be
- used to create or work over an existing macro. Normally the system editor can
- be opened by double clicking the clip.
- To be recognized as a macro, the option 'Macro' has to be set on the Settings
- of the text clip page. The macro recorder sets this option on his own to make
- the clip a macro clip.
- EClip knows the following commands:
- <key+> : presses the key together with the next one. Eg.
- <ALT+><CTRL+>a
- <key-D> : Holds the key down (z.B. <ALT-D> <a-D>)
- <Taste-U> : Releases the key (z.B.<ALT-U> <a-U>)
- 'Normal' characters : either in <> or without <>. Eg. "a" = "<a>"
- Exception: "<<>": "<" has to be placed in pointed
- brackets.
- <END> : The key "End"
- <HOME> : The key "Home"
- <PGDN> : The key "Page down"
- <PGUP> : The key "Page up"
- <INS> : The key "Insert"
- <DEL> : The key "Delete"
- <TAB> : The key "TAB"
- <SHIFT> : The key "Shift"
- <ALT> : The key "Alt"
- <CTRL> : The key "Ctrl"
- <BACK> : The key "Backspace"
- <ESC> : The key "Esc"
- <F1>...<F12> : The function keys
- <UP> : The key "Up"
- <DOWN> : The key "Down"
- <LEFT> : The key "Left"
- <RIGHT> : The key "Right"
- <PAUSE> : The key "Pause"
- <PRINTSCREEN> : The key "Print"
- <NUMLOCK> : The key "Num"
- <CAPSLOCK> : The key "Capslock"
- <DELAY:x> : Before the execution of the next macro command there
- will be a delay of x ms. This setting can be
- overridden for single commands.
- <PTRPOS:x,y> : Absolute position of the mouse pointer
- <PTRMV:x,y> : Movement of the mouse pointer by pixels
- <PTR-BL> : Place the pointer in the bottom, right corner of the
- active window
- <PTR-BR> : Place the pointer in the bottom, left corner of the
- active window
- <PTR-TL> : Place the pointer in the top, left corner of the
- active window
- <PTR-TR> : Place the pointer in the top, right corner of the
- active window
- <BUTTON1> : mouse click with mouse button 1
- <BUTTON1-D> : Hold mouse button 1 down
- <BUTTON1-U> : Release mouse button 1
- <BUTTON1DBL> : mouse button 1 double click
- <BUTTON2> : mouse click with mouse button 2 (all <BUTTON1>
- commands apply to <BUTTON2> as well)
- <BUTTON3> : mouse click with mouse button 3 (all <BUTTON1>
- commands apply to <BUTTON3> as well)
- <;comment> : comment
- <> : Ignore the rest of the line
- <REPEAT:x> : Repeat all commands from here to <REPEND> x times
- (multiple loops can be placed in another)
- <REPEND> : End of loop
- Note:
- The execution of macro commands can be delayed.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.2. Macro / hotkey example ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- The following macro and its assignment to a hotkey should give an example of
- how to use macros and hotkeys.
- You Drag&Drop a macro from the macro template in the template folder to
- the desktop.
- Open the context menu with mouse button 2 of the new macro clip and
- choose Record macro.
- Depending on the area of application the actions to be recorded can be
- chosen. This example does not need any special commands to be recorded -
- all options can be deselected. Leave the window by pushing 'OK'.
- You start the recording of the maco by pressing the 'Scroll' or 'Scroll
- Lock' key. The corresponding LED on the keyboard starts to flash. All
- keys pressed from now on will be recorded.
- In this example we press the following sequence of keys Shift-insert :
- - Hold down the shift key
- - press and release 'Ins'
- - release shift key
- The recording can be stopped now by pressing the 'Scroll' or 'Scoll lock'
- key again. The corresponding LED on the keyboard stops to flash.
- A double click on the new macro opens the system editor and shows the
- macro that has just been recorded: <SHIFT-DN><INS><SHIFT-UP> are excacty
- the keys which were pressed while recording. If there is a need, there
- can be new macro commands added or existing commands modified. In this
- special case the following macro would habe been aquivalent:
- <SHIFT+><INS> It offers the same function.
- After closing the editor the macro can be played by choosing 'Play macro'
- in the context menu of the clip or by pushing a hotkey. Use mouse button
- 2/Settings to get to the settings page of this object. You can
- - activate and choose a hotkey. We choose the key combination
- 'ctrl-BUTTON2DBL'.
- - choose if a double click on the icon of this macro should play the
- macro instead of opening the system editor. That doesn't make much
- sense for our example.
- A double click of mouse button 2 in the system editor with the ctrl key
- pressed will insert the content of the clipboard to the current cursor
- position. That's because the key combination 'ctrl-ins' normally inserts the
- content of the clipboard. This is also valid for many other applications.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 10. Known problems ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- There might be a few problems while using EClip :
- The clipboard viewer included in OS/2 does not operate correctly
- Clip suddenly disappears
- EClip folder closes automatically
- Window order is mixed up
- Programs, wich cannot be used together with EClip
- Other data types but bitmap and text
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 10.1. The clipboard viewer included in OS/2 does not operate correctly ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- The 'clipboard viewer' does not cooperate with clipboard extensions like EClip.
- As soon as the 'clipboard viewer' has been used to view the contents of the
- clipboard with EClip opened, EClip will not get any more notification if the
- contents of the clipboard change. That's why EClip cannot create new clips in
- this case.
- To make EClip operate again just close and reopen the EClip folder.
- The clipboard viewer and EClip can only be used together if the clipboard
- viewer is started first, and EClip is opened afterwards.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 10.2. Clip suddenly disappears ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- In Warp V4 dragging an object to the desktop will create a shadow of the object
- by default.
- So, if the original object in the EClip folder gets deleted, the shadow will be
- deleted, too. That might by confusing since clips may be deleted automatically.
- (see EClip/View page 2 of 2)
- A solution would be to set the 'Don't delete' flag for this entry. (see
- Settings on existing clips).
- Of cause it is possible not to create a shadow but a copy of the entry (ctrl -
- mouse button 2) or to move the entry to the Desktop (shift - mouse button 2).
- This will make these problems not occur.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 10.3. EClip folder closes automatically ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- It is possible to adjust Warp 4 in such a way, that with opening an object, the
- folder, in which the object is placed, gets closed automatically. If this
- adjustment is made for the whole system (system configuration /System/Window/2
- : All objects) it will be also valid for the EClip folder.
- As a consequence the EClip folder gets closed automatically after a double
- click on a clip. With the EClip folder closed, no new contents of the clipboard
- will be stored.
- Solution: Choose 'Never' on the the settings page of the EClip folder ('Window
- page 2 of 2').
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 10.4. Window order is mixed up ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- If the EClip folder is set to be displayed permanently on top by the
- 'Always-on-top framebutton', faults in the order of WINOS/2 windows on the OS/2
- desktop can occur.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 10.5. Programs, that cannot be used together with EClip ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- The program ManyClip by Tim Francis cannot be used together with EClip.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 10.6. Other data types but bitmap and text ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- EClip currently supports clips of the types 'bitmap' and 'text'. It would be
- possible to support other clipboard formats. If there is a demand, please let
- the author know.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 11. Uninstallation ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- EClip can be uninstalled by UNINST.EXE It will remove all classes that have
- been by registered by EClip and all EClip entries in the INI files as well as
- the newly created templates.
- The installation path will not be deleted. Changes made to \CONFIG.SYS and
- \AUTOEXEC.BAT will be removed.
- Only after a system reboot it is possible to delete the installation path and /
- or to install a new version of EClip.
- To update EClip from V1.x to V2.x the old installation path has to be deleted
- manually from your config.sys before the installation of the new version !
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 12. Closing words ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- The author can be reached at:
- HBecker@bigfoot.com
- or via snailmail:
- Hinnerk Becker
- Kortenwisch 5c
- 22397 Hamburg
- Germany
- I would like to express my thanks to Bernd Troszynski for many helpful
- suggestions, tips and the writing of this documentation.
- Hinnerk Becker, November 1997
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- Hold down mouse button 2 to drag an object and release the mouse button over
- the destination application to drop it.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- An object in wich a single (old) clipboard content or a macro is stored is
- called clip
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- EClip is used in this documentation as a short term for Extended Clipboard/2.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- What are 'default types' ?
- Normally every data file is assigned to a type which is stored in its extended
- attributes. In most cases there is at least one program, wich is able to work
- on data of this type and therefore is assigned to that type. For the type
- 'Plain Text' this is the editor 'E' by default. The association 'Plain Text' -
- 'E' can be changend system wide in the settings of the system editor.
- Instead of giving the data type 'Plain Text' to a new clip, it is also possible
- to create a new data type. This new data type has to be added to the WPS type
- list. This can be done on the association settings page of any program object.
- The assignment of the new data type is done on this page, too. A double click
- on the clip will start this application from now on.
- Of course the same works for the type 'Bitmap' and the Bitmap viewer. If the
- symbol editor is also assigned to this type you can choose in the context menu
- / open wich program to use on the data.
- It is possible to enter multiple types at 'Default types'. They have to be
- separated by ','. Superfluous blanks have to be avoided. For example 'Plain
- Text,TextClip' would add all applications associated with these types to the
- context menu (mouse button 2/open) of the new clips.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- A text clip with the macro option set on its settings page is is called a macro
- A macro can simulate keyboard and mouse events. Macros can be recorded with the
- macro recorder, intergrated in EClip, and / or edited with any text editor.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- Usually a hotkey is a combination of multiple keys pressed simultaneously.
- But it is also possible to define a single key as a hotkey. Even mouse buttons
- can be hotkeys.
- You can assign a text clip to a hotkey on its settings page. If the hotkey gets
- pressed, the action of the clip will be performed.
- This can be the insertion of its content into the active application or the
- execution of a macro.
- Some hotkeys are predefined by EClip.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- Autopaste allows to insert clips semi automatically into PM applications by
- hotkeys without having to switch to the EClip folder to select the next clip.
- After a clip has been inserted, the next clip in the EClip folder gets selected
- and is copied to the clipboard to let the next Autopaste action insert just
- this (the next) clip. So several old clipboard entries can be placed in the
- application one after the other.
- The hotkeys are
- Ctrl-Alt-Cursor Up and
- Ctrl-Alt-Cursor Down.
- There is also the possibility of selecting another clip without inserting it
- into the application - like an uncompleted Autopaste action. The Hotkeys are
- Ctrl-Alt-AltGr-Cursor Up and
- Ctrl-Alt-AltGr-Cursor Down.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- The 'mouse buttons'
- If the mouse is configured for right-handed persons,
- the left button is called 'mouse button 1'
- the right button is called 'mouse button 2'
- an possibly existing middle button is called 'mouse button 3'
- If the mouse is configured for left-handed persons, mouse buttons 1 and 2 are
- swapped.
- ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ <hidden> ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
- A number can precede every macro command. This number is the time in
- milliseconds to wait before the command is executed. The command
- <100HOME>
- waits for a tenth of a second and then simulates the pressing of the 'home'
- key.
- All other following commands will be executed with the delay defined by the
- <DELAY:x> command.