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- ;
- ; DumbDrv - Dummy DOS Device Driver
- ; Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Marcus Better
- ;
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ; (at your option) any later version.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ;
- ;========================================================= CONSTANTS
- ; Status codes
- stSuccess EQU 0100h
- stError EQU 8100h
- stUnknownCmd EQU 8103h
- stDrvNotReady EQU 8102h
- MediaID EQU 0F0h ; Media ID byte - "other"
- ;========================================================= Driver segment
- ; Device header
- DW 0FFFFh, 0 ; Link to next driver
- DW 0 ; Attributes
- DW Strategy, Interrupt
- DB 1, 7 DUP (0) ; Number of units
- ;========================================================= Resident DATA area
- ; Data area
- ReqHdrOfs DW 0 ; Offset ot request header
- ReqHdrSeg DW 0 ; Segment of request header
- VolumeID DB "DUMBDRV", 0
- ; BIOS Parameter Block
- BytesPerSec DW 512
- SecPerClust DB 2
- ResSectors DW 1
- FATs DB 1
- RootDirEnts DW 32
- Sectors DW 512
- Media DB 0F0h
- FATsecs DW 4
- SecPerTrack DW 9
- Heads DW 2
- HiddenSecs DD 0
- HugeSectors DD 0
- pBPB DW 26 DUP(OFFSET BPB) ; Array of BPB pointers
- JmpTbl DW Init, MediaChk, BuildBPB, 0
- DW NotReady, 0, 0, 0
- DW NotReady, NotReady
- ;========================================================= STRATEGY routine
- PROC Strategy FAR
- mov [ReqHdrOfs], bx
- mov [ReqHdrSeg], es
- ret
- ENDP Strategy
- ;========================================================= INTERRUPT routine
- PROC Interrupt FAR
- push ax bx cx dx si di bp ds es
- pushf
- push cs
- pop ds
- ASSUME ds:DrvSeg
- les bx, [DWORD ReqHdrOfs]
- mov al, [es:bx+2] ; Function number
- cmp al, 09h
- ja @@errUnknownCommand
- xor ah, ah
- mov si, ax
- shl si, 1
- mov cx, [JmpTbl+si]
- jcxz @@errUnknownCommand
- call cx
- jmp @@Exit
- @@errUnknownCommand:
- mov [WORD es:bx+3], stUnknownCmd
- @@Exit: popf
- pop es ds bp di si dx cx bx ax
- ret
- ENDP Interrupt
- ;========================================================= Functions
- ; Media check
- PROC MediaChk
- mov [WORD es:bx+3], stSuccess ; Status
- mov [BYTE es:bx+14], 1 ; Media unchanged
- mov [WORD es:bx+15], OFFSET VolumeID
- mov [es:bx+17], cs
- ret
- ENDP MediaChk
- ; Build BPB
- mov [WORD es:bx+3], stSuccess ; Status
- mov [WORD es:bx+18], OFFSET BPB
- mov [es:bx+20], cs
- ret
- ; Return "Drive not ready" error for Read or Write req.
- PROC NotReady
- mov [WORD es:bx+3], stDrvNotReady
- mov [WORD es:bx+18], 0 ; Sectors read/written
- mov [WORD es:bx+22], OFFSET VolumeID
- mov [WORD es:bx+24], cs
- ret
- ENDP NotReady
- LABEL EndResCode
- ;========================================================= INIT Code
- PROC Init
- ; Say hello
- mov ah, 09h
- mov dx, OFFSET HelloMsg
- int 21h
- ; Parse command line
- call ParseCmdLine
- jc @@CmdLineError
- or al, al
- jz @@CmdLineError ; Zero drives specified
- mov ah, [es:bx+22] ; First drive number
- add ah, al
- cmp ah, 25 ; Maximum number of drives
- jna @@DrivesOk
- mov al, 26
- sub al, [es:bx+22]
- @@DrivesOk:
- mov [Drives], al
- ; Set fields
- mov [BYTE es:bx+13], al ; Number of units
- mov [WORD es:bx+3], stSuccess ; Status
- mov [WORD es:bx+14], OFFSET EndResCode
- mov [es:bx+16], cs
- mov [WORD es:bx+18], OFFSET pBPB
- mov [es:bx+20], cs
- mov [WORD es:bx+23], 1 ; Error message flag
- ; Print message
- mov ah, [es:bx+22] ; Drive number
- add [DrvLetter], ah
- mov ah, 09h
- mov dx, OFFSET InstallMsg
- int 21h
- mov al, [Drives]
- cmp al, 1
- je @@Msg1
- add al, [es:bx+22]
- dec al
- add [DrvLetter2], al
- mov ah, 09h
- mov dx, OFFSET InstMsg2
- int 21h
- ret
- @@Msg1:
- mov ah, 09h
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgEnd
- int 21h
- ret
- ; Bad cmd line syntax - fail init
- @@CmdLineError:
- mov ah, 09h
- mov dx, OFFSET Syntax
- int 21h
- mov [BYTE es:bx+13], 0
- mov [WORD es:bx+14], 0
- mov [WORD es:bx+13], stError
- ret
- ENDP Init
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Parse command line.
- PROC ParseCmdLine
- push ds
- push bx cx dx si di
- cld
- lds si, [es:bx+18]
- ; Scan past the filename to the first space
- @@EatFilename:
- lodsb
- cmp al, 0Dh
- je @@NoParams
- cmp al, 0Ah
- je @@NoParams
- cmp al, ' '
- jne @@EatFilename
- ; Eat spaces
- @@EatSpaces:
- lodsb
- cmp al, ' '
- je @@EatSpaces
- cmp al, 0Ah
- je @@NoParams
- cmp al, 0Dh
- je @@NoParams
- xor dx, dx
- ; Parse one- or two-digit number
- cmp al, '0'
- jb @@Error
- cmp al, '9'
- ja @@Error
- mov dl, al
- sub dl, '0'
- lodsb
- cmp al, 0Ah
- je @@Done
- cmp al, 0Dh
- je @@Done
- cmp al, ' '
- je @@EndParams
- cmp al, '0'
- jb @@Error
- cmp al, '9'
- ja @@Error
- sub al, '0'
- mov dh, dl
- mov cl, 3
- shl dh, cl
- shl dl, 1
- add dl, dh
- add dl, al
- ; Make sure command line ends here
- @@EndParams:
- lodsb
- cmp al, 0Ah
- je @@Done
- cmp al, 0Dh
- je @@Done
- cmp al, ' '
- je @@EndParams
- @@Error:
- stc
- jmp @@Exit
- @@NoParams:
- mov ax, 1
- clc
- jmp @@Exit
- @@Done:
- mov al, dl
- xor ah, ah
- clc
- jmp @@Exit
- @@Exit:
- pop di si dx cx bx
- pop ds
- ret
- ENDP ParseCmdLine
- ;========================================================= INIT data
- HelloMsg DB 10,13,"DumbDrv Version 1.10 96-01-03", 10, 13
- DB "Copyright (c) 1994-96, Marcus Better.",10,13,10,13,"$"
- InstallMsg DB "DumbDrv installed as "
- DrvLetter DB "A:","$"
- InstMsg2 DB " - "
- DrvLetter2 DB "A:"
- MsgEnd DB 10,13,"$"
- Syntax DB "Invalid arguments.",10,13,"$"
- Drives DB 1 ; Number of drives to support
- ENDS DrvSeg