home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;
- ; iHPFS - HPFS driver for DOS
- ; Copyright (C) 1993-1997 Marcus Better
- ;
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ; (at your option) any later version.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ;
- ;==================================================================
- ; This program is written for Turbo Assembler 4.1, and uses
- ; ideal mode syntax. To assemble, use the /m option for multiple
- ; passes.
- ;==================================================================
- P386
- ;------------------------------------------------- Constants
- ; Version
- VerMajor EQU 1
- VerMinor EQU 26
- ; Errors
- errFileNotFound EQU 02h
- errPathNotFound EQU 03h
- errTooManyFiles EQU 04h
- errAccessDenied EQU 05h
- errInvalidHandle EQU 06h
- errNoMoreFiles EQU 12h
- errWriteProt EQU 13h
- errSectorNotFound EQU 1Bh
- TimeZone EQU -3600
- MinCacheSize EQU 32 ; Minimum cache size in KB
- MaxCacheSize EQU 32768 ; Maximum cache size in KB
- LoadFactor EQU 5 ; Elements/chain in hash.
- CacheEntrySize EQU 14 ; Cache entry size
- MaxPathLength EQU 57 ; Maximum length of pathname in DOS
- ; Disk access methods
- Method_CHS EQU 0 ; CHS addressing
- Method_CHSExt EQU 1 ; Extended CHS addressing
- Method_Ext EQU 2 ; IBM/MS Extensions
- ;------------------------------------------------- Macros
- MACRO Abort Code
- mov bx, Code
- call AbortMsg
- ASSUME cs:ResCode,ds:ResCode,es:NOTHING,fs:NOTHING,gs:ResData,ss:NOTHING
- ;------------------------------------------------- Structures
- STRUC XMSMoveStruct
- Length DD 0 ; Number of bytes to transfer
- SourceHandle DW 0 ; Handle of source block
- SourceOffset DD 0 ; Offset into source block
- DestHandle DW 0 ; Handle of dest block
- DestOffset DD 0 ; Offset into dest block
- ENDS XMSMoveStruct
- STRUC DiskAddrPacketStruct ; IBM/MS Extensions disk address packet
- Length DB 10h ; Length of packet
- DB 0
- Count DW 0 ; Number of blocks to transfer
- Buffer DD 0 ; Address of transfer buffer
- Sector DQ 0 ; Starting absolute sector number
- ENDS DiskAddrPacketStruct
- ;------------------------------------------------- Procedures
- ;======================================================= Resident section
- ;-------------------------------------------------- INT 2D entry
- ; Follows the Alternate Multiplex Interrupt Specification (AMIS) [v3.5.1]
- ; This is an IBM interrupt sharing protocol entry point.
- ; The entry point is located in the beginning of the segment,
- ; so that the rest of the segment may be released on uninstall.
- Int2DEntry:
- jmp SHORT JmpToInt2DHandler
- OldInt2D DD 0 ; Saved vector for next handler in chain
- DW 424Bh ; Protocol signature
- DB 00h ; EOI flag - software interrupt
- jmp SHORT HardwareReset2D ; Hardware reset routine
- DB 7 DUP (0) ; Reserved
- JmpToInt2DHandler:
- jmp Int2DHandler
- HardwareReset2D:
- retf
- ;-------------------------------------------------- INT 2F entry
- ; This is an IBM interrupt sharing protocol entry point.
- Int2FEntry:
- jmp SHORT JmpToInt2FHandler
- OldInt2F DD 0 ; Saved vector for next handler in chain
- DW 424Bh ; Protocol signature
- DB 00h ; EOI flag - software interrupt.
- jmp SHORT HardwareReset2F ; Hardware reset routine
- DB 7 DUP (0) ; Reserved
- JmpToInt2FHandler:
- jmp Int2FHandler
- HardwareReset2F:
- retf
- EndUninstalledCode: ; Last byte to keep when uninstalled
- ;-------------------------------------------------- Common resident data
- DataSegs DW 26 DUP(0) ; Data segments for the drives
- ; AMIS information
- AMISSign DB "M Better" ; Manufacturer name
- DB "iHPFS " ; Product name
- DB "HPFS Driver for DOS", 0 ; Description, ASCIIZ.
- HookList DB 2Fh
- DW OFFSET Int2FEntry
- DB 2Dh
- DW OFFSET Int2DEntry
- ApiFunc DB 0 ; INT 2D function # for API.
- ; Saved registers and vectors
- FuncAddr DW 0 ; Pointer to current redirector function
- ResDataSeg DW 0 ; Current resident data segment
- DriveNo DB 0 ; Current drive number
- SaveSP DW 0 ; SP on entry to interrupt handler
- SaveSS DW 0 ; SS on entry to interrupt handler
- DosVersion DB 0 ; Major DOS version, zero if Novell/Dr DOS
- Novell DB 0 ; Set if Novell DOS
- Win95 DB 0 ; Set if running under Windows95
- ; Pointers to SDA fields. Layout:
- ; DOS4+ DOS 3, DR-DOS
- ; DTA ptr 0Ch 0Ch
- ; First filename buffer 9Eh 92h
- ; Search data block 19Eh 192h
- ; Dir entry for found file 1B3h 1A7h
- ; Search attributes 24Dh 23Ah
- ; File access/sharing mode 24Eh 23Bh
- ; Ptr to current CDS 282h 26Ch
- ; Extended open mode 2E1h Not supported
- SDA DD 0 ; Address of DOS Swappable Data Area
- PSP DW 0 ; Program Segment Prefix
- pCurrCDS DD 282h ; Pointer to current CDS
- pDTA DD 0Ch ; Pointer to current DTA
- FN1 DD 9Eh ; Address of first filename field
- AccMode DD 24Eh ; Address of file access/sharing mode field
- SrchAttr DD 24Dh ; Address of search attributes
- ExtOpenMode DD 2E1h ; Address of extended open mode
- ; Buffers.
- Buf1 DB 512 DUP(0)
- Buf2 DB 512 DUP(0)
- Buf3 DB 512 DUP(0)
- Buf4 DB 512 DUP(0)
- FNameBuf DB 128 DUP(0)
- FNameBuf2 DB 128 DUP(0)
- BufUsed DB 0 ; Flag for FindNext, set if buffers untouched.
- ; Some flags
- Multitrack DB 1 ; Allow multitrack reads and writes.
- ; Characters permitted in filenames, etc
- MinPerm DB 0 ; Lowest permissible character
- MaxPerm DB 255 ; Highest permissible character
- MinExcl DB 0 ; Lowest excluded character
- MaxExcl DB 0 ; Highest excluded character
- NumTerm DB 0 ; Number of illegal (terminator) characters
- TermChars DB 32 DUP (0) ; Array of illegal characters
- UpCaseTbl DB 128 DUP (0) ; File Character Upper-Case Table
- DaysInMonth DB 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31
- ConvertLong DB 0 ; Convert long filenames flag
- ; Cache info
- CacheOn DB 0 ; Flag: Caching active?
- XMSEntry DD 0 ; XMS driver entry point
- hHashTable DW 0 ; XMS handle to the hash table
- hCacheLists DW 0 ; XMS handle to the hash chains
- hCacheSectors DW 0 ; XMS handle to the cache sectors
- CacheEntries DW 0 ; Entries in the cache
- HashSize DW 0 ; Slots in the hash table
- FreeEntry DW 0 ; Next free entry pointer
- XMoveStruc XMSMoveStruct <>
- XMSError DB 0 ; Set if XMS call failed
- EntryBuf DB 20 DUP (0)
- ; IBM/MS Extensions data
- DiskAddrPkt DiskAddrPacketStruct <>
- ; Jump Table, 0 means unsupported
- JmpTbl DW 0, RmDir, 0, MkDir
- DW 0, ChDir, Close, Commit
- DW Read, Write, LockRegion, UnlockRegion
- DW DiskFree, 0, SetAttrib, GetAttrib
- DW 0, Rename, 0, Delete
- DW 0, 0, Open, Create
- DW 0, 0, 0, FindFirst
- DW FindNext, 0, 0, 0
- DW 0, Seek, 0, 0
- DW 0, 0, 0, 0
- DW 0, 0, 0, 0
- DW 0, 0, ExtOpen
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Int 2D (Alternate Multiplex) handler.
- PROC Int2DHandler FAR
- ASSUME cs:ResCode
- cmp ah, [ApiFunc]
- je apiApiCall
- jmp [OldInt2D]
- apiApiCall:
- or al, al ; Installation check
- je apiInstallChk
- cmp al, 2 ; Uninstall
- je apiUnInstall
- cmp al, 4 ; Determine chained interrupts
- je apiGetHookList
- cmp al, 10h ; Query drive installed
- je apiQueryDrive
- xor al, al ; Not implemented
- iret
- ; iHPFS installation check.
- apiInstallChk:
- mov al, 0FFh ; Multiplex number in use
- mov ch, VerMajor
- mov cl, VerMinor
- mov dx, cs
- mov di, OFFSET AMISSign ; DX:DI -> AMIS signature
- iret
- apiGetHookList:
- mov dx, cs
- mov bx, OFFSET HookList
- mov al, 04h ; Hook list returned.
- iret
- apiUnInstall:
- mov bx, ResCode
- mov al, 03h
- iret
- ; Query drive installed. Drive number in BX (will be destroyed). Returns
- ; AH=1 if installed, AH=0 otherwise.
- apiQueryDrive:
- shl bx, 1
- cmp [DataSegs+bx], 0
- setnz ah
- iret
- ENDP Int2DHandler
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Int 2F (Multiplex) Interrupt handler.
- ; Processes calls for function 11h.
- PROC Int2FHandler FAR
- ASSUME cs:ResCode
- sti
- cmp ah, 11h
- je Function11
- jmp [OldInt2F]
- Function11:
- ; Decide which method to use for determining if the call is for us.
- or al, al
- jz NetInstallChk ; Redirector installation check
- call DetectWin95
- cmp al, 21h ; Seek
- je CheckSFT
- cmp al, 1Ch ; Find next
- je CheckFindNext
- cmp al, 2Eh
- je CheckCDS
- cmp al, 1Dh
- jbe Function11_1
- jmp [OldInt2F]
- Function11_1:
- cmp al, 06h
- jb CheckCDS
- cmp al, 0Bh
- jna CheckSFT
- ; CDS method: Check path field of CDS.
- CheckCDS:
- push ds bx
- lds bx, [pCurrCDS]
- lds bx, [bx] ; CDS for current file
- movzx bx, [BYTE bx]
- cmp bl, '\'
- je CheckCDS1 ; Not for us - ZF set
- sub bl, 'A'
- mov [DriveNo], bl
- shl bx, 1
- mov bx, [DataSegs+bx]
- mov [ResDataSeg], bx
- or bx, bx ; ZF set if unsupported drive
- CheckCDS1:
- pop bx ds
- jnz CallForUs
- jmp [DWORD OldInt2F] ; Call was not for us
- ; SFT method: Check drive number in SFT entry.
- ; ES:DI -> SFT entry for file
- CheckSFT:
- push bx
- movzx bx, [BYTE es:di+5]
- and bl, 3Fh ; Bits 5-0 contain drive number
- mov [DriveNo], bl
- shl bx, 1
- mov bx, [DataSegs+bx]
- mov [ResDataSeg], bx
- or bx, bx
- pop bx
- jnz CallForUs
- jmp [DWORD OldInt2F]
- ; Special check for Find Next function - drive number in SDB.
- ; Under Windows95 we do not put the drive number in the SDB, so this
- ; cannot be used.
- CheckFindNext:
- cmp [Win95], 0
- jnz CheckCDS ; CDS check under Win95 instead
- cmp [DosVersion], 7
- jae CheckCDS ; CDS check under DOS 7
- push ds bx
- lds bx, [pDTA]
- lds bx, [bx] ; DS:BX -> DTA
- mov bl, [BYTE es:di] ; SDB drive number
- and bx, 3Fh ; Turn off network bit
- mov [DriveNo], bl
- shl bx, 1
- mov bx, [DataSegs+bx]
- mov [ResDataSeg], bx
- or bx, bx
- pop bx ds
- jnz CallForUs
- jmp [DWORD OldInt2F]
- ; Call is for our drive
- CallForUs:
- ; Switch stack
- mov [cs:SaveSP], sp
- mov [cs:SaveSS], ss
- push cs
- pop ss
- mov sp, OFFSET ResStack
- ASSUME ss:SEG ResStack
- ; Transfer to the subfunction handler
- push bx
- mov bl, al
- xor bh, bh
- shl bl, 1
- mov bx, [JmpTbl+bx]
- mov [FuncAddr], bx
- pop bx
- cmp [FuncAddr], 0
- jz Unsupported
- push ds gs
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov gs, [ResDataSeg]
- call [FuncAddr]
- pop gs ds
- ASSUME cs:ResCode
- lss sp, [DWORD SaveSP]
- ret 2
- Unsupported:
- lss sp, [DWORD SaveSP]
- jmp [DWORD OldInt2F] ; Function not supported, ignore it.
- ; Redirector installed check
- NetInstallChk:
- mov ax, 00FFh ; Redirector installed.
- iret ; Return immediately
- ENDP Int2FHandler
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Detect presence of Windows95.
- PROC DetectWin95
- ASSUME cs:ResCode
- pushad
- mov [Win95], 0
- mov ax, 1600h
- int 2fh
- cmp al, 1 ; 0=nothing, 1=Windows/386
- jbe @@Done
- cmp al, 80h ; XMS version 1 driver, no Windows
- je @@Done
- cmp al, 0FFh ; Windows/386
- je @@Done
- cmp al, 4 ; Major version
- jb @@Done
- mov [Win95], 1
- @@Done:
- popad
- ret
- ENDP DetectWin95
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Remove Directory
- PROC RmDir
- stc
- mov ax, errPathNotFound
- ret
- ENDP RmDir
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Make Directory
- PROC MkDir
- stc
- mov ax, errWriteProt
- ret
- ENDP MkDir
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Change Directory
- LOCAL @@CDSPointer:DWORD, @@Result
- pushad
- push es
- mov [BufUsed], 0
- les di, [pCurrCDS]
- mov eax, [es:di]
- mov [@@CDSPointer], eax
- les di, [FN1]
- cmp [BYTE es:di+3], 0 ; See if root directory
- je @@Root
- cmp [BYTE es:di+2], 0 ; See if root in DR-DOS
- je @@Root
- call FindFile
- jc @@PathNotFound
- ; See if the entry is a subdirectory
- test [Buf1+bx+03h], 10h ; Mask out subdirectory attribute
- jz @@PathNotFound
- call NEAR ChkPathLength PASCAL, [FN1]
- jc @@PathNotFound
- ; Extract the FNode pointer
- mov ecx, [DWORD Buf1+bx+04h]
- mov [CDFNode], ecx
- ; Set the CDS directory name to current directory.
- lds si, [FN1]
- les di, [@@CDSPointer]
- mov cx, 67 ; Length of CDS path string
- cld
- @@MovePath:
- lodsb
- stosb
- or al, al
- loopnz @@MovePath
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@Root: mov eax, [RootFNode]
- mov [CDFNode], eax
- lds bx, [@@CDSPointer]
- mov [BYTE bx+3], 0 ; Puts 0 after X:\ in CDS Filename
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@PathNotFound:
- stc
- mov [@@Result], errPathNotFound
- @@Done:
- pop es
- popad
- jnc @@Exit
- mov ax, [@@Result]
- @@Exit:
- ret
- ENDP ChDir
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Close File
- PROC Close
- push ax bx
- mov ax, 1208h
- int 2Fh ; Decrease handle count in SFT
- cmp ax, 01h ; Last handle closed?
- jne @@1
- ; Clear the SFT
- mov [WORD es:di], 0 ; Number of references
- @@1:
- pop bx ax
- ret
- ENDP Close
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Commit File
- PROC Commit
- stc
- mov ax, errWriteProt
- ret
- ENDP Commit
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Read from File
- LOCAL @@OrigBytes, @@Bytes, @@RelSect:DWORD, @@SecOfs, @@DTABuf:DWORD
- LOCAL @@Result, @@SFTOfs, @@FNode:DWORD
- pushad
- push es fs
- push es
- pop fs
- mov [@@SFTOfs], di
- mov [BufUsed], 0
- mov [@@Bytes], cx
- mov [@@OrigBytes], 0
- les bx, [SDA]
- les bx, [DWORD es:bx+0Ch] ; DTA Pointer
- mov [WORD LOW @@DTABuf], bx
- mov [WORD HIGH @@DTABuf], es
- mov eax, [fs:di+19h]
- mov [@@FNode], eax
- push cs
- pop es
- ASSUME es:ResCode
- ; Adjust bytes to read if necessary.
- movzx eax, [@@Bytes] ; Bytes to read
- mov edx, [fs:di+15h] ; File pos
- mov ecx, [fs:di+11h] ; File size
- cmp edx, ecx
- jae @@Succeed ; Beyond EOF
- add eax, edx
- cmp eax, ecx ; Compare w file size
- jna @@1
- sub eax, ecx
- sub [@@Bytes], ax ; Actual bytes to read
- @@1: mov ax, [@@Bytes]
- mov [@@OrigBytes], ax
- mov eax, edx ; File pos
- and dx, 511
- mov [@@SecOfs], dx
- shr eax, 9
- mov [@@RelSect], eax
- cmp [@@SecOfs], 0
- je @@WholeSectors
- ; Read sector into Buf2 and copy bytes to DTA
- call NEAR ReadFileSector, [@@RelSect], 1, [@@FNode], ds (OFFSET Buf2)
- jc @@ReadError
- inc [@@RelSect]
- mov cx, 512
- sub cx, [@@SecOfs] ; Bytes to read from this sector
- cmp [@@Bytes], cx
- ja @@2
- mov cx, [@@Bytes]
- @@2:
- mov si, OFFSET Buf2
- add si, [@@SecOfs]
- les di, [@@DTABuf]
- push cx
- rep movsb ; Transfer bytes to DTA Buffer
- pop cx
- add [WORD @@DTABuf], cx ; Increase user buffer offset
- sub [@@Bytes], cx ; Decrease bytes left to read
- ; Read sectors into DTA
- @@WholeSectors:
- cmp [@@Bytes], 512
- jb @@LastSector ; Done if no more bytes
- movzx eax, [@@Bytes]
- shr ax, 9 ; Sectors to read
- call NEAR ReadFileSector, [@@RelSect], ax, [@@FNode], [@@DTABuf]
- jc @@ReadError
- add [@@RelSect], eax
- shl ax, 9 ; Bytes read
- add [WORD @@DTABuf], ax
- sub [@@Bytes], ax
- ; Read the last sector into Buf2 and copy part of it to DTA
- @@LastSector:
- cmp [@@Bytes], 0
- jz @@Succeed ; No bytes left to read
- call NEAR ReadFileSector, [@@RelSect], 1, [@@FNode], ds (OFFSET Buf2)
- jc @@ReadError
- mov cx, [@@Bytes]
- mov si, OFFSET Buf2
- les di, [@@DTABuf]
- rep movsb ; Transfer bytes to user buffer
- ; Done!
- @@Succeed:
- movzx ecx, [@@OrigBytes]
- mov bx, [@@SFTOfs]
- add [fs:bx+15h], ecx
- mov [@@Result], cx
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@SectorNotFound:
- @@ReadError:
- mov [@@Result], errSectorNotFound
- stc
- @@Done:
- pop fs es
- popad
- jc @@Fail
- mov cx, [@@Result]
- jmp @@Exit
- @@Fail:
- mov ax, [@@Result]
- @@Exit:
- ret
- ENDP Read
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Write to File
- stc
- mov ax, errWriteProt
- ret
- ENDP Write
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Lock Region of File
- PROC LockRegion
- clc
- ret
- ENDP LockRegion
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Unlock Region of File
- PROC UnlockRegion
- clc
- ret
- ENDP UnlockRegion
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Get Disk Space
- PROC DiskFree
- mov ah, [MediaID]
- mov al, 1 ; Sectors per cluster
- mov ebx, [TotalSectors] ; Number of clusters
- xor cl, cl
- ; Adjust clusters so that value is 16-bit
- @@1:
- cmp ebx, 0FFFFh ; Cluster count fits in BX?
- jbe @@2
- shr ebx, 1 ; Divide cluster count by 2
- shl al, 1 ; Multiply sectors per cluster by 2
- inc cl ; CL=shift value for sector numbers
- jmp @@1
- @@2:
- mov edx, [FreeSectors]
- shr edx, cl ; Available clusters
- mov cx, 512 ; Bytes/sector
- clc
- ret
- ENDP DiskFree
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Set File Attributes
- stc
- mov ax, errWriteProt
- ret
- ENDP SetAttrib
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Get File Attributes
- LOCAL @@Result
- pushad
- push es
- mov [BufUsed], 0
- les di, [FN1]
- call FindFile
- jc @@FileNotFound
- mov al, [Buf1+bx+03h] ; Extract attributes
- and al, 10111111b ; Mask out 8.3 filename bit
- xor ah, ah
- test al, 10h ; Test if subdir
- jz @@SubDirOK
- call NEAR ChkPathLength PASCAL, [FN1]
- jnc @@SubDirOk
- and al, NOT 10h ; Turn off subdir attribute
- @@SubDirOk:
- mov [@@Result], ax
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@FileNotFound:
- mov [@@Result], errFileNotFound
- stc
- @@Done:
- pop es
- popad
- mov ax, [@@Result]
- ret
- ENDP GetAttrib
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Rename File
- PROC Rename
- stc
- mov ax, errWriteProt
- ret
- ENDP Rename
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Delete File
- PROC Delete
- stc
- mov ax, errWriteProt
- ret
- ENDP Delete
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Open File
- LOCAL @@OpenMode:BYTE, @@Result:WORD
- pushad
- push es fs
- mov ax, es
- mov fs, ax
- mov [BufUsed], 0
- mov si, di
- les di, [AccMode]
- mov al, [es:di] ; File access mode/sharing
- cmp [Novell], 0
- jnz @@OpenModeOk ; Ignore access mode under Novell DOS
- test al, 7
- jnz @@errAccessDenied
- @@OpenModeOk:
- mov [@@OpenMode], al
- @@FindFile:
- mov di, [WORD LOW FN1] ; First filename buffer
- call FindFile
- jnc @@Found
- mov [@@Result], errFileNotFound
- jmp @@Fail
- @@Found:
- mov al, [Buf1+bx+03h] ; Attributes
- and al, 10h ; Test subdir attribute
- jnz @@errAccessDenied
- ; Set SFT fields
- mov al, [@@OpenMode]
- and al, 7Fh
- xor ah, ah
- mov [fs:si+02h], ax
- mov al, [Buf1+bx+03h] ; Attributes
- and al, 10111111b ; Mask out 8.3 filename bit
- mov [fs:si+04h], al
- mov ax, 8040h ; Device info word
- or al, [DriveNo] ; Drive number
- mov [fs:si+05h], ax
- mov [DWORD fs:si+07h], 0 ; Device driver pointer
- mov [WORD fs:si+0Bh], 0 ; Cluster #, local files only
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+bx+08h]; Timestamp
- call Unix2DosTime
- mov [fs:si+0Dh], eax
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+bx+0Ch] ; File size
- mov [fs:si+11h], eax
- mov [DWORD fs:si+15h], 0 ; Current offset in file
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+bx+04h]; FNode sector #
- mov [fs:si+19h], eax ; Save in REDIRIFS field
- ; Convert filename to FCB format (11 bytes, no dot, blank-padded)
- ; Scan to the terminating 0.
- cld
- xor al, al
- mov cx, -1
- repne scasb
- ; Scan back to the last \
- std
- mov al, '\'
- mov cx, -1
- repne scasb
- add di, 2
- xchg si, di
- push es
- push fs
- pop es
- pop ds
- add di, 20h
- mov cx, 11
- mov al, ' '
- cld
- rep stosb ; Clear the field
- sub di, 11
- lea dx, [di+8] ; Extension part
- @@Fn1: lodsb
- or al, al
- je @@Succeed
- cmp al, '.'
- jne @@Fn2
- mov di, dx ; Move on to extension field if '.'
- jmp @@Fn1
- @@Fn2:
- stosb
- jmp @@Fn1
- @@errAccessDenied:
- mov [@@Result], errAccessDenied
- jmp @@Fail
- @@Succeed:
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@Fail: stc
- @@Done: pop fs es
- popad
- jnc @@Exit
- mov ax, [@@Result]
- @@Exit:
- ret
- ENDP Open
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Create File
- PROC Create
- stc
- mov ax, errWriteProt
- ret
- ENDP Create
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Find First Matching File
- LOCAL @@Result, @@SrchTmplPos, @@DirFNode:DWORD, @@Attr:BYTE
- pushad
- push es
- mov ax, cs
- ; Move the filename from SDA First Filename buffer to FNameBuf2
- mov [BufUsed], 0
- mov [@@LongPath], 0 ; Set if pathname is long
- lds si, [pDTA]
- mov ecx, [si]
- mov [@@DTA], ecx ; Address of DTA
- lds si, [FN1]
- mov es, ax
- ASSUME es:ResCode
- mov di, OFFSET FNameBuf2
- mov cx, 32
- cld
- rep movsd
- mov ds, ax
- ASSUME ds:ResCode
- ; Find the last \ and replace it with 0
- xor al, al
- mov cx, 128
- mov di, OFFSET FNameBuf2
- repne scasb
- jne @@PathNotFound
- dec di
- mov al, '\'
- sub cx, 128
- neg cx
- std
- repne scasb
- jne @@PathNotFound
- inc di
- mov [BYTE di], 0
- inc di
- mov [@@SrchTmplPos], di ; Where the search template starts
- mov ax, di
- sub ax, OFFSET FNameBuf2
- cmp ax, MaxPathLength-8 ; Long path?
- seta [@@LongPath]
- ror [@@LongPath], 1 ; Move flag to high bit
- ; Find the directory
- cmp di, OFFSET FNameBuf2+3 ; See if it's in the root dir.
- jne @@FindDir
- mov ecx, [RootFNode]
- mov [@@DirFNode], ecx
- jmp @@DirOk
- @@FindDir:
- mov di, OFFSET FNameBuf2
- call FindFile
- jc @@PathNotFound
- ; Check that it's really a directory.
- test [BYTE Buf1+bx+03], 10h
- jz @@PathNotFound
- mov ecx, [DWORD Buf1+bx+04h] ; FNode of directory
- mov [@@DirFNode], ecx
- @@DirOk:
- les di, [SrchAttr]
- mov al, [es:di] ; Search attribute
- mov [@@Attr], al
- ; Initialize the search data block in the DTA.
- ; The "drive number" byte does not seem to work as specified in Windows 95.
- ; We later overwrite this with a magic value that seems to work. The reason
- ; for this behaviour is unknown.
- cld
- les di, [@@DTA]
- mov al, [DriveNo] ; Drive number
- or al, 80h ; Set bit 7 for remote drive
- stosb
- ; Search template - 11 bytes, padded with spaces.
- mov cx, 11
- mov al, ' '
- rep stosb ; Clear the field
- sub di, 11
- lea dx, [di+8] ; Extension part
- mov si, [@@SrchTmplPos]
- @@1: lodsb
- or al, al
- je @@TemplateDone
- cmp al, '.'
- jne @@2
- mov di, dx ; Move on to extension field if '.'
- jmp @@1
- @@2:
- stosb
- jmp @@1
- @@TemplateDone:
- mov di, dx
- add di, 3
- mov al, [@@Attr]
- stosb
- ; Read the directory FNode
- call NEAR ReadSector, [@@DirFNode], 1, ds (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@NoMoreFiles
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+48h] ; Starting sector
- les bx, [@@DTA]
- mov [es:bx+0Dh], eax ; Save in SDB
- xor al, al
- mov ah, [@@LongPath]
- mov [WORD es:bx+11h], ax ; Offset of last entry + long path flag
- test [@@Attr], 08h ; Volume label?
- jz @@RegularFile
- ; Volume label
- push ds
- pop es
- ASSUME es:ResCode
- mov ds, [ResDataSeg]
- ASSUME ds:ResData
- ; Move volume label to FNameBuf
- mov di, OFFSET FNameBuf
- mov cx, 8
- mov si, OFFSET Volabel
- rep movsb
- mov al, '.'
- stosb
- mov cx, 3
- rep movsb
- push cs
- pop ds
- ASSUME ds:ResCode
- mov dx, OFFSET FNameBuf
- mov bx, [@@SrchTmplPos]
- call Match
- jnc @@DoVolLabel
- cmp [@@Attr], 08h ; Only volume label?
- je @@NoMoreFiles
- jmp @@RegularFile
- @@DoVolLabel:
- ; Set the directory entry for found vol. label.
- les di, [@@DTA]
- add di, 15h ; Directory entry for found file
- mov cx, 11
- mov al, ' '
- cld
- rep stosb
- sub di, 11
- lea dx, [di+11]
- mov cx, 11
- mov si, OFFSET Volabel
- mov ds, [ResDataSeg]
- ASSUME ds:ResData
- @@MoveVolabel:
- lodsb
- or al, al
- jz @@VolabelDone
- stosb
- loop @@MoveVolabel
- @@VolabelDone:
- push cs
- pop ds
- ASSUME ds:ResCode
- mov di, dx
- mov al, 08h
- stosb ; Attributes
- add di, 10
- xor eax, eax
- stosd ; Time and date
- stosw ; Starting cluster
- stosd ; File size
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@RegularFile:
- ; Call FindNext to do the actual directory search
- les di, [@@DTA]
- call FindNext
- mov [@@Result], ax
- jmp @@Done
- @@PathNotFound:
- stc
- mov [@@Result], errPathNotFound
- jmp @@Done
- @@NoMoreFiles:
- stc
- mov [@@Result], errNoMoreFiles
- jmp @@Done
- @@Done:
- pop es
- popad
- jnc @@Exit
- mov ax, [@@Result]
- @@Exit:
- ret
- ENDP FindFirst
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Find Next Matching File
- ; Use of reserved or unused SDB fields:
- ; Offset Size Function
- ; 0Dh DWORD First sector of the directory block last searched.
- ; 11h WORD Bit 15 : Set if subdirs are not to be returned (long paths)
- ; Bits 0-14: Offset into directory block of the last entry
- ; examined, or 0=no last entry, 1=only "." entry returned.
- LOCAL @@Result, @@DirBlock:DWORD, @@LastEntry, @@Root:BYTE, @@NoSubDirs:BYTE
- LOCAL @@FileAttr:BYTE, @@FileSize:DWORD, @@DTA:DWORD
- pushad
- push es
- cld
- mov [@@Root], 0 ; Flag is set if root dir.
- les bx, [pDTA]
- mov eax, [es:bx]
- mov [@@DTA], eax ; Address of DTA
- les bx, [es:bx] ; ES:BX -> DTA
- mov eax, [es:bx+0Dh] ; SDB, directory block.
- mov [@@DirBlock], eax
- mov ax, [es:bx+11h] ; SDB, offset of last entry
- mov [@@NoSubDirs], ah ; Copy to subdirectory flag
- and [@@NoSubDirs], 80h
- and ah, 7Fh
- mov [@@LastEntry], ax
- @@Search:
- cmp [BufUsed], 0
- jnz @@GotDirBlock
- call NEAR ReadSector, [@@DirBlock], 4, ds (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@NoMoreFiles
- @@GotDirBlock:
- mov [BufUsed], 0
- ; See if we're in the root dir.
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+0Ch]
- cmp eax, [RootFNode]
- jne @@TransferTemplate
- mov [@@Root], 1 ; Set root dir flag.
- ; Transfer search template to ASCIIZ format in FNameBuf2
- @@TransferTemplate:
- push ds
- pop es
- lds si, [@@DTA]
- ASSUME ds:NOTHING, es:ResCode
- inc si ; SDB Search template
- mov di, OFFSET FNameBuf2
- mov cx, 8
- @@MoveTmpl1:
- lodsb
- cmp al, ' ' ; Go to extension if blank
- je @@MoveTmplExt
- stosb
- loop @@MoveTmpl1
- inc si
- @@MoveTmplExt:
- add si, cx ; Extension field in template
- dec si
- mov cx, 3
- mov al, '.'
- stosb
- @@MoveTmpl2:
- lodsb
- cmp al, ' '
- je @@MoveTmplDone
- stosb
- loop @@MoveTmpl2
- @@MoveTmplDone:
- xor al, al ; Zero terminate
- stosb
- mov ax, cs
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, ax
- ASSUME ds:ResCode, es:NOTHING
- mov bx, [@@LastEntry]
- cmp bx, 1
- ja @@NextEntry
- je @@DotDot
- mov bx, 14h ; Offset of first dir. entry
- jmp @@DoEntry
- @@NextEntry:
- test [BYTE Buf1+bx+02h], 08h ; Last entry in block?
- jz @@MoveToNextEntry
- ; Read higher level directory block.
- call NEAR ReadSector, [DWORD Buf1+0Ch], 4, ds (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@NoMoreFiles
- ; Check that it's a directory sector, not the FNode.
- cmp [BYTE Buf1+03h], 0F7h ; FNode signature
- je @@NoMoreFiles
- ; Go through this directory block to find the entry that we came from.
- mov edx, [@@DirBlock]
- mov bx, 14h
- @@SrchParent:
- test [Buf1+bx+02h], 04h ; Entry has B tree pointer?
- jz @@NotParent
- mov si, bx
- add si, [WORD Buf1+bx]
- cmp [DWORD Buf1+si-4], edx
- je @@FoundParent
- @@NotParent:
- test [Buf1+bx+02h], 08h ; Last entry in block?
- jnz @@NoMoreFiles
- add bx, [WORD Buf1+bx]
- jmp @@SrchParent
- @@FoundParent:
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+10h] ; Sector number
- mov [@@DirBlock], eax
- mov [@@LastEntry], bx
- jmp @@NoBTree
- @@MoveToNextEntry:
- add bx, [WORD Buf1+bx] ; Move to next entry
- @@DoEntry:
- ; Check if entry has a B Tree pointer
- mov [@@LastEntry], bx
- test [BYTE Buf1+bx+02h], 04h
- jz @@NoBTree
- ; Go down the branch
- add bx, [WORD Buf1+bx]
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+bx-04h] ; B Tree pointer
- mov [@@DirBlock], eax
- mov [@@LastEntry], 0
- jmp @@Search
- ; No B Tree, check this entry for a match.
- @@NoBTree:
- test [BYTE Buf1+bx+02h], 08h ; Last entry in block?
- jnz @@NextEntry
- les di, [@@DTA]
- ; Match file attributes with AT MOST the specified combination of srch attrib.
- mov ah, [Buf1+bx+03h] ; File attributes
- cmp [@@NoSubDirs], 0 ; Allowed to return subdirs?
- jz @@SubDirOk
- and ah, NOT 10h ; Subdirectory returned as file
- @@SubDirOk:
- mov al, [es:di+0Ch] ; Search attributes
- not al
- and al, ah ; Compare attributes
- and al, 10011110b ; Ignore bits 0, 5 and 6
- jnz @@NextEntry
- push cs
- pop es
- ASSUME es:ResCode
- ; Check if "." entry.
- test [BYTE Buf1+bx+02h], 01h
- jz @@NoDot
- cmp [@@Root], 0 ; No "." in root.
- jnz @@NoDot
- ; Return . file if it matches filespec.
- mov si, OFFSET FNameBuf2
- call MatchDot
- jc @@NoDot
- les di, [@@DTA]
- ; Write directory entry for . file
- mov eax, [@@DirBlock]
- cmp [Win95], 0
- jz @@Win1
- mov [BYTE es:di], 0d2h ; Win95 kludge
- @@Win1:
- mov [es:di+0Dh], eax ; Save current dir block
- mov ax, 01h ; Flag "." file returned
- or ah, [@@NoSubDirs] ; Keep subdir flag bit
- mov [es:di+11h], ax ; Save offset of found entry
- add di, 15h ; Point to found file field
- ; Transfer the filename
- mov eax, ' .'
- stosd
- mov eax, ' '
- stosd
- stosw
- stosb
- mov al, [Buf1+14h+03h] ; Attributes
- stosb
- add di, 10 ; Reserved field
- lea si, [Buf1+14h+08h] ; Timestamp field
- lodsd
- call Unix2DosTime
- stosd
- xor ax, ax
- stosw ; Cluster #
- movsd ; File size
- mov [BufUsed], 1
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- ; Return ".." if attributes match
- @@DotDot:
- mov bx, 14h
- mov si, OFFSET FNameBuf2
- call MatchDotDot
- jc @@NextEntry
- les di, [@@DTA]
- ; Match file attributes with AT MOST the specified combination of srch attrib.
- mov al, [es:di+0Ch] ; Search attributes
- not al
- and al, [Buf1+14h+03h] ; File attributes
- and al, 10011110b ; Ignore bits 0, 5 and 6
- jnz @@NextEntry
- ; Write directory entry for .. file
- mov eax, [@@DirBlock]
- cmp [Win95], 0
- jz @@Win2
- mov [BYTE es:di], 0d2h ; Win95 kludge
- @@Win2:
- mov [es:di+0Dh], eax ; Save current dir block
- mov ax, 14h ; First entry completed
- or ah, [@@NoSubDirs]
- mov [es:di+11h], ax ; Save offset of found entry
- add di, 15h ; Point to found file field
- ; Transfer the filename
- mov eax, ' ..'
- stosd
- mov eax, ' '
- stosd
- stosw
- stosb
- mov al, [Buf1+14h+03h] ; Attributes
- stosb
- add di, 10 ; Reserved field
- lea si, [Buf1+14h+08h] ; Timestamp field
- lodsd
- call Unix2DosTime
- stosd
- xor ax, ax
- stosw ; Cluster #
- movsd ; File size
- mov [BufUsed], 1
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- ASSUME es:ResCode
- @@NoDot:
- ; See if filename is valid in DOS.
- test [BYTE Buf1+bx+03h], 40h
- jz @@MoveFileName
- ; Convert long filenames?
- cmp [ConvertLong], 0
- je @@NextEntry
- ; Convert long filename to valid name in FNameBuf
- lea si, [Buf1+bx+1Fh]
- mov di, OFFSET FNameBuf
- movzx cx, [BYTE si-1]
- call ConvertFilename
- jmp @@MatchFilename
- ; Move filename to FNameBuf, converting it to upper case
- @@MoveFilename:
- lea si, [Buf1+bx+1Fh]
- mov di, OFFSET FNameBuf
- mov cl, [Buf1+bx+1Eh]
- xor ch, ch
- @@MoveChar:
- lodsb
- call UpCase
- stosb
- loop @@MoveChar
- xor al, al
- stosb ; Zero terminate
- ; Check if filename matches search template
- @@MatchFilename:
- mov dx, OFFSET FNameBuf ; Filename
- push bx
- mov bx, OFFSET FNameBuf2 ; Search template, ASCIIZ
- call Match
- pop bx
- jc @@NextEntry
- ; Match found - set directory entry
- les di, [@@DTA]
- cmp [Win95], 0
- jz @@Win3
- mov [BYTE es:di], 0d2h ; Win95 kludge
- @@Win3:
- mov eax, [@@DirBlock]
- mov [es:di+0Dh], eax ; Save current dir block
- mov ax, [@@LastEntry]
- or ah, [@@NoSubDirs]
- mov [es:di+11h], ax ; Save offset of found entry
- add di, 15h ; Point to found file field
- ; Pad with spaces.
- push di
- mov cx, 11
- mov al, ' '
- rep stosb
- pop di
- ; Transfer the filename
- mov si, OFFSET FNameBuf
- mov cx, 9
- lea dx, [di+8]
- @@Tf1:
- lodsb
- or al, al
- je @@TfDone
- cmp al, '.'
- je @@TfExt
- stosb
- loop @@Tf1
- ; Transfer the extension
- @@TfExt:
- mov cx, 3
- mov di, dx
- @@TfExt1:
- lodsb
- call UpCase
- or al, al
- je @@TfDone
- stosb
- loop @@TfExt1
- @@TfDone:
- mov di, dx
- add di, 3
- mov al, [Buf1+bx+03h] ; Attributes
- and al, 10111111b ; Mask out 8.3 filename bit
- cmp [@@NoSubDirs], 0 ; Allowed to return subdir?
- jz @@AttrOk
- and al, NOT 10h ; Return subdir as file
- @@AttrOk:
- stosb
- add di, 10 ; Reserved field
- lea si, [Buf1+bx+08h] ; Timestamp field
- lodsd
- call Unix2DosTime
- stosd
- xor ax, ax
- stosw ; Cluster #
- movsd ; File size
- mov [BufUsed], 1
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@NoMoreFiles:
- stc
- mov [@@Result], errNoMoreFiles
- @@Done:
- pop es
- popad
- jnc @@Exit
- mov ax, [@@Result]
- @@Exit:
- ret
- ENDP FindNext
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Seek from End of File
- ; NOTE Seems like this function never gets called! DOS changes the
- ; file pointers itself.
- LOCAL @@RetValue:DWORD
- pushad
- cmp [WORD es:di], 0 ; Open files count
- jne @@SFTOk
- mov [WORD @@RetValue], errInvalidHandle
- stc
- jmp @@Done
- @@SFTOk:
- shl ecx, 16
- mov cx, dx ; Offset from end of file in ECX
- mov eax, [es:di+11h] ; File size
- sub eax, ecx
- jnc @@1
- xor eax, eax
- @@1:
- mov [es:di+15h], eax ; New file pos.
- mov [@@RetValue], eax
- clc
- @@Done:
- popad
- jnc @@2
- mov ax, [WORD @@RetValue]
- jmp @@Exit
- @@2: mov ax, [WORD @@RetValue]
- mov dx, [WORD @@RetValue+2]
- @@Exit:
- ret
- ENDP Seek
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Extended Open File
- ; Never gets called under DR-DOS 6.0 which doesn't support extended open.
- LOCAL @@OpenMode, @@RetValue
- pushad
- push fs
- lfs si, [ExtOpenMode]
- mov ax, [fs:si] ; Open mode
- mov bx, [WORD LOW AccMode] ; Exchange with normal open mode
- xchg [fs:bx], ax
- mov [@@OpenMode], ax
- call Open
- mov [@@RetValue], ax
- mov ax, [@@OpenMode]
- mov [fs:bx], ax
- jc @@Fail
- mov [@@RetValue], 01h ; File opened
- jmp @@Done
- @@Fail:
- @@Done:
- pop fs
- popad
- jnc @@Succeeded
- mov ax, [@@RetValue]
- jmp @@Exit
- @@Succeeded:
- mov cx, [@@RetValue]
- @@Exit:
- ret
- ENDP ExtOpen
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Convert logical sector number to Cyl/Head/Sect in CX, DX, and AL
- ; as passed to INT 13h. Logical sector passed in ECX.
- add ecx, [LBAStart]
- movzx ax, [nSecs]
- mul [nHeads]
- mov bx, ax ; Sectors/track * heads
- mov ax, cx
- mov edx, ecx
- shr edx, 16 ; DX:AX = logical sector #
- div bx
- push ax ; Cylinder
- mov ax, dx
- div [nSecs]
- movzx dx, al ; Head
- mov cl, ah ; Sector
- inc cl
- pop ax ; Cylinder
- mov dh, dl ; Head
- mov ch, al
- xor al, al
- shr ax, 2
- or cl, al ; bits 8 and 9 of cyl. number go here
- xor al, al
- shr ax, 2
- or dh, al ; bits 10 and 11 of cyl (BIOS extension)
- ret
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Read sectors from disk.
- ARG @@Sector:DWORD, @@NumSectors:WORD, @@Dest:DWORD
- LOCAL @@CurrSector:DWORD, @@SectorsToRead:WORD, @@CurrDest:DWORD
- pushad
- push es
- mov eax, [@@Sector]
- mov [@@CurrSector], eax
- add eax, [LBAstart]
- mov [DWORD LOW DiskAddrPkt.Sector], eax
- mov ax, [@@NumSectors]
- mov [@@SectorsToRead], ax
- mov [DiskAddrPkt.Count], ax
- mov eax, [@@Dest]
- mov [@@CurrDest], eax
- mov [DiskAddrPkt.Buffer], eax
- cmp [AccessMethod], Method_Ext
- jne @@ReadCHS
- ; Read using LBA addressing
- mov dl, [PhysDrv]
- mov si, OFFSET DiskAddrPkt
- mov ah, 42h
- int 13h
- jc @@Done
- jmp @@CopyToCache
- ; Read using CHS addressing
- @@ReadCHS:
- mov ecx, [@@CurrSector]
- call LogToCHS
- mov al, [BYTE @@NumSectors]
- cmp [Multitrack], 0
- jnz @@DoInt13
- ; Multitrack operations not supported
- push cx
- and cl, 3Fh
- mov al, [nSecs]
- sub al, cl
- inc al ; Sectors left on this track
- xor ah, ah
- cmp ax, [@@SectorsToRead]
- jbe @@3
- mov al, [BYTE @@SectorsToRead] ; Read SectorsToRead sectors
- @@3: pop cx
- @@DoInt13:
- mov dl, [PhysDrv]
- mov ah, 02h
- les bx, [@@CurrDest]
- push ax
- int 13h
- pop ax
- jc @@Done
- and eax, 0FFh
- les di, [@@CurrDest] ; Buffer
- movzx cx, al ; Number of sectors
- mov edx, [@@CurrSector] ; First sector
- add [@@CurrSector], eax
- sub [@@SectorsToRead], ax
- push dx
- mov dx, 200h
- mul dx
- pop dx
- add [WORD @@CurrDest], ax
- ; Check if any more sectors to read
- @@SectorsLeft:
- cmp [@@SectorsToRead], 0
- jnz @@ReadCHS
- ; Copy read sectors to cache.
- @@CopyToCache:
- cmp [CacheOn], 0
- jz @@Done
- cmp [XMSError], 0
- jnz @@Done
- mov edx, [@@Sector]
- les di, [@@Dest]
- mov cx, [@@NumSectors]
- @@CacheLoop:
- call GetFreeCacheEntry ; Get free cache entry in BX.
- or bx, bx
- sete [XMSError]
- jz @@Done
- push cx
- mov ecx, edx
- call CacheInsert ; Insert sector ECX at ES:DI at entry BX.
- pop cx
- add edx, 1
- add di, 200h
- loop @@CacheLoop
- clc
- @@Done:
- pop es
- popad
- ret
- ENDP DiskRead
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Read logical sectors into memory.
- PROC ReadSector PASCAL
- ARG @@Sector:DWORD, @@NumSectors:WORD, @@Dest:DWORD
- LOCAL @@SectorsToRead
- pushad
- push es
- @@Start:
- mov dx, [@@NumSectors]
- mov [@@SectorsToRead], dx
- cmp [CacheOn], 0
- jz @@DiskRead
- cmp [XMSError], 0
- jnz @@DiskRead
- @@SearchCache:
- mov ecx, [@@Sector]
- call SearchCache ; Search for sector ECX in cache
- or bx, bx
- jz @@CacheMiss
- ; Cache hit. Move the sector to the destination.
- @@CacheHit:
- les di, [@@Dest]
- call ReadCacheSector ; Read sector in entry BX
- or ax, ax
- sete [XMSError]
- jz @@DiskRead
- inc [@@Sector]
- add [WORD @@Dest], 200h
- sub [@@NumSectors], 1 ; Sectors left to read?
- jnz @@SearchCache
- jmp @@Done
- @@CacheMiss:
- ; Determine number of consecutive sectors to read from disk.
- mov ecx, [@@Sector]
- mov [@@SectorsToRead], 0
- @@ConsecutiveSectors:
- inc ecx
- inc [@@SectorsToRead]
- mov ax, [@@NumSectors]
- cmp ax, [@@SectorsToRead]
- jbe @@DiskRead
- push ecx
- call SearchCache
- pop ecx
- or bx, bx
- jz @@ConsecutiveSectors
- ; Read sectors from disk.
- @@DiskRead:
- movzx eax, [@@SectorsToRead]
- call NEAR DiskRead, [@@Sector], ax, [@@Dest]
- jc @@Done
- add [@@Sector], eax
- sub [@@NumSectors], ax
- jz @@Done ; No sectors left to read
- mov dx, 200h
- mul dx
- add [WORD @@Dest], ax
- jmp @@Start
- @@Done:
- pop es
- popad
- ret
- ENDP ReadSector
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Inserts a sector into the cache at a free entry. Sector number ECX,
- ; entry number BX, memory address ES:DI. Returns CF=1 on XMS error.
- PROC CacheInsert STDCALL
- LOCAL @@EntryNum, @@SectorAddr:DWORD, @@Sector:DWORD
- pushad
- mov si, OFFSET XMoveStruc
- mov [WORD @@SectorAddr], di
- mov [WORD @@SectorAddr+2], es
- mov [@@Sector], ecx
- mov [@@EntryNum], bx
- ; Store the sector number
- mov eax, [@@Sector]
- mov [DWORD EntryBuf], eax
- mov [WORD EntryBuf+0Ch], gs ; Data segment
- ; Insert the new sector at the head of the priority list.
- ; next[x] <- next[sentinel]
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 2
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+0Ah
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], ds
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], 0Ah ; Next field of sentinel
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; prev[next[sentinel]] <- x
- mov ax, [WORD EntryBuf+0Ah]
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- add ax, 08h
- adc dx, 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov bx, [@@EntryNum]
- mov [WORD EntryBuf+CacheEntrySize], bx
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+CacheEntrySize
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], ds
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; next[sentinel] <- x
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestOffset], 0Ah
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; prev[x] <- sentinel
- mov [EntryBuf+08h], 0
- ; Compute hash function
- mov eax, [@@Sector]
- mov edx, eax
- shr edx, 16 ; Sector in DX:AX
- div [HashSize] ; Hash slot in DX
- shl edx, 1 ; Offset into hash table
- mov edi, edx ; Save offset
- ; Insert the entry at the head of the hash table
- ; next[x] <- head
- mov ax, [hHashTable]
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], edx
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+06h
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], ds
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; if head <> NIL then prev[head] <- x
- mov ax, [WORD EntryBuf+06h]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@HashInsert2
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- add ax, 04h ; Prev
- adc dx, 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+CacheEntrySize
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], ds
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- @@HashInsert2:
- ; head <- x
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+CacheEntrySize
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], ds
- mov ax, [hHashTable]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestOffset], edi ; Saved offset into hash table
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; prev[x] <- NIL
- mov [WORD EntryBuf+04h], 0
- ; Write the entry
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov ax, [@@EntryNum]
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], CacheEntrySize
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; Copy the sector to the cache
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 512
- mov eax, [@@SectorAddr]
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], eax
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov ax, [hCacheSectors]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- movzx eax, [@@EntryNum]
- shl eax, 9
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestOffset], eax
- mov si, OFFSET XMoveStruc
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- clc
- jnz @@Done
- @@XMSError:
- mov [XMSError], 1 ; Flag XMS error
- stc
- @@Done: popad
- ret
- ENDP CacheInsert
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Searches for a sector in the cache. Sector number in ECX. Returns
- ; cache entry in BX. If sector is not in cache, BX=0000.
- PROC SearchCache STDCALL
- LOCAL @@Sector:DWORD
- ; Compute the hash function (sector number modulo slots in hash table)
- cmp [XMSError], 0
- jnz @@XMSError
- mov [@@Sector], ecx
- mov ax, cx
- mov edx, ecx
- shr edx, 16 ; Sector in DX:AX
- div [HashSize] ; Hash slot in DX
- ; Extract the linked list pointer from the hash table
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 2
- mov ax, [hHashTable]
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], ax
- shl edx, 1
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], edx
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], ds
- mov si, OFFSET XMoveStruc
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- mov bx, [WORD EntryBuf]
- ; Walk the linked list and search for the sector
- ; Entry format: Offset Size Descr
- ; 00h DWORD Sector number
- ; 04h WORD Prev entry in hash chain
- ; 06h WORD Next entry in hash chain
- ; 08h WORD Prev entry in priority list
- ; 0Ah WORD Next entry in priority list
- ; 0Ch WORD ResData segment of owner drive
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], CacheEntrySize
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], ax
- @@SearchList:
- or bx, bx
- je @@Done ; Sector not in cache, exit.
- ; Copy the entry into first bytes of buffer
- mov ax, bx
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx ; Offset of entry in DX:AX
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], ax
- mov [(WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], dx
- mov si, OFFSET XMoveStruc
- mov ah, 0Bh
- push bx
- call [XMSEntry]
- pop bx
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; Examine the entry in buffer
- mov eax, [@@Sector]
- cmp [DWORD EntryBuf], eax
- jne @@Search1
- mov ax, gs
- cmp [WORD EntryBuf+0Ch], ax ; Check if it's the right drive.
- je @@Done ; Sector found, exit with entry in BX.
- @@Search1:
- mov bx, [WORD EntryBuf+06h] ; Next entry in chain
- jmp @@SearchList
- @@XMSError:
- mov [XMSError], 1 ; Flag XMS error
- xor bx, bx
- @@Done: ret
- ENDP SearchCache
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Delete a cache entry. Entry number in BX. Entry must be in use.
- ; Returns carry set on XMS error.
- PROC DeleteCacheEntry
- pushad
- ; Read the entry into buffer
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], CacheEntrySize
- mov ax, bx
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], dx
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; Delete the entry from the hash chain
- ; if prev[x] <> NIL
- ; then next[prev[x]] <- next[x]
- ; else head <- next[x]
- ; if next[x] <> NIL
- ; then prev[next[x]] <- prev[x]
- mov ax, [WORD EntryBuf+04h] ; Prev field.
- or ax, ax ; See if entry is head
- je @@NewHead
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- add ax, 06h ; Next field
- adc dx, 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+06h
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], ds
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 2
- mov si, OFFSET XMoveStruc
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- jmp @@UpdateNextChainEntry
- @@NewHead:
- xor edx, edx
- mov ax, [WORD EntryBuf]
- mov dx, [WORD EntryBuf+2] ; Sector in DX:AX
- div [HashSize] ; Hash slot in DX
- mov ax, [hHashTable]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- shl edx, 1
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestOffset], edx
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+06h
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], ds
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 2
- mov si, OFFSET XMoveStruc
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- @@UpdateNextChainEntry:
- mov ax, [WORD EntryBuf+06h]
- or ax, ax
- je @@DeleteEntry2
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- add ax, 04h
- adc dx, 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+04h
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], ds
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 2
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- @@DeleteEntry2:
- ; Delete the entry from the priority list.
- ; next[prev[x]] <- next[x]
- ; prev[next[x]] <- prev[x]
- mov ax, [WORD EntryBuf+08h] ; Prev
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- add ax, 0Ah ; Next field
- adc dx, 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+0Ah
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], ds
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 2
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- mov ax, [WORD EntryBuf+0Ah] ; Next
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- add ax, 08h ; Prev field
- adc dx, 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+08h
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@XMSError:
- stc
- @@Done: popad
- ret
- ENDP DeleteCacheEntry
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Return a free cache entry. If cache is full, then oldest entry is
- ; deleted. Free entry returned in BX. BX=0000 if an XMS error occurs.
- PROC GetFreeCacheEntry STDCALL
- LOCAL Entry
- pushad
- mov bx, [FreeEntry]
- or bx, bx
- jz @@GetOldestEntry
- mov [Entry], bx
- dec [FreeEntry]
- jmp @@Done
- ; Get the oldest entry.
- @@GetOldestEntry:
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 2
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], 08h ; Tail of priority list
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], ds
- mov si, OFFSET XMoveStruc
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- mov bx, [WORD EntryBuf] ; Entry to be deleted
- mov [Entry], bx
- call DeleteCacheEntry
- jc @@XMSError
- jmp @@Done
- @@XMSError:
- mov [XMSError], 1 ; Flag XMS error
- mov [Entry], 0
- @@Done: popad
- mov bx, [Entry]
- ret
- ENDP GetFreeCacheEntry
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Read a sector from the cache. Cache entry in BX. The entry is moved
- ; to the head of the priority list. Sector is copied to ES:DI.
- ; Returns AX=0 if XMS error.
- PROC ReadCacheSector STDCALL
- LOCAL @@Entry
- mov [@@Entry], bx
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 512
- mov ax, [hCacheSectors]
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], ax
- movzx eax, bx
- shl eax, 9 ; Multiply by 512
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], eax
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], di
- mov [(WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], es
- mov si, OFFSET XMoveStruc
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; Remove the entry from the priority list.
- ; Entry 0 in priority list is a sentinel.
- ; next[prev[x]] <- next[x]
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 2
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], ds
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+0Ah ; Next
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov ax, [WORD EntryBuf+08h] ; Prev
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx ; Offset
- add ax, 0Ah ; Next field of previous entry
- adc dx, 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; prev[next[x]] <- prev[x]
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+08h ; Prev
- mov ax, [WORD EntryBuf+0Ah] ; Next
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx ; Offset
- add ax, 08h ; Prev field
- adc dx, 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; Insert the entry at the head of the priority list
- ; next[x] <- next[sentinel]
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], 0Ah ; Next field of sentinel
- mov ax, [@@Entry] ; Entry number
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- mov di, dx
- shl edi, 16
- mov di, ax
- add edi, 0Ah ; Next field
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestOffset], edi
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; prev[next[sentinel]] <- x
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+CacheEntrySize
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], ds
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- mov ax, [WORD EntryBuf+CacheEntrySize] ; next[sentinel]
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- add ax, 08h ; prev field
- adc dx, 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov ax, [@@Entry]
- mov [WORD EntryBuf+CacheEntrySize], ax ; Current entry
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET EntryBuf+CacheEntrySize
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], ds
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; next[sentinel] <- x
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestOffset], 0Ah
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- ; prev[x] <- sentinel
- mov [WORD EntryBuf+CacheEntrySize], 0
- mov ax, [@@Entry]
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- add ax, 08h ; prev field
- adc dx, 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.DestOffset], ax
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.DestOffset)+2], dx
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@XMSError
- jmp @@Done
- @@XMSError:
- mov [XMSError], 1 ; Flag XMS error
- @@Done: ret
- ENDP ReadCacheSector
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Read specified file sectors. Arguments:
- ; @@Sector - starting file sector
- ; @@NumSectors - number of sectors to read
- ; @@FNode - FNode sector number of file
- ; @@Dest - destination buffer
- ; Uses Buf4. Return CF on error.
- PROC ReadFileSector PASCAL
- ARG @@Sector:DWORD, @@NumSectors, @@FNode:DWORD, @@Dest:DWORD
- LOCAL @@Entries:WORD
- pushad
- ; Read the FNode
- call NEAR ReadSector, [@@FNode], 1, ds (OFFSET Buf4)
- mov bx, OFFSET Buf4+38h
- @@Start:
- mov eax, [@@Sector]
- movzx cx, [BYTE bx+05h] ; number of entries in sector
- mov [@@Entries], cx
- test [BYTE bx], 80h ; Internal or external node?
- jnz @@Internal
- ; Search external node - extents.
- sub bx, 4 ; Point to 12 bytes before first entry
- xor dx, dx ; Entry counter
- @@NextExtent:
- add bx, 12 ; Point to next entry
- inc dx
- cmp dx, [@@Entries] ; Any entries left?
- ja @@Error
- mov ecx, [DWORD bx] ; First file sector in this extent
- cmp ecx, eax
- ja @@Error ; Too high - something's wrong
- add ecx, [DWORD bx+04h] ; Add number of sectors in extent
- sub ecx, eax ; Sector in this extent?
- jna @@NextExtent
- ; Extent found - calculate disk sector and read.
- mov esi, ecx ; Number of sectors left in extent
- mov ecx, eax
- sub ecx, [DWORD bx] ; Offset into extent
- add ecx, [DWORD bx+08h] ; First logical sector number
- ; Calculate number of sectors to read.
- movzx edi, [@@NumSectors]
- cmp esi, edi
- jbe @@1
- mov si, di
- @@1:
- call NEAR ReadSector, ecx, si, [@@Dest]
- jc @@Error
- sub [@@NumSectors], si
- clc
- jz @@Done
- and esi, 0FFFFh
- add [@@Sector], esi
- ; Reread FNode
- call NEAR ReadSector, [@@FNode], 1, ds (OFFSET Buf4)
- mov bx, OFFSET Buf4+38h
- mov ax, 200h
- mul si
- add [WORD LOW @@Dest], ax ; High word in DX not used, should be 0.
- jmp @@Start
- ; Search internal node
- @@Internal:
- xor dx, dx ; Entry counter
- @@NextSubtree:
- add bx, 8 ; Point to next entry
- inc dx
- cmp dx, [@@Entries] ; Any entries left?
- ja @@Error
- cmp eax, [DWORD bx] ; If below, then sector is in this tree.
- jae @@NextSubtree
- ; Subtree found - read sector and recurse.
- call NEAR ReadSector, [DWORD bx+04h], 1, ds (OFFSET Buf4)
- jc @@Error
- mov bx, OFFSET Buf4+0Ch ; Point to allocation structure
- jmp @@Start
- @@Error:
- stc
- @@Done: popad
- ret
- ENDP ReadFileSector
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Convert a character in AL to upper case.
- PROC UpCase
- cmp al, 128
- jae @@Extended
- cmp al, 'a'
- jb @@Done
- cmp al, 'z'
- ja @@Done
- sub al, 'a'-'A'
- @@Done: ret
- @@Extended:
- push bx ds
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov bx, OFFSET UpCaseTbl-128
- xlatb
- pop ds bx
- ret
- ENDP UpCase
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Checks if the character in AL is a valid filename character.
- ; CF=1 if invalid. Registers preserved.
- PROC FileChar
- push ax ds
- push cs
- pop ds
- cmp al, [MinPerm]
- jb @@Fail
- cmp al, [MaxPerm]
- ja @@Fail
- cmp al, [MinExcl]
- jb @@1
- cmp al, [MaxExcl]
- jna @@Fail
- @@1:
- push cx di es
- push ds
- pop es
- ASSUME es:ResCode
- mov cl, [NumTerm]
- xor ch, ch
- mov di, OFFSET TermChars
- cld
- repne scasb
- pop es di cx
- je @@Fail
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@Fail:
- stc
- @@Done:
- pop ds ax
- ret
- ENDP FileChar
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Checks if a filename matches a spec.
- ; Filename at DS:DX. Filespec at ES:BX.
- ; Returns CF=0 if match.
- PROC Match
- push bx cx dx si di
- cld
- mov si, dx
- @@Next:
- mov ah, [es:bx]
- inc bx
- lodsb
- ; Check if the character is valid in filenames
- or al, al
- je @@Valid
- cmp al, '.'
- je @@Valid
- call FileChar
- jc @@Fail
- @@Valid:
- or ah, ah ; End of filespec?
- jne @@1
- or al, al
- jne @@Fail
- jmp @@Succeed
- @@1: cmp ah, '?'
- jne @@3
- cmp al, '.'
- je @@2
- or al, al
- je @@2
- jmp @@Next
- @@2: dec si
- jmp @@Next
- @@3: cmp ah, '.'
- jne @@4
- or al, al
- jne @@4
- dec si
- jmp @@Next
- @@4: cmp ah, al
- je @@Next
- @@Fail:
- stc
- jmp @@Done
- @@Succeed:
- clc
- @@Done: pop di si dx cx bx
- ret
- ENDP Match
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Check if filespec at DS:SI matches . file. Returns CF=0 if match.
- ; Filespec matched: At least one <?>, optional <dot>, optional more <?>.
- PROC MatchDot
- ASSUME cs:ResCode
- push ax si
- ; Match one <?>
- lodsb
- cmp al, '?'
- jne @@Fail
- ; Eat all consecutive <?>
- @@1: lodsb
- cmp al, '?'
- je @@1
- or al, al ; End of filespec?
- je @@Ok
- cmp al, '.' ; Match dot (separator)
- jne @@Fail
- ; Eat all consecutive <?>
- @@2: lodsb
- cmp al, '?'
- je @@2
- or al, al ; End of filespec?
- jne @@Fail
- @@Ok: clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@Fail: stc
- @@Done: pop si ax
- ret
- ENDP MatchDot
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Check if filespec at DS:SI matches .. file. Returns CF=0 if match.
- ; Filespec matched: At least two <?>, optional <dot>, optional more <?>.
- PROC MatchDotDot
- ASSUME cs:ResCode
- push ax si
- ; Match two <?>
- lodsw
- cmp ax, '??'
- jne @@Fail
- ; Eat all consecutive <?>
- @@1: lodsb
- cmp al, '?'
- je @@1
- or al, al ; End of filespec?
- je @@Ok
- cmp al, '.' ; Match dot (separator)
- jne @@Fail
- ; Eat all consecutive <?>
- @@2: lodsb
- cmp al, '?'
- je @@2
- or al, al ; End of filespec?
- jne @@Fail
- @@Ok: clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@Fail: stc
- @@Done: pop si ax
- ret
- ENDP MatchDotDot
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Convert an HPFS filename to a valid DOS filename. Only to be called
- ; from FindNext.
- ; DS:SI - filename to convert. ES:DI - buffer to place converted name.
- ; CX - length of filename.
- PROC ConvertFilename STDCALL
- pusha
- cld
- mov [@@Len], cx
- xor ah, ah
- @@ConvName:
- jcxz @@ConvExt
- lodsb
- dec cx
- cmp al, '.'
- je @@ConvExt
- call FileChar ; Character valid in filenames?
- jc @@ConvName
- call UpCase
- stosb
- inc ah
- cmp ah, 8
- jb @@ConvName
- @@ConvExt:
- or ah, ah ; Empty name?
- jnz @@Conv1
- mov eax, 'SFPH' ; Dummy name
- stosd
- @@Conv1:
- mov al, '.'
- stosb
- lea si, [Buf1+bx+1Fh] ; Point to filename
- mov cx, [@@Len] ; Length of filename
- call CRC16 ; CRC16 in DX
- mov ax, dx
- xor dx, dx
- ; Convert to base-41
- mov bx, OFFSET ConvTable ; Translation table
- mov cx, 3
- @@ConvBase:
- mov si, 41
- div si ; Remainder in DX (DL)
- xchg al, dl
- xlatb
- stosb
- mov al, dl
- xor dx, dx
- loop @@ConvBase
- xor al, al ; Zero terminate
- stosb
- popa
- ret
- ENDP ConvertFilename
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Find a directory entry. FNode sector of directory passed in ECX.
- ; Filename at DS:DX. Assumes DS=CS.
- ; CF=1 if failed.
- ; The sector is read into Buf1, and BX contains the offset to the
- ; specified entry on return. Uses last half of FNameBuf
- ASSUME es:ResCode
- LOCAL @@Len:BYTE, @@BytesRead:WORD, @@Sector:DWORD
- push es
- push cs
- pop es
- mov [@@Sector], ecx
- ; Count characters in filename.
- mov di, dx
- xor al, al
- mov cx, 0FFh
- cld
- repne scasb
- neg cl
- sub cl, 2
- or cl, cl
- jz @@Fail
- mov [@@Len], cl
- mov [@@BytesRead], 200h ; Bytes of directory block in memory
- ; Read the FNode of the directory
- call NEAR ReadSector, [@@Sector], 1, es (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@Fail
- mov ecx, [DWORD Buf1+48h]
- mov [@@Sector], ecx
- call NEAR ReadSector, ecx, 4, es (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@Fail
- mov bx, 14h ; Offset of first dir. entry
- cld
- cmp [ConvertLong], 0
- je @@TestEntry
- ; Traverse the directory B Tree to find a match. Convert long filenames.
- ; All entries must be searched.
- @@ChkValidName:
- mov di, OFFSET FNameBuf+64 ; Load regs for call or move later
- lea si, [Buf1+bx+1Fh]
- movzx cx, [BYTE si-1]
- test [Buf1+bx+03h], 40h
- jz @@DOSName
- ; Convert filename
- call ConvertFilename
- jmp @@CompareName
- ; Copy filename to buffer
- @@DosName:
- test [Buf1+bx+02h], 01h ; Skip '.' file
- jnz @@NextLong
- push cx di
- @@CopyName:
- lodsb
- call UpCase
- stosb
- loop @@CopyName
- xor al, al
- stosb
- pop di cx
- @@CompareName:
- mov si, dx
- @@Cmp1:
- lodsb
- or al, al
- jz @@EndOfTmpl ; End of search filename
- scasb
- je @@Cmp1
- jmp @@NextLong
- @@EndOfTmpl:
- cmp [BYTE es:di], 0 ; Check that filename in entry also ends
- je @@Succeed
- @@NextLong:
- ; See if there's a B Tree pointer
- test [BYTE Buf1+bx+02h], 04h
- jz @@NoBTree
- ; Go down the tree
- add bx, [WORD Buf1+bx]
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+bx-04h] ; B Tree pointer
- mov [@@Sector], eax
- call NEAR ReadSector, eax, 4, es (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@Fail
- mov bx, 14h
- jmp @@ChkValidName ; Search this block
- @@NoBTree:
- ; Move to next entry
- @@NextEntry:
- test [BYTE Buf1+bx+02h], 08h ; See if last entry
- jnz @@Up
- add bx, [WORD Buf1+bx] ; Point to next entry
- jmp @@ChkValidName ; Continue search
- ; Go up the tree
- @@Up:
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+0Ch] ; Parent node
- call NEAR ReadSector, eax, 4, es (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@Fail
- cmp [BYTE Buf1+03h], 0F7h ; FNode signature
- je @@Fail
- ; Go through this directory block to find the entry that we came from.
- mov bx, 14h
- @@SrchParent:
- test [Buf1+bx+02h], 04h ; Entry has B tree pointer?
- jz @@NotParent
- mov si, bx
- add si, [WORD Buf1+bx]
- mov ecx, [@@Sector]
- cmp [DWORD Buf1+si-4], ecx ; Is parent?
- jne @@NotParent
- mov [@@Sector], eax
- jmp @@NextEntry
- @@NotParent:
- test [Buf1+bx+02h], 08h ; Last entry in block?
- jnz @@Fail
- add bx, [WORD Buf1+bx]
- jmp @@SrchParent
- ; Traverse the directory B Tree to find a match. No long filenames.
- @@TestEntry:
- cld
- ; Compare the filename length byte
- mov cl, [@@Len]
- cmp cl, [Buf1+bx+1Eh]
- jna @@1
- mov cl, [Buf1+bx+1Eh] ; Entry shorter than filename
- ; Compare the filenames
- @@1:
- xor ch, ch
- mov di, dx
- lea si, [Buf1+bx+1Fh]
- @@Compare:
- lodsb ; Load one character
- call UpCase ; Convert to upper case
- scasb ; Compare
- loope @@Compare
- jb @@Next
- ja @@ChkBTree
- mov cl, [@@Len] ; See which of the names is the longest
- cmp cl, [Buf1+bx+1Eh]
- je @@Succeed
- ja @@Next
- ; See if there's a B Tree pointer
- @@ChkBTree:
- test [BYTE Buf1+bx+02h], 04h
- jz @@Fail
- add bx, [WORD Buf1+bx]
- mov ecx, [DWORD Buf1+bx-4] ; Extract the B Tree pointer
- mov [@@Sector], ecx
- mov [@@BytesRead], 200h
- call NEAR ReadSector, [@@Sector], 1, es (OFFSET Buf1)
- mov bx, 14h
- jmp @@TestEntry
- @@Next:
- test [BYTE Buf1+bx+02h], 08h ; See if last entry
- jnz @@Fail
- add bx, [WORD Buf1+bx] ; Point to next entry
- mov ax, [WORD Buf1+bx]
- add ax, bx
- cmp ax, [@@BytesRead] ; See if enough sectors read.
- jb @@TestEntry
- cmp [@@BytesRead], 800h
- jnb @@Fail ; Whole dir. block already read.
- inc [@@Sector]
- push bx
- mov bx, [@@BytesRead]
- add bx, OFFSET Buf1
- call NEAR ReadSector, [@@Sector], 1, es bx
- pop bx
- add [@@BytesRead], 200h
- jmp @@TestEntry
- @@Fail:
- stc
- jmp @@Done
- @@Succeed:
- clc
- @@Done:
- pop es
- ret
- ENDP FindDirEntry
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Find a file. Fully qualified filename at ES:DI. Offset into
- ; Buf1 to directory entry returned in BX.
- LOCAL @@DirFlag:BYTE, @@CurFNode:DWORD, @@RetValue, @@LongPath:BYTE
- LOCAL @@BufStart
- pushad
- push ds
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov [@@DirFlag], 0 ; Set if current level is also the last.
- mov [@@LongPath], 0 ; Set if path is too long for any more subdirs.
- mov [@@BufStart], di
- mov ecx, [RootFNode]
- mov [@@CurFNode], ecx
- ; Scan past the first backslash.
- mov al, '\'
- mov cx, 80h
- cld
- repne scasb
- dec di
- @@NextLevel:
- cmp [@@LongPath], 0
- jne @@Fail ; Path too long - can't access directory.
- ; See if path is too long
- mov ax, di
- sub ax, [@@BufStart]
- cmp ax, MaxPathLength-9
- seta [@@LongPath]
- mov bx, OFFSET FNameBuf
- mov dx, bx
- ; Move the name of the next subdirectory to FNameBuf
- @@MoveName:
- inc di
- mov al, [es:di]
- or al, al
- je @@SetFlag
- cmp al, '\'
- je @@FindEntry
- mov [bx], al
- inc bx
- jmp @@MoveName
- @@SetFlag:
- mov [@@DirFlag], 1 ; This is the last level
- @@FindEntry:
- mov [BYTE bx], 0
- ; Find the directory entry
- mov ecx, [@@CurFNode]
- push di
- call FindDirEntry
- mov [@@RetValue], bx
- pop di
- jc @@Fail
- mov ecx, [DWORD Buf1+bx+04h] ; Get FNode pointer
- mov [@@CurFNode], ecx
- cmp [@@DirFlag], 0
- je @@NextLevel
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@Fail: stc
- @@Done:
- pop ds
- popad
- jc @@Exit
- mov bx, [@@RetValue]
- @@Exit:
- ret
- ENDP FindFile
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Check if a fully qualified pathname is too long to be the name of a
- ; directory, and should be handled as a zero-length file. CF=1 if path
- ; is too long.
- PROC ChkPathLength PASCAL
- ARG @@FileName:DWORD
- pushad
- push es
- les di, [@@FileName]
- xor al, al
- mov cx, 128
- cld
- repne scasb
- mov al, '\'
- std
- mov cx, 128
- repne scasb
- cld
- sub di, [WORD LOW @@FileName]
- cmp di, MaxPathLength-9
- cmc ; CF indicates result
- pop es
- popad
- ret
- ENDP ChkPathLength
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Convert UNIX (and HPFS) timestamp to DOS timestamp (local time).
- ; UNIX timestamp passed in EAX and DOS timestamp returned in EAX -
- ; time in low word, date in high word.
- LOCAL @@Result:DWORD,@@Year,@@Month,@@Day,@@Hour,@@Min,@@Secs
- pushad
- push ds
- push cs
- pop ds
- sub eax, 24*60*60*3652+TimeZone+60*60
- xor edx, edx
- mov ebx, 60
- div ebx
- mov [@@Secs], dx
- xor edx, edx
- div ebx
- mov [@@Min], dx ; Time in minutes in EAX
- mov ebx, 1461*24
- xor edx, edx
- div ebx
- shl eax, 2
- add eax, 1980
- mov [@@Year], ax
- mov eax, edx
- cmp eax, 366*24
- jb @@1
- sub eax, 366*24
- inc [@@Year]
- mov ebx, 365*24
- xor edx, edx
- div ebx
- add [@@Year], ax
- mov ax, dx
- @@1: ; Now in AX
- xor dx, dx
- mov bx, 24
- div bx
- mov [@@Hour], dx
- inc ax
- test [@@Year], 3
- jnz @@2
- cmp ax, 60
- jna @@3
- dec ax
- jmp @@2
- @@3: jne @@2
- mov [@@Month], 2
- mov [@@Day], 29
- jmp @@DecodeDone
- @@2:
- xor bx, bx
- @@2_1:
- mov dl, [DaysInMonth+bx]
- xor dh, dh
- cmp dx, ax
- jnb @@4
- sub ax, dx
- inc bx
- jmp @@2_1
- @@4: inc bx
- mov [@@Month], bx
- mov [@@Day], ax
- @@DecodeDone:
- ; Pack the time in DOS format.
- xor eax, eax
- mov ax, [@@Day]
- mov bx, [@@Month]
- shl bx, 5
- or ax, bx
- mov bx, [@@Year]
- sub bx, 1980
- shl bx, 9
- or ax, bx
- shl eax, 16
- mov ax, [@@Secs]
- shr ax, 1
- mov bx, [@@Min]
- shl bx, 5
- or ax, bx
- mov bx, [@@Hour]
- shl bx, 11
- or ax, bx
- mov [@@Result], eax
- pop ds
- popad
- mov eax, [@@Result]
- ret
- ENDP Unix2DosTime
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Compute CRC16 of a string. DS:SI points at the buffer, CX is the
- ; length of the buffer. CRC16 returned in DX.
- ASSUME cs:ResCode
- push ax bx
- pushf
- cld
- xor dx, dx
- @@1: lodsb
- xor ah, ah
- xchg ah, al
- xor dx, ax
- push cx
- mov cx, 8
- @@2: mov bx, dx
- shl dx, 1
- and bx, 8000h
- jz @@3
- xor dx, 1021h
- @@3: loop @@2
- pop cx
- loop @@1
- popf
- pop bx ax
- ret
- PROC ThunkReadSector PASCAL FAR
- ARG @@Sector:DWORD,@@NumSectors:WORD,@@Dest:DWORD
- call NEAR ReadSector, [@@Sector], [@@NumSectors], [@@Dest]
- ret
- ENDP ThunkReadSector
- LABEL ResStack
- ENDS ResCode
- ;================================================== Resident data
- PartitionNr DB 0 ; HPFS partition number
- ; Partition info
- nSecs DB 0 ; Sectors per track
- nHeads DW 0 ; Heads
- LBAstart DD 0 ; LBA starting sector
- AccessMethod DB 0 ; Disk access method
- PhysDrv DB 80h
- ; File system info
- RootFNode DD 0 ; FNode sector for root dir.
- CDFNode DD 0 ; FNode sector for current dir.
- TotalSectors DD 0 ; Partition size in sectors
- FreeSectors DD 0 ; # of sectors marked as free in bitmaps
- MediaID DB 0 ; Media ID byte from boot block
- Volabel DB 12 DUP (0) ; Volume label + an extra null.
- LABEL EndResdata
- ENDS ResData
- ;======================================================= Transient section
- ASSUME cs:CSeg,ds:DSeg,es:NOTHING,ss:SSeg,fs:ResCode,gs:ResCode
- PROC Main
- mov ax, DSeg
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov ax, ResCode
- mov fs, ax
- mov gs, ax
- ; Write hello message
- mov ah, 09h
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgHello
- int 21h
- ; Check for DR-DOS or Novell DOS
- mov ax, 4452h
- stc
- int 21h
- jc @@NotDrDos
- ; DR-DOS or Novell DOS found. Check version.
- cmp ah, 10h
- jne errBadDosVer
- cmp al, 72h ; Novell DOS
- je @@NovellDOS
- mov [DrDos], al ; DR-DOS version code
- cmp al, 65h ; DR-DOS 5
- je @@Dos3
- cmp al, 67h ; DR-DOS 6
- je @@Dos3
- jmp errBadDosVer
- @@NovellDOS:
- mov [Novell], 1
- jmp @@DosVerOk
- @@NotDrDos:
- ; Check DOS version
- mov ax, 3000h
- int 21h
- mov [DosVersion], al
- cmp al, 3
- je @@Major3
- jb errBadDOSVer
- cmp al, 10
- jae errBadDOSVer
- jmp @@DosVerOk
- ; DOS 3.x, check minor version is at least 10
- @@Major3:
- cmp ah, 10
- jb errBadDOSVer
- ; DOS 3.10-3.x or DR DOS 5 and 6
- @@Dos3:
- mov [CDSSize], 51h
- mov [WORD LOW pCurrCDS], 26Ch
- mov [WORD LOW FN1], 92h
- mov [WORD LOW AccMode], 23Bh
- mov [WORD LOW SrchAttr], 23Ah
- @@DosVerOk:
- ; Get PSP
- mov ah, 51h
- int 21h
- mov [PSP], bx
- ; Release heap space above end of stack
- mov bx, sp
- add bx, 15
- shr bx, 4
- mov ax, ss
- add bx, ax
- mov ax, [PSP]
- sub bx, ax
- push es
- mov es, ax
- mov ah, 4Ah
- int 21h
- pop es
- jc errMemRel
- ; Get SDA address
- mov ax, 5D06h
- int 21h ; Address returned in DS:SI
- jc errNoSDA
- mov [WORD HIGH SDA], ds
- mov [WORD LOW SDA], si
- mov [WORD HIGH pCurrCDS], ds
- add [WORD LOW pCurrCDS], si
- mov [WORD HIGH pDTA], ds
- add [WORD LOW pDTA], si
- mov [WORD HIGH FN1], ds
- add [WORD LOW FN1], si
- mov [WORD HIGH AccMode], ds
- add [WORD LOW AccMode], si
- mov [WORD HIGH SrchAttr], ds
- add [WORD LOW SrchAttr], si
- mov [WORD HIGH ExtOpenMode], ds
- add [WORD LOW ExtOpenMode], si
- mov ax, DSeg
- mov ds, ax
- ASSUME ds:DSeg
- ; Get address of LoL
- mov ah, 52h
- int 21h ; ES:BX -> List of Lists
- mov [WORD LOW LstOfLst], bx
- mov [WORD HIGH LstOfLst], es
- ; Get Lastdrive
- mov cl, [es:bx+21h]
- mov [LastDrive], cl
- ; Check if XMS is present, and get driver entry point
- mov ax, 4300h
- int 2Fh
- cmp al, 80h
- jne NoXMS
- mov [XMSFound], 1
- mov ax, 4310h
- int 2Fh
- mov [WORD LOW XMSEntry], bx
- mov [WORD HIGH XMSEntry], es
- NoXMS:
- ; Parse command line
- call ParseCmdLine
- cmp [UnInstall], 1
- jne InstallDriver
- ; Scan through INT 2D functions 00h-0FFh in descending order.
- mov [ApiFunc], 0FFh
- CallMultiplex:
- mov ah, [ApiFunc]
- xor al, al ; Installation check
- int 2Dh
- cmp al, 0FFh
- jne @@NextMultiplex
- mov bx, ResCode ; Compare signature strings
- mov si, OFFSET AMISSign
- push ds
- mov ds, bx
- mov es, dx ; ES=driver's ResCode segment
- mov cx, 4
- cld
- repe cmpsd
- pop ds
- jne @@NextMultiplex
- ; Installed iHPFS found.
- mov [DriverLoaded], 1
- cmp [SpecUninstall], 0
- jz @@TotalUninstall ; Uninstall all drives
- ; Loop through list of drives to uninstall.
- mov bx, -1
- @@UninstallDrives:
- inc bx
- cmp bx, 26
- je @@NextMultiplex
- cmp [UninstallDrv+bx], 0
- je @@UninstallDrives
- movzx ax, [ApiFunc]
- call NEAR QueryDrive, bx, ax
- or ah, ah
- jz @@UninstallDrives
- mov [UninstallDrv+bx], 0 ; Driver found
- call NEAR RemoveDrv, bx, es
- or ah, ah
- jnz @@errRmDrvFail
- mov dl, bl
- add dl, 'A'
- mov [MsgDrvRemovedLetter], dl
- mov ah, 9
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgDrvRemoved
- int 21h
- jmp @@UninstallDrives
- @@errRmDrvFail:
- mov dl, bl
- add dl, 'A'
- mov [MsgCantRmDrvLetter], dl
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgCantRmDrv
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- jmp @@UninstallDrives
- @@TotalUninstall:
- call NEAR UninstallDriver, es
- mov [Installed], 1 ; Driver uninstalled
- jmp @@NextMultiplex
- @@NextMultiplex:
- sub [ApiFunc], 1
- jnc CallMultiplex
- cmp [DriverLoaded], 0
- je @@errNotLoaded
- cmp [SpecUninstall], 0
- jnz @@ChkUninstallResult
- cmp [Installed], 0
- je @@errCantUninstall
- ; Total uninstall done.
- mov ah, 9
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgUnInstalled
- int 21h
- mov ax, 4C00h
- int 21h
- ; Check if any drives couldn't be uninstalled.
- @@ChkUninstallResult:
- mov bx, -1
- @@ChkUninstall1:
- inc bx
- cmp bx, 26
- je @@Exit
- cmp [UninstallDrv+bx], 0
- je @@ChkUninstall1
- mov dl, bl
- add dl, 'A'
- mov [MsgDrvNotInstLetter], dl
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgDrvNotInst
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- jmp @@ChkUninstall1
- InstallDriver:
- ASSUME cs:CSeg,ds:DSeg,es:NOTHING,fs:NOTHING,ss:SSeg,gs:ResCode
- ; Release environment block.
- mov es, [PSP]
- mov ax, [es:2Ch]
- mov es, ax
- mov ah, 49h
- int 21h
- jc errEnvRel
- ; Find an unused Multiplex function
- xor ah, ah
- FindFreeMux:
- xor al, al ; Installation check
- push ax
- int 2Dh
- or al, al
- pop ax
- je FoundFreeMux
- add ah, 1
- jz errNoFreeMux
- jmp FindFreeMux
- FoundFreeMux:
- mov [ApiFunc], ah ; Save Multiplex function
- call NEAR ScanDisks
- ; Check if any specified partitions weren't found.
- mov bx, -1
- @@ChkPartFound:
- inc bx
- cmp bx, 26
- je @@ChkPartFound1
- cmp [Partitions+bx], 0FEh
- jae @@ChkPartFound
- mov ax, bx
- mov dl, 10
- div dl
- or al, al
- jz @@ChkPartFound2
- add al, 30h
- @@ChkPartFound2:
- add ah, 30h
- mov [WORD MsgPartNotFoundNr], ax
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgPartNotFound
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov [ErrSignaled], 1
- jmp @@ChkPartFound
- @@ChkPartFound1:
- cmp [Installed], 0
- jnz @@Installed ; One or more drives installed
- cmp [ErrSignaled], 0
- jnz @@Exit ; Error message already displayed
- jmp errNoHPFS ; No HPFS partitions found
- ; One or more drives successfully installed.
- @@Installed:
- mov ax, ResCode
- mov es, ax
- ASSUME es:ResCode
- ; Get File Character Upcase Table
- mov ax, 6504h
- mov bx, 0FFFFh
- mov cx, 5
- mov dx, 0FFFFh
- mov di, OFFSET TermChars
- int 21h
- jc @@GetFileChar
- push ds
- lds si, [DWORD TermChars+1]
- add si, 2
- mov di, OFFSET UpCaseTbl
- mov cx, 32
- cld
- rep movsd
- pop ds
- ; Get File-Character Table
- @@GetFileChar:
- mov ax, 6505h ; Get File-Character Table
- mov bx, 0FFFFh ; Default codepage
- mov cx, 5 ; Buffer size
- mov dx, 0FFFFh ; Default country ID
- mov di, OFFSET TermChars
- int 21h
- jc @@FileChar2
- mov si, [WORD TermChars+1]
- mov ax, [WORD TermChars+3]
- mov ds, ax
- add si, 3
- cld
- lodsw
- mov [WORD MinPerm], ax
- inc si
- lodsw
- mov [WORD MinExcl], ax
- inc si
- lodsb
- mov cl, al
- mov [NumTerm], al
- xor ch, ch
- mov di, OFFSET TermChars
- rep movsb
- @@FileChar2:
- ; Get interrupt 2D and 2F vectors.
- mov ax, ResCode
- mov fs, ax
- GetIntVectors:
- mov ax, 352Dh
- int 21h
- mov [WORD OldInt2D], bx
- mov [WORD HIGH OldInt2D], es
- mov ax, 352Fh
- int 21h
- mov [WORD OldInt2F], bx
- mov [WORD HIGH OldInt2F], es
- ; Set new interrupt 2D and 2F vectors.
- push ds
- mov ax, ResCode
- mov ds, ax
- mov ax, 252Dh
- mov dx, OFFSET Int2DEntry
- int 21h
- mov ax, 252Fh
- mov dx, OFFSET Int2FEntry
- int 21h
- pop ds
- ; Terminate and Stay Resident
- mov ax, 3100h
- mov dx, ResData
- sub dx, ResCode
- add dx, 16 ; 16 paras for PSP
- mov bx, OFFSET EndResData
- shr bx, 4
- add dx, bx
- inc dx
- int 21h
- @@Exit:
- mov ax, 4C00h
- int 21h
- ;--------
- ; Errors
- errBadDosVer:
- Abort 0
- errEnvRel:
- errMemRel:
- Abort 1 ; Malloc error
- errNoSDA:
- Abort 3 ; Compatibility error
- errNoHPFS:
- Abort 5
- errNoFreeMux:
- Abort 14 ; No free multiplex function
- @@errCantUninstall:
- Abort 11 ; Cannot unload
- @@errNotLoaded:
- Abort 15 ; Driver not loaded
- ENDP Main
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Scans all hard disks in the system.
- ASSUME ds:DSeg,es:ResCode,fs:ResCode,gs:NOTHING
- LOCAL @@Drive:BYTE, @@Cyls:WORD, @@Heads:WORD, @@Secs:WORD
- push es fs gs
- mov ax, ResCode
- mov es, ax
- mov fs, ax
- mov [@@Drive], 80h
- @@DoDrive:
- ; Get drive type
- mov ah, 15h
- mov dl, [@@Drive]
- int 13h
- jc @@Done
- cmp ah, 03h
- jne @@Done
- ; Get drive parameters
- mov ah, 08h
- mov dl, [@@Drive]
- int 13h
- jc @@Done
- mov ax, cx
- xchg ah, al
- shr ah, 6
- inc ax
- mov [@@Cyls], ax
- mov [BYTE LOW @@Heads], dh
- mov [BYTE HIGH @@Heads], 0
- inc [@@Heads]
- and cx, 3Fh
- mov [@@Secs], cx
- ; Check for IBM/MS Extensions
- ; Some BIOSes return major version 02h in AH, which seems to
- ; be incorrect. These BIOSes also have a strange support bitmap,
- ; so we ignore it.
- mov [@@IBM_MS_Ext], 0
- cmp [NoIBMExt], 0
- jnz @@ExtChecked
- mov ah, 41h
- mov bx, 55AAh
- mov dl, [@@Drive]
- int 13h
- jc @@ExtChecked
- cmp bx, 0AA55h
- jne @@ExtChecked
- cmp ah, 02h ; Buggy version
- je @@HasIBMExt
- test cl, 1 ; Extended functions supported
- jz @@ExtChecked
- @@HasIBMExt:
- mov [@@IBM_MS_Ext], 1
- @@ExtChecked:
- ; Read the first sector just to make sure the drive exists. This is the only
- ; safe way as the drive type/drive param calls may return crazy values.
- mov ax, 0201h
- mov bx, OFFSET Buf1
- mov cx, 1
- movzx dx, [@@Drive]
- int 13h
- jc @@Done
- movzx dx, [@@Drive]
- mov [ExtPartBase], 0
- call NEAR ScanPartTbl, Method_CHS,dx,[@@Heads],[@@Secs],[@@IBM_MS_Ext],0,0,1,0 0
- inc [@@Drive]
- jnc @@DoDrive
- @@Done:
- pop gs fs es
- ret
- ENDP ScanDisks
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Scans partition tables on a drive.
- ; Args: @@Method Disk access method to use
- ; @@Drive Drive number
- ; @@nHeads Number of heads (logical)
- ; @@nSecs Number of sectors (logical)
- ; @@IBM_MS_Ext IBM/MS Extensions supported
- ; @@PartCyl Cylinder of partition table
- ; @@PartHead Head of partition table
- ; @@PartSec Sector of partition table
- ; @@PartLBA LBA of partition table
- ; Return CF=1 if a critical error is encountered (scan should not continue)
- ASSUME ds:DSeg,es:ResCode,fs:ResCode,gs:NOTHING
- ARG @@Method,@@Drive,@@nHeads,@@nSecs,@@IBM_MS_Ext,@@PartCyl,@@PartHead,@@PartSec,@@PartLBA:DWORD
- LOCAL @@PartOfs:WORD, @@HighPart:BYTE, @@sLBA:DWORD
- LOCAL @@sCyl:WORD, @@sHead:WORD, @@sSec:WORD
- LOCAL @@eCyl:WORD, @@eHead:WORD, @@eSec:WORD
- mov [@@PartOfs], 1BEh
- @@DoEntry:
- mov [@@HighPart], 0
- cmp [@@Method], Method_CHS
- je @@ReadPartCHS
- cmp [@@Method], Method_CHSExt
- je @@ReadPartCHSExt
- jmp @@ReadPartExt
- ; Read partition table using CHS
- @@ReadPartCHS:
- call NEAR ReadSectorCHS PASCAL, [@@PartLBA],[@@Drive],[@@nHeads],[@@nSecs],es (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@errReadError
- jmp @@PartTableRead
- ; Read partition table using extended CHS
- @@ReadPartCHSExt:
- call NEAR ReadSectorExtCHS PASCAL, [@@PartLBA],[@@Drive],[@@nHeads],[@@nSecs],es (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@errReadError
- jmp @@PartTableRead
- ; Read partition table using IBM/MS Extensions
- @@ReadPartExt:
- mov [DiskAddrPkt1.Count], 1
- mov eax, [@@PartLBA]
- mov [DWORD LOW DiskAddrPkt1.Sector], eax
- mov [WORD LOW DiskAddrPkt1.Buffer], OFFSET Buf1
- mov [WORD HIGH DiskAddrPkt1.Buffer], SEG Buf1
- mov dl, [BYTE LOW @@Drive]
- mov si, OFFSET DiskAddrPkt1
- mov ah, 42h
- int 13h
- jc @@errReadError
- @@PartTableRead:
- ; Check partition table signature
- cmp [WORD Buf1+510], 0AA55h
- jne @@errBadPartTable
- mov bx, [@@PartOfs]
- cmp [BYTE Buf1+bx+04h], 0 ; Unused entry
- jz @@NextEntry
- ; Extract CHS information
- movzx ax, [Buf1+bx+01h]
- mov [@@sHead], ax
- movzx ax, [Buf1+bx+02h]
- mov [@@sSec], ax
- and [@@sSec], 3Fh
- shl ax, 2
- mov al, [Buf1+bx+03h]
- mov [@@sCyl], ax
- movzx ax, [Buf1+bx+05h]
- mov [@@eHead], ax
- movzx ax, [Buf1+bx+06h]
- mov [@@eSec], ax
- and [@@eSec], 3Fh
- shl ax, 2
- mov al, [Buf1+bx+07h]
- mov [@@eCyl], ax
- ; Calculate partition size from CHS information to determine if high
- movzx eax, [@@eCyl]
- sub ax, [@@sCyl]
- mul [@@nHeads]
- shl edx, 16
- add eax, edx
- movzx edx, [@@nSecs]
- mul edx
- mov ecx, eax
- movzx eax, [BYTE LOW @@eHead]
- sub al, [BYTE LOW @@sHead]
- mul [BYTE LOW @@nSecs]
- add al, [BYTE LOW @@eSec]
- adc ah, 0
- sub al, [BYTE LOW @@sSec]
- sbb ah, 0
- add ecx, eax
- inc ecx ; ECX = partition size
- cmp ecx, [DWORD Buf1+bx+0Ch]
- je @@PartSizeDone
- mov [@@HighPart], 1
- cmp ecx, 1
- je @@PartSizeDone
- cmp [Buf1+bx+04h], 05h
- jne @@PartSizeDone
- mov [@@HighPart], 0 ; Extended partition, partially high
- @@PartSizeDone:
- mov al, [Buf1+bx+04h] ; Partition type
- cmp al, 05h
- je @@ExtPart
- cmp al, 07h
- je @@HPFSPart
- cmp al, 17h
- je @@HPFSPart
- jmp @@NextEntry
- @@ExtPart:
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+bx+08h]
- add eax, [ExtPartBase] ; Relative to first extended partition
- mov [@@sLBA], eax ; LBA of partition
- cmp [ExtPartBase], 0
- jnz @@ExtBaseDone
- mov [ExtPartBase], eax ; This is the first ext part
- @@ExtBaseDone:
- cmp [@@HighPart], 0
- jnz @@ExtPartHigh
- call NEAR ScanPartTbl, Method_CHS,[@@Drive],[@@nHeads],[@@nSecs],[@@IBM_MS_Ext],[@@sCyl],[@@sHead],[@@sSec],[@@sLBA]
- jc @@Done
- jmp @@NextEntry
- @@ExtPartHigh:
- cmp [@@IBM_MS_Ext], 0
- jnz @@ExtPartIBMExt
- cmp [UseExtCHS], 0
- jz @@NextEntry
- test [BYTE LOW @@nHeads], 0C0h
- jnz @@NextEntry ; Must have at most 63 heads
- call NEAR CheckCylNumber, [@@sLBA], [@@nHeads], [@@nSecs]
- jnz @@NextEntry
- call NEAR ScanPartTbl, Method_CHSExt,[@@Drive],[@@nHeads],[@@nSecs],[@@IBM_MS_Ext],0,0,0,[@@sLBA]
- jc @@Done
- jmp @@NextEntry
- @@ExtPartIBMExt:
- call NEAR ScanPartTbl, Method_Ext,[@@Drive],[@@nHeads],[@@nSecs],[@@IBM_MS_Ext],0,0,0,[@@sLBA]
- jc @@Done
- jmp @@NextEntry
- @@HPFSPart:
- mov eax, [@@PartLBA] ; Relative to current ext part
- add eax, [DWORD Buf1+bx+08h]
- mov [@@sLBA], eax ; LBA of partition
- cmp [@@HighPart], 0
- jnz @@HPFSPartHigh
- call NEAR CheckHPFSPart, Method_CHS,[@@Drive],[@@nHeads],[@@nSecs],[@@sCyl],[@@sHead],[@@sSec],[@@sLBA]
- jc @@Done
- jmp @@NextEntry
- @@HPFSPartHigh:
- cmp [@@IBM_MS_Ext], 0
- jnz @@HPFSPartIBMExt
- cmp [UseExtCHS], 0
- jz @@NextEntry
- test [BYTE LOW @@nHeads], 0C0h
- jnz @@NextEntry ; Must have at most 63 heads
- mov eax, [@@sLBA] ; Check that we can read last sector
- add eax, [DWORD Buf1+bx+0Ch]
- dec eax
- call NEAR CheckCylNumber, eax, [@@nHeads], [@@nSecs]
- jnz @@NextEntry
- call NEAR CheckHPFSPart, Method_CHSExt,[@@Drive],[@@nHeads],[@@nSecs],0,0,0,[@@sLBA]
- jc @@Done
- jmp @@NextEntry
- @@HPFSPartIBMExt:
- call NEAR CheckHPFSPart, Method_Ext,[@@Drive],[@@nHeads],[@@nSecs],0,0,0,[@@sLBA]
- jc @@Done
- jmp @@NextEntry
- @@NextEntry:
- add [@@PartOfs], 10h
- cmp [@@PartOfs], 1FEh
- jb @@DoEntry
- clc
- jmp @@Done
- @@errReadError:
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgDiskError
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- stc
- jmp @@Done
- @@errBadPartTable:
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgBadPartTable
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- stc
- ; FALL THROUGH to @@Done
- @@Done:
- ret
- ENDP ScanPartTbl
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Checks and possibly installs an HPFS partition. Uses Buf2
- ; Args: @@Method Disk access method to use
- ; @@PhysDrive Drive number
- ; @@nHeads Number of heads (logical)
- ; @@nSecs Number of sectors (logical)
- ; @@sCyl Starting cylinder
- ; @@sHead Starting head
- ; @@sSec Starting sector
- ; @@sLBA Starting LBA
- ; Returns CF=1 if a critical error occurs.
- ASSUME ds:DSeg,es:ResCode,fs:ResCode,gs:NOTHING
- ARG @@Method,@@PhysDrive,@@nHeads,@@nSecs,@@sCyl,@@sHead,@@sSec,@@sLBA:DWORD
- LOCAL @@Drive:BYTE
- push ds es fs gs
- pushad
- cmp [@@Method], Method_CHS
- je @@ReadCHS
- cmp [@@Method], Method_CHSExt
- je @@ReadCHSExt
- jmp @@ReadExt
- ; Read boot sector using CHS
- @@ReadCHS:
- call NEAR ReadSectorCHS PASCAL, [@@sLBA],[@@PhysDrive],[@@nHeads],[@@nSecs],es (OFFSET Buf2)
- jc @@errReadError
- jmp @@BootRead
- ; Read boot sector using extended CHS
- @@ReadCHSExt:
- call NEAR ReadSectorExtCHS PASCAL, [@@sLBA],[@@PhysDrive],[@@nHeads],[@@nSecs],es (OFFSET Buf2)
- jc @@errReadError
- jmp @@BootRead
- ; Read boot sector using IBM/MS Extensions
- @@ReadExt:
- mov [DiskAddrPkt1.Count], 1
- mov eax, [@@sLBA]
- mov [DWORD LOW DiskAddrPkt1.Sector], eax
- mov [WORD LOW DiskAddrPkt1.Buffer], OFFSET Buf2
- mov [WORD HIGH DiskAddrPkt1.Buffer], SEG Buf2
- mov dl, [BYTE LOW @@PhysDrive]
- mov si, OFFSET DiskAddrPkt1
- mov ah, 42h
- int 13h
- jc @@errReadError
- @@BootRead:
- ; Check the HPFS signature
- cmp [WORD Buf2+36h], 'PH'
- jne @@Done
- cmp [WORD Buf2+38h], 'SF'
- jne @@Done
- ; HPFS partition found.
- inc [PartCount]
- movzx bx, [PartCount]
- mov dl, [Partitions+bx]
- mov [@@Drive], dl
- mov [Partitions+bx], 0FFh ; Partition found
- cmp dl, 0FFh
- je @@Done ; Don't install this partition
- ; Check that partition is not already installed
- call NEAR IsInstalledPart, bx
- or ah, ah
- jnz @@errPartInstalled
- les bx, [LstOfLst]
- les si, [es:bx+16h] ; CDS array
- cmp [@@Drive], 0FEh
- je @@ScanCDS ; Find first free drive letter
- mov ah, 36h ; Get disk free space
- mov dl, [@@Drive]
- inc dl
- int 21h
- cmp ax, 0FFFFh
- jne @@errDrvUsed
- mov al, [BYTE CDSSize]
- mov cl, [@@Drive]
- mul cl
- mov si, ax ; Points to CDS for our drive
- cmp cl, [LastDrive]
- jb @@FoundCDS
- jmp @@errInvDrv
- ; Search the CDS array, look for an unused CDS.
- ; ES:SI -> CDS.
- @@ScanCDS:
- mov [@@Drive], 0
- @@ScanCDS1:
- cmp [DrDos], 0
- jz @@ScanCDS2
- cmp [WORD es:si+43h], 0 ; DR-DOS
- jmp @@ScanCDS3
- @@ScanCDS2:
- test [WORD es:si+43h], 0C000h ; Mask bits 15 and 14 of drv attributes
- @@ScanCDS3:
- jz @@FoundCDS ; If 0, then drive is invalid = free
- add si, [CDSSize] ; Point to next CDS
- inc [@@Drive]
- mov cl, [@@Drive]
- cmp cl, [LastDrive]
- jb @@ScanCDS1 ; Go to next CDS entry
- jmp @@errOutOfDrv
- @@FoundCDS:
- ; Allocate memory for resident data
- mov bx, OFFSET EndResData
- shr bx, 4
- inc bx
- mov ah, 48h
- int 21h
- jc @@errMallocErr
- movzx bx, [@@Drive]
- shl bx, 1
- mov [DataSegs+bx], ax ; Save ResData segment
- mov gs, ax
- ASSUME gs:ResData
- ; Clear resident data.
- push es
- mov es, ax
- xor al, al
- cld
- mov cx, OFFSET EndResData
- xor di, di
- rep stosb
- pop es
- ; Set resident data
- mov al, [BYTE LOW @@PhysDrive]
- mov [PhysDrv], al
- mov ax, [@@nHeads]
- mov [nHeads], ax
- mov al, [BYTE LOW @@nSecs]
- mov [nSecs], al
- mov al, [PartCount]
- mov [PartitionNr], al
- mov al, [BYTE LOW @@Method]
- mov [AccessMethod], al
- mov eax, [@@sLBA]
- mov [LBAstart], eax
- call InitResData
- ; Set CDS fields
- mov cl, [@@Drive]
- add cl, 'A'
- mov [MsgDrvLetter], cl
- cmp [DrDos], 0
- jz @@SetCDS
- mov [WORD es:si+43h], 8000h ; DR-DOS
- jmp @@CDSSet
- @@SetCDS:
- or [WORD es:si+43h], 0C000h ; Flags+Physical bits on = Netwrk drive
- @@CDSSet:
- mov [es:si], cl
- mov [WORD es:si+1], '\:'
- mov [BYTE es:si+3], 0
- mov [WORD es:si+4Fh], 2 ; Offset of backslash
- mov [Installed], 1 ; Drive successfully installed
- ; Partition installed - print message
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgInstalled
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- jmp @@Done
- @@errReadError:
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgDiskError
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- jmp @@Done
- @@errDrvUsed:
- mov dl, [@@Drive]
- add dl, 'A'
- mov [MsgDrvUsedLetter], dl
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgDrvUsed
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov [ErrSignaled], 1
- jmp @@Done
- @@errInvDrv:
- mov dl, [@@Drive]
- add dl, 'A'
- mov [MsgInvDrvLetter], dl
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgInvDrv
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov [ErrSignaled], 1
- jmp @@Done
- @@errPartInstalled:
- movzx ax, [PartCount]
- mov dl, 10
- div dl
- or al, al
- jz @@errPartInstalled1 ; Leave 00h if first digit 0.
- add al, 30h
- @@errPartInstalled1:
- add ah, 30h
- mov [WORD MsgPartInstalledNr], ax
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgPartInstalled
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov [ErrSignaled], 1
- jmp @@Done
- @@errOutOfDrv:
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgNoAvailDrvLetter
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov [ErrSignaled], 1
- jmp @@Fail
- @@errMallocErr:
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgMallocErr
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov [ErrSignaled], 1
- jmp @@Fail
- @@Fail: stc
- jmp @@Exit
- @@Done:
- clc
- @@Exit:
- popad
- pop gs fs es ds
- ret
- ENDP CheckHPFSPart
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Read a sector given by LBA using CHS addressing.
- ASSUME ds:DSeg,es:ResCode,fs:ResCode,gs:NOTHING
- ARG @@Sector:DWORD, @@Drive:WORD, @@nHeads:WORD, @@nSecs:WORD, @@Buf:DWORD
- pushad
- push es
- mov ecx, [@@Sector]
- mov ax, [@@nSecs]
- mul [@@nHeads]
- mov bx, ax ; Sectors/track * heads
- mov ax, cx
- mov edx, ecx
- shr edx, 16 ; DX:AX = logical sector #
- div bx
- push ax ; Cylinder
- mov ax, dx
- div [BYTE LOW @@nSecs]
- movzx dx, al ; Head
- mov cl, ah ; Sector
- inc cl
- pop ax ; Cylinder
- mov dh, dl ; Head
- mov ch, al
- xor al, al
- shr ax, 2
- or cl, al ; bits 8 and 9 of cyl. number go here
- xor al, al
- mov ax, 0201h
- les bx, [@@Buf]
- mov dl, [BYTE LOW @@Drive]
- int 13h
- pop es
- popad
- ret
- ENDP ReadSectorCHS
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Read a sector given by LBA using extended CHS addressing.
- ASSUME ds:DSeg,es:ResCode,fs:ResCode,gs:NOTHING
- ARG @@Sector:DWORD, @@Drive:WORD, @@nHeads:WORD, @@nSecs:WORD, @@Buf:DWORD
- pushad
- push es
- mov ecx, [@@Sector]
- mov ax, [@@nSecs]
- mul [@@nHeads]
- mov bx, ax ; Sectors/track * heads
- mov ax, cx
- mov edx, ecx
- shr edx, 16 ; DX:AX = logical sector #
- div bx
- push ax ; Cylinder
- mov ax, dx
- div [BYTE LOW @@nSecs]
- movzx dx, al ; Head
- mov cl, ah ; Sector
- inc cl
- pop ax ; Cylinder
- mov dh, dl ; Head
- mov ch, al
- xor al, al
- shr ax, 2
- or cl, al ; bits 8 and 9 of cyl. number go here
- xor al, al
- shr ax, 2
- or dh, al ; bits 10 and 11 of cyl (BIOS extension)
- mov ax, 0201h
- les bx, [@@Buf]
- mov dl, [BYTE LOW @@Drive]
- int 13h
- pop es
- popad
- ret
- ENDP ReadSectorExtCHS
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Determines the cylinder number of a given logical sector and returns
- ; ZF=1 if it is less than 4096, which means it can be read with
- ; extended CHS addressing.
- PROC CheckCylNumber PASCAL
- ASSUME ds:DSeg,es:ResCode,fs:ResCode,gs:NOTHING
- ARG @@Sector:DWORD, @@nHeads:WORD, @@nSecs:WORD
- pushad
- mov ecx, [@@Sector]
- mov ax, [@@nSecs]
- mul [@@nHeads]
- mov bx, ax ; Sectors/track * heads
- mov ax, cx
- mov edx, ecx
- shr edx, 16 ; DX:AX = logical sector #
- div bx
- test ax, 0F000h
- popad
- ret
- ENDP CheckCylNumber
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Initialize resident data. Assumes GS=ResData
- ASSUME ds:ResCode,es:ResData,fs:NOTHING,gs:ResData
- LOCAL @@BitmapTable:DWORD
- pushad
- push ds es fs gs
- mov ax, ResCode
- mov ds, ax
- push gs
- pop es
- ; Read the boot sector
- call FAR ThunkReadSector PASCAL, LARGE 0, 1, ds (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@ReadError
- mov cx, 11
- mov si, OFFSET Buf1+2Bh
- mov di, OFFSET Volabel
- rep movsb
- mov al, [BYTE Buf1+15h] ; Media ID byte
- mov [MediaID], al
- ; Read the SuperBlock
- call FAR ThunkReadSector PASCAL, LARGE 16, 1, ds (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@ReadError
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+0Ch] ; Root dir fnode
- mov [CDFNode], eax
- mov [RootFNode], eax
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+10h] ; Partition size in sectors
- mov [TotalSectors], eax
- mov eax, [DWORD Buf1+18h]
- mov [@@BitmapTable], eax
- ; Scan the free space bitmaps and count free sectors.
- mov edx, [TotalSectors]
- add edx, 3FFFh
- shr edx, 14 ; Number of bands
- shl dx, 2
- xor bx, bx ; offset into bitmap table
- xor ecx, ecx ; bit count
- @@DoBand:
- ; Read free space bitmap table
- call FAR ThunkReadSector PASCAL, [@@BitmapTable], 4, ds (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@ReadError
- ; Read free space bitmaps
- call FAR ThunkReadSector PASCAL, [DWORD Buf1+bx], 4, ds (OFFSET Buf1)
- jc @@ReadError
- call CountBits
- add ecx, eax
- add bx, 4
- cmp bx, dx
- jne @@DoBand
- mov [FreeSectors], ecx
- pop gs fs es ds
- popad
- ret
- @@ReadError:
- Abort 4
- ENDP InitResData
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Count number of set bits in Buf. Assumes DS=ResCode. Returns
- ; number of set bits in EAX.
- PROC CountBits
- push cx dx si
- xor dx, dx
- mov si, OFFSET Buf1
- mov cx, 4*512
- cld
- @@Bytes:
- lodsb
- push cx
- mov cx, 8
- @@Bits: shr al, 1
- adc dx, 0
- loop @@Bits
- pop cx
- loop @@Bytes
- movzx eax, dx
- pop si dx cx
- ret
- ENDP CountBits
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Write error message BX, release memory and exit
- PROC AbortMsg
- ASSUME cs:CSeg,ds:DSeg,es:NOTHING,fs:ResCode,gs:NOTHING
- push bx
- mov ax, DSeg
- mov ds, ax
- mov ax, ResCode
- mov fs, ax
- shl bx, 1
- mov dx, [ErrMsgTbl+bx]
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- ; Deallocate XMS
- cmp [CacheOn], 0
- jz @@Exit
- mov cl, [XMSBlocks]
- xor ch, ch
- jcxz @@1
- mov ah, 0Ah
- mov dx, [hCacheSectors]
- call [XMSEntry]
- dec cx
- jcxz @@1
- mov ah, 0Ah
- mov dx, [hCacheLists]
- call [XMSEntry]
- dec cx
- jcxz @@1
- mov ah, 0Ah
- mov dx, [hHashTable]
- call [XMSEntry]
- ; Release allocated ResData blocks.
- @@1: xor bx, bx
- mov cx, 26
- @@2: mov ax, [DataSegs+bx]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@3
- mov es, ax
- mov ah, 49h
- push bx cx
- int 21h
- pop cx bx
- @@3: add bx, 2
- loop @@2
- @@Exit:
- pop ax
- mov ah, 4Ch
- int 21h
- ENDP AbortMsg
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Check if iHPFS is alredy loaded for a partition. Returns
- ; AH=00h if not installed, 01h if installed
- ; DL=drive number if partition installed.
- PROC IsInstalledPart PASCAL
- ARG @@Part
- LOCAL @@Func:BYTE, @@Result, @@Drive:BYTE
- pushad
- ; Scan through INT 2D functions 00h-0FFh.
- mov [@@Func], 0
- @@CallMultiplex:
- mov ah, [@@Func]
- xor al, al ; Installation check
- int 2Dh
- cmp al, 0FFh
- jne @@NextMultiplex
- mov bx, ResCode ; Compare signature strings
- mov si, OFFSET AMISSign
- push ds
- mov ds, bx
- mov es, dx
- mov cx, 4
- cld
- repe cmpsd
- pop ds
- jne @@NextMultiplex
- ; Installed iHPFS found.
- call NEAR QueryPart, [@@Part], es
- mov [@@Result], ax
- mov [@@Drive], dl
- or ah, ah
- jnz @@Done ; Partition found, exit.
- @@NextMultiplex:
- add [@@Func], 1
- jnz @@CallMultiplex
- mov [@@Result], 0FFh ; Partition not found.
- mov [@@Drive], 0FFh
- @@Done: popad
- mov ax, [@@Result]
- mov dl, [@@Drive]
- ret
- ENDP IsInstalledPart
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Uninstall driver.
- PROC UninstallDriver PASCAL
- ARG @@ResCode ; ResCode of driver to uninstall
- pushad
- push ds es gs
- mov ds, [@@ResCode]
- ; Release XMS memory
- cmp [CacheOn], 0
- jz @@XMSReleased
- mov [CacheOn], 0
- mov ah, 0Ah
- mov dx, [hHashTable]
- call [XMSEntry]
- mov ah, 0Ah
- mov dx, [hCacheLists]
- call [XMSEntry]
- mov ah, 0Ah
- mov dx, [hCacheSectors]
- call [XMSEntry]
- @@XMSReleased:
- ; Disconnect drives
- mov cx, -1
- @@Remove:
- inc cx
- cmp cx, 26
- je @@DrivesDisconnected
- mov bx, cx
- shl bx, 1
- cmp [DataSegs+bx], 0
- jz @@Remove
- call NEAR RemoveDrv, cx, ds
- jmp @@Remove
- @@DrivesDisconnected:
- ; Get PSP.
- mov ah, 51h
- int 21h
- mov [@@PSP], bx ; Save old PSP
- ; Set PSP to resident driver. This is so the memory block retains its old owner.
- mov bx, [PSP]
- mov ah, 50h
- int 21h
- mov es, bx
- ; See if interrupt vectors have been hooked by another TSR
- xor ax, ax
- mov gs, ax
- mov ax, [@@ResCode]
- cmp [WORD LOW DWORD gs:2Dh*4], OFFSET Int2DEntry
- jne @@Resize
- cmp [WORD HIGH DWORD gs:2Dh*4], ax
- jne @@Resize
- cmp [WORD LOW DWORD gs:2Fh*4], OFFSET Int2FEntry
- jne @@Resize
- cmp [WORD HIGH DWORD gs:2Fh*4], ax
- jne @@Resize
- ; Restore interrupt vectors
- push ds
- pop gs
- ASSUME gs:ResCode
- lds dx, [OldInt2D]
- mov ax, 252Dh
- int 21h
- lds dx, [OldInt2F]
- mov ax, 252Fh
- int 21h
- push gs
- pop ds
- ASSUME ds:ResCode
- ; Release memory block
- mov ah, 49h
- int 21h
- jmp @@MemReleased
- ; Resize memory block
- @@Resize:
- mov bx, OFFSET EndUninstalledCode
- shr bx, 4
- add bx, 17 ; Paragraphs to keep (code+PSP+1)
- mov ah, 4Ah
- int 21h
- ; Patch in far jump into driver's interrupt code to chain to original handler.
- mov [WORD Int2DEntry], 0EA90h ; NOP and JMP FAR
- mov [WORD Int2FEntry], 0EA90h
- @@MemReleased:
- ; Back to original PSP
- mov bx, [@@PSP]
- mov ah, 50h
- int 21h
- pop gs es ds
- popad
- mov al, 0FFh
- ret
- ENDP UninstallDriver
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Query logical drive connected.
- ; Return: AH=Install status (00h Not installed, 01h Installed)
- PROC QueryDrive PASCAL
- ARG @@Drive, @@ApiFunc
- push bx
- mov ah, [BYTE LOW @@ApiFunc]
- mov al, 10h ; Query drive
- mov bx, [@@Drive]
- int 2Dh
- pop bx
- ret
- ENDP QueryDrive
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Query HPFS partition connected.
- ; Return: AH=Install status (00h Not installed, 01h Installed)
- ; DL=Drive letter associated with partition (if installed)
- ARG @@PartNum, @@ResCodeSeg
- push bx cx dx
- push ds es
- mov ds, [@@ResCodeSeg]
- mov dx, -1
- @@1:
- inc dx
- cmp dx, 26
- je @@PartNotFound
- movzx bx, dl
- shl bx, 1
- mov bx, [DataSegs+bx]
- or bx, bx
- je @@1
- mov es, bx
- ASSUME es:ResData
- mov cl, [BYTE LOW @@PartNum]
- cmp [PartitionNr], cl
- jne @@1
- mov ax, 01FFh
- jmp @@Done
- @@PartNotFound:
- mov ax, 0FFh
- @@Done:
- pop es ds
- pop dx cx bx
- ret
- ENDP QueryPart
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Remove a drive.
- ; Return: AH=result
- ; 00h = Uninstalled
- ; 01h = Drv not installed
- ; 02h = Failed for other reason
- ARG @@Drive, @@ResCodeSeg
- LOCAL @@RetValue
- ASSUME ds:ResCode,es:NOTHING,fs:DSeg,gs:NOTHING
- pushad
- push ds es fs
- mov ax, DSeg
- mov fs, ax
- mov ds, [@@ResCodeSeg]
- ; Release resident data segment
- movzx bx, [BYTE LOW @@Drive]
- shl bx, 1
- mov dx, [DataSegs+bx]
- or dx, dx
- jz @@NotInstalled
- mov [DataSegs+bx], 0
- mov es, dx
- mov ah, 49h
- int 21h
- ; Patch CDS
- mov ah, 52h
- int 21h ; Get List of Lists in ES:BX
- les bx, [es:bx+16h] ; CDS array
- mov al, [BYTE LOW @@Drive]
- mov dl, [BYTE CDSSize]
- mul dl
- add bx, ax ; CDS entry for drive
- mov [WORD es:bx+43h], 0
- mov [@@RetValue], 0FFh
- jmp @@Exit
- @@NotInstalled:
- mov [@@RetValue], 01FFh
- @@Exit: pop fs es ds
- popad
- mov ax, [@@RetValue]
- ret
- ENDP RemoveDrv
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Parse command line.
- LOCAL @@LastByte, @@CacheOpt:BYTE, @@DrvSpecd, @@DriveNo:BYTE
- LOCAL @@PartNum:BYTE, @@UninstallOpt:BYTE
- ASSUME ds:DSeg,es:NOTHING,fs:ResCode
- mov [@@CacheOpt], 0 ; /C option flag
- mov [@@UninstallOpt], 0 ; /U option flag
- mov [@@DrvSpecd], 0
- mov es, [PSP]
- movzx ax, [BYTE es:80h]
- cmp al, 2
- jb @@Done
- add al, 80h
- mov [@@LastByte], ax
- ; Find first non-space character
- mov di, 81h
- @@Next:
- mov cx, [@@LastByte]
- sub cx, di
- jc @@Done
- inc cx
- mov al, ' '
- cmp al, ' ' ; Set zero flag
- repe scasb
- je @@Done
- dec di
- ; Get char and convert to upper case
- mov dl, [es:di]
- mov ax, 6520h
- int 21h
- ; Check for drive spec 'A'..'Z'
- cmp dl, 'A'
- jb @@Parse1
- cmp dl, 'Z'
- ja @@Parse1
- ; Drive spec.
- inc di
- mov al, ':' ; Match a colon
- scasb
- jne @@errBadOption
- sub dl, 'A' ; Drive number
- mov [@@DriveNo], dl
- ; Check for partition number '1'..'9'
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@SetDrvLetter ; Save drive letter in list
- mov al, [es:di]
- cmp al, ' '
- je @@SetDrvLetter
- cmp al, '1'
- jb @@errBadOption
- cmp al, '9'
- ja @@errBadOption
- ; Partition number
- mov [Install], 1 ; Partition number - installing
- inc di
- sub al, '0'
- mov [@@PartNum], al
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@SetPart
- mov al, [es:di] ; Second digit
- cmp al, ' '
- je @@SetPart
- cmp al, '0'
- jb @@errBadOption
- cmp al, '9'
- ja @@errBadOption
- inc di
- sub al, '0'
- mov bl, [@@PartNum]
- shl bl, 3 ; Multiply by 10
- add bl, [@@PartNum]
- add bl, [@@PartNum]
- add al, bl
- mov [@@PartNum], al
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@SetPart
- mov al, [es:di]
- cmp al, ' '
- jne @@errBadOption
- @@SetPart:
- mov [@@DrvSpecd], 1 ; Drive letter specified
- movzx bx, [@@PartNum]
- mov al, [@@DriveNo]
- cmp [Partitions+bx], 0FEh
- jne @@errPartUsed
- mov [Partitions+bx], al
- jmp @@Next
- @@SetDrvLetter:
- movzx bx, [@@DriveNo]
- mov [UnInstallDrv+bx], 1 ; Uninstall this drive
- mov [UnInstall], 1
- mov [SpecUninstall], 1 ; Drive to uninstall specified
- jmp @@Next
- @@Parse1:
- ; Check for switches
- mov al, '/'
- scasb
- jne @@errBadOption
- ; Switch
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@errBadOption
- mov dl, [es:di]
- inc di
- mov ax, 6520h ; Upper case
- int 21h
- cmp dl, 'B'
- je @@BIOSExtension
- cmp dl, 'C'
- je @@CacheSize
- cmp dl, 'U'
- je @@UnInstall
- cmp dl, 'L'
- je @@ConvertLong
- cmp dl, 'M'
- je @@Multitrack
- jmp @@errBadOption
- ; /B switch
- @@BIOSExtension:
- ; mov [UseExtCHS], 1
- ; cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ; ja @@Next
- ; cmp [BYTE es:di], ' '
- ; jne @@errBadOption
- ; jmp @@Next
- ;***
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@errBadOption
- mov dl, [es:di]
- inc di
- cmp dl, '1'
- je @@ExtCHS
- cmp dl, '2'
- je @@NoIBMExt
- jmp @@errBadOption
- @@ExtCHS:
- mov [UseExtCHS], 1
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@Next
- cmp [BYTE es:di], ' '
- jne @@errBadOption
- jmp @@Next
- @@NoIBMExt:
- mov [NoIBMExt], 1
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@Next
- cmp [BYTE es:di], ' '
- jne @@errBadOption
- jmp @@Next
- ; /C switch
- @@CacheSize:
- cmp [@@CacheOpt], 0
- jnz @@errBadOption ; Only one /C option allowed
- mov [@@CacheOpt], 1
- mov [Install], 1 ; /C switch - installing
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- je @@errBadOption
- mov al, '='
- scasb
- jne @@errBadOption
- xor eax, eax ; AX=Converted number
- @@GetDigit:
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@ConvDone
- cmp [BYTE es:di], ' '
- je @@ConvDone
- mov bx, 10
- mul bx
- or dx, dx
- jne @@errBadOption
- cmp [BYTE es:di], '0'
- jb @@errBadOption
- cmp [BYTE es:di], '9'
- ja @@errBadOption
- add al, [es:di]
- adc ah, 0
- jc @@errBadOption
- sub ax, 30h
- inc di
- jmp @@GetDigit
- @@ConvDone:
- cmp ax, MinCacheSize ; Check that cache size is ok.
- jb @@errBadOption
- cmp ax, MaxCacheSize
- ja @@errBadOption
- mov ecx, eax
- shl eax, 10 ; Bytes
- mov edx, eax
- shr edx, 16 ; Cache size in bytes in DX:AX
- mov bx, 512+CacheEntrySize+2
- div bx ; Cache entries
- mov [CacheEntries], ax
- mov [FreeEntry], ax
- dec [FreeEntry]
- xor dx, dx
- mov bx, LoadFactor
- div bx ; Hash table size=entries/load factor
- mov [HashSize], ax
- ; Allocate the XMS memory blocks
- cmp [XMSFound], 0
- je @@errXMSFailure
- mov dx, [CacheEntries]
- shr dx, 1
- adc dx, 0 ; KB needed for the sectors
- mov ah, 09h
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@errAllocFailed
- mov [hCacheSectors], dx
- inc [XMSBlocks]
- mov ax, [CacheEntries]
- mov dx, CacheEntrySize
- mul dx
- shl edx, 16
- mov dx, ax
- shr edx, 10
- inc dx
- mov ah, 09h
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@errAllocFailed
- mov [hCacheLists], dx
- inc [XMSBlocks]
- mov dx, [HashSize]
- shr dx, 9
- inc dx ; KB needed for hash table
- mov ah, 09h
- call [XMSEntry]
- or ax, ax
- jz @@errAllocFailed
- mov [hHashTable], dx
- inc [XMSBlocks]
- mov [CacheOn], 1
- ; Clear the hash table
- push ds es
- push di
- mov ax, fs
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, ax
- ASSUME ds:ResCode,es:ResCode
- mov di, OFFSET Buf1
- mov cx, 100h
- xor eax, eax
- rep stosd ; Clear Buf1-Buf2
- mov cx, [HashSize]
- shr cx, 9
- inc cx
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], 1024
- mov [XMoveStruc.SourceHandle], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET Buf1
- mov [WORD (XMoveStruc.SourceOffset)+2], ds
- mov ax, [hHashTable]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestOffset], 0
- @@InitCacheTbl:
- mov ah, 0Bh
- mov si, OFFSET XMoveStruc
- call [XMSEntry]
- add [XMoveStruc.DestOffset], 1024
- or ax, ax
- loopnz @@InitCacheTbl
- jz @@errXMSFailure
- ; Clear the sentinel, entry 0
- mov ax, [hCacheLists]
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestHandle], ax
- mov [XMoveStruc.DestOffset], 0
- mov [WORD XMoveStruc.SourceOffset], OFFSET Buf1
- mov [XMoveStruc.Length], CacheEntrySize
- mov ah, 0Bh
- call [XMSEntry]
- jz @@errXMSFailure
- pop di
- pop es ds
- jmp @@Next
- ; /U switch
- @@UnInstall:
- mov [UnInstall], 1 ; /U switch - uninstall
- mov [@@UnInstallOpt], 1
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@Next
- cmp [BYTE es:di], ' '
- jne @@errBadOption
- jmp @@Next
- ; /L switch
- @@ConvertLong:
- mov [ConvertLong], 1
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@Next
- cmp [BYTE es:di], ' '
- jne @@errBadOption
- jmp @@Next
- @@Multitrack:
- mov [Multitrack], 0
- cmp di, [@@LastByte]
- ja @@Next
- cmp [BYTE es:di], ' '
- jne @@errBadOption
- jmp @@Next
- @@errBadOption:
- Abort 7
- @@errPartUsed:
- Abort 17 ; Partition already specified once
- @@errXMSFailure:
- Abort 10
- @@errAllocFailed:
- cmp bl, 0A0h
- jne @@errAlloc1
- Abort 9 ; Out of XMS
- @@errAlloc1:
- cmp bl, 0A1h
- jne @@errAlloc2
- Abort 13 ; Out of XMS handles
- @@errAlloc2:
- Abort 10
- @@Done:
- mov al, [UnInstall]
- xor al, [@@UnInstallOpt]
- jnz @@errBadOption ; Can't specify "/U" xor "d:"
- mov al, [Install]
- test al, [UnInstall]
- jnz @@errBadOption ; Can't both install and uninstall
- or al, al
- jz @@Exit
- cmp [@@DrvSpecd], 0
- jz @@Exit
- ; Mark unwanted partition numbers
- mov bx, -1
- @@MarkPart:
- inc bx
- cmp bx, 26
- ja @@Exit
- cmp [Partitions+bx], 0FEh
- jne @@MarkPart
- mov [Partitions+bx], 0FFh
- jmp @@MarkPart
- @@Exit:
- ret
- ENDP ParseCmdLine
- ;--------------------------------------------- Data for transient section
- MsgHello DB "iHPFS An installable HPFS driver for DOS "
- DB 'Version 1.26 97-11-18',10,13
- DB "Copyright (C) 1993-1997, Marcus Better.",10,13,10,13,"$"
- MsgInstalled DB "Installed as "
- MsgDrvLetter DB 0, ":",10,13,"$"
- MsgUnInstalled DB "Driver uninstalled.",10,13,"$"
- MsgDrvRemoved DB "Removed drive "
- MsgDrvRemovedLetter DB "A:",10,13,"$"
- DiskNumber DB 80h ; Hard disk number
- PartCount DB 0 ; Partition counter
- Partitions DB 27 DUP(0FEh) ; Maps partitions to drive letters.
- ; 0FFh=don't install, 0FEh=first free drv letter.
- XMSFound DB 0 ; Flag: XMS Found?
- XMSBlocks DB 0 ; XMS blocks allocated
- Install DB 0 ; Install iHPFS
- UnInstall DB 0 ; Uninstall iHPFS. Error if both Install AND UnInstall
- UnInstallDrv DB 26 DUP(0); Uninstall drive if set.
- SpecUninstall DB 0 ; Set if specific drives are to be uninstalled.
- DriverLoaded DB 0 ; Set if iHPFS loaded (during uninstall)
- Installed DB 0 ; Set if any drive successfully installed,
- ; or if any uninstalled.
- ErrSignaled DB 0 ; Error message displayed in ScanPartTbl
- ExtPartBase DD 0 ; Base of extended partition offsets
- UseExtCHS DB 0 ; Use extended CHS addressing
- NoIBMExt DB 0 ; Do not use IBM/MS Extensions
- DiskAddrPkt1 DiskAddrPacketStruct <>
- ; DOS info
- LstOfLst DD 0 ; Address of List of Lists
- LastDrive DB 0
- DrDos DB 0 ; Nonzero if DR-DOS (zero if Novell DOS)
- CDSSize DW 58h ; Size of CDS entry
- ; Error message table
- ErrMsgTbl DW MsgBadDOSVer ; Error 0
- DW MsgMallocErr ; Error 1
- DW MsgNoAvailDrvLetter ; Error 2
- DW MsgNoSDA ; Error 3
- DW MsgDiskError ; Error 4
- DW MsgNoPart ; Error 5
- DW MsgDrvUsed ; Error 6
- DW MsgBadCmdLine ; Error 7
- DW MsgInvDrv ; Error 8
- DW MsgOutOfXMS ; Error 9
- DW MsgXMSAllocFailed ; Error 10
- DW MsgCantUninstall ; Error 11
- DW MsgCantRmDrv ; Error 12
- DW MsgOutOfXMSHandles ; Error 13
- DW MsgNoMux ; Error 14
- DW MsgNotLoaded ; Error 15
- DW MsgDrvNotInst ; Error 16
- DW MsgOneDrivePerPart ; Error 17
- DW MsgPartNotFound ; Error 18
- DW MsgPartInstalled ; Error 19
- ; Error messages
- MsgBadDOSVer DB "Wrong DOS version.",10,13,"$"
- MsgMallocErr DB "Memory allocation error.",10,13,"$"
- MsgNoAvailDrvLetter DB "Out of drive letters.",10,13,"$"
- MsgNoSDA DB "Compatibility error.",10,13,"$"
- MsgDiskError DB "Error reading disk.",10,13,"$"
- MsgNoPart DB "Cannot find HPFS partition.",10,13,"$"
- MsgDrvUsed DB "Drive "
- MsgDrvUsedLetter DB "A: already in use.",10,13,"$"
- MsgInvDrv DB "Invalid drive letter "
- MsgInvDrvLetter DB "A:",10,13,"$"
- MsgBadCmdLine DB "Invalid command line arguments.",10,13
- DB "Syntax: IHPFS [options] [d:n d:n ...]",10,13
- DB " IHPFS /U [d:]",10,13
- DB "where d is a drive letter and n is the number of the "
- DB "HPFS partition.",10,13,10,13
- DB "Options:",10,13
- DB "/B1 Use more BIOS extensions to access high partitions.",10,13
- DB "/B2 Do not use IBM/MS Extensions.",10,13
- DB "/C=x Allocate x KB for cache. Must be between 32 and 32768.",10,13
- DB "/L Convert long filenames.",10,13
- DB "/M Disable multitrack operations.",10,13
- DB "/U Uninstall driver.",10,13
- DB "$"
- MsgOutOfXMS DB "Out of XMS memory.",10,13,"$"
- MsgXMSAllocFailed DB "Cannot allocate XMS memory.",10,13,"$"
- MsgCantUninstall DB "Cannot unload driver.",10,13,"$"
- MsgCantRmDrv DB "Couldn't uninstall drive "
- MsgCantRmDrvLetter DB "A:",10,13,"$"
- MsgOutOfXMSHandles DB "Out of XMS handles.",10,13,"$"
- MsgNoMux DB "No free multiplex function found.",10,13,"$"
- MsgNotLoaded DB "iHPFS not loaded.",10,13,"$"
- MsgDrvNotInst DB "iHPFS is not installed for drive "
- MsgDrvNotInstLetter DB "A:",10,13,"$"
- MsgOneDrivePerPart DB "Cannot install two iHPFS drives for the same partition.",10,13,"$"
- MsgPartNotFound DB "Partition "
- MsgPartNotFoundNr DB " 0 not found.",10,13,"$"
- MsgPartInstalled DB "iHPFS already installed for partition "
- MsgPartInstalledNr DB " 0.",10,13,"$"
- MsgBadPartTable DB "Bad partition table signature.",10,13,"$"
- DB 128 DUP ('STACK---')
- END Main