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- ;
- ; KillDrv - Drive removal utility
- ; Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Marcus Better
- ;
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ; (at your option) any later version.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ;
- ;========================================================= MACROs
- MACRO Abort Code
- mov bx, Code
- call AbortMsg
- ;========================================================= CODE segment
- PROC Main
- ; Write hello message
- mov ah, 09h
- mov dx, OFFSET MsgHello
- int 21h
- ; Check for DR-DOS or Novell DOS
- mov ax, 4452h
- stc
- int 21h
- jc @@NotDrDos
- ; DR-DOS or Novell DOS found. Check version.
- cmp ah, 10h
- jne @@errBadDosVer
- cmp al, 72h ; Novell DOS
- je @@NovellDOS
- mov [DrDos], al ; DR-DOS version code
- mov [CDSSize], 51h ; CDS size different under DR-DOS
- cmp al, 65h ; DR-DOS 5
- je @@DosVerOk
- cmp al, 67h ; DR-DOS 6
- je @@DosVerOk
- jmp @@errBadDosVer
- @@NovellDOS:
- ; mov [Novell], 1
- jmp @@DosVerOk
- @@NotDrDos:
- ; Check DOS version
- mov ax, 3000h
- int 21h
- cmp al, 4
- jb @@errBadDOSVer
- cmp al, 10
- jae @@errBadDOSVer
- @@DosVerOk:
- ;Parse command line
- call ParseCmdLine
- cmp [DriveNo], 0FFh
- jne @@DrvSpecd
- Abort 1 ; Drive not specified
- @@DrvSpecd:
- ; Get list of lists.
- mov ah, 52h
- int 21h ; ES:BX->List of lists
- ; Compare drive letter with lastdrive.
- mov al, [es:bx+21h]
- cmp al, [DriveNo]
- ja @@LastdrvOk
- Abort 2 ; Invalid drive letter
- @@LastdrvOk:
- ; Find CDS for drive
- les bx, [es:bx+16h] ; CDS array
- mov al, [DriveNo]
- mov dl, [BYTE CDSSize]
- mul dl
- add bx, ax ; CDS entry for drive
- cmp [DrDos], 0
- jz @@DisableMSDOS
- mov [WORD es:bx+43h], 0
- jmp @@Disabled
- @@DisableMSDOS:
- and [BYTE PTR es:bx+44h], 03Fh ; Remove drive
- @@Disabled:
- ; Print message and return
- mov al, [DriveNo]
- add [RemovedDrv], al
- mov dx, OFFSET OkMsg
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov ax, 4C00h
- int 21h
- @@errBadDosVer:
- Abort 3
- ENDP Main
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- PROC AbortMsg
- ASSUME ds:@data,es:NOTHING
- mov ax, @data
- mov ds, ax
- shl bx, 1
- mov dx, [ErrMsgTbl+bx]
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov ax, bx
- shr ax, 1
- mov ah, 4Ch
- int 21h
- ENDP AbortMsg
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Parse command line.
- LOCAL LastByte
- mov ah, 51h
- int 21h ; Get PSP
- mov es, bx
- mov al, [BYTE PTR es:80h]
- cmp al, 2
- jb @@Done
- add al, 80h
- xor ah, ah
- mov [LastByte], ax
- ; Find first non-space character
- mov di, 81h
- @@Next:
- mov cx, [LastByte]
- sub cx, di
- jc @@Done
- inc cx
- mov al, ' '
- cmp al, ' ' ; Set zero flag
- repe scasb
- je @@Done
- dec di
- ; Get char and convert to upper case
- mov dl, [es:di]
- mov ax, 6520h
- int 21h
- ; Check for drive spec 'A'..'Z'
- cmp dl, 'A'
- jb @@Parse2
- cmp dl, 'Z'
- ja @@Parse2
- ; Drive spec.
- inc di
- mov al, ':' ; Match a colon
- scasb
- jne @@errBadOption
- sub dl, 'A' ; Drive number
- mov [DriveNo], dl
- jmp @@Next
- @@Parse2:
- ; Check for switches
- mov al, '/'
- scasb
- jne @@errBadOption
- ; Switch
- cmp di, [LastByte]
- ja @@errBadOption
- mov dl, [es:di]
- inc di
- mov ax, 6520h ; Upper case
- int 21h
- ; Insert any switches here...
- jmp @@errBadOption
- @@errBadOption:
- Abort 0 ; Bad cmdline syntax
- @@Done:
- ret
- ENDP ParseCmdLine
- ;========================================================= DATA segment
- DriveNo DB 0FFh
- DrDos DB 0 ; Nonzero if DR-DOS (zero if Novell DOS)
- CDSSize DW 58h ; Size of CDS entry
- ; Messages
- ErrMsgTbl DW MsgBadOption ; 0 - Bad cmdline syntax
- DW MsgNoDriveSpec ; 1 - No drive specified
- DW MsgInvalidDrv ; 2 - Invalid drive letter
- DW MsgBadDOSVer ; 3 - Bad DOS version
- MsgHello DB "KillDrv Drive removal utility "
- DB "Version 1.01 97-05-03",10,13
- DB "Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Marcus Better.",10,13,10,13,"$"
- MsgBadOption DB "Invalid command line arguments.",10,13,10,13
- DB "Syntax: KILLDRV d:",10,13
- DB "where d is the drive letter to be removed.",10,13,"$"
- MsgNoDriveSpec DB "No drive letter specified.",10,13,"$"
- MsgInvalidDrv DB "Invalid drive letter.",10,13,"$"
- MsgBadDOSVer DB "Wrong DOS version.",10,13,"$"
- OkMsg DB "Removed drive "
- RemovedDrv DB "A:",10,13,"$"
- ;=========================================================