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- ~-------------------------------------------------------------~
- J a s m i n e
- http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~qw6k-knst/jasmine/jasmine.htm
- e-mail:kinop@sakura.email.ne.jp
- ~-------------------------------------------------------------~
- 0. About Jasmine
- Jasmine is the ftp front-end using of the OS/2 WARP jeniune part for ftp
- (fileTransferProtocol) for the maintainances of your webpages.
- Jasmine will put the files and folders (directories), only which are
- changed or altered from the last put.
- You can also select if you want to put this time such automatcically
- selected files and folders.
- You may record the logs of uploaded files by either daily or monthly, too.
- You need vrobj.dll to be installed in the any libpathed directory.
- Watcom VX-Rexx: Watcom VX-Rexx Library
- >http://www.powersoft.com/services/support/vxrexx/files/vxrexx_maint.html
- 1. Install & Usage
- 1. Unzip the ArihivedFile into any unique local directory
- 2. Run Install.Cmd by either OS/2 full screen or OS/2 session.
- The Jasmine programObject will automatically be created on your
- Desktop.
- 3. Push the `New' button to create the ftpSite.
- Type correctly each and every information of your ftpSite as:
- Address, User ID, Password, Account, Local Dir, Remote Dir.
- For Instance:
- Address : ftp.jasmine.com
- User ID : (your user id)
- Password : (your password)
- Account : (blank)
- Local Dir : f:\wwwhome\index
- Remote Dir : homepage.
- Above are the case if your ftpSite is hogehoge.com.
- Your local Directory is f:\wwwhome\index.
- Remote Directory of your ftpSite is homepage.
- Please push the `Save' button after you input.
- You may delete the saved ftpSite information by pushing the
- `Delete' button.
- 4. Dialup to your hostProvider if you are contracted
- ISV(InternetServiceProvider) based with DialupUserService.
- Otherwise, check that you are now connected to the Internet so
- far.
- 5. Check the contents in the indication, and
- click the `RUN' button when everything is O.K.
- 6. The program will login to your ftpSite, and
- start to transfer the contents which are made and/or altered
- after the date and the time of `the LastUpDate'.
- You may check the automatically seleceted files and folders
- once the `Upload File Check' check box is checked otherwise
- program will put all the files and folders being automatically
- selected by the program, which might have the newer timeStamp.
- Please note that the program will automatically put
- the files and folders, which means that
- the current files on the ftpServer under the same name
- will be over written and you may not be able to hold them anyway!
- The daily or monthly, as you selected, log files will be kept
- in the logFolder under the `Jasmine' folder.
- 7. Watch the statusWindow and click the `EXIT'
- when it's done!
- * Don't forget log off the dialer especially if you are the Dialup
- user!!
- 2. Warranty...
- This program is AS IS CONDITION and the writer should not have any
- responsiblities but hold the copyright.
- Testing and bug reports are welcomed.
- 3. Reports
- Email: Ken Kinoshita <kinop@sakura.email.ne.jp>
- Opinions, ideas, or bug reports are encouraged.
- 4. `Jasmine' Home Page
- All latest files and information are available on `Jasmine' Home Page .
- Jasmine Homepage
- > http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~qw6k-knst/jasmine/jasmine.htm
- 5. Thanks to...
- Special thanks to...
- Japanese Readme : Tetsuya Suto
- English Readme : Tetsuya Suto
- 6. History
- Version 1.00 (11.Nov.97)
- >This is first version.
- Version 1.10 (25.Nov.97)
- >Add Sound Function.
- >Adding the new function to change the fonts in the Jasmine Windows.
- >Other minor parts are also modified.
- Version 1.11 (07.Dec.97)
- >Add `Logon Retry' Function