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- /* The 'Scribble' applet, using an Adapter class */
- class Scribble adapter binary-
- extends Applet-
- implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ActionListener
- last_x=int; last_y=int -- these record mouse coordinates
- method init
- addMouseListener(this) -- we want mouse events ..
- addMouseMotionListener(this) -- .. and mouse movements
- b=Button("Clear") -- make a button
- b.addActionListener(this) -- we want to see the button's events
- add(b) -- add the button to the applet
- method mousePressed(m=mouseEvent)
- last_x=m.getX; last_y=m.getY -- initialize mouse coordinates
- method mouseDragged(m=mouseEvent)
- g=this.getGraphics -- get applet's Graphics context
- x=m.getX; y=m.getY -- get mouse coordinates
- g.setColor(Color.black)
- g.drawLine(last_x, last_y, x, y) -- draw new line segment
- last_x=x; last_y=y -- save coordinates
- method actionPerformed(a=ActionEvent) -- Button pressed
- g=this.getGraphics
- g.setColor(this.getBackground)
- g.fillRect(0, 0, getSize.width, getSize.height) -- clear the window