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- /* WordClock -- an applet that shows the time in English. */
- /* */
- /* Parameters: */
- /* */
- /* face -- the font face to use */
- /* size -- the font size to use */
- /* */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Based on the ancient QTIME.REXX, and typical Java applets. */
- class WordClock extends Applet implements Runnable
- timer=Thread null /* the timer thread */
- offsetx; offsety /* text position */
- now /* current time */
- method init
- /* Get parameters from the <applet> markup */
- face=getParameter("face") /* font face */
- if face=null then face="TimesRoman"
- size=getParameter("size")
- if size=null then size="20" /* font size */
- setFont(Font(face, Font.BOLD, size))
- resize(size*20, size*2) /* set window size */
- offsetx=size/2 /* and where text will start */
- offsety=size*3/2 /* note Y is from top */
- parse Date() . . . now . /* initial time is fourth word */
- method start
- if timer=null then timer=Thread(this) /* new thread */
- timer.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY) /* time matters */
- timer.start /* start the thread */
- method stop
- if timer\=null then do /* have thread */
- timer.stop /* .. so stop it */
- timer=null /* .. and discard */
- end
- method run
- /* Use the Java Date class to get the time */
- loop while timer\=null
- parse Date() . . . now . /* time is fourth word */
- this.repaint /* redisplay */
- parse now ':' ':'secs /* where in minute */
- wait=30-secs /* calculate delay in seconds */
- if wait<=0 then wait=wait+60
- /* say 'secs, wait:' secs wait */
- Thread.sleep(1000*wait) /* wait for milliseconds */
- catch InterruptedException
- say 'Interrupted...'
- end
- timer=null /* done */
- method paint(g=Graphics)
- g.drawString(wordtime(now), offsetx, offsety) /* show it */
- /* WORDTIME -- a cut-down version of QTIME.REXX
- Arg1 is the time string (hh:mm:ss)
- Returns the time in english, as a Rexx string
- */
- method wordtime(arg) static returns Rexx
- /* Extract the hours, minutes, and seconds from the time. */
- parse arg hour':'min':'sec
- if sec>29 then min=min+1 /* round up minutes */
- /* Nearness phrases - this time using an array */
- near=Rexx[5] /* five items */
- near[0]='' /* exact */
- near[1]=' just gone'; near[2]=' just after' /* after */
- near[3]=' nearly'; near[4]=' almost' /* before */
- mod=min//5 /* where we are in 5 minute bracket */
- out="It's"near[mod] /* start building the result */
- if min>32 then hour=hour+1 /* we are TO the hour... */
- min=min+2 /* shift minutes to straddle a 5-minute point */
- /* Now special-case the result for Noon and Midnight hours */
- if hour//12=0 & min//60<=4 then do
- if hour=12 then return out 'Noon.'
- return 'Midnight.'
- end
- min=min-(min//5) /* find nearest 5 mins */
- if hour>12
- then hour=hour-12 /* get rid of 24-hour clock */
- else
- if hour=0 then hour=12 /* .. and allow for midnight */
- /* Determine the phrase to use for each 5-minute segment */
- select
- when min=0 then nop /* add "o'clock" later */
- when min=60 then min=0 /* ditto */
- when min= 5 then out=out 'five past'
- when min=10 then out=out 'ten past'
- when min=15 then out=out 'a quarter past'
- when min=20 then out=out 'twenty past'
- when min=25 then out=out 'twenty-five past'
- when min=30 then out=out 'half past'
- when min=35 then out=out 'twenty-five to'
- when min=40 then out=out 'twenty to'
- when min=45 then out=out 'a quarter to'
- when min=50 then out=out 'ten to'
- when min=55 then out=out 'five to'
- end
- numbers='one two three four five six'- /* continuation */
- 'seven eight nine ten eleven twelve '
- out=out numbers.word(hour) /* add the hour number */
- if min=0 then out=out "o'clock" /* .. and o'clock if exact */
- return out'.' /* return the final result */
- /* Mike Cowlishaw, December 1979 - January 1985. */
- /* NetRexx version March 1996; applet April 1996. */