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- NetRexx 1.122
- NetRexx Installation and User's Guide
- =====================================
- Copyright(c) IBM Corporation, 1996, 1997. All rights reserved.
- Introduction
- """"""""""""
- This document is the "User's Guide" for the reference implementation of
- NetRexx.
- NetRexx is a new programming language; a blend of Rexx and Java; the
- rules of syntax closely follow those of Rexx, while the semantics often
- follow Java. It is a dialect of Rexx that is as efficient and portable
- as Java, while preserving the philosophy and ease of use of Rexx.
- This document covers:
- o Unpacking the NetRexx packages
- o Installing the NetRexx package -- documentation and samples
- o Installing the NetRexx executables (for any Java platform):
- o How to install the NetRexx compiler
- o Problem solving
- o How to install just the NetRexx runtime classes
- o Using the NetRexxC compiler
- o Using NetRexx classes with World Wide Web applets
- o Installing and using the NetRexx print package
- o Current restrictions, _etc._
- The NetRexx documentation and software are distributed free of charge
- under the conditions of the IBM Employee Written Software program.
- If you download or use a NetRexx package you agree to the terms in the
- _IBM License Agreement_ included in the package as the file license.txt.
- For details of the NetRexx language, and the latest news, please see the
- NetRexx documentation included with this package or available on the
- World Wide Web, for example at: http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/netrexx/
- Mike Cowlishaw
- IBM UK Laboratories
- Unpacking NetRexx packages
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""
- The NetRexx packages are shipped in two forms, identified by a suffix
- following the name:
- o .zip format -- commonly used on OS/2 and other operating systems for
- the IBM PC
- o .tar.Z format -- (tape archive plus compress) commonly used on AIX
- and other Unix systems.
- You probably know how to handle these, but a word of caution: the
- packages contain directory structures, and files with 'long names'
- (that is, not of 8.3 maximum length names) which are case-sensitive.
- Many utilities, including some versions of UNZIP and TAR, can lose
- case information, truncate names, or fail to restore directories.
- --- Unpacking .zip files ---
- The most common packages for 'unzipping' these are Info-ZIP and PKZIP:
- Here are some tips:
- o Ensure that you are unzipping to a disk that supports long file
- names (for example, an HPFS disk or equivalent on OS/2 or Windows).
- o Info-ZIP: use version 5.12 (August 1994) or later. The syntax for
- unzipping NetRexx.zip is simply
- unzip NetRexx
- which should create the files and directory structure directly.
- Please see later in this document for complete installation
- instructions.
- o PKZIP: use a version that supports long file names. The syntax for
- unzipping NetRexx.zip is
- pkunzip -d NetRexx
- which should create the files and directory structure directly. The
- '-d' flag indicates that directory structure should be preserved.
- --- Unpacking .tar.Z files ---
- You need an up-to-date version of two programs: 'tar' and 'uncompress';
- these are available for most operating systems. Here are some tips:
- o Ensure that you are unpacking to a disk that supports long file
- names (for example, any Unix disk, or an HPFS disk or equivalent on
- OS/2 or Windows).
- o Ensure that the version of tar that you use preserves case in names.
- If all the files created by tar have all-lowercase names, you need a
- new version of tar.
- The process of unpacking the file takes two steps:
- 1. Uncompress the file, using uncompress (this may be called
- simply 'compress' on some systems). The syntax for uncompressing
- NetRexx.tar.Z is probably one of:
- uncompress NetRexx.tar.Z
- compress -d NetRexx.tar.Z
- (the '-d' means decompress, and may be optional). This should
- replace the file with one called NetRexx.tar
- 2. Unpack the files and directories from the .tar file. The syntax
- for this is
- tar -xvf NetRexx.tar
- This should create the files and directories from the package,
- displaying the name of each as it is unpacked. You may see error
- messages where directories already exist; these can be ignored.
- After unpacking the files, the .tar file can be erased.
- Installation procedure - online documentation and samples
- """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- The NetRexx package (NetRexx.zip, or NetRexx.tar.Z) contains the NetRexx
- online documentation, together with samples and examples, and the
- packages of executables.
- 1. Copy the package file to the root directory of your choice,
- preserving the original name.
- 2. With your chosen directory as your current directory, unpack the
- package, following the instructions in 'Unpacking NetRexx packages'
- above.
- This should add the directory 'NetRexx' to your chosen directory,
- containing the documentation and samples for NetRexx, along with
- the packages of executables. There should also be a subdirectory
- ('NetRexx/netrexx/lang' or 'NetRexx\netrexx\lang') containing runtime
- class files used by some of the samples.
- The online documentation comes in two forms: plain ASCII (files with
- extension '.doc'), and World Wide Web hypertext format (files with
- extension '.htm' or '.html', '.gif', etc.). To view the hypertext
- version, start your browser at the file "netrexx.htm". For example, if
- you are using the IBM Web Explorer then the command
- explore netrexx.htm
- (executed when the documentation directory is the current directory)
- should show the NetRexx front page.
- Included in the documentation collection are a number of examples and
- samples (Hello, HelloApplet, etc.). To run any of these, you must have
- the Java runtime environment installed.
- Some of the examples must be viewed using the Java toolkit applet-viewer
- or a Java-enabled browser. Please see the hypertext pages describing
- these for detailed instructions. In general, if you see a message from
- Java saying:
- void main(String argv[]) is not defined
- this means that the class cannot be run using just the 'java' command.
- Installation of NetRexx Executables
- """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- The NetRexx package includes two packages of software (each will have
- the same suffix as the package you unpacked it from, that is, '.zip' or
- '.tar.Z'):
- 1. nrtools -- the files for the NetRexx compiler, of which the most
- important is NetRexxC.zip, which contains the Java .class files
- that implement the compiler. The NetRexx compiler is in fact a
- translator; it translates NetRexx programs to Java source code,
- which is then compiled using the javac compiler (or you can use the
- Java compiler of your choice, if you prefer). This package
- requires that the Java toolkit (1.1.0 or later) be installed.
- nrtools also includes a separate copy of the NetRexx runtime
- classes, in NetRexxR.zip
- 2. nrping -- the Pinger sample application. Please see Pinger.htm for
- information about this.
- To install and use either of these packages, you must have already
- installed the Java Development Kit (JDK) runtime (and toolkit, if you
- want to compile NetRexx programs). For more information on these:
- o For OS/2 and AIX and other IBM operating systems, see the _IBM
- Centre for Java Technology_ page at:
- http://ncc.hursley.ibm.com/javainfo/hurindex.html
- o For other operating systems, see the _Sun Microsystems Java_ page
- at http://www.javasoft.com, or other suppliers of Java toolkits.
- Installation of the NetRexx compiler
- ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- Here's how to install the NetRexx compiler and runtime classes. These
- instructions apply to the majority of Java platforms (for use with
- Visual J++, please see below).
- 1. Copy the 'nrtools.zip' or 'nrtools.tar.Z' file from the NetRexx
- documentation directory to the Java home directory, using the
- original name. The name of the Java home directory will vary
- depending on the operating system you are using. Some
- possibilities are:
- /java
- \java11
- \jdk1.1
- It will contain directories such as 'bin' and 'lib'.
- [Note: if your Java home directory is on a CD-ROM, or otherwise
- inaccessible, you'll need to choose a different directory and set
- up a CLASSPATH environment variable that points to it. Consult
- your Java toolkit documentation for details on how to do this.]
- 2. With the Java home directory as your current directory, unpack the
- package, following the instructions in "Unpacking NetRexx packages"
- above.
- This should add the .zip files for the NetRexx runtime and compiler
- classes (NetRexxR.zip and NetRexxC.zip) to the Java 'lib' directory.
- In addition, some sample scripts and a test program should have
- been added to the Java 'bin' directory:
- hello.nrx -- a simple NetRexx program for testing
- NetRexxC.cmd -- the NetRexx compiler command in Rexx
- NetRexxC.bat -- similar NetRexx compiler command (Windows .bat)
- nrc.cmd -- shorter name for NetRexxC.cmd
- nrc.bat -- shorter name for NetRexxC.bat
- The .cmd files are simple Rexx scripts for making it easier to use
- the compiler. You don't have to use these, but they save some
- typing. They should require little modification to run under
- the Rexx interpreter for your platform; for details of Rexx
- interpreters, see: http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/rexx/
- Under Windows, the .bat files should serve the same purpose -- they
- are not as flexible as the Rexx .cmd files, but will save typing.
- 3. Check that the names are correct in the 'lib' directory: there
- should be a file in the directory called 'NetRexxC.zip'; if
- the name is all in upercase or all in lowercase the package has not
- been unpacked correctly (see "Unpacking NetRexx packages").
- 4. For Java to be able to find the NetRexx classes, you must update
- the CLASSPATH environment variable by adding the full path and name
- of the NetRexxC.zip file to the CLASSPATH setting. There will
- often already be a CLASSPATH variable set, including a path to the
- standard Java classes.zip file. Specify or add the full path
- (disk, directories, and file specification) for NetRexxC.zip,
- making sure that the case of every letter is exactly right (Java is
- very case-sensitive). For example, the full path might be something
- like:
- e:\java11\lib\NetRexxC.zip
- The procedure for setting the CLASSPATH variable depends on your
- operating system (and there may be more than one way). Here are
- some examples:
- o In OS/2 or Windows, use a SET CLASSPATH= command in CONFIG.SYS
- (for OS/2) or in AUTOEXEC.BAT (for Windows) and re-boot after
- changing. In both cases the command syntax is the same, and
- might look like this:
- set classpath=.;f:\javaos2\lib\NetRexxC.zip
- In this example, the first segment of the value (before the
- semicolon) lets classes in the current directory be found, and
- the second segment includes the classes needed by NetRexx.
- Both environments normally include the standard Java classes
- automatically.
- Under Windows NT 4.0 the CLASSPATH can be set using Start,
- Settings, Control Panel, System, Environment tab, System
- Variables, and clicking on CLASSPATH.
- o For Unix (Korn shell or Bourne shell), use:
- export CLASSPATH
- and changes for re-boot or opening of a new window should be
- placed in your .login (Bourne) or .profile (Korn) file
- o For Unix (C shell), use:
- setenv CLASSPATH <newdir>:$CLASSPATH
- and changes for re-boot or opening of a new window should be
- placed in your .cshrc file
- If you are unsure of how to do this, check the documentation you
- have for installing the Java toolkit.
- Note: If you add NetRexxC.zip to the CLASSPATH value then you do not
- need to add NetRexxR.zip; the latter contains only the NetRexx runtime
- classes (which are provided separately for people who don't want to run
- the NetRexx compiler). These runtime classes are also included in
- NetRexxC.zip. Whichever zip is used, the NetRexx runtime classes can be
- referred to from Java or NetRexx as being in the 'netrexx.lang' package.
- For example, a string might be of class 'netrexx.lang.Rexx'.
- --- Checking your installation is correct ---
- To check installation, change directory to the Java 'bin' directory,
- then (being very careful to get the case of letters correct):
- o Enter the command
- java COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC hello
- This should run the NetRexx compiler, which converts the NetRexx
- program 'hello.nrx' to the Java program 'hello.java'. It then
- invokes the default Java compiler (javac), to compile the file
- 'hello.java' to make 'hello.class'. The intermediate .java file
- is then deleted, unless an error occurred.
- o Enter the command
- java hello
- This runs (interprets bytecodes from) the 'hello.class' file,
- which should display a simple greeting. On some systems, you may
- first have to add the directory that contains the 'hello.class'
- file to the CLASSPATH setting (see above) so Java can find it.
- With the sample scripts provided (NetRexxC.cmd or NetRexxC.bat), or the
- equivalent in the scripting language of your choice, the steps above can
- be combined into a simple single command:
- NetRexxC -run hello
- This package also includes a trivial 'nrc.cmd' and matching 'nrc.bat'
- file that simply passes on its arguments to NetRexxC; 'nrc' is just a
- shorter name that saves keystrokes, so for the last example you could
- type:
- nrc -run hello
- Note that scripts may be case-sensitive; unless running the OS/2 Rexx
- script, you will probably have to spell the name of the program exactly
- as it appears in the filename.
- You could also edit the nrc.cmd or nrc.bat and add your favourite
- 'default' NetRexxC options there (if you do this, keep a backup copy, so
- that if you install a new version of the NetRexx package you won't
- overwrite your changes).
- --- Installing NetRexx for use with Visual J++ ---
- (Many thanks to Bill Potvin and Bernhard Hurzeler for the details in
- this and the following section.)
- 1. Copy the following file into the [java_root]\Lib directory:
- NetRexxC.zip
- For example, if [java_root] is "E:\Java":
- C:\>copy NetRexxC.zip E:\Java\Lib
- 2. Similarly, copy the nrc.bat and NetRexxC.bat files to the
- [java_root]\Bin directory.
- 3. Add the zip file explicitly to the CLASSPATH:
- C:\>set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;[java_root]\Lib\NetRexxC.zip;
- For example, if [java_root] is "E:\Java", your CLASSPATH
- might then look like this:
- CLASSPATH=E:\Java\Lib;E:\Java\TrustLib;E:\Java\Lib\NetRexxC.zip;
- Under Windows NT 4.0 this can be done using Start, Settings,
- Control Panel, System, Environment tab, System Variables, and
- clicking on CLASSPATH.
- --- Using NetRexx with Visual J++ ---
- 1. Use the J++ "jview" command to invoke the NetRexx translator to
- convert a NetRexx program (e.g., hello.nrx) into a Java program
- (hello.java). You must specify the "-nocompile" option to NetRexx
- in order to prevent it from trying to invoke the Java toolkit
- compiler (which isn't in the MicroSoft J++ classes).
- For example, if hello.nrx is in the current directory:
- jview COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC hello -nocompile
- The result of this step should be a Java source file called
- "hello.java".
- 2. Use the J++ "jvc" command to compile the Java source file:
- jvc hello.java
- The result of this step should be a Java .class file called
- "hello.class".
- 3. Execute the class file with the J++ command "jview":
- jview hello
- Note that all the commands above probably have to be typed exactly as
- shown (Java is very case-sensitive). The supplied NetRexxC.bat can be
- modified to work with the above commands by using 'jview' instead of the
- 'java' command and adding the 'jvc' step.
- Problems?
- '''''''''
- If the 'hello' example doesn't work, one of the following problems
- may be the cause:
- o A "Can't find class COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC..." message
- probably means that the NetRexxC.zip file has not been specified in
- your CLASSPATH setting, or is misspelled, or is in the wrong case.
- The CLASSPATH is the setting that Java uses to find classes for
- execution; please refer to your Java installation instructions for
- information on setting the CLASSPATH.
- o A "Can't find class hello..." message may mean that the directory
- with the hello.class file is not in your CLASSPATH, or either the
- filename or name of the class (in the source) is spelled wrong (the
- java command is [very] case-sensitive).
- o You didn't install on a file system that supports long file
- names (for example, on OS/2 or Windows you should use an HPFS disk
- or equivalent). Like most Java applications, NetRexx uses long file
- names.
- o You have a down-level Unzip or Tar program. Check that the
- file 'NetRexxC.zip', with just three capital letters, exists in the
- subdirectory 'lib' below the Java home directory.
- o You have only the Java runtime installed, and not the toolkit. If
- the toolkit is installed, you should have a program called javac
- on your computer.
- o You have a down-level version of Java installed. NetRexxC 1.1xx
- will run only on Java version 1.1.0 (and later versions). You can
- check the version of Java you have installed using the command 'java
- -version'. An older version of the NetRexx package is available for
- Java 1.0, however that version will no longer be enhanced or
- supported in any way.
- o Your Java toolkit installation has .class files from an earlier
- installation of NetRexx in classes/java/lang, classes/netrexx/lang,
- or other subdirectories in the 'classes' directory below the Java
- home directory.
- A message that reports ambiguous class references is a likely sign
- of this problem. The easiest way to solve it is to re-install the
- Java toolkit in a clean subdirectory.
- o An 'Out of environment space' message when trying to set CLASSPATH
- under Win95-DOS can be remedied by adding /e:4000 to the 'Cmd line'
- entry for the MS-DOS prompt properties (try 'command /?' for more
- information).
- o If, when reporting an error or warning, the compiler gives a rather
- cryptic identifier and reports 'Sorry, full message not available',
- this means that it could not find the NetRexxC.properties (error
- messages) file, which should be in the COM.ibm.netrexx.process
- package (in NetRexxC.zip).
- o An 'Exception 0005' when using the OS/2 beta Java 1.1.1 toolkit is
- probably caused by the just-in-time compiler. Try turning it off
- before running NetRexxC by setting the environment variable:
- (and ignore the 'unable to load dll' message).
- o An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when compiling hello.nrx under AIX
- is caused by an early faulty JIT. Either disable the JIT (as for
- OS/2) or update your AIX Java SDK.
- Installation of just the NetRexx classes
- ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- To install only the NetRexx runtime classes (you don't need to do this
- if you already installed the NetRexxC compiler), follow the instructions
- for installing the compiler, but set your CLASSPATH to refer to
- NetRexxR.zip instead of NetRexxC.zip. Only the NetRexxR.zip is needed,
- so you may prefer to extract just this file from the nrtools package.
- The NetRexx class files can then be referred to from Java or NetRexx
- programs as from package 'netrexx.lang'. For example, a string might be
- of class 'netrexx.lang.Rexx'.
- Using the NetRexx compiler
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""
- The installation instructions for the NetRexx compiler describe how to
- use the package you installed to compile and run a simple NetRexx
- program. This section explains more of the options available to you.
- --- Invoking the compiler as a command ---
- The compiler is a Java program (class) which is called
- COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC (NetRexxC for short). This can be
- invoked using the Java interpreter, for example, by the command:
- java COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC
- or by using a system-specific command (such as 'NetRexxC' or 'nrc'). In
- either case, the compiler invocation is followed by one or more file
- specifications (these are the names of the files containing the NetRexx
- source code for the programs to be compiled).
- File specifications may include a path; if no path is given then
- NetRexxC will look in the current (working) directory for the file.
- NetRexxC will add the extension '.nrx' to input program names (file
- specifications) if no extension was given.
- So, for example, to compile 'hello.nrx' in the current directory, you
- can use any of:
- java COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC hello
- java COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC hello.nrx
- NetRexxC hello.nrx
- nrc hello
- (the first two should always work, the last two require that the
- system-specific command be available). The resulting .class file is
- placed in the current directory, and the .crossref (cross-reference)
- file is placed in the same directory as the source file (if there are
- any variables and the compilation has no errors).
- Here's an example of compiling two programs, one of which is in the
- directory 'D:\myprograms':
- nrc hello d:\myprograms\test2.nrx
- In this case, again, the .class file is placed in the current directory.
- Note that when more than one program is specified, they are all compiled
- with the same class context: that is, they can 'see' the classes,
- properties, and methods of the other programs being compiled, much as
- though they were all in one file. This allows mutually interdependent
- programs and classes to be compiled in a single operation (but see the
- section "Compiling multiple programs" below, if you use the PACKAGE
- instruction).
- The programs do, however, maintain their independence (that is, they may
- have different options, import, and package instructions).
- On completion, the NetRexxC command will exit with one of three return
- values: 0 if the compilation of all programs was successful, 1 if there
- were one or more Warnings, but no errors, and 2 if there were one or
- more Errors.
- As well as file names, you can also specify various option words, which
- are distinguished by the first character of the word being '-'. These
- may be any of the option words allowed on the NetRexx OPTIONS
- instruction (see the NetRexx language documentation), prefixed with '-'.
- These options words can be freely mixed with file specifications.
- The compiler also implements some additional option words, which cannot
- be used on the OPTIONS instruction:
- o -keep keep the intermediate .java file for each program. It
- is kept in the same directory as the NetRexx source file
- as xxx.java.keep, where xxx is the source file name.
- The file will also be kept automatically if the javac
- compilation fails for any reason.
- o -nocompile do not compile (just translate). Use this option when
- you want to use a different Java compiler. The .java
- file for each program is kept in the same directory as
- the NetRexx source file, as the file xxx.java (where xxx
- is the source file name); any -keep option is ignored.
- o -time display translation, javac compile, and total times (for
- the sum of all programs processed).
- If you are using the provided NetRexxC or nrc scripts, then an
- additional option is available:
- o -run run the resulting JAVA class as a stand-alone
- application, provided that the compilation had no
- errors.
- Here are some examples:
- java COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC hello -keep -strictargs
- java COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC -keep hello wordclock
- java COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC hello wordclock -nocompile
- nrc hello
- nrc hello.nrx
- nrc -run hello
- nrc -run Spectrum -keep
- nrc hello -binary -verbose1
- nrc hello -noverbose -format -keep
- Option words may be specified in lowercase, mixed case, or uppercase.
- File specifications are platform-dependent and may be case sensitive,
- though NetRexxC will always prefer an exact case match over a mismatch.
- Note that the -run option is implemented by the script, not the
- compiler; some scripts (such as NetRexxC.bat) may require that the
- '-run' be the first word of the command arguments, and/or be in
- lowercase. They may also require that only the name of the file be
- given if the -run option is used.
- See also the earlier section "The NetRexx home directory" if you need to
- change the place where the compiler finds its messages (for example, if
- error messages report 'Sorry, full message unavailable').
- --- Compiling multiple programs ---
- When you specify more than one program for NetRexxC to compile, they are
- all compiled with the same class context: that is, they can 'see' the
- classes, properties, and methods of the other programs being compiled,
- much as though they were all in one file.
- This allows mutually interdependent programs and classes to be compiled
- in a single operation. For example, consider the following two programs
- (assumed in your current directory, as the files X.nrx and Y.nrx):
- /* X.nrx */
- class X
- why=Y null
- /* Y.nrx */
- class Y
- exe=X null
- each contains a reference to the other, so neither can be compiled in
- isolation. However, if you compile them together, using the command:
- nrc X Y
- then the cross-references will be resolved correctly. The total elapsed
- time will be less, too, as the class files used by the NetRexxC compiler
- or the programs themselves will only be loaded once.
- This example works as you would expect for programs that are not in
- packages. There's a restriction, though, if the classes you are
- compiling _are_ in packages (that is, they include a PACKAGE
- instruction). Currently, NetRexxC uses the javac compiler to generate
- the .class files, and for mutually-dependent files like these, javac
- requires that the source files be in the Java CLASSPATH, in the
- sub-directory described by the PACKAGE instruction.
- So, for example, if your project is based on the tree:
- D:\myproject
- then if the two programs above specified a package, thus:
- /* X.nrx */
- package foo.bar
- class X
- why=Y null
- /* Y.nrx */
- package foo.bar
- class Y
- exe=X null
- then:
- 1. You should put these source files in the directory: D:\myproject\foo\bar
- 2. The directory D:\myproject should appear in your CLASSPATH setting
- (if you don't do this, javac will complain that it cannot find one
- or other of the classes).
- 3. You should then make the current directory be D:\myproject\foo\bar
- and then compile the programs using the command 'nrc X Y', as
- above.
- With this procedure, you should end up with the .class files in the same
- directory as the .nrx files, and therefore also on the CLASSPATH and
- immediately usable by other packages.
- Note that when javac is used to generate the .class files, no new .class
- files will be created if any of the programs being compiled together had
- errors.
- Note also that if class is abstract or is an adapter class then it
- should be placed in the list before any classes that extend it (as
- otherwise any automatically generated methods will not be visible to the
- subclasses).
- --- Invoking the compiler from Java ---
- The compiler may be called from a Java program directly, by invoking the
- method in the COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC class described as
- follows:
- method main(arg=Rexx) constant returns int
- The Rexx string passed to the method can be any combination of program
- names and options (except -run), as described above. A sample NetRexx
- program that invokes the NetRexx compiler to compile a program called
- 'test' is:
- /* compiletest.nrx */
- s='test -keep -verbose4 -utf8'
- say COM.ibm.netrexx.process.NetRexxC.main(s)
- The returned int value will be one of the return values described above.
- NetRexxC is thread-safe (the only static properties are constants), but
- it is not known whether javac is thread-safe. Hence the invocation of
- multiple instances of NetRexxC on different threads should probably
- specify -nocompile, for safety.
- NetRexx classes and Applets for the Web
- """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- If you write applets for the World Wide Web (or your intranet) in
- NetRexx, you will probably need to use the NetRexx classes
- (netrexx.lang.Rexx, _etc._); they will be used automatically if the
- default compilation options (specifically, options nobinary) are in
- effect.
- A good way of setting up an HTTP (Web) server for this is to keep all
- your applets in one subdirectory; you can then make the NetRexx runtime
- classes (that is, the classes in the package known by Java as
- netrexx.lang) available to all the applets by unzipping NetRexxR.zip
- into a subdirectory netrexx/lang below your applets directory.
- For example, if the root of your server tree is
- D:/mydata
- then you might put your applets into
- D:/mydata/applets
- and then the NetRexx classes (unzipped from NetRexxR.zip) should be in
- the directory
- D:/mydata/applets/netrexx/lang
- The same principle is applied if you have any other Java packages that
- you want to make available to your applets: the classes in a package
- called fred.math.quicksorts would go in a subdirectory below applets
- called fred/math/quicksorts, for example.
- Note that with Java 1.1 it should be possible to use the classes direct
- from the NetRexxR.zip file (which is in fact a Java 'jar' file),
- providing that the browser being used is at a Java 1.1 level. See the
- Java 1.1 documentation for details.
- Printable documentation
- """""""""""""""""""""""
- The NetRexx printable package (NetRexxD.zip, or NetRexxD.tar.Z) contains
- the printable NetRexx documentation, in PostScript format.
- 1. Copy the package file to the root directory of your choice for
- documentation, preserving the original name.
- 2. With your chosen directory as your current directory, unpack the
- package, following the instructions in 'Unpacking NetRexx packages'
- above.
- This should add the directory 'NetRexxD' to your chosen directory,
- containing the printable documentation for NetRexx.
- 3. You can print files from the new directory that have the extension
- '.ps' on any PostScript printer, using the appropriate method for
- printing for your operating system. There are also utilities, such
- as 'GhostScript', available from public sources for viewing
- PostScript files and for printing them on non-PostScript printers.
- Current restrictions
- """"""""""""""""""""
- The NetRexx processor is now functionally complete, though work
- continues on usability and performance improvements. As of this version
- there are still a number of restrictions, listed below.
- Please note that the presence of an item in this section is not a
- commitment to remove a restriction in some future update; NetRexx
- enhancements are dependent on on-going research, your feedback, and
- available resources. You should treat this list as a 'wish-list' (and
- please send in your wishes).
- --- Short-term restrictions ---
- The following problem may occur in larger methods, with Java 1.0.1,
- 1.0.2, or 1.1.1 (it may have been fixed in later versions):
- o NetRexxC does not restrict the number of local variables used or
- generated. However, the 1.0 javac compiler fails with unrelated
- error messages (such as 'statement unreachable' or 'variable may be
- uninitialized') if asked to handle more than 63 local variables.
- --- Long term restrictions ---
- The following restrictions are due to the use of a translator, and would
- probably only be lifted if a direct-to-bytecodes NetRexx compiler were
- built.
- o Externally-visible names (property, method, and class names) cannot
- be Java reserved words (you probably want to avoid these anyway).
- o There are various restrictions on naming and the contents of
- programs (the first class name must match the program name, etc.).
- o The javac compiler requires that mutually-dependent source files be
- on the CLASSPATH, so javac can find the source files. NetRexxC does
- not have this restriction, but when using javac for the final
- compilation you will need to follow the convention described under
- 'Compiling multiple programs', above.
- o The 'symbols' option applies to all programs compiled together if
- any of them specify that option.
- o Some binary floating point underflows may be treated as zero instead
- of being trapped as errors.
- o Side-effects of calls to this() and super() in constructors may be
- seen before the method and method call instructions are traced --
- this is because Java does not permit tracing instructions to be
- added before the call to this() or super().
- o The results of expressions consisting of the single term 'null' are
- not traced.