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- /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* QTIME. This program displays the time in real English. */
- /* If "?" is given as the first argument word then the */
- /* program displays a description of itself. */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*--------- First process any argument words ---------------*/
- parse arg parm . /* get the first argument word */
- select
- when parm='?' then tell /* say what we do */
- when parm='' then nop /* OK (no first argument) */
- otherwise
- say 'The only valid argument to QTIME is "?". The word'
- say 'that you supplied ("'parm'") has been ignored.'
- tell /* usually helpful to describe the program */
- end
- /*--------- Now start processing in earnest ----------------*/
- /* Nearness phrases - using associative array lookup */
- near='' /* default */
- near[0]='' /* exact */
- near[1]=' just gone'; near[2]=' just after' /* after */
- near[3]=' nearly'; near[4]=' almost' /* before */
- /* Extract the hours, minutes, and seconds from the time. */
- /* Use the Java Date class as Rexx.Date not yet implemented */
- parse Date() . . . now . /* time is fourth word */
- parse now hour':'min':'sec
- if sec>29 then min=min+1 /* round up minutes */
- mod=min//5 /* where we are in 5 minute bracket */
- out="It's"near[mod] /* start building the result */
- if min>32 then hour=hour+1 /* we are TO the hour... */
- min=min+2 /* shift minutes to straddle a 5-minute point */
- /* Now special-case the result for Noon and Midnight hours */
- if hour//12=0 & min//60<=4 then do
- if hour=12 then say out 'Noon.'
- else say out 'Midnight.'
- exit /* we are finished here */
- end
- min=min-(min//5) /* find nearest 5 mins */
- if hour>12
- then hour=hour-12 /* get rid of 24-hour clock */
- else
- if hour=0 then hour=12 /* .. and allow for midnight */
- /* Determine the phrase to use for each 5-minute segment */
- select
- when min=0 then nop /* add "o'clock" later */
- when min=60 then min=0 /* ditto */
- when min= 5 then out=out 'five past'
- when min=10 then out=out 'ten past'
- when min=15 then out=out 'a quarter past'
- when min=20 then out=out 'twenty past'
- when min=25 then out=out 'twenty-five past'
- when min=30 then out=out 'half past'
- when min=35 then out=out 'twenty-five to'
- when min=40 then out=out 'twenty to'
- when min=45 then out=out 'a quarter to'
- when min=50 then out=out 'ten to'
- when min=55 then out=out 'five to'
- end
- numbers='one two three four five six'- /* (continuation) */
- 'seven eight nine ten eleven twelve '
- out=out numbers.word(hour) /* add the hour number */
- if min=0 then out=out "o'clock" /* .. and o'clock if exact */
- say out'.' /* display the final result */
- exit
- /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Subroutine that describes the purpose of the program */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
- method tell static
- say 'QTIME will display the current time in real English.'
- say 'Call without any arguments to display the time, or with'
- say '"?" to display this information.'
- say 'British English idioms are used in this program.'
- say /* blank line - we are about to continue and show time */
- return
- /* Mike Cowlishaw, December 1979 - January 1985 */
- /* NetRexx version March 1996 */