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- WPS Extentions 1.0 (C) 1997 Samuel Audet <guardia@cam.org>
- WPSAgentSam class
- =================
- This class will subclass WPObject and it should be replacing WPObject
- because it is the only way to have it initialized without creating a dummy
- object. Once initialized (once and only once, when the WPS starts), it
- will start a thread waiting an input from a queue. The following function
- that are importable from the DLL will facilitate the communication with
- this thread and its supported features.
- Background open fix
- ===================
- This function will switch to the specified open views that it will find
- to be opened. So you can call this function right after
- WinSetObjectData() or WinOpenObject() to fix the "background open"
- problem. SwitchToObject() will not open a view if none are currently
- opened. The C syntax is:
- BOOL _System SwitchToObject(HOBJECT hobj, ULONG view,
- ULONG timeout, BOOL wait)
- where
- hobj Object permanent handle.
- view View of the object to switch to (see below).
- timeout Amount of time to try to switch to the object.
- wait Wait or not to successful switch or timeout.
- Should be FALSE if called from the PM thread.
- If wait is TRUE, the return code indicates if the object has been
- sucessfully switched to, else it will always report FALSE. It will try
- up to timeout seconds to switch to the object, after which it will
- return FALSE. If WPSAgentSam thread is not found, it will return FALSE.
- If you don't have WPS view constant definitions, here they are:
- #define OPEN_DEFAULT 0
- #define OPEN_SETTINGS 2
- #define OPEN_CONTENTS 1
- #define OPEN_TREE 101
- #define OPEN_DETAILS 102
- #define OPEN_HELP 3
- #define OPEN_RUNNING 4
- #define OPEN_PROMPTDLG 5
- #define OPEN_PALETTE 121
- #define OPEN_USER 0x6500
- I can't be sure about the exotic ones like OPEN_HELP or OPEN_USER, but I
- have tested the first 5 ones.
- Note that I don't know all the WPS bugs (err... features), so sometimes it
- just won't switch, and since WPSAgentSam only runs on one thread, if you
- put a timeout of 30 minutes, it won't be able to do anything else.
- Finding Object permanent handles from WPS drop
- ==============================================
- This function will be able to convert the ulItemID of the "DRM_OBJECT"
- mechanism from the DRAGITEM structure to an Object handle that can be
- used with such things as WinOpenObject() and WinSetObjectData(). The C
- syntax is:
- HOBJECT _System HObjectFromID(ULONG ulItemID, BOOL shadowresolve)
- where
- ulItemID ulItemID from DRAGITEM
- shadowresolve Indicates if you want to have the real object handle if
- HObjectFromID() finds out it is a shadow.
- Thanks to Rick Fishman for the tip on the identity of ulItemID with
- It will return 0 if it cannot find the WPSAgentSam thread.
- Query path, filename and title information from an HOBJECT
- ==========================================================
- This function will be able to find path, real filename and title
- information from an HOBJECT. Can be used when saving HOBJECT and you
- need to reload them with useful information to output to the user. The
- C syntax is:
- BOOL _System QueryPathTitle(HOBJECT hobj, BOOL shadowresolve,
- BOOL truename, char path[])
- where
- hobj Object permanent handle.
- shadowresolve Indicates if you want to have the real object informations
- if QueryPathTitle() finds out it is a shadow.
- truename Finds the object's truname instead of its title.
- path An array of chars for output.
- "path" will contain the fully qualified path + \ + title or the true name
- depending on "truename" value.
- ex.: x:\Desktop\OS/2 System or with true name
- x:\Desktop\OS!2 System
- x:\Desktop\Programs\Utilites\OS/2 System Editor or with true name
- x:\Desktop\Programs\Utilites\
- If the "path" has been successfully filled with whatever WPSAgentSam found,
- it will return TRUE.
- "path" will be a 0 length string if the object is invalid.
- You can make a strrchr() for the last backslash if you only want the
- path or the file name.
- "path" should be of length 2*CCHMAXPATH for safety.
- FFolder class, the Filter Folder
- ================================
- Once FFolder registered and WPFolder replaced, this new folder class will
- intercept FILTER= keys in the setup method of folder objects.
- So, for example
- WinSetObjectData(hobj,"FILTER=*.C");
- will set the folder object title filtering to *.C. The filter is destroyed
- when the last view of a folder is closed. Also, if a folder is already
- opened and the filter is changed, if you try to open it with
- WinSetObjectData() or WinOpenObject() and if concurent view is disabled,
- the folder will come foreground as expected, but will also refresh its
- contents to the new filter.
- The object positions are not saved, and I do not plan on trying to... I
- think it will be a while until I make so darn complicated WPS extentions
- again without proper documentation (hear that IBM!?? what good is the WPS
- based on SOM if we can't get 90% of what we could with proper docs??)
- Anyway, I hope you will like them!
- Legal stuff
- ===========
- This freeware product is used at your own risk, although it is highly
- improbable it can cause any damage.
- If you plan on copying me, please give me the credits, thanks.
- Source code is freely available, and done with VisualAge C++ 3.0. I will
- send them to you on request unless you are planning to make money with it,
- in which case I would want to have a bit of $$$ for it.
- Contacting the author
- =====================
- Samuel Audet
- E-mail: guardia@cam.org
- Homepage: http://www.cam.org/~guardia
- Snail Mail:
- 377, rue D'Argenteuil
- Laval, Quebec