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- Open 2.0 (C) 1997 Samuel Audet <guardia@cam.org>
- THIS IS A FREEWARE UTILITY!! Please send an e-mail if are using this
- program, thank you! If you can spare some money for a pre-university
- student, it would be very much appreciated.
- Introduction
- ============
- This OS/2 command line utility lets you open objects the command line as if
- you opened them from the WPS.
- I also recommend the contrary to this utility (ie.: opening command lines
- from folders), Command Folder. You can get a copy on my web page
- http://www.cam.org/~guardia
- Installation
- ============
- To be able to filter the contents of a folder using open.exe, you will need
- to register a new folder class found in WPSExtS.dll. This DLL also
- includes a fix to the background open. If you want to install both or
- either of them, you will need OS/2 Warp 3 or higher and will need to run
- "reg.exe i". It is preferable that the DLL be placed in a system DLL
- directory (for example x:\os2\dll), unless you specify a directory, ex.:
- "reg.exe i x:\open" This is the same DLL than in Hot Corners 2.0 package,
- but register with reg.exe just to be sure everything is OK for Open.
- Current version of WPS Extention DLL is 1.0, I will try to make all new
- versions backward compatible.
- Note that the Include page in folder's setting pages is the solution for a
- permanent filtering since open.exe filtering is dismissed on folder close.
- Usage
- =====
- open [/?] [/F filter] [/Oview] [objects] [/F filter] [/Oview] [objects] ...
- where
- [/?] shows this help screen.
- [/F filter] specifies a title wildcard filter for folder objects.
- [/Oview] specifies the view to open. Possible views are:
- blank : default view (same as double-click),
- P : properties view,
- I : icon view,
- T : tree view, and
- D : details view.
- [objects] are the names of the objects to open (file system name or
- object IDs). Wildcards and multiple entries are accepted!
- The specified objects will be opened as if they were opened from the WPS.
- If no parameters are specified, the current directory is opened as a
- folder, with default view and no filter.
- Of course, some of the view options only apply to folders.
- To have a full list of Object IDs available on your system, run
- objectid.cmd provided, you will be able to guess most of them. Various
- utilities including UniMaintenance and Object Desktop can determine the
- Object ID of an object. Object IDs are useful because not all objects are
- found as files or directories. Object IDs specified on open.exe command
- will need to be in quotes because < and > characters are normally used for
- output and input redirection on the command line. Remember that Object IDs
- are CaSe SeNsItIvE.
- A '-' can be used instead of a '/' for options, and the options are case
- insensitive. The options are also "linear". This means they will take
- effect on all objects following the declaration of this option and not on
- the ones preceding it.
- The return code indicates how many error occured (ie.: how many objects
- were not successfully opened).
- ex.: [C:\open]open "<WP_OS2SYS>" f:\config.0?? e:\gif\naughty\*.gif i: g:\ /F *.zip c:\incoming /od . ..
- In order, it will open the "OS/2 System" folder, all files matching
- f:\config.0?? and e:\gif\naughty\*.gif, drive i:, drive g:, folder
- c:\incoming with *.zip filter (only showing ZIP files), and the current
- directory and the parent directory in details view with *.zip filter.
- For Programmers
- ===============
- If you want to include folder filtering or the background open fix in your
- own program, read wpsext.doc.
- Known bugs or limitations
- =========================
- - Icons position are not retained when using folder filtering.
- - Sometimes, the filtering routine goes mad and filters everything out...
- if you manage to get a reproducable situation, let me know.
- Legal stuff
- ===========
- This freeware product is used at your own risk, although it is highly
- improbable it can cause any damage.
- If you plan on copying me, please give me the credits, thanks.
- Contacting the author
- =====================
- Samuel Audet
- E-mail: guardia@cam.org
- Homepage: http://www.cam.org/~guardia
- Snail Mail:
- 377, rue D'Argenteuil
- Laval, Quebec
- Thanks for using this wonderful product!
- Original README
- ---------------
- Open - a useful OS/2 WPS utility.
- I first wrote this little utility basically because I discovered
- how to use the WinSetObjectData API to open a Workplace Shell
- object, and I thought it was cool. It has since turned out to be
- an extremely handy little tool, which is not bad for something
- whose source code is a whopping 33 lines long, including the
- help.
- What does it do? Basically, it opens WPS objects, using their
- default open setting. So, for example, you can type
- open c:\os2
- and it will open the drives folder for c:\os2. Even handier, typing
- open .
- will open the drives folder for whatever the current directory you
- are in is. I tend to use this when I have been doing some stuff from
- the command line, and suddenly want to delete a bunch of subdirectories,
- which is a lot easier to do from the WPS than from the command line.
- This saves navigating all the way through the drives object to get
- to the folder you want.
- Another handy use is if you want to be able to open a folder
- from an object's menu. There is no way to add a folder object to a menu
- normally, but if you create a little dummy program object that uses
- open.exe to open the folder, you can put _that_ on the menu, and
- get the same result.
- The other really cool thing you can do is something like
- open os2.bmp
- This will automatically run whatever the program associated with os2.bmp
- is (usually either Windows Paint or the icon editor, but on my system
- I have changed it so that bmps are associated with PMView) and load
- os2.bmp into it automatically. Basically, it is the same as
- double-clicking on the file object for os2.bmp.
- So, anyway, I hereby release this little utility as freeware. I couldn't
- see charging any money for something this simple. The source code is
- included if you want to monkey with it. However, you may not charge
- anyone for this software, other than a reasonable fee for duplication,
- and all such other legal mumbo-jumbo that is normally associated
- with freeware.
- Please feel free to send me e-mail if you like this little program, or
- if you have any questions.
- -- Rob McDermid
- rmcderm@ibm.net