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- /* REXX
- Program JOINMAIL 1.2
- REceives Header from Queue
- Looks for a '-----BEGIN PGP' line in STDIN
- and skips everything before
- Writes the rest from STDIN to the file named in the first argument
- By deleting the file it is made sure that nothing is sent out when there was a PGP error
- */
- /* CopyRight Lueko Willms <lueko.willms@T-Online.de>
- <L.WILLMS@LINK-F.rhein-main.de>
- */
- arg OutMail DEBUG .
- DEBUG = (strip(translate(DEBUG)) = 'DEBUG')
- TRUE = 1
- CR = '0D'x
- If DEBUG then
- PARSE SOURCE BetrSyst Shell MyName
- Erg = ''
- Say
- Call CHAROUT ,' Wait for / Warte auf ' Outmail
- Zaehler = 0
- DO UNTIL Erg = 'READY:' /* Waiting indefinitely for exclusive WRITE access to OutMail */
- If (Zaehler // 10) = 0 Then
- Call CHAROUT ,CR||Zaehler
- Erg = STREAM(Outmail,'C','OPEN WRITE')
- Zaehler = Zaehler + 1
- If DEBUG Then
- Say MyName i'. Versuch: Ergebnis von OPEN WRITE von ' Outmail':' Erg
- end /* do */
- Say
- Erg = STREAM(Outmail,'C','CLOSE')
- 'del ' Outmail
- Erg = STREAM(Outmail,'C','OPEN WRITE')
- Erg = LINEOUT(Outmail,,1)
- If DEBUG Then
- Say MyName 'ERgebnis von RESET ' OUtmail ':' Erg
- IF (DEBUG & QUEUED() = 0) Then
- ERg = LINEOUT(STDERR,'He! nix in der Warteschlange! Queue is empty!')
- Erg = Lineout(Outmail,LINEIN('QUEUE:'))
- End
- Textline=''
- DO UNTIL (ABBREV(Textline,'-----BEGIN PGP') | (LINES() = 0))
- Textline = LINEIN()
- END /* DO skip lines before PGP output */
- Erg = LINEOUT(Outmail,Textline)
- Do WHILE LINES() > 0
- Erg = LINEOUT(Outmail,LINEIN())
- Erg = STREAM(Outmail,'C','CLOSE')
- If DEBUG Then
- Say MyName 'Ergebnis von CLOSE ' OUtmail ':' Erg