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- PGPREXX 1.2 July 24, 1996
- -------------------------------------------
- This is version 1.2 of PGPREXX, a package of seven
- REXX scripts to give PGP functionality to any OS/2 mail program. It has
- been written by Lüko Willms in Frankfurt/Main, Germany,
- e-mail <Lueko.Willms@T-Online.de>. Copyright reserved.
- There are seven REXX scripts in this package:
- PGPenCod.CMD - signs and encodes any outgoing message
- PGPdeCod.CMD - decodes incoming PGP signed messages
- PGPckSig.CMD - checks PGP signatures in incoming messages
- PGPadKey.CMD - adds a PGP public key block from a message to your PGP key ring
- SPLITMAIL.CMD - auxiliary program to PGPenCod.CMD
- JOINMAIL.CMD - auxiliary program to PGPenCod.CMD
- PGPEXEC.CMD - auxiliary program to PGPenCod.CMD
- Packaging information
- ---------------------
- When you unzip this archive, you will find the inner ZIP archive,
- PGPREXX.ZIP, my public PGP key (lwskey.asc) and the signature for the
- Include my key in your keyring (pgp -ka lwskey.asc) and check the ZIP
- file for its integrity (pgp PGPREXX.SIG PGPREXX.ZIP). After the 1.1 distribution,
- signatures have been added to the key, so you might want to add it again
- to your key ring.
- See PGPrexx.DOC in the inner archive for installation instructions
- and further comments. You can simply unzip all files in the inner archive
- to any directory of your choice.
- Version information
- -------------------
- Version 1.2 corrects a nasty bug introduced in the distributed version 1.1,
- drops the requirement that the procedures are to be installed on the PATH, changes
- checking for signatures on incoming mail, so that the result is appended to the
- actual message, and implements logging.