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- Description of SendSMS
- ======================
- Licence
- -------
- This program is shareware. Every user has to aggree to the following licence-conditions:
- 1. This program may only be distributed in this package.
- 2. All rights for commercial-use will belong to the author.
- 3. For a periode of 20 days you may use the program free. To use this software
- after this periode of 20 days you have to register SendSMS.
- If you doesn't register SendSMS you are not allowed to continue using
- the software.
- 4. To register please fill out the form (order.txt) and send it to the following address:
- B÷cherer Angewandte Informatik
- Wolfgang B÷cherer
- Im Grⁿn 9
- D-76316 Malsch
- Tel.: +49 (0)7246/942484
- Fax.: +49 (0)7246/942485
- EMail: wobo@bai.de
- WWW: http://www.bai.de
- The fee for one licence (installation on one computer) is:
- 230,-- DM (incl. tax)
- (transfers from foreign countrys plus 20,-- DM)
- (please ask for multiple licences)
- A T T E N T I O N!!! For registering it is important to specify your
- operating-system and the phonenumber of the line to use with
- SendSMS.
- 5. In response to your order you get a bill and after we have got the money we
- will send you a registration-key with which you are allowed to use SendSMS
- on one computer. It is forbitten to distribute this registration-key.
- 6. The use of SendSMS will result on your own risk. I am not responsible for
- any damage through the use of SendSMS (neighter damage through errors nor
- through wrong usage).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SendSMS is a shareware-program to send ShortMessages (SMS) to GSM-phones or pagers
- via the protocols TAP or UCP. SendSMS has following topics:
- - UCP- and TAP-Protocol (ex.: D1, D2, EPlus, Quix, TeLMI, CityRuf, Scall, Skyper)
- - completly configurable for providers which use TAP or UCP
- - preconfigured fpr differnet providers in Germany, Autrich, England,
- Danmark and Finland
- - message can be specified on the commandline (batch-processing)
- - easy to configure
- - evaluatable returncodes (errorcode or count of successfully sent messages)
- - can be used in server-mode and/or standalone (*)
- - phonebook: insted of numbers you can use aliases (*)
- - sending messages to multiple reciptients through different providers (*)
- - sending multiple messages to one or more reciptients within one connection (*)
- - messages can be spooled and sent in servermode with a minimum number of
- connections (*)
- - event-logging (Logfile) or logging through syslogd (*)
- - configurable redialing (*)
- - definiton of header- and/or footer-line (*)
- - configurable delay between dial-attempts (*)
- - modem will not be locked between dial-attempts
- - configurable for the most common modems
- - available on many operating-systems
- Topics marked with (*) are only available in the registered version.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation
- ------------
- You have only to decompress the ZIP-file (alternativly the tar.Z-file) in any
- directory. After that this directory should contain at least the following files:
- readme.txt - this file
- sendsms[.exe] - program-file
- sendsms.cfg - configuration-file
- sendsms.err - error-codes
- sendsms.pro - definition of providers
- sendsms.pbk - phonebook
- group - example for a group-definition (to send messages to
- multiple reciptients)
- If you are using Unix you have to set the execute-permission for SendSMS
- (chmod u+x sendsms).
- (the OS/2-version requires the EMX-runtime-environment
- http://www.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/leo/index.html)
- (the DOS-version requires a Fossil-driver,
- for Example adf.exe http://www.digsys.se)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Configuration
- -------------
- To configure SendSMS, edit the file sendsms.cfg.
- In the file sendsms.pro you can define the different providers (which provider uses
- TAP or UCP, which phonenumbers are to be used for them and what is the predial-code
- for them).
- Your personal phonebook with aliases can be defined in the file sendsms.pbk.
- Comments are always prefixed by ';' or '#'.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sendsms.cfg
- -----------
- In this file you can configure SendSMS in the chapter [SendSMS]. In the
- chapter [Modem] you can configure your modem(-device). In the registered
- version you can define as many modems as you want. In the
- connection-phase SendSMS tries to use the first defined modem. If this went
- wrong (modem is locked) the next one is used. If no modem can be used there
- will be a delay (REDIALDELAY) and then the whole will be repeated (REDIALCOUNT).
- In the chapter [SendSMS] you can specify the following keywords to configure
- SendSMS. Every keyword has to be entered in an own line.
- LOCKDIR=/var/spool/uucp
- Specifies the directory to look for and to generate a lock-file
- (only unix).
- Specifies whether the lockfile should be binary or ascii (only unix).
- SPOOLDIR=/var/spool/sendsms
- Specifies the directory to spool messages.
- [only available in the registered version]
- LOGFILE=sendsms.log
- Specifies a file in which all actions will be logged. If you specify
- 'syslog' (only unix) the logging will be handled through the syslog-daemon.
- [only available in the registered version]
- Specifies an optional headerline (text which will preceed every message)
- [only available in the registered version]
- Specifies an optional footerline (text which will be appended to every message)
- [only available in the registered version]
- Specifies the count of redial-attempts. In servermode this specifies the max.
- count of leaving the message in the spooldirectory (after faulty transmission)
- [only available in the registered version]
- Specifies the count of seconds to wait between two dial-attempts. While this
- time the modem will not be locked.
- [only available in the registered version]
- Your own phonenumber, from which the message will be submitted.
- Specifies the count of errors (not transmitted messages) to accept until SendSMS
- will be terminated. If this parameter isn't set or is set to 0 the program will
- not terminate after an error. This parameter has only sense if you send messages
- to multiple reciptients.
- BAUD=4800
- Specifies the baudrate (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800 or 9600). This value is
- only used if it isn't defined in sendsms.pro for the provider to be called.
- Specifies the count of databits (7 or 8). This value is
- only used if it isn't defined in sendsms.pro for the provider to be called.
- Specifies the count of stopbits (1 or 2). This value is
- only used if it isn't defined in sendsms.pro for the provider to be called.
- Specifies the kind of parity (NONE, EVEN or ODD). This value is
- only used if it isn't defined in sendsms.pro for the provider to be called.
- Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for the CONNECT-Message after the
- dial-command.
- Specifies the count of seconds to wait after writing to the modem
- (normaly 0)
- In the chapter [Modem] you can specify the following keywords to configure
- your modem. Every keyword has to be entered in an own line.
- (Please check your modem-description (if you have one) for the corresponding
- modem-commands)
- Specifies the device to which your modem is connected.
- (Attention: on unix you have to take notice that you are allowed to use
- the device)
- Specifies the command to reset your modem (normaly ATZ). If the standard
- profile of your modem sets the modem to 'answer off' (see below)
- then you have to leave this blank or to load another profile (ATZ1).
- Specifies the initialisation-command for your modem. You have to set your
- modem to:
- echo on
- answer on
- answer as text
- Specifies the command to dial a number.
- ESCAPE=+++
- Specifies the escapesequence to switch the modem from data- to command-mode.
- Specifies the comman to hang up.
- Specifies to use the hardware-flowcontrol.
- sendsms.pro
- -----------
- In this file you can define different providers (in the unregistered version
- a maximum of three providers). For every provider you have to enter a
- chapter by entering a line of the form:
- [<provider>]
- In every chapter you can specify the following parameters:
- Specifies the phonenumber of the provider. If the last character of the number
- is a '&', this means that the specified number will be appended by the number
- of the reciptient.
- Specifies the protocol (TAP, UCP, Scall or Skyper) which the provider uses.
- Specifies the predialcode for the corresponding provider. With this prefix
- SendSMS tries to identify the provider to which the phonenumber of the
- reciptient belongs.
- The number of the reciptient will be send together with the corresponding message.
- Because for some providers the number has to be send without any prefix you can
- specify with this parameter (=1) that the PREFIX (if defined) will be discarded.
- Specifies the kind of message: NUMERIC (only digits), ALPHANUMERIC
- (characters and digits) or TONE (no characters, only beeping). If the
- protocol is SKYPER or SCALL (German pagers) then this parameter is
- set automatically.
- Specifies the max. length of a message. If the protocol is SKYPER or SCALL
- (German pagers) then this parameter is set automatically.
- Specifies the max. count of messages which can be send in a single connection.
- If this parameter is specified the connection is canceld after the
- corresponding count of messages is sent and if required a new connection
- will be established. This is neccesary because some providers have a limit
- for sending muliple messages per connection.
- BAUD=4800
- Specifies the baudrate (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800 or 9600). If this parameter
- isn't specified the value from sendsms.cfg will be used.
- Specifies the count of databits (7 or 8). If this parameter
- isn't specified the value from sendsms.cfg will be used.
- Specifies the count of stopbits (1 or 2). If this parameter
- isn't specified the value from sendsms.cfg will be used.
- Specifies the kind of parity (NONE, EVEN or ODD). If this parameter
- isn't specified the value from sendsms.cfg will be used.
- For some providers (using the UCP-protocol) there must be a delay between the
- Connect-message of the modem and the first outgoing message (this dependes on
- the modem-settings, too). This parameter specifies the duration in seconds of
- this delay.
- Specifies an additional initializecommand for the modem. This command is called
- after the initializecommand deffined in sendsms.cfg and doesn't substitute
- it. Commonly this command can be left blank. It is only needed, if you want
- to force your modem to use a specific protocol. For eample you should use
- V.42/LAPM for providers using UCP (that is AT&Q5 for my modem).
- for example:
- [D1]
- PHONE=01712092522
- PREFIX=0171
- MSGLEN=160
- sendsms.pbk
- -----------
- In this file you can enter a chapter for every in sendsms.pro
- defined provider with aliases. Every chapter starts with
- a line of the form:
- [<provider>]
- Every alias has to be entered in an own line and has to be of the
- form:
- <alias>=<phone>
- The phonebook is only available in the registered version!!!!
- for example:
- [D1]
- wobo=01714160598 ; Wolfgang B÷cherer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Calling syntax
- --------------
- SendSMS will be executed as follows:
- sendsms [options] {phoneNo | alias | @<inputFile>} [{message | < msgFile}]
- options are:
- -P<provider> specifies the provider for the corresponding phonenumber
- -F<msgFile> specifies a filename which contents will be send as the message
- -C<cfgFile> specifies the configuration-file (sendsms.cfg)
- -R<proFile> specifies the provider-definition-file (sendsms.pro)
- -B<pbkFile> specifies the phonebook-file (sendsms.pbk)
- -q<n> start SendSMS as a server and check queue every <n> minutes
- -s spool messages (even if there runs no server)
- -n start SendSMS standalone (even if there runs a server)
- Ex.: sendsms 0171xxxxx "I am testing SendSMS"
- You have to specify at least one parameter - the phonenumber of the
- recipient or an alias (form the phonebook). If this first parameter starts with a
- masterspace (@), the parameter specifies the name of a file which contains
- multiple phonenumbers. With such a file it is possible to send one or multiple
- messages to multiple reciptients. The specified file must have the following
- format:
- [<provider1>]
- SMS=<message1>
- PHONE=<number1>
- PHONE=<number2>
- SMS=<message2>
- PHONE=<number3>
- PHONE=<alias1>
- PHONE=<alias2>
- [<provider2>]
- PHONE=<number4>
- Inclosed in brackets ([]) you have to specify providers (which are defined in
- sendsms.pro), followed by multiple lines with phonenumbers of reciptients or
- messages. Every line contains a new message (SMS=...), which should be sent to the
- following reciptients or the phonenumber (PHONE=...) of a reciptient (number
- or alias), which belongs to the corresponding provider and to which the message should
- be send in one connection. In the above example the message <message1> will be
- send to 2 reciptients and the message <message2> to 3 reciptients of
- <provider1> using the same connection. The second message will be send to one
- reciptient of <provider2>, too. If that file doesn't contain any message, the
- message entered on the commandline will be send to all reciptients.
- The second parameter is the message, enclosed by ' (ATTENTION: depending on the
- shell you are using some characters are substituted by the shell (for example '!')
- or you have to enclose the message by " insted of '). Alternativly you
- can specify the message by redirecting it from a file (< msgFile) or with the
- Parameter -F<msgFile>, where <msgFile> is the name of the file that will be
- send (at least the first n characters). If you specify only one parameter
- on the commandline (the reciptient), the message will be read from the console
- until you enter a line only consisting of a single '.'.
- If you want to send a message to a provider, which can't be identified by
- the predial-code of the reciptients phonenumber you have to specify the
- corresponding provider (as defined in sendsms.pro) with the parameter
- -P<provider>.
- For Example: you want to send a message to a Quix-Pager. SendSMS can't recognize
- the provider (Quix_News), because the number has no predialcode. Thatswhy you
- have to specify -PQuix_News.
- If you start SendSMS with the parameter -q<n> (in that case all other parameters
- are ignored), SendSMS works as a server and checks every <n> minutes the
- spooldirectory (<n> = 0 means to check only one time and terminate). If there
- are spooled messages thay will be sent with a minimum number of connections.
- If there runs a server every new instance will be started in spoolmode. This
- can be manipulated with the parameters -s (always spool) and -n (never spool).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Returncodes
- -----------
- SendSMS returns the count of successfully sent Messages. If the returncode is
- negative then this is an errorcode, which is described in the
- file sendsms.err.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Where can I get the newest version?
- ===================================
- You can always get the newest version under:
- http://www.bai.de/
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Problems/Questions
- ==================
- Please send an Email including the following informations
- - error-/problem-description
- - hardcopy of the screen (commandline and errormessage)
- - your sendsms.cfg
- - your sendsms.pro
- - used operating-system
- - used version of SendSMS
- - used modem
- to:
- wobo@bai.de
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- B÷cherer Angewandte Informatik
- Wolfgang B÷cherer, Im Grⁿn 9, D-76316 Malsch
- Tel.: +49 (0)7246/942484, Fax.: +49 (0)7246/942485
- EMail: wobo@bai.de
- WWW: http://www.bai.de