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- RPF Zip Control(TM) Copyright 1993-1997 RPF Software ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
- History
- -------
- Version 2.5.2 December 6, 1997
- ------------------------------
- * Correct file open dialog box opening in top right corner.
- * Added filter choices to file open dialog window.
- * Added a command line (or program object) parameter "/F"
- to turn OFF the display of the above filters (*.exe,
- *.zip, etc.) in the "Open" window, if there are formatting
- or display problems in using them.
- * Correct several file open dialog window filter glitches.
- * Account for UnZip and PKZIP odd formatting of .zip file
- contents list when an included file size or compressed
- size exceeds 9,999,999 bytes or 999,999 bytes respectively.
- Also attempt to anticipate upcoming changes in same programs
- which are intended to correct the formatting.
- * If more than five files are selected for "viewing," a
- confirmation window will permit cancelling the view
- operation.
- Version 2.5.1 November 17, 1997
- -------------------------------
- * Enabled the DOS self-extracting archive capability for the
- Info-ZIP Zip/UnZip programs.
- * Corrected miscellaneous problems with the new Zip2Exe window.
- * Corrected recursive zipping when using "After" date.
- * Improved the last used file mask feature.
- * Include Zip.exe 2.2, UnZip.5.32
- * Corrected cosmetic error on reported Zip.exe version date.
- Version 2.5.0 October 3, 1997
- -----------------------------
- * Included support for PKWARE's PKZIP 2.50 for OS/2.
- * Added a link to the RPF Software web site to the Product
- Information window.
- * Sped up Add when using Select File(s) mode.
- * Added a Zip2Exe DOS target option to ease archive transfer
- between operating systems.
- * Corrected a problem with international time formats where
- the country settings did not have a value for AM PM in OS/2 4.0.
- (Thanks to Stan Goodman.)
- * The Open window now remembers the last used file mask, e.g.,
- *.exe, during a Zip Control session.
- * Accommodated a minor change in IBM Antivirus 3.0.
- Version 2.4.5 May 26, 1997
- --------------------------
- * Contact information updated.
- Version 2.4.4 April 27, 1997 (Not publically announced or distributed)
- ----------------------------
- * Adjusted UnZip "Select directory" control layout so that the X File
- file dialog utility displays properly. Also, added an editable
- field for the directory selection.
- * Modified the Save To dialog to set the suggested new file name
- the same as the current file name (rather than to *.zip) so that
- use as a "helper" app with NetScape is better.
- * Incorporated the -A Zip.exe option when creating self-extracting archives.
- * Corrected occasional trailing "\" in UnZip, Select Directory.
- * Corrected buttons left in disabled state if View chosen for a file
- in a .zip file which was deleted external to Zip Control, while Zip
- Control thought it had the .zip file available and open.
- * Drag & Drop to create new archive now respects default setting for
- whether to set .zip file date to latest date inside .zip file.
- * Corrected menu choice "Move File to Repository" to reflect whether a
- .zip file has been opened.
- * Fixed Settings, Programs, View Program to accept "/" style parameters
- in the entry field for the View Program.
- Version 2.4.3 October 19, 1996
- ------------------------------
- * Corrected missing text on Progress Window.
- * Improved date format (e.g., yy/mm/dd) by incorporating config.sys Country
- settings in addition to System Setup, Country settings.
- Version 2.4.2 October 14, 1996
- ------------------------------
- * Added Help for the /Zn parameters.
- * A .zip filename passed as a parameter to Zip Control now has its
- full path constructed, if omitted.
- * Fixed rare (we think) case where Sorting the main window entries
- would hang OS/2.
- Version 2.4.1 September 15, 1996
- --------------------------------
- * Enhanced virus detection notification for IBM AntiVirus and McAfee.
- * Removed unused setlocale() call which caused SYS3175 on some systems.
- * Changed priority of a thread that affected startup time and added
- /Z1 and /Z2 as parameters to (/Z1) disable the thread priority downgrade,
- if problems, and to (/Z2) eliminate the thread for maximum performance
- (will not report the Zip.exe version/date if eliminated).
- Version 2.4.0 September 7, 1996
- -------------------------------
- * Changed the UnZip (selected) % complete to instead show "File m of n"
- and to not show the Progress Window if the number of files to be
- unzipped is <= 50.
- * Corrected improper display of zip file contents when using UnZip 5.2.
- * Settings Notebook cosmetic changes.
- Version 2.3.9 September 2, 1996
- -------------------------------
- * Enhanced warning about which IBM AntiVirus program .exe to use.
- * Corrected errors introduced in 2.3.8: no Help from command line,
- UnZip History not visible.
- * Aligned the accelerator keys with the Alt-? keys used on the main window.
- * Added Sort by Extension for the main listing of .zip file contents.
- * Added indication of the version of Zip.exe to the Product Information
- window.
- Version 2.3.8 August 28, 1996
- -----------------------------
- * Added a "move .zip file to repository directory after unzipping"
- option.
- Version 2.3.7 August 24, 1996
- -----------------------------
- * Added a workaround to McAfee's random "pause." This was indicated
- by the CheckOut, Scanning action not completing and not showing
- the virus scan report until Exit was clicked.
- Version 2.3.6 August 12, 1996
- -----------------------------
- * Adjusted for change in UnZip 5.2 where some files would appear to
- stall Zip Control.
- * Corrected a problem where on an invalid file date of a .zip file
- would cause a SYS3175.
- * Corrected locale-specific date/time formatting to respect the Country,
- Date settings as found in The System Setup folder.
- Version 2.3.5 July 31, 1996
- ---------------------------
- * Added the ability to drag all OS/2 file types to an
- open .zip file. Solves a problem with an application
- which identifies OS/2 file type as "unknown."
- * Corrected a problem where the directory used in Add stayed
- the default directory for that drive and, therefore, could
- not be deleted, if desired, until Zip Control was exited.
- * Added additional debug info.
- * Adopted Merlin folder types and notebook style.
- Version 2.3.4 July 8, 1996
- --------------------------
- * Included a "debug" parameter (/D) to log info regarding
- SYSnnnn style exceptions to the file "debug.log" in the
- directory which contains the Zip Control .ini file.
- Version 2.3.3 June 29, 1996
- --------------------------
- * Additional CheckOut "Delete" modifications to also
- eliminate the 10-20 second delay. This fix should eliminate
- all previous problems with this function.
- Version 2.3.1 June 9, 1996
- --------------------------
- * Further modifications to the CheckOut "Delete" function to
- eliminate occasional WPS "file in use or busy" messages. The
- method used seems to work, but does have a delay of 10-20
- seconds before the temporary directory disappears from the
- desktop.
- Version 2.3.0 May 18, 1996
- --------------------------
- * Modifications to accommodate UnZip *5.2*'s new format for listing
- .zip file contents.
- Version 2.2.9 April 27, 1996
- ----------------------------
- * May fix problem some people see when using CheckOut where the
- Delete of the temporary directory (~delete.me) fails on one or
- more of its files, particularly after application of FixPak 17.
- Version 2.2.8 January 26, 1996
- ------------------------------
- * New Installation program which does not have the
- "SOM Object Not Installed" problem which occurred
- with Warp FixPak 16.
- Version 2.2.7 January 6, 1996
- -----------------------------
- * Warp FixPak 16 repositioned items in the standard file
- open dialog box. The ZC UnZip, Select Directory dialog
- was modified to accommodate those changes.
- * Corrected a problem where the UnZip, Select Directory
- dialog would only return the first 50 characters of
- a path name.
- Version 2.2.6 October 11, 1995
- ------------------------------
- * Modified the EA Read code so that TVFS (IBM EWS software)
- would work with Zip Control for files with EAs.
- * Revised terminology in .doc and help files.
- Version 2.2.5 August 19, 1995
- -----------------------------
- * Zip Control now creates session unique Work directories,
- e.g., ~ZipWork.1, ~ZipWork.2. This allows multiple ZC
- sessions without conflict between the associated
- temporary files.
- * Default output directory and default work location are
- now created on the same drive as the ZC .ini file. This
- is to make it easier for corporate installations where
- ZipCntrl.exe may be placed in a read/execute directory
- on a server and using the ZC parameter /I=x:\dir\zc.ini.
- The location of the .ini file must always be in a
- read/write directory, as must be the output path and
- the work location.
- * Repaired Drag and Drop when Crtl key is held down.
- * Repaired Print, list of printer choices.
- Version 2.2.4 August 9, 1995
- ----------------------------
- * Repaired SYS3171 problem in OS/2 2.11.
- * Repaired CheckOut, Scan failure to display report.
- * Repaired AutoUnZip, which would not complete unless
- either AutoTest or AutoScan was active.
- Version 2.2.3 July 30, 1995
- ---------------------------
- * Orders for Zip Control may now be placed with
- 1. OS/2 Shareware BBS
- 2. BMT Micro
- 3. Greater Chicago OS/2
- each of whom accept credit card orders. Orders may
- also be placed directly with RPF Software or CompuServe
- (via SWREG). See Order.doc for details.
- * Added an Install program.
- * Implemented AutoUnZip (see Settings notebook, General
- Options page). Create an additional Zip Control icon
- (WPS program reference object) and add a "parameter"
- /U (for UnZip). A zip file dragged to that icon
- (with the /U parameter) will be automatically unzipped
- to the default UnZip output drive:\directory defined
- in the Settings notebook, Paths page or as controlled
- by other Settings options ("Use zip location", "Put
- files in subdir of zip location", etc.). Zip Control
- will not appear to run (does not open any windows),
- but will sound a tone upon completing the unzipping.
- * Can now restrict Zipping (Adding) files to those
- modified after a specified date.
- * Added "Test" and "Scan" to the main window pop-up menu
- under "File". Can also be used via Ctrl-T and Ctrl-S.
- These permit an interactive Test (UnZip -t) or
- virus scan of an open .zip file.
- * Added AutoTest and AutoScan as General Options
- (Settings notebook). If active, each zip file
- will be automatically "Tested" (UnZip -t) and/or
- virus scanned when the zip file is opened. The
- AutoScan can be particularly helpful with the
- greater access to the Internet.
- * Can now **Open** a zip file by dragging and dropping it
- on Zip Control's main window IF the Ctrl and Shift keys
- are both depressed while the mouse button is released.
- Otherwise, the dragged zip file will be "added" to the
- currently opened zip file (current behaviour).
- * Added "Drag and Drop Help" to the on-line help. It is
- available by pressing the F1 key while dragging within
- Zip Control or by selecting from the on-line Help index.
- * Added to the Comments window the ability to view Extended
- Attributes (EAs), if present. EAs are added to downloaded
- files by the Golden CommPass CompuServe offline reader.
- * Added "Select directory" button in the UnZip window to
- use a modified file open dialog box to select the output
- path (drive:\directory).
- * Added CheckOut Auto-options for Test and Delete. Re-arranged
- position of Delete. Allows automated processing for some
- user configurations. If the Test Auto option is enabled,
- Test will be auto-run when CheckOut is selected. When
- exiting, if the Auto option of Delete is enabled, the
- temporary Extract directory will be automatically deleted.
- * Added "hint" help in status bar as mouse moves over buttons.
- * Default options for the McAfee virus scanner are built into
- Zip Control. Default options for the IBM AntiVirus scanner
- have been added to Zip Control. Additionally, there is now
- a Custom option which allows the override of the built-in
- McAfee and IBM AntiVirus options. This Custom option
- can also be used to define virus scan options for other
- virus scan programs. Testing was not able to be done on
- other scanners, so please report any problems with this
- feature.
- * Attempts to "view" a file with a .exe, .com, .bat, .cmd,
- or .btm file extension while SmartView is active will first
- be prompted for confirmation before continuing since
- "viewing" such files cause the programs to be run.
- * Now prompts on whether to continue when attempting to
- UnZip to the Zip Control product directory.
- * File Open Dialog box defaults back to Settings-defined
- default Zip File Location if "last used" location yields
- "drive not ready" message and user selects "Cancel."
- * Delete ZC "work" subdirectory, ~ZipWork, upon exit, if empty.
- * Modified Add, Select File(s) when "Store paths of selected dir"
- is selected. This will now store the full path and file
- name in the .zip file. When not selected and "Store path(s)"
- is selected, ZC will store ancestor paths of the path which is
- highlighted in the Select Directory list box.
- * Repaired Add, Select File(s) when Store Path(s) not selected,
- would not Add a file which had no extension (Error 12).
- * Repaired Search, Delete to delete the highlighted file.
- (Previously only worked when there was an open .zip file.)
- * Added "Display progress window even if not minimized" option in
- the Settings notebook, General Options page to force the
- Progress Window to be displayed for UnZip, Add, Delete, etc.
- even if the action window is not to be minimized.
- Version 2.2.2 March 12, 1995
- ----------------------------
- * Repaired broken Sort.
- * Repaired case where UnZip output directory history would
- not be built for a new Zip Control install.
- Version 2.2.1 March 11, 1995
- ----------------------------
- * Added the ability to create a .exe file from a .zip file.
- This requires identifying in the Settings notebook the
- path and name of the UnZipSFX.exe file which is included
- in the UnZip archive (UNZ512.EXE or UnZip512.zip). See
- pop-up menu (Right Mouse Button) or use Ctrl-Z.
- * Added the ability to drag and drop files from inside
- the .zip file onto the Desktop or into a folder. If
- the file name over which the RMB drag is begun is
- highlighted, then all the highlighted files will be
- copied to the target folder. If the file that is
- dragged was not highlighted (others may have been
- highlighted), only the file over which the RMB drag
- was begun will be copied to the target folder. If a
- drag is begun over "white space", then all highlighted
- (if any) files will be copied to the target folder.
- * Modified the new Sort pop-up menu option and the Search
- sort option to respect the National date format.
- * Clarified an error message (cannot have duplicate files
- in a .zip file) so that it would only display for that
- condition.
- * NOTE: To use the "encryption" feature, a version of
- Zip.exe which supports encryption is required. This
- may take some searching. It is on some US BBSs and should
- be on non-US BBSs and non-US Internet sites where US
- encryption export controls may not apply. The file name
- for the encryption capable version usually is zip201c2.zip.
- The "c" in the file name indicates encryption capable.
- * Fixed CheckOut's ReZip and Exit not reflecting the Setting
- notebook selections.
- Version 2.2.0 February 11, 1995
- -------------------------------
- * Repaired the Sort option to not re-use a previous .zip
- file's contents.
- * Changed the Settings Notebook, Programs page, notification
- of an invalid program name (not found, not supported) to be
- a red text string instead of an error window. The error
- window within a notebook could lead to an apparent system
- hang (although a ctrl-esc would recover).
- * Changed default UnZip program from UnZip.exe to UnZip32.exe.
- Version 2.1.9 February 4, 1995
- ------------------------------
- * Added Sort (of the Zip File Contents listing) to the Main
- Window pop-up menu. Can sort ascending/descending by
- path+name+date, name+date+path, date+name+path, or none
- (same order as stored in the .zip file). Also, see Keys Help.
- * Improved the "System Editor to Top" fix.
- Version 2.1.8 January 30, 1995 (unreleased)
- ------------------------------
- * Added a "Find text" pop-up menu choice (also Ctrl-F). This
- option will highlight one or all file names within the .zip
- file which contain a user-specified text in the file name(s).
- * Added an UnZip option to make it easy to unzip to a subdirectory
- (named the same as the .zip file) of the directory in which the
- .zip file is located. This user-suggested option seems to be a
- handy way to organize product directories (each product
- directory is a subdirectory of the download directory).
- * Added "Keys Help" to the pop-up Help menu. Shows accelerator
- keys.
- * Added a Status bar to indicate when UnZip, Zip, and Sorting
- have completed.
- * Added two "acceptable error level" settings, which are definable
- in the Settings notebook. One sets the largest acceptable error
- that can occur during the CheckOut "Test" function, without
- being reported as an error. The default is error level 1.
- The second is the largest acceptable error that can be
- reported by UnZip without reporting an error. The default
- is error level 2. See the .doc file in the UnZip archive for the
- meaning of the error numbers.
- * In creating a New .zip file, the file open dialog box presents
- the existing directory structure. This limits the creation of
- a new .zip file to being located in an existing directory.
- However, if a full path and .zip file name are keyed in to the
- file open dialog box and the directory does not exist, the
- .zip file would not be created. This release creates the
- directory if it did not previously exist.
- * Repaired the UnZip Progress Window to properly show the
- graphic progress when UnZipping using "Selected files."
- * Fixed the pop-up menu "Select" choice so that it could be
- selected.
- * Added the "am/pm" info to dates in file info and Print.
- * When switching (Ctrl-H) to/from the expert mode (Hide buttons),
- the main window (with buttons showing) would have a "sizable"
- window border rather than the dialog border. Repaired.
- * Repaired minimized icon error introduced when adding the "Hide
- buttons" option.
- * Fixed a case where the "Path does not exist..." was not being
- displayed in the UnZip window, when it should have been.
- * In 2.1.7, when a target disk was full, Zip Control would pause
- waiting to answer UnZip.exe. ZC now answers "not continue."
- * Narrowed the test for "PkZip" and "PkUnZip" in the Zip and
- UnZip program names (Settings notebook, Programs page) to test
- only the program base name, not including the path. The Pk
- programs are not supported, just the Info-Zip programs.
- * Returned to previous Zip Control icon due to suggestions.
- Version 2.1.7 January 2, 1995
- -----------------------------
- * Primary reason for this release is to correct a temporary file
- name problem used in Adding files to a .zip file. The file
- name was too long for a FAT file system and the Add would
- not occur (error: Zip file not found).
- * Corrected the CheckOut, Test function to properly report
- the full error message when the Test failed.
- Version 2.1.6 December 31, 1994
- -------------------------------
- * Now handles encrypted .zip files.
- * Now handles creation of encrypted .zip files.
- * Added a "Hide buttons" option. This option reduces the main
- window to the size of the list box. It "hides" all the buttons
- and text of the main window. This is probably more useful to
- people who want an "expert" mode, using minimum screen real
- estate, and who can use the pop-up menu and accelerator keys
- as a substitute for the buttons and checkboxes. Use Ctrl-H,
- the pop-up menu "Preferences" toggle, or the Settings notebook
- to toggle between the "Hide buttons" mode and standard mode.
- * Added a "work around" for the behavior of the System Editor
- which IBM introduced in OS/2 2.11 (ref PMR 2x535). The work
- around forces the Viewed text file to display on top of other
- OS/2 windows.
- * Repaired a problem where, after running CheckOut, the first
- Open would just refresh the currently open .zip file rather
- than displaying a file open dialog box.
- * Automatically asks for New .zip file name when drag & drop or
- Add, if there is no active .zip file.
- * Added the CheckOut "Auto" settings to the Settings notebook.
- * Repaired a condition where Zip.exe & UnZip.exe may not have
- been found for some operations, if those files were in the
- product directory (and not in the path or if the full path
- was not specified).
- Version 2.1.5 December 3, 1994
- ------------------------------
- * Drag and Drop implemented to allow dragging files from the
- Desktop or a Drives folder to Zip Control's main window list box.
- One or more folders and/or files may be dragged at one time. The
- default drag mode is to zip a folder's files and the files in its
- subdirectories, storing the path name for any files in subdirectories.
- Pressing the Ctrl key while dragging and dropping will also store
- the path name with the files in the top level directory. Pressing
- both the Ctrl and Shift keys while dragging and dropping will
- result in no path names being stored.
- * Repaired a problem where a SYS3175 would occur if there were an
- attempt to start a second Zip Control session (non-unique queue
- names).
- * Repaired a problem where the UnZip window would not appear and
- Zip Control appeared to be frozen. The UnZip window was active,
- but minimized. Pressing Esc would return to the Main window.
- The temporary fix was to ensure that Save Colors/Fonts/Position
- in the Settings Notebook was UNchecked and then press the Reset
- Colors/Fonts/Position button.
- Version 2.1.4 November 25, 1994
- -------------------------------
- * Quick maintenance fix to repair a problem which would appear when
- the Zip or UnZip program file or path\file did not exist or was
- not in the PATH. The result would be either a frozen system or
- hatched icon with no visible Zip Control.
- * Open will now append the file extension ".zip" if no extension is
- entered. To Open a .zip file without an extension, end the new
- file name with a period (".").
- Version 2.1.3 November 21, 1994
- -------------------------------
- * Changed the "test" function in CheckOut so that it now uses
- "UnZip -t file" instead of "Zip -T file" because it provides more
- info when there IS an error and it gives a "warning" instead of
- "error" when the error is not severe.
- * Added a popup menu (RMB) for the Main window.
- * Added accelerator keys (e.g., Ctrl-O for Open) for the Main window.
- * Changed the format of the user preferences information that is
- stored in ZipCntrl.ini to a less readable, but more compact form.
- * Repaired the Settings notebook so that it would not remove the
- "Custom" settings for the View Program.
- * Added "File, Delete" to the popup menu to allow deleting the
- currently opened .zip file.
- * Repaired most (all?) of the screen "paint" problems.
- * Corrected situation where minimized icons would display a portion
- of the associated window (a partial button).
- * Repaired the Auto Exit function in CheckOut.
- * Now permits embedded spaces in the path of Zip.exe and UnZip.exe.
- * Selecting "Cancel" from the Progress or other window will stop
- the unzip, zip, add, or delete action in mid-process.
- * "Create" renamed to "New" and now automatically goes into "Add."
- * The "Save Colors/Fonts" option now also saves "Position."
- Version 2.1.2 October 9, 1994
- -----------------------------
- * Fixed Version's 2.1.1's problem of leaving part of the ZC image
- on the screen.
- * Save As and Create will now append the file extension ".zip" if no
- extension is entered. To save as or create a .zip file without an
- extension, end the new file name with a period (".").
- * In previous versions, UnZip processed files to be unzipped one at
- a time. As a result, the time required to unzip a large number of
- files was taking MUCH longer than using UnZip.exe at the command
- line. Zip Control was modified to call UnZip.exe once, to unzip
- "All", or the minimum number of times if unzipping "Selected" files.
- This means that we lose the ability to display each file name as
- it's being unzipped. The progress indicator has been replaced with
- an elapsed time indicator ("All") or a % complete indicator
- ("Selected").
- * Add (Zip) has an additional option, "Store path of selected dir."
- When Zipping with the "Store path(s)" option selected and the
- "Select Directory" button is pushed, the default action will be to
- zip all the files in the selected directory (without storing the
- directory name) and to zip all the subdirectories (and files) of
- those directories (storing the subdirectory names as the "top level"
- stored directory names). If the new option is selected, the
- highlighted directory name will be "top level" directory name stored.
- * Due to the nature of Zip "recursion" and the multiple Zip passes
- which may be made in creating a .zip file, it was possible for a
- partial .zip file to be included in a newly created .zip file.
- Add (Zip) now specifically EXCLUDES zipping a .zip file with the
- same name as the current .zip file.
- * It is no longer required to copy Zip Control's Help file (ZipCntrl.hlp)
- to a directory listed in the SET HELP line of config.sys. Zip Control
- will find the Help file that is in the Zip Control product directory.
- * Size of UnZip window further reduced.
- Version 2.1.1 September 25, 1994
- --------------------------------
- * Repaired erroneous message indicating that Zip.exe can not be located.
- * Corrected a situation where Zip Control would indicate that it is
- unzipping files, but actually did not unzip them. This had to do with
- older versions of UnZip (prior to 5.12) failing due to a newer option.
- * Corrected a threading problem where the display of Zip Control's main
- window would only be partially drawn if a .zip icon were double
- clicked. Same fix also corrected a problem with Zip Control (with Auto
- Comments enabled) not completing the update of the Comments window upon
- pushing the Comments button (on OS/2 versions prior to the Warp II beta).
- * Changed the way New operates. The New button is now Create. There is
- no longer an "Untitled" .zip file. "Create" asks for the new .zip file
- name you wish to create. You can then "Add" files to the newly
- created or an existing .zip file.
- * Improved the support of non-SmartView viewers. Also, you can now define
- exactly how to start your non-SmartView viewer if Zip Control does not
- correctly determine the settings.
- * Reworked some areas where the use of threads had been somewhat of a
- problem. Added threads to the CheckOut section to improve user
- responsiveness.
- * Reduced the size of the UnZip window.
- Version 2.1 September 17, 1994
- ------------------------------
- * Adjusted Zip Control so that it works with the OS/2 Warp II beta.
- * Added the Check Out feature. Makes it easy to Test, Scan (virus),
- Report (virus scan report), Evaluate (test run the application in an
- automatically opened desktop folder), Delete (the test directory),
- Comment (edit or add comments to the .zip file), and ReZip (the .zip
- file for greater compression).
- * The Check Out Scan feature currently supports only the McAfee
- OS2SCAN.EXE virus scanner, version 2.x. The full path and file
- name should be specified in the Settings notebook.
- * The Progress Window will no longer be displayed if the active window
- is displayed. The use of the Progress window is controlled by the
- "Minimized while processing" setting in the Settings notebook.
- * Added capability to pass Zip Control the path and name of the
- .ini file to use for Zip Control. In the parameters field of the
- Zip Control Desktop object, add "/I=drive:\path\name.ini" without
- the quotes and replacing drive, path, and name to match the location
- of the .ini file you wish to use. This switch is optional and would
- probably be most useful for LAN installations or multiple versions
- of Zip Control on the same PC. The default (no use of the /I switch)
- is to use ZipCntrl.ini in the Zip Control product directory.
- * Added slightly better support of DOS viewers for use when SmartView
- is NOT active.
- * Added an indication of the number of "selected" files/directories and
- their uncompressed file size total. See lower left corner of the main
- window.
- * Added the Zip (Add window) settings plus the AutoComments, AutoOpen,
- Extended Selection, SmartView, LaserJet 2-up, and Save Colors/Fonts
- settings to the Settings notebook so that their default settings may
- be configured.
- * Resized several windows to not use as much of the screen.
- * Default Zip compression changed to maximum (9), but this is
- configurable in the Settings notebook.
- * Miscellaneous tweaks & fixes.
- Version 2.00 May 31, 1994
- -------------------------
- * Significantly faster initial load. Faster subsequent proecessing.
- * Supports saving of "drag & drop" color schemes, colors, and fonts.
- (Can reset all the custom colors/fonts to the active system values.)
- * Can make "in session" changes between Extended and Multiple selection
- methods for the main "Zip File Contents" list box.
- * Since Zip Control now uses the WPS "associations" (when SmartView is
- active) to determine how to "view" a file which is within a zip file,
- the additional ZC user table of viewers is no longer used.
- * Right Mouse Button selections/menus temporarily removed.
- * Clipboard actions temporarily removed.
- * The menus added in version 1.64 beta have been removed.
- * Accommodated (worked around) Unzip.exe version 5.1's display of a
- new comment listing ("Archive: d:\xxx\yyy.zip").
- * Added the equivalent of the Unzip.exe -U option in the Unzip window.
- * Added support for language specific versions of Zip Control. All the
- Zip Control window and message text is stored in ZCNLS.dll. Over time,
- and with the help of volunteers, national language versions of ZCNLS.dll
- can be easily created and distributed.
- * Added online help. National language versions will be added.
- * Now uses threads for most tasks, and minimizes ZC windows while those
- threads run. A small progress window is displayed until the thread
- completes, at which time Zip Control windows are restored. The major
- benefit is that OS/2 can be easily used for other tasks while large
- zips or unzips are in process.
- * NOTE: This is truly a NEW version of Zip Control. Although it may not
- appear so, EVERY line of code has been rewritten. The initial intent was
- to achieve near equivalent functionality to Zip Control version 1.64 beta
- . . . but with significantly faster performance, and be equipped for more
- functionality in the future. However, significant usability enhancements
- were added during the re-write.
- Report any problems to RPF Software @ 71660,535 via CompuServe Mail.
- Version 1.64 Beta February 23, 1994
- -----------------------------------
- * Temporary fix for the problem some were seeing where an error message
- indicated "Can not open zip file." Permanent fix requires fix to
- the development kit used for ZC. A side effect of the temporary fix
- is that a debug-type window may appear, especially for 4OS2 users
- with 4Start.cmd in the root directory. Contact us for a 4OS2 workaround.
- * Enhanced the display of error messages reported by unzip.exe and zip.exe.
- * Renamed the Add, Select Entire Directory to Select Directory with a choice
- of whether to Add just the directory (No Files) or all its files (along
- with the directory, if Store Path is selected).
- * Added a choice to zip up System/Hidden files (Add window).
- * Repaired some problems in the Add to zip file functions.
- * Added Window Settings & Copy to Clipboard to the Main menu bar. These
- are also available on the window's popup menu (right mouse button).
- The Window Settings allow 1) changing the Style of the UnZip listbox
- to/from Extended and Multiple, 2) setting SmartView to use either the
- OS/2 System's "associations" or the "associations" set in Zip Control's
- Settings notebook. The defaults are Multiple and System.
- Copy to Clipboard copies the list of files in the listbox to the system
- clipboard, where it may then be "pasted" into other documents.
- * Added "Output path history" menu item to the UnZip window. Also available
- as a popup menu and in the Output Path combo box. Keeps the last ten
- target directories for quick selection,
- * Corrected a problem where a path named 'PATH' would get created under
- certain conditions.
- Version 1.60 January 23, 1994
- -----------------------------
- * Repaired situation where "Add" could not see the files on a disk
- volume with no subdirectories.
- * Repaired error introduced in version 1.53 where would not properly
- handle viewing a file name which included a space (" ").
- * Added choice to display error messages reported by zip.exe and
- unzip.exe.
- * The zipcntr*.ico files may be deleted from the Zip Control directory.
- Those resources are now embedded within the zipcntrl.exe file.
- * If the COMSPEC environment variable does not identify a proper OS/2
- command processor, Zip Control attempts to use \OS2\CMD.EXE on the
- drive where OS2.INI is located.
- * The "association" of .zip files may now be made to either zipcntrl.exe
- or to the Zip Control Desktop object.
- Version 1.53 January 8, 1994
- ----------------------------
- Changes:
- * Reduced the time it takes before the Add window can accept user
- input.
- * Reduced by half the elapsed time to add files to a .zip file over
- version 1.52.
- * Reduced *dramatically* the elapsed time to delete files from a .zip
- file over version 1.52.
- * Added visual indication to the UnZIP window if the output path
- does not currently exist. It will still be created if it doesn't
- exist, but you will at least have a chance to correct typos in the
- path first, if that is why the path didn't exist.
- * Added Footers & Headers to the 2-up LaserJet printing.
- * Repair the "memory" of what was the selected printer.
- * Repair an error that had been introduced with the AutoOpen button.
- If AutoOpen was not selected, then drag-and-drop of .zip file icons
- to the Zip Control desktop object would not open the .zip file until
- the Open button was pushed. Same for "associations" of .zip files.
- Version 1.52 November 28, 1993
- ------------------------------
- Changes:
- * Added printer choices (which are known to the system) to "Print."
- * To enable View to run DOS or Windows programs via the SmartView
- associations (e.g., .DOC -> WinWord.exe), the quotation marks are
- now removed from zipped files to be "viewed" IF the filename
- contains no embedded spaces. Otherwise, the quotations will remain
- to enable OS/2 programs to use such filenames (with embedded spaces).
- DOS and Windows programs are unable to handle filenames with either
- quotation marks or embedded spaces.
- Best results when using SmartView with DOS or Windows programs can
- probably be obtained by using the entry: START /WIN WINWORD.EXE (or
- other DOS or Windows program name). The full path name will be
- needed for the program if it is not in the OS/2 path (and it probably
- will not be). Alternatively, the CMD.EXE /C WINWORD.EXE style could
- be used.
- * Reduced by half the elapsed time to add files to a .zip file.
- Version 1.51 November 20, 1993
- ------------------------------
- Changes:
- * Corrected a problem with "Add"ing files to a .zip file, if the
- file to be added had a dash ("-") in the file name.
- * Added explanatory message when you choose "Add" with "Zip all
- subdirectories too" but without "Store paths . . .". If UnZip
- detects two files with the same name, UnZip fails. The message
- explains this to the user and suggests adding the "Store paths"
- option (which is probably better anyway).
- * Corrected a problem with directories/file names which include
- the "^" character.
- * Added a simple LaserJet 2-up printing capability.
- Version 1.50 November 03, 1993
- ------------------------------
- Changes:
- * Added access to ZIP.EXE.
- * Added "This session only" choices for the UnZip output path.
- Choices are Default output path, Last path used, .ZIP path.
- * Added the ZC directory to the system PATH, for the ZC session
- only, so that users who put UNZIP.EXE in the ZC directory and
- do not specify the path for UNZIP.EXE in the Settings, Programs,
- UnZip Program entry, will be able to "see" UNZIP.EXE.
- * Eliminated the extra window which would occasionally appear,
- especially for 4OS2 users.
- * Added "AutoOpen" for user to define whether the Open dialog box
- should automatically appear and "AutoComments" for automatic display
- of embedded zip file comments.
- * Changed the temporary files which are created for the View function
- to use original file names in a work location subdirectory, rather
- than temporary file names in the default output directory. These
- temporary files are removed when Zip Control is closed.
- Version 1.10 October 10, 1993
- -----------------------------
- Changes:
- * Converted the Paths button to a Settings notebook, which
- includes Options, Paths, and Programs.
- * Modified the Settings - Programs and the View process to
- permit association of different viewer programs to
- files on the basis of the file extension.
- This feature can also be used to "run" .EXE files within
- the ZIP file (with caution) and to unzip ZIP files within
- the ZIP file.
- The "SmartView" check box turns on/off the use of viewers
- associated by file extension. When off, the <default>
- viewer is ALWAYS used, regardless of file extension.
- * Changed the View process to support viewing multiple
- (selected) files at the same time.
- * Added Print capability. Can print multiple selected files
- to the default PRN printer.
- * Added Search functions. Search scans one or more selected
- disk drives, looking for .ZIP files. The files are placed
- in a list, sorted in one of three ways: name+date+path,
- path+name+date, or date+name+path. Once the disk(s) has been
- scanned, the list of files may be re-sorted without a re-scan
- of the disk(s).
- ZIP files in the list may be "Opened" (unzipped), which permits
- use of the standard features of Zip Control (UnZip, View, Print).
- Additionally, a selected file may be Deleted. This may be useful
- if, during review of the sorted list, it is noticed that there
- are duplicates of the same file in two or more directories.
- * Cosmetic tune-ups to better comply with CUA.
- Version 1.02 October 5, 1993
- ----------------------------
- Changes:
- * UnZIP dialog, Output Path logic corrected to handle a path
- which did not include a backslash "\" somewhere in the
- path (not counting the last character of the path).
- Version 1.01 September 26, 1993
- -------------------------------
- Changes:
- * Title Bar--Added version number.
- * "Paths"
- UnZIP Program Name and VIEW Program Name corrected to
- accept paths (Drive/Directory) as documented.
- If a program cannot be found at the location specified and
- also cannot be found in the OS/2 system path, the user will
- be given the option to change the entry or to continue.
- If a path cannot be found, the user will be given the option
- to change the entry or to continue.
- Cancel button added.
- Modified so that VIEW program entry can have command line switches
- ("/", "-") entered, retained, and used properly.
- Added the capability to target unzip output to the same directory
- in which the .ZIP file is located.
- * "Settings"
- "Replace" option removed. Was confusing.
- "Overwrite" option removed. Was confusing.
- * "Open"
- "Search" changed to "Open"
- * "Contents" changed to "Comments"
- * "UnZip"
- "UnZip" button active whenever there is an entry in the list box,
- whether or not a file name is highlighted. Done to permit "All"
- choice on the "UnZip" dialog box.
- "All" choice activated in addition to "Selected."
- Same changes as in "Settings" regarding the "Replace" and "Overwrite"
- options.
- Target output path will now be created if it doesn't exist. Previously
- would only create if single level path.
- Clipping of the last "e" in "Respect . . . file" should be fixed.
- Added the capability to target unzip output to the same directory
- in which the .ZIP file is located.
- * General
- Corrected a situation where, when using 4OS2, the cleanup of the VIEW
- temporary file was being displayed.
- Tested with 4OS2.EXE in addition to CMD.EXE.
- Helpful headings added across the top of the list box--Length, Date,
- Time, Name.
- Support for directory and file names with embedded spaces.
- Version 1.0 September 19, 1993
- ------------------------------
- Initial Release.