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- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- README for Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.03
- For Microsoft Windows 3.1
- August 1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1997
- ------------------------
- ------------------------
- To view Readme.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window.
- To print Readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor,
- and then use the Print command on the File menu.
- --------
- --------
- Installing from the Internet
- Upgrading over Earlier Versions
- LAN Installations
- Running on a Remote Installation
- Before Using the Mail Client
- Installing a Modem
- Changing Initialization Settings for Modems
- Using the Dialer
- Using Third-Party Telnet Helper Applications
- Installation with Existing TCP/IP Connections and ISP Accounts
- Making a Backup Copy of the Software
- Changing the Default Installation Directory
- How to Disable the VM for Java
- Settings for Java
- Technical Support for VM
- Known Issues with Java on Windows 3.1
- -------------------
- -------------------
- This version is intended for users of Microsoft(R) Windows(R)
- 3.1/3.11 and Windows for Workgroups 3.1/3.11.
- Because this version is a 16-bit program, you do not need
- to have Win32s(R) installed on your computer.
- If you are using Microsoft Windows NT(R) 3.51, install
- the mini (browser only) or browser/mail version.
- This release includes Microsoft Windows 3.1 Virtual Machine (VM) for
- Java(TM). It supports the same feature set available in Sun JDK 1.02.
- - To run the browser only:
- - 4 MB, 386 processor required; 8 MB, 386 recommended
- - To run the browser and Java VM:
- - 8 MB, 486 required; 12 MB, 486 recommended
- - Microsoft Windows 3.1 or 3.11 or
- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 or 3.11
- - A VGA monitor or better
- - A mouse
- - A 9600 BPS modem or a LAN connection
- Note
- If you are running NT 3.51, the service pack 4 is needed.
- Otherwise, you will see instability in the VM.
- --------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------
- Installing from the Internet
- ----------------------------
- To install Microsoft Internet Explorer from the Internet, carry out
- the following procedure.
- Important
- For the 40-bit version of Internet Explorer, the name of the download
- file is Dlful30f.exe. For the 128-bit version, you determine the file name
- at the time you download it.
- 1. Create a temporary directory on your computer.
- 2. Choose to download Microsoft Internet Explorer from the Internet,
- and save the download file to the temporary directory.
- 3. In File Manager, run the download file to extract the program files.
- 4. Read the instructions below for LAN installations and for installing
- with existing TCP/IP connections.
- 5. In File Manager, run Setup.exe. Setup installs files in the
- directory you specify.
- Note
- If you are upgrading to a newer version of Internet Explorer and
- choose to install the program in a different directory from your
- original version, please refer to the following section, "Upgrading
- over Earlier Versions," for further instructions.
- 6. Run Internet Explorer.
- Upgrading over Earlier Versions
- When upgrading to a newer version of Internet Explorer, you can choose to
- install the program into the same directory as your previous version
- or establish another directory. If you choose the former, your previous
- dialer settings and connection(s) will be preserved. However, if you choose
- the latter, you must do the following in order to use your pre-existing
- dialer settings and connection(s):
- 1. If you install to a new directory, but keep your existing
- program group, you must change the properties of any dialer
- program item(s) you previously created so that the Command Line
- and Working Directory settings point to the appropriate directories.
- (Note that the New Connections program item does not need to be
- modified.) You do this by clicking the dialer program item, choosing
- Properties from the File menu, and replacing all references to the
- existing directory with the name of new directory. For example, if
- you install an upgrade of Internet Explorer to a new directory named
- NEWEXPL, the following change would be required:
- Command Line: C:\IEXPLORE\iedial.exe C:\IEXPLORE\CON0000.CON
- Working Directory: C:\IEXPLORE
- Changes to:
- Command Line: C:\NEWEXPL\iedial.exe C:\NEWEXPL\CON0000.CON
- Working Directory: C:\NEWEXPL
- 2. Using File Manager, copy all files with the extension .con
- from the previous directory to the new created directory.
- 3. If during the upgrade you choose to use a new program group, just
- follow step 2 and copy the old dialer program items to the new
- program group. Repeat step 1 to change the Command Line and Working
- Directory settings.
- LAN Installations
- -----------------
- If you already have access to the Internet through your LAN, you will be
- able to use Internet Explorer to browse the Internet. (If you are not
- sure whether you currently have access, consult your network administrator.)
- If you have access, your LAN administrator should provide you with
- the address of proxy servers that can be used.
- To install Internet Explorer, you need to do the following:
- - Make sure you have the TCP/IP protocol installed.
- - Run the installation in Custom mode, and make sure that the
- check box labaled TCP/IP Stack And Dialer is not selected.
- Proxy servers can also be used, provided they are CERN compliant.
- To enable use of a proxy server:
- 1. On the View menu, click Options.
- 2. On the Connection tab, select the check box under Proxy
- Server, and then click Settings.
- 3. In the Proxy Settings dialog box, type the address of your
- proxy server and change any other necessary settings.
- Running on a Remote Installation
- --------------------------------
- If you will be running Internet Explorer on a diskless workstation:
- 1. Install Internet Explorer on the server.
- 2. Copy Iexplore.ini to the client Windows directory.
- If you will be sharing a remote installation from a client computer
- running Windows 3.1:
- 1. The following files must be in the client computer's
- Windows\System directory:
- Comctlie.dll
- Vscrpt16.dll
- Jscrpt16.dll
- Secur16.dll
- Security.dll
- Msapsp16.dll
- Msnssp.dll
- Signin16.hlp
- Msnath16.hlp
- and optionally the following RealAudio files:
- Ragui16.dll
- Ra16.dll
- Ract14_4.dll
- Ra3228_8.dll
- Pnloader.dll
- 2. The client computer must have OLE 2.03 or higher installed.
- Copying the OLE files will not properly update the system.
- 3. The file Iexplore.ini should be on the client computer.
- 4. The contents of the Iexplore.ini file should be modified
- to accommodate the desired location of favorites files, help
- files, cookies files, and other URLs that are specified here.
- Before Using the Mail Client
- ----------------------------
- This software includes Internet Mail for Windows 3.1 and Windows NT 3.51.
- Internet Mail enables you to send and receive electronic mail using the
- Internet. In order to use Internet Mail, you need to have an e-mail
- account.
- If you did not use the Internet Connection Wizard to setup Internet Mail,
- you need to configure Internet Mail before using it. If it has not been
- configured, Internet Mail will ask you to enter the following information:
- - The names of the network servers that you use to send and
- receive your mail (the name of your POP3 and SMTP servers)
- - Your login name and password on the server from which you retrieve
- e-mail
- - Your e-mail address
- If you are not ready to enter this information, contact your system
- administrator or your Internet service provider for assistance.
- Installing a Modem
- ------------------
- Before setting up, please make sure that your modem is turned on and properly
- connected. Setup will try to detect and configure your modem. If a modem is
- detected, but the exact type is unknown, select the modem manually from the
- list of supported modems.
- If a modem is not detected or you select the check box labeled Don't
- Detect My Modem, you can select the modem manually. However, the default
- maximum speed will be 9600 baud. Therefore, you should manually select a
- speed that matches your modem's capabilities in order to optimize the
- performance of the modem.
- Changing Initialization Settings for Modems
- -------------------------------------------
- If you are using an older phone system or hardware, or if you are installing
- a "generic" modem, the existing initialization settings for the modem might
- not be sufficient. If you have problems with the modem, you may need to
- modify the Modems2.ini file in order to change the initialization settings.
- Use Notepad or another text editor to open the file, and then, in the modems
- section, locate the line for the modem, and modify the INIT line as needed.
- Using the Dialer
- ----------------
- This release of Internet Explorer also supports dialer scripts.
- Note
- RAS is the only supported dial-up connection for Windows NT 3.51.
- IEscript.exe is located in the directory where you installed Internet
- Explorer. The program enables you to associate a script with a connection.
- To start the program, choose Run from the File menu in Program Manager.
- In order to use the dialer with a PBX that does not have a dial tone, you
- need to modify the DialString in the "Dial-In Configuration" section of the
- Shivappp.ini file in order to dial. For example, the X3 command would be
- inserted between the "AT" and "D" entries as follows:
- [Dial-In Configuration]
- DialString=ATX3D
- Note that adding the X3 command affects all locations and only functions
- properly with Hayes-compatible modems.
- To access an outside line, you might need to add a pause character (either a
- W or a comma) after the outside access number, so that there is a pause
- before the outside number is dialed. To specify this setting, click the My
- Locations tab, and then in the box labeled To Access An Outside Line, First
- Dial, type the outside line access number followed by a W or a comma. For
- example, if the number required to access an outside line is "9," you would
- type the following in the box:
- 9W
- - or -
- 9,
- If you Have Other Networking or Internet Dial-up Software
- on Your System (Multiple Winsock.dll's)
- If you've installed the Dialer program provided with Internet Explorer and
- there is other TCP dialer or networking software (Winsock.dll's) on your
- computer, Internet Explorer gives preference to those other versions of
- Winsock. This is a change in behavior from previous versions of Internet
- Explorer.
- If you do not need to use the other versions of Winsock.dll, you must
- remove or rename all files of that name EXCEPT for the one in the Internet
- Explorer installation directory, in order for the Dialer to work.
- If you do not want to remove or disable your other networking software,
- but want to use the Dialer, start the Dialer before starting the Internet
- Explorer browser in order to load the appropriate version of Winsock. In
- this case, to use the other software, you must close the Dialer, and then
- start the browser.
- Using Third-Party Telnet Helper Applications
- ----------------------------------------------
- To configure Internet Explorer to use a Telnet helper application, open
- Iexplore.ini and locate the [Helpers] section. Remove the semicolon (;) from
- in front of the telnet= line, and type the path to the telnet application.
- For example:
- [helpers]
- telnet=c:\windows\telnet.exe %s
- Installation with Existing TCP/IP Connections and ISP Accounts
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Internet Explorer has been installed and tested with several of the most
- popular Internet access products available today. If it is configured
- properly, you should be able to use the TCP/IP protocol and dialer (via
- Winsock.dll) provided with these products to connect with your Internet
- service provider (ISP). It is not necessary to install the Dialer and TCP/IP
- stack that are provided with Internet Explorer.
- In general, all that is required is that you configure the PATH command
- in your Autoexec.bat file so that Internet Explorer can find the Winsock.dll
- file you are using to connect to the Internet. For example, if your
- Winsock.dll file is in the directory C:\Connect, add a line directly under
- your current PATH command that reads:
- If you have multiple Winsock.dll files, please make sure that the Winsock
- file you choose to use comes first in the PATH command or is located in the
- directory where your browser files reside. See also "If you Have Other
- Networking or Internet Dial-up Software on Your System (Multiple
- Winsock.dll's)" earlier in this document.
- Following are procedures for installing Microsoft Internet Explorer over some
- common Internet access products. Other packages available include FTP
- Software, Network TeleSystems, and shareware from Trumpet Software
- (http://www.trumpet.com.au/wsk/winsock.htm).
- Internet Chameleon 4.5
- ----------------------
- 1. Install Internet Explorer to the suggested default directory
- (C:\Iexplore).
- 2. Make sure that the Internet Chameleon directory is in your path.
- If it is not, add it to the PATH statement in your Autoexec.bat
- file, and then restart your computer.
- 3. Run the Internet Chameleon dialer program (from the Custom icon).
- 4. Select the line corresponding to your current Internet service
- provider, and make sure that the Dial On Demand command on the
- Setup menu has a check mark by it. This makes the dialer
- program run when Internet Explorer tries to connect to the Internet.
- 5. Start Internet Explorer by double-clicking the Internet Explorer icon
- in the Microsoft Internet Explorer group in Program Manager.
- If you have configured the Chameleon dialer to dial on demand, an Internet
- connection is made when you first enter an Internet address in Internet
- Explorer.
- If you have not configured the Chameleon dialer to dial on demand, you need to
- start that program before you start Internet Explorer.
- Netscape Navigator 1.2 Personal Edition
- ---------------------------------------
- 1. Install Internet Explorer to the directory that contains your
- Netscape Navigator files. For example, if you installed the
- Netscape browser in the default directory (C:\Netscape), place
- the Internet Explorer files in the same location.
- 2. Run Internet Explorer.
- Other Internet Dialer Packages
- ------------------------------
- 1. Using the Custom setup option, install Internet Explorer to the
- suggested default directory without the TCP/IP stack and dialer.
- 2. Make sure that the Internet dialer directory is in your path.
- If it is not, add it to the PATH statement in your Autoexec.bat
- file, and then restart your computer.
- 3. Run your existing Internet dialer program.
- 4. Choose to enable dial on demand (if your dialer supports this option).
- This makes the dialer program run when Internet Explorer tries to
- connect to the Internet.
- 5. Start Internet Explorer by double-clicking the Internet Explorer icon
- in the Microsoft Internet Explorer group in Program Manager.
- If you have configured the dialer to dial on demand, an Internet connection
- is made when you first enter an Internet address in Internet Explorer.
- If you have not configured the dialer to dial on demand, you need to start
- that program before you start Internet Explorer.
- Making a Backup Copy of the Software
- ------------------------------------
- 1. Make sure that you have three floppy disks (3.5" disks with 1.44
- MB capacity).
- 2. After you have downloaded the software and have run the download file
- (see "Installing from the Internet" earlier in this file) your temporary
- directory contains all the files that you need to make disks.
- 3. Copy the file Iew31_4.cab on your disk number 4.
- 4. Copy the file Iew31_3.cab on your disk number 3.
- 5. Copy the file Iew31_2.cab on your disk number 2.
- 6. Copy the following files on your disk number 1.
- Files.inf
- Readme.txt
- Iew31_1.cab
- Setup.exe
- Install.lst
- License.txt
- Install.bin
- Setup.ini
- Changing the Default Installation Directory
- -------------------------------------------
- Setup enables you to change the name of the installation directory for
- Microsoft Internet Explorer. The default directory name is C:\IExplore.
- If you choose to install Microsoft Internet Explorer in a different
- directory, please make sure the new directory name does not contain
- any special extended or DBCS (Double-Byte Character Set) characters.
- Only characters in the lower ASCII range can be used for the name of
- the installation directory.
- ------------
- ------------
- This release includes Microsoft Windows 3.1 Virtual Machine (VM)
- for Java(TM)*. It supports the same feature set available in Sun
- JDK 1.02. At least 8 MB is required to run Java.
- Note
- If you are running NT 3.51, the service pack 4 is needed.
- Otherwise, you will see instability in the VM.
- How to Disable the VM for Java
- ------------------------------
- To disable Java applets in Internet Explorer because of security or
- other concerns, carry out the following steps:
- 1. Click the View menu, and then click Options.
- 2. Click the Security tab.
- 3. Clear the Enable Java Programs checkbox.
- Settings for Java
- ------------------
- The settings for VM for Java are in the JavaVM section in the
- Iexplore.ini file, which is located in the Windows directory. You
- can modify the following settings by using a text editor, such as
- Notepad, to open the file.
- ClassPath: Lists which directories to search for classes.
- If you want to run Java applets on your local
- computer, you can put all the class files into
- an uncompressed Zip file and add the full path
- of the Zip file to your ClassPath string.
- For example:
- ClassPath=c:\iedir\classes.zip;c:\myclass\myclass.zip
- DefaultOptions: The options for Java VM
- mx<number> Sets the maximum Java heap size.
- ms<number> Sets the minimum Java heap size.
- ss<number> Sets the C stack size of the VM.
- oss<number> Sets the Java stack size of the VM.
- verify Verifies all classes when read in.
- verifyremote Verifies classes reading in over the network
- (default).
- noverify Does not verify any class.
- Typically, you do not need to change the default options settings.
- However, if you have problems running large and complicated applets
- (which include many classes and need more heap space), try increasing
- the numbers for the ms and mx settings.
- By default, ms is set as 600KB and mx is set as 2048KB. You can increase
- the number of the ms option to 800KB or so; or, increase mx to 3096KB
- or so. However, ms should not be larger than mx. You can try this when
- you see an Out Of Memory exception on the browser status bar.
- *Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Technical Support for VM
- ------------------------
- VM for Java is supported through the Microsoft News Server. The
- following newsgroup is dedicated to the discussion of VM for Java and
- provides a great deal of support:
- news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.java.win16.all
- Note
- For general discussion of Internet Explorer, use this newsgroup:
- news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.internetexplorer.win3.1x
- To set up Internet Explorer to use this news server, follow these steps:
- 1. In Internet Explorer, click the View menu, and then click Options.
- 2. On the Programs tab, click the News button.
- 3. In the News Server Address box, type:
- Known Issues with Java on Windows 3.1
- -------------------------------------
- Java is a 32-bit multithreaded technology that uses case-sensitive
- long file names and UNICODE. Windows 3.1 does not provide these services,
- which means they have to be emulated in the virtual machine. Further,
- Windows 3.1 machines typically have slower processors and less memory
- than Windows 95 or Windows NT, so fewer resources are available to
- applications. As a result, it is not possible to provide the same
- Java experience on Windows 3.1 as on Windows 95 or Windows NT. Two of
- the symptoms you will see when you use Internet Explorer with Java
- applets are as follows:
- -- OutOfMemory exception on browser status bar. This message
- indicates an out-of-system-memory error. The Java virtual
- machine allocates limited memory for Java run time. If the
- Java applet is too big, it will use all the memory available
- on Windows 3.1.
- -- Random GPFs. This may happen when your system runs out of USER
- or GDI resources. The USER and GDI resources are limited on
- Windows 3.1 and they are shared by all programs. You may see
- GPFs occur in different applications when this happens.
- -- For non-Latin1 versions of Windows, this release of Internet Explorer
- does not support loading Java applets in directories named with
- extended characters. It will be supported in the next release.
- ---------------------
- ---------------------
- * No inline video.
- * No Internet shortcuts.
- * You cannot open another instance of Internet Explorer by double-clicking
- an .htm file in File Manager or double-clicking the Internet Explorer icon
- in Program Manager. To open a new instance of Internet Explorer, choose
- New Window from the File menu.
- * If you have voice messages waiting on your phone line (rapid beeps), our
- Dialer fails to dial out on the line. This can be remedied (for Hayes-
- compatible modems only) if, in the file Modems2.ini, at the end of the line
- for the InitString setting, you set "blind dialing" by typing:
- S6=5
- * Internet Explorer might have difficulty loading a very large number of
- newsgroups (>16000). If your news server has a large number of newsgroups,
- you should use a dedicated newsreader to browse the groups.
- * After upgrading to version 3.03, if you run an earlier version, you might
- get a dialog box stating "Could not :Load Entry Point in Security Protocol
- Module: Proxy_Basic=Proxy_basic_Load,basic.dll." Just click OK and continue
- or copy the Basic.dll from the 3.03 installation over the Basic.dll in the
- previous installation.
- * You might experience problems running some plug-ins. We are working with
- several vendors on these issues.
- * Pressing the TAB key does not select the Address bar as in previous
- versions.
- * If you are running Windows NT 3.51, the background of the Font Preview
- box (on the Font tab in the Internet Mail Options dialog box) will
- sometimes change colors. In some cases, this color may be very dark,
- making it impossible to see the font being previewed. It is, however,
- still possible to change the font. Restarting your computer a few times
- may solve the color problem.