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- (C)Copyright 1995 by Dvorak Development. All rights reserved.
- NavCIS is a registered trademark of Dvorak Development.
- CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe, Inc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- N A V C I S B E G I N N E R L E V E L P R I M E R
- April, 1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- This primer assumes that you have already downloaded and
- installed NavCIS SE or TE from the Dvorak forum, library 1.
- If you read through before downloading and installing
- NavCIS, that's fine... but you may find that the text
- assumes that you are looking at the NavCIS software while
- reading through this short tutorial.
- What is NavCIS SE?
- ------------------
- SE stands for Special Edition... NavCIS SE is a fully
- functional OLR (Off Line Reader) for CompuServe. However,
- it does NOT contain all the features found in NavCIS TE and
- NavCIS Pro. It allows you to do most of your CompuServe chores
- while disconnected from CompuServe. And that means you'll
- save money on your CompuServe connect time charges while
- still getting the same information you did before you began
- using NavCIS. NavCIS SE does not have all the features that
- NavCIS TE and NavCIS Pro share. To learn the differences
- between SE and TE/Pro, you may want to look at the file
- DIFF.TXT in Lib 1 of the DVORAK forum.
- What is NavCIS TE?
- ------------------
- NavCIS TE is our "Timed Edition" of NavCIS Pro. It has all
- the Pro features including a built in spell checker, weather,
- stocks, graphical thread viewing, and much more. However, it
- is limited to 30 days... meaning it will work for 30 days
- from the first day you log into CompuServe using it. After
- 30 days it will stop working (though it will not destroy any
- messages or other data you have collected). NavCIS TE has
- been designed to allow you to try NavCIS and make sure
- it is the right OLR (Off Line Reader) for you.
- Installing NavCIS:
- ------------------
- NavCIS SE and TE can be downloaded from LIB 1, and you have
- probably already done so. If not, here's what you need:
- To download NavCIS SE:
- ----------------------
- Download the files WNAVSE.TXT and WNAVSE.EXE from LIB 1.
- To download NavCIS TE:
- ----------------------
- Download the files WPROTE.TXT and WPROTE.EXE from LIB 1.
- Installation instructions
- -------------------------
- The complete install instructions are detailed in the
- TXT (text) file you just downloaded. Please read through
- the short text file and you'll have everything you need to
- successfully install NavCIS to your hard disk. Then
- read the rest of this primer so you know how to use
- NavCIS.
- Setting up NavCIS
- -----------------
- Start NavCIS by clicking on the NavCIS SE or TE icon in
- the group which you installed it into... usually the
- NavCIS group.
- When NavCIS starts the very first time, it will ask you to
- configure it for your modem and your CompuServe account
- information. Please fill out the Hardware Configuration
- and Global Settings dialog boxes. If you get stuck, just
- click on the prominent Help buttons in each dialog box.
- Resetting the CompuServe parameters:
- ------------------------------------
- Once you've set up the hardware and account information, NavCIS
- require you to run the "Reset CIS Parameters" choice...
- it's the bottom choice on the "Online" menu from the main NavCIS
- screen.
- NavCIS will use your modem to call up your local CompuServe
- access point. If you have not fully configured your modem,
- now is when the problem will show up. One of the most common
- problems is an incorrectly defined comm port... this usually
- is reported as an error #131 by NavCIS. Just click on the
- modem icon on the toolbar (5th from the left), and select
- another comm port. You may also need to change your modem's
- initialization string, commonly called and "init" string.
- Choosing a different "init" string
- ----------------------------------
- Click on the modem icon and then click on the drop down arrow to
- the right of the Init #1 field. This will call up a pick-
- list with many different modems listed. Choose your modem,
- or the modem that most closely resembles your brand and model.
- The reset script that NavCIS will run takes anywhere from 2
- minutes to 5 minutes to run... while its running, do not
- touch your keyboard. NavCIS is an auto-navigator, and as
- such, it does the driving.
- Once the Reset has run successfully, you are ready to do your
- first NEW session...
- Your FIRST time:
- ----------------
- Once you've run Reset CIS Parameters successfully (see above),
- your are ready to go on-line. To do so is very easy: click
- on the New button on the left side of the toolbar. NavCIS
- will go out and check your e-mail for waiting messages, and
- it will "join" the DVORAK forum.
- What's "joining"?
- -----------------
- This is a term that means NavCIS will join you as a member of
- a forum (even if you already belong to that forum), and it
- will retrieve the most current section and library lists for
- that forum.
- OK, Now what?
- -------------
- OK, NavCIS checked your e-mail, and joined you to the DVORAK
- forum... now what should you do?
- 1. If there are some envelopes sticking out of your Mail forum
- icon, it means you have waiting mail. To read it, just double-
- click on the Mail icon (if you single click on it, you'll turn
- it off).
- 2. Once you've successfully double-clicked on Mail, the
- Actions dialog box will appear. the top-most button, labeled
- "New" will have a number to the right, such as "New: 4", this
- means you have 4 new messages to read...
- 3. Click on the New button and you'll be shown the new messages
- waiting for you.
- This concept of double-clicking on a forum icon is standard to
- NavCIS... now, let's go configure your Dvorak forum icon...
- Configuring the DVORAK forum:
- -----------------------------
- 1. Double-click on the Dvorak forum icon. When the Actions
- dialog box appears,
- 2. Click on the Settings button. The DVORAK Settings dialog box
- will appear.
- 3. Now, click on the Sections button. This will bring up the
- Section Settings dialog box. A list of the sections will
- appear in the upper left, while a list of the libraries will
- appear in the lower left side of this dialog.
- What is a Section?
- ------------------
- A section is where "conversations" take place on a forum. Each
- forum has anywhere from 1 to 24 sections. Typically, a forum
- will have somewhere between 5 and 20 sections.
- OK, then what's a "conversation"?
- ---------------------------------
- Imagine I post a message to "ALL" in section zero of the Dvorak
- forum... and the subject is, "Message spell checking?"
- OK, someone on the forum reads the message (since its addressed
- to "ALL", everyone can read it) and replies to it... here's
- an example of the "thread" so far:
- Message spell checking?
- |
- --- Reply from Bob
- Now, here comes someone else, and they read Bob's reply and
- they reply to Bob:
- Message spell checking?
- |
- --- Reply from Bob
- |
- --- Reply from Tim
- And someone else and comes along and replies to the original
- message that was posted... now the conversational thread
- looks like this:
- Message spell checking?
- |
- --- Reply from Bob
- | |
- | --- Reply from Tim
- |
- --- Reply from Sara
- In essence, a conversation is nothing but an original message
- (often called a "parent" for obvious reasons) with lots
- of replies. The neat thing is, replies can be to the
- original author of the message (like the one from Bob and
- Sara), or they can be to a replier (like Tim's reply to Bob).
- NavCIS can retrieve these conversations, so you can read
- them from the parent onwards...
- OK, then what's a Library?
- --------------------------
- A library is a part of the forum that holds files... each
- CompuServe forum has libraries (like sections, they vary
- a lot in how many), and each library holds files... some-
- times just a few, sometimes hundreds.
- OK, back to configuring the DVORAK forum:
- -----------------------------------------
- If a section looks interesting, you should make it "active"
- by placing a check mark in the LEFT-hand checkbox. Do NOT
- click on the right hand checkbox... this is an advanced
- feature and should be ignored for now.
- For instance, as a NavCIS beginner, you might find Section 0
- "NavCIS Beginners" interesting, along with section 7 "Modems
- and Hardware" and Section 10 "Ten Forward". So you'd place
- a check mark to the left of sections 0, 7 and 10. Please
- do so.
- Now, let's configure the Libraries... place a check mark next
- to the libraries that interest you... since most libs are
- partnered with a section, we'll simply check the left-hand
- check boxes for libs 0, 7 and 10... wait! Lib 1 looks
- interesting too... so let's put a check mark to the left
- of that one too.
- Intelligent header scanning:
- ----------------------------
- A very useful feature that NavCIS offers is it's ability to
- look for keywords in the conversation thread titles (called
- headers for short). If it spots a keyword that you've entered,
- it will highlight that thread by placing a pair of eyeglasses
- to the left of the header title. For instance, using the
- example above about spell checking, if we had defined the
- word "spell" as a keyword, then that header would have
- a pair of eyeglasses next to it.
- Defining keywords:
- ------------------
- The top - left field is called "Msg Header Keys:" and this
- is where you can define the keywords you'd like to watch
- for. You can enter up to 10 words, and each should be
- separated with a space... example:
- dvorak navcis modem OS/2 95 wincim
- Next, check the check diamond labeled "Highlight Keyed Hdrs"...
- this tells NavCIS to turn on the feature and actually check
- for the keywords defined in the Msg Header Keys field.
- Rules: each word MUST be separated by 1 space. Upper or
- lower case characters can be entered. Searches are
- somewhat "fuzzy", this means "95" would find headers
- with "Windows 95" as well as "1995" in them, but not
- a header with "189579". The reason... "95" appears as either
- a separate "chunk" as in Windows "95", or as a discrete
- prepend or append as in 19"95".
- Finished... time to go on-line!
- -------------------------------
- Now that you've done the basic configuration for the DVORAK
- forum, press "OK" until you are back at the main NavCIS screen.
- Make sure that both Mail and Dvorak forum icons are active,
- that is, that the do not say "off". (If an icon, does say
- "off" that means it will be ignored during an on-line session --
- just click on it once to turn it back "on".)
- Next, press the New button on the left side of the toolbar.
- NavCIS will go on-line and check the Dvorak forum for messages
- and will scan for conversational titles in the sections that
- you marked with a check mark. If any new e-mail has come in,
- it will pick that up for you too, as well as post any replies
- you may have written to previous e-mail.
- Once NavCIS is finished scanning the Dvorak forum, and has
- disconnected from CompuServe, you can review the information
- easily... just double-click on the DVORAK forum icon to
- call up the Actions dialog box.
- Headers!
- --------
- Underneath the New button is the "Headers" button. This button
- will display a number such as "354"... this means there are 354
- new headers (conversation titles) for you to look at. To see
- these titles, just click on the Headers button once.
- How to retrieve a conversation
- -----------------------------
- The headers have this format:
- 193709 [8] What is CD-ROM forum? 0/NavCIS Beginners
- The number on the left is the CompuServe message number of the
- parent message. CompuServe assigns message numbers to all
- messages. The "[8]" is the number of replies currently
- in the thread... so if you downloaded this thread, you would
- receive a total of 9 messages: the original parent plus 8
- replies.
- The next part is the title of the conversation, commonly
- referred to as a header title. It is the title of the
- original message posted by the first author who started
- the conversation.
- Finally, the section number and name is given, in this case,
- section 0 and its name, NavCIS Beginners.
- To mark the header for retrieval, just click on it. You can
- click on as many headers as you desire. If you change your
- mind and decide you do not want to download a header that
- you've marked, just click on it once, and it will be unmarked.
- Action
- ------
- Once you've marked the headers you want to retrieve, press OK and
- return to the main NavCIS screen. Then press the Action button
- on the toolbar (it's the second from the left) and NavCIS will
- go on-line and "grab" the messages in the headers you've marked.
- Reading the messages
- --------------------
- Once finished, NavCIS will disconnect and the messages that it
- retrieved can be accessed by double-clicking on the Dvorak icon
- and then pressing the New button.
- Replying to a message
- ---------------------
- OK, you've downloaded some messages and now you are ready to
- post a reply... to do this is very, very simple. Just click on
- the Reply button on the toolbar... it the 5th from the right.
- Type in your reply and then press the Send button. If you want
- cite some of the text from the original message in your reply,
- simply...
- Quoting original text
- ---------------------
- Using your mouse, click on the original message window to make it
- active. Highlight the text you want to quote by clicking and
- dragging... use the same method you would as in a Windows
- word processor such as Write or Word.
- Next, click on the Reply button. The highlighted text will be
- copied into your reply window and will even have ">>" and "<<"
- brackets added to each end to indicate that it is a quote from
- the original message.
- You can do this as many time as you want. You can also use
- the keystrokes, Alt+O, M to return to the original message when
- the Reply window is active. This will make the original
- message active.
- To set up a new forum
- ---------------------
- Use the drag 'n drop icon on the right side of the main NavCIS
- screen called "New Forum". Pick it up and drop it onto the
- gray workspace area of the NavCIS screen. The Add a Forum
- dialog box will appear.
- Choosing a forum
- ----------------
- Click on the Browse button in the upper right side of the dialog
- box. This will bring up a list of CompuServe services. Search
- through the list and choose a forum that looks interesting to
- you. Click on one that you wish to install.
- The name of that forum and its long description will be
- automatically inserted in the proper fields in the Add a
- Forum dialog box. Next, press the OK button.
- The new forum now appears on the main NavCIS work area. You
- must join the forum, and repeat the steps outlined above that
- were used to setup and configure the DVORAK forum.
- Learning more about NavCIS
- -------------------------
- If you are new to NavCIS, please browse through the extensive,
- context-sensitive help provided with NavCIS SE. You may find
- many of your most frequently asked questions answered there.
- There's is much more to learn about, far more than can be covered
- in a simple primer such as this. Use the on-line help and read
- conversation threads on the DVORAK forum to learn about features
- like automatic signature lines, downloading files, file catalogs,
- and more.
- Posting a new message
- ---------------------
- If you need help on NavCIS, please post a message to the DVORAK
- forum. It is considered customary to address your request for
- tech support to "ALL"... in other words, type the word ALL into
- the To: field in NavCIS. This way, it is a public messages and
- can be read by anyone. Often, you'll find your question answered
- by another helpful NavCIS user who has recently experienced the
- same problem you are now having. But don't worry, even if your
- message is not answered by another user, it will be answered
- by Dvorak Development tech support personnel.
- Creating the subject
- --------------------
- The subject is very critical! First it is limited... CompuServe
- holds titles to only 24 characters and this includes the spaces!
- So, be sure to choose your words carefully. Next, it's important
- to create a title that others will find intriguing... titles like
- "need help" or "Arrrgh!" are very non-descriptive and likely will
- be ignored by other users (though Dvorak tech support personnel
- will read them, since they read all messages posted to the forum).
- Titles such as "Keep modem quiet?" and "Help w/SmartMail" are
- much more indicative... and far more likely to be read by
- other forum visitors.
- Posting your message
- --------------------
- Once you've typed out your message, just press the Send button. Your
- message will be placed in the Outgoing Actions queue, and will be
- posted to CompuServe the next time you do a New or Action session.
- Note: Do NOT press <return> at the end of each line when composing
- your message... NavCIS will auto-wrap the line for you. The only
- time you should add a hard carriage return is when you wish to
- break between paragraphs.
- More about version 1.62
- -----------------------
- NavCIS 1.62 was designed to accommodate two major changes in
- your computing environment:
- 1) Support for the new CompuServe forum software. On March
- 28th, 1995, CompuServe began changing all of its forums
- over to new software that includes expanded catalog
- information and 8.3 filenames. NavCIS 1.62 is designed
- to work with this new forum software.
- 2) Windows '95 Compatibility: Although Windows 95 aims to be
- 100% backward compatible with Windows 3.11 applications,
- we have decided that some interface operations make more
- sense in Windows '95 than in 3.11. Thus, you will find
- a 'Windows 95' compatibility check box in the Configur-
- ation | Options | Environment box. Its primary purpose is
- to be more friendly to the Windows '95 taskbar while
- NavCIS is minimized.
- In version 1.62, keeping with previous releases, we have "snuck"
- in quite a few features and fixes to make sure that NavCIS
- remains your favorite off-line reader. Please see the help
- for 'What's New in 1.6' for full information on what's new.
- Upgrading from an older version of NavCIS?
- ------------------------------------------
- If you are upgrading from a previous version of NavCIS,
- please note that the first time you run NavCIS 1.62, NavCIS
- will reindex your databases. This can be a time-consuming
- process, so be sure that you have time to wait before
- running version 1.62 for the first time.
- Legal stuff
- -----------
- (C)Copyright 1995 by Dvorak Development. All rights reserved.
- NavCIS is a registered trademark of Dvorak Development.
- CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe, Inc.
- - end of file.