home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Runtime Loadable Encryptor Extension for Pegasus Mail for Windows.
- // Copyright (c) 1995, David Harris, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // Pretty Good Privacy modifications by John Navas
- // Copyright (c) 1995, John Navas, All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // Encryptor module: this module implements the actual Encryptor
- // Interface Routines called by WinPMail at runtime. For more
- // information on the actual form and function of each call, consult
- // the file CRYPTIF.TXT in the FORMS subdirectory of your WINPMAIL
- // installation directory.
- //
- // The author grants explicit permission for this source code to be
- // used or modified as required, subject only to the conditions that
- // the copyright notices above are preserved; that this source code
- // not be used in any product distributed in competition with this
- // product; that by using this code you agree that the code is
- // provided without warranty of any kind, either explicit or implied,
- // and you use it at your own risk.
- //
- // This module implements an interface to Pretty Good Privacy (tm)
- // and (c) Copyright 1990-1994 Philip Zimmermann. All rights reserved.
- //
- // The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the distributor of PGP
- // version 2.6, for distribution in the USA only. It is available from
- // "net-dist.mit.edu," a controlled FTP site that has restrictions and
- // limitations, similar to those used by RSA Data Security, Inc., to comply
- // with export control requirements. The software resides in the directory
- // /pub/PGP.
- #include "pgpjn.h"
- #include "winexejn.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PGP window state
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- const int PGPwindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
- #else
- const int PGPwindow = SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE;
- #endif // _DEBUG
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // frame temporary object (for function call argument)
- #define FRAMEIT(s) FrameIt(MyBuffer(((char*)(s))?lstrlen(s)+1+2:0,(s)))
- char*
- FrameIt(char* string)
- {
- if (string)
- if (strchr(string, ' ')) {
- int len = lstrlen(string);
- memmove(string + 1, string, len + 1);
- string[0] = '"';
- lstrcat(string, "\"");
- }
- return string;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Embedded CR-LF are kept
- static
- char*
- RemoveCtrl(char* string)
- {
- int len = lstrlen(string);
- for (int n = len; --n >= 0;) // examine each character decending
- if (__isascii(string[n]) && iscntrl(string[n])) { // just control characters
- if (n > 0 && '\r' == string[n-1] && '\n' == string[n] && '\0' != string[n+1]) {
- --n; // skip over embedded CR-LF
- continue;
- }
- memmove(string + n, string + n + 1, (len--) - n); // wipe out control character
- }
- return string;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static
- BOOL // FALSE if found; TRUE if not found
- ScanFile(
- MyFile2& fil, // input file to scan
- const char* string, // string to scan for
- BOOL after = TRUE // FALSE leaves pos before; TRUE leaves pos after
- )
- {
- int len = lstrlen(string); // length of string
- for (;;) {
- char buf[80]; // input buffer
- fil.Gets(buf, sizeof(buf)); // read a line
- if (fil.Eof() || fil.Error())
- return TRUE;
- if (! strncmp(buf, string, len)) {
- if (! after)
- fil.Seek(- (long) strlen(buf), SEEK_CUR); // back up over line
- break;
- }
- Yield();
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- typedef enum { NONE = -1, BAD = 0, GOOD = 1, NOKEY = 2 } SigType;
- SigType
- SigStatus(
- const char* name, // name of file to process
- char* text = NULL // save PGP sig status here
- )
- {
- SigType ret;
- int glen = lstrlen(SigGood);
- int blen = lstrlen(SigBad);
- int klen = lstrlen(SigNoKey);
- char buf[80 + 2 + 1]; // input line buffer
- MyFile2 tmp(name, "r", 8 * BUFSIZ); // auto close
- // find PGP message in stderr output
- for (;;) {
- tmp.Gets(buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (tmp.Error() || tmp.Eof()) {
- buf[0] = '\0'; // null default
- ret = NONE; // no signature
- break;
- }
- // see if PGP found a good signature
- if (! strncmp(buf, SigGood, glen)) {
- MessageBeep(MB_OK); // catch users attention (WinPMail doesn't)
- ret = GOOD; // good signature
- break;
- }
- // see if PGP found a bad signature
- if (! strncmp(buf, SigBad, blen)) {
- MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); // catch users attention (WinPMail doesn't)
- ret = BAD; // bad signature
- break;
- }
- // see if PGP couldn't find the key for a signature
- if (! strncmp(buf, SigNoKey, klen)) {
- MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); // catch users attention (WinPMail doesn't)
- ret = NOKEY; // no key found
- break;
- }
- }
- // process PGP text for WinPMail
- if (text) {
- buf[80] = '\0';
- RemoveCtrl(buf);
- lstrcpy(text, buf);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void
- CenterDialog(HWND hwndDlg)
- {
- RECT rc;
- // center dialog box on display
- GetWindowRect(hwndDlg, &rc);
- SetWindowPos(hwndDlg, NULL,
- ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2),
- ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - (rc.bottom - rc.top)) / 2),
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static
- BOOL // FALSE for success; TRUE for failure
- LoadStderrOut(
- HWND hwndItm, // dialog box control
- const char* stderrout // stderr output capture file
- )
- {
- MyFile1 fil(stderrout, OF_READ); // automatically closed
- if (HFILE_ERROR == fil)
- return TRUE; // return failure
- LONG len = fil.GetLength(); // length of file
- MyBuffer buf((size_t) (len + 1)); // alloc buffer for entire file (auto free)
- if (! (char*) buf)
- return TRUE; // return failure
- len = _lread(fil, buf, (UINT) len); // read entire file
- buf[len] = '\0'; // turn file into string
- RemoveCtrl(buf); // remove control characters
- // setup stderr output in dialog edit control
- SetWindowText(hwndItm, buf); // load text
- PostMessage(hwndItm, EM_SETSEL, 0, MAKELONG(0, -1)); // scroll to end of text
- return FALSE; // return success
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static const char* DialogTag; // error summary tag
- static const char* DialogFileErr; // file with stderr output
- CALLBACK _export
- DialogProcErr(
- HWND hwndDlg, /* handle of dialog box */
- UINT msg, /* message */
- WPARAM wParam, /* first message parameter */
- LPARAM lParam /* second message parameter */
- )
- {
- switch (msg) {
- // center dialog box
- CenterDialog(hwndDlg);
- // error summary tag (using system font)
- SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_STDERRTAG, WM_SETFONT, NULL, 0L);
- SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_STDERRTAG, DialogTag);
- // process stderr output (file -> buffer -> dialog)
- LoadStderrOut(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_STDERROUT), DialogFileErr);
- // catch users attention
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND :
- switch (wParam) {
- case IDOK:
- case IDCANCEL:
- EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0);
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- }
- return FALSE; // did not process
- }
- static
- void
- StderrDialog(
- const char* tag, // description of error
- const char* stderrout, // stderr output capture file
- HWND hwndOwner = hwndParent // handle of parent window
- )
- {
- // save data for dialog box
- DialogTag = tag;
- DialogFileErr = stderrout;
- // modal dialog box
- DialogBox(hLibInstance,
- hwndOwner,
- (DLGPROC) DialogProcErr);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int // return code
- static
- RunPGP(
- UINT fiCmdShow, // window state
- char* options,
- char* sourcefile,
- char* destfile,
- char* recipient,
- char* key,
- char* stderr // optional redirection for stderr
- )
- {
- MyTempFile temppath;
- char tempfile[_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT];
- int ret;
- // prepare temporary file
- {
- char fname[_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[_MAX_EXT];
- MyFile2 tmp(temppath, "w");
- if (! tmp.Error())
- tmp.Printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n",
- PGPpath, options, sourcefile, destfile, recipient, stderr);
- if (tmp.Error()) {
- MessageBox(
- hwndParent, /* handle of parent window */
- "Unable to create temporary file!", /* address of text in message box */
- "PGP Interface", /* address of title of message box */
- MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); /* style of message box */
- return SOME_ERROR;
- }
- _splitpath(temppath, NULL, NULL, fname, ext);
- _makepath(tempfile, NULL, NULL, fname, ext);
- }
- // run PGP
- {
- char buf[256];
- // build arguments
- lstrcpy(buf, tempfile);
- if (*key) {
- if (strchr(key, '"'))
- MessageBox(
- hwndParent, /* handle of parent window */
- "Pass phrase may not contain a doublequote (\") character!", /* address of text in message box */
- "PGP Interface", /* address of title of message box */
- MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); /* style of message box */
- lstrcat(buf, " \"");
- lstrcat(buf, key);
- lstrcat(buf, "\"");
- }
- if (strlen(buf) >= 127)
- MessageBox(
- hwndParent, /* handle of parent window */
- "Your pass phrase is too long!", /* address of text in message box */
- "PGP Interface", /* address of title of message box */
- MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); /* style of message box */
- ret = WinExeJN(PGPJNDOS, buf, MyDir, fiCmdShow);
- }
- if (ret != RAN_OK) {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("PGP did NOT run OK!\n");
- #endif // _DEBUG
- return ret;
- }
- if (_access(temppath, 00)) {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("PGP returned 0\n");
- #endif // _DEBUG
- return RAN_OK;
- }
- {
- MyFile1 tmp(temppath, OF_READ);
- if (tmp != HFILE_ERROR) {
- char buf[8];
- UINT len = _lread(tmp, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
- buf[len] = '\0';
- ret = atoi(buf);
- }
- }
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("PGP returned %d\n", ret);
- #endif // _DEBUG
- return ret;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Returns: 1 if the file was successfully encrypted.
- // 2 if the file was successfully encrypted but
- // may contain 8-bit data and should be sent
- // encoded using BASE64.
- // 0 on failure.
- extern "C"
- int
- FAR PASCAL _export
- char *sourcefile,
- char *destfile,
- char *recipient, // normal putlic key selection
- char *key, // may be used to override recipient
- int textfile
- )
- {
- int ret;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("ENCRYPT_FILE called (r='%s' k='%s')\n", recipient, key);
- #endif // _DEBUG
- // make temp file for stderr output
- MyTempFile stderrout;
- // run PGP
- {
- char rk[256]; // key buffer
- // choose which to use as key
- lstrcpyn(rk, (key != NULL && *key != '\0') ? key : recipient, 128);
- // ensure termination
- rk[128] = '\0';
- // frame it if necessary
- FrameIt(rk);
- // master key logic
- if (*PGPJNKey) {
- lstrcat(rk, " ");
- lstrcat(rk, PGPJNKey);
- }
- // run PGP
- ret = RunPGP(PGPwindow, "+bat -fea", sourcefile, destfile,
- rk, "", stderrout);
- }
- // return OK result
- if (RAN_OK == ret && ! _access(destfile, 00)) {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("ENCRYPT_FILE returns 1\n");
- #endif // _DEBUG
- return 1;
- }
- // failure
- StderrDialog("Encryption failed! (Empty file will be sent.)", stderrout);
- remove(destfile);
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("ENCRYPT_FILE returns 0\n");
- #endif // _DEBUG
- return 0;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Returns: 1 if the message was successfully processed
- // 2 if the file was successfully processed but
- // may contain 8-bit data and should be sent
- // encoded using BASE64.
- // 0 if an error occurred during processing
- // -1 if the operation is not supported
- extern "C"
- int
- FAR PASCAL _export
- char *sourcefile,
- char *destfile,
- char *recipient, // used for optional encryption
- char *key, // reserved for pass phrase
- int encrypt_as_well
- )
- {
- int ret;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("SIGN_FILE called (r='%s' k='%s')\n", recipient, key);
- #endif // _DEBUG
- // make temp file for stderr output
- MyTempFile stderrout;
- {
- char rk[256]; // key buffer
- // frame recipient if necessary
- lstrcpyn(rk, recipient, 128);
- rk[128] = '\0'; // ensure termination
- FrameIt(rk); // frame it if necessary
- // add master key if necessary
- if (*PGPJNKey) {
- lstrcat(rk, " ");
- lstrcat(rk, PGPJNKey);
- }
- // run PGP
- ret = RunPGP(PGPwindow,
- (! encrypt_as_well) ? "+bat -fsta" : "+bat -feas",
- sourcefile, destfile, rk, key, stderrout);
- }
- // check result
- if (RAN_OK == ret && ! _access(destfile, 00)) {
- // success
- ret = 1;
- }
- else {
- // failure
- StderrDialog("Sign File failed!", stderrout);
- remove(destfile);
- ret = 0;
- }
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("SIGN_FILE returns %d\n", ret);
- #endif // _DEBUG
- return ret;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Returns: 1 if the file was successfully decrypted
- // 2 if the file was decrypted but is non-textual
- // 0 on password or system failure
- extern "C"
- int
- FAR PASCAL _export
- char *sourcefile,
- char *destfile,
- char *key
- )
- {
- int ret = 0;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("DECRYPT_FILE called (k='%s')\n", key);
- #endif // _DEBUG
- do { // makes it easy to break out
- int rtc;
- char buf[256]; // i/o buffer
- long pos, len, cop, pos1; // file positions and length
- int startlen = lstrlen(PGPBegin);
- int stoplen = lstrlen(PGPEnd);
- {
- // open files for initial copy (binary mode for repositioning)
- MyFile2 fin(sourcefile, "rb", 8 * BUFSIZ);
- MyFile2 fout(destfile, "wb", 8 * BUFSIZ);
- // make sure input and output files got opened
- if (fin.Error() || fout.Error())
- break;
- // get length of input file
- len = fin.GetLength();
- // copy input to output up until PGP body
- for (;;) {
- fin.Gets(buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (fin.Eof() || fin.Error())
- break;
- if (! strncmp(buf, PGPBegin, startlen))
- break;
- fout.Puts(buf);
- Yield();
- }
- if (fin.Error()) { // error
- MessageBox(
- hwndParent, /* handle of parent window */
- "I/O error on decryption input file!", /* address of text in message box */
- "PGP Interface", /* address of title of message box */
- MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); /* style of message box */
- break;
- }
- // save next line in PGP body and output marker
- pos = fin.Tell();
- pos1 = fout.Tell();
- }
- // make temp file for stderr output
- MyTempFile stderrout;
- // run PGP, which should add decrypted message to output
- rtc = RunPGP(PGPwindow, "+bat -f", sourcefile, destfile, "", key, stderrout);
- // 1: decryption failed
- // 2: cyphertext not found
- {
- // open files for final copy/append (binary mode for repositioning)
- MyFile2 fin(sourcefile, "rb", 8 * BUFSIZ);
- MyFile2 fout(destfile, "r+b", 8 * BUFSIZ);
- // make sure input and output files got opened
- if (fin.Error() || fout.Error())
- break;
- // start in PGP body
- fin.Seek(pos, SEEK_SET);
- // position output
- fout.Seek(0, SEEK_END);
- cop = fout.Tell() - pos1; // amount copied by PGP
- if (rtc != RAN_OK && (0 == cop || len == cop)) {
- // PGP just dups the file if it can't find valid ciphertext
- if (len == cop) {
- MyFile2 ferr(stderrout, "w");
- if (! ferr.Error())
- ferr.Printf("PGP could not find valid ciphertext to decrypt.\n"
- "(The message may have been corrupted.)");
- fout.Seek(pos1, SEEK_SET); // remove the PGP dup
- fout.Trunc(pos1); // and truncate the file
- }
- StderrDialog("Decryption failed!", stderrout);
- fout.Puts(buf); // copy start line to output
- }
- else {
- // tell user about signature
- switch (SigStatus(stderrout, buf)) {
- case BAD:
- StderrDialog("Invalid PGP signature!", stderrout);
- case GOOD:
- case NOKEY:
- fout.Printf("%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n", PGPBeginAdvise, buf, PGPEndAdvise);
- break;
- }
- // scan for end of PGP body
- if (ScanFile(fin, PGPEnd))
- break;
- }
- // copy/append remainder of input to output
- for (;;) {
- fin.Gets(buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (fin.Error() || fin.Eof())
- break;
- fout.Puts(buf);
- Yield();
- }
- }
- ret = 1;
- } while (0); // never loop
- // return to caller
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("DECRYPT_FILE returns %d\n", ret);
- #endif // _DEBUG
- return ret;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Returns: 1 if the file was destroyed
- // 0 if the file was not destroyed (in which
- // case WinPMail will delete it as described).
- extern "C"
- int
- FAR PASCAL _export
- DESTROY_FILE(char *sourcefile) // pathname of file to destroy
- {
- MyFile2 fil(sourcefile, "r+b", 8 * BUFSIZ); // open file for binary appending
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("DESTROY_FILE called (f='%s')\n", sourcefile);
- #endif // _DEBUG
- if (fil.Error())
- return 0; // open failure
- if (fil.Erase())
- return 0; // erase failure
- fil.Close(); // close the file
- remove(sourcefile); // delete it from the disk
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("DESTROY_FILE normal return\n");
- #endif // _DEBUG
- return 1; // return success
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Returns: 1 if the digital signature was valid
- // 0 if the digital signature was invalid
- // -1 if no digital signature could be found
- // -2 if the operation is not supported
- extern "C"
- int
- FAR PASCAL _export
- char *sourcefile,
- char *text // limited to 80 characters
- )
- {
- int ret;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("VERIFY_SIGNATURE called (f='%s')\n", sourcefile);
- #endif // _DEBUG
- // make temp file for stderr output
- MyTempFile stderrout;
- // run PGP (all i want is return code)
- ret = RunPGP(PGPwindow, "+bat -f", sourcefile, "nul", "", "", stderrout);
- // check result
- switch (ret) {
- case RAN_OK:
- case 1: // 1 is OK too
- switch (SigStatus(stderrout, text)) {
- case NONE:
- ret = -1;
- break;
- case GOOD:
- ret = 1;
- break;
- case BAD:
- case NOKEY:
- ret = 0;
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- StderrDialog("Verify Signature failed!", stderrout);
- ret = 0; // signature verify failed
- break;
- }
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("VERIFY_SIGNATURE returns %d\n", ret);
- #endif // _DEBUG
- return ret;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static const char* DialogFileKey; // file with public key
- CALLBACK _export
- DialogProcKey(
- HWND hwndDlg, /* handle of dialog box */
- UINT msg, /* message */
- WPARAM wParam, /* first message parameter */
- LPARAM lParam /* second message parameter */
- )
- {
- static BOOL AddKey;
- static BOOL ChkKey;
- int ret; // return code
- switch (msg) {
- // center dialog box
- CenterDialog(hwndDlg);
- // init flags
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_ADDKEY), AddKey = FALSE);
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CHKKEY), ChkKey = FALSE);
- // load from file if present
- do {
- long pos1, pos2;
- MyFile2 fil(DialogFileKey ? DialogFileKey : "", "rb", 8 * BUFSIZ);
- if (fil.Error())
- break;
- // find start of public key block
- ScanFile(fil, PGPBeginKey, FALSE);
- pos1 = fil.Tell();
- // find end of public key block
- ScanFile(fil, PGPEndKey, TRUE);
- pos2 = fil.Tell();
- // if public key found
- if (pos2 > pos1) {
- int len = (int) (pos2 - pos1); // length of file segment
- MyBuffer buf((size_t) (len + 1)); // alloc buffer for entire seg
- if ((char*) buf) { // if buffer allocated
- fil.Seek(pos1, SEEK_SET); // position file
- len = fil.Read(buf, sizeof(char), (unsigned int) len); // read entire seg
- buf[len] = '\0'; // turn seg into string
- RemoveCtrl(buf); // remove control characters
- // setup stderr output in dialog edit control
- SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_KEYMGMT, buf); // load text
- PostMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_KEYMGMT), // scroll to start of text
- EM_SETSEL, 0, MAKELONG(0, 0));
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_ADDKEY), AddKey = TRUE);
- }
- }
- } while (0);
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND :
- switch (wParam) {
- switch (HIWORD(lParam)) {
- case EN_CHANGE:
- {
- int len = (int) SendMessage((HWND) LOWORD(lParam), WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0L);
- BOOL chkok = (len != 0);
- if (AddKey != chkok)
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_ADDKEY), AddKey = chkok);
- if (len > MAXNAME
- || SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_KEYMGMT, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0) > 1)
- chkok = FALSE;
- if (ChkKey != chkok) {
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CHKKEY), ChkKey = chkok);
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case IDC_ADDKEY:
- {
- // make temp file for std output
- MyTempFile stderrout;
- // make temp file for key source
- MyTempFile sourcefile;
- // load sourcefile
- do {
- // allocate i/o buffer
- int len = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_KEYMGMT)) + 1;
- MyBuffer buf(len); // auto delete when goes out of scope
- if (! (char*) buf)
- break;
- // get dialog data into buffer
- GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_KEYMGMT), buf, len);
- // open output file
- MyFile1 fil(sourcefile, WRITE);
- // write data to output file if it got opened
- if (fil != HFILE_ERROR)
- _lwrite(fil, buf, len);
- } while (0); // never loop
- // run PGP
- ret = RunPGP(PGPwindow, "+bat -ka", "nul", stderrout, sourcefile, "", "nul");
- // std output capture file
- StderrDialog("Add Public Key to Key Ring", stderrout, hwndDlg);
- // restore focus
- SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_KEYMGMT));
- return TRUE;
- }
- case IDC_CHKKEY:
- {
- // allocate recipient buffer
- int len = GetWindowTextLength(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_KEYMGMT)) + 1;
- MyBuffer buf(len); // deleted auto when it goes out of scope
- // get dialog data into buffer
- if ((char*) buf)
- GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_KEYMGMT), buf, len);
- // make temp file for std output
- MyTempFile stderrout;
- // run PGP
- ret = RunPGP(PGPwindow, "+bat -kc", "nul", stderrout, FRAMEIT(buf), "", "nul");
- // std output capture file
- StderrDialog("Check Key Ring for Public Key", stderrout, hwndDlg);
- // restore focus
- SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_KEYMGMT));
- return TRUE;
- }
- case IDOK:
- case IDCANCEL:
- EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0);
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- }
- return FALSE; // did not process
- }
- // return value is ignored
- extern "C"
- int
- FAR PASCAL _export
- KEY_MANAGEMENT(char *sourcefile)
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- MyDebugOutput("KEY_MANAGEMENT called (f='%s')\n", sourcefile);
- #endif // _DEBUG
- // save data for dialog box
- DialogFileKey = sourcefile;
- // modal dialog box
- DialogBox(hLibInstance,
- hwndParent,
- (DLGPROC) DialogProcKey);
- return 0;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////