home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- :
- :
- : v1.00 ■ JB ■ 10-Mar-93 ■ Initial release
- : v1.01 ■ JB ■ 31-Jan-95 ■ Updated for RIPterm Test Drive v2.00.01
- : v1.02 ■ JB ■ 21-Mar-95 ■ Updated for RIPterm Test Drive v2.00.02
- : v1.03 ■ JB ■ 27-Mar-95 ■ Updated for RIPterm Test Drive v2.00.03
- : v1.04 ■ JR ■ 09-Sep-95 ■ Updated for RIPterm Test Drive v2.11.00
- :
- : TeleGrafix Communications, Inc.
- : 16458 Bolsa Chica #15
- : Huntington Beach, CA 92649
- :
- : 714/379-2131 Voice ■ 714/379-2132 Fax ■ 714/379-2133 BBS
- :
- : Internet:rip.support@telegrafix.com
- :
- cls
- echo.┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- echo.│ RIPterm Test Drive v2.11.00 Installation INSTALL.BAT v1.04 │
- echo.└────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- echo.
- if "%1" == "" goto NODIRNAME
- echo.RIPterm will be installed in the %1 directory...
- echo.
- echo.Press CTRL-C to abort, or press any other key to continue with installation.
- pause > NUL
- md %1 > NUL
- TESTDRIV -d -o %1
- goto DONE
- echo.RIPterm will be installed in the C:\RIPTERM directory...
- echo.
- echo.Press CTRL-C to abort, or press any other key to continue with installation.
- pause > NUL
- C:
- goto DONE
- echo.
- echo. *** Installation complete. ***
- goto END
- :END
- echo.