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- TeleGrafix(tm) Support
- RIPterm Support FAQ
- RIPterm.faq Version 1.6
- Sections
- 1. How do I buy RIPterm Pro 2.1 in the USA?
- 2. How do I buy RIPterm Pro 2.1 in the rest of the world?
- 3. RIPterm general questions
- 4. RIPterm 1.54 specific questions
- 5. RIPterm 2.10 specific questions
- 6. RIPtech info
- 7. RIPterm general troubleshooting
- 8. RIPterm 1.54 specific troubleshooting
- 9. RIPterm 2.10 specific troubleshooting
- Appendixs
- A. Interrupt conflicts
- B. Line noise, Lack of Error Correction or Bad Flow control
- C. My mouse won't work
- Current versions
- RIPterm 1.54 An EGA graphic terminal
- RIPterm 2.10.00 A SuperVGA terminal program
- RIPtech 1.0 A Diagnostic Program
- Support BBS's
- The Vector Sector (714) 379-2133 14.4 modem
- 379-2134 28.8 modem
- Internet Mailing Lists
- customer@telegrafix.com General info on latest in RIP
- Send e-mail to majordomo@telegrafix.com
- ---> To Add yourself to the list put the word "subscribe customer"
- in the e-mail message.
- ---> To Remove yourself put the word "unsubscribe customer" in the
- e-mail message.
- Patches Available
- RIPterm 1.54
- RT150-52.ZIP RIPterm 1.50 -> RIPterm 1.52
- RT152-53.ZIP RIPterm 1.52 -> RIPterm 1.53
- RT153-54.ZIP RIPterm 1.53 -> RIPterm 1.54
- RIPterm 2.1
- RT200-02.ZIP RIPterm 2.00.00 -> RIPterm 2.00.02
- RT201-02.ZIP RIPterm 2.00.01 -> RIPterm 2.00.02
- RT202-03.ZIP RIPterm 2.00.02 -> RIPterm 2.00.03
- RT203-21.ZIP RIPterm 2.00.03 -> RIPterm 2.10.00
- To apply the patches unzip them into your RIPterm directory and type
- PATCH followed by return.
- Patches available from
- The Vector Sector BBS PATCHES file directory
- Order forms for TeleGrafix products are found in the following places
- The Vector Sector BBS as ORDERFRM.ZIP
- RIPtech available from
- The Vector Sector BBS TELEGRFX file directory
- Internet addresses
- rip.support@telegrafix.com General questions
- sales@telegrafix.com Sales info and purchasing
- BBS's using RIPterm on the INTERNET
- To call any bbs on this list call your internet provider with RIPterm and
- use the Unix shell to Telnet to the address given below.
- Telnet Address
- --------------
- bbs.meu.edu
- To get your BBS on this list send us e-mail with your telnet address and
- what kind of board it is, and host software, to rip.support@telegrafix.com
- Section 1 How do I order RIPterm Pro 2.1 in the USA?
- ==========================================================
- 1) How can I order the full RIPterm Pro 2.1?
- ---> You can order it from our BBS (714) 379-2133 with a VISA, Mastercard,
- or American Express. We also accept orders over the INTERNET,
- address the e-mail to sales@telegrafix.com For orders on the
- INTERNET you can give us your phone number to call you for your
- credit card info if you wish.
- If you can not order off of our BBS or over the INTERNET you may
- call our sales line at (714) 379-2141
- 2) Is there a special orderform I need to use?
- ---> The file ORDERFRM.ZIP contains the order forms for both domestic and
- international orders. See header for locations.
- 3) When I order RIPterm Pro 2.1 will I get a code to unlock my RIPterm Test
- Drive?
- ---> No, we will send you a set of two disks with the full program on it.
- 4) Can I download the copy of RIPterm Pro 2.1 after I purchase it?
- ---> At this time, you are unable to do that.
- 5) How much does RIPterm Pro 2.1 cost?
- ---> RIPterm Pro 2.0 costs $19.95 + shipping and handling.
- Prices may change without notice.
- 6) Do I have to pay sales tax?
- ---> Only if you live in California, current sales tax = 7.75%
- This sales tax rate may go up without notice.
- 7) What are the Shipping and Handling costs?
- ---> Shipping and Handling is currently the following:
- Rates may change without notice.
- - U.S. Priority mail (1-4 copies) $4.50
- - Fedex Second Business Day (1-4 copies) $7.00
- - Fedex Second Business Day (5-10 copies) $10.00
- - Fedex Overnight by 3:30 (1-4 copies) $12.50
- - Fedex Overnight by 3:30 (5-10 copies) $15.00
- - Fedex Overnight by 10:30 (1-4 copies) $15.00
- - Fedex Overnight by 10:30 (5-10 copies) $17.50
- While we try to ship most orders the day we receive them we
- can not guarantee when orders will ship, only the method used to
- ship them.
- 8) But I don't have a credit card how can I order?
- ---> You may pay with a check or money order by mail.
- Note: orders received by mail are given last priority and must
- include an 8 1/2x11 piece of paper with the shipping address, phone
- number, method of payment, shipping method, and number of RIPterm Pro
- 2.1's desired.
- We can not guarantee delivery without this information.
- - You can find Domestic and International Order forms at the
- locations mentioned in the header.
- - Checks must be in U.S. Dollars drawn on a U.S. Bank. Checks
- returned for Insufficient funds will be charged an additional $20
- returned check fee. Remember to include shipping and handling and
- sales tax if necessary.
- We are currently allowing RIPterm Pro 2.1 to be paid for with a
- check. We may at anytime, without notice, stop accepting checks
- for payment. In this case, we will return your check with your
- order to you. We may hold your order until the check clears.
- - Money orders must be in U.S. Dollars. Remember sales tax plus
- Shipping and Handling.
- - We are currently allowing orders of RIPterm Pro 2.1 to
- be ordered through the mail. We may stop this at anytime, our sole
- responsibility will be to return any orders to their senders if we
- stop accepting mail orders.
- 9) Where do I mail my order?
- ---> TeleGrafix Communications, Inc
- Attn: Sales
- 16458 Bolsa Chica #15
- Huntington Beach, CA 92649
- Section 2 How do I order RIPterm Pro 2.1 from the rest of the world?
- ==========================================================================
- 1) How can I order the full RIPterm Pro 2.1?
- ---> You can order it from our BBS (714) 379-2133 with a credit card.
- We also accept orders over the INTERNET, address the e-mail to
- sales@telegrafix.com For orders on the INTERNET you can give us
- your phone number to call you for your credit card info if you wish.
- If you can not order off of our BBS or over the INTERNET you may
- call our sales line at (714) 379-2141
- - Payment must be by VISA, Mastercard, American Express
- - Checks must be in U.S. Dollars drawn on a U.S. Bank. Checks
- returned for Insufficient funds will be charged an additional $20
- returned check fee.
- - We are currently allowing RIPterm Pro 2.1 to be paid for with a
- check. We may at anytime, without notice, stop accepting checks
- for payment. In this case, we will return your check with your
- order to you. We may hold your order until the check clears.
- - Money orders must be in U.S. Dollars.
- - Distributor Purchase orders MUST be cleared with us first.
- - Orders received by mail are given last priority and must include an
- 8 1/2x11 or A3 sheet of paper with the shipping address, including
- phone number, method of payment, and the number of RIPterm Pro 2.1
- desired. We can not guarantee delivery if these steps are not
- followed.
- - We are currently allowing orders of RIPterm Pro 2.1 to
- be ordered through the mail. We may stop this at anytime, our sole
- responsibility will be to return any orders to their senders if we
- stop accepting mail orders.
- Canada and Mexico
- - Fedex International Priorty (1-4 copies) $17
- - Fedex International Priorty (5-24 copies) $24
- - U.S. Air Mail (1-4 copies) $ 5
- Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan,
- Luxembourg, Macau, Monaco, Netherlands, Singapore, Taiwan,
- United Kingdom, Vatican City
- - Fedex International Priority (1-4 copies) $20
- - Fedex International Priority (5-24 copies) $24
- - U.S. Air Mail (1-4 copies) $ 6
- Austria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
- Switzerland
- - Fedex International Priority (1-4 copies) $22
- - Fedex International Priority (5-24 copies) $37
- - U.S. Air Mail (1-4 copies) $ 6
- Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands,
- Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Virgin Islands
- - Fedex International Priority (1-4 copies) $20
- - Fedex International Priority (5-24 copies) $31
- - U.S. Air Mail (1-4 copies) $ 6
- Austrailia, Israel, New Zealand, Philippines, South Korea, Turkey,
- United Arab Emirates
- - Fedex International Priority (1-4 copies) $23
- - Fedex International Priority (5-24 copies) $35
- - U.S. Air Mail (1-4 copies) $ 6
- Most of South America
- - Fedex International Priority (1-4 copies) $31
- - Fedex International Priority (5-24 copies) $41
- - U.S. Air Mail (1-4 copies) $ 5
- American Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and most of Africa and Slavik
- countries
- - Fedex International Priority (1-4 copies) $44
- - Fedex International Priority (5-24 copies) $57
- - U.S. Air Mail (1-4 copies) $ 6
- Section 3 RIPterm General Questions
- =========================================
- 1) What is RIPterm?
- ---> RIPterm is a terminal program that supports the RIPscrip command
- language.
- 2) What is RIPscrip?
- ---> It is very compact language for transmitting graphics and mouse
- information over a phoneline.
- 3) Does RIPTerm support INT 14, fossil or NASI network support?
- ---> Not yet. However we do plan to in the future.
- 4) How can I use RIPterm on the internet?
- ---> Either connect to the internet through a BBS or with a Unix shell
- account.
- 5) Is there a Windows version of RIPterm?
- ---> There are various Windows third party terminal programs that support
- RIPterm 1.54 level support. For example, Telix for Windows, Qmodem
- Pro for windows. TeleGrafix has a native Windows version under
- development.
- 6) How about a Macintosh version?
- ---> Hologlyph has a program that supports 1.54 called Argus. TeleGrafix
- has a version for the Mac under development.
- 7) OS/2 warp?
- ---> RIPterm 1.54 runs fine under OS/2 warp. We are working to enable
- RIPterm 2.1 to run well under OS/2 warp. We are aware of several
- terminal developers coming out with RIP support.
- 8) Others?
- ---> You haven't seen anything yet. ;)
- 9) What is project Apache?
- ---> ???
- Section 4 RIPterm 1.54 Questions
- ======================================
- 1) I'm a sysop. What can I do to customize the copy of RIPterm 1.54 that I
- have on my board available for download?
- ---> See our RIPsysop.faq
- Section 5 RIPterm 2.10 Questions
- ======================================
- 1) What are the minimum requirements required to run RIPterm 2.1?
- ---> RIPterm requires at least a 386 with 2 meg of available extended
- memory. You need at least EGA graphics, but most VGA and SVGA cards
- are supported. DOS 3.3 or greater and 5 megs of hard drive space for
- installation. Optional sound card, mouse.
- 2) What sound cards are supported?
- ---> RIPterm currently supports 19 different types of sound cards.
- They are currently the following: SoundBlaster, SoundBlaster Pro,
- SoundBlaster 16, SoundBlaster Pro 16, SoundBlaster ASP 16, SoundBlaster
- AWE, Covox Sound Master II, Pro Audio Spectrum, Pro Audio Spectrum
- Plus, Pro Audio Spectrum 16, Media Vision Thunderboard, Cardinal
- Sound Studio, Microsoft Sound System, Ensoniq Soundscape, Roland
- RAP-10, Gravis Ultrasound, Gravis Ultramax, Adlib Gold, ESS 488/688
- Audio Drive.
- 3) What's the difference between RIPterm 1.54 and 2.1?
- ---> RIPterm 2.1 supports the RIPscrip 2.0 language fully. Here are some
- of the differences.
- - viewing of JPEG files while they download
- - SuperVGA support in both 16 and 256 color modes
- - Support for 640x350, 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768
- - Auto-sensing support for 19 separate digitized sound boards
- - Dialing directory has up to 1000 entries
- - 3 phone numbers per entry
- - Multi-megabyte scrollback
- - Chat mode
- - 32 bit protected mode, no more memory binds
- - Graphical Print screen feature supporting Epson, HP LaserJet and
- Postscript printers
- - Printer log now supports Postscript printers
- - .ICN (Icon files) were replaced by .BMP (Windows(tm) style)
- RIPterm 2.1 will convert the old icons into BMPs on the fly and
- still work with BBS's using .ICN files.
- 4) What's the difference between the RIPterm 2.1 Test Drive and the RIPterm
- 2.1 Professional?
- ---> Some limitations to the terminal were added to the Test Drive,
- however the implementation of the RIPscrip protocol was not limited.
- Here is a list of some of the limitations in the Test Drive.
- - No print screen ability
- - Scrollback is limited to 2k instead of several meg
- - Jump to DOS has been disabled
- - While the dialing directory can be edited, you can not dial out
- from it. Use ALT-M to manual dial instead.
- - Chat mode is disabled
- - Local image file viewing is disabled (You can't load a picture to
- the screen, however a BBS can still send you JPEGS and you will see
- them)
- - Local RIP file playback has been removed
- - Some command line paramaters are ignored. -R -D
- 5) Why does 2.1 seem slower than 1.54?
- ---> RIPterm 2.1 allows a much higher graphic resolution than 1.54. The
- higher the resolution the more pixels and information needs to be
- moved around. Try setting it to 256 colors instead of 16 colors. It
- is faster because the way video cards are made.
- 6) Can I have a custom terminal made up for my BBS?
- ---> We have several options available for sysops. We can give you a
- version of the RIPterm 2.1 Test Drive with your picture burnt in and
- that only calls your BBS number for $1000. (Price subject to change
- without notice). You may distribute this to as many people as you
- want with no further royalties. If you wish to add back features
- that are in the full version, you can pay a flat fee per feature.
- 7) I need something that isn't in the full version. Will you custom program
- it for me?
- ---> We can customize the terminal further with features you want, foreign
- language support, alarms, you name it. The costs of these features
- depends on how much programming time it takes to implement them.
- 8) How do I convert my 1.54 Dialing directory to a 2.1 directory?
- ---> First rename the file RIPTERM.PHO in your 2.1 directory to something
- else. Next, copy over the file RIPTERM.PHO from your RIPterm 1.54
- directory into your 2.1 directory. When you run RIPterm it will
- automatically convert your dialing directory to 2.1 format.
- 9) How do I merge a dialing directory into the one in RIPterm?
- ---> First, the directory you wish to merge in must be in 2.1 format.
- Go into the the dialing directory and select the button marked "Load"
- It will ask you for the name of the directory to load, and then
- whether you wish to append to or replace the current dialing
- directory.
- 10) What are the command line switches for RIPterm Pro 2.1?
- ---> Format: RIPTERM [-abimnot] [-Dentry#] [-Pfile] [-Rfile] [-Sfile]
- The -A ... Disable digitized audio sounds
- -B ... Show start-up checkpoint messages (debug mode)
- -I ... Disable auto-icon conversion checking at startup
- -M ... Disable mouse operations
- -N ... Disable logo screen
- -O ... Do not initialize modem - indicate you're already online
- -T ... <DEBUG> disable 8259 Interrupt Priority rescheduling
- -D<entry#> ... Dial <entry#> upon bootup (from 1-1000)
- -P<file> ... Uses an alternate phone directory file
- -R<file> ... Execute the RIPscrip file <file> upon start-up
- -S<file> ... Uses an alternate setup file
- 11) How can I get a copy of the RIPscrip 2.0 specification?
- ---> The specification for RIPscrip 2.0 will be released to the public
- when RIPaint 2.0 is released.
- 12) Are there any BBS's that are using RIPscrip 2.0 right now?
- ---> Yes, here is a list of a few:
- (310) 378-3081 Bad Boys BBS
- (216) 631-9285 Searchlight BBS
- Section 6 RIPtech Questions
- =================================
- 1) RIPtech locks up on my system.
- ---> The communication libraries we are using, were locking up some
- computers at some times. This was fixed in RIPterm in the .02 and
- .03 revision. Unfortunatly, we have not had time to repair RIPtech.
- Section 7 RIPterm General Troubleshooting
- ===============================================
- The following assume you have upgraded to the latest revision of RIPterm
- available. If you have an earlier version, please upgrade it.
- 1) Do you get the error "Error rebuilding/creating file"?
- ---> You need to increase the number of files in your "Files = " statement
- This is located in your CONFIG.SYS file. Increase the number after
- the = sign until this problem goes away. Some memory managers will
- lower this number trying to save you conventional memory. We
- recommend Files = 50.
- 2) Is your mouse still not working?
- ---> If your mouse is still not working and RIPtech said it could
- not find any interrupt conflicts then you need to check the other
- devices in your system to see if there are any other conflicts.
- 3) RIPterm locks up when I start up or seems to be stuck in a loop.
- ---> Delete RIPTERM.CNF file located in the same directory as RIPterm.
- Most likely the setup information is wrong. Deleting this file makes
- RIPterm ask you for new setup information.
- 4) I can connect with some BBS's but not others.
- ---> You need to turn off error correction for some older modems. To do
- this, select the Setup menu and select Modem Prefixes/Suffixes. Make
- one prefix "AT &M0 DT" this is for connecting with old modems without
- error correction. Make another prefix "AT &M1 DT", this one is for
- calling modems with error correction. Now go through your Dialing
- Directory and set the proper prefix for each BBS you call, and save
- the setup.
- 5) When RIPterm starts it tells me "Now resuming previous online session".
- ---> Make sure your modem is set up for Carrier Detect. From the Session
- screen, if only the Status Bar is visible, look in the lower right
- corner. If it says "Online", try typing AT &C1 <ENTER>. If "Online"
- changes to "Offline", type AT &C1 &W. If the modem returns OK, it is
- now stored in it's memory. If it returns ERROR, go into Modem Setup
- and make sure &C1 is in your Modem Init String, and save the setup.
- 6) In RIPterm the lower right corner of the screen says "Online" even when
- I'm not online.
- ---> Make sure you modem is set up for Carrier Detect. From the Session
- screen, when only the Status Bar is visible, try typing AT &C1
- <ENTER> If "Online" changes to "Offline", type AT &C1 &W. If the
- modem returns OK, it is now stored in it's memory. If it returns
- ERROR, go into Modem Setup and make sure &C1 is in your Modem Init
- String, and save the setup.
- 7) RIPterm always says "Hang up failed" when I try to hang up.
- ---> Make sure your modem is set up for DTR Hangup. From the Session
- screen, when only the Status Bar is visible, type AT &D2 <ENTER>.
- Now try hanging up. If your hang up didn't fail, type AT &D2 &W
- <ENTER>. If the modem returns OK, it saved it to it's memory. If
- the modem returns ERROR, go to the Modem Setup and make sure &D2 is
- in your Modem Init String, and save the setup. If your modem does
- not support DTR hangup, make sure that in Modem Setup the box by DTR
- hangup is not checked, and save setup.
- 8) I get the message "CTS is not enabled. Disabling RTS/CTS".
- ---> Make sure your modem is hooked up and on, both external and PCMCIA
- modems.
- ---> See Appendix B
- 9) When I upload files, RIPterm puts up the Transfer box and just loops with
- errors.
- ---> If you set an Upload Directory from General Settings make sure it
- really exists. If you are using Zmodem try another protocol.
- 10) When I upload files the CPS (characters per second) rate seems too high to
- be true, and the file is corrupted after the transfer.
- ---> See Appendix B
- 11) When I download files, RIPterm puts up the Transfer box and just loops
- with errors.
- ---> If you set a Download Directory from General Settings make sure
- it really exists. Make sure there is enough free space on your hard
- drive. If you are using Zmodem try another protocol.
- 12) When transferring files, it takes forever to complete.
- ---> See Appendix B.
- 13) The graphics or text are garbled when I call a BBS.
- ---> See Appendix B.
- 14) My highspeed modem will only connect at low speeds.
- ---> See Appendix B.
- 15) RIPterm is dropping characters.
- ---> See Appendix B.
- ---> If your sound card is set to 16 bit or stereo try setting it to mono
- 8 bit. A 16550 UART is HIGHLY recommended if you use 16 bit or
- stereo sound modes.
- 16) RIPterm won't connect to Compuserve I just get a bunch garbage.
- ---> Remember to set your modem setting to "7E1" not "8N1" which is used
- for most other BBS's.
- 17) RIPterm crashes (GP's) with a bunch of numbers when I run it under OS/2.
- ---> Turn off DPMI support in OS/2 for RIPterm.
- 18) The dialing box pops up and then all of a sudden disappears, but the
- modem still connects.
- ---> Either your modem is forcing the carrier high or the cable you are
- using is forcing the carrier high. Set your modem to enable carrier.
- Try using another cable.
- Section 8 RIPterm 1.54 Specific Troubleshooting
- =====================================================
- 1) Even though I changed the IRQ for my COM port and saved it, when I run
- RIPterm I need to change the IRQ again.
- ---> After you save the IRQ for the COM port, save your general setup, too
- 2) When I run RIPterm I get the error not enough memory.
- ---> In most cases, you downloaded RIPterm with a Mac file transfer
- protocol.
- Section 9 RIPterm 2.10 Specific Troubleshooting
- =====================================================
- 1) When I enter in my Registration number it tells me that it is invalid.
- ---> Make sure you include the spaces when you are typing it in. Also
- note that zeros are slashed. Q's and O's can look a lot alike. The
- Q has a small tail underneath it. Try using a Q for a letter
- that looks like O.
- 2) I get the error -602 while trying to transfer a file.
- ---> Either your transfer directory is invalid or the number after the
- "Files = " statement in your CONFIG.SYS is to low. Try adding 5 to it
- until it works. We recommend "Files = 50".
- 3) I get the error -610 while trying to download files.
- ---> Too many error were encountered while trying to transfer the file.
- This may be due to line noise, lack of error correction, or bad flow
- control. (See Appendix B)
- 4) The sound sounds like it's skipping.
- ---> Try selecting mono instead of stereo. Choose 8 bit instead of 16 bit
- If this is not enough read the RIPTERM.DOC file A.4.2 about changing
- the sound buffer settings.
- 5) The screen scrolls too slow or updates too slow.
- ---> Choose 256 instead of 16 colors. If there is a native driver for
- your card choose it instead of VESA. Set your resolution to 640 x 480
- Try putting more memory on your video card. Buy an accelerated video
- card possibly with an S3 chipset.
- 6) I get the error "Could not initialize windowing library.".
- ---> Make sure you have a fonts directory and that all the fonts are in
- it.
- 7) I get the error "Invalid database header".
- ---> Delete the file RIPTERM.DB Don't worry, RIPterm will rebuild a new
- one.
- 8) RIPterm locks up or seems to be caught in a loop when I run it.
- ---> Delete the file RIPTERM.CNF Most likely the video driver you chose
- doesn't work with your Video card. In most cases, VESA mode is the
- best choice, however some cards require you to load a software driver
- to enable VESA mode. Note if there is a native driver for your card
- try it first.
- ---> We are having problems with people with 486 DLC 40's having it lock
- up after the logo screen. We are working to find out why this is the
- case. We think it might have something to do with the DOS4GW loader.
- 9) RIPterm locks up when I exit.
- ---> You probably have an old version of the program. Version 2.00.02 and
- 2.00.03 fixed most of the problems with that.
- ---> Try disabling audio, does that clear it up? We are aware of some
- problems with the Soundblaster 16 support that we are working on with
- the manufacturer of our sound libraries.
- ---> Try setting the Scrollback buffer size to 0.
- 10) My sound card worked right after I set it up but it doesn't work anymore.
- ---> Set up your sound card again and save your General Settings.
- 11) My sound card isn't working.
- ---> If you know your card and settings, use them as the auto detect is
- not perfect. 19 sound cards are directly supported and chances are
- that yours is listed.
- 11) My SoundBlaster card isn't working.
- ---> The auto-detect feature sometimes will set the DMA to 0 instead of 1
- as it normally is. Try setting the DMA to 1.
- 12) My SoundBlaster ASP 16 card doesn't work.
- ---> Select the card manually, auto detect will not detect it correctly.
- 13) My SoundBlaster 16 compatible card locks up after the logo screen.
- ---> Try running your computer at non-Turbo speed or disabling audio.
- Appendix A Interrupt Conflicts
- ====================================
- 1) What are some symptoms of an interrupt conflict?
- ---> RIPterm connects to a BBS but then you get a blank screen and nothing
- else happens.
- ---> Your mouse doesn't work or only works sometimes.
- ---> Your modem doesn't work or only works sometimes.
- ---> RIPterm locks up for no known reason usually right after connecting
- to a BBS.
- 2) What is an interrupt conflict?
- ---> When two cards use the same interrupt (IRQ) to communicate with the
- computer, you have an interrrupt conflict. You need to change one of
- the cards to an interrupt that is not being used.
- 3) What are the common IRQs available?
- IRQ 2 (Can cause problems avoid if possible)
- IRQ 3 Used by COM 2 and COM 4 Usable by bus mouse cards.
- IRQ 4 Used by COM 1 and COM 3 Usable by bus mouse cards.
- IRQ 5 Usable by sound cards, bus mouse cards and network cards.
- IRQ 7 Usable by sound cards, bus mouse cards and network cards.
- IRQ 10 Usable by some sound cards.
- IRQ 12 Usable by some bus mouse cards.
- 4) How come this problem didn't show up before I ran RIPterm?
- ---> Since RIPterm uses the interrupts to communicate with the mouse,
- modem and sound card at the same time, it has a high likelyhood of
- finding a conflict if it exists. Most terminal programs poll the
- COM port to communicate with the modem, RIPterm on the other hand
- uses the interrupt to do this.
- 5) If your serial mouse isn't working and you have an internal modem.
- ---> Try changing the modem from COM1 -> COM2 or from COM2 -> COM1.
- 6) If you have a sound card that can use IRQ 10.
- ---> Set it to IRQ 10.
- 7) If you have a bus mouse.
- ---> Set it to IRQ 12 or IRQ 10 if you can.
- ---> Sometimes you can use IRQ 2 for your bus mouse, however in most cases
- it would be best to avoid it.
- ---> Avoid IRQ 3 or 4 to avoid conflicts with the modem.
- ---> If your sound card is using IRQ 5 try IRQ 7 for the bus mouse.
- ---> If your sound card is using IRQ 7 try IRQ 5 for the bus mouse.
- ---> If you use IRQ 3 for your bus mouse remember you can no longer use
- your COM 2 or COM 4 serial ports.
- ---> If you use IRQ 4 for your bus mouse remember you can no longer use
- your COM 1 or COM 3 serial ports.
- 8) If you have a bus mouse and your sound card uses IRQ 7.
- ---> Set your bus mouse to IRQ 5.
- Appendix B Line noise, Lack of Error Correction, or Bad Flow Control
- ==========================================================================
- 1) What are the symptoms of this kind of problem?
- ---> Graphics and/or text are garbled when displayed.
- ---> High speed modems only connect at low speeds.
- ---> RIPterm is dropping characters.
- ---> Transfers take way too long.
- ---> Characters Per Second (CPS) is too low for the connect speed.
- ---> Ripterm starts up with the error "CTS is not enabled"
- ---> Icons and Buttons are the wrong size
- ---> You get the error -610 with RIPterm 2.1 when transferring files.
- 2) Are any of your phone cords wrapped around a power cord?
- ---> Unwrap it and try and keep it away from power cords.
- 3) Do I need RTS/CTS flow control?
- ---> If you have a high speed modem (9600+) then you should have RTS/CTS
- flow control enabled.
- 4) How do I enable RTS/CTS flow control on my modem?
- ---> Make sure RTS/CTS is checked in your modem setup.
- ---> From the Session screen, when only the Status Bar is visible, type
- AT &R2 <ENTER>. If the modem returns OK, type AT &R2 &W. If the
- modem now returns OK it is saved in it's memory. If it returns
- ERROR, go into Modem Setup and make sure &R2 is in your Modem Init
- String, and save the setup. If your modem returned ERROR when you
- typed AT &R2 the first time, you need to consult your modem
- documentation on how to enable RTS/CTS flow control.
- 5) RIPterm is set to use RTS/CTS and so is my modem, but I'm still getting
- error "CTS is not enabled" when RIPterm starts.
- ---> Make sure your modem is turned on when you start RIPterm.
- ---> Replace your modem cable. Some cables don't have the wiring required
- for RTS/CTS flow control.
- 6) Do I need to have Port Lock checked in my modem setup?
- ---> If you have a high speed (9600+) modem you should have it checked.
- 7) Do you have a 14.4 modem and your port speed is set to greater than
- 19,200?
- ---> Set your port speed to 19,200.
- 8) Does this problem only affect certain BBS's you call?
- ---> Most likely you are suffering from a bad phone connection. Have your
- Sysop ask the phone company to check out his local phonelines. It
- may be a problem in one of the phone lines you dial through if long
- distance. Usually, try dialing again to see if you get a better phone
- line.
- 9) Does this problem only happen some of the time?
- ---> You probably have a problem with your local phone lines. Make sure
- your phone lines are not wrapped around any power cables. Try calling
- again to see if you get a better set of lines. Have the phone
- company check out your lines. Most of the time they are required to
- check them for no charge.
- 10) Does your modem have a Rockwell RPI chipset?
- ---> The Rockwell RPI chipset does not contain hardware error correction.
- It requires the software to do this. RIPterm at this time doesn't
- support software error correction. Try another modem.
- 11) Are you running RIPterm under Windows(tm)?
- ---> Try running RIPterm from the DOS command line. Windows slows down
- the system enough you might be losing characters. Try upgrading
- your serial card to one with high speed (16550 UART) serial ports.
- ---> Wait til RIPterm 2.1 for Windows comes out later this year.
- 12) Are suffering from dropped characters?
- ---> Try upgrading your serial card to one with high speed (16550 UART)
- serial ports.
- 13) Have you been suffering from severe weather conditions lately?
- ---> Your phone lines may be temporarly poor until the phone company can
- fix them, or they dry out.
- Section C My mouse doesn't work
- ======================================
- 1) Do you see the mouse pointer but it just doesn't move?
- ---> Most likely you have an interrupt conflict. See Appendix A
- 2) Do you have a mouse driver that is Microsoft(tm) mouse driver
- compatibilty of 8.2 or below?
- ---> Upgrade your mouse driver to something greater than 8.2.
- 3) How can I tell what version my mouse driver is?
- ---> If you are running DOS 5.0+ type MSD from the DOS command line. When
- MSD (Microsoft System Diagnostics) is done examining your system, hit
- the "U" key to get more information on your mouse. Here it will list
- the "Microsoft Driver Version".
- ---> Or you can run RIPtech that comes with RIPterm 2.1.
- 4) I don't see a pointer but if I hold down the right button the top menu
- appears.
- ---> If you are using Logitech 6.30 mouse driver, call Logitech's BBS and
- download version 6.24 which works with RIPterm.
- ---> Or you might need to upgrade your mouse driver version.
- 5) My mouse is erasing blocks or leaving filled boxes where ever I move it.
- ---> This is a possible symptom of a mouse driver of 8.2 or before.
- ---> Also a possible sign of an interrupt conflict. See Appendix A.
- (tm) TeleGrafix and RIPterm are trademarks of TeleGrafix Communications, Inc.
- All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.