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- General
- -------
- This product is compatible with, and supported exclusively on, the
- Microsoft Windows For Workgroups 3.11 platform.
- If you are running a different TCP/IP product on your system, you must
- remove it before installing Microsoft TCP/IP-32. If you experience
- difficulties with another vendor's product, remove the existing TCP/IP
- stack, exit Network Setup completely, reboot your system, and then proceed
- to add the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 drivers by following the instructions given
- in the documentation.
- Known Problems
- --------------
- There have been a number of reports on IBM TokenRing, EtherLink III cards,
- and ODI drivers that are related to bugs in drivers other than TCP/IP-32.
- These Windows For Workgroups 3.11 patches are described in the following
- Application Notes:
- WG0990 (contains updated ELNK3.386)
- WG0988 (contains updated IBMTOK.386)
- WG1004 (contains updated MSODISUP.386)
- You can obtain these Application Notes from the following sources:
- - The Internet (ftp.microsoft.com)
- - CompuServe(R), GEnie(TM), and Microsoft OnLine
- - Microsoft Download Service (MSDL)
- - Microsoft Product Support Services
- On CompuServe, GEnie, and Microsoft OnLine, Application Notes are located
- in the Microsoft Software Library. You can find an Application Note in
- the Software Library by searching on a keyword, for example "WG0990".
- Application Notes are available by modem from the Microsoft Download
- Service (MSDL), which you can reach by calling (206) 936-6735. This
- service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The highest download
- speed available is 14,400 bits per second (bps). For more information
- about using the MSDL, call (800) 936-4200 and follow the prompts.
- Previous Beta Users
- -------------------
- If you had installed a previous beta of the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for
- Windows for Workgroups product, you may encounter one of the following
- errors:
- "Setup Error 108: Could not create or open the protocol.ini file."
- "Setup Error 110: Could not find or open win.ini."
- If this happens do the following:
- 1) Remove any previous versions of Microsoft TCP/IP-32.
- 2) Exit Network Setup and restart your system.
- 3) Rename any OEMx.INF (where x is any number) files that are in your
- WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
- 4) Go back into Network Setup and install Microsoft TCP/IP-32 following
- the installation instructions in the manual.
- Mosaic
- ------
- NCSA's Win32s version of their popular Mosaic application requires that
- you pick up version 115a or greater of the Win32s distribution to function
- correctly.
- DHCP Automatic Configuration
- ----------------------------
- DHCP is a new TCP/IP protocol that provides the ability to acquire TCP/IP
- addressing and configuration dynamically with no user intervention. DHCP
- depends on your network administrator to set up a DHCP server on your
- network. A DHCP server is scheduled to ship as part of Windows NT(TM)
- Server version 3.5.
- If you enable automatic DHCP configuration without a DHCP server available
- on your network, the following message will appear after approximately a
- 10 second black-screen delay during the Windows for Workgroups booting
- process:
- "The DHCP client was unable to obtain an IP network address from a DHCP
- server. Do you want to see future DHCP messages?"
- This message means that TCP/IP has initialized but without any addressing
- information. If you are running TCP/IP as your only protocol, you will
- not have access to the network. This situation requires that you go back
- to the TCP/IP configuration settings, disable DHCP, and manually specify
- your TCP/IP network parameters. If you are running multiple protocols,
- you should have access to your network with these.
- If you do have a DHCP server on your network and this message appears,
- this indicates that the server was unavailable and that your lease has
- expired. DHCP will (in the background) continue to try to acquire a valid
- lease while Windows for Workgroups continues to run (although you will not
- have TCP/IP functionality). If you are running with DHCP automatic
- configuration, use the IPCONFIG utility to learn your IP configuration.
- DHCP Options
- ------------
- The following changes are not reflected in the TCP/IP-32 documentation.
- Currently Microsoft DHCP clients support only the following options:
- - DHCP protocol options
- - DHCP message type (53)
- - Lease Time (51), Renewal Time (58), Rebind Time (59)
- - Information options:
- - Subnet Mask (1)
- - Default Router (3)
- - DNS Server (6)
- - WINS Server (NetBIOS Name Server) (44)
- - NetBIOS Node Type (46)
- - NetBIOS Scope Id (47)
- Any other options received by the client are ignored and discarded.
- No Option Overlays - Option Limit Is 336 Bytes
- ----------------------------------------------
- The DHCP client does not recognize option overlays. If a non-Microsoft
- server is sending the options, make sure that either all the options fit
- within the standard option field, or at least that those used by the
- Microsoft clients (listed above) are conta ined in the standard Option
- field. Since the Microsoft client only supports a subset of the defined
- DHCP option types, 336 bytes should be sufficient for any configuration.
- Ipconfig - Moving Client to New Address
- ---------------------------------------
- When a DHCP client is moved to a new reserved address or is moved from an
- address to make way for an exclusion or another client's reservation, the
- client should first release its current address using ipconfig /release.
- This may be followed by ipconfig /renew to get a new address.
- ARP Conflicts - Report to DHCP Server Administrator
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Before the TCP/IP stack comes up with the address acquired via DHCP, the
- stack ARPs for the address. If a machine is already running with this
- address, the client will display a popup informing the user of the address
- conflict. Users should contact the CP server administrator when this
- occurs. Once the server has excluded the conflicting address, the client
- should get a new address using ipconfig /renew. If this is unsuccessful,
- the client may need to reboot.
- NetBIOS over TCP/IP
- -------------------
- Multihomed Computer NetBIOS Node Type
- A computer can be one of four NetBIOS node types: broadcast node, mixed
- node, point-to-point node, or hybrid node. The node type cannot be
- specified per network adapter card. In some circumstances, it may be
- desirable to have one or more network adapter c ards function as broadcast
- nodes and other network adapter cards to function as hybrids.
- You accomplish this by setting the node type to broadcast node, and
- configuring WINS name server addresses for the network adapter cards that
- will function as hybrids. The presence of the WINS addresses will
- effectively override the broadcast node setting for the adapters on which
- they are set.
- To make an adapter a broadcast node, configure DHCP to set the node type
- to Bnode, or in the absence of DHCP, the computer will assume Bnode
- behavior by default.
- Including Remote LMHOSTS Files
- You must modify the Registry of a remote computer if network clients will
- #INCLUDE the LMHOSTS file on the remote Windows NT computer. The share
- containing the LMHOSTS file must be in the Null Sessions list on the
- Server by adding the share name to the following Windows NT Registry key:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
- \LanManServer\Parameters\NullSessionShares
- Microsoft TCP/IP Workstations with UB NetBIOS Name Servers
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- The Microsoft clients can be configured to use a UB name server by adding
- the SYSTEM.INI parameter RefreshOpCode under the [NBT] section. Set its
- value to 9 to interoperate with UB name servers.
- NetDDE Applications Communicating over Subnets via LMHOSTS
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- If you are connecting to a remote machine via a NetDDE application, using
- a #PRE LMHOSTS entry, you must have a separate entry specifying a special
- character in the 16th byte:
- A special entry is not required if #PRE is not used.
- Browsing Resources on Remote IP Subnetworks
- -------------------------------------------
- Browsing remote IP subnetworks requires a Windows NT computer on the local
- subnet.
- Using File Manager to Access Servers Specified in LMHOSTS
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Reading and parsing LMHOSTS to resolve a name is done by the NBT driver at
- run time. This operation is not permissible under certain conditions.
- One such condition commonly encountered is when a network connection is
- attempted from the File Manager. The result is that the name is reported
- as 'not resolved' even if the name exists in LMHOSTS file (since the
- driver wasn't even allowed to open LMHOSTS file). The workaround for such
- conditions is to put a #PRE against the name in the LMHOSTS file. This
- causes the name to be stored in the name cache when the machine is first
- initialized, so the name gets resolved without the driver having to open
- LMHOSTS at run time.
- IP Routing
- ----------
- Multiple Default Gateways in Microsoft TCP/IP Act as Backup Gateways When
- more than one default gateway is specified for a given IP network or for
- multiple IP networks on different network cards, the first default gateway
- for the first network card is always used to route IP network traffic.
- All the subsequent gateways are used as backup when the first default
- gateway is discovered to be unavailable. The Dead Gateway Detection
- mechanism is used only with TCP (connection-oriented traffic). Therefore,
- utilities like PING will only use the first default gateway. Notice that
- t his only applies to IP datagrams that have to be routed to a remote
- network (that is, to a network to which the workstation is not directly
- connected).
- ---
- FTP is implemented in a Windows console in this release. It is not
- presently hooked to the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 Help file, although the Help
- file does have FTP command summaries in it. Many of the documented
- command line options are supported, although they require you to modify
- your FTP Program Item manually.
- The FTP application which ships with this product does not support the "!"
- command, which typically invokes a user shell.
- ODI Driver Support
- ------------------
- Due to system restrictions, TCP/IP-32 cannot support more than one network
- adapter using ODI drivers. Multihomed configurations are supported using
- NDIS drivers only.
- If after installing TCP/IP-32 you have problems accessing the network over
- your ODI drivers, please make sure that the syntax and frame types listed
- in your NET.CFG file are correct for your network.
- DNS Resolution Hierarchy
- ------------------------
- The Microsoft TCP/IP-32 stack uses various means to resolve a host name to
- get the IP address of a certain host. The various mechanisms used are
- Local Cached Information, Hosts File, DNS Servers, and NetBIOS name
- resolution mechanisms. The default resolution order for resolving a host
- name is Local Cached Information -> Hosts File -> DNS Servers -> NetBt
- (NetBIOS over TCP/IP). NetBIOS over TCP/IP name resolution can consist of
- local subnet broadcasts, and/or querying the Windows Internet Names Server
- (WINS) running on Windows NT Servers.
- Your Guide to Service and Support for Microsoft TCP/IP-32
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Microsoft Support: Network Advanced Systems Products Support Options
- The following support services are available from Microsoft for Microsoft
- Advanced Systems products, including Microsoft Mail Server and its
- gateways, SQL Server, LAN Manager, Windows NT Workstation, Windows NT
- Server, and SNA Server.
- Electronic Services
- -------------------
- Microsoft Forums
- ----------------
- These forums are provided through the CompuServe Information Service,
- (800) 848-8199, representative 230 (sales information only). Access is
- available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
- These forums enable an interactive technical dialog between users as well
- as remote access to the Microsoft KnowledgeBase of product information,
- which is updated daily. These forums are monitored by Microsoft support
- engineers for technical accuracy. If you are already a subscriber, type
- "GO <forum name>" at any ! prompt.
- MSCLIENT Microsoft Network Client support
- WINNT Microsoft Windows NT support
- MSSQL Microsoft SQL Server support
- MSWRKGRP Microsoft Windows for Workgroups support
- MSNETWORKS Microsoft LAN Manager support
- MSAPP Microsoft applications support
- MSWIN32 Information on Win32
- MSDR Development-related discussion forum
- WINEXT Support for extensions and drivers for Windows
- WINSDK Support for Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
- Microsoft Download Service
- --------------------------
- Use the Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) to access the latest technical
- notes on common advanced system products support issues via modem. MSDL
- is at (206) 936-6735, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including
- holidays (1200, 2400, or 9600 baud; no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit).
- Internet
- --------
- Use the Internet to access the Microsoft Driver Library and Microsoft
- KnowledgeBase. The Microsoft Internet FTP archive host FTP.MICROSOFT.COM
- (ip address supports anonymous login. When logging in as
- anonymous, please offer your complete e-mail name as your password.
- Telephone Support
- -----------------
- Microsoft FastTips
- ------------------
- An interactive, automated system providing support at no charge through
- toll lines and accessed by touch-tone phone. FastTips provides fast
- access to answers to common questions and a library of technical notes
- delivered by phone recording or fax. FastTips is available 24 hours
- a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
- Microsoft Advanced Systems products (800) 936-4400
- Priority Telephone Support
- --------------------------
- Get technical support from a Microsoft engineer. Microsoft offers
- pay-as-you-go telephone support from a Microsoft engineer, available 24
- hours a day, 7 days a week, except holidays. Choose from the following
- options:
- Per Incident: Dial (900) 555-2100. $150.00 per incident.
- (Charges appear on your telephone bill.)
- Per Incident: Dial (800) 936-5900. $150.00 per incident.
- (Charges billed to your Visa, Master Card, or American Express.)
- 10-pack: Ten incidents for $995 prepaid.
- Additional Information
- ----------------------
- For additional information about Microsoft support options or for a list
- of Microsoft Solution Providers, call Microsoft Support Network Sales and
- Information Group at (800) 936-3500, Monday through Friday, 6:00 A.M. to
- 6:00 P.M., Pacific time, excluding holidays.
- This list includes only domestic support programs.
- Microsoft's customer support services are subject to Microsoft's
- then-current price, terms, and conditions.