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- ; DIS_PKT.ASM - Adapter provides Packet Driver v1.11 interface over NDIS.
- ; Version 1.07 18 May 1991 by Joe R. Doupnik, Utah State Univ.
- ; Version 1.08 9 Aug 1991 by Dan Lanciani, ddl@harvard.harvard.edu
- ; Version 1.09 3 Nov 1991 by Joe R. Doupnik, Utah State Univ.
- ; Version X.10 6 Nov 1991 by Dan Lanciani, ddl@harvard.harvard.edu
- ; Version 1.10 5 Feb 1992 by Dan Lanciani, ddl@harvard.harvard.edu
- ; Version 1.11 31 Dec 1992 by Dan Lanciani, ddl@harvard.harvard.edu
- ; Copyright (C) 1988 - 1991 FTP Software, Inc.
- ;
- ; This unmodified source file and it's executable form may be used and
- ; redistributed freely. The source may be modified, and the source or
- ; executable versions built from the modified source may be used and
- ; redistributed, provided that this notice and the copyright displayed by
- ; the exectuable remain intact, and provided that the executable displays
- ; an additional message indicating that it has been modified, and by whom.
- ;
- ; FTP Software Inc. releases this software "as is", with no express or
- ; implied warranty, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
- ; of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
- ;
- ;
- ; Please send bug reports to ddl@harvard.harvard.edu or
- ;
- ; Dan Lanciani
- ; 185 Atlantic Road
- ; Gloucester, MA 01930
- ;
- ;
- ; To build, using Microsoft MASM 5 or later, LINK 3.64 or later, and EXE2BIN:
- ;
- ; masm dis_pkt;
- ; link dis_pkt;
- ; exe2bin dis_pkt.exe dis_pkt.dos
- ; del dis_pkt.exe
- ; del dis_pkt.obj
- ;
- ;
- ;What DIS_PKT.DOS does: It provides a Packet Driver
- ;interface to programs built to operate over Packet Drivers. It talks
- ;to NDIS (3Com/Microsoft) instead of to a lan board directly. It shares
- ;the board with NDIS users. We call this a "shim", sitting between the
- ;normal applications program (NetWare shells, TCP/IP, etc) and the more
- ;hardware specific portions (NDIS in this case).
- ;
- ; Packet Driver flavored applications NDIS flavored applications
- ; || ||
- ; ------------- ||
- ; | DIS_PKT | ||
- ; ------------- ||
- ; || ||
- ; ------------------------------------------
- ; | main module |
- ; | NDIS ........................ |
- ; | board specific driver(s) |
- ; -------------------------------------------
- ; ||
- ; -------------------------
- ; | Ethernet board(s) |
- ; -------------------------
- ; ||
- ; =========================================== Ethernet wire
- ;
- ;
- ;First sample PROTOCOL.INI file:
- ;
- ;[protocol manager]
- ; drivername = PROTMAN$
- ;
- ;[pktdrv] <-- name of this driver entry
- ; drivername = pktdrv$ <-- formal driver name
- ; bindings = wd8003xmac <-- use your board's NDIS driver here
- ; intvec = 0x60 <-- Packet Driver Int, 60h..7fh
- ; chainvec = 0x66 <-- post-EOI processing interrupt
- ; novell = y <-- Optional, if present and y(es) then
- ; convert between old Novell 802.3 pkts
- ; on the wire and Type 8137 for the app.
- ; Omitting this line or using any other
- ; response turns off the conversion;
- ; default is no conversion.
- ;
- ;[attiso]
- ; drivername = ATTISO$ <-- Another NDIS client
- ; bindings = wd8003xmac <-- bound to the same harware driver
- ; nsess = 5
- ; ncmds = 14
- ; use_emm = n
- ;
- ;Western Digital EtherCard PLUS Family Adapter <-- Ethernet board
- ;[wd8003xmac] <-- its ndis driver
- ; drivername = MACWD$
- ; irq = 7
- ; ramaddress = 0xCA00
- ; iobase = 0x280
- ; receivebufsize = 1536 <-- make this a full Ethernet pkt
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;Sample section of CONFIG.SYS (StarGROUP material is not required):
- ;
- ;device=c:\lanman\protman.sys /i:c:\lanman <-- must be first
- ;device=c:\lanman\macwd.dos <-- WD8003E driver
- ;device=c:\lanman\dis_pkt.dos <-- Pkt Driver (this program)
- ;device=c:\lanman.dos\drivers\attload.dos /Y <-- StarGROUP NDIS
- ;device=c:\lanman.dos\drivers\attiso\attiso.dos <-- StarGROUP NDIS
- ;device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 e:\pctcp\ifcust.sys <-- PC/TCP stuff
- ;device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:4 e:\pctcp\ipcust.sys <-- etc
- ;
- ;
- ; A second, more elaborate example, with names easier to type. We start with
- ;file PROTOCOL.INI. Note that semicolons start comment lines.
- ;
- ;; This is a sample protocol.ini file listing three Ethernet boards:
- ;; attcsma.dos is an AT&T StarLAN 10 EN100
- ;; elnkii.dos is a 3Com 3C503
- ;; wd8003.dos is a Western Digital WD8003E
- ;; Only one board will be selected but the other two are present.
- ;
- ;[protocol manager]
- ; drivername = PROTMAN$
- ;
- ;; Packet Driver protocol users tie in here
- ;[pktdrv]
- ; drivername = pktdrv$
- ; bindings = attcsma
- ;; bindings= elnkii
- ;; bindings = wd8003
- ; intvec = 0x60
- ;; chainvec = 0x66
- ; novell = no ; do not convert packet types this time
- ;
- ;; AT&T StarGROUP protocol stack ties in here via name ATTISO$
- ;[attiso]
- ; drivername = ATTISO$
- ; bindings = attcsma
- ;; bindings = elnkii
- ;; bindings = wd8003
- ; nsess = 5
- ; ncmds = 14
- ; use_emm = n
- ;
- ;;Western Digital EtherCard PLUS Family Adapter, WD8003E in this case
- ;[wd8003]
- ; drivername = MACWD$
- ; irq = 7
- ; ramaddress = 0xCA00
- ; iobase = 0x280
- ; receivebufsize = 1536
- ;; maxtransmits = 6
- ;; receivebuffers = 6
- ;; receivechains = 6
- ;
- ;; 3Com Etherlink II, 3C503
- ;[elnkii]
- ; drivername = ELNKII$
- ; ioaddress = 0x350
- ; interrupt = 5
- ; transceiver = onboard
- ; maxtransmits = 12
- ; xmitbufs = 1
- ;
- ;; AT&T StarLAN 10 EN100
- ;[attcsma]
- ; drivername = ATTCSMA$
- ; board_type = 2
- ; irq = 2
- ; ioaddr = 0x360
- ; daram = 0xD000
- ;
- ;; End of file protocol.ini
- ;
- ;Fragment of config.sys for the second example. Note three .dos board drivers.
- ;
- ;device=c:\system\ramdrive.sys 1024 512 128 /E
- ;device=c:\lanman\protman.sys /i:c:\lanman.dos\drivers\star10en
- ;device=c:\lanman\attcsma.dos
- ;device=c:\lanman\elnkii.sys
- ;device=c:\lanman\macwd.dos
- ;device=c:\lanman\dis_pkt.dos
- ;device=c:\lanman.dos\drivers\attload.dos /Y
- ;device=c:\lanman.dos\drivers\attiso\attiso.dos
- ;device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:1 e:\pctcp\ifcust.sys
- ;device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:4 e:\pctcp\ipcust.sys
- ;device=c:\qemm\loadhi.sys /r:4 c:\netdev.sys
- ;shell=c:\command.com /p /e:800
- ;
- ;It is necessary to run NETBIND.EXE to get all this to be active.
- ;
- ;
- ; Edit History
- ; 06-Jul-89 WJR Changed interface flags in LDT to 2 per Norsk Data
- ; (may make vector binding work). Changed receive to
- ; allocate buffer for frame size instead of lookahead
- ; value. (This will fail miserably if the frame size
- ; is unknown at upcall time; such is life.) Changed
- ; SetPacketFilter to use module ID instead of dummy.
- ; 11-Sep-89 jbvb Clean up, add 1.09 functionality.
- ; 12-Sep-89 jbvb Don't do interrupt if vector contents are 0.
- ; 14-Sep-89 wjr Changed frame_rejected to frame_not_recognized to make
- ; vectored operation work. Changed send_pkt to use
- ; drv_cct.mod_id. Tried using 0 as protocol id in open
- ; adapter call. Changed device name to pktdrv$,
- ; flushed open adapter not supported message.
- ; 15-Sep-89 wjr Changed open adapter back to CS since 0 broke it.
- ; 24-Oct-89 wjr Changed FRAME_NOT_RECOGNIZED from 4 to 3
- ; 07-Feb-90 wjr Added push and pop SI to rcv_chn & rcv_lah.
- ; 02-Apr-90 wjr Fixed xmt_chn to properly check for request queued
- ; 03-Apr-90 wjr Given changed TCP, treat REQUEST_QUEUED as success.
- ; 06-Apr-90 jbvb Update patch level to 2.
- ; 23-Apr-90 jbvb Don't trash BP, free init code, fix comments.
- ; 25-Apr-90 jbvb Support "extended" calls: get/set_rcv_mode,
- ; get_statistics will suffice for LW.
- ; 26-Apr-90 jbvb Support "match all" on typelen == 0.
- ; 05-Jun-90 jbvb Fix stack bug in "match all" handling in access_type,
- ; pass valid CX on 2nd receiver() upcall, version 5.
- ; 13-Jun-90 jbvb Write basic set_address() code, but comment it out
- ; because NDIS may require a CloseAdapter first in
- ; order for it to work. Not worth it to me.
- ; 27-Jul-90 jbvb Copyright, build instructions, release v1.05.
- ; 24-Mar-91 jrd Rewrite great chunks to straighen out stack and DS
- ; addressing. This now works with Novell IPX/NETn
- ; and Netwatch (together as a matter of fact) and
- ; with PC/TCP from FTP Inc. Version to 1.06.
- ; Joe R. Doupnik, jrd@cc.usu.edu, Utah State Univ.
- ; 30-Mar-91 jrd Allow 10 byte TYPE idents to pick out packets,
- ; more cleanups, more needed. Promiscuous mode put last.
- ; Allow 20 handles. Works fine with (NetWare+PC/TCP+
- ; Netwatch) Pkt Drvr + Lan Man going simulanteously.
- ; Works with Clarkson issued Packet Driver utilities.
- ; 18-May-91 jrd Add filtering of packet addresses if running in
- ; promiscuous mode, add get current Ethernet address
- ; function to aid filtering, add receive mode indicator
- ; for each handle, correct error in snd_def initing.
- ; Correct problem with receive lookahead addressing.
- ; Compensate for 3Com drivers not preserving regs.
- ; Bump up NDIS tables to v2. Dis_pkt version to 1.07.
- ; 09-Aug-91 ddl 802.5, 802.3 support; default binding; overwrite fix
- ; 03-Nov-91 jrd Add keyword NOVELL to PROTOCOL.INI to convert between
- ; old Novell 802.3 packets on the wire to 8137 for the
- ; applications program. Convert if the line is present
- ; and the value is y(es). Small cleanups.
- ; 06-Nov-91 ddl Add general macro/routine in support of correct sync
- ; calls to MAC. Make send_pkt wait for completion.
- ; Eliminate extra cs: prefixes and consolidate various
- ; register/register and register/stack operations. Use
- ; mac_ds for all downcalls. Add MAC open/close routines
- ; for set_address and Token Ring all-frames mode. Enable
- ; PD set_address API.
- ; 08-Nov-91 ddl Eliminate extra register saves and compares. Absorb
- ; set_packet_filter errors for Token Ring drivers in
- ; all-frames mode. Allow multiple handles with the
- ; same type. More cleanup.
- ; 09-Nov-91 ddl Add deliver routine to handle multiple upcalls per
- ; packet. Replace broken packet filter code. Various
- ; code rewrites. Punt blocking send_pkt for WD driver.
- ; (The WD driver does not generate TransmitConfirms
- ; within IndicationCompletes and will therefore cause
- ; deadlock if a blocking send_pkt is attempted.) This
- ; is a real problem since PD semantics require that
- ; buffer use is finished when send_pkt completes and
- ; we cannot guarantee such.
- ; 10-Nov-91 ddl Remove more unnecessary push/pop code. Assume max
- ; frame size on ReceiveLookahead with zero length.
- ; Take advantage of SUCCESS = 0.
- ; 11-Nov-91 ddl Move Novell code from pktfilter to deliver to avoid
- ; overwriting card's buffers.
- ; 12-Nov-91 ddl Simplify packet filter.
- ; 05-Feb-92 ddl Fix the Novell bug I introduced...
- ; 31-Dec-92 ddl Another try at sync sends & remove restrictions
- ; on non-zero vector pointer. The new scheme allows
- ; you to specify the true hardware interrupt as
- ; ``chainvec'' in which case dis_pkt does not (of
- ; course) perform the int. Someday we can get the
- ; info from NDIS v2 MAC drivers but until then...
- PAGE ,80
- EOL equ <13, 10, '$'>
- LF = 10
- CR = 13
- EOS = '$'
- DOS equ 21h
- prstr equ 9
- fopen equ 3dh
- fclose equ 3eh
- ioctl equ 44h
- push dx ;; save DX across call
- push ax
- push ds
- mov ax, cs
- mov ds, ax
- mov dx, offset TEXT ;; point to message
- mov ah, prstr ; display dollar terinated string
- int dos
- pop ds
- pop ax
- pop dx
- ; Issue a request to the MAC and wait for the result
- ;
- mov req_con_flg, REQUEST_QUEUED
- call Request
- call req_wt
- ; DOS request header offsets
- command = 2
- status = 3
- bpb = 18
- end_off = 14
- end_seg = 16
- ; NDIS General Request codes
- INIT_DIAG equ 1
- READ_ERR_LOG equ 2
- SET_STA_ADDR equ 3
- RESET_MAC equ 6
- SET_PKT_FLT equ 7
- CLEAR_STATS equ 11
- SET_FUNC_ADDR equ 13
- ADDR_NONE equ 0 ; NDIS Receiver modes: disabled
- ADDR_MULT equ 1 ; Receive packets for my address & multicast
- ADDR_BRD equ 2 ; Receive broadcast packets
- ADDR_PROM equ 4 ; Receive all packets (promiscuous mode)
- ADDR_SRCRT equ 8 ; Receive all source-routed packets
- ; Protocol to MAC return codes
- SUCCESS equ 0
- ; NDIS-related structure definitions
- cct_def struc
- dw 64 ; Size of common characteristics table (cct)
- dw 0 ; Level of cct (zero this version)
- dw 0 ; Level of service-specific subtables
- db 2 ; Major module version (2 BCD digits)
- db 0 ; Minor module version (2 BCD digits)
- dd 2 ; Module function flags
- db 'PKTDRV$', 9 dup (0) ; Module name, 16 byte ASCIIZ format
- db 4 ; Protocol level at upper boundary of module
- db 0 ; type of interface at upper module boundary
- db 1 ; protocol level at lower boundary of module
- db 1 ; type of interface at lower module boundary
- mod_id dw -1 ; module ID filled in by Protocol Manager
- mod_ds dw 0 ; module DS
- system dd 0 ; system request dispatch entry point
- sscp dd 0 ; pointer to service-specific characteristics
- sssp dd 0 ; pointer to service-specific status
- udtp dd 0 ; pointer to upper dispatch table
- ldtp dd 0 ; pointer to lower dispatch table
- dd 0 ; reserved (must be NULL)
- dd 0 ; reserved (must be NULL)
- cct_def ends
- ssc_def struc
- dw 96 ; length of MAC service-specific
- ; characteristics table (ssc)
- mtype db 16 dup (0) ; type name of MAC, ASCIIZ format
- dw 0 ; length of station addresses in bytes
- db 16 dup (0) ; permanent station address
- cur_add db 16 dup (0) ; current station address
- dd 0 ; current functional address of adapter
- dd 0 ; multicast address list
- dd 0 ; link speed
- svc_1 dw 0 ; service flags
- svc_2 dw 0 ; service flags
- maxfram dw 0 ; max frame size both sent and recv
- dd 0 ; total transmission buffer cap in driver
- dw 0 ; transmission buffer allocation block size
- dd 0 ; total reception buffer cap in driver
- dw 0 ; reception buffer allocation block size
- db 3 dup (0) ; IEEE vendor code (OUI)
- db 0 ; vendor adapter code
- dd 0 ; vendor adapter description pointer
- mirq dw 0 ; IRQ of adapter (NDIS v2)
- dw 0 ; transmit queue depth (NDIS v2)
- dw 0 ; number of data blocks in buffer desc
- ssc_def ends
- sss_def struc
- dw 0 ; length of status table
- dd 0 ; date/time of last diagnostics
- lstatus dd 0 ; MAC status
- dw 0 ; current packet filter
- dd 0 ; pointer to media specific statistics table
- dd 0 ; date/time of last ClearStatistics call
- r_tot dd 0 ; total frames received
- r_crc dd 0 ; frames with CRC error
- rb_tot dd 0 ; total bytes received
- r_drop dd 0 ; frames discarded - no buffer space
- r_mult dd 0 ; multicast frames received
- r_bro dd 0 ; broadcast frames received
- r_err dd 0 ; frames received with errors
- r_big dd 0 ; frames exceeding maximum size
- r_runt dd 0 ; frames smaller than minimum size
- rb_mul dd 0 ; multicast bytes received
- rb_bro dd 0 ; broadcast bytes received
- r_hwer dd 0 ; frames discarded - hardware error
- x_tot dd 0 ; total frames transmitted
- xb_tot dd 0 ; total bytes transmitted
- x_mul dd 0 ; multicast frames transmitted
- x_bro dd 0 ; broadcast frames transmitted
- xb_bro dd 0 ; broadcast bytes transmitted
- xb_mul dd 0 ; multicast bytes transmitted
- x_tmo dd 0 ; frames not transmitted - time-out
- x_hwer dd 0 ; frames not transmitted - hardware error
- sss_def ends
- udt_def struc ; upper dispatch table
- dd 0 ; back pointer to cct
- reqadd dd 0 ; request address
- xchain dd 0 ; TransmitChain address
- dd 0 ; TransferData address
- dd 0 ; ReceiveRelease address
- indon dd 0 ; IndicationOn address
- indoff dd 0 ; IndicationOff address
- udt_def ends
- ldt_def struc ; lower dispatch table
- dd 0 ; back pointer to cct
- dd 2 ; interface flags (2 means something)
- dd 0 ; RequestConfirm address
- dd 0 ; TransmitConfirm address
- dd 0 ; ReceiveLookahead indication address
- dd 0 ; IndicationComplete address
- dd 0 ; ReceiveChain indication address
- dd 0 ; status indication address
- ldt_def ends
- snd_def struc ; transmit buffer descriptor
- dw 0 ; byte count of immediate data (always 0)
- dd 0 ; address of immediate data
- dw 1 ; count of data blocks (always 1)
- db 0 ; pointer type (0 == physical)
- db 0 ; reserved
- snd_len dw 0 ; number of bytes to send
- snd_off dw 0 ; offset of data to send
- snd_seg dw 0 ; segment of data to send
- snd_def ends
- rcv_def struc ; receive buffer descriptor
- dw 1 ; count of data blocks (always 1)
- db 0 ; pointer type (0 == physical)
- db 0 ; reserved
- rcv_len dw 0 ; number of bytes to get
- rcv_off dw 0 ; offset of data to get
- rcv_seg dw 0 ; segment of data to get
- rcv_def ends
- req_def struc ; Request block - Protocol Manager primitives
- req_opc dw 0 ; opcode for PM request
- req_sta dw 0 ; status returned from request
- req_of1 dw 0 ; first parameter pointer
- req_sg1 dw 0
- req_of2 dw 0 ; second parameter pointer
- req_sg2 dw 0
- req_prm dw 0 ; parameter word
- req_def ends
- bnd_def struc ; binding list
- bnd_cnt dw 1 ; number of MACs to bind to -- 0 or 1
- bnd_nam db 16 dup (0) ; name of module to bind to
- bnd_def ends
- SUBTTL Resident Data Area
- assume cs:CSEG, ds:CSEG, es:nothing
- ; DEVICE HEADER - must be at offset zero within device driver
- dd -1 ; becomes pointer to next device header
- dw 8000H ; attribute (char device)
- dw offset strat ; pointer to device strategy routine
- dw offset intr ; pointer to device interrupt handler
- db "PKTDRV$ " ; device driver name
- mac_cctp dd 0 ; address of MAC's cct table
- mac_ds dw 0 ; DS register for MAC
- drv_cct cct_def <> ; Common Characteristics Table
- drv_ldt ldt_def <> ; Lower Dispatch Table
- drv_snd snd_def <> ; Argument blocks for NDIS TransmitChain,
- drv_rcv rcv_def <> ; TransferData,
- drv_bnd bnd_def <> ; and Bind (via DOS IOCTL)
- drv_req req_def <> ; Argument block for general NDIS requests
- TransmitChain dd 0 ; MAC entry point to send packet
- TransferData dd 0 ; MAC entry point for data copy
- Request dd 0 ; MAC entry point for requests
- ;ReceiveRelease dd 0 ; MAC entry point (???not used???)
- IndicationOn dd 0 ; MAC entries to control Indications
- IndicationOff dd 0 ; (upcalls) from NDIS
- req_con_flg dw 0 ; Completion status from NDIS upcall
- xmt_cmp dw 0 ; TransmitChain result
- init_flg db 0 ; Non-zero if we've been initialized
- address db 6 dup (0) ; Current address from MAC
- novell db 0 ; if non-zero convert between old
- ; Novell 802.3 interior to Type 8137
- ; Caller used 8137, wire gets 802.3
- nd_mode dw 3 ; Current NDIS packet filter
- ; Request Header (RH) address, saved here by "strategy" routine
- req_hdr label dword
- req_off dw 0
- req_seg dw 0
- ; Save the request header for use by the interrupt routine
- strat PROC FAR
- mov word ptr cs:req_off, bx ; offset
- mov word ptr cs:req_seg, es ; segment
- ret
- strat ENDP
- EVEN ; Get into word alignment
- ;;
- ;; Data for Packet Driver
- ;;
- BAD_HANDLE equ 1 ; invalid handle number
- NO_CLASS equ 2 ; no interfaces of this class found
- NO_TYPE equ 3 ; no interfaces of specified type found
- NO_NUMBER equ 4 ; no interfaces of specified number found
- BAD_TYPE equ 5 ; bad packet type specified
- NO_MULTICAST equ 6 ; this interface does not support multicast
- CANT_TERMINATE equ 7 ; this packet driver cannot terminate
- BAD_MODE equ 8 ; an invalid receiver mode was specified
- NO_SPACE equ 9 ; operation failed because of insufficient space
- TYPE_INUSE equ 10 ; type had previously been accessed and not released
- BAD_COMMAND equ 11 ; the command was out of range or not implemented
- CANT_SEND equ 12 ; the packet couldn't be sent (usually hardware error)
- CANT_SET equ 13 ; The hardware address couldn't be changed
- BAD_ADDRESS equ 14 ; Hardware address has bad length or format
- CANT_RESET equ 15 ; Couldn't reset interface (more than 1 handle open)
- PD_LEVEL equ 6 ; Implementation level (basic, high perf, ext)
- ANY_TYPE equ 0ffffh ; Matches any if_type
- ETHERADDR_LEN equ 6 ; Length of an Ethernet address
- ; The connection arrays: types, and corresponding upcalls
- PD_MAX_CONNS equ 20 ; The maximum number of handles/Types that can
- ; be registered at one time
- MAX_P_LEN equ 10 ; max length of TYPE matching field, bytes
- per_handle struc ; Packet Driver HANDLE structure
- pd_conn_used db 0 ; non-zero if this handle is in use
- pd_conn_type db MAX_P_LEN dup(0) ; associated packet type
- pd_conn_type_len dw 0 ; associated packet type length
- pd_conn_rmode dw 3 ; receive mode for this handle
- pd_conn_rcvr dd 0 ; receiver handler address
- pd_conn_class db 0 ; interface class
- per_handle ends
- handles per_handle PD_MAX_CONNS dup(<>)
- end_handles label byte
- if_class db 1 ; Class 1 is Ethernet
- if_type equ 57 ; NDIS to Packet Driver adapter
- pd_version equ 11 ; Version
- pd_vector dw -1 ; Packet Driver vector to serve on
- pd_rcv_mode dw 3 ; Default to rcv mode 3 (normal/bcast)
- pd_name db "MAC/DIS converter", 0
- matchoff dw 12 ; offset to match bytes
- addroff dw 0 ; offset to addresses
- multimask db 1 ; multicast
- ; Table re-maps (badly) NDIS modes to Packet Driver modes (in parentheses)
- ndis_mode db 0 ; No packets (0 == illegal)
- db 0 ; No packets (1 == receiver off)
- db 1 ; Directed | Multicast (2 should be directed only)
- db 3 ; Directed | Multicast | Broadcast
- ; (3 should be directed | broadcast)
- db 3 ; Directed | limited Multicast | Broadcast
- ; (4 == directed | broadcast | limited multicast)
- db 3 ; Directed | limited Multicast | Broadcast
- ; (5 should be directed | broadcast | all multicast)
- db 4 ; Promiscuous (6 == match all)
- EVEN ; Get into word alignment
- ; struct param; Pointer to this returned by get_parameters()
- pd_param db 1 ; Major revision = 1
- db 9 ; Minor revision = 9
- db 14 ; Length of this structure = 14
- db ETHERADDR_LEN ; MAC addr length
- mtu dw 1514 ; MAC packet length
- dw 0 ; No multicast support
- dw 0 ; No promises re: back-to-back receives
- dw 0 ; No promises re: back-to-back transmits
- param_int dw 0 ; Default to no interrupt on EOI
- ; Pointer to this returned by get_statistics
- pd_statistics struc
- pkt_in dd 0 ; Total packets in
- pkt_out dd 0 ; Total packets out
- bytes_in dd 0 ; Total bytes received
- bytes_out dd 0 ; Total bytes sent
- errs_in dd 0 ; Total transmit errors
- errs_out dd 0 ; Total receive errors
- pkts_lost dd 0 ; Packets dropped - no buffer, out of resc
- pd_statistics ends
- pd_stat pd_statistics <> ; An instance of the above
- PUBLIC driver_info, access_type, release_type, send_pkt, terminate
- PUBLIC get_address, reset_interface, get_parameters, set_rcv_mode
- PUBLIC get_rcv_mode, get_statistics, set_address
- ; Normal (basic Packet Driver functions) Jump Table
- pd_table dw pd_none ; No handler
- dw driver_info ; 1
- dw access_type ; 2
- dw release_type ; 3
- dw send_pkt ; 4
- dw terminate ; 5
- dw get_address ; 6
- dw reset_interface ; 7
- pd_table_size equ ($-pd_table)/2
- ; High Performance functions Jump Table
- hp_table dw get_parameters ; 10
- dw pd_none ; 11 (as_send_pkt not implemented)
- hp_table_size equ ($-hp_table)/2
- ; Extended functions Jump Table
- ext_table dw set_rcv_mode ; 20
- dw get_rcv_mode ; 21
- dw pd_none ; 22 (set_multicast_list not implemented)
- dw pd_none ; 23 (get_multicast_list not implemented)
- dw get_statistics ; 24
- dw set_address ; 25
- ext_table_size equ ($-ext_table)/2
- ;
- ; rcv_lah is the proc that handles ReceiveLookAhead upcalls from the MAC
- ;
- ; First, it determines if the packet is one that is wanted. If so, it asks
- ; the appropriate application for a buffer. If it gets one, it copies the
- ; data and makes the 2nd call to the application to post it complete. If
- ; not, it returns SUCCESS to the DIS driver anyway. It returns SUCCESS if
- ; if the packet was copied or FRAME_NOT_RECOGNIZED if it is not in the list
- ; of desired types.
- ;
- ;The stack coming into this call is:
- ; dw bp[20] MACID
- ; dw bp[18] framesize
- ; dw bp[16] bytes available in buffer
- ; dw bp[14] lookahead data address seg
- ; dw bp[12] lookahead data address off
- ; dd bp[10] indicate flag
- ; dw bp[6] ds of called protocol mode (ME)
- ;
- rcv_lah PROC FAR
- push bp
- mov bp, sp
- push si ; -2[bp]
- push di ; -4[bp]
- push ds ; -6[bp]
- sub sp, 2 ; -8[bp] return count
- mov ax, cs ; setup data segment
- mov ds, ax
- cld
- cmp word ptr 18[bp], 0 ; unknown frame size
- jnz lah_have_size
- mov ax, mtu
- mov 18[bp], ax ; try for max
- lah_have_size:
- les dx, 12[bp]
- mov bx, offset handles - size per_handle
- call pktfilter ; apply packet filter
- jnc lah_have_buf ; nc = we want this packet
- mov ax, FRAME_NOT_RECOGNIZED ; packet not accepted
- jmp lah_don
- lah_have_buf:
- push bx
- lea ax, -8[bp] ; get scratch location
- push ss ; to put bytes copied into
- push ax ; and push it
- xor ax, ax ; Starting offset in frame
- push ax ; is always zero
- ;
- ; Set up recv table description
- ;
- mov ax, 18[bp] ; Len of recv data
- mov drv_rcv.rcv_len, ax ; goes in argument descriptor
- mov drv_rcv.rcv_seg, es ; as does far address of
- mov drv_rcv.rcv_off, di ; receive buffer
- push ds ; Push far pointer to
- mov ax, offset drv_rcv ; descriptor
- push ax
- push mac_ds ; Push MAC's DS value
- call TransferData ; Copy pkt to buf (pops args)
- ;
- ; Call Packet Driver receive routine again (AX = 1) to finish up
- ;
- pop bx ; recover handle
- lds si, dword ptr drv_rcv.rcv_off
- call deliver ; run all the upcalls
- xor ax, ax
- lah_don:add sp, 2 ; local material
- pop ds
- pop di
- pop si
- pop bp
- ret 16 ; Pop MAC's params off stack
- rcv_lah ENDP
- ;
- ; rcv_chn is the proc that handles ReceiveChain upcalls from the MAC
- ;
- ; First, it determines if the packet is one that is wanted.
- ; It returns success if the packet is ok or FRAME_NOT_RECOGNIZED if it is not
- ; in the list of currently open types.
- ;
- ; The stack coming into this call is:
- ; dw bp[20] MACID
- ; dw bp[18] framesize
- ; dw bp[16] request handle
- ; dw bp[14] receive-chain buf descriptor address seg
- ; dw bp[12] receive-chain buf descriptor address off
- ; dd bp[8] indicate flag addr
- ; dw bp[6] DS of called protocol mode (ME)
- ;
- ; where receive-chain buffer descriptor format is
- ; dw rxdatacount count of received data blocks, max of 8
- ; dw rxdatalen length of a data block
- ; dd rxdataptr seg:offset of a data block
- rcv_chn PROC FAR
- push bp
- mov bp, sp
- push si ; -2[bp]
- push di ; -4[bp]
- push ds ; -6[bp]
- mov ax, cs ; setup data segment (== CS)
- mov ds, ax
- cld
- les di, 12[bp]
- les dx, es:[di+4] ; es:di is now the buffer pointer
- mov bx, offset handles - size per_handle
- call pktfilter ; apply packet filter, return handle
- jnc chn_have_buf ; nc = we want this packet
- mov ax, FRAME_NOT_RECOGNIZED ; packet not accepted
- jmp chn_don
- chn_have_buf:
- push es ; Save ES:DI (pointer) to pass
- push di ; back to receiver later
- lds si, 12[bp] ; Addr of rcv descriptor
- mov cx, [si] ; Get number of data blocks
- add si, 2 ; & move to top of list
- chn_dat: ; Move data from next block into stack's buffer
- push cx
- push ds
- push si
- mov cx, [si] ; Get byte count of block
- add si, 2
- lds si, [si] ; Get far pointer to data
- shr cx, 1
- jnc rcvchn5 ; nc = even already
- movsb ; Move 1 byte if count is odd
- rcvchn5:rep movsw ; Use word mov for efficiency
- pop si ; Go through rest of chain
- add si, 6
- pop ds
- pop cx
- loop chn_dat ; For all blocks
- ;
- ; Call Packet Driver receive routine again to finish up
- ;
- pop si ; DS:SI = buffer pointer
- pop ds
- call deliver ; run all the upcalls
- xor ax, ax
- chn_don:pop ds
- pop di
- pop si
- pop bp
- ret 16 ; pop params off stack
- rcv_chn ENDP
- ; Worker for lookahead and receive_chain procedures above. Checks PD handles
- ; for wanting this kind of packet. Returns carry clear, BX = handle,
- ; and ES:DI = buffer if packet is wanted, else carry set to reject the packet.
- ; If the adapter is in promiscuous mode (and the handle is not) we make an
- ; attempt at software filtering. This is intentionally incomplete: clients
- ; will be subjected to multicast packets that they may not want if any
- ; other client asks the adapter to accept multicast packets. Therefore,
- ; there is no point in trying to avoid this situation in promiscuous mode.
- ; Later might want to add full filtering for all modes.
- ;
- ; Note that search starts at the handle *following* BX. Expects lookahead
- ; pointer in ES:DX and packet length in 18[bp].
- ;
- pktfproc proc near
- nohnd: stc
- ret
- pktfilter:add bx, size per_handle ; next entry
- cmp bx, offset end_handles
- jnc nohnd
- cmp [bx].pd_conn_used, 0 ; is handle in use?
- jz pktfilter
- mov cx, [bx].pd_conn_type_len ; number of bytes to match
- jcxz foundhnd
- lea si, [bx].pd_conn_type ; TYPE wanted by this handle
- mov di, dx ; es:di is lookahead data ptr
- cmp if_class, 3
- jnz norif
- test byte ptr es:8[di], 80h
- jz norif
- mov al, es:14[di]
- and ax, 1fh
- add di, ax
- norif: add di, matchoff
- cmp novell, 0
- jz compare
- cmp word ptr es:2[di], 0ffffh
- jnz compare
- cmp word ptr [si], 3781h
- jnz compare
- cmp cx, 2 ; paranoia
- jnz compare
- mov ax, es:[di]
- xchg ah, al
- cmp ax, 1501
- jc foundhnd
- compare:repz cmpsb
- jnz pktfilter
- foundhnd:cmp pd_rcv_mode, 6 ; board in promiscuous mode
- jnz nofil
- cmp [bx].pd_conn_rmode, 6 ; but handle is not--filter
- jz nofil
- mov si, offset address ; our address
- mov di, dx
- add di, addroff
- mov al, multimask ; multicast/broadcast bit
- test es:[di], al
- jnz nofil
- repe cmpsb
- jz nofil
- jmp pktfilter
- nofil: mov cx, 18[bp] ; recover length
- xor ax, ax
- push es
- push dx
- push bp
- push bx
- call [bx].pd_conn_rcvr ; ask for a buffer
- cli
- cld
- pop bx
- pop bp
- pop dx
- mov ax, es
- or ax, di
- jnz havebuf
- pop es
- jmp pktfilter ; no luck--continue search
- havebuf:pop ax
- clc
- ret
- pktfproc endp
- ; Deliver data to all interested handles following BX, then to BX itself.
- ; Data to be delivered in DS:SI, length in 18[bp].
- ;
- deliver proc near
- push bx
- ; do old Novell 802.3 to Type 8137
- cmp cs:novell, 0 ; doing old Novell conversion?
- je deliver0 ; e = no
- push si
- add si, cs:matchoff
- cmp word ptr [si+2], 0ffffh ; have the bad DSAP/SSAP signature?
- jne noconv ; ne = no
- mov ax, [si] ; get length/Type field value
- xchg ah, al ; low endian form
- cmp ax, 1501 ; size is larger than length?
- jnc noconv
- mov word ptr [si], 3781h ; force in Novell Type 8137
- noconv: pop si
- ; end of Novell section
- deliver0:push ds
- push si
- mov ax, ds
- mov es, ax
- mov dx, si
- mov ax, cs
- mov ds, ax
- call pktfilter ; find next potential client
- pop si
- pop ds
- mov ax, 1
- mov cx, 18[bp]
- jc deliver2
- push ds
- push si
- push es
- push di
- push cx
- shr cx, 1
- jnc deliver1
- movsb
- deliver1:rep movsw ; copy between clients
- pop cx
- pop si
- pop ds
- push bx
- push bp
- call cs:[bx].pd_conn_rcvr ; "secondary" client
- cli
- cld
- pop bp
- pop bx
- pop si
- pop ds
- jmp short deliver0
- deliver2:pop bx
- call cs:[bx].pd_conn_rcvr ; run the final upcall
- cld
- ret
- deliver endp
- ;
- ; Services indication complete upcall
- ;
- ; Executes interrupt (returned by get_parameters()) to pass control to
- ; an application which wants to run after the EOI.
- ;
- ; NOTE: Interrupt number at label ind_int is over-written if a different
- ; interrupt is configured in protocols.ini.
- ;
- ind_com PROC FAR ; Indication_complete upcall
- push es
- push bx
- mov bx, cs:param_int ; Get offset of vector
- cmp bx, 16
- jc ind_no_int
- xor ax, ax
- mov es, ax ; Point ES at interrupt segment
- shl bx, 1 ; Multiply by 4 for memory offset
- shl bx, 1
- cmp word ptr es:[bx]+2, 0 ; Is there a segment there?
- jne ind_int ; ne = yes
- cmp word ptr es:[bx], 0 ; Is there an offset there?
- je ind_no_int ; no, no interrupt
- ind_int: ; INT 65 overwritten if selected
- INT 65h ; Pass control to the application
- ind_no_int:
- pop bx ; Restore registers
- pop es
- xor ax, ax
- ret 4
- ind_com ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Packet Driver section
- regs struc ; stack offsets of incoming regs
- _ES dw ?
- _DS dw ?
- _BP dw ?
- _DI dw ?
- _SI dw ?
- _DX dw ?
- _CX dw ?
- _BX dw ?
- _AX dw ?
- _IP dw ?
- _CS dw ?
- _F dw ? ; flags, Carry flag is bit 0
- regs ends
- bytes struc ; stack offsets of incoming regs
- dw ? ; es, ds, bp, di, si are 16 bits
- dw ?
- dw ?
- dw ?
- dw ?
- _DL db ?
- _DH db ?
- _CL db ?
- _CH db ?
- _BL db ?
- _BH db ?
- _AL db ?
- _AH db ?
- bytes ends
- CY equ 0001h ; to set caller's carry bit
- ;
- ; Interrupt handler for the Packet Driver interface (protocol stack downcalls)
- ;
- ; NOTE: Leaves interrupts disabled on entry - code in access_type and
- ; release_type depends on this. send_pkt enables interrupts for MAC.
- ;
- PUBLIC pd_isr
- pd_isr PROC FAR
- jmp short over ; skip the string (this MUST be a 3 byte jmp)
- nop ; make three bytes
- db "PKT DRVR", 0 ; string to identify a packet driver
- over:
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push di
- push bp
- push ds
- push es
- cld
- push cs ;set up ds to this code segment
- pop ds
- mov bp, sp ;we use bp to access the original regs
- and _F[bp], not CY ;start by clearing the carry flag
- mov _DH[bp], 0 ; put no-error code in caller's DH
- cmp ah, pd_table_size ; AH too large?
- jae highperf_table ; ae = yes, try next set
- ; Dispatch on AH using normal table
- mov bl, ah ; Get function code
- xor bh, bh ; into a word register
- shl bx, 1 ; index by words
- jmp pd_table[bx] ; and go
- highperf_table:
- sub ah, 10 ; Offset of 1st high-performance function
- jl pd_none ; l = ah is out of range
- cmp ah, hp_table_size ; is AH still in range?
- jae xtend_table ; ae = no, try next set
- ; Dispatch on AH using high-performance table
- mov bl, ah ; Get function code
- xor bh, bh ; into a word register
- shl bx, 1 ; index by words
- jmp hp_table[bx] ; and go
- xtend_table:
- sub ah, 10 ; Offset of 1st extended function
- jl pd_none ; l = AH is not in range
- cmp ah, ext_table_size ; still in range?
- jae pd_none ; ae = no
- ; Dispatch on AH using extended table
- mov bl, ah ; Get function code
- xor bh, bh ; into a word register
- shl bx, 1 ; index by words
- jmp ext_table[bx] ; and go
- pd_none:
- mov dh, BAD_COMMAND ; set error code
- err_ret:
- mov _DH[bp], dh ; put error code in caller's DH
- or _F[bp], CY ; set caller's carry flag
- good_ret: ; good return (carry clear)
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop bp
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- iret
- ;
- ; Checks the handle in BX. If out of range or not valid cleans up the
- ; stack and jumps directly to err_ret with a BAD_HANDLE error. Assumes
- ; called with DS pushed and a near call. If handle is good, just returns.
- ; BX is shifted one bit to the left.
- ;
- ; Bounds check on handle
- chk_hdl PROC NEAR
- mov bx, _BX[BP] ; Handle
- cmp bx, offset handles ; start of handles area
- jb chkhdl1 ; b = out of range
- cmp bx, offset end_handles ; end of handles area
- jae chkhdl1 ; ae = above max table size
- cmp [bx].pd_conn_used, 0 ; is handle used?
- je chkhdl1 ; e = no, go bomb out
- ret ; return BX as handle
- chkhdl1:
- pop ds ;clear stack (was the return address)
- mov dh, BAD_HANDLE ;return BAD_HANDLE error
- jmp err_ret
- chk_hdl ENDP
- ; The following implement the individual Packet Driver commands, basic
- ; functions first.
- ;
- ; Send a packet.
- ; If Novell mode is active, user's buffer may be altered. XXX
- ;
- send_pkt:mov es, _DS[bp] ; get ds of data block to es
- mov ax, _CX[bp]
- mov drv_snd.snd_len, ax
- mov si, _SI[bp]
- push drv_cct.mod_id ; put our module id
- mov ax, 1
- push ax
- ; do conversion of Type 8137 to old Novell 802.3
- cmp novell, 0 ; doing Novell packet conversion?
- je send_pkt3 ; e = no
- cmp word ptr es:[si+12], 3781h ; outgoing Novell Type 8137?
- jne send_pkt3 ; ne = no
- mov ax, es:[si+12+4] ; get internal length indicator
- xchg ah, al
- inc ax ; round up to an even length
- and al, not 1
- xchg ah, al
- mov es:[si+12], ax ; change packet Type field to length
- send_pkt3:mov drv_snd.snd_off, si ; store offset of pkt buffer
- mov drv_snd.snd_seg, es ; store segment of pkt buffer
- mov bx, offset drv_snd ; get addr of xmit buff desc
- push ds ; store on stack
- push bx
- push mac_ds ; MACID
- mov xmt_cmp, REQUEST_QUEUED ; set up for queued data
- call TransmitChain ; do downcall to NDIS
- sti ; enable ints just to be sure
- xor cx, cx
- send_pkt6:or ax, ax
- jz send_pkt4
- cmp ax, REQUEST_QUEUED ; queued?
- jne send_pkt5 ; ne = no
- mov ax, xmt_cmp
- loop send_pkt6 ; XXX waiting breaks WD driver
- send_pkt4:jmp good_ret
- send_pkt5:mov dh, CANT_SEND ; trouble, fail
- jmp err_ret
- ;
- ; Handle driver_info() downcall - return driver information.
- ;
- driver_info:
- mov ch, if_class ; CH is class
- xor cl, cl ; CL is interface number (always 0)
- mov _BX[bp], pd_version
- mov _CX[bp], cx
- mov _DX[bp], if_type
- mov _SI[bp], offset pd_name ; ds:si is ptr to name
- mov _DS[bp], ds
- mov _AX[bp], PD_LEVEL
- jmp good_ret
- ;
- ; Handle access_type() - sets up to handle an Ethernet packet type.
- ;
- ; NOTE: Depends on entry with interrupts disabled for shared data locking.
- ;
- access_type_class:
- mov dh, NO_CLASS
- jmp err_ret
- access_type_number:
- mov dh, NO_NUMBER
- jmp err_ret
- access_type_bad:
- mov dh, BAD_TYPE
- jmp err_ret
- access_type:
- mov al, if_class
- cmp _AL[bp], al ; our class?
- jne access_type_class ; ne = no, fail
- ; cmp _BX[bp], ANY_TYPE ; generic type?
- ; je access_type_1 ; e = yes
- ; cmp _BX[bp], if_type ; our type?
- ; je access_type_1 ; e = yes
- ; mov dh, NO_TYPE
- ; jmp err_ret
- ;access_type_1:
- cmp _DL[bp], 0 ; our number?
- jne access_type_number ; ne = no
- cmp _CX[bp], MAX_P_LEN ; is the type length too long?
- ja access_type_bad ; a = yes, this can't be ours
- ; look for a free handle
- mov bx, offset handles ; first handle
- access_type_2:
- cmp [bx].pd_conn_used, 0 ; is this handle in use?
- jz access_type_3
- add bx, (size per_handle) ; go to the next handle
- cmp bx, offset end_handles ; examined all handles?
- jb access_type_2 ; b = no, continue
- mov dh, NO_SPACE
- jmp err_ret
- access_type_3:
- mov [bx].pd_conn_used, 1 ; remember that we're using it
- mov ax, _DI[bp] ; get receiver address from ES:DI
- mov word ptr [bx].pd_conn_rcvr, ax ; offset part
- mov ax, _ES[bp]
- mov word ptr [bx].pd_conn_rcvr+2, ax ; segment part
- push ds
- mov ax, ds
- mov es, ax
- mov ds, _DS[bp] ; remember their type
- mov si, _SI[bp]
- mov cx, _CX[bp]
- mov es:[bx].pd_conn_type_len, cx ; remember the TYPE length
- lea di, [bx].pd_conn_type
- rep movsb ; copy TYPE field to match
- pop ds
- mov al, _AL[bp] ; remember Class
- mov [bx].pd_conn_class, al
- mov [bx].pd_conn_rmode, 3
- mov _AX[bp], bx ; return handle in caller's AX
- jmp good_ret
- ;
- ; Perform release_type() - forget the packet type/upcall/handle
- ;
- ; NOTE: Depends on entry with interrupts disabled for shared data locking.
- ;
- release_type:
- call chk_hdl ; get handle, return here if ok
- ; This is a critical region!!
- mov [bx].pd_conn_used, 0 ; free handle-used indicator
- jmp good_ret
- ;
- ; Perform terminate() - never actually do it.
- ;
- terminate:
- call chk_hdl ; check handle
- mov dh, CANT_TERMINATE ; Return error
- jmp err_ret
- ;
- ; Perform get_address() - get the current Ethernet address of the interface
- ;
- get_address:
- cmp _CX[bp], ETHERADDR_LEN ; Make sure it's an ethernet address
- jc get_address_err
- call get_eaddr
- mov di, _DI[bp]
- mov es, _ES[bp]
- mov si, offset address
- rep movsb
- mov _CX[bp], ETHERADDR_LEN
- jmp good_ret
- get_address_err:
- mov dh, NO_SPACE ; hmmm, I suppose it's close enough
- jmp err_ret
- ; Return board's current Ethernet address in address (ETHERADDR_LEN bytes)
- ; via NDIS information.
- get_eaddr proc near
- push ds
- mov di, cs
- mov es, di
- mov di, offset address
- lds si, mac_cctp ; get address of mac cct
- lds si, sscp[si] ; get address of mac ssc
- add si, cur_add ; mov to offset in structure
- mov cx, ETHERADDR_LEN ; get length
- cld
- rep movsb ; copy address
- pop ds
- ret
- get_eaddr endp
- ;
- ; Perform reset_interface() - this is ignored.
- ;
- reset_interface:
- call chk_hdl ; check handle
- jmp good_ret ; if the handle was good, call is good
- ;
- ; The following implement the High Performance functions
- ;
- ; get_parameters() - Return pointer to parameters structure in ES:DI
- ;
- get_parameters:
- mov _ES[bp], cs ; return struct adr in caller's ES:DI
- mov _DI[bp], offset pd_param
- jmp good_ret ; & pass it to caller
- ;
- ; as_send_pkt() - Not implemented.
- ;
- ;as_send_pkt:
- ; mov dh, BAD_COMMAND
- ; jmp err_ret
- ;
- ; The following implement the Extended functions
- ;
- ; set_rcv_mode translates the PDS mode to an NDIS Packet Filter.
- ;
- set_rcv_mode:
- call chk_hdl ; get handle, return here if ok
- mov cx, _CX[bp]
- jcxz set_rcv_mode_err ; z = illegal receive mode, quit
- cmp cx, 6 ; is mode legal?
- ja set_rcv_mode_err ; a = no, quit
- mov bx, cx ; Put it in an index register
- mov bl, ndis_mode[bx] ; and translate it for NDIS
- xor bh, bh
- call set_ndis_mode ; Try to set it
- jz set_rcv_mode_ok
- set_rcv_mode_err:
- mov dh, BAD_MODE ; no, return error
- jmp err_ret
- set_rcv_mode_ok:
- mov bx, _BX[bp] ; get handle again
- mov cx, _CX[bp]
- mov [bx].pd_conn_rmode, cx ; set receive mode in handle's struct
- mov pd_rcv_mode, cx ; save the mode we just set
- jmp good_ret ; and return ok
- ;
- ; Return the current Packet Driver receive mode.
- ;
- get_rcv_mode:
- call chk_hdl ; get handle, return here if ok
- mov ax, [bx].pd_conn_rmode ; get mode for this handle
- mov _AX[bp], ax
- jmp good_ret ; return it
- get_statistics:
- les si, mac_cctp ; ES:SI == address of NDIS cct
- les si, es:sssp[si] ; ES:SI == address of NDIS sss
- mov ax, es
- or ax, ax ; Is the segment non-zero?
- jnz getsta1 ; nz = yes, accept it
- or si, si ; how about offset?
- jnz getsta1 ; nz = ok
- mov dh, BAD_COMMAND ; If they don't implement it,
- jmp err_ret ; neither do we
- getsta1:mov ax, cs
- mov ds, ax
- mov di, offset pd_stat ; Get start of PD stats table
- cli ; Don't allow updates just now
- mov ax, word ptr es:r_tot[si] ; Copy total received frames
- mov dx, word ptr es:r_tot+2[si]
- call valchk
- mov ax, word ptr es:x_tot[si] ; Copy total xmitted frames
- mov dx, word ptr es:x_tot+2[si]
- call valchk
- mov ax, word ptr es:rb_tot[si] ; Copy total received bytes
- mov dx, word ptr es:rb_tot+2[si]
- call valchk
- mov ax, word ptr es:xb_tot[si] ; Copy total transmitted bytes
- mov dx, word ptr es:xb_tot+2[si]
- call valchk
- mov ax, word ptr es:r_err[si] ; Copy total receive errors
- mov dx, word ptr es:r_err+2[si]
- call valchk
- mov ax, word ptr es:x_hwer[si] ; Copy total transmit errors
- mov dx, word ptr es:x_hwer+2[si]
- call valchk
- mov ax, word ptr es:r_drop[si] ; Copy total receives dropped
- mov dx, word ptr es:r_drop+2[si]
- call valchk
- sti ; All done with shared data
- mov _SI[bp], offset pd_stat ; set caller's DS:SI to the
- mov ax, cs ; address of Packet Driver stats
- mov _DS[bp], ax
- jmp good_ret
- ; Convert double word dx:ax from NDIS unknown value of (long) -1 to (long) 0,
- ; store results in ds:[di, di+2], move di forward two words.
- valchk proc near
- cmp ax, -1 ; starting at -1 (NDIS, for unknown)?
- jne valchkx ; ne = no
- cmp dx, -1 ; this part too
- jne valchkx ; ne = no
- xor ax, ax ; zero counters for zero based counts
- xor dx, dx
- valchkx:mov [di], ax ; store results locally
- mov [di+2], dx
- add di, 4 ; step to next storage double word
- ret
- valchk endp
- ;
- ; Perform set_address() - change physical address of the interface.
- ;
- set_address:
- cmp _CX[bp], ETHERADDR_LEN ; Make sure it's an ethernet address
- jne set_address_err ; Jump if bad length
- call close_m
- push drv_cct.mod_id ; Make set station address call
- mov ax, 1
- push ax ; Push request ID (0 to not conf)
- xor ax, ax
- push ax ; Must be 0
- push _ES[bp] ; Push pointer to address to set
- push _DI[bp]
- mov ax, SET_STA_ADDR ; SetStationAddress function code
- push ax
- push mac_ds
- jnz set_err
- call open_m
- call get_eaddr
- jmp good_ret
- set_err:
- call open_m
- call get_eaddr ; just in case
- mov dh, CANT_SET
- jmp err_ret
- set_address_err:
- mov dh, BAD_ADDRESS ; We didn't like the address
- jmp err_ret
- pd_isr ENDP
- ;;;;;; end of Packet Driver direct support procedures
- ;
- ; The following are upcalls from DIS:
- ; RequestConfirm enters with stack of (after our push bp)
- ; dw [BP+16] ProtID
- ; dw [BP+14] MACID
- ; dw [BP+12] ReqHandle
- ; dw [BP+10] Status
- ; dw [BP+8] Request
- ; dw [BP+6] ProtDS (our DS)
- req_con PROC FAR ; Request Confirm
- push bp
- mov bp, sp
- mov ax, [bp+10] ; get NDIS status response
- mov cs:req_con_flg, ax ; store in local area
- pop bp
- xor ax, ax
- ret 12
- req_con ENDP
- ; Wait for a (possibly) queued request to complete & return result.
- ; Z flag is set if success.
- req_wt PROC NEAR
- sti
- req_wt1:cmp ax, REQUEST_QUEUED
- jnz req_wt2
- mov ax, req_con_flg
- jmp short req_wt1
- req_wt2:or ax, ax
- ret
- req_wt ENDP
- ; TransmitConfirm enters with stack of (after our push bp)
- ; dw [BP+14] ProtID
- ; dw [BP+12] MACID
- ; dw [BP+10] ReqHandle
- ; dw [BP+8] Status
- ; dw [BP+6] ProtDS (our DS)
- xmt_con PROC FAR ; Transmit Confirm
- push bp
- mov bp, sp
- mov ax, 8[bp]
- mov cs:xmt_cmp, ax ; moves the return code into static
- pop bp
- xor ax, ax
- ret 10
- xmt_con ENDP
- sta_ind PROC FAR ; Status handled, not used
- xor ax, ax
- ret 12
- sta_ind ENDP
- dis_pat PROC FAR ; System entry point for pkt driver
- push bp ; Used only by initiate bind request
- mov bp, sp
- cmp word ptr 8[bp], 1 ; Is it initiate_bind?
- je dispat1 ; e = yes
- mov ax, GENERAL_FAILURE ; NO: fail
- pop bp
- ret 14
- dispat1:push ds ; save stuff
- push es
- push bx
- push cx
- push si
- push di
- mov ax, cs ; set up DS == CS
- mov ds, ax
- les bx, 12[bp]
- mov word ptr mac_cctp, bx
- mov word ptr mac_cctp + 2, es
- mov ax, offset drv_cct ; push pkt drv cct (our cct)
- push ds
- push ax
- mov ax, offset mac_cctp ; push addr for MAC's cct
- push ds
- push ax
- xor ax, ax ; pad parameter
- push ax
- mov ax, 2 ; Load Bind command code
- push ax
- push es:[bx].mod_ds
- call dword ptr es:[bx].system ; call MAC's system entry point
- or ax, ax
- jz dispat2 ; z = Bind succeeded
- MSG bad_bind ; tell the user the bad news
- jmp rtn_dis ; Bind failed, fatal error
- dispat2:
- call sav_mac ; Save MAC entry point addresses
- les bx, mac_cctp ; Check if OpenAdapter needed
- les bx, es:[bx].sscp
- lea di, [bx].mtype
- mov si, offset t8023
- mov cx, offset t8023e - offset t8023
- cld
- repe cmpsb
- jz is8023
- lea di, [bx].mtype
- mov si, offset t8025
- mov cx, offset t8025e - offset t8025
- repe cmpsb
- jz is8025
- jmp short gottype
- is8023: mov if_class, 11
- mov matchoff, 14
- jmp short gottype
- is8025: mov if_class, 3
- mov matchoff, 14
- mov addroff, 2
- mov multimask, 80h
- mov ax, es:[bx].maxfram
- mov mtu, ax
- ; jmp short gottype
- gottype:call open_m
- jz open_ok1 ; skip to setting packet filter
- MSG bad_open_adpt ; Fatal error: open adapter failed
- jmp rtn_dis
- open_ok1:
- push mac_ds
- call IndicationOff
- push mac_ds
- call IndicationOn
- sti
- call get_eaddr
- mov bx, 3 ; Set default filter: Directed,
- call set_ndis_mode ; Multicast & Broadcast (3)
- jz set_vec
- MSG bad_set_pkt ; show an error and fail
- jmp rtn_dis
- ; Give warning if the Packet Driver vector is already in use but use anyway
- set_vec:
- xor ax, ax ; Set ES to 0 to look in int tab
- mov es, ax
- mov bx, cs:pd_vector ; Get vector and multiply by 4
- shl bx, 1
- shl bx, 1
- mov es:[bx], offset pd_isr
- mov es:2[bx], cs
- xor ax, ax
- rtn_dis:
- pop di ; all done
- pop si
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop bp
- ret 14
- dis_pat ENDP
- ; Make the NDIS SetPktFilter call (both at bind and from set_rcv_mode)
- ;
- ; Arguments:
- ; BX NDIS Packet filter to set (see DIS p 45 for bits)
- ; * 0 - directed and multicast
- ; * 1 - broadcast
- ; 2 - promiscuous
- ; 3 - any source routing packet
- ;
- ; Some Token Rind drivers work in all-frames mode (even though they reject
- ; the set_packet_filter call) as long as the appropriate argument is passed
- ; to open_adapter. The set_packet_filter error is ignored here for such
- ; cases.
- ;
- set_ndis_mode PROC NEAR
- mov ax, nd_mode
- xor ax, bx
- and ax, 4 ; changing to/from promiscuous mode
- jz set_ndis_mode1
- push bx
- call close_m
- pop bx
- set_ndis_mode1:
- mov nd_mode, bx
- push drv_cct.mod_id ; make set packet filter call
- mov ax, 1
- push ax ; unique handle (0 to not conf)
- push bx ; Push packet filter value
- xor ax, ax
- push ax ; dd pad
- push ax
- mov ax, SET_PKT_FLT ; SetPacketFilter command
- push ax
- push mac_ds
- push ax
- call open_m
- pop ax
- cmp ax, INVALID_PARAMETER ; Absorb error...
- jnz set_ndis_mode2
- cmp if_class, 3 ; for Token Ring...
- jnz set_ndis_mode2
- test nd_mode, 4 ; in promiscuous mode only.
- jz set_ndis_mode2
- xor ax, ax
- set_ndis_mode2:
- or ax, ax
- ret ; NDIS return code is in AX
- set_ndis_mode ENDP
- ; Open the MAC if appropriate. Pass flags for Token Ring all-frames
- ; mode as necessary.
- ;
- open_m PROC NEAR
- les bx, mac_cctp
- les bx, es:[bx].sscp
- test es:[bx].svc_1, 0800h ; supports open
- jz open_m1
- les bx, mac_cctp
- les bx, es:[bx].sssp
- test word ptr es:[bx].lstatus, 010h ; already open
- jnz open_m1
- push drv_cct.mod_id
- mov ax, 1
- push ax
- xor ax, ax
- cmp if_class, 3 ; for Token Ring
- jnz open_m2
- test nd_mode, 4 ; in promiscuous mode
- jz open_m2
- mov ax, 6
- open_m2:push ax
- xor ax, ax
- push ax
- push ax
- mov ax, OPEN_ADAPTER
- push ax
- push mac_ds
- ret
- open_m1:xor ax, ax
- ret
- open_m ENDP
- ; Close the MAC if appropriate.
- ;
- close_m PROC NEAR
- les bx, mac_cctp
- les bx, es:[bx].sscp
- test es:[bx].svc_1, 0800h ; supports open
- jz close_m1
- les bx, mac_cctp
- les bx, es:[bx].sssp
- test word ptr es:[bx].lstatus, 010h ; not open
- jz open_m1
- push drv_cct.mod_id
- mov ax, 1
- push ax
- xor ax, ax
- push ax
- push ax
- push ax
- push ax
- push mac_ds
- ret
- close_m1:xor ax, ax
- ret
- close_m ENDP
- ;
- ; Put MAC entry points into static locations - called at bind time.
- ;
- sav_mac PROC NEAR
- les si, mac_cctp
- mov ax, es:[si].mod_ds ; save MAC ds
- mov mac_ds, ax
- les si, es:[si].udtp
- mov bx, offset Request ; save request entry point
- mov ax, es:4[si]
- mov [bx], ax
- mov ax, es:6[si]
- mov 2[bx], ax
- mov bx, offset TransmitChain ; save xmt block entry point
- mov ax, es:8[si]
- mov [bx], ax
- mov ax, es:10[si]
- mov 2[bx], ax
- mov bx, offset TransferData ; save xfer data entry point
- mov ax, es:12[si]
- mov [bx], ax
- mov ax, es:14[si]
- mov 2[bx], ax
- ; mov bx, offset ReceiveRelease ; save recv rel entry point
- ; mov ax, es:16[si]
- ; mov [bx], ax
- ; mov ax, es:18[si]
- ; mov 2[bx], ax
- mov bx, offset IndicationOn ; save ind on entry point
- mov ax, es:20[si]
- mov [bx], ax
- mov ax, es:22[si]
- mov 2[bx], ax
- mov bx, offset IndicationOff ; save ind off entry point
- mov ax, es:24[si]
- mov [bx], ax
- mov ax, es:26[si]
- mov 2[bx], ax
- ret
- sav_mac ENDP
- ; Message strings needed at bind time.
- bad_open_adpt db "Adapter did not open", EOL
- bad_set_pkt db "Set packet filter failed", EOL
- bad_bind db 7, "BIND failed", EOL
- t8023 db '802.3', 0
- t8023e:
- t8025 db '802.5', 0
- t8025e:
- end_res: ;;;; Currently not keeping init code in memory
- ;
- ; DOS device driver interrupt entry point.
- ;
- ; This is used to initialize module and read parameters from PROTOCOLS.INI
- ; only, and frees itself after startup. The NDIS bind takes place later,
- ; via dis_pat and its friends above.
- ;
- intr PROC FAR
- push es ; save all registers
- push ds
- push si
- push di
- push dx
- push cx
- push bx
- push ax
- mov ax, cs ; check to see if already initialized
- mov ds, ax
- mov al, init_flg ; our init flag
- or al, al ; not inited yet (0)?
- jz intr1 ; z = yes, init now
- mov bx, req_off ; already initialized - return
- mov ds, req_seg ; with error
- mov [bx].status, 810Ch
- jmp rtn
- intr1: cli ; not initialized - switch to new
- mov si, ss ; stack and init
- mov dx, sp
- mov ax, cs
- mov ss, ax
- mov sp, offset new_stk ; Need a big stack for this call
- sti ; Critical region
- push si ; Save old SS
- push dx ; and SP
- MSG msg_copyright ; Display copyright notice
- call init ; Init this driver
- mov ax, cs ; Set DS == CS
- mov ds, ax
- mov bx, req_off ; Get request header ptr
- mov es, req_seg
- mov word ptr es:[bx].status, 0100h ; Set return status ok
- mov init_flg, 1 ; Note that we've initialized
- mov ax, offset end_res ; Set end of resident code
- mov word ptr es:[bx].end_off, ax
- mov ax, cs
- mov es:[bx].end_seg, ax
- pop di ; Old SP
- pop si ; and old SS
- cli ; Critical region
- mov ss, si ; Change back to old stack
- mov sp, di
- sti ; End critical region
- rtn: pop ax ; All done
- pop bx
- pop cx
- pop dx
- pop di
- pop si
- pop ds
- pop es
- ret
- intr ENDP
- db 512 dup (0)
- new_stk label word ; A stack for init to use
- db 4 dup (0)
- fil_han dw 0 ; File handle for init
- ;
- ; Initialize the converter module - read parameters from PROTOCOLS.INI.
- ;
- init PROC NEAR
- mov ax, cs ; open the Protocol Manager driver
- mov ds, ax
- mov ah, fopen ; open file
- mov al, 0C2h
- mov dx, offset pm__nam ; device name
- int dos
- jnc init1 ; nc = success
- MSG pro_no_open ; error
- jmp init_err
- init1: mov fil_han, ax ; file handle
- mov bx, ax
- mov ax, cs
- mov ds, ax
- mov drv_req.req_opc, 1 ; make GetProtocolManagerInfo call
- mov drv_req.req_sta, -1 ; zero out return status
- mov drv_req.req_of1, -1 ; NULL out pointers
- mov drv_req.req_sg1, -1
- mov drv_req.req_of2, -1 ; NULL out pointer 2
- mov drv_req.req_sg2, -1
- mov drv_req.req_prm, -1 ; zero out parameter word
- mov ah, ioctl ; IOCTL req
- mov al, 02h ; device input
- mov dx, offset drv_req ; pointer to buffer
- mov cx, 14 ; size of buffer
- int dos ; call DOS
- jnc init2 ; nc = success
- MSG pro_bad_gpm ; Error: print msg & bomb
- jmp init_err
- init2: mov ax, cs ; restore ds
- mov ds, ax
- mov ax, offset pro_nam ; Get name of module to bind to,
- push ax ; returned by get_pro in ES:DI
- mov ax, pro_nam_len
- push ax
- mov ax, offset pro_bnd_to
- push ax
- mov ax, pro_bnd_to_len
- push ax
- xor ax, ax
- push ax
- call get_pro ; Try to find the token we want
- or di, di ; Was it there?
- jnz init4 ; nz = yes, parse it
- mov drv_bnd.bnd_cnt, 0 ; else say nothing bound
- jmp short init45
- init4: push ds ; Save name in bindings structure
- push ds ; currently allowed to bind to only
- push es ; one MAC
- pop ds
- pop es
- mov si, di
- mov di, offset drv_bnd.bnd_nam
- mov cx, -2[si]
- cld
- rep movsb
- pop ds
- init45: mov ax, offset pro_nam ; Get Packet Driver vector to use
- push ax
- mov ax, pro_nam_len
- push ax
- mov ax, offset pro_prm_vec ; "INTVEC" keyword
- push ax
- mov ax, pro_prm_vec_len
- push ax
- xor ax, ax
- push ax
- call get_pro ; Go look for the token
- or di, di ; Was the token found?
- jnz init5 ; nz = yes
- MSG vec_not_spc ; abort if not found
- jmp init_err
- init5: mov dx, es:[di] ; check that vector is in range
- cmp dx, 80h ; 0x80 is high limit
- jge bad_vec2
- cmp dx, 60h ; 0x60 is low limit
- jl bad_vec2
- mov pd_vector, dx ; Save value for bind time
- jmp short init6 ; Go on to EOI interrupt
- bad_vec2:
- MSG msg_bad_vec ; Abort if out of range
- jmp init_err
- init6: mov ax, offset pro_nam ; Get EOI interrupt (if any)
- push ax
- mov ax, pro_nam_len
- push ax
- mov ax, offset pro_daisy_vec ; "CHAINVEC" key word
- push ax
- mov ax, pro_daisy_len
- push ax
- xor ax, ax
- push ax
- call get_pro ; Try to find the token
- or di, di
- jz init7 ; z = no interrupt
- mov dx, es:[di] ; Check that interrupt is ok
- mov byte ptr ind_int+1, dl ; Modify the code
- mov param_int, dx ; Save interrupt number
- init7: mov ax, offset pro_nam ; Get old Novell 802.3 keyword
- push ax
- mov ax, pro_nam_len
- push ax
- mov ax, offset pro_novell ; "NOVELL" key word
- push ax
- mov ax, pro_nov_len
- push ax
- xor ax, ax
- push ax
- mov novell, 0 ; assume no token
- call get_pro ; Try to find the token
- or di, di
- jz init8 ; z = no token
- mov dx, es:[di] ; get the token's value
- and dl, not 20h ; to upper case
- cmp dl, 'Y' ; "yes"?
- jne init8 ; ne = no conversion
- mov novell, 1 ; set flag
- MSG novmsg ; tell the user about conversion
- init8: call pkt_ptr ; Initialize the LDT and CCT pointers
- mov ax, cs
- mov ds, ax
- mov drv_req.req_opc, 2 ; RegisterModule call
- mov drv_req.req_sta, 0 ; zero out return status
- mov drv_req.req_of1, offset drv_cct ; cct pointer
- mov drv_req.req_sg1, ax
- mov drv_req.req_of2, offset drv_bnd
- mov drv_req.req_sg2, ax
- mov drv_req.req_prm, 0 ; zero out parameter word
- mov ah, ioctl ; IOCTL call
- mov al, 2
- mov dx, offset drv_req
- mov cx, 14
- mov bx, fil_han
- int dos
- cmp drv_req.req_sta, SUCCESS
- je init9 ; e = success
- MSG reg_mod_nok
- jmp init_err
- init9: mov bx, fil_han ; Close protman device
- mov ah, fclose
- int dos
- jc init10 ; c = failure
- xor ax, ax ; Indicate success
- ret ; & do normal return
- init10: MSG msg_err_clo ; close failed, quite unlikely
- jmp init_err
- init_err:mov ax, 1 ; error return
- ret
- init ENDP
- ; get_pro returns a pointer to the keyword entry from GPMI call
- ; 12[bp] is a pointer to module name
- ; 10[bp] is length of module name
- ; 8[bp] is a pointer to keyword name
- ; 6[bp] is length of keyword name
- ; 4[bp] is number of parameter wanted from specified keyword
- ;
- ; returns
- ; es:bx is pointer to param
- ; ax zero for ok and !0 for not found
- ;
- get_pro PROC NEAR
- push bp
- mov bp, sp
- push ds
- push bx
- push si
- lds bx, dword ptr drv_req.req_of1 ; ConMemIma pointer
- mov ax, cs ; find module name
- mov es, ax
- getpro1:mov ax, ds ; quit if pointer NULL (eol)
- or ax, ax
- jz err_get_pro ; z = error
- mov di, 12[bp] ; module name
- mov si, bx ; set up to point name
- add si, 8
- mov cx, 10[bp] ; module name length
- cld
- repe cmpsb ; right module name?
- je pro_fnd ; e = module name found
- lds bx, dword ptr [bx] ; not found-load next in chain
- jmp short getpro1
- pro_fnd:
- add bx, 24 ; offset of parameter pointers
- getpro2:
- mov ax, ds
- or ax, ax
- jz err_get_pro
- mov di, 8[bp] ; parameter name
- mov cx, 6[bp] ; parameter name length
- mov si, bx
- add si, 8
- cld
- repe cmpsb
- je key_fnd ; e = parameter found
- lds bx, dword ptr [bx] ; not found-load next in chain
- jmp short getpro2
- key_fnd:
- add bx, 24 ; offset of values
- mov cx, 4[bp] ; check if enough values are
- cmp cx, [bx] ; here
- jge err_get_pro
- add bx, 2 ; position to the value
- jcxz prm_fnd ; may be either char string
- getpro3: ; or number depending on type
- add bx, 2
- add bx, [bx]
- add bx, 2
- loop getpro3
- prm_fnd:
- mov si, bx ; set es:di to point to value
- add si, 4
- mov cx, 2[bx]
- mov ax, ds
- mov es, ax
- mov di, si
- jmp short getpro4
- err_get_pro:
- ; MSG pro_not_fnd ; error return
- xor ax, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov di, ax
- getpro4:
- pop si ; common return
- pop bx
- pop ds
- pop bp
- ret 10
- get_pro ENDP
- pkt_ptr PROC NEAR ; Set up pointers in Packet
- mov ax, cs ; Driver ldt and cct
- mov ds, ax ; Note:most of this could
- mov bx, offset drv_ldt ; (should) be done statically
- mov word ptr [bx], offset drv_cct ; driver's cct back pointer
- mov 2[bx], ax
- add bx, 8 ; skip int flgs
- mov [bx], offset req_con ; RequestConfirm address
- mov 2[bx], ax
- mov 4[bx], offset xmt_con ; TransmitConfirm address
- mov 6[bx], ax
- mov 8[bx], offset rcv_lah ; ReceiveLookahead indication
- mov 10[bx], ax
- mov 12[bx], offset ind_com ; IndicationComplete address
- mov 14[bx], ax
- mov 16[bx], offset rcv_chn ; ReceiveChain indication add
- mov 18[bx], ax
- mov 20[bx], offset sta_ind ; status indication address
- mov 22[bx], ax
- mov bx, offset drv_cct.ldtp ; set up point to drv ldt
- mov word ptr [bx], offset drv_ldt
- mov 2[bx], ax
- ;
- ;set up pointers in pkt driver cct
- ; only doing lower dispatch table, all other left NULL
- ; hopefully this will work
- ;
- mov drv_cct.mod_id, -1
- mov drv_cct.mod_ds, ax
- mov bx, offset drv_cct.system
- mov [bx], offset dis_pat ; drv system func entry point
- mov 2[bx], ax ; drv ds
- mov word ptr 16[bx], offset drv_ldt ; ptr to ldt
- mov 18[bx], ax
- ret
- pkt_ptr ENDP
- ; Text messages that can be flushed after startup but before bind.
- msg_no_vect db "Vector not specified", EOL
- msg_bad_vec db "Invalid vector (must be 60h-7Fh)", EOL
- msg_err_clo db "Error closing MAC driver", EOL
- msg_copyright db "MAC/DIS to Packet Driver converter loaded."
- db " Version 1.11", CR, LF
- db "Copyright 1991 FTP Software, Inc. All rights "
- db "reserved.", cr, lf
- db " v1.07 by Joe R. Doupnik, jrd@cc.usu.edu, "
- db "Utah State Univ, 18 May 1991", cr, lf
- db " v1.09 by Joe R. Doupnik, jrd@cc.usu.edu, "
- db "Utah State Univ, 3 Nov 1991", cr, lf
- db " v1.08, v1.10, v1.11 by"
- db " Dan Lanciani, ddl@harvard.edu", EOL
- pm__nam db "protman$", 0
- pro_no_open db "Protocol Manager not present", EOL
- pro_bad_gpm db "GetProtocolManagerInfo call failed", EOL
- pro_nam db "PKTDRV", 0
- pro_nam_len equ $ - pro_nam
- pro_prm_vec db "INTVEC", 0
- pro_prm_vec_len equ $ - pro_prm_vec
- pro_daisy_vec db "CHAINVEC", 0
- pro_daisy_len equ $ - pro_daisy_vec
- pro_prm_nok db "SINTVECXX", 0
- pro_prm_nok_len equ $ - pro_prm_nok
- pro_bnd_to db "BINDINGS", 0
- pro_bnd_to_len equ $ - pro_bnd_to
- pro_novell db "NOVELL", 0
- pro_nov_len equ $ - pro_novell
- novmsg db "Using OLD NOVELL 802.3 packets on the wire", EOL
- vec_not_spc db "Interrupt vector for Packet Driver not specifed"
- db " in PROTOCOL.INI", EOL
- reg_mod_nok db "Register module call failed", EOL
- CSEG ends
- end