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- Automated Install of Trumpet Winsock TCP/IP with Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- June 3, 1994
- This are instructions on how to use the enclosed OEMSETUP.INF and
- WINPKT.BAT files to install Trumpet Winsock TCP/IP over Windows for
- Workgroups 3.11 using the Network Setup program. This avoids manually
- editing the system.ini, protocol.ini, and (perhaps) other files.
- This is *only* for Windows for Workgroups 3.11. If you are already
- running the MS TCP/IP-32 for Windows(TM) for Workgroups 3.11 (found
- at ftp.microsoft.com in \peropsys\wfw\tcpip\vxdbeta) you might question
- your sanity. You'll have to remove that first. If you want to do SLIP,
- this isn't for you either.
- Installation and use of this OEMSETUP.INF and WINPKT.BAT are strictly and
- entirely at your own risk. These are presented as is, and no warranty is
- either expressed or implied. If you choose to use these software and
- procedures, then you are solely responsible for any and all problems
- and/or damages, immediate or consequential.
- If there is an existing winsock.dll file in the windows directory (from a
- different TCP/IP package) you may wish to copy or rename it; it will be
- replaced (as will services, hosts, protocol, and other files listed in
- OEMSETUP.INF -- contains information for Network Setup to install this
- WINPKT.BAT -- automatic determination of interrupt used by DIS_PKT.DOS
- DIS_PKT.DOS -- NDIS to packet driver shim
- DIS_PKT.ASM -- documentation for DIS_PKT.DOS, FYI
- README.TXT -- this file
- The latest Trumpet Winsock can be obtained by anonymous FTP at a number of
- sites. These instructions were tested using version 1.0b6, found at
- petros.psychol.utas.edu.au in /pub/trumpet/winsock/pre-release.
- 1. Put these files (OEMSETUP.INF, WINPKT.BAT, and DIS_PKT.DOS) on the
- same diskette or in the smae directory as the Trumpet Winsock
- distribution files.
- 2. Launch Network Setup (probably in the Network group).
- 3. Click [Drivers] button.
- 4. Click [Add Protocol] button.
- 5. Select "Unlisted or Updated Protocol" and click [OK] button.
- 6. In the dialog asking for network-provided driver disk, click [Browse]
- to find the directory where you've put all the files (step 1).
- Note: if you just type in the path to the files, it will ask again
- for each file, so use the [Browse] button. When the path is set,
- click [OK], and it should list "Trumpet TCP/IP". Click [OK] to accept
- it.
- 7. If you get a message like "Setup error 320. You have selected a
- real-mode protocol . . ." follow their instructions; remove the
- current NDIS driver and install the real mode one (NDIS2) or the
- "Real Mode and Enhanced Mode NDIS Driver (NDIS2/NDIS3)".
- 8. Exit dialogs (click [Close] then [OK]), and let Network Setup do its
- stuff.
- 9. You might wish to not let Network Setup reboot, but check your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT to see that "net start" and "call winpkt.bat" are
- where you want them (before Windows is started, but perhaps after
- anything else you want to run or load first).
- You might also check your CONFIG.SYS. On one system where I had
- removed device=ifshlp.sys (and therefore WfWG was not doing networking),
- it was not added by this procedure (one shouldn't expect it to!)
- 10. Reboot.
- 11. Note the vector where winpkt gets installed.
- 12. Start Windows. WfWG should be working.
- 13. Run TCPMAN (found in the Windows directory), and enter your IP address,
- netmask, gateway, etc. Be sure to put the vector number reported by
- winpkt in "Packet Vector". Close TCPMAN. Test by running any and
- all winsock applications.
- If you have problems, try posting to alt.winsock or
- comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc or comp.os.ms-windows.networking.tcp-ip.
- Also see the installation instructions provided with Trumpet Winsock.
- Please don't write the people listed below with questions; we're getting
- too much mail already.
- However, send corrections and additions to these instructions to
- cjs@psu.edu. Also, if you get this working on a machine with a
- token-ring, please write to cjs@psu.edu. The dis_pkt.dos shim doesn't
- seem to work for me on token-ring. Same procedure is fine on machine
- with an ethernet adapter.
- The original OEMSETUP.INF was by B. Armstrong (armstrob@systems.ssgnet.dsto.au).
- Douglas W. Jones (jones@cbdb1.nimh.nih.gov) modified it and wrote the
- WINPKT.BAT. C. J. Sacksteder (cjs@psu.edu) compiled these notes;
- corrections by Douglas Jones. Of course, don't forget Peter Tattam, writing
- great software for reasonable cost. REGISTER IT!