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- Wincode: Multi-Purpose Encoder/Decoder for Windows
- (C) _Snappy_ (1993-1996)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- written by George H. Silva
- Files: WINCODE.EXE the main executable program
- WCENGINE.DLL dynamic link library of coding functions
- WCEHOOK.DLL dynamic link library of menu hook functions
- WCEFMEXT.DLL File Manager Extension dynamic link library
- WCHLPKEY.DLL Help file option dynamic link library
- WCESOCK.EXE a companion Winsock e-mail/post daemon
- WCEPADDR.WAB default Wincode address book
- WINSORT.EXE a companion file-sort utility
- UNINSTLL.EXE Wincode package UnInstall program
- ZIPLINK.EXE executable link to PKZIP/PKUNZIP
- ZIPLINK.PIF ZIPLINK.EXE program information file
- VSWLINK.EXE Windows executable link to VSDLINK
- VSDLINK.EXE executable link to DOS Virus Scan software
- VSDLINK.PIF VSDLINK.EXE program information file
- VSDLINK.DAT VSDLINK Virus Scanner exit codes
- MACAPPFC.DAT MAC Finder information database
- WCEDCSIG.DAT Application information database
- WCEMIME.DAT MIME information database
- WAOL.HKS Hook Script for AOL software
- WINCIM.HKS Hook Script for WinCIM software
- SUM.EXE a BONUS "sum -r/size" DOS utility
- README.NOW important info file
- README.TXT this file
- HELPME.HLP Wincode basics and information for obtaining
- the real HELP file (WINCODE.HLP)
- LICENSE.TXT _Snappy_ "User-Friendly" FREEWARE License
- INSTALL.EXE the Install/Upgrade program
- INSTALL.HLP the Installer HELP file
- INSTALL.INF the Installer information file
- CHECKSUM.REF checksum reference file
- FILE_ID.DIZ BBS identification file
- ****************************************************
- HELPME.HLP (formerly HELPME.TXT -> now a Windows HELP file)
- ****************************************************
- This file contains the following information:
- I. About Wincode
- II. Wincode Features (very brief list! - MANY NEW FEATURES :-)
- III. Coming Soon
- IV. Requirements
- V. Installing/Running/UnInstalling Wincode
- VI. Availability
- VII. Note to HELP Registered Users
- VIII. Copyrights
- NOTE: There is alot of helpful information in the file HELPME.HLP.
- You can now automatically access this file from Wincode by selecting
- any "Help" option (this file is now the "default help file" if you
- are not a registered user - if you are registered, this file is not
- needed since it duplicates portions of the *real* HELP file :-).
- I. *** About Wincode ***
- Wincode is a Windows 3.1x program which converts 8-bit BINARY (EXE,
- COM,GIF, etc) files to 7-bit ASCII (Text) files (and vice versa)
- through a process known as bit-shifting. Wincode currently supports
- UU, XX, USR, Base64 (MIME 1.0 conformant), BINHEX, BTOA and BOO
- encoding/decoding. This BINARY/ASCII conversion allows you to send
- and receive binary files via e-mail or any other ascii-based
- communications system. It provides a quick and easy way to distribute
- programs to people all over the world (it takes a few minutes, on
- average, for e-mail to reach across the world). UUcoding is a common
- practice on many Internet NewsGroups in which users wish to exchange
- binary data. Base64 coding is used by MIME (Multipurpose Internet
- Mail Extensions) conformant e-mail software as a method for attaching
- binary data to ascii e-mail. BINHEX is a popular encoding algorithm
- used mainly on Apple Macintosh computers. BTOA is a somewhat
- different variation of the common BINARY/ASCII conversion process
- which supports simple compression, several checksum options and will
- generally create encoded files that are smaller than other methods
- due to its conversion algorithm (mod 85). BOO is an older (extinct?)
- algorithm used in cross-platform file transfers that is provided for
- compatibility (it requires previous knowledge of decoded output
- filesize and may hence be unreliable). All these methods perform the
- same overall function (i.e. allow binary data to be safely
- transmitted through e-mail) but require different formatting
- algorithms (e.g. BINHEX supports Run-Length Encoding, BTOA uses mod
- 85 coding, etc).
- Wincode and the associated executables and DLLs (NOT including the
- HELP file) are distributed as FREEWARE. However, we want to make a
- distinction: the program is FREEWARE, but it is NOT Public Domain.
- _Snappy_ still retains the Copyright to the source code and to the
- use and distribution of the program (see the file LICENSE.TXT). The
- HELP file is available for a small fee ($10.00 US) but is NOT
- required for Wincode to function correctly. Ordering the HELP file
- also entitles you to future updates and e-mail based support. The
- $10.00 fee is mainly to offset development costs and the amount of
- personal time invested. See below and the file HELPME.HLP for more
- information on obtaining support.
- Wincode is 100% compatible with all standard UUcoders, MIME 1.0
- conformant software, BINHEX 4.0 and BTOA v4.0 and v5.2 coders. The
- MIME (Base64) support was developed under the guidelines of RFC 1521
- (September 1993) and is subject to our understanding of the document.
- The BINHEX support was developed under the guidelines of RFC 1741
- (December 1994) and is subject to our understanding of the document.
- The BTOA v4.0 and v5.2 support was developed based on freely
- available documents by Paul Rutter, Joe Orost & Stefan Parmark (the
- creators of BTOA). We welcome all comments and error corrections.
- As part of our goal to support all BINARY/ASCII conversion methods in
- one (quality :-) product, Wincode now supports encoding/decoding of
- *seven* different formats. We have tried to incorporate as many extra
- features as possible to make the en/de-coding process painless (check
- out the two forms of auto-detection used by the decode algorithm -
- refer to the HELPME.HLP file (Decode section) for details). The
- average user may not need/use all of Wincode's features, but they
- *are* Free!
- NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: WCENGINE.DLL contains ALL of Wincode's 'working'
- code (currently) accessed through 80+ functions/procedures. We
- created this SIMPLE interface to allow Developers to integrate the
- Wincode Engine into any program. We will provide the API and royalty
- free usage to interested developers under certain conditions. Please
- contact the _Snappy_ development team for more details:
- development@snappy-software.com
- II. *** Wincode Features (very brief list!) ***
- - Full featured Windows 3.1 program
- - Easy access ButtonBar for hassle-free operation
- - Drag and Drop support (use for batch en/de-coding -> Wincode
- also allows multi-file selection from File Open dialogs)
- - SMART decoding (handles single files, multi-part files, can
- determine what is encoded or not, etc. -> see the HELP file
- for more information)
- - Fully configurable...We're not joking!
- - EMBL UUcode compatible
- - Supports UU, XX or User defined En/De-coding
- - Supports Base64 (MIME conformant) En/De-coding
- - Supports BINHEX En/De-coding (with option to include MAC
- finder info when encoding to make decoding on a MAC *very*
- easy!)
- - Supports BTOA v4.0 and v5.2 En/De-coding
- - Supports BOO En/De-coding
- - Supports En/De-coding to/from the Clipboard!
- - Supports automatic CODE TYPE detection - either "quick-pass"
- (Auto-1) or "full-pass" (Auto-2) - see HELPME.HLP.
- - Powerful Scripting language can be used to "program" Wincode
- (includes new automatic "Repair" damaged files option!)
- - Supports automatic ZIP/UNZIP (requires PKWare's
- ZIP/UNZIP 2.0)
- - Supports automatic Virus Scanning (requires a DOS Virus
- Scanner - see the VSDLINK.DAT file for more information)
- - Application menu hooking option to integrate Wincode's menu
- into any application. New scripting feature makes encoding
- *into* application documents a SNAP!
- - Includes INSTALL program for upgrades
- - Includes UNINSTALL program for removal
- - Integrated file-sorting companion program (separate
- executable for easier upgrading) which handles MANY types
- of file header formats
- - Integrated Winsock compatible e-mail/post daemon (separate
- executable for easier upgrading) to allow for automatic
- e-mailing and posting of encoded documents (see
- Requirements)
- - Multimedia support - see the HELP file for details
- - It's ALL FREE...
- III. *** Coming Soon ***
- - 32-bit Win95/WinNT version. In progress but no date set yet.
- Keep an eye on our HomePage for early BETAs...
- - User suggestions...?
- IV. *** Requirements ***
- - IBM compatible running DOS 3.3 or higher
- - 286 or higher processor with at least 2MB memory
- - Windows 3.1/3.11 running in standard or enhanced mode OR
- Win95/NT
- - About 1.8MB of disk space without HELP file (~2.5MB with HELP
- file) Sorry about the disk space - this should be reduced in
- the coming months with the release of 32-bit version.
- - ***NOTE*** To use Wincodes built-in E-Mail/Post capabilities,
- you must have a Winsock setup. This means that you are using
- a Windows Socket stack (WINSOCK.DLL) of some sort connected
- directly to the internet (ethernet, SLIP, PPP, TwinSock, TIA,
- SLiRP, etc). The E-Mail/Post Daemon is a Winsock v1.1
- compatible app and has been tested with Trumpet Winsock,
- SunSoft PCNFSPro Winsock, and Winsock running under Win95.
- Improper or missing Winsock setup will only result in
- harmless error messages :-)
- V. *** Installing/Running/UnInstalling Wincode ***
- If you have not already done so, expand the ZIP archive into a
- temporary directory (or a floppy-disk). Start Windows, select
- FILE|RUN from Program Manager or File Manager and type in the full
- path of the INSTALL.EXE program (run it). The INSTALL program will
- copy/expand all the files to a directory you specify (overwriting
- older files), upgrade your WINCODE.INI (if you are running an older
- version of Wincode) and create a Program Manager Group and/or icon.
- See the HELPME.HLP file for basic instructions on using Wincode.
- 1) ALL files (listed above) must be present in the same directory
- for Installer to function properly. You should INSTALL first,
- then move selected files to directories of your choice (i.e.
- delete the README.TXT, place SUM.EXE in your DOS directory,
- etc). The install program uses the Windows LZEXPAND.DLL to
- decompress and copy the required files. If you receive any
- error messages during install, please contact _Snappy_ for
- assistance.
- 2) If you receive a Program Manager DDE failure (usually under
- Windows95), try RE-STARTING Windows. We have only observed this
- error under Win95 on computers that have been used extensively
- without restart. If this fails, installation WILL proceed but
- PM Groups will not be created.
- Wincode can now be un-installed in 2 easy steps. First, run Wincode
- and select 'Options|Configuration...' (CTRL-F) from the menu. You
- will see the configuration dialog which has an 'UnInstall...' button.
- Choose this to select the UnInstall method. You may also use the
- "Uninstall Wincode" icon in your "Wincode" Program Manager group. The
- UnInstaller will remove/copy/list all files included in the Wincode
- package. However, it does NOT remove itself OR the directories that
- Wincode may have used. Therefore, the second step is to remove these
- directories and UNINSTLL.EXE from your drive. Wincode should now be
- completely erased from your drive.
- VI. *** Availability ***
- Recent versions of Wincode (or other _Snappy_ software) are always
- available at the following locations:
- - The Internet - the _Snappy_ Software site! All of our software
- is available by three different methods:
- 1) WWW forms - point your browser at:
- http://snappy-software.com/
- and check out our HomePage! If you can't get through, try
- our MIRROR site at:
- http://www.global2000.net/users/snappy/snappy/
- (YES, there are two "snappy/" in the address! :-)
- You can also try one of the many WWW search engines to
- locate "Wincode".
- 2) Anonymous FTP - visit us at: snappy-software.com
- MIRROR: www.global2000.net/users/snappy/
- 3) Automated e-mail - send a request to our server and receive
- an encoded copy by e-mail. Visit our HomePage for more info
- or send a BLANK e-mail to: snappy@snappy-software.com for
- a TEXT copy of our HomePage.
- In the future, we will try to establish mirror sites for our
- software. Please visit our HomePage for recent developments...
- - CompuServe (check the WinShare forum; keyword: Snappy,
- Wincode, etc)
- - America Online (keyword: Snappy, Wincode, etc)
- VII. *** Note to HELP Registered Users ***
- If you are a registered user but have not received your HELP file,
- *please* contact us at: support@snappy-software.com with your
- registration info (name, address, e-mail address, etc). Many orders
- arrived with illegible and/or missing e-mail addresses. _Snappy_ uses
- your e-mail address as your user registration code. Further, some
- orders were shipped but *not received*. We can't track mail failures
- (we don't have the resources) so we rely on customers to please get
- in touch with us if they have a problem.
- Please note that registration is a ONE-TIME fee. In other words, your
- initial registration keeps you in our database to be eligible for
- future HELP file updates! However, it is up to YOU to keep us up to
- date with your registration info (e-mail address) and to request the
- HELP file updates from our server (this is now a built-in feature of
- Wincode).
- If you need phone support, drop us an e-mail and we'll send you a
- contact number. This service is ONLY for registered users and calls
- VIII. *** Copyrights ***
- Wincode is a TradeMark of _Snappy_ Software.
- - portions of this program are copyright (C) 1983,1995 Borland
- - Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
- - PKZIP/UNZIP are copyright (C) 1989-1993 PKWARE Inc. All Rights
- Reserved.
- - GIF is a service mark of CompuServe Incorporated
- - WordPerfect is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation.
- - Procomm Plus for Windows is copyright (C) 1992-1993 Datastorm
- Technologies, Inc.
- - Star Trek: The Next Generation is a registered trademark of
- Paramount Pictures
- - The Simpsons is trademark and copyright (C) Twentieth Century Fox
- Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- - Pinky and the Brain is copyright (C) Amblin Entertainment in
- association with Warner Bros. Animation
- - DOOM is copyright (C) 1993 Id Software, Inc.
- Copyrights or Trademarks referenced in any material accompanying this
- software but not mentioned above have been omitted in error. _Snappy_
- observes and respects all copyrights and trademarks.
- Have fun!
- _Snappy_ Software ;-)
- _Snappy_ Info: snappy@snappy-software.com
- Wincode Info: wincode@snappy-software.com
- Bug Reports: bugs@snappy-software.com
- FeedBack: feedback@snappy-software.com
- HomePage: http://snappy-software.com/
- MIRROR: http://www.global2000.net/users/snappy/snappy/
- (YES, there are two "snappy/" in the address! :-)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [GHS 10/31/96]