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- Wcron V2.3a
- Periodical Task Scheduler
- What is Wcron?
- --------------
- Wcron is a periodical task scheduler.
- Wcron is inpired on Unix's cron utility. It is very commonly used on Unix
- systems. In fact most Unix systems depends a lot on cron. Cron (and Wcron
- for that matter) is most useful for machines that runs 24 hours a day, but
- it can be of a great help even for casual user. Wcron lets you specify the
- time of execution of specific tasks. It can be used for on-shot executions
- and for periodical executions. People use it to make regular backups,
- remind them of something, start backgroud tasks like file transfer or automated
- BBS systems and much, much more...
- Testimonials
- ------------
- "I am very pleased with Wcron. You've got a winner there. Well
- worth the registration. I have spent alot more for alot less!"
- - Bill Dougherty [Project Manager Quality Services Inc. @ Convex Computer Corp.]
- "Other products like Central Point's scheduler included with PCTOOLS and
- Norton's scheduler included with Norton Desktop for Windows don't even come
- close to the flexibility of Wcron."
- - Jim D. Norris
- "I like what I see so far in Wcron. Norton's Desktop for windows and
- PCTools 7.1 both have schedulers but they are limited in functionality.
- Yours offers more."
- - Brian Blackman [Director of Marketing for Window group]
- "Great program! My life was saved by a backup scheduled using Wcron."
- - Chris Maslyar [Desing Engineer - Teradyne, Inc.]
- Changes for 2.3a
- ----------------
- o Added Edit/View button to the option dialog to edit and/or view the logfile
- directly from Wcron. Note that clicking on this button calls notepad.exe
- with your logfile as parameter so you must have notepad.exe in your Windows
- directory.
- o Fixed a little quirk in the About dialog that causes Wcron to display
- "Windows 3.0" instead of "Windows 3.10"
- o Fixed a little bug that caused the help file to stay open after closing Wcron's
- main window.
- o Modified some information in the Help file.
- o Fixed a bug in the installation program (registered copy only).
- Changes for 2.3
- ---------------
- o Added Execute, Enable and Disable sub-menus to the task menu to execute,
- enable and disable a task from the main window. Also added keyboard
- equivalents for these menus.
- o Task list now shows enabled/disabled state of each task with a '+' sign
- (enabled) and a '-' sign (disabled).
- o Screen saver warning added when choosing the time option in the option dialog.
- o Easy to use install program for registered users.
- o CinĪtic Systems address change in dialogs, help and text files.
- Changes for 2.2g
- ----------------
- o Fixed a crash bug that happened in some situations when the file WIN.INI
- was modified by another application (actually, the only case I have
- seen is with Excel (File|Printer|OK) but it could have happened with
- some other application. This was a weird one!
- Changes for 2.2f
- ----------------
- o Changed the "Delete" button image to something less confusing. The
- old one seemed always "grayed". This is for you Jim! :-)
- o Added an "Help" button to the Option dialog.
- o Udated Microsoft's COMMDLG.DLL and SHELL.DLL
- o There was still a small bug with the "Day Of Week". This was causing
- day-of-week specific task to be started every day of the week. Fixed.
- o Fixed a bug introduced in 2.2e in the option dialog. The options were not
- saved correctly in the "Wcron.ini" file.
- Changes for 2.2e
- ----------------
- o Now remembers main window's last position on the screen when exiting.
- o Help button in the task edit window didn't work properly. Fixed.
- o Fixed a bug when restoring Wcron from the iconized state to the normal
- by clicking on the icon text rather than on the icon... The caption
- of the normal window would not change to "Wcron". Instead it would
- show the same thing as the iconized text.
- o Sometimes started at wrong date because of a mixe-up between the
- "Hour" and "Date" fields. Fixed.
- o If spaces only were specified in any numeric field in the task info
- window, Wcron was not saving it as an "*" but it was acting as if it
- has. Fixed.
- o Compiled using size optimization to reduce program's size.
- Changes for 2.2d
- ----------------
- o Fixed a bug introduced in 2.2b that was crashing the program the first
- time you entered a task. For that reason, version 2.2d was unusable for
- new users (no wcron.ini on the system) or when you deleted all the tasks
- and tried to enter a new one. Sorry! :-(
- o Now disables menu options and keyboard shortcuts for "Edit" and "Delete"
- when there is no task in the list.
- Changes for 2.2c
- ----------------
- o Fixed a bug introduced in 2.2b that disabled the "Edit" feature. This
- was due because when clicking on "OK" in the Task Edit window, Wcron was
- finding another task that has the same name but it was in fact the task
- itself.
- Changes for 2.2b
- ----------------
- o Full keyboard support in main window
- - 'Insert' to add a task.
- - 'Return' to edit a task.
- - 'Delete' to remove a task.
- o Task edit dialog refuse to let the user enter a task name (description)
- that already exist.
- o Added "Task" menus to add, edit and delete tasks
- o Fixed some inconsistancies in the help file, particularly in field
- descriptions' examples.
- Changes for 2.2a
- ----------------
- o Now has association support. Entering a document filename in the "command"
- field will execute the application that created the document and open the
- document.
- o No longer need to specify the extension. If not specified, Wcron will search for
- an executable file with the base name specified.
- o Use Microsoft's "shell.dll" to execute tasks.
- o Fixed a small bug with the icon's date & time under Windows 3.1
- Changes for 2.1a
- ----------------
- o Changed the behavior of the "Run" button. Now this button acts as
- a "test" button. It does _not_ save task info.
- o Standardized the Time & Date everywhere in Wcron and Reminder.
- Now uses international settings (set from the control panel).
- o Bug fix: The months field was off by one. (i.e. 1 was February instead of
- January)
- o Bug fix: When deleteting a task that add a description > 17 chars.
- o Bug fix: When Wcron was unable to run a task, it somtimes crashes.
- o New mode of distribution. We now accept credit card order via
- PsL (Public software Library). See below for more info.
- Changes for 2.0b
- ----------------
- o Fix problem with EGA display
- o Added EGA bitmaps for controls (buttons)
- Changes for 2.0a
- ----------------
- o Made the task list sort ordered (bug introduced in 2.0)
- o Centered the "Last modifications" string in the Task info dialog
- o Added a confirmation messagebox when clicking on DELETE button to
- prevent unwanted deletions!
- o Corrections in the help file
- Changes for 2.0
- ----------------
- o Totally revamped user interface. Much more eye-catching and fun to use.
- o Reminder and Trimfile have been updated for the "new look"
- o Option to turn off the logfile.
- o More useful messages in the logfile.
- o Better error message in logfile (English text as opposed to plain numbers!)
- o Edit button in the main window that does just the same as double clicking on the
- currently selected task.
- o Browse button in the Option dialog to browse for a logfile
- o Starting directory field in the Edit task dialog
- o Browse button in the Edit task dialog to browse for a command.
- o System information in the about box (Windows version, Windows mode, DOS version, processor
- type and free memory.
- o Added system menu options. When Wcron is iconized, you won't have to open it to go
- to the option dialog, get some help, enable/disable Wcron and open the About box.
- o Registration form.
- o And couple of minor bug fixes (Well, there is no major bug! :-)
- Changes for 1.0
- ----------------
- o First official release! :-)
- This archive should contain the following files:
- ------------------------------------------------
- wcron.exe Wcron itself
- wcron.hlp Wcron's help file
- wcron.txt This file.
- licenses.txt Site license prices in US dollars.
- clicense.txt Site license prices in CDN dollars.
- remind.exe Little reminder for use with Wcron. Documented in
- the help file.
- trimfile.exe A DOS and Windows program to trim files to a
- certain length. Documented in the help file.
- bwcc.dll Borland's ressource workshop library
- commdlg.dll Microsoft's common dialog library
- shell.dll Microsoft's shell library
- If you get an uncomplete archive, please tell us about it and if possible
- try give us info on the System, BBS, shareware vendor or other that
- distributes such an "illegal" version of Wcron.
- BWCC.DLL is copyrighted by Borland International.
- COMMDLG.DLL and SHELL.DLL are copyrighted by Microsoft Corporation.
- Installation (archive):
- -----------------------
- 1) Wcron.exe, wcron.hlp, trimfile.exe and remind.exe should be copied to
- a directory in your path.
- 2) DLLs should be installed in your system directory (typically
- c:\windows\system). Be careful with the DLLs. Check to see if you have
- versions of these and if they are older than the one distributed with
- Wcron before overwriting them. You should only keep only the latest
- version of these files on your hard disk and on one location only.
- COMMDLG.DLL and SHELL.DLL are part of Windows 3.1.
- 3) Go to the program manager and do a "FILE/NEW/PROGRAM ITEM" and browse for
- WCRON.EXE. Wcron's icon should appear when clicking on OK.
- Installation (registered disk):
- -------------------------------
- 1) Using program manager FILE|RUN menu, start the program install.exe found
- on the installation disquette.
- 2) Choose an instalation path and follow instructions.
- How to order:
- -------------
- Wcron is not free. If you decide on using it, after a reasonable trial period,
- you are obligated to purchase a license for its use. A license for the use of
- Wcron can be obtained by filling out the Registration form found in the Help
- file and by sending a check or money order to the amount of $25 US ($30 Cdn)
- to:
- Cinetic Systems
- P.O. Box 51074,
- Montreal (Quebec)
- Canada, H1N 3T8
- Internet: Cinetic@Speedy.CAM.ORG
- Compuserve: 71640,666
- or with MC, Visa, Amex or Discover from the Public (software) Library by
- calling 1-800-2424-PSL or 1-713-524-6394 or by FAX to 1-713-524-6398 or by
- CIS Email to 71355,470. Ask for part number 10450. These numbers are for orders
- only. PsL will give you a registration code to unlock the program. Any questions
- about registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts,
- dealer pricing, site licenses, etc, must be directed to Cinetic Systems (see
- addresses above). You can also mail credit card orders to PsL
- at P.O.Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705.
- For more information about Wcron, please refer to the Windows Help file
- provided with Wcron.