PC-Online 1998 February
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PGP Signed Message
194 lines
PGP WinFront 3.0 Readme File
This file contains three sections:
- - Revision Number
The revision number of PGP WinFront in this package is: 0
[initial release]
- - Assumptions
All the documentation assumes that:
- You have the PGPATH environmental variable set
- PGP.EXE is in your path
- You use the supplied PIF files
- You are aware of the differences between
PGP 2.3a and MIT PGP 2.6
- You are aware of the fact that that PGP WinFront
has SOME features which can only be used with versions of
PGP that conform to the MIT PGP 2.6 feature set.
- You are aware of the fact that PGP WinFront does not do
any PGP.EXE version checking, with the exception of
reading in the PGP Public Keyring. This is because 2.3 and
2.6 display different keyring information.
- - My Public Key
You can get my public key by sending email to me at
rbarclay@trentu.ca. Your subject MUST READ:
You should get the key within minutes of placing your
- - Security
PGP WinFront is distributed in a zip file called PWF30.ZIP.
Inside this zip file is another ZIP file, called PWF.ZIP, and
the signature file for PWF.ZIP called PWF.SIG.
After you run setup, another signature file will be
decompressed. This file is called PWF30.SIG and it is the
signature for the decompressed file PWF30.EXE
- - Installation
To install PGP WinFront, run setup.exe. YOU NEED VBRUN300.DLL!
Please don't email me asking for VBRUN300.DLL. Its on virtually
every major FTP site. On FTP.CICA.INDIANA.EDU it SHOULD be in
\pub\pc\win3\utils as VBRUN300.ZIP. Also, you can use archie
or veronica to locate it.
- - Encrypt To Self
With this option selected, PWF will automatically encrypt
everything with your public key as well.
- - Use MIT PGP 2.6 Legal Kludge
With this option selected, MIT PGP 2.6 will continue to generate 2.3
compatible files after September 1st, 1994
- - KeyRing View Moves Windows
With this option selected, PWF will readjust your screen to fit the
main PWF window side-by-side with the keyring window.
- - Secret KeyRing Location
If your secret keyring is located anywhere but the default location
(where PGP is kept), for example on a floppy disk, you can take
advantage of this feature. Click in the Sec. Keyring Loc. Box and
locate your secret key ring. TO CLEAR THIS BOX: click in it with
the RIGHT mouse button. You will then see "<default>" in that box.
This means that PGP will use the default secring.pgp file.
This feature uses the "+secring=" command line paramter.
This command line parameter may not be available in PGP 2.3, in
which case this PGP WinFront feature will not be available.
- - Public Keyring Location
You can also specify an alternate Public KeyRing Location.
This keyring will be used by PGP and also will be the keyring
read in when you click "KeyRing".
This feature uses the "+pubring=" command line paramter.
This command line parameter may not be available in PGP 2.3, in
which case this PGP WinFront feature will not be available.
- - Alternate Public Keyring
It is possible for you to set up what is known as an "alternate
public keyring." It is expected that this keyring will be used
only sparingly, and will probably be very large, for example, the
master public keyring available on many FTP sites. These large
keyrings are handy to have, but they slow down PGP most of
the time because of their large size.
In any event, when you press "Keyring", you will notice just
above the "Refresh Keyring" button that there is a section with
a check box and a text box. When you click in the text box, you
will be asked to select an alternate keyring. PWF will then read
the contents of that keyring in. When you click the check box
"Use Alternate Pub. Keyring", PWF will switch its key list over
to the alternate keyring. From then on, every action in the
keyring viewer or on the main screen, ie: encrypt, key view,
etc... will use the alternate keyring.
To remind you of this, the text right above the parameter edit
box will change to say "Parameter Edit Box : [Using Alternate
Public Keyring]" when the alternate keyring is active.
To return to using your default keyring, simply deselect the
"Use Alternate Pub. Keyring" check box.
The name of your alternate keyring will be saved from session to
session, however, the "Use Alternate Pub. Keyring" setting will
not be. This is because it is assumed that users will generally
want to use their default public keyring most of the time.
This feature uses the "+pubring=" command line paramter.
This command line parameter may not be available in PGP 2.3, in
which case this PGP WinFront feature will not be available.
- - When you select input from clipboard, the input file will ALWAYS be
wiped, and the clipboard will be cleared only if you have chosen
"Wipe Input File"
- - If you repeatedly get an "Error creating Keyring" message,
ensure that your PGPPATH variable is correct and that PGP is
in your path. The PGPPATH setting is only the PATH to PGP, NOT
the PATH and EXE name of PGP.
- - If your machine locks up after you exit your editor after choosing
"Create", try using a different editor. Some users have had problems
with DeskEdit, but not with Notepad, for example. If that still
doesn't work, send me email and TURN OFF the "Highlight PGP Created
Files" Option.
- - If you find a bug, let me know!!!
- - I'd really like to hear your comments! I sometimes cannot answer my
mail every day (or every week), but I WILL respond.
- - Read the help file completely! I like to answer questions from users
but please look for the answer in the help file! If some section
is not clear, please email me and I'll fix it in the next version.
- - Please upload this program to your favourite FTP site or BBS!
Compuserve, AOL, Genie and Prodigy users: Please upload this
program yo your service as I don't have any accounts there. Users
of all these services have access to Internet email so they can
all email me for assistance if they need it.
- - Last but not least -- I'd like to extend a very warm thanks to all
the beta testers who gave me feedback during the test session (you
know who you are!). Their help was absolutely invaluable, but any
remaining bugs (hopefully very few) are of course my own
- --ross barclay
Version: 2.6