1001 The Network Administration Installation requires you to establish a shared directory on the server for communication between you and the
1002 users of F-PROT Professional over the network. The shared directory must be visible to all users and you should make sure the users have full (read/write/create/delete) access rights to that directory.
1003 As system administrator, you should specify a password. F-PROT for Windows NT will require this password whenever it is
1004 started in or switched to Administration mode.
1010 F-PROT for Windows NT Installation
1011 F-PROT for Windows NT
1012 F-Agent
1013 F-PROT Gatekeeper
1014 F-PROT dll-libraries
1020 F-PROT for Windows NT Installation
1021 No administrator's password was given. You will not be allowed to proceed with the installation unless you specify a password.\nPress OK to go back to previous dialog.
1022 You already have F-PROT for Windows NT installed on your system. Your current setting will be overwritten; you should select
1023 UPDATE installation to update your program files without changing your settings.\n\nPress OK to proceed with the installation, or Cancel to go back to the previous dialog.
1024 Unable to create custom dialog.\nExiting installation program.
1025 F-PROT for Windows NT seems to be installed at\n\n
1026 \nDo you wish to install the update to a different directory?\nPress OK to proceed by installing the update to a different directory than the previous version, or Cancel to go back to the previous dialog.
1030 Installation complete
1031 \nF-PROT for Windows NT installation is complete.
1032 F-PROT Professional for Windows NT Installation
1033 F-PROT Professional for Windows NT was not able to install successfully.\nYou will have to install it again.
1040 Unable to get the handle of a dialog.\nExiting installation program.
1041 Couldn't get the handle of a window.
1042 Couldn't stop
1043 Couldn't reload
1044 Couldn't load
1045 is active and will be terminated to be able to continue the installation.
1046 Configuring
1047 Please, start manually
1051 Updating Program Manager
1052 Please enter disk
1053 Please insert the disk labeled "Search String Definitions".
1054 Please, insert F-PROT Professional for Windows NT installation disk #3.
1055 You have cancelled the installation.
1056 The target is read-only and files cannot be copied.
1057 The disk inserted in the drive wasn't the one requested.
1058 Error
1059 OK
1060 Continue
1061 Retry
1062 Cancel
1063 Install
1070 . Retry?
1071 Couldn't create directory
1072 F-PROT for Windows NT already exists on hard disk.\nThis installation disk contains F-PROT Gatekeeper only.\n
1073 F-PROT for Windows NT already exists on hard disk.\nThis installation disk contains no F-PROT Gatekeeper.\n
1074 If you continue, you will have mixed versions of F-PROT and Gatekeeper installed.
1080 A previous error has prohibited the installation. Retry?
1081 There's no room on the target disk? You may try to add space by deleting some files on the disk.
1082 A file open error has occured during the installation. Retry?
1083 An error has occured during the installation. Retry?
1084 An unspecified error has occured during the installation. Retry?
1085 An output file open error has occured during installation. Retry?
1086 An input file open error has occured during installation. Retry?
1087 Fatal error: (Source library not compatible) has occured. Installation terminates.
1088 Fatal error: (Options specified were invalid.) has occured. Installation terminates.
1089 Out of memory? You can try to add memory by stopping some other programs.
1090 A non-existent drive was given. Retry?
1091 The path entered is not valid. Retry?
1092 Drive is open or a disk not present in the floppy drive. Retry?
1093 Groupname wasn't found in SETUP.INI. Installation terminates.
1094 Couldn't create program group
1095 FileSet install failed.
1096 FileSet creation failed.
1097 Installing
1100 Installation complete
1101 Internal error. Unable to create custom dialog.\nExiting installation program.
1102 Internal error. Unable to read information of compressed file. Installation terminates.
1103 Error while trying to enumerate the files of a package.
1104 Error =
1105 Couldn't read font:
1110 Modifying directories.
1112 Can't resolve the existence of Gatekeeper on the install disk. Installation terminates.
1113 Can't resolve the existence of F-PROT on the install disk. Installation terminates.
1114 Can't resolve between Network and Standalone installations. Installation terminates.
1120 Install F-PROT for Windows NT in Network Administration configuration.
1121 This installation should be done only once by a system administrator when F-PROT for Windows NT is being set up for the first time on the network.
1122 Install F-PROT for Windows NT in Standalone Computer configuration.\n
1123 This installation should be done only once by users who wish to install F-PROT for Windows NT on a single computer without network administration capabilities.
1124 Update your current F-PROT for Windows NT configuration with new program files.
1125 The program files of your earlier version of F-PROT for Windows NT will be overwritten, but all the configuration settings will be retained.
1126 Abort F-PROT for Windows NT installation.
1127 A new version of F-PROT Gatekeeper has been installed. However, the 32-bit virtual device driver for the new version can not be loaded immediately.
1128 \n\nYou should restart Windows NT to load the device driver of the installed F-PROT Gatekeeper.
1129 Windows wasn't successfully re-started by F-PROT for Windows NT Installation. You should restart Windows NT to load the device driver of the installed F-PROT Gatekeeper.
1130 Install F-PROT for Windows NT on your system for the first time.\n
1131 If you already have F-PROT for Windows NT on your system, your current configuration will be overwritten.
1132 Update your current F-PROT for Windows NT configuration with new program files.
1133 The program files of F-PROT for Windows NT will be overwritten, but all the configuration settings will be retained.
1134 Abort F-PROT for Windows NT installation
1140 Error while exiting F-PROT for Windows NT Installation.
1141 Verifying the space needed
1142 in the installation...
1143 &Continue
1150 This Setup package includes both F-PROT for Windows NT and F-PROT Gatekeeper. Your previous installation contains only
1151 F-PROT for Windows NT which will be updated if you continue with the update installation.\nIn order to install the whole contents of the package you should press Cancel now and install the software with the first-time installation method.
1152 F-PROT Gatekeeper which will be updated if you continue with the update installation.\nIn order to install the whole contents of the package you should press Cancel now and install the software with the first-time installation method.
1160 MS Sans Serif
1161 8
1163 8
1180 Invalid Path
1181 Invalid Tag File
1182 Invalid Drive Specified
1183 Drive Open
1190 Path is invalid.
1191 Tag File on this diskette is invalid.
1192 Drive doesn't exist. \n\n Please enter a correct drive letter.
1193 Drive is open. Please close the door of the drive.
1200 Enter disk
1201 F-PROT Professional Setup
1202 Severe Error
1203 Warning
1204 Status
1224 This software can be run only under
1225 Windows NT
1226 Exiting installation program.
1227 Exit
1240 F-PROT for Windows NT Network Administration Installation
1241 F-PROT for Windows NT Standalone Installation
1242 F-PROT for Windows NT Update Installation
1250 Invalid number of parameters were given. Please refer the manual.
1251 The path given is invalid (not suitable for a path).
1252 Unidentified parameter.
1253 Install Gatekeeper for Autoinstall to directory:
1254 Remove InstallAutoinstFilesTo -key from SETUP.INI?
1255 Yes
1256 No
1260 Welcome to F-PROT for Windows NT Installation
1261 Welcome to F-PROT for Windows NT Installation
1262 The amount of physical memory in your current PC-configuration falls below the Gatekeeper installation memory limit defined in SETUP.INI.\n
1263 In order to install F-PROT Gatekeeper, select Exit now, remove the key GatekeeperMemoryMin= or lower the value of it, and re-start the installation.
1264 Please, insert F-PROT Professional for NT installation disk #2.
1265 No viruses found
1266 Abnormal termination
1267 Self check failed, program has bee modified
1268 Viruses found on disk
1269 Virus search string found in memory
1270 Scan terminated by user
1271 Virus(es) found and removed
1272 Out of memory
1273 Suspected infection found on disk
1275 Scan All Hard Disks
1276 Scan Network
1280 Please, specify the shared communication directory.
1281 Please, don't use national characters in path names.
1282 Can't create a target directory. Please, check the paths and your writing privileges.
1283 File(s) missing in the library.
1284 An internal error occured while installing files. Please, contact the local distributor of F-PROT Professional.
1285 Setup can't find source files due to incomplete packaging list.
1300 This is a 16-bit version of F-PROT Professional.
1301 There is F-PROT Professional for Windows 95 available, and it is included in the F-PROT for Windows licence.
1302 If the file transfer is interrupted now, your system may enter into an instabile state as a result. Resume?
1310 You have no right to set/reset services (Gatekeeper) in this NT workstation/server.\nPlease log in as a user with the administrative rights and restart the installation.\n
1311 Your attempt to change registry keys/values has failed!
1350 This version of F-PROT for Windows NT includes F-PROT Gatekeeper. You can not install it now because you don't have administration rights on your computer.\n\n
1351 Press Exit to abort the installation, or Continue to install F-PROT for Windows NT without F-PROT Gatekeeper.
1352 Warning
1353 This version of F-PROT for Windows NT includes F-PROT Gatekeeper, the real-time virus protection service. Do you wish to install F-PROT Gatekeeper now?\n\n
1354 If you press No, the new version of F-PROT for Windows NT will be installed without the F-PROT Gatekeeper Service.
1355 F-PROT Gatekeeper Information
1360 You are logged in as a user without the administrative rights.\n
1361 To change the current settings you have to exit now, log in as administrator (or equivalent) and re-start the installation.
1362 You don't have rights to set the configuration defined by F-PROT administrator, the selections are set to ones you can define.
1363 The communications path you gave couldn't be found neither it couldn't be created. Please check the path.
1370 You have F-Agent Service installed in your system. To be able to properly update it you have to log in with NT local
1371 administrator rights. Continuing this installation will leave some files without update.