home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 Microsoft Forms 2.0 Form
- 1 Form
- 2 Microsoft Forms 2.0 Frame
- 3 Frame
- 4 Microsoft Forms 2.0 Image
- 5 Image
- 8 Microsoft Forms 2.0 CommandButton
- 9 CommandButton
- 10 Microsoft Forms 2.0 ControlSelector
- 11 ControlSelector
- 12 Microsoft Forms 2.0 ScrollBar
- 13 ScrollBar
- 14 Microsoft Forms 2.0 TabStrip
- 15 TabStrip
- 16 Microsoft Forms 2.0 SpinButton
- 17 SpinButton
- 18 Microsoft Forms 2.0 Label
- 19 Label
- 20 Microsoft Forms 2.0 TextBox
- 21 TextBox
- 22 Microsoft Forms 2.0 ListBox
- 23 ListBox
- 26 Microsoft Forms 2.0 CheckBox
- 27 CheckBox
- 28 Microsoft Forms 2.0 OptionButton
- 29 OptionButton
- 30 Microsoft Forms 2.0 ToggleButton
- 31 ToggleButton
- 32 Microsoft Forms 2.0 MultiPage
- 33 MultiPage
- 34 Microsoft Forms 2.0 ComboBox
- 35 ComboBox
- 36 Microsoft Forms 2.0 HTML Hidden
- 37 HTML:Hidden
- 38 Microsoft Forms 2.0 HTML Password
- 39 HTML:Password
- 40 Microsoft Forms 2.0 HTML TEXT
- 42 Microsoft Forms 2.0 HTML TextAREA
- 44 Microsoft Forms 2.0 HTML OPTION
- 46 Microsoft Forms 2.0 HTML CHECKBOX
- 50 Microsoft Forms 2.0 HTML SELECT
- 52 Microsoft Forms 2.0 HTML SUBMIT
- 54 Microsoft Forms 2.0 HTML RESET
- 56 Microsoft Forms 2.0 HTML IMAGE
- 58 TRUE
- 59 FALSE
- 60 Microsoft Forms 2.0 DummyObject
- 61 DummyObject
- 65 IMAGE
- 186 HIDDEN
- 206 TEXT
- 226 RADIO
- 266 Submit
- 267 S
- 268 Post
- 269 Get
- 270 application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- 271 SUBMIT
- 276 Reset
- 277 R
- 278 RESET
- 286 Image submit
- 287 I
- 2207 out of memory
- 2208 The object indicates it has property pages but fails to specify them.
- 2209 The selected objects have no property pages in common.
- 2210 &Edit
- 2211 &Properties...
- 2212 Microsoft Forms 2.0
- 2213 Microsoft Forms
- 2214 Solution:\n<0s>
- 2215 Could not complete the operation due to error <0x>.
- 2216 Could not set the <0s> property.
- 2217 Could not get the <0s> property.
- 2218 The value entered for the <0s> property is not valid.
- 2219 The parent object is no longer available.
- 2220 Enter a value between <0d> and <1d>.
- 2221 Enter a value greater than zero.
- 2222 Enter a value greater than or equal to zero.
- 2223 The object has changed. Do you want to update it?
- 2224 Could not find the specified object.
- 2225 Could not load <0p/An/Some/> object<0p//s/> because <0p/it is/they are/> not available on this machine.
- 2226 Could not perform this operation because there is no selection.
- 2227 The picture type is not valid.
- 2228 Control
- 2229 Control Properties
- 2230 <0s> Properties
- 2231 New <0s>
- 2232 New Group
- 2233 Could not cut the control<0p//s/>.
- 2234 Could not copy the control<0p//s/>.
- 2235 Could not paste the control.
- 2236 Could not insert the control.
- 2237 This is the find dialog.
- 2238 8 MS Sans Serif
- 2239 Could not open the file for writing.
- 2240 in
- 2241 cm
- 2242 pt
- 2243 Undo <0s>
- 2244 Redo <0s>
- 2245 Can't Undo
- 2246 Can't Redo
- 2247 Insert Object
- 2248 Delete Object
- 2249 Property Change
- 2250 Move
- 2251 Resize
- 2252 Drop
- 2253 Alignment
- 2254 Centering
- 2255 Size To
- 2256 Spacing
- 2257 Arrange
- 2258 Paste
- 2259 Typing
- 2260 Text Delete
- 2261 Cut
- 2262 Text Operation
- 2263 Change Value
- 2264 Backspace
- 2265 DataObject:PutInClipboard
- 2266 DataObject:GetFormat
- 2267 DataObject:GetText
- 2268 DataObject:SetText
- 2269 DataObject:StartDrag
- 2270 DataObject:GetFromClipboard
- 2271 The object cannot be modified during a drag operation
- 2272 Nil
- 2273 Miscellaneous
- 2274 Font
- 2275 Position
- 2276 Appearance
- 2277 Behavior
- 2278 Data
- 2279 List
- 2280 Text
- 2281 Scale
- 2282 DDE
- 2283 Scrolling
- 2284 Picture
- 2285 Modes
- 2286 Tabs
- 2287 Group
- 2288 Ungroup
- 2321 Can not set property at runtime.
- 2322 Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus.
- 2323 Could not delete the control<0p//s/>.
- 2324 This method can't be used in this context.
- 2325 Enter a proper value.
- 2326 Could not call the <0s> method.
- 2327 The control needs to have the focus.
- 2328 Move the focus to the control before referencing this property or method by using the SetFocus method.
- 2329 Unexpected call to method or property access.
- 2330 Unspecified error.
- 2331 The value is not a picture object.
- 2332 Invalid property array index.
- 2333 Invalid property value.
- 2334 Overflow.
- 2335 Permission denied.
- 2336 Invalid argument.
- 2337 The control could not be created because it is not properly licensed.
- 2338 Unknown
- 2508 Move Here
- 2509 Copy Here
- 3257 &Tab Order
- 4001 Select Objects
- 4002 Delete <0s>
- 4003 (move to end)
- 4004 Edit Image
- 4005 Import Page|pag|Toolbox Pages(*.Pag)|*.pag|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
- 4006 Export Page|pag|Toolbox Pages(*.Pag)|*.pag|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
- 4007 Load Picture|bmp|Picture Files|*.bmp;*.ico;*.dib|Bitmaps(*.Bmp;*.Dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Icons(*.Ico)|*.ico|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
- 4008 Customize <0s>
- 4009 Item
- 4010 The image was not loaded because it is too large.
- 4511 &Page Order
- 5008 New Page
- 5009 Toolbox
- 5010 Load Picture|bmp|All Picture Files|*.bmp;*.wmf;*.emf;*.ico;*.dib;*.cur;*.gif;*.jpg|Bitmaps(*.Bmp;*.Dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Metafiles(*.Wmf;*.Emf)|*.wmf;*.emf|Icons(*.Ico;*.Cur)|*.ico;*.cur|GIF(*.Gif)|*.gif|JPEG(*.Jpg)|*.jpg|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
- 5011 Load Picture|bmp|Icons(*.Ico;*.Cur)|*.ico;*.cur|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
- 5014 Controls
- 8000 Updating Properties
- 8001 ListBox/ComboBox startup
- 8002 ListBox/ComboBox population failed for unspecified reasons
- 8003 ListBox/ComboBox general error
- 8004 ListBox/ComboBox general scrolling
- 8005 ListBox/ComboBox scroll up
- 8006 ListBox/ComboBox scroll down
- 8007 ListBox/ComboBox scroll page up
- 8008 ListBox/ComboBox scroll page down
- 9000 read data from column
- 9001 write data to column
- 9002 the data could not be coerced
- 9003 of an invalid HROW
- 9004 the record referred to has been deleted
- 9006 of an invalid hAccessor
- 9007 of a pending notify
- 9008 the object isn't opened
- 9009 the data is read-only
- 9010 the value is not consistent with the schema
- 9011 bind to the default property
- 9013 of an unexpected I/O error
- 9014 the type library could not be read
- 9015 the type library has an old format
- 9016 the type library could not be opened
- 9017 Could not <0i> '<2s>' because <3i>.
- 9018 the data type is unknown
- 9019 <unknown>
- 9020 the control does not have a bindable property