PC-Online 1996 June
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136 lines
-- Popup-Script
on CheckForPopup
global gbPopIsOn
if gbPopIsOn then return true
return false
on DoPopupAnim -- ****************************************************************** animation popup
global gnAnimatePopup, gnPopupGrafik, gnLastPopupAnim
if gnAnimatePopup > 0 and the timer > gnLastPopupAnim + 3*60 then
set gnLastPopupAnim = the timer
set s = the filename of cast the castNum of sprite gnPopupGrafik
-- set sExt = char length(s)-3 to length(s) of s
set s = char 1 to length(s)-4 of s
set nFrame = value(char length(s) of s)
set nFrame = nFrame + 1
if nFrame > gnAnimatePopup then set nFrame = 1
set the filename of cast the castNum of sprite gnPopupGrafik = char 1 to length(s)-1 of s & string(nFrame)
end if
on InitWaitWindow sType, sCont -- *************************************************************** wait-window
global gnPopupFrame, gbPopIsOn, gnPopupText
if the castNum of sprite gnPopupText > 0 then
set the puppet of sprite gnPopupText = true
set the text of cast the castNum of sprite gnPopupText = "installing: " & sCont & return & "0 %"
set the locH of sprite gnPopupText = 180
set the locV of sprite gnPopupText = 220
end if
if the castNum of sprite gnPopupFrame > 0 then
set the puppet of sprite gnPopupFrame = true
set the castNum of sprite gnPopupFrame = the number of cast "PopupRahmen II"
set the locH of sprite gnPopupFrame = 148
set the locV of sprite gnPopupFrame = 190
end if
set gbPopIsOn = true
on LoadPopup sKategorie, sName, sGrafik, sText, nAnim -- *********************************** popup laden
global gnPopupFrame, gnEinkaufsknopf, gbPopIsOn, gnPopupGrafik, gnPopupAus, gsDefPath
global gnPopupInstall, gsPopupType, gsPopupCont, gnPopupText, gnAnimatePopup, gnLastPopupAnim
cursor 4
if not gbPopIsOn then
set gnLastPopupAnim = the timer
set gnAnimatePopup = nAnim
set the puppet of sprite gnPopupFrame = true
-- set the puppet of sprite gnEinkaufsknopf = true
set the puppet of sprite gnPopupGrafik = true
set the puppet of sprite gnPopupAus = true
set the puppet of sprite gnPopupInstall = true
set the castNum of sprite gnPopupFrame = the number of cast "PopupRahmen I"
set the locH of sprite gnPopupFrame = 242
-- set the locH of sprite gnEinkaufsknopf = 244
set the locH of sprite gnPopupInstall = 270
set the locH of sprite gnPopupAus = 466
set the locV of sprite gnPopupFrame = 17
set the locV of sprite gnPopupAus = 427
set the locV of sprite gnPopupInstall = 427
-- set the locV of sprite gnEinkaufsknopf = 429
if sGrafik <> "" then
set the fileName of cast "PopupGrafik" = gsDefPath&sGrafik
set the puppet of sprite gnPopupGrafik = true
if sKategorie = "font" then
set the locH of sprite gnPopupGrafik = 285
set the locV of sprite gnPopupGrafik = 120
set the locH of sprite gnPopupGrafik = 270
set the locV of sprite gnPopupGrafik = 25
end if
end if
if sText <> "" then
set the text of cast "PopupText" = sText
set the puppet of sprite gnPopupText = true
set the locH of sprite gnPopupText = 275
set the locV of sprite gnPopupText = 30
end if
set gsPopupType = sKategorie
set gsPopupCont = sName
set gbPopIsOn = true
end if
cursor 0
put "Popup loaded!"
on ClosePopup -- ****************************************** popup schlie▀en
global gnPopupFrame, gnEinkaufsknopf, gbPopIsOn, gnPopupGrafik, gnPopupAus
global gnPopupInstall, gnLastPopupAnim, gnPopupText
if gbPopIsOn then
-- put "closing"
set the locH of sprite gnPopupFrame = -2000
set the locH of sprite gnEinkaufsknopf = -2000
set the locH of sprite gnPopupGrafik = -2000
set the locH of sprite gnPopupText = -2000
set the locH of sprite gnPopupAus = -2000
set the locH of sprite gnPopupInstall = -2000
set gnLastPopupAnim = 0
set gbPopIsOn = false
end if