1- In the Link Name Box add a Name for the link, eg: "Music Page" (without quotes)
2- In the links locations enter the adress for the link, eg: "http://www.yoursite.com/pagename.html"
3- In the Frame Box enter the Name of the frame in which you want this particular link to open, remember this is not the file name of the frame but the name you gave the frame when you built your web page
You may also use the following keywords :
"_self" means the link will open in the frame containing the applet (not recommended for obvious reasons)
"_new" means the link will open in a new window
"_parent" means the link will open in the parent window
4- Click the Add link Button
1- In the passwords box, enter the password
2- Click on the Add Password button
3- Click on the password in the passwords list and check all the link names in the links list, a check means this password will be able to open this link (the default "password" in the passbox allows you to choose the links that you want to leave unprotected)
1- Choose a passsword in the password list
2- Fill in the "To:", "Subject" and "Message" Fields
3- DON'T Forget to click the Add Message Button!!
1- Once you've finished entering all your links/passwords/messages enter a password to protect you key in the "Key Pass" Box (don't forget this key if you ever want to load the key file you're creating)
2- Click the "Create KEY" button
3- You're done!! You should have a new file named "v_key.dat" in your keybuilder directory
1- remember to place the v_key.dat file you wish to load in the same directory as the keybuilder application
2- enter the password you used to create this key in the Key Pass Box
3- Click the "Load Key File" button and Voila! you now can modify your key file