Power Pack Spiele 2
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Nissen Ventures Phone : 604-436-5501 (Orders Only)
P.O.BOX 637 Fax : 604-430-2210
Surrey B.C. V3T 5L9 CANADA
Special Discount ! Register any two programs and the Third one is FREE
Free Free ( Buy two get one FREE ) Free Free
Windows Recipe Library Windows Programs
[ ] # 1, Recipe Sampler $ 9.95 [ ] Saver's BasketBall Cards $ 9.95
[ ] # 2, Italian Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Saver's BaseBall Cards $ 9.95
[ ] # 3, Cajun Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Saver's Hockey Cards $ 9.95
[ ] # 4, Greek Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Saver's FootBall Cards $ 9.95
[ ] # 5, German Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Saver's Golf Cards $ 9.95
[ ] # 6, Mexican Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Saver's Soccer $ 9.95
[ ] # 7, Canadian Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Movie Catalog $ 9.95
[ ] # 8,Scandinavian Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Music Catalog $ 9.95
[ ] # 9, Vegetarian Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] MaiList Catalog $ 9.95
[ ] # 10, Oriental Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] BBS Address Book $ 9.95
[ ] # 11, Low-Cal Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] DayCare System $ 9.95
[ ] # 12, French Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Clown Spell $ 9.95
[ ] # 13, SeaFood Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Clown Math $ 9.95
[ ] # 14, American Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Fun with Math $ 9.95
[ ] # 15, English Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Fun with Phonics $ 9.95
[ ] # 16, African Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] The Money Pigs $ 9.95
[ ] # 17, Middle East Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Match Wars $ 9.95
[ ] # 18, Holiday Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Word Speak $ 9.95
[ ] # 19, East Indian Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] ABC Soup $ 9.95
[ ] # 20, Russian Recipes $ 9.95 [ ] Tell Time $ 9.95
[ ] Blonde Jokes $ 9.95 [ ] Arithmetic Scholar $ 9.95
[ ] DentureMan (D.O.S.) $ 9.95 [ ] Shareware Sales Tracker $ 9.95
[ ] Alphabet Soup ( D.O.S) $ 9.95 [ ] Jeri's Car Poker $ 9.95
[ ] PrintLord, Banner printing program with 4 fonts and $25.00
600 pictures , Dot Matrix printer only
[ ] PostMaster, create 22x17 in. poster with fonts and $25.00
600 pictures and any standard dot-matrix printer
Shipping & Handling (International add $2 extra).......... $ 5.00
British Columbia residents MUST add 7% tax ___________
Canadian residents MUST add 7% G.S.T. TAX __________
IMPORTANT ! Total enclosed __________
Due to program size, all orders will be shipped on 3.5 diskettes
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Payment by: [ ] Check [ ] Money order [ ] Mastercard [ ] Visa
Card # _______________________ Exp Date: _______ Signature: ________________
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