ARG ClipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Select the clip to be played."
if mmIsOpen of $$ClipRef -- not necessary, but nice
mmClose $$ClipRef wait
end if
mmOpen $$ClipRef wait
mmCue $$ClipRef wait
ACTION "Cue and show the first frame"
BEHAVIOR "Cue and show the first frame of an animation or video in a stage object "
ARG ClipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Select the clip to be played."
ARG StageObj OBJTYP "Stage" IS "myStage" help "Choose the stage object for showing"
if mmIsOpen of $$ClipRef -- not necessary, but nice
mmClose $$ClipRef wait
end if
mmOpen $$ClipRef wait
-- strictly speaking, not necessary, but to be on the safe side...
mmCue $$ClipRef wait
mmShow $$ClipRef in $$StageObj
ACTION "Show a frame"
BEHAVIOR "Show an arbitrary frame in a video or animation "
ARG ClipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Select the clip to be played."
ARG FrameRef IS "50" help "Any integer value from 0 up to the frame count of the clip."
ARG StageObj OBJTYP "Stage" IS "myStage" help "Choose the stage object for showing"
-- script is as long as it is because of all the error
-- handling and "nice"ness
if mmIsOpen of $$ClipRef -- not necessary, but nice
mmClose $$ClipRef wait
end if
mmOpen $$ClipRef wait
oldMTF = mmTimeFormat of $$ClipRef
mmTimeFormat of $$ClipRef = "frames"
frameVar = $$FrameRef
-- if frameVar is inappropriate for mmSeek, ToolBook will
-- default to something reasonable.
maxFrame = mmLength of $$ClipRef
when frameVar < 0
frameVar = 0
when frameVar > maxFrame
frameVar = maxFrame
end conditions
mmSeek $$ClipRef to frameVar wait
mmShow $$ClipRef in $$StageObj wait
mmTimeFormat of $$ClipRef = oldMTF
ACTION "Hide a clip"
BEHAVIOR "Hide a video or animation "
ARG ClipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Select the clip to be played."
mmHide $$ClipRef
ACTION "Close a clip"
BEHAVIOR "Closes any clip "
ARG ClipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Select the clip to be played."
mmClose $$ClipRef
ACTION "Close all clips"
BEHAVIOR "Closes all open clips, optionally of a certain type "
ARG mediaType ONEOF "all,animation,bitmap,cdAudio,digitalVideo,overlay,sequencer,vcr,videodisc,waveAudio" IS "all" help "Select a device type to close."
mmClose $$mediaType
ACTION "Stop a clip"
BEHAVIOR "Stops any clip "
ARG ClipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Select the clip to be stopped."
mmStop $$ClipRef
ACTION "Stop all clips"
BEHAVIOR "Stops all open clips, optionally of a certain type "
ARG mediaType ONEOF "all,animation,bitmap,cdAudio,digitalVideo,overlay,sequencer,vcr,videodisc,waveAudio" IS "all" help "Select a device type to stop."
mmStop $$mediaType
ACTION "Pause a clip"
BEHAVIOR "Pauses any clip "
ARG ClipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Select the clip to be paused."
mmPause $$ClipRef
ACTION "Rewind a clip"
BEHAVIOR "Rewinds any clip "
ARG ClipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Select the clip to be rewound."
mmRewind $$ClipRef
ACTION "Pause all clips"
BEHAVIOR "Pauses all open clips, optionally of a certain type "
ARG mediaType ONEOF "all,animation,bitmap,cdAudio,digitalVideo,overlay,sequencer,vcr,videodisc,waveAudio" IS "all" help "Select a device type to pause."
mmPause $$mediaType
ACTION "Restart a clip with 'release'"
BEHAVIOR "For restarting a clip that will be released from the system when it finishes playing "
ARG ClipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Select the clip to be restarted."
mmPlay $$ClipRef release
ACTION "Restart a clip with 'hold'"
BEHAVIOR "For restarting a clip that will be held when it finishes playing "
ARG ClipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Select the clip to be restarted."
mmPlay $$ClipRef hold
ACTION "Bring up the clips db"
BEHAVIOR "A simple script to bring up the clip dialog box "
-- "to system" bypasses any custom handlers and sends the
-- message straight to ToolBook
send clips to system
ACTION "Bring up the resources db"
BEHAVIOR "A simple script to bring up the resource manager dialog box "
CATEGORY Resources
-- "to system" bypasses any custom handlers and sends the
-- message straight to ToolBook
send resources to system
ACTION "Get clip ref for a stage"
BEHAVIOR "Gets the reference for a clip or bitmap currently displayed in a stage "
ARG StageObj OBJTYP "Stage" IS "myStage" help "Choose the stage object for playback"
get mediaOpen of $$stageObj
request it
ACTION "Find out if a clip is open"
BEHAVIOR "Determines whether a clip or bitmap is currently open "
ARG clipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Choose the clip"
get mmIsOpen of $$clipRef
request it
ACTION "Find the length of a clip"
BEHAVIOR "Gets the length in time for a clip "
ARG clipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Choose the clip"
clipRef = $$clipRef -- cache the reference
mTF = mmTimeFormat of clipRef
mmTimeFormat of clipRef = "MSms" -- minutes:seconds:milliseconds
get mmLength of clipRef
request clipRef && "is" && char 1 of it && "minutes," \
&& chars 3 to 4 of it && "seconds, and" \
&& chars 6 to 8 of it && "milliseconds long."
mmTimeFormat of clipRef = mTF
ACTION "Find out if clip is playable"
BEHAVIOR "Determines whether the clip is playable on the current system "
ARG clipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Choose the clip"
clipRef = $$clipRef
get mmPlayable of clipRef
if it is TRUE
request clipRef && "is playable on this system."
request clipRef && "is not playable on this system."
end if
ACTION "Find a clip's source"
BEHAVIOR "Determines the source of a clip, either a file or a device "
ARG clipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Choose the clip"
clipRef = $$clipRef
get mmSource of clipRef
request "The source for" && clipRef && "is" && it
ACTION "Get the status of a clip"
BEHAVIOR "Get the current status of a clip "
ARG clipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Choose the clip"
get mmStatus of $$clipRef
request it
ACTION "Get the time format of a clip"
BEHAVIOR "Get the current time format of a clip "
ARG clipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Choose the clip"
get mmTimeFormat of $$clipRef
request it
ACTION "Get the size of a clip"
BEHAVIOR "Get the default size of a visual clip "
ARG clipRef CLIP IS "clip id 100" help "Choose the clip"
clear sysError
get mmVisualSize of $$clipRef
if sysError is NULL
request "The default width is" && item 1 of it \
& ", and the deafult height is" && item 2 of it
request "This property is only valid for visual media"
end if
ACTION "Find all open media"
BEHAVIOR "Reports a list of media that are open at any given time "
CATEGORY Multimedia
request sysOpenMedia
ACTION "Find all supported media"
BEHAVIOR "Reports a list of media that are supported at any given time "
CATEGORY Multimedia
request sysSupportedMedia
ACTION "Find capability of the timer device"
BEHAVIOR "Returns information about the capability of the timer "
get timerCapability()
if it <> NULL
request "Minimum resolution of this timer device is" && item 1 of it \
&& "and the maximum period for it is" && item 2 of it
end if
ACTION "Start a path animation - basic"
BEHAVIOR "Starts an already defined path animation. The script goes in the animated object. "
CATEGORY PathAnimation
send playAnimation
ACTION "Start a path animation - complete"
BEHAVIOR "Starts an already defined path animation. The script goes in the animated object. "
CATEGORY PathAnimation
ARG animation ONEOF "1,2,3,4,5,6" IS "1" help "Choose the path animation to play that you have already defined."
ARG notifyObj IS "self" help "Determine who will be notified when the path animation terminates. Leave blank for no notification."
ARG wait ONEOF "TRUE,FALSE" IS "FALSE" help "Set wait to true to prevent the user from any action while the path animation is going on."