POWERdrive for you 1998 November
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Text File
386 lines
object MainWin: TMainWin
Left = 479
Top = 153
BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
BorderStyle = bsSingle
Caption = 'Setup'
ClientHeight = 326
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object TPage
Left = 0
Top = 0
Caption = 'Intro'
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Picture.Data = {<image003.bmp>}
object Memo1: TMemo
Left = 200
Top = 24
Width = 233
Height = 33
TabStop = False
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Lines.Strings = (
'Welcome to the Diamond Caves II Setup')
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 1
object Memo2: TMemo
Left = 200
Top = 176
Width = 249
Height = 97
TabStop = False
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Lines.Strings = (
'It is strongly recommended that you exit all Windows'
'programs before running this Setup program.'
'Click Cancel to quit Setup and then close any '
'programs you have running.'
'Click Next to continue with the Setup process.')
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 2
object TPage
Left = 0
Top = 0
Caption = 'License'
object Image3: TImage
Left = 24
Top = 16
Width = 32
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Picture.Data = {<image004.bmp>}
Transparent = True
object Memo3: TMemo
Left = 16
Top = 56
Width = 441
Height = 185
Color = clBtnFace
Lines.Strings = (
'Diamond Caves II and the Diamond Caves II Leveleditor are copyri' +
'ghted (C) 1997 by '
'Peter Elzner. That means that you are NOT ALLOWED to modify the ' +
'programs and '
'documentation in any way. In particular, you MUST NOT remove the' +
' documentation or '
'any other file.'
'You are NOT ALLOWED to use this software or any part of it for a' +
'ny other purpose than '
'that one mentioned in the documentation, this also includes any ' +
'images and sound '
'Diamond Caves II and the Diamond Caves II Leveleditor are SHAREW' +
'The Diamond Caves II package including the Diamond Caves II Leve' +
'leditor and the 50 '
'Levels included are freely distributable. That means you are all' +
'owed to re-distribute these '
'packages as long as you follow these points:'
'- Any re-distribution has to include all files in this archive, ' +
'without any modifications. You '
'are NOT ALLOWED to add or remove any files to/from the archive.'
'- This package may be freely distributed via BBSs, InterNet/UseN' +
'et and software '
'libraries such as shareware.com, and other similar electronic ch' +
'You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute your registration code in any ' +
'way! It contains your '
'personal data and may only be used by the user whose name is enc' +
'rypted into the file. '
'This name is displayed at the beginning of the game and the Leve' +
'By using this product, you accept FULL responsibility for any da' +
'mage or loss that might '
'occur through its use or the inability to use it. This program h' +
'as beed successfully tested '
'but the developer of the software can NOT be held responsible fo' +
'r any errors and lost '
'This product is SHAREWARE. Free distributable only says that you' +
' do not have to pay '
'for copying or re-distributing the unregistered version of the p' +
'rogram. You are allowed to '
'test this product for 30 days. If you like it and decide to use ' +
'the product regularly, please '
'read the chapter "How to register" in the manual and pay the sha' +
'reware fee.'
'By clicking on "Yes" and installing Diamond Caves II you agree t' +
'o these terms.')
ScrollBars = ssVertical
TabOrder = 0
object Memo4: TMemo
Left = 64
Top = 16
Width = 393
Height = 33
TabStop = False
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Lines.Strings = (
'Please read the following license agreement. Use the scroll bar ' +
'to view the rest of '
'this agreement.')
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 1
object Memo5: TMemo
Left = 16
Top = 248
Width = 433
Height = 33
TabStop = False
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Lines.Strings = (
'Do you accept the terms of the preceding license agreement? If s' +
'o, click on the Yes button. '
'If you select No, Setup will close.')
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 2
object TPage
Left = 0
Top = 0
Caption = 'Type'
object Bevel2: TBevel
Left = 16
Top = 280
Width = 441
Height = 9
Shape = bsBottomLine
object Label1: TLabel
Left = 152
Top = 16
Width = 145
Height = 13
Caption = 'Please select the type of setup'
object Panel2: TPanel
Left = 16
Top = 16
Width = 120
Height = 260
BevelOuter = bvLowered
Caption = 'Panel2'
TabOrder = 0
object Image4: TImage
Left = 1
Top = 1
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AutoSize = True
Picture.Data = {<image005.bmp>}
object RadioButton1: TRadioButton
Left = 152
Top = 48
Width = 97
Height = 17
Caption = 'New Installation'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 1
TabStop = True
OnClick = RadioButton1Click
object RadioButton2: TRadioButton
Left = 152
Top = 88
Width = 97
Height = 17
Caption = 'Update'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = RadioButton2Click
object Memo6: TMemo
Left = 256
Top = 48
Width = 201
Height = 41
TabStop = False
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Lines.Strings = (
'This will install all necessarry files and '
'create shortcuts in the Start menu.')
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 3
object Memo7: TMemo
Left = 256
Top = 88
Width = 201
Height = 73
TabStop = False
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Lines.Strings = (
'Recommended if you have a previous '
'Updates the main program but leaves all '
'other files intact.')
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 4
object Memo8: TMemo
Left = 152
Top = 176
Width = 305
Height = 105
TabStop = False
BorderStyle = bsNone
Color = clBtnFace
Lines.Strings = (
'If you select '#39'New Installation'#39', be sure to first remove any '
'previously installed versions of this program using the uninstal' +
'To completely remove the program from your system, you may'
'have to delete some files manually because the uninstaller will'
'not remove files that were created after the installation (like'
'Highscores, etc).')
ReadOnly = True
TabOrder = 5
object Button1: TButton
Left = 208
Top = 296
Width = 75
Height = 25
Caption = 'Button1'
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = Button1Click
object Button2: TButton
Left = 296
Top = 296
Width = 75
Height = 25
Caption = 'Button2'
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = Button2Click
object Button3: TButton
Left = 384
Top = 296
Width = 75
Height = 25
Caption = 'Button3'
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = Button3Click